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Word Thanksgiving PBL Group 3

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4th of Primary Education (Major in English)

English Language Teaching II

Professor María Dolores Ramírez

Group 412

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

Group 3
Silvia Ponce Campos
Paula Tapia Jiménez
Irene Miguel Herrero

Madrid, January 21st, 2021


1. Essential question ......................................................................................................... 1

2. Design a plan for the project ........................................................................................ 1
3. Create a schedule ......................................................................................................... 2
3.1. Timetable fit ........................................................................................................... 2
3.2. Calendar for time management (teachers) ........................................................... 5
3.3. Time management (students) ............................................................................... 7
4. Monitor the students and the progress of their project .............................................. 8
4.1. Team and project rubrics ....................................................................................... 8
4.2. Student’s roles. Team management .................................................................... 11
5. Assessment of the outcomes ..................................................................................... 12
5.1. Feedback .............................................................................................................. 12
5.2. Peer correction .................................................................................................... 12
5.3. Self-assessment.................................................................................................... 13
6. Evaluation and reflection of the experience .............................................................. 15
6.1. Individual reflection of the daily activities ........................................................... 15
6.2. Group reflection to share feelings and experiences ............................................ 16
7. Attention to diversity.................................................................................................. 16
8. Activities ..................................................................................................................... 17
8.1. Entry event ........................................................................................................... 17
8.2. Departure ............................................................................................................. 19
8.3. The ship ................................................................................................................ 19
8.4. On route ............................................................................................................... 21
8.5. One day in the Mayflower ................................................................................... 22
8.6. A pilgrim’s letter................................................................................................... 25
8.7. Growing a tree ..................................................................................................... 27
8.8. Presentation ......................................................................................................... 28
9. Introducing grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation strategies .............................. 29
10. Resources.................................................................................................................. 30
Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

1. Essential question
How can we as museum curators design an exhibition of the Mayflower journey
as a part of Thanksgiving day history for an online audience at Museum of the

2. Design a plan for the project

● School context: Bilingual school.

● Number of students: 20
● Level (CEFR): A2 as it will be for 6th grade.
● Aim: Create an exhibition about the history of the Mayflower presented to
an online audience in order to connect Thanksgiving traditions with real
life situations such as emigration and being grateful for what we have.
● Objectives (SMART and Bloom’s Taxonomy. Described in terms of
observable behaviour): identify, describe, contrast, define, demonstrate,
create, state, list.
- Describe in a recording video the main reason why the Mayflower
- Define in three lines the origins of the Pilgrims.
- List five actual or historical reasons of immigration by comparing
- Create your own story including at least four vocabulary parts of
the Mayflower.
- Contrast the routes of the Mayflower by creating a map with the
two different routes proposed by the Mayflower capitan to
demonstrate one reason why they have changed the route.
- Create a graffiti with three main words abstracted by the child
pilgrim letter.

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

- List three things you are grateful for.

- Summarize in four minutes your experience, general describing
each activity.
● Competences:
- Digital competence
- Learn to learn.
- Social and civic competence.
- Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.
- Linguistic competence.
- Cultural awareness and expressions.
● Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing.
● Interdisciplinary subjects: English, social sciences, arts and crafts.

3. Create a schedule

3.1. Timetable fit


Thanksgiving Project Based Learning



Thanksgiving Project Based Learning


Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

3.2. Calendar for time management (teachers)

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

3.3. Time management (students)

In order to allow our students to have a visual idea of the deadlines, we will
create a mural using cardboards, coloured pencils, etc., that will hang on the
wall of the classroom. For this purpose, it will be decorated following the topic of
the Mayflower, so there will be different points related to the number of activities
they will need to complete in order to respond to the essential question and the
benchmarks. Hence, the first point will be the introduction that coincides with
the departure of the ship from Plymouth (Great Britain) and the last activity will
be the presentation that is related to arriving in Cape Cod (in the actual

This way, the ship will be moved during the different days to point out in which
activity they are and how they have to manage their time to complete the project
reminding the timeline as the dates in which the tasks should be done are

Here it is an example made by us using PowerPoint to show an instance of

what we mean.

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

4. Monitor the students and the progress of their project

4.1. Team and project rubrics

First of all, it is essential to mention that both team and project rubrics will be
used by the teacher but shared with the students in the first class, so they will
have the chance to know specifically what they will need to accomplish.

Example of a project rubric. To give information about what is expected to be

developed in order to meet success at the end of the project.


Item 1 2 3 Comments

COMPLETION None of the Half of the All the tasks

tasks are tasks are are delivered.
delivered. delivered.

The tasks are Some of the The tasks are

not submitted tasks are submitted
the dates submitted following all
specified in respecting the deadlines.
the calendar. the
and some of
them are not.

There is not Delivery not Well-

a good smooth, but rehearsed that
presentation able to hold audience
and audience maintain attention all
attention is interest of the the time.
often lost. audience
most of the

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

Display is not Some The project is

very creative. thought was unique as it
Little thought given to the includes more
was given to project as it than 3 original
the project as has one ideas.
there are no creative idea.

The final The final The final

project project project
doesn’t have comprises all demonstrates
all the the contents not only all the
contents required. contents
specified. required, but
own ideas and

Example of a team rubric used in the project. This rubric is going to be used
by the teacher in order to assess the group work as a team taking into
consideration the role of every member.

Group members:

Item 1 2 3 Comments

The group The schedule All the tasks

doesn’t have a is are completed
good planning, accomplished in time and the
the tasks are but there are a whole
not prepared few problems schedule is
in time and the related to fully
schedule is organising respected.
not respected. everyone’s Every member
role while of the group
ORGANIZATION preparing has everything
some tasks. needed

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

Every member The group Every member

of the group is works well always helps
only focused together and each other
on what they help each and
he/she has to other when it’s supervises
COOPERATION do ignoring the needed. everyone’s
rest and their work to get a
work. better result.

The group The group The group not

searches for uses all the only uses the
information in resources resources
a few of the given by the given by the
resources teacher to teacher but
given and search searches for
does not information more in order
contrast that and contrasts to increase the
information to it all. information to
RESEARCH make sure it is prepare the
valid. project.

Most of the Every member The whole

members shows interest group shows
seem not in the project, interest in the
interested in they listen to project and
the project and each other but everyone
don’t propose sometimes not participates
any idea to all participate giving ideas
complete it. in discussions and their
about a topic. opinión while
RESPONSIBILITY each other to
keep on
working for a
better final

Some Despite some The

members don’t members atmosphere
respect the seem not very while working
others and motivated is the best as
don’t want to some days, everyone
ENGAGEMENT work in the the rest respects the
AND ATTITUDE different tasks encourage rest and are
assigned. and stimulate so engaged
them. with the

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

They get When they They don’t let

angry and face any any problem
frustrated problem at first give them up
when any kind they feel and they all
of problem frustrated but provide
PROBLEM- appears. They at the end they solutions to
give up easily. look for a solve them.
SOLVING solution

4.2. Student’s roles. Team management

In this section we have created a Student Time Management chart, in order to

provide our students with a useful tool to help them stay organized and realize
that they have completed all the tasks they are being asked for during the
project development. Consequently they will see the deadline of their tasks,
being aware whether or not they have finished it, on the grounds that they can
keep on working with the following ones.

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

5. Assessment of the outcomes

5.1. Feedback

To guide the students through the project, the teacher will monitor them using a
clipboard to write down the main things, mistakes, difficulties and strong
features they have. This way, the teacher will annotate different categories such
as grammar use, pronunciation, vocabulary, etc. Besides, we won’t be
interrupting our students as we want the tasks to be a communicative action, so
the weak and strong features will be discussed at the end of the project.

5.2. Peer correction

It has been proved that the one of the best ways to correct student’s mistakes is
to make them correct themselves. However, there could be students unable to
develop that self correction; in that case, peer correction will be extremely
useful for them. As a consequence of that method; especially with challenging
questions, because then it is unknown who in the class has the right answer
and who does not, attending to this fact, we have created a chart which could
be used by our students with that concrete purpose.

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

5.3. Self-assessment
The students will complete the following rubric once the project is finished so
they can realize if they have accomplished the objectives and the knowledge
they’ve acquired.

ITEM 😀 😐 😟

I work hard every


I help my
teammates when
they need it.

I find the project


Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

I feel motivated to
accomplish the

I communicate
with the group to
have a better final

I propose
solutions when a
problem appears.

I have learned the

origins of

I know 3
about the
pilgrims journey.

I can use different

resources to

I can identify
different reasons
why people

I can name
different parts of
a ship

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

6. Evaluation and reflection of the experience

6.1. Individual reflection of the daily activities

While preparing a project, it is very important to be aware of the daily work and
how students manage to get the competences and knowledge necessary to
complete every task. In other words, it’s essential for them to take notes on their
experience on the learning process because, according to Kolb, knowledge is
continuously gained through both personal and environmental experiences.
This is what is called experiential learning. To be conscious of their learning and
have a critical reflection, the students will have to record their thoughts as
answering some questions after everyday activities. Following Jacobson and
Ruddy's questioning model, the questions they’ll have to answer are: Did you
notice…? Why did that happen? Does that happen in life? Why does that
happen? and How can you use that?

In addition, they will complete a worksheet writing down their feelings and
experiences during that day to see what can be improved too.

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

6.2. Group reflection to share feelings and experiences

Reflecting about the work that we do is an essential part to consolidate the

knowledge, competences and contents that we acquire and develop. For this
reason, we will use the website Mentimer to elaborate a WordCloud in which
the students will be allowed to reflect on the project sharing their ideas,
experiences and feelings by introducing a code on the web and writing their
opinion. In the following picture, an example created by ourselves is shown.

This way, the students and their teacher will reflect on how the work has been
done, how and why they felt during these lessons as a whole group. Afterwards,
it would be a good idea to share a general evaluation taking into account the
project and team rubrics mentioned before.

7. Attention to diversity

In this section we want to highlight several adaptations we can realize while

working in this project, attending to our student’s diversity. One of the main
difficulties we must consider are the different learning rhythms of each students,
that may affect the different groups, as they are being achieved a concrete
timing to develop an activity; in other words, we should be flexible with time and
also with providing help; even though the teacher is only said to be a guide,
he/she could also help them whenever it is considered necessary.

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

Related to that point, as teachers we should mix students with different abilities
on the grounds that, in that way, learning will be easier to acquire as each
member of the group will have the chance to improve other’s abilities.
Moreover, the final product of the project will be complete.

Nevertheless, we can't either forget about other student’s difficulties that can be
presented in our classes such as dyslexia or autism. For those one we have
investigate about other adaptations to include in our project, and we have
conclude with the idea that for dyslexia, we will provide our students with clear
written instructions, with bigger spaces between one another and clarifying the
information in few words to help them understand it better; about autism, we
have search for a website called Pictotraductor that provides them sentences
word by word and if necessary with pictures to help them understand the

8. Activities

In the following paragraphs are the explanations of the different tasks of the
project that will be held in groups of 4 in the classroom. To develop these
activities, we will give them a sheet of paper with the instructions of each of the
tasks explained below.

8.1. Entry event

To engage our students, in the first class of the project we will present a video
in which are shown images of the Mayflower and a poem about the pilgrims. To
do this activity, the students will listen to it as a whole group. Then, they will do
a brainstorming of what they know about the pilgrims, the Mayflower,
Thanksgiving, etc., to activate prior knowledge and what they understood of the
vocabulary presented in the video.

For this purpose, we have used a free sound found in the video editor Filmora
that promotes curiosity, a free video by American Experience and a poem about
the pilgrims written by Annette Wynne that we have read aloud (everything is
properly referenced below).

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

The Pilgrims came across the sea,

And never thought of you and me;

And yet it's very strange the way

We think of them Thanksgiving day.

We tell their story, old and true

Of how they sailed across the blue,

And found a new land to be free

And built their homes quite near the sea.

Every child knows well the tale

Of how they bravely turned the sail

And journeyed many a day and night,

To worship God as they thought right.

The link to watch the video we have created:


Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

After that, the students will be divided in groups of 4 and the calendar of the
ship, rubrics, and so on, will be presented.

8.2. Departure

In this activity, the students will have to focus on reaching two different goals.
They’ll work in groups of four, as in the rest of the activities. Firstly, they have to
search information about the pilgrims. They will be given some questions as a
guide for their work such as Why are they called pilgrims?, Why did they take
this journey?, Why did they leave their home country? or What they were
searching for?

Once they find as much information as they can to answer those questions,
they will compare the pilgrims’ reasons to leave their country to others
inmigration motives along history and nowadays to make it meaningful to their
own lives. To accomplish this task, some newspapers and its online version will
be used. The final product must be a table where the comparison mentioned is
shown clearly.

After hunting for the main reasons of inmigration nowadays they’ll have to make
a list highlighting them all. It is essential for students to look into the current
reasons why people emigrate so they are aware of the present social problems
and what would they do if they had to emigrate to a foreign country. Most of the
people who emigrate are looking for a better life and if they investigate why they
are doing it they could empathise with them.

As it can be seen, this is a deep activity so students will have three classes to
complete it properly. The main skills worked with this activity are reading and
writing emphasising the importance of reading comprehension for a better

8.3. The ship

In the first two days of the second week, the students will work in groups of 4
creating a task to introduce the ship’s vocabulary and to express the functions
of expressing preferences, agreeing and disagreeing.

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

As a writing strategy, first of all the students need to have an input to

understand the words we want them to use when they write the texts. For this
purpose, they will create their own flashcards with words related to the different
parts of the ship and the jobs the people developed there such as captain,
sailor, officer, cargo hold, gun room, bowsprit, etc. This activity is essential to
understand in the following tasks where the pilgrims slept, ate, and so on.

Before that, they will have a dice and a cardboard in which are different letters
related to the parts of the ship to engage our students with a game. This way,
when the learners roll the dice, they will have to create on a sheet of paper a
story of a mouse that is walking through the variety of parts of the ship. Hence,
they will be developing the ability to agree and disagree as they have to discuss
how they want their story to be.

Here it is shown an example made by ourselves.

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

8.4. On route

In order to understand the route the pilgrims did, we will allow the students in
the two last classes of the second week to do a web research and discuss in
groups of 4 different questions they will have to answer.

For this purpose, they will be given a worksheet with the main information they
will have to find for them to know when and how to accomplish the task.
Furthermore, if they want they can search for whatever they want to include in
their maps to gain further knowledge (and it would also be a great idea for those
students who have high capacities).

The questions that they will need to find, discuss and answer would be:

1. Which was the starting point?

2. Can you find the current name of the place they arrived?

3. Can you find the name of the place they originally wanted to arrive?

4. Why did they change the original route?

5. How long did the journey take?

Afterwards, they will have to illustrate their ideas on a map using the website
TreasureMaps https://treasuremaps.kadsoftwareusa.com/ to contribute to the
online exhibition with visual materials. Hence, here we can see an example of
the map that we have created.

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

8.5. One day in the Mayflower

For this activity we will use the Flipped classroom methodology. This is a good
way to introduce an activity because, based on Bloom’s taxonomy, the students
are presented new material outside the class so they do the remembering and
understanding processes at home and then, in class, they work with the teacher
in the more creative processes.

We, as teachers, will ask our students to watch this video at home the previous
weekend of the third week of the project. As this is a listening task we will
provide them a worksheet with the steps they have to follow. With this listening
we are combining bottom-up and top-down processing because in the pre-
listening they have to think about what the video is going to talk about. Then,
while watching the video they will have a guideline with some questions in order
to make them focus on the key words and those ones will be written in bold in
the paper. Finally, in the post-listening we will ask our students to say key words
to answer those questions with a brainstorming on the black board.



Before watching the video:

1. Look at the title. What do you think this video is about?

2. Is it going to talk about Europe?

After watching the video:

3. What do you see in the video? A ship, a plane, a car?

4. What’s its name: Goodflower, Mayflower or Niceflower?

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

5. Is it only a family travelling? Are they musicians? Or sailors? Or pilgrims?

6. Where do they arrive at the end of the journey?

7. Is the trip funny for them?

8. When do they arrive?

9. Where do they start the trip? In which country?

The first day of the third week of the project, back to normal methodology in
class, we will use a Kahoot in order to check what the students have
understood about the video.

Example of a Kahoot question

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

After the Kahoot activity, the students will have to work again in the groups of
four formed at the beginning of the project and now the objective is to recreate a
role play where they will perform an interview in a TV programme. One member
of the group will play the host role, other will play the captain of the Mayflower
role and the rest (two students) will be pilgrims. The aim is to perform an
interview where they have to answer questions related to the worries they had
during the journey in the Mayflower, for example, what they brought to eat, what
happened with the route or how they slept in the ship. Each one of them will
have to mention at least one problem.

To complete this task they have to search for more information online but they
will be given a list of questions to guide them in that research in addition to
some web pages too.


Think about different topics to search information: food, people, living,

clothing… You can follow these questions if needed.

- How many people were in the Mayflower? How many women and men?
- How were they divided in the Mayflower? Was it comfortable to sleep?
- What did they eat during the journey?
- How was their clothing? How do they used to dress up?
- How was living together?

This task will last the four English sessions of the third week as it requires much
time to prepare everything and record themselves with tablets. The last session,
the one which takes place on thursday, will be used to present every group’s
video and give feedback to the work.

With the role play activity, students will be working on their communicative
competence and the three skills as they will improve writing while recovering the
key words to make questions and answer them, reading as they have the
chance to search more information online (information about the food, the
clothes they wore…) and speaking while they do the performance.

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

8.6. A pilgrim’s letter

The aim of this activity is to develop reading and writing skills, we will dedicate
two sessions to complete it. They will work firstly in the whole group during the
reading, in the first session, and in group of four during the second session
while writing.

Firstly, the first session will be based on reading strategies, we will show our
students a picture of a pilgrim child and ask them to reflect about children's
papers in the mayflower, specifically to reflect about how they felt there, to
activate, in that way, their prior knowledge. It has been consciently selected as
a child’s letter as in that way we can apply their feeling and make them feel
more identified with the context.

Secondly, we will read the letter and the teacher may monitor the process by
asking questions , making them think and reflect about the ideas and
information in the text. Consequently, he/she will be able to prove that they are
understanding the text given. With that method, we are developing the whole
language approach as we are looking for the overall understanding of the text.

Link to the letter:


Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

To clarify that they have understood it, we will use the graffiti technique, known
as a reading strategy as well, in which students will have to write keywords in a
wall hanging paper with the form of a ship, encouraging in that way, cooperative

The second session will be based on creative writing in which one by using
YERAY website (http://www.yeray.com/generadorcartas/), they will be able to
create their own online letter. In order to achieve that goal, our students will be
given a guideline with some key points that should be taken into account while
writing, such as the use of linkers, divide the text in paragraphs, include some
questions that make them feel motivated to write the text, etc.

Here there’s an example of the statement they they will be given:

Are you ready to feel the adventure?

Imagine that you are standing on the deck of this ship, the Mayflower. It has
finally arrived in Plymouth Harbor on this cold December afternoon.
You have been on board a ship for 66 days. It has been a hard crossing with
fierce storms, sickness, and bad food to eat. You are watching the men row to
shore, but there are no people to greet them nor houses for shelter. You see
nothing but wilderness.
What are your feelings?
If you could send a message back home, what would you write?

Here there’s an example about how would they write the letter by using the
website mentioned:

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

8.7. Growing a tree

The aim of this activity is to make our students reflect about something they are
grateful for, as a conclusion of this project where they have been working with
topics related to immigrations. They will work in the whole group and it will take
them only 15 minutes, they should use their tablets to write it on classroom’s
wix website, in that way, the online audience they were going to expose their
work to, could also interact and add new arguments for being grateful.

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

8.8. Presentation

As a continuation of the previous activity, our students will be asked to record a

podcast. They will work in small groups with four members on each one, and
they will have the rest of the class and the following one, all in all, it will take
them one hour and fifteen minutes.

The aim of this podcast is to create a presentation to the online audience

summarising all the work they have been doing during this month, making it
achievable for all ages and interesting enough. It’s extremely important to
highlight what they have learned, what they have called their attention and what
they would have liked to spend more time with or to investigate.

On that ground, they work speaking and writing skills as well as TIC

As we have been doing in other activities, they will be given a guideline with the
time (2- 5 minutes) and other issues that they must take into account.

Once they have finished ir, they will have to send them to the teacher, who will
upload them to their wix website as well as all the material they have produced
during the project development.


Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

9. Introducing grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation strategies

- Grammar

First of all, we need to consider that our project is for sixth graders and we had
an activity that consists of reading a pilgrim’s letter and then the students will
have to write their own letter as they were in the Mayflower. But, we analysed
the letter and realised that maybe it would be a great idea to use a combination
of the inductive and deductive approaches to teach grammar using this activity
as we detected that perhaps our students will have problems formulating
questions to the reader of their letter for example saying “Did I tell you that we
eat beans and cheese?” as Spanish speakers normally find really demanding to
formulate questions using the proper order.

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

So, we thought that after reading the letter in which students will have examples
of the questions, they will be presented an activity to complete and hypothesize
the rule and this way this would be relevant for them as it is a way to revise a
grammar rule that they have problems with.

- Vocabulary

Moving on to vocabulary, we’ve created a task to learn the different parts of the
Mayflower by creating their own flashcards, but despite this is a great resource,
nowadays we think that it would be great to also use dictionaries to complete in
the back of the flashcard a description of each part to allow them to memorise
the meaning of the words by involving them.

- Pronunciation

Finally, we also did a phonological analysis and we realised that we have a

listening activity in which the poem that is read contains different words that
sound similar such as “right” and “night” or “blue” and “true”, so we will work on
discriminating initial consonant sounds in minimal pairs by playing the game
“sound salad” that is based on the “fruit salad” game. For this purpose, students
will sit in a circle with one player standing in the middle. Students have been
designated a word containing minimal pairs (e.g. night/right) and the student in
the middle calls out one of those words, and all the players who have been
designated with that word must run to change their places while the middle
student tries to take one of the chairs. They can also call “sound salad!” for
everyone to switch their places. This would be fun and motivating as well as
they will have to listen carefully to the words given that appear in the poem they
listened to.

10. Resources


Nobori, M. (2012, May 23). A Step-by-Step Guide to the Best Projects.

Edutopia. https://www.edutopia.org/stw-project-based-learning-

Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

Zhang, Y. (2010). Cooperative Language Learning and Foreign

Language Learning and Teaching. Journal of Language Teaching
and Research, 1(1), 81-83.

Lecture notes

González, A. (n.d.). Recursos digitales para el aprendizaje del inglés

[Slides]. Moodle.

López, M.(n.d.). Digital tools for primary teachers [PDF]. Moodle.


Ramírez, M. D. (2020a). Blended Learning and Flipped Classrooms

[PDF]. Moodle.

Ramírez, M. D. (2020b). Cooperative and Collaborative Learning. [PDF].


Ramírez, M. D. (2020c). English as an International Language (EIL) &

Intercultural Competence Development (IC). [PDF].

Ramírez, M. D. (2020d). Language Skills. How to integrate them to foster

communication in class [PDF].

Ramírez, M. D. (2020e). Listening & Speaking Skills [PDF].


Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

Ramírez, M. D. (2020f). Project-Based and Experiential Learning. [PDF].


Ramírez, M. D. (2020g). Reading Skills [PDF].


Ramírez, M. D. (2020h). Writing Skills [PDF].



Aspen Design. (n.d.). Pilgrim Hall Museum. Pilgrim Hall Museum.


Boschen, J. (2020, May 16). Five Cooperative Learning Activities to do

on the First Day of School. What I Have Learned.

Filson, L. (2020, October 27). Scholarships - The Mayflower Society. The

Mayflower Society.

Larmer, J. (2012, June 5). PBL: What Does It Take for a Project to Be
«Authentic»? Edutopia. https://www.edutopia.org/blog/authentic-

Museums and Societies. (n.d.). MayflowerHistory.


Plimoth Plantation. (n.d.). Plimoth Plantation. https://plimoth.org/

Thanksgiving Activities and Lesson Plans. (n.d.). The teacher’s corner.


The First Thanksgiving: Journey on the Mayflower. (n.d.). Scholastic.


The First Thanksgiving Teaching Guide: Grades 6–8 | Scholastic. (n.d.).

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Thanksgiving Project Based Learning

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