Factsheet #: Ertms Levels
Factsheet #: Ertms Levels
Factsheet #: Ertms Levels
september 2017
The ERTMS “levels” define different uses of ERTMS as a train control system, ranging from track to train
communications (Level 1) to continuous communications between the train and the radio block centre
(Level 2). Level 3, which is in specification development phase, will further increase ERTMS’ potential by
introducing a “moving block” technology and reducing trackside equipment for train detection. Whilst
it is commonly acknowledged that to date, ERTMS level 2 offers considerable benefits, the use of level 1
already brings significant advantages for the railways and allows for High Speed travel.
Yes – ERTMS allows for a smooth migration from one level to the other. For
instance, upgrading level 1 to level 2 mainly necessitates the installation of
the radio network, the Radio Block Centre and some additional balises for
Introducing Level 3 will enable the train to monitor and report its own integrity
thus releasing the need for track detection circuitry e.g. axle counters and/or
track circuits.
ERTMS has been designed to meet the railways’ needs and this is reflected by
the different levels available. The existence of another signalling system on the
line, the possibilities to equip the line with GSM-R technology, the maximum
speed allowed or capacity upgrades, are amongst the factors which come
into play when choosing a particular ERTMS Level. However, it is commonly
acknowledged that ERTMS Level 2 brings the full benefit of the system to
a reality, as it allows for increased capacity and significant costs savings for
maintenance through the removal of lineside signals.
ERTMS “baselines” (or System Requirements Specifications – SRS) designate the technical
baseline of the ERTMS software – the current legal versions are known as “2.3.0d” for
Baseline 2, 3.4.0 and the recently adopted 3.6.0 (which entered into force on 05 July 2016)
for Baseline 3. All currently operating levels are defined in each version of the SRS.
S u p p l i ers
© UNIFE 2018
Want to know more about ERTMS? Please check www.ertms.net or contact UNIFE at ertms@unife.org