A Study of Performance Appraisal and Employee S Performance by Measuring The Latest Role of Motivation in An Organization
A Study of Performance Appraisal and Employee S Performance by Measuring The Latest Role of Motivation in An Organization
A Study of Performance Appraisal and Employee S Performance by Measuring The Latest Role of Motivation in An Organization
A Study of Performance Appraisal and Employee‟s
Performance by Measuring the Latest Role of
Motivation in an Organization
Dr.Raghunathan and 2N Subbu Krishna Sastry,
Professor & HOD, 2BSC (PME) BBA MBA(HRM) MA(Eng) Mcom, Mphil, (Ph.D)
Department of Business Administration Government Arts College (Automous), Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Research Scholar Bharathiar University Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Abstract: The Employee performance is the strength of functions. In order to integrate findings in the area,
organization and Employee performance has traditionally been performance proposed a comprehensive framework including
accorded prime focus by human resource managers. As a six categories, namely, appraisal purposes, appraises
result, a number of performance appraisal techniques have personnel, appraisal criteria, appraisal methods, appraisal
over time been devised to help establish employee„s timings, and appraisal feedback.
performance. In the contemporary times, the use of
Implication /Limitation:
performance appraisals has been extended beyond the rating of
the employee„s performance to aspects such as motivation. In a short period of time the employees are aware about the
Accordingly, by the sought to investigate effectiveness of various policies are implemented by the company and also it
performance appraisal systems and its effect on employee gain goodwill in the minds of employees. Is suggested that the
motivation. company should introduce new methods to provide good
services promptly and efficiently at the time of employees‟
Performance appraisal is a widely discussed concept in the
measures, mainly focus on performance of the employee
field of performance management. The importance accorded to
among executives, and their opinion efficiently and effectively.
performance appraisal systems in part arises from the nature of
the current business environment, which is marked by the Practical implication:
need to achieve organisational goals as well as remain
If Organization achieves higher performance levels, they
relevant in intensely competitive markets through superior
should preferably belong to a chain and increase their
employee performance. The organisations can however control
category, and management should focus on “best” HRM
how employees perform their jobs. In addition, performance
practices opting inventing researched Performance appraisal
management research shows that a significant number of
employees tend to have the desire to perform their jobs well as policies for the employees as new focus.
part of their individual goals as well as a demonstration of Originality / Value:
loyalty towards the organisation.
Performance appraisal is the systematic assessment by merit
By adopting latest research objectives, pertained to factors of the behavior and /or ability of workers in their work
establishing the moderating role of performance appraisal as a and a means whereby each worker may be rewarded a
motivation tool as well as potential challenges and findings percentage in addition to his wage according to his assessed
show the presence of significant positive outcomes when the merit value.
organisation uses performance appraisal as a motivation tool.
Further, which the study finds that the use of more than one II. INTRODUCTION
appraisal techniques helps yield greater satisfaction and Performance appraisal plays a key role to measure the
consequently to higher motivational levels.The Researcher in employee‟s performance and help the organization to check
this study relates to the assessment of the relationship between the progress towards the desired goals and objectives (Ijbmr,
employee performance evaluations to assess the moderate role 2012). Now organizations are using performance appraisal as a
of motivation. strategic approach by coordinating the human resource
Keywords: Performance Appraisal And Management functions and business policies. They are focuses on it as it is a
Appraisal Compensation. Performance Management, broad term that covering number of activities like examines
Employee Appraisal, Human Resource. employees, improve abilities, maintain performance and
allocate rewards(Fakharyan,Jalilvand, and Dini, 2012).
I. DESIGN Performance appraisal help aligns individual goals and
Selected workers can find performance appraisals to be objectives with the organization goals. The system engages,
motivates employees and thereby directs them toward
threatening or intimidating. However, with good Design and
achieving the strategic goals of the organization (Verhulp,
planning, performance appraisals can be rewarding and
constructive for workers and managers / supervisors. When
performance appraisals are clearly linked with recognition and Good organization performance refers to the employee‟s
Rewards, there are also likely to be benefits for workers‟ performance. Satisfactory performance of employees does not
motivation, productivity and retention. happen automatically. Managerial standards, Knowledge and
Skill, Commitment and Performance appraisalseffecting
employee‟s performance. But we are focusing on performance
In practice performance appraisal systems cover a wide range appraisal. The history of performance appraisal is quite brief.
of these aspects, and seldom have exactly the same nature and Its roots can be traced in the early 20th century to Taylor‟s