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Summary and Evaluation of Air Objectives On The Iberian Peninsula ASSISTANT CHIEF of AIRSTAFF, Intelligence May 15 1943

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MAY 1.5,1943
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Spain and Portugal are strategically important because of

the geographical r tion of the Iberi p nsuia to Gibraltar,
North Africa and ee stern NMditerranean.

Of primary significance are transportation facilities.

Railroads and highway systems form a radiating network centering
at Nadrid; main lines lead north to Bilbao, east to Barcelona,
and west to Lisbon. From Portugal six lines of low military
capacity lead into Spain. Spanish railroads connect with
French lines at four points but because of difference in gauge,
transshipment of all goods is necessary. Both railroads and
highways generally are of low traffic capacity and follow
circuitous routes through difficult mountainous terrain. Rail-
road traffic is further limited by inadequate equipment, lack
of lubricants, and inefficient personnel.

Inland water routes are of little importance. Rivers are

too rapid and irregular in flow for navigation, and canals are
limited in extent. Seaports are few in number, usually poorly
equipped, and especially on the north coast, isolated by
mountainous terrain. Barcelona, Sevilla and Lisbon are the
best ports, the latter having one of the finest natural harbors
in Europe.

Industries of Spain and Portugal contribute little to the

Axis. Some minerals are exported,however, including copper
from the Rio Tinto mine, tungsten from deposits in Portugal
and Spain, and iron ore from northeastern Spain. Industries
are concentrated at Bilbao (iron, steel, shipbuilding, munitions,
and railroad equipment) and at Barcelona (textiles, electrical
equipment, automotive machinery, and light industries).
Although the output of these industrial centers is considerable,
neither Spain nor Portugal is industrially self-sufficient.
Most exports from the Iberian countries consist of agricultural
products, including citrus fruits, olives, and cork.

This summary is based on intelligence available in the

United States. Information on Spain has been meagre and
unreliable since the Spanish Civil War.

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Nap I-A Topographic Nap
Nap I-B Base Nap


ap II-A Railroad Capacities, Harbors


?Iap IITA War Industry, Nines,
Oil Storage


Nap TV-A Power Stations and Power Lines


Nap V-A Airports and Seaplane Bases

Office of the
Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence
Washington, D. C,

C-663, AF
-- -_1 i. ... -

Section I


Map I -A Topographic Map
Map I -B Base Map

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" The Iberian Peninsula is an irregular pentagon of 224, 312 sq. mi.,

680 mi. east-west by 500 mi. north-south. Of this area Spain occupies

190,058 sq. mi., and Portugal 34,254 sq. mi. Madrid (400 25' N., 03° 42'

W.) is almost exactly in the center of the peninsula. The population of

the mainland of Spain is approximately 23,000,000; of Portugal, 7,000,000.

i-he Balearic Islands lie a hundred miles off the east coast of Spain and
command the sea route between France and North Africa. The area of the

Balearic Islands is 1,935 sq. mi.; the population is 366,000.

The most striking physical characteristic of the peninsula is its

extremely broken terrain, which is the major determinant of its climate,

transportation, agriculture, habits of thought, speech, and dress, and its

economy generally. It is accurate and convenient to think of Spain as an

island, protected by its relief from invasion by land or sea. Its interior

relief divides the country into a patchwork of mutually isolated regions,

the people of which are intensely patriotic to their "little fatherland".

The rough plateau and the mountains of Spain and Portugal are closely

related to the Atlas system of Morocco. They make the peninsula a very

difficult area for military operations and must be the starting point for

any military study.

The Pyrenees-Cantabrian System forms a rampart from one end to the

other of the northern boundary of Spain. It extends for 650 miles, virtu-

ally to the water's edge along the Bay of Biscay, and it is pierced by few

and difficult passes.

South of the Pyrenees-Cantabrian System are four parallel ranges which

abut against the high, irregular mountains of the eastern escarpment of the

Castilian plateau. The most important of these ranges, strategically, are

the Guadarrama Mountains, which half encircle Madrid on the north, and the

Sierra Morena, which forms the southern boundary of the plateau. In the ex-

treme south, running from Gibraltar 300 miles east to M.urcia, is the great

wall of the Sierra Nevada, which. is virtually impenetrable except for the

few passes from the plateau of Granada that reach the Mediterranean at
S alaga, Motril, and Almeria.

The relief of the peninsula, rather than its latitude, determines the

climate. The peninsula lies in the temperate zone and receives the wet storms

brought by the prevailing westerlies. The high barriers on the north and west

coasts, however, interrupt the westerlies and cause a heavy precipitation on

the windward side of the mountains, with a corresponding drought on the lee

side. Thus the whole central plateau, which occupies two-thirds of the total

area, suffers from insufficient rainfall, except where other mountains inter-

rupt the westerly winds. The north and west coastal strips are mild, wet (40

to 60 inches of rain annually), and green. The plateau suffers from extremes

of heat and cold and perpetually from drought (10 to 20 inches of rain an-

nually). The eastern and southern coasts, including the Balearic Islands,

have a warm, dry, Mediterranean climate, with variable winds, occasional

thunderstorms and clear skies. Visibility, in fact, is good over the whole

peninsula, except on the north and northwest coast and over the mountains.

It is well to bear in mind, however, that generalizations about Spain's cli-

mate are likely to break down locally because of accidents of the terrain.

The mountains determine the river-valley systems, of which the five ma-

jor ones must be considered. South of the Pyrrenees is the low Ebro valley.

The Ebro River, the only one flowing west to east, drains the southern slope

of the Pyrenees. There is rich farm land in parts of the valley because of

this drainage, which also makes it the greatest source of hydro-electric

power in Spain.

South and west of the Ebro valley is that of the Duero, draining the

semi-arid plateau of Old Castile and Leon. In its rapid fall at the Portu-

guese border it forms another great source of hydro-electric power, as yet

only partially developed.

New Castile and Estremadura are drained by the Tagus and Guadiana systems,

which are of relatively small importance. The gorge of the Tagus, however,

is one of the major obstacles of the north-south transportation in Spain west

of Madrid.

The southernmost system, that of the Guadalquivir, is extremely valuable

for the irrigation of the rich lowlands of Andalusia. Furthermore, its delta

is navigable for vessels of 8,000 tons as far # port of Seville, some sixty

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Section II


Map IT-A Railroad Capacities, Harbors

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The principal use to which the peninsula could be put by the enenv

would be as a corridor to Gibraltar and North Africa. Transportation -

railroads, roads, seaports, and air installations --, overshadows in im-

portance all other strategic problems.

Spain has about 38,750 miles of motor roads, reported to be in fair

condition. The system centers at Madrid, from which six main paved high-

ways lead to six strategic points on the frontiers: Irun, La Junquera,

La Coruna, Badajoz, Cadiz, Valencia.

The national highway system was planned to give the government at

Madrid control over all sections and, for the same reason, to discourage

direct communication between the provinces. Its centralized structure is

also an effect of the mountain barriers. It offers the very grave diffi-

culty to the Axis of forcing all north-south traffic through the bottle-

neck at Madrid, with only two by-passes: (1) the long, tortuous route

down the east coast, and (2) the better route through western Spain by way

of Salamanca and Merida to Seville.

Spain has about 7,500 miles of broad gauge railroads in operation,

connecting with French lines at four points. From the Axis standpoint, the

Spanish railroads have the great handicap of being of a different gauge

from the French railroads. Passengers and goods must be transshipped at

the border. To avoid the dangerous delay at Irun, where the heavy prepon-

derance of shipping is handled, the Germans have extended a Spanish gauge

spur some sixty miles toward Bordeaux.

Spanish railroads are inefficient because of incompetent personnel,

lack of fuel and lubricants, losses of rolling stock during the Civil War,

and restricted replacements. They are further handicapped by the lack of

good steam coal, normally imported from England. It is reported that trains

are having great difficulty in negotiating the heavy grades to the interior.

The railroads suffer from the same disadvantages for north-south move-

ments as the highways, having to pass through Madrid, or to use the slow de-

tour by way of the east coast, or the western route by way of Salamanca, Caceres,

and Merida. The two most heavily traveled rail and road passes from France

are at Irin and Portbou, at the west and east ends of the Pyrenees respectively.

Rail lines traverse the Pyrenees at the Somport Pass (Canfranc) and at Puig-

cerda. Military roads, negotiable except when snowbound (December to March),

cross the Pyrenees at Elizondo, Roncesvalles, Somport, Puigcerda, and La

Junquera. All these routes are auxiliary to the main ports of entry at Irun

and Portbou.

Spanish rivers are too rapid and of too unequal a flow to have much im-

portance for transportation. Exceptions are: the estuary of the Tagus at

Lisbon (100 miles); the estuary of the Mino (25 miles); the mouth of the

Guadiana (25 miles); the delta of the Guadalquivir (60 miles). Canals are

of purely local importance

The merchant fleet of Spain, 1,200,000 tons, is inadequate for domestic

needs. Prior to the Civil War seventy per cent of Spanish shipping was car-

ried in foreign bottoms.

A glance at the topographical map will make clear the reason for Spain's

poverty in seaports. Galicia, the northwestern province, with potentially

the finest harbors in the country, has only one outlet to the interior through

the mountains. The coast of the Bay of Biscay is bordered by the Cantabrian

Mountains, and its harbors are little used except for the busy stretch between

Santander and east to Pasajes. The Mediterranean coast has several good har-

bors, but the only one of major importance is Barcelona, in peace time one of

the busiest in the Mediterranean. The rest of the east coast is cut off from

the interior as effectively as are the north and west coasts. The south of

Spain has almost no adequate ports. The major one is Seville, 60 miles up

the Guadalquivir River; even this port is shallow and subject to flood and


The coast of Portugal has the best natural harbor in Europe, the estuary

of the Tagus, which makes Lisbon the economic heart of the country.
Section III


Map II I A War Industry, fines,
Oil Storage


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Spain is an agricultural country and a producer of raw materials, princi-

pally sub-tropical fruits, olive oil, wines, and minerals (copper, iron, and

mercury). Spain smelts and processes only enough minerals for her own con-

sumption, a small percentage of the total mined. Virtually all exports now

go to the Axis.

The two important industrial districts are Bilbao, (iron, steel, ship-

building, arms, light and heavy industries, railway equipment), and Barcelona

(textiles, farm and automotive machinery, electrical appliances, and light

industry generally). The industries of Spain do not supply national needs,

except in textiles.

Spain is of value to the Axis as a source of minerals. The copper mines

of Rio Tinto are among the richest in Europe. Prior to the war, copper pro-

duction amounted to approximately 3,500,000 metric tons of ore, 90% of which

was shipped to England for processing; the estimated output for 1942 is ap-

proximately 1,000,000 metric tons. Iron is found in great abundance; pro-

duction prior to the war was approximately 2,500,000 metric tons of ore, of

which 80% was shipped abroad. The principal iron mining districts are:

Bilbao, Solares, Asturias, Lugo, Huelva, Almeria. The richest mercury mine

in the world is at Almaden; the total production in Spain is approximately

1,500 metric tons of refined mercury. Zinc production amounts to 10,000

metric tons; lead, 90,000 metric tons. Tin, wolfram, cobalt, niclel, bis-

muth, antimony, gold and silver are mined, but in unimportant quantities.

The peninsula does not produce sufficient fuel for domestic needs and

what it does produce is of mediocre quality. There is no petroleum in Spain

or Portugal. Prior to the war Spain produced approximately 600,000 metric

tons of bituminous, 300,000 metric tons of anthracite, 400,000 metric tons

of lignite.

Munitions, while produced in several places, are not known to be pro-

duced in any significant quantities, and aircraft, if produced at all, are

either obsolete types~nriners.

Oversized item not included
Oversized item not included
Section IV


Map IV-A Power Stations and Power

The total electrical output of Spain is approxi-

mately 1,800,000 H. P. (1,350,000 K. i.) the greatest

part hydro-electric; the potential output, 5,000,000

H. P.; the undeveloped reserve: 10,000,000 H. P. The

principal use of electric power is in the textile in-

dustry around Barcelona. Most units are limited to

supplying local needs for lighting, irrigation and

streetcars. Four short but important stretches of

railroad are electrified; between Oviedo and Leon over

the Cantabrians; between Irun and Vitoria; between Jaca

and Canfranc (Somport Pass); and between Vich and the

Puigcerda Pass.

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Oversized item not included

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Section V


Map V-A Airports and Seaplane Bases

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Spain is reported to have a large number of airports

and landing fields, most of which were established during

the Civil tar and deteriorated rapidly thereafter. Some

reconditioning was begun in 1940 but there is no evidence

of much improvement.

Concentrations of air facilities occur around Madrid,

Lisbon, Barcelona, Gartagena, and south of Seville toward


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Oversized item not included
Oversized item not included
Oversized item not included
Oversized item not included
Oversized item not included

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Location Elevation )eaoript on Facilie

1 (Aeropostale) 41 18 N 6 feet Runways: 2100 N/S 1 small hangar, dis-.
2 04 E 1200 E/W. Surface persal close to run-
2* ml SW of apart from runways ways, other bldgs.
Prat de Llobre- appears rough, cut
gat. pp by drainage ca-

2 Agoncillo 42 27 N 1184 feet 3937 x 2625. Grass, Fuel, 9 hangars, W/T,

2 19 W good. Large concrete 15 workshops, capable
6 ml E of Lo- servicing apron. of major repairs, nu-
grono; between merous stores, bar-
Bilbao/Saragossa racks and other bldgs.
Ratand Ebro R. Heavy bomber base.

3 Ajofrin 39 43 N (town) 2500 feet 2550 x 2100. Dry Probably abandoned.

3 59 W and somewhat stony
Gaid to be W of
Toledo/Orgaz Rd.

4 Albatarrech 41 34 N 500 feet 3000 x 2250 (apprc c) Some hangars and re-
0 37 E pair faclities. Prob-
3 ml S of Ler- ably abandoned.
ida; immed. E of

5 Alcala de Chisbet 40 18 N 700 feet 4200 x 3000. Chalky Telephone and 1 hangar.
0 15 E Probably abandoned.
1 mi NE of Al-
cala de Chisbet.

6 Alcala de Henares 40 30 N 1968 feet 4500 x 3540" Grassy WIT, 4 small hangars,
321W slightly stony. minor repairs, admin-
2 ml NE of Al- istrative bldgs., bar-
cala de Henares. racks. Used by bombers
and fighters.

7 Alcala la Real 37 28 N (town) 3250 feet 2700 x 2100. Clay. Probably abandoned.
3 56 W
Said to be on W
side of Granada/
Cordoba Rd.

8 Alcaniz 4. 02 N 1476 feet 1845 x 1500. Re- 1 hut. Energency

0 12 W ported good. field.
* m S of La
Salada Lake.

9 Alcantarilla 37 57 N 300 feet 3000 x 3000 ir- Fuel, radio (rep), 4

1 13 W egular. Disper- hangars, workshops,
5 ml WSW of sal area possibly other bldgs., barracks,
Murcia. longer. Runway: flight training ,chrol.
2400 (reported). Rd to El Palmar airport.
Hard and pebbly;
water lies on sur-
face in wet weather.

10 Alcaraz 3841N 3500 feet 2400 x 1800 (approx) May have some temporary
3 23 W hard, slightly stony hangars. Probbly aban-
Abt. 5 m ENE doned.
of Alcaraz.

11 Alfambra 40 33N (town) 3500 feet 2400 x 2400. Said Probably abandoned.
1 03 W to be stony.
Said to be nr.
12 Alfaro 42 09 N 1312 feet 2952nx 1311. Stony 1 small hangar. RR
1 47 W N end floods in wet station in Logrono.
Abt. 3 ml SW Weather.
of Alfaro.

13 Almaden 38 46 N (town) 1950 feet 2400 x 1800 approx. Fighter field. Prob-
4 50 W Sandy and stony. ably abandoned.
Rep, to be nr.
town of Almaden.

14 Almazan 41 30N 3250 feet Small Reported to be not

2 32 W kept up at end of
Rept. 1 mi N 41.
of Almazan and
N of the RR

15 Almeria 36 50N (town) 150 feet

2 28 v z .
Abt. 6 ml E of v
; ; .~ I


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-- ---- ----
Elevation --
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AI ' dovar delCampo 38f45 N 3000 x 2400. Dry Probably abandoned.
4 04 vW and stony, rather
2 or 3 mi NNE undulating.
of Almodovar;
N of H Tirtea-

17 Almorox 40 13 N 1800 feet 1968 x 852. Ser- No activity at this

421W viceable. emergency field.
Abt. 2 mi SE'
of Almorox.

18 Alp 42 23 N 3608 feet 3600 2500 (approx)

1 53 E Rept. meadow grass.
Immed. NW of Snow covered from
Alp and 5 ml Nov. to May.
sSW of Puig-

19 Andujar 38 02 N 722 feet 1680 x 1140. Good Probably abandoned.

4 02 W Grass.
Immed. NE of
Andujar; just
N of the main
Rd to Bailen.

20 Antequera 37 05 N 1500 feet 3600 x 2880. Level Telephone, 2 dis-

4 34 W becoming boggy dur- persal huts. Work
Just over 4 mi ing wet weather. on this field re-
NW of Antequera'. ported.

21 Aranda del Duero 41 42 N 1950 feet 4500 N/S x 3000 2 hangars (uncon-
341W E/W reported. firmed). Probably
2 mi N of Aranda abandoned.
del Duero.
22 Archena 38 07 N 650 feet 4140 x 2070.Good. W/T, 2 hangars,
1 18 W huts, administrative
Rept. to be N of bldgs.

23 Arcos de la Frontera 36 39 N 465 feet 3900 x 3900. Level Fuel and aircraft
5 51 W grassland. spare parts reported
7} mi. SSW of stored on Field. 1
Arcos; 16 mi large hut. Used oc-
SE of Jerez casionally by train-
de la Frontera. ing aircraft.

24 Arevalo 41 03 N (town) 2300 feet 3000 x 2400. Level Radio reported.

442W turf.
Hept. to be bet.
the main Arevalo/
Medina del Campo
Rd and RR.

25 Argamasilla de Alba 39 08 N 2198. feet 984 x 820 nergency military

3 04W field.
Abt. 1/2 m E
of Argamasilla.

26 Armilla 37 08 N 2184 feet 4095 x 2295. (con- Fuel underground. W/T,

3 37 W struction work D/F, night landing fac-
39 mi SSW of progressing slow- ilities, large hangars,
Granada; immed. ly. Good, level workshops, stores, ouar-
SW of Armilla. rather sandy. Ser- ters and other bldgs.
vicing apron. Used by bombers.

27 Astrain 42 46 N 2300 feet 3000 x 2700. Said Reported built in 40

1 44W to be good grass. as part of Pyrenees
Rept. to be defenses. Probably
abt. mi. NE abandoned.
of Astrain.

28 Astud]llo 42 11 N (town) 2600 feet 4500 x 3600. Said Probably abandoned.

418 W to be good, hard
Said to be nr. clay soil.

29 Avila ,- 40 37 N 3280 feet 2625 x 2625 ir- W/T, radio beacon,

4 40 W regular. Rept. small hangars, motor
Abt. iSE good, grassy. car workshops, bar-
o Ala. racks.

No. Name Location Elevation ion':,
30 Azuaga 38 15.N 1640 feet tl140 x 1320. Hard
5 42 W oar, poor drain-
Abt. 1 mi due age.
W of Azuaga.

31 Badajoz 38 55 N 656 2700 x 1500 irre- Fuel in drums, 1

6 56 W gular. Runway abt. hangar (possibly 2
Abt. 3 mi NE 1500 E/W. Rept. more), workshop,
of Badajoz. soft and marshy. offices, barracks,
Could be enlarged. training school. New
field reported under
construction nr. here.

32 Baeza 37 59 N (town) 2100 feet 2700 x 2100. Probably abandoned.

3 28 W
Rept. to be nr.

33 Balaguer 41 47 N (town) 1000 feet 2100 x 1500 but Probably abandoned.

0 47 E. may be larger.
Rept. to be 2 Grass and earth sur-
to 3 mi S of town. face.

34 Banolas 42 10 N 1000 feet 4350 x 2550 reported. Hangar. Probably aban-

2 46 E Earth with some grass.doned.
Rept. to be 4
ml N of Banolas.

35 Barahona 41 18 N 3622 feet 1620 x 936 formerly, Probably abandoned.

2 37 W irregular T shape.
l1 mi NE of Bara- Soft and slow dry-
hona. ing. Parts possibly
under cultivation.

36 Barajas 40 28 N 2000 feet 4500 x 3900. Runway Fuel, W/T. D/F, tele-
3 32 W 1641 x 165 EdE/WSW. phone, 3 hangars, minor
73 mi NE of center Badly drained, rough repairs, barracks of-
of Madrid; immed. surface. iunway. Cn- fices, etc., water.
SE of Barajas. crete; concrete apron Civil airport for Ma-
and taxi track. drid.

37 Baza 37 30 N (town) 2600 feet 2850 x 2400. uept. Probably abandoned.

2 47 W level, slightly
Rept. to be W stony.
of R Gallego,
nr. Baza.

38 Belehite 4118 N 1378 feet Only 1650 x 1350 1 hut.

0 42 W in 35. (Rept. en-
2~ mi E of larged in 36 and 40
Belchite. to abt. 4500 x 3600.
Smooth, level, por-
ous, with a few small

39 Berdun 42 38 N 2700 feet 4921 x 3281. (Chang- Facilities for minor

0 48 W ing the route of the repairs. Airport is
l mi W of Pamplona/Jaca Rd has not equipped but im-
Berdun. doubled the landing portant because of
area. Good, grass. its strategic location.

40 Betanzos 43 17 N 300 feet 3000 x 2400. Good Facilities for re-

8 11 W grassland, but in- pairs said to exist.
Rept. to be clined to be soft. Probably abandoned.
on bank of the
R liandeo nr.

41 Buitrago 40 59 N (town) 3300 feet 4500 x 3600.(uncon- Fuel, hangar, and

3 38 W firmed report.) repair facilities
Said to be immed. Some grass, good, reported. Probably
SW of Buitrago. (reported). abandoned.

42 Bujaraloz 41 29 N 1070 feet 1650 x 1320.Good.

0 09W
Immed. outside
and S of Bujara-

43 Cabanes 40 07 N Former military field

0 08 E reported.
of the Vale:ncia/
Tarragoa :ERI.

No . Name _ Location
? ___
ievation Description
_~I Facilities
44 Cabeza del Buey 38 43 N (town); 1900:feet Hard and flat, Reported to have 1
,5 13,W slightly stony. hangar, workshop, and
Nr. town on W underground A.R.P.
side. shelters. Probably

45 Cabezon 41 44 N (town) 1900 feet 3000 x 2700. Hard Fuel and facilities
4 38 W some grass. for minor repairs
Rept. to be bet. said to be available.
the Castille Can- Probably abandoned.
al and Pisuerga R.

46 Caceres 39 26 N 15509 feet 2625 x 1968. Level, Fuel and oil stored
6 23 W grass, clay base, in drums occasionally,
3 mi SE of Ca- liable to be slip- WIT, D/F, 1 large hang-
ceres. pery. Could be en- ar, minor repairs, ga-
larged to S and E. rage, barracks. Iberia
airline stop.

47 Calamocha 40 54 N 29984 feet 2099 x 1574. Por- Fuel, W/T, in Calamocha

1 18 W ous and rather
Abt. 1 mi SE stony.
of town.

48 Calatayud 41 19 N 1000 feet Rept. to be 4500 Fuel, 4 hangars, repair

1 40 W x 3600 but prob. facilities reported.
Abt. 2 mi SW smaller. nept. Probably abandoned.
of Calatayud. good with some

49 Campillos 37 03 N 13300 feet 9600 x 4800 (approx) 2 small huts. A large

4 .51 W Usually very boggy, operational field built
Rept. to be only usable in sum- during the Civil War;
1 mi FSE of mer, slight slope. appears to have been
Campillos- abandoned. This may be
same field as Antequera.

50 Caporrobles 39 39 N (town) 100 feet

31 2400 x 1950. Re- Probably abandoned.
1 24 W ported good.
Said to be 4 mi
S of Camporrobles.

51 Candasnos 41 30 N (town) 700 i 2et 4500 x 2400 or Probably abandoned.

0 04 E larger. Level
grassy, reported

52 Canete 40 03 N (town) 2000 feet 2850 x 2400. Good. Probably abandoned.

1 39 w
Said to be nr.

53 Cardedeu 41 38 N 1600 feet 2700 x 1950 (approx) Reported under cul-

2 22 E tivation at present.
1 mi EJE of Probably abandoned.

54 Carreno 43 32 N 200 feet 5400 x 4500. Grass, Reported enlarged in

5 46 w reported good. 40. Said to have hangars
Said to be S workshop, other bidge.
of the Gijon/ Fuel, from Campsa depot
Aviles Rd. in Gijon. Probably

55 Casas Ibanez 39 16 N (town) 2200 feet 3000 x 2100. Dry, Probably abandoned.
1 28 W Flat.
Rept. 4 mi NW
or 4 mi NE of
Casas Ibanez.

56 Casas Viejas 36 21 N 624 feet 4920 x 3120. Grass.

548W Liable to be boggy
Abt. l4 mi NE in wet weather.
of town.

57 Casavieja 40 17 N (town) 1960 feeet 3900 x 3000 (re- Fuel occasionally,

4 46 W ported in 42) Re- wooden hangar, head-
Rept. to be nr. ported good. quarters. Has been
town to the S on used by bombers.
Rd to Iglesuella.
58 Casetas 41 43 N 860 feet 3000 x 3000. Re- Probably abandoned.
100W ported good.
1* mi NE of


No. Name Location Elevation Descrption Facilities

59 Casinos 39 43 N (town) 1200 feet 2400 x 2250: Re- Probably abandoned.

0 42 W ported good.

60 Caspe 41 14 N (town) 500 feet 3000 x 2400. Re- Probably abandoned.

0 02 W ported good.
Said to be nr.

61 Caste jon 41 59 N 1000 feet 9000 x 6000. Level Probably abandoned.

0 09 E and grass covered.
Rept. to be
abt. 4 mi SSE
of Barbastro;
immed. NW of

62 Castellar 41 36 N 1968 x 1640 cross

2 05 E shaped. Firm and
l* ni.SW of level. Surrounded
Castellar. by a pine woods.

63 Castellon de la Plana 40 00 N 3 feet 2625 x 2625. Good Fuel, oil, 1 hangar,

0 01 E all the year. 2 or 3 small bllgs.
On Mediterr-
anean coast; 31
mi E E of Caste-
lion de la Plana.

64 Castrocontrigo 42 11 N 1640 feet 1584 x 4800 mar- Energency field.

6 11 W ked out and some
Rept. to be levelling done. Re-
abt 10 ml SSW ported level and
of Destriana, good.
nr. Castrocontrigo.

65 Castro del Rio 37 42 N 700 feet 2400 x 1800. iHe- Probably abandoned.
4 28 W ported good.
mi ZE of
Castro del Rio.
66 Caude 40 25 N (town) 3250 feet 300 x 2700. See Teruel. May be
1 12 w same field.
Thought to be
W or NW of Cau-
de on the Celia

67 Caudete 38 43 N (town) 1800 feet 2700 x 2400. Re- Probably abandoned.

1 00 W ported good.
Said to be nr.
68 Celra 42 03 N 165 feet Formerly 6600 x Large fuel depot at
2 53 E 3270. Etirely Celra. Probably
Abt. 1 mi W under cultiva- abandoned.
of Bordils & tion but capable
the same dis- of rapid prepara-
tance NNE of tion for use.
69 Cervera 41 40 N (town) 1600 feet 2940 x 2295.(approx) Headquarters bldg.
1 16 E Reported good.
70 Cieza 38 15 N 800 feet 984 x 820. Clay E ne gency field. No
1 31 W soil, hard in sum- activity.
3-3/4 ml NW mer, boggy in rainy
of Cieza. season.
71 Ciudad Rodrigo 40 35 N (town) 2200 feet 3000 x 2400 Probably abandoned.
6 32 W
Said to be nr.

72 Copons 41 35 N (town) 1400 feet 2100 x 1500 (pos- Probably abandoned.

1 37 E sibly larger.)
Said to be nr.
and SE of town.

. h ;y
., r. t? F


. ,

No._ Name Location Elevation Descriiption

r --

7~3_ .Coes es - ' 41 32N 300 feet 4500. x 2130 x Telephone in Coreses:,
5 38 W 2130 triangular. Minor repairs in
51mi SW of Level and well Zamora. Road, RR.
Coreses. draineed. Obstruc-

74 Coria del Rio 37 15 N 20 feet 1968 x 1311 (approx) Has been neglected
6 01 W Overgrown with long since Civil Var but
Rept. to be grass and weeds. owners forbidden to
abt 2 mi E of cultivate.

75 Coruna 43 22 N (tora) S.L. Good, some grass. Bldg. for headquarters.

8 24 W Seaplane anchorage nr.
Appears to be by. Probably abandoned.
approx. 2 mi
SW of town.

76 Cuatro Vientos 40 22 N 2264 feet More than 3900 x W/T, full night land-
3 47 w 2310. Sandy ground, ing facilities, nu-
6 mi SW of undulating, marshy merous hangars, work-
center of after.rain. Concrete shops, barracks, and
Madrid. servicing apron. station bldgs. Most
important of the Madrid
airports. Now included
former civil field of
Loring on the E.

77 Cuenca 40 05 N 3100 feet dteported to have han-

2 12 W gar and some other
Rept. to be buildings. Probably
3-3/4 ml W of abandoned.

78 Daimel 39 01 N 2100 feet 1311 x 1149. Grass Telephone, hangar,

3 33 w covered, rather soft white T and corner
i4 ml SE of and liable to become marks. Eergency field.
Daimel. swampy in wet wea-

79 Daroca 41 05 N 2555 feet 1500 x 1500. Good. No recent activity

1 18 W Flat, naturally well reported.
Nearly 1 m S drained.
of Rd from Dar-
oca to Herrera
via Nombreville;
52 ml ESE of Dar-
o ca.

80 El Alted 38 17 N 23 feet 2400 x 2250. Suf- Large fuel depot at

o 32 V face f .at and firm. Alicante, radio equip-
5 ml SSW of ment unserviceable,
Alicante. boundary lighting, 2
hangars, minor repairs,
other bldgs. Formerly
used by Air France.

81 Elohe 38 16 N (town) 300 feet 2400 x 2250. Said Probably abandoned.

0 46 W to be good.
Rept. to be W
of Lche.

82 El Copero 37 1$ N 20 feet 2940 x 1850 (approx) Fuel, portable radio

6 00 W Soft, underviceable equipment, 2 hangars,
5 ml S of after rain. other bldgs., poor
Seville; 3 ml roads. ELementry fly-
S of Tablada ing school.

83 Elda 38 28 N (town) 1300 feet 2400 x 2250. Said Probably abandoned.

0 48 W to be good.

84 Elorriaga 42 51 N 1800 feet 2955 x 2295.runway: Fuel, oil, 1 large,

2 39 W 2955 N/S. Flat, grass.4 small hangars, 2
14 ml NE of Taxi-track to refuel- workshops, barrauks
Victoria, ing point S of hang- and offices. Little
ars. activity.

85 El Palmar 3.7 57 N_. _ 300 feet 3900 x 3900. Level Fuel, 2 hangars,
l-ll W and hard. Unusable uarters and garage
Nearly .4 m after heavy rain. on W side. Used by
SW of Murcia; 2 prepared strips elementary flight
1 ml vNWof reported.) training school.

-- Elevation Description
; Name
--- ------ Location
~-; - -~-- --- Facilities

86 EL Palomar 41 43 N 755 feet 3000 x 2250. Level, Telephone, hangar,

051O W firm, serviceable. building, Rd., RR.
5 mi NNE of, all seasons.

87 El Pardo 41 31 N (town) 1800 feet Probably very small. Small wooden build-
3 45 W ing. Probably abandoned

88 El Tiemblo 40 25 N (town) Probably abandoned.

4 29 W.

89 Escalona 40 11 N 1600 feet 1650 x 990. Good Emergency field.

4 25 W hard. Maintained in
~ mi NW of serviceable condi-
town. tion.

90 Escatron 41 17 N (town) Probably abandoned.

0 20 W

91 Estella 42 40 N (town) 1700 feet Probably small. Grass. Probably abandoned.

2 02 W
Rept. abt. 41
mi from Estella.

92 Estepa 37 17 N (town) Probably abandoned.

4 53 W

93 Estepona 36 25 N (town) S.L. Reported good. Probably abandoned.

5 09 W
Field variously
rept. E of Este-
pona and as on the
Rd to Algeciras.

94 Falset 41 09 N (town) 1200 feet 3000 x 2400 (approx) Ret. to have some 1 v-
048E; Earth, moderately pair facilities and a
good. headquarters. Probably

42 18 N 165 feet 3000'x 2400. Liable 1 hangar. Emergency

95 Figuer&
to floo4d.in winter. field for bombers.
2 58 E
Rept. to be Rept. to be partly
2 mi N of. under cultivation
town. though capable of
rapid preparation
for service.

350 feet 3900 x 3000. clay Probably abandoned.

96 Fraga 41 31 N (town)
0 21 E with some grass.
Said to be be-
tween R Cinca
and Aragon Ca-
nal, nr. town.
3600 x 3000. Level Probably abandoned.
97 Fresno lept. to be abt 3200 feet
2 mi E of Fresno grass.
bet. the R.Mar-
iceite and Mad-
rid/Burgos RR.

2600 feet Small Probably abandoned.

98 Fuencaliente 38 24 N (town)
4 18 w

500 feet 3300 x 1950 (could Probably abandoned..

99 Fuente Alamo 37 43 N
1 12 W be enlarged) Dry,
Abt. 1 mi W very dusty, slightly
of town, S of sloping.
RD to Totana.
Said to be fairly Probably abandoned.
100 Fuenteovejuna 38 16 N (town)
525W large. Rept. level
with some grass.

Airport reported with

101 Fuentes de San Esteban 40 45 N underground installation
Approx 5 mi
SW of town.

2400 feet 1950 x 1650. Probably abandoned.

102 Galapagar 40 34 N (town)

ii 1

e -
. ,,

.A RPO 0wr ?ASE
No. iName Location Elevation Description Facilities

103 Gamonal 42 21 N 2820 feet 4200 x 1620 (irre- Fuel, W/T, hangar work
3 39 W gular shape, long- shop, military and
2-3/4 mi ENE est 3AE/WSW. Level other bldgs., RR ad-
of Burgos; im- firm, rather grit- joining field. Auxil-
med. NE of Ga- ty. iary for Villafria.

104 Grandesa 41 03 N (town) 1000 feet 2850 x 2100. Far. Probably abandoned.
0 26 E
Said to be W of

105 Garrapinillos 41 41N 980 feet Large. Said to be Fuel depots, W/T,
1 00 W good. hangars, workshops,
Abt. 6 mi JNW barracks, roads and
of Saragossa, RR. Road to Sanjurgo
bet. the Sara- Airport for which is
gossa/Logrono an auxiliary.
Rd and the Im-
perial Canal of

106 Getafe 40 18 N 2034 feet 4265 x 1640. Firm Fuel, W/T, night land-
3 43 W level meadow-land. ing facilitfes, 8 hang-
famed. Eof arm, -workshops, barracks
town. admin. bldgs., factory.

107 Gijon 43 32 N 100 feet Conflicting reports Said to have a 1.Q.

5 38 w about size; not over bldg. and some repair
Rept. to be 3000. Grass. facilities. (unconfir-
l mi SE of med). Fuel depot at
town. Gijon. Probably aban-

108 Grajera 41 22 N 3315 feet 2625 x 2460., ir- emergency field. Prob-
3 37 W regular. Well drai- bably abandoned.
Dined. W of ned but very stony
town. and uneven.

109 Granolers del Valles 41 4Q N 1100 feet Reported to be abt. At present under cul-
2 17 E 6000 x 3000. tivation, but it is
4 mi Nof reported that a very
town. large area could rap-
idly be prepared for

110 Grinon 40 11 N 2000 feet 2625 x 1968. Grass, 1 wooden building.

3 52 W Good, hard and le- ESergency, field.
Est. nearly vel.
2 mi SW of

111 Guadalajara 40 39 N 2099 feet 3930 x 1800. Hard Radio, 2 hangars and
311W and undulating, wa- workshops rept. used
l1 mi NNW of terlogged in winter. by adjoining factory.
town. Former baloon school.
Small area of it can
be used for emergency

112 Guadix 37 18 N (town) 3100 feet Said to be small. Probably abandoned.

3 08 W Earth, fairly good.
Said to be nr.

113 Guardamar 38 04 N S.L. 3600 x 2700. Good Probably abandoned.

0 40 W but dusty.
Nearly 2 mi
SSW of town.

114 Guitiriz 43 09 N 1950 feet 6000 x 3000 (still Site has been cleared
7 52 W under construction) and foundations for
Abt. mi S of Marshy moorland. 8 bldgs. laid. Rd is
town. being made from site
to Guitiriz. Construc-
tion work slow.
115 Hlln 38 30 N 1750 feet 850 x 754. Level, Probably abandoned.
1 40 W clay soil.
2 mi SE of
No. I_ Name_ _ Location I_~_L_~__I
Elevation Description Facilities
116 Heros 43 24 N S. L. 1800 x 1350. Clay Probably ,abanoned.
3 46 W soil with grass,
1 mi NNE of poor.
117 Herrera del Duque 39 11 N 1968 feet 1650 x 1320. Hard, Eknergency field on
5 04 W level, grassy. Madrid/Seville air
2 mu N of route. White corner
town. markings.

118 Hi jar 41 10 N (town) 1200 feet 2250 x 1950 (pos- Probably abandoned.
0 2.7 W sibly larger). Re-
ported good.
119 Huelva 37 13 N 12 feet 300 x 1800 rectan- Windsock and boundary
6 57 W gular, longest sides markers. Seaplane an-
2 mu S of N/S. Unsatisfactory. chorage here also.
town. Always soft; boggy
after rain.

120 Jabalquinto 38 01 N (town) 1100 feet 1650 x 1350. Report- Probably abandoned.
3 43 W ed good, some grass.
121 Jaen 37 49 N 1300 feet 1320 x 1149..Diago- 1nergency field.
3 46 W nal run of 2100.
3-3/4 mi NNE Good, but undulat-
of town. ing.
122 Jaraicejo 39 41 N 1640 feet 9810 x 6540. Level Bomb dump nearby
5 48 W and firm. Natural connected to airport
On W side of landing field. by a new road. No
main Madrid/ installations but
Trujillo Rd good emergency field
abt. l mi NE for all types.
of Jaraicejo.

123 Jerez'de la Frontera 36 44 N Abt. S.L. 6000 x 3937. Form- Fuel, W/T, 2 hangars,l
6 04 W erly very dusty or small workshop, barracks
Nearly 6 ei. muddy according to Field is a flying train-
NE of town. weather. Grass plan- ning school. Govt. air-
ting improved it. craft factory in town.

124 Jerez de los Caballeros38 19 N (town) 1400 feet 2400 x.1500 Hangars, barracks etc.
6 46 w reported. Probably
125 Jimena de la Frontera 36 21 N 623 feet 4260 x 2295. Level, Barracks, new Rd to
5 25 W grassland. Approach- field, RR siding.
Immed. E of es poor, surrounded
the R Hozgarganta by high hills.
and the Jimena/
Algeciras RR.
126 Jumilla 38 29 N (town) 11900 feet Reported good. Probably abandoned.
1 20 W
127 La Almunia de Dona 41 28 N (town) 11000 feet 2400 x 1950. Good, Probably abandoned.
Godina 1 23 W some grass.
Rept. to be NW
of town and S of
R Jalon.
128 La Aparecida 37 42 N 275 feet 2400 x 1200 or lar- Probably abandoned.
0 59 W ger. Level, hard
Rept to be rather stony.
6-3/4 m N of
129 La Carlota 37 40 N (town) 650 feet Rept. to have slight Probably abandoned.
4 57 W SW slope.
Rept. to be S
of La Carlota.
130 La Carolina 38 15 N l .640 feet 2100 x 1650. Sur- Dnergency field.
3 34 W face neglected.
Rept. to be
abt. 2 ml ESE
of town.
131 La Cartuja 36 39 N A.bt. S.L. 2940 x 1950. Very Probably now abandoned.
6 05 v good.
3-3/4 ml SE
of Jerez.

J i :1

Name Location -
Elevation ---
- r
132 La Cenia 40 38 N Formerly two very Abandoned hangar and
0 18 E long runs. Dry, barrack hut. Field
Rept. to be slightly sloping. has returned to cul-
abt. 1 mit E tivation but part of
of town. it is still available
for emergency landings

133 (La Electromecanica) 37 53 N 450 feet 3279 x 2625. Good Fuel, few huts.
4 49 W grass but liable
2 mi W of to be boggy on W
Cordoba; im- side.
med. N of sec-
ond class Rd to

134 La Encina 38 46 N 2000 feet Said to be very Probably abandoned.

0 57 w large. Reported
Rept. nr. Jc hard and slightly
of Aibacete/ stony.
Valencia .R
and Albacete/
Alicante RR.

135 La Guardia 41 54 N 16 feet 6900 x 3300. In dry Large uncultivated

8 50 W season(June-Sept.) field used as an em-
On an island, whole island except ergency field.
2 mi upstream extreme S tip is ser-
from mouth of R viceable. In winter
Minho. only small areas are
not inundated.

136 La Muela 41 34 N (town) 2000 feet Reported level with Probably abandoned.
1 07 W some grass.

137 Laredo 43 24 N (town) Abt. S.L. Rept. 2700 x 2250

3 25 W. but may be smaller. Probably abardoned
Rept. to be just Said to be good,
SE of Liendo. grassy, slightly

138 La Roda 37 13 N 1200 feet 6540 x 5250. Hard 4 underground shelters.

4 45 W level grass and
To E of La earth. Slight N/s
Roda RR sta. slope.
1 mi NE of

139 La Senera 39 28 N 500 feet 2625 x 2625. Clay

0 36 W soil. Landing area
l mi due W surrounded on 3
of Vaencia. sides by small olive

140 Las Rosas 43 06 N 1640 feet 2952 x 1641. rkun- W/T recently installed.
7 28 W 1ays: 2 reported, New field under con-
Abt. 7-3/4 mi each approx. 5904 struction. Now usable.
NE of Lugo. Good with slight in-
cline. Levelling
work recently.

141 Las Torrecicas 39 00 N 2230 feet 3600 x 2952. Flat Buried fuel tanks re-
1 48 W and hard. ported. Telephone, 2
38 mi NE of hangars, and other
Albacete. buildings. Good work-
shops about 2 ml from

142 La Torresavinan 41 00 N 3280 feet 3000 x 1800 (approx) Reported abandoned but
2 35 W still usable.
Abt. 1 mi NE
of town.

143 Leon 42 35 N 2631 3900 x 3900. Hard Fuel, (large under-

5 40 W level grassland. ground tanks), W/T,
5 mi W of Leon. radio, night landing
facilities, 9 large
hangars, extensive
workshops, flying
school bldgs., br.
RR. Large active field.

Lerida 41 36 N 650 feet 3600 x 2400 (approx) No reports of flying

0 40 E Obstructions on all activity recently.
C-° *

2 mi ESE of approaches

No. Name _ Location

__~ __~~_____ Elevation Description: I_ Facilities
145 Lierta 42 13 N 1935 feet 294Q x 2640, but 1 small hut, wind
0 27 W fully capable of
5~ mi NNW of enlargement. Firm marked. Both Lerta
Huesca sloping to S. and Moriflorite fields
reported used by
glider school.

146 Lilo 39 43 N (town) 2000 feet 2100 x 1500. Said An emergency field.
3 18W to be marshy. Probably abandoned.

147 Liria 39 40 N 600 feet 6000 x 4800 report- Barrack huts report-
0 38 W ed. Rough and un- ed. tioergency field.
3 mi NY of even.

148 Llanes 43 24 N 200 feet 4920 x 984, report- Some bldgs., includ-
4 40 W ed. Runway: 3279 x ing offices and pos-
Abt. 2 mi 657. E/W. Grassy and sibly repair shops,
EE of town. good. Central portion aare reported to exist.
of runway reported ma-

149 Llerena 38 14 N (town) 2000 feet 1800 x 1200. Grassy,, Probably abandoned.
6 01 W dry.

150. Llodio 43 15.N (town) 350 feet 2100 x 1500 (approx) Hangar and headouarters
2 58 w Level, grass-cover- bldg. Probably abandoned
Said to be nr. ed, rather soft.

151 Lora del Rio 37 39 N (town) Abt. S. L. 2250 x 1500 (approx) Probably abandoned.
5 32 W Level and grassy.
Said to be SW
of town.

152 Lorca 37 40 N (town) 1000 feet 2100 x 2100. Level Hangar. Probably
1 42 W and slightly stony abandoned.
with incline to S.

153 Los Alcazares 37 44 N 6 feet 3000 x 1800. Firm, Fuel, radio, night
0 51 W sandy soil, soft flying facilities.
12~ mi EN after rains, drain- Oil, 2 hangars, ad-
of Cartagena age trenches. Vide ministrative bldgs.
taxi track from auarters, 3 huts.
field on S (see Operated in conjunc-
Torre del Negro). tion with seaplane
Numerous taxi tra- base of same name.
cks. Rept. that Torre del
Negro is practically
and extension of this

154 Los Barris 36 10 N 6 feet 2700 x 1200. Fairly Not in use.

5 29 W good. Level, grass-
6' mi 1NW of covered. Extensive
Gibraltar and drainage necessary.
3 ml NW of to make it servic-
Algeciras. eable in winter.

155 Los Corrales 43 15 N (town) 1400 feet 2100 x 1500. Re- Probably abandoned.
4 05 W ported good grass,
with slight incline
to S.

156 Los Lianos 38 57 N 2230 feet 7400 x 7400, rec- Buried fuel tanks
1 52 W tangular. 3 runs. reported W/T, tele-
2 ml S of Level, liable to phone, weather re-
Albacete and flood (possibly ports, red obstru-
just over a drainage work.) ction lights, 6
mi W of the hangars, 2 disper-
Albacete/Mur- sal areas, repair
cia Rd. facilities, wind T
and wind cone. Temp.
barracks. Bomber base.
aecent construction.

157 Los Negrtedos 41 49 N 3280 feet 3900 x 2625. Hard Fuel, 1 hangar, work-
2 28 W level. No grass. shops, barracks. Rd
4 ml N of . High hills immedi- and RR.
Soria. ately N of field.

fl .
S i d

~ . Li~

. No. Name Loc~ton Elevation

- -
- -~-- ---

Si158 Los Santos 38 21 N 1800 feet 3114 x 2130. Re- Deterioratec' bldgs
6 19 W ported good. No reliable report
7 mi. ESE of of use since Civil
town. V~ar.

159 Lugo de Llanera 43 26 N 650 feet 5100 x 2640. Run- (Buildings under
5 49W ways: 2625, (anoth- construction.) Huts
2 m N of er under construc- and shelters. Rds.
Lugones. tion 1970). Runways
also reported as 65
62 each). Good, le-
vel grass-land. Run-
ways concrete.

160 Madridejos 39 28 N (town) 2500 feet 2400 x 1800. Said to Probably abandoned.
3 32W be good.

161 Malaga 36 40 N 49 feet 3300 x 2250. Grass, Fuel, ;/T, D/F, 2

4 29 W good in all seasons. hangars, repair shops
5 mi SVNof Liable to be soft in and airport bldgs. on
Malaga. SE corner. Slight in- W side. (Bldgs. used
cline to NE. Concrete by Civil airlines in
servicing apron. SE corner). Training
schools here. Malaga
seaplane anchorage

162 Manises 39 29 N 49 feet 4260 x 3600. Run- Underground fuel

0 28 W way: 2295 x 132 storage 2 WiT sta-
5 mi W of Val- W/E. (Being enlar- tions, D/F light
encia center. ged-total dimen- beacon, night land-
sion 7500 x 7200). ing facilities, 3
Soft, sticky, often hangars, barracks,
dangerously muddy. other bldgs. itd, RR.
Concrete runways, Seaplane base nearby.
concrete aoron.

41 47 N 1200 feet Factory for aircraft

163 Manresa
1 51 E wings is reported at
Rept. to be Manresa. hepor ted ab-
1~ m SE of andoned but capable
Stampedor. of reconditioning.

2400 feet 3000 x 2700. Some 2 hangars, minor re-

164 Mansilla 42 30 N (town)
5 25 W grass. Said to be pairs, H.Q. reported.
Said to be 1: good. Probably abandoned.
mi S of town.

Manzanares 38 59 N 2400 feet 7500 x 4500 Reported hangar and

3 30 W repair facilities.
WSw 6 mi Probably abandoned.
of town.

166 Maranchon 41 03 N 3936 feet 1980 s 1320. Firm Corner markings.

2 13 W all the year round,
~ mi W of deep hollows to ,
town. S, and E.

Marchena 37 20 N (town) 200 feet Reported good Probably abandoned

5 25 V1
Prob. W of the
town on the RR.

168 Matacan 40 57 N 2600 feet 390c) x 3000. Good Fuel (underground re-
5 29 W level, grassy. ported), WIT, radio
9 m ESE of beacon, meteo, hang-
Salananca. ars, barracks, blind
flying school.

169 Medina del Campo 41 18 N (town) 2000 feet 2700 x 2100. Level 1 hangar reported.
4 55 W with some grass, but Probably abandoned.
Said to be E slightly stony.
of town bet.
Medina and Pozal
de Gallinas. 0
Medina de Rioseco 41 53 N (town) 2000 feet 2100 x 1500. Hard, Probably abandoned.
5 03 W uneven.

lYV "
Location levation Descrintion
+.: -

171 Medina Sidonia 36 28 N (town) 300 feet Probably abandoned.

5 55 W
Said to be at
foot of hill
to SW of.,own.

172 Merida 38 55 N 656 feet 2625 x 1950.Soft 6 small bldgs. Eer-

6 23 W and sandy. gency field.
Abt. 2 mi W
of town.

173 Miraflores 37 26 N Abt. S. L. 3900 x 2700. Ground An old airport used

5 57 W is said to be used before San Pablo air-
Abt. 31 ml for dispersal pur- port was opened.
NE of center poses (unconfirmed) Probably abandoned.
of Seville. though it is prob-
ably still servic-

1'14 Miranda del Ebro 42 40 N 1700 feet 3000 x 2700. Level Fuel, several hangars,
2 55 W and grassy minor repairs, X.Q.
2 mi E of reported. Probably
town. abandoned.

175 Monflorite 42 05 N 1500 feet 3000 x 2700 (re- Buildings reported.

0 22 W ported). Monflorite and Lierta
Rept. to be fields used for ele-
abt. 3z mi SE mentary training and
of Huesca and gliding school.
1 ml SW of Mon-

176 Monforte de Lemos 42 30 N 1200 feet A rectangle of 2400 Field markings. Little
7 31 W x 2300 of which only used emergency field.
Abt. 1 ml 900 x 900 is service-
SSW of town. able. High grass, li-
able to be boggy in
rainy season.

177 Monreal 42 42 N (town) 2650 feet 2580 x 2100. Grass. H.Q. bldgs. Probably
1 31 W abandoned.

178 Mora de Toledo 39 40 N 2300 feet 2250 x 2250 or smal- Probably abandoned.
3.46 w ler.
1 mi S of the

179 Moron de la Frontera 37 09 N 328 feet 4500 x 3000. Hard 5 underground fuel
5 36 W level and grassy. tanks, protable
8 ml WNW of Soft after heavy radio, equipment,
town. rain. 4 hangars, work-
shops. RR, Rd. Used
by bombers.

180 Muntadas 41 18 N 3 feet 3900 x 1200 (nar- Fuel, W/T, radio

2 06 E rows to 600 at S be .cons 1 hangar
7 ml SSW of end.) Uneven with admin. bldgs. RR at
Barcelona. long grass. Clay, Prat de Ilobregat,
unserviceable in poor Rd.to Barce-
wet weather. "lna. Civil airplane
field. Former sea-
plane anchorage, La
Rindada, Adjoining.

181 Nava 43 22 N (town) 1100 feet 2700 x 2250. Meadow- Hangar, probably
5 31 W land. abandoned.
Rept to be W
of town.

182 Navahermosa 39. 37 N 2624 feet 1470 x 1140. Firm Emergency field on
4 26 w rather stony. Hilly Madrid/Seville air
a mi ESE of country. service. Angle mark-
town. ings, Rds. T in center.

183 Navalcarnero 40 17 N (town) 2000 feet 2500 x 2100. Good- Probably abandoned.
4 01 W but slightly stony.

184 Navalmoral de la lata 39 55 N 984 feet 6570 x 6570. Hard RR, Rd. Emergency
5 29 w. in winter, soft and
3 mi FIE. boggy in rainy sea-

t~ - c; l


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185 Navia 43 32 N 328 feet 3000 x 1500 ir- 3 hangars on SW side.

6 44 W regular. Flat Rd. (Another field
~ mi W of R grassland, ap- formerly reported
Navia. proaches poor, half way between Pravia
(hills). and Luarca. Probably
the same field as this.

186 Noain 42 46 N 1476 feet 2700 x 2070. Dry NOAIN in white circle,
1 38 W but soft. Well RR, Rd.
3 mi S of kept.
Pamplona; 1
mi NW of No-

187 Ochagavia 42 54 N 4000 feet 2550 x 2100. Said Probably abandoned.

1 04 W to be grass.
Rept. to be
1 ml E of

188 Olmedo 41 19 N 2525 feet 3100 x 2400. Flat Fuel nearby. Auto Rd.
441W quick-drying grass-
1-3/4 mi N land.
of town.

189 Onteniente 38 49 N (town) 1200 feet Reported good. Probably abandoned.

0 37 W
Rept. nr. town.

190 Orense 42 30 N (Town) 400 feet Grass 1 hangar. Probably

7 53 W abandoned. Note: Three
Rept. nr. airfields reported to
have been completed
under German techni-
cians, July 42.

191 Osuna 37 14 N (town) 1200 feet. Reported good with Probably abandoned.
5 06 W some grass.

192 Palencia 42 00 N (town) 2500 feet 3000 x 2100. Said Several hangars, H..
4 32 W to be grass. reported. Probably

193 Parla 40 14 N (town) 2000 feet 2700 x 900. Re- Probably abandoned.
3 46 W ported good. Earth
with some grass.
Longest run in di-
rection of prevall-
ing wind.

194 Peinador 42 14 N 984 feet 3750 x 2550. Run- Huts, rough Rd. (Large
8 38 W way: Cement 1902 airport under const-
5 ml E of NE/SW (work is pro- ruction). Vigo sea-
Vigo; 1 mi gressing on an ex- plane anchorage near
NE of very tension to 4921 with here.
sharp bend in a new runway crossing
Vigo/Porrino Rd. it. Unfavorable winds
frequent fogs. Hilly
country, approaches

195 Penaflor 37 42 N 150 feet 3279 x 2295. Rough RR. Rd.

5 19 W and neglected.
Abt. 1 ml SE
of town.

196 Penarande de Braca- 40 54 N (town) 800 feet 3900 x 2400. Re- Some fuel facilities,
monte 5 12 W ported to be very 2 temporary wooden
good. hangars reported.
Probably abandoned.

Perello 40 52 N (town) 600 feet 2250 x 1200. Re- Probably abandoned.

0 43 E ported good.

198 Pina 41 29 N (town) 500 feet 1800 x 1200. Re- Probably abandoned.
0 32 1 ported hard, dry
and rather stony.

Pineiro 42 16 N (town) 1300 feet Partly usable, le- Field reported under
813W veling work at one constructionL

No. Name Location ELevation

- r
Facilities .....
200 Pla do Cabra 41 21N 700 feet :2100(xx1200. Re- One small bldg.. Prob-
1 17 E ported good. bably abandoned.<
Said to be
mi S of town.

201 Porrino 42 10 N (town) Concrete runways. Shed, underground

8 38 W depots. Tuy airport
smaller and less im-
portant nearby.

202 Posadas 37 49 N 246 feet 4200 x 2940. Firm, 2 dispersal huts in

5 04 W flat. SE corner of field.
2 mi E of town. RR, roads.
203 Pozoblanco 38 22 N (town) 1150 feet 1800 x 1200. Level, Probably abandoned.
4 51 W dusty and stony.

204 Prao. de Panaderos 41 00 N 2650 feet Reported to be 3000 Possibly some bldgs.
5 40 W x 2400 but effective Fuel and other facili-
2 mi NNW of landing area may be ties at Matacan air-
Salamanca smaller. Good grass. port. Prabably abandoned

205 Prat de Liobregat 41 17 N 3 feet 4200 x 1200 (only Fuel, WIT, .3 hangars,
2 05 E 600 feet at E end) workshops, station
9 mi SSW of Leval grass, moder- buildings. Military
Barcelona. ately firm but bad- airport, Barcelona's
ly worn and danger- largest.
ous in wet weather.
concrete servicing
apron in front of

206 Pruna 36 59 N 1950 feet 2700 x 1800 (approx) Secondary field with
5 14 W no installations. Prob-
Abt. mi NNW ably abandoned.
of town.

207 ?untales 36 30 N 13 feet Runway: 2190 x 240 Fuel depot nearby, 1

6 16 w E/W. Probably unser- hangar and a few sheds
Abt. ~ mi NNWd vicable apt. from ruh. Field for C.A.S.A.
aircraft -factory.
208 Quintanar de la 39 36 N (tovn) 2300 feet Small
Orden Probably abandoned.
3. 02W
Said to be NW
of town.
209 Rabasa 38 23 N 23 feet 5400 x 4200 (approx) Large buried fuel
0 30 W Level, hard, stony, tanks, oil teleprinter,
Abt. 3 mi NW becomes boggy after radio, 1 hangar, dis-
of Alicante heavy rains. Concrete persal around perim-
apron in front of eter,'other bldgs.
hangar. Fighter base, suit-
able, however for
Heavy bombers.
210 Ramacastanas 40 10 N 1300 feet 2500 x 2100 (approx) 1aergency field
5 01W Level turf(reported)
Abt. 2 mi SE
of Arenas de
San Pedro.
211 Raquena 39 28 N 2460 feet 3270 x 2685. Flat, Building, HR. Rds.
1 03 W hard.
3~ mi 15E of
212 Retuerto 43 17 N 100 feet 3000 x 2400. Clay Probably abandoned.
3 00' soil, grass-cover-
Said to be ed, liable to be
immed. NW of inundated after
town. rain.
213 Rues 41 09 N 240 feet 5550 x 3900. Ir- Fuel, portable W/T,
1 09 E regular. Level, 2 hangars, workshops,
21 mi E of clay, soil. Dan- barracks, road.
town. gerous in wet
weather. Taxi
track connecting
214 Sabadell .41 32 N 650
eei 2952 x t4.Ie t r factory
2 05 E 4 'ported to be level )ra , kahop s.
11 mi S of town ad firm;: couldbe~. Sabade7 .a craft
xe'dtt ~fac~o ort.

d" --
" r ,
Name8 _' --' Loaion1 Elevation Descrition

Sabinanigo 42 31 N (town) 3200 feet 1800 x 1350. Re- Probably abandoned.

0 23 W ported to be mead-

216 Salamanca Nr. village of Under construction

Villar de Los July 42.

217 Saldana 42 29 N 2900 feet 1950 x 1635 (re- Few barrack huts.
4 45 W ported) Energency field.
Rept. to be
abt 2-3/4 ml
SSW of town.

218 Sales 43 30 N 164 feet 3900 x 1968. Grass Huts and shelters.
5 18 W (being reconditioned
1 ml W1SWof May 42)

219 Salou 41 05 N 100 feet 2700 x 2400. L- 2 bldgs., Rd. Iner-

1 10E shaped. Service- gency field.
2 mi E of able.

220 San Clement 39 25 N 2300 feet 3000 x 1950. Re- Probably abandoned.
2 24 W ported good.
Said to be
2 ml NE of

221 San Fernando 40 51 N 19686 x 6562. Re-

6 02 W ported. Soft and
Abt. 20 ml wet. Cannot hold
from Salamanca. heavy aircraft.

222 San Javier 37 47 N 10 feet 3937 x 3937 (avai- Fuel, WIT, meteo.
0 49 W lable area prob- night landing faci-
2 ml SE of town. ably smaller)Lia- lities, 5 hangars,
to flood. Concrete admn. bldg. and bar-
aprons, long taxi- racks. Joint naval &
track seaplane station.

223 Sanjurgo 41 39 N 980 feet 5580 x 4500. Good, buried fuel tanks
1 00W level, hard. radio, radio beacon
Rept. to be night landing facili-
abt. 5 ml WNW ties, 2 hangars and
of Saragossa repair m1ops. An im-
portant military air-
port. Connected by Rd.
with Garapinillos air-

224 Sanlucar de Barra- 36 46 N (town) S. L. Probably abandoned.

meda 6 21 W
Rept. to be SE
of town.

225 San Pablo 37 24 N 65 feet 8100 x 3000. (two Fuel, WIT, D/F, tele-
5 54 w landing areas separ- phone, hangar, electric
5A ml due E ated by Rds. and power, RR, roads. Civil
of Seville. bldgs.) W side 5100 airport for Seville.
x 1620 (longest run
E/W.) E side 3300 x
1620 (longest run
N/S.) Level, grass
covered. Drainage
work completed. Stone
runways reported.
'Servicing apron.

226 San Sebastian 43 16 N (town) 400 feet Not over 2100. (Con- Race course, some air
2 01 W crete runways report- facilities; capable
Said to be N of ed. Reported soft and of rapid conversion
Lasarte. approaches poor. to use as an airport.
Probably abandoned. 0
227 Santa Cruz de la 39 55 N 2500 feet Reported 6000 x 4800. One bldg. Probably
Zarza 3 12 W abandoned.
Said to be abt.
5 mi S of town.

228 40AIT
Santa Cuz de Mudel-a-- 38Lc 2400 feet 1640 x 1640. Re- Bldgs. for persozvsel
3 28 W ported fairly hard. reported, RR and kD.
1* ml NE of town. Slight slope.

No. Name Location Elevation Description


229 Santa Eugenia 42 33 N (town) NRepcr ted small. Fied reportednder

9 00 construction. lso
N entrance to under construction
the Ria de Arcea here: A meteo sta-
tion and a small radio
station. Lmergency

230 Santander 43 27 N 160 feet 3281 x 1312. Run- 3 small hangars. Other
3 51 W way: 2625 x 98 EME! bldgs. Seaplane base
Imied. W of VSW. Only the runway reported to be located
Albericia. is serviceable. Rest at Santander also.
of ground very rough.
Some levelling and
drainage has been
done, but little prog-
ress made. Runway:
Tarred gravel.

231 Santiago de Compostela 42 53 N 1312 feet 3600 x 19b8 (enlarg- Fuel, ;v/T, D.F, meteo.,
8 25 W ment work reported) night Landing facili-
5-3/4 m E Runway: 5880 (rep) ties, barracks, main
of town. Clay, and earth. Serv-Rd. to Santiago. Work
icing strip, on field in progress.

232 Sarinena 41 48 N 980 feet 1800 x 1800. Good Several bldgs., Rd,
O 10 W grass. RR. rnergency field.
Abt. 1 mi NW
of town.

233 Sarria 42 48 N 1522 feet 2295 x 1311. Level, Telephone, 2 hangars,

7 20 W cuick-drying. Cover- huts, road,RR.
4 mi ENE of ed with short thyme.

234 Sarrion 40 08 N (town) 3000 feet Rept. enlarged from Probably abandoned.
0 49 W 2550 x 750 to unknown
dimensions. Irregular.

235 Segovia 40 57 N (town) 3200 feet 3000 x 2400. Hard Hangar, facilities
4 07 N white soil. for minor repairs,
Said to be E of H.Q. reported.
town. Probably abandoned.

236 Seo deUrgel 42 21 N (town) 3000 feet Probably abandoned.

1 28 E
Said to be in
valley nr. town.

237 Sietamo 42 07 N (town) 1200 feet 2250 x 1800. Grass. Probably abandoned.
0 17 W

x, 23 8 Sistante 39 26.N 2650 feet 3600 x 3000. Level, Said to have fuel
2 11 w grassy, reported tanks. Probably
1* ml NE of good in dry weather abandoned.
town. but liable to flood
in parts in rainy

239 Solsona 41 59 N 2600 feet 2700 x 2250. Meadow- Hangar, some repair
1 31 E land. facilities, barracks.
Said to be just Probably abandoned.
over ml SSW
of town.

240 Somorrostro 43 19 N S. L. Reported to be 2700 A civil war landing

3 07 W x 1800. Good, but field now in disuse.
Abt. ml E of liable to flood when
town. rains coincide with
high tides.

241 Sondica 43 19 N 300 feet Will be 4920 x 4260 Projected to be air-

2 56 w (also reported lar- port for Bilbao. Ex-
Abt. 5 ml N ger). Runways: 4260 tensive construction
of Bilbao. x 657 E/W;3930 x going on.
657 NE/SW; 3279 x
657 NW/SE.(work on
these proceeding.
Runways will be con-
crete. Field unserv-
iceable after rain
and usable only as
an emergency field
t present.

%~i ~

Name Location, I- IEevation Description Facilities I

Tabeirnas 37 04 N 1640 feet 6000 x 3000 (approx) Hangar (possibly
2 21 W Good hard surface. more under construc-
2i mi NE of tion). Roads.

243 Tablada 37 21 N 29 feet 4265 x 3609 irreg- Fuel, W/T, meteo,

6 01 W ular. Runway: 4920 night landing facili-
2~ mi SW of x 195, Hard,. level, ties, 5 hangars, 6
Seville. grassland. Runway; large workshops, other
concrete. buildings. (New hang-
ars and barracks
under construction.)
kds., RR, canal, river
communications. One
of the principal and
best equipped military
airports in Spain.

244 Tafalla 42 31 N 1510 feet 2295 x 984. Meadow-

1 40 W grass, stony.
2. mi SW of

245 Talarrubias 39 01 N 1804 feet. 1312 x 820. Firm, irkergency field.

5 15W only central por-
Abt 2 mi SW of tion flat enough
town. for use.

246 Talavera de la Reina 39 58 N 1470 feet 2610 x 1350 (approx) 1 large wooden hang-
4 58 W Reported 1 runway, ar, ninor repair faci-
7 mi W of About 2610. Level, lities, good barracks
town, soft in wet weather. reported. r~mergency
Runway cement. field.

247 Tardienta 41 59 N 1000 feet 2700 x 2250. Meadow- Probably abandoned.

0 32 J land.

248 Tarrasa 41 33 N (town) 1100 feet Rather stony. Probably abandoned.

2 00 E

249 Tarrega 41 41 N 700 feet 990 x 990. Un- Probably abandoned.

1 07 L confirmed report
2 mi NW of that it is now
town. 2250 x 1950. Un-
satisfactory and
approaches poor.
250 Teruel 40 22 N 3280 feet 19,8 x 1638. Stony, Field markings. Road
1 09 W well-drained. and ER.
3 mi VN of

251 Teso de la Ferla 40 57 N 2650 feet Reported 3000 x No installations.

541VW. 3000 approx. but Fuel, and facilities
1-3/4 mi SW effective landing at Matacan airport.
of Salaranca. area may be smal- Probably abandoned.
ler. Dry, rather

252 Torre del Negro 37 43 N 6 feet Taxi track 2850 x Small bldgs., sheds
0 51 W 60 to Los Alcazares garage. Auxiliary for
Nearly 1 mi airport could be Los Alcazares airport.
S of Los Al- used as runway by
cazares air- fighters. Ground W
port. and S of taxi tracks
appears to be rough.
2 taxi tracks (pos-
sibly macadam).

253 Torrelavega 43 21 N (town) S. L. 1650 x 1200 Probably abandoned.

4 03 W

254 Torremocha del Campo 1O 51 N 3350 feet 1800 x 1200 Probably abandoned.
2 38 W
Rept. to be
abt 1 mi N.
of town.

255 Torrijos 39 59 N 1640 feet 2460 x 1950. Re- roads, RR. Jnergency
- 418 W ported irregular field.
j mi SW of town, and stony.
r:: :--i

No. Name
ae Location
atio Description Facilities:'
Facte :

256 Tortosa 40 49 N (town) 300 feet 2400 x 2250 Re- Probably abandoned.
0 31 E ported good, stony
in parts.

257 Tortuera 40 59 N 3648 feet 1311 x 1311 (prob- Boundary markings and
1 47 W ably enlarged). central T.
2 ml NNE of firm and quick-
town. drying, all weather.
Gentle slope toward

258 Trujilo 39 27 N (town) 1400 feet Probably abandoned.

5 53 W
Rept. to be NW
of town.

259. Tudela 42 01 N 1000 feet 4920 x 3300. Level, Telephone, boundary

1 38 W hard and dry. lights, buildings, 2
3j ml SSE of water towers, person-
town. nel quarters, poor
Rds. RR station at

260 Tuy 42 03 N W/T, underground faci-

8 40 W lities reported. Mir-
1 mi NW of port has been reported
town. also near Valenca, which
would be S of Tuy and
possibly across the
border in Portugal.

261 Valdepenas 38 47 N 2300 feet 3000 x 3000 re- WIT, RR station at

3 25 W ported. Reported Valdepenas.
Rept. to be L good. Surrounded
mi WNW of town. by olive trees.

262 Valdovino 43 36 N (torn) 650 feet 2970 x 2640 (approx) 1 hangar reported.
8 08 W Sandy, not satisfac- Poor Rd to Ferrol.

263 Valencia de Don 42 17 N (town) 2000 f et 2250 x 1800 Meadow- 1 hangar reported.
Juan 5 31 W land. Probably abandoned.
Rept. to be NW
of town.

264 Valladolid 41 36 N 2400 feet 2400 x 2100 2 or 3 hangars re-

4 47 w ported. Probably
SW of the tdwn. abandoned.

265 Valls 41 18 N 800 feet 3000 x 2580 (roughly Sheds and other bldgs.
1 lb E triangular) Firm might be used as hang-
2.mi NE of. and level. ars. All deteriorated.
town. RR, Rd.

266 Vendrell 41 15 N 328 feet 3000 x 3000 partly Good Rds and RR from
1 32 E under cultivation. Vendrell.
24 ml N of Used to be good.
town. Earth with some
grass. Center of
field suitable for

267 Vera 37 17 N Former military field

2 07 W reported.
A few mi NWv
of Vera in a
triangle of Rds.

268 Vera de Bidasoa 43 16 N (town) 250 feet Said to be grass. Probably abandoned.
1 41 w
Rept. close to
and SSW of town.

269 Verges 42 04 N Abt. S.L. 3600 x 1650 (approx) Reported partly under
3 04 E Reported by have been cultivation but cap-
Rept. to be good. able of rapid prepar-
lz ml E of ation for use.

270 Vich 41 55 N 1400 feet 2700x x 1950 (approx) Large hangar, guarded,
2 15 E in NE corner. Report-
Rept. to be 3/4 ed to be entirely Under
mi SW of town. a cultivation.


8: ; .i
9 rrt .. : ., 't
AIRPOI i A 1ND d ^s

No. Name Location; Elevation

y1LV 0VL
L y.l
42 20 N 150 feet 2400 x 1200 but re- Reported some bldgs.
3 O ported to be partly previously used as
Rept. to be 3/4 under cultivation, store sheds and re-
mi N of town. capable, however, of pair shops. Probably
rapid preparation abandoned.
for use.

272 Vilalonga 41 12 N 250 feet 1950 x 1200. Used Reported to be entire-

1 12 E to be good but ly under cultivation,
Rept. to be dusty. but capable of rapid
immed W or SW reconditioning.
of the town.

273 Villa del Prad o 40 14 N 1640 feet 2625 x 990. Slightly 1 small hangar, near
4 18 rV bumpy, hard and arid. narrow gauge RR. rnerg-
3 m S of Town. ency field.

274 Villfames 40 09 N 980 feet 3279 x 984. clay

0 00 soil, grass.
3 mi Ni of

275 Villafranca del 41 21 N (town) 400 feet Conflicting reports Probably abandoned.
Panades 1 42 E as to size, but prob-
Said to be S of ably small. IReported
town. good, with some grass.

276 Villafria 42 21 N 2820 feet 6870 x 3117. Chalk anc i Fuel depot, WT,
3 37 W sand, hard and flat ex- D/F, radio beacon,
4 mi E of cept recent extensionss. 5 hangars, barracks.
Burgos; imied. Elarged and im-
S of Villafria. prod'ed civil air-
port for Burgos.

Villaluenga 40 03 N 2400 feet 3000 x 2100 (approx) Hangar reported.

3 53 wi Said to be good. probably abandoned.
Abt. 6 mi E
of town.

278 Vi]lamartin 36 50 N 450 feet 3279 x 3277. Level, Telephone, Rd.

5 38 W grassland.
2 ni S of

279 Villanubla 41 42N 2856 feet 3270 x 2295 (also Fuel depots, radio.,
4 51 w reported much lar- night landing facili-
7 mi Wi+IvW
of ger). Runway: 984 ties, 2 hangars work-
Valladolid. x 65 reported. shops, barracks, road,
Hard, level, badly i. (Construction
drained. Concrete work and enlargment
apron in front of on this field.)
280 Villanueva de la 38 58 N (town) 1700 feet Grass, reported Probably abandoned.
Serena 5 48 w good.
Rept. to be be-
tween town and Rt

281 Villarcayo 42 56 N (town) 2400 feet 2550 x 2100. Re- Repair facilities and
3 34 w ported good. headquarters reported.
Probably abandoned.
282 Villar del hrzobispo 39 44 N (town) 1700 feet 2100 x 1500. Re- Probably abandoned.
0 50 ported good.
Poss. S of town.

283 Vinaroz 40 28 N (town) Abt. S.L. 2700 x 2550 (approx) Probably abandoned.
0 28 E Liable to flood in

284 Vitoria 42 51 N 1800 feet 1968 x 1320 Reported to have 2

241W small hangars. Prob-
1 mi NNW of ably not maintained.
Zalamea de la 38 39 N (town) 1700 feet Reported good, Probably abandoned.
Serena 5 39 W with some grass

Name Location Elevation +r ~-
Description Facilities

286 Alverca 38 53 N 16 feet 3300 x 2040. Level Fuel underground' (8

9 02 W but unserviceable octane), radio, Tele-
13 mi NNE of after heavy rain, phone, meteo, (light-
Lisbon. liable to flood. ing system under con-
Fogs and mists struction), 2 hangars,
from river. major repairs, air-
craft assembly, mark-
ings, wind indicators,
personnel accommoda-
tions. Government
aircraft factory adj-
oining. Seaplane base
here also.

287 Amadora 38 45 N 440 feet 2400 x 1800. Level, Fuel, W/T, telephone,
9 14 W firm grass. Appro- military hangars, Minor
5-3/4 mi WNW aches poor. repairs, barracks, Rd
of Lisbon. and RR adjacent.

288 Amareleja 38 18 N 738 feet 2160 x 1470 pear- Telephone, small fuel
7 12 W shaped. Firm and depot, and radio in
1~ mi NE of stony. Drains well. Amareleja. Fiergency
town. field.

289 Arrayolas 38 44 N 787 feet 1980 x 1350 (cap- Telephone and tele-
7 57 W able of extension). graph in Arrayolas.
2 mi eIE of Clay. Drains poorly Dnergency field.
town. after rainfall.

290 Aveiro 40 39 N S. L. 1650 x 1320. Sandy, Deergency field op-

844W slight slope. erated in conjunc-
Abt. 1 mi N tion with Aveiro sea-
of Barra Nova. plane station. Faci-
lities available at
seaplane station.

291 Beja 38 03 N 925 feet Clay with some rocks Telephone and tele-
7 50 W Uneven ground, slopes graph in Beja. Field
S of town. to S. reported under culti-

292 Braga 41 35 N 328 feet 2297 x 1640. Ir- Telephone at Palmeira;

8 27 W regular. Good but fuel, w/T, telephone-
22mi NNYvof secondary road telegraph, weather,
town. crosses ground. and minor repairs in
Braga. Fznergency Field.

293 Braganca 41 48 N 2345 feet 1800 x 1500 ir- Fuel, boundary marks.
6 46 W regular. Hard, Telephone and tele-
1* mi W of rough, well drain- graph in Braganca;
town. ed, slightly undu- w/T at Fort S. Joao
lating. de Deus, mi from
field. iergency field.
294 Bussaco 40 20 N 3000 feet Rouh Field has been aban-
8 22 W doned for years.
Abt. 11 mi
NNE of Coim-

295 Carrazeda de Anciaes 41 15 N 2624 feet 1770 x 1000 ir- Boundary posts, wind
7 18 W regular. Rough indicators. In town:
n ld NW of and slightly un- Limited fuel (87 oc-
town. dulating. Hard tane), reported. Re-
sand and olay, pairs, accommodation.
well drained. Dnergency field.

296 Castello Branco 39 50 N 15b5 feet

7 30 w
Approx. 15 ni
NE of Villa de

297 Cha 41 20 N 2558 feet 2100 x 1500 ir- Fuel in drums, mark-
7 27 W regular. Hard, ings, wind indicators.
3/4 m NE of flat. Drains well. Telegraph and minor
town. repairs in Alijo.
rnergency field.

298 Chaves 41 43 N 1158 feet 1950 x 1200 ir- Telephone. In town:

7 28 w regular. Report- fuel, jiT weather,
1 ni SSE of ir . p&i s. i er-
town. gncy,>f.e3.d4

299 Coibr 3 n) 50 feet 3559 x 1312 (approx) Civil field. Telephone

8 25W Uneven, clay. Drains and telegraph in Coim-
Nr. ur iversity, slowly. bra . Met eo . at univer-
abt. 3 ml S of sity nearby.

300 Coruche 38 57 N 1968 x 1470. Smooth Private emergency field

8 3 W sand, liable to flood.
Rept. to be
abt b mi iWof

301 Covilha 40 16 N (town) 1480 feet 75)0 x 5250 Said to be one of the
7 30 i best fields in Portugal
9 mi from town.

302 Elvas 38 48 N Former military field

7 06 wi reported.
SE of town.

303 Espinho 40 58 N S. L. 2700 N/SW, 2295 Fuel in drums (87 oc-

8 39 W N/S, 1050 NW/SE, tane), telephone, 1
2~ ml due S of irregular. Firm hangar and offices,
town. even after heavy wind indicators, mark-
rain. Liable to ers. Used by B.O.A.C.
temporary inunda- aircraft. Gunnery
tion from lake. school here.Seaplane
anchorage here. Un-
satisfactory field.
Dangerous in winter.

304 Figueira de Foz 40 07 N 10 feet 1500 NE/SW, 1200 Fuel in drums, 1

8 51 uYNvJ/E, irregular small hangar, markers
1 mi SE of Only 2 runs poss- wind indicators. In
town. ible. Sandy, ;flat town: Telephone and
and firm, well- telegraph. £ ergency
drained. Ground field.
marshy outside land-
ing area.

305 Gaviao 39 24 N 1320 x 1320. Obstru- Private emergency

7 50 W ctions around field fie] d.
Rept. abt. 62 reported.
ni SE of town.

306 Guarda 40 32 N (town) 3466 feet Small E iergency field.

7 16 w

307 Louza 40 07 N (town) Small Inergency field.

8 15 W

308 Macedo de Cavaleiros 41 32 N 1847 feet 1290 x 660. Firm In town: small fuel
6 5g W slightly undulat- depot, telephone,
~ mi SSW of ing. Well-drained. minor repairs. ner-
town. gency field. Landing
is difficult.

309 Mirandella 41 29 N (town) Small i nergency field.

7 il W

310 ontemor 0 Novo 38 42 N 1650 x 1650 1 hangar. Private

8 13 w emergency field.
Rept. 3-3/4 ni
N of town.

311 Monte Rteal 39 50 N 1o7 feet 4273 x 3281. Coarse Fuel (87 octane)
8 53 W scrub grass, good oil, telephone, 1
2 ml SW of and firm. Drains small hangar, mark-
town. well. ers. iadio at lonte
real. Lkinor repairs
at Leiria. tsed by
Leiria Aero Club.

312 Montijo 38 42 N 3270 circular. Area W/T,.D/F. (First

9 03 W cleared and levelled class Naval Opera-
Lmed. oppo- could be extended. tional base under
site Lisbon. Sandy soil (to be
covered with the
local couch grass)
construction). Hang-
ars, barracks, and
all facilities to be
built. Adjacent to
Montijo seaplane
base, also under con-

No. Name Location Elevation

__ I Description Facilities _ __
313 Ota 3 05 N 690 feet 6600 N/S, 2610 Fuel (87 octane)'
8 57 W i/W. Level (drain- underground, radio,
2 mi SE of age work done). telephone, meteo, 6
town. surrounding hills. hangars, minor re-
Taxi tracks to hang- pairs, markes, wind
ars. sock, barracks, high-
way. Principal base
of Portugal Air Force.

314 Pedras Rubras 41 13 N 2460 x 2460. Run- (Airport under con-

8 42 W ways: (4 turf ed struction, Station
Abt. 7 mi NNW runways projected) bldgs., hangar and
of Oporto. Very level, all concrete apron,. Rd.
weather (Work on projected), To be
levelling, drain- for national use and
ing and turfing for the Portuguese
in progress) Military Air Service.

315 Ponte de Sor 39 16 N 672 feet 1800 x 1500 (approx) Telephone and tele-
8 01 W irregular. Good, graph at Ponte de Sor.
~ ml NW of sandy. Surrounded by flhergency field.
town. trees.

316 Portela de Sacavem 38 46 N 350 feet Runvays: 4 concrete, Fuel and oil, full
9 08 W 4590 x 165 NNE.SSW; lighting equipment,
31 mi NNE 3900 x 165 NW/SE; some temporary air-
of Lisbon. 3810 x 165 NNW/SSE/ port bldgs. An inter-
3300 x 165 YVSW/i1E national airport.
Sandy clay, good Further facilities
drainage. Apron. and permanent blgd.
will not be erected
until after the war.
Seaplane base Cabo
Ruivo. nearby.

317 Portimao 37 07 N Dnergency field.

8 32 W
mamed. SE of

318 Prioto 40 04 N
8 29 W
Abt. 11 mi SSW
of Coimbra.

319 Santa Cruz 39 07 N 148 feet 1803 x 819. Iough, Markers, wind sock
9 23 W light soil, firm. Telephone in Santa
1 ml SSE of Slight slope from S. Cruz. Elnergency Field.

320 Sintra 38 50 N 426 feet 4200 x 3870 approx. Fuel, underground,

9 20 W in good weather. 300 radio, D/F, full
3-3/4 m NE x 1950 in bad weath- night flying faci-
of town. er. Fland and grass- lities, 4 hangars,
covered, liable to be workshops and sta-
unserviceable after tion bldgs. Mili-
rain. Sierra do Sin- tary airport and
tra hills, frequent- flight training
ly enveloped in fog shool. Also na-
to the SW. ed by Civil Air Lines.

321 Tancos 39 28 N 272 feet 2550 x 2400 (Sur- Fuel (87 octane), and
8 22 W rounding terrain oil buried, radio,
1~ ml Wof can be used making telephone, weather,
Constancia. a maximum area of 5 hangars, minor re-
3600 x 3600.) Hard pairs, barracks. Mili-
flat, drains well. tary field.

322 Viana do Alemtejo 38 20 N (town) Small Dnergency field.

8 00 N

323 Vila Real do Santo 37 12 N (town)

Antonio. 7 27 W

324 Vila Nova de Milfontes 37 40 N 3937 x 984 avail- In town. Telephone.

8 48 W able for use. Clay Field under cultivation
at present.
tOwn . v
325 Villa Pouca d'Aguiar 41 30 N 4 2703 feet ' X Fuel, tel. and tel.
s 1
radio, minor repairs.
27iml Due W. rlnergency field.


Nme Location; )
.. ltaa Eievation
icvr Description
u u ate..

326 'L Viseu-' 40 43 N 2055 feet 2166 x 12g73. rough Fuel (87 octane)
7 53 w heath, slightly un- boundary posts, wind
4-3/4 mi NN dulating near S T. Tel. and Tel. WIT,
of town. boundary, bogy in at Viseu. emergency
wet weather. field.


327 Alcudia 39 50 N Abt. S. L. 2400 x 2250. Poor, Small emergency field.

3 07 E reverts to marsh- Seaplane anchorage
In NE pt. of land in wet wea- nearby.
Majorca I 1~ ther.
mi S of town.

328 Inca 39 42 N (town) 1500 x 1500 reported. Abandoned.

2 55 E Poor, unusable in win-
On NE part of $er or wet weather.
Majorca I. Prob-
abt. 2 mi SSE of

329 Las Sallinas 38 52 N Below S.L. 3300 x 3300 Abandoned

1 22 E
On S pt. of Ibiza
I. Slightly N of

330 Pollensa 39 53 N (town) 2460 x 2460 (uh- Large hangar adj-

3 01 E confirmed). oining Formentor Rd.
Rept. on Maj- Abandoned. Seaplane
I, behind hill SW base here also
of Pollensa harbor.

331 San Luis 39 52 N Abt. S. L. 3000 x 900, longest Reported to have smal.
4 15 E run approx. NNE/SSW fuel storage, also W/T,
In SE corner of iough, soft stone. at Villa Irun. Poor
Mlinorca. 1 mi field little used.. Sea-
W of town. plane base near here.

332 Santaby 39 21 N Abt. S. L. No activity

3 08E
In SE part of
Majorca I. Rep.
just NW of town.

333 Son Bonet 39 36 N 5100 x 750 NE/SW; Fuel in drums, w/T,

2 42 E 3600 x 750 NNaVI telephone, 4 hangars
3 mi NE of Palma SSE, cruciform. workshops, barracks,
Recently extended. store. Has been used
Hard, flat, possi- by Civil Air Lines
bly rough. and for repair of
service craft. Second
best airport on the

334 Son San Juan 39 34 N Abt. S.L. 5850 x 3150. Max- Reported to be best
2 45 E imum run, 5100 NE airport on the island.
4-3/4 mi E SW. Runways: 2400 Fuel underground, w/T,
of town of NE/SW, 2100 NWSE. D/F, 3 hangars, night
Palma on Ma- Firm, flat. Boggy landing facilities,
jorca I. after heavy rain. repair shops, other
Runways concrete. buildings.
Concrete turning
ci rcles and Taxi

335 Gibralter 36 09 N 5 feet Runway only used Fuel (100 and 87

5 21 W for landing. Run- octane), oil. ,'rT,
ml NIvuof the way 4200 x 300 D/F, radio, tel. &
Rock of Gibralter E/o to be 5400 x tel., Teletype, meteo.
on "neutral ground". 450 when comple- from seaplane base,
ted. Sand, partly flare path both sides
tarmac, all weather. of runway, floodlights,
Runway hard asphalt flares availabe, 3
with crushed rock, temporary hangars,
takes 60,000 lbs. minor repairs, yellow
Obstruction: The pylons along runway
rock reaches height boundaries. Seaplane
of 1396 '. hater ap- bases ml away.
proaches to both
... f
ends of runway.
Spain, Seaplane Bases

No. Name. Location Elevation Description Facilities

336 Alboran I. 35 56 N S. L. Strong currents. No equipment. Anchor-

3 02 W age; SE corner of is-
Alboran I. lies land. Small island
39 mi N of Mel- with lighthouse.
illa and approx.
50 mi S of coast
of Spain.

337 Coruna 43 22 N 1 mi in any direc- Not a regular base.

8 23 w tion. Possible land- No regular seaplane
In bay of Coruna ing area small at facilities, but sev-
S and SE of harbor. times. During N winds,eral cranes up to 20
more sheltered water tons. Former airport
S of San Anton castle nearby.
At NE end of harbor.
i)epth inside harbor
6-30'; inside basin
10'. Holding ground:

338 errol 43 28 N 1 mi to l mi N1 5 No regular seaplane

8615 W ample E/W. N/S ob- facilities but ships'
S and W of town. struction of ships' mooring houys and large
bouts. Landing area cranes available. Navel
sheltered from winds /T station.
and sea; tides: 12.8
ft. rising by 8 in. in
stormy SW winds; cur-
rents in narrows: 3 mp

339 Huelva 37 13 N S. L. Ample. Tides ll at Refuelling and cranes

6 56 w mean high water sta- in port, 2 mooring
Landing areas in ge. bouys in Rio Tinto.
Rio Tinto, Rio Od- Adjacent to an air-
iel or at their con- port not in use at
fluence off Punta del present. No activity.

340 (La Aeronautica) 41 22 N S. L. Ample N/S; nmi Naval W/T, 1 hangar

2 10 E E/Vv. bell shelter- 5 and 10-ton cranes,
Immed. SE of ed by breakwaters. 6 mooring bouys, work-
Bercelona. shops and admin. bldgs.

341 La Carraca 29 N Ample room in chan- Hangars, bldgs., other

11 W nel. Harbor S of facilities at La Carraca
NE corner Puntales Castle is Dockyard. Probably
Cadiz Bay. large, shallow w/ abandoned.
channel marked by
bouys leading to La
Carraca. Channel has
ample water and is
well-bouyed. Tidal
stream reaches 41
mph at high water
stage of channel.

342 La Rindada 41 18 N S. L. Probably abandonea.

2 07 E Adjoining LIuntadas
In lagoon. airport.

343 Los Alcazares 37 44 N Ample. Tell shelter- 2 hangars (1 with

0 51 w ed. concrete apron and 2
On Mar Menor slipways, other with
lagoon. taxi track and slip-
way), long quay. Other
facilities at airport
of same name.

344 Malaga 36 42 N 1 ml x 900' inside, Fuel, w/T, and repairs

4 25 vv ample room outside. at Port and Malaga
S of Malaga airport. No record of
town in inner use.

345 Marin 42 24 N lz ml in any dir- Naval station, not used

8 42 W ection. Best shelt- as seaplane base since
In Pontevedra er S of Tambo I. - civil war. W'T. Anchor
estuary. Poor shelter in W age: , of Mann Mole or
winds. outside mouth of Lerez H


No. Name Location Elevation Description Facilities

tY 346 Puntales. 36 3CI Ample. Channel has Fuel depot nearby,

6 16 wv ample depth and is 1 large hangar, sea-
22 mi SSE of well houyed. plane factory bldgs.
Cadiz on W side slipway with winch,
of Cadiz Bay. 5 seaplane bony
ships' bouys. Stat-
ion belongs to sea-
plane works. Has also
been used by civil
air lines. Airport

347 Rosas 42 15 N Ample in gulf. Very Fuel, repairs at

3 10 E exposed bay. Rosas. Hangars re-
of Gulf of ported but not con-
Rosas, firmed. Probably

348 San Javier 37 48 N timple Group of hangars

o 48 b wvith concrete aprons
5 ni NIV of Estacio and 3 slipways. Other
lighthouse. facilities at airport.
Anchorage: a ouay and
2 breakwaters en'-lose
a small harbor 2250
x 1140 here.

349 Santander 43 28 N S. L. Hydroplanes reported

3 50 W bases near the Santan-
der airport.

350 Valencia Port 39 27 N 1> mi x 1 mi in outer Fuel, 1 bldg. weT,

0 19 W port. Area calm and at Minises airport.
in outer port, sheltered. Slight activity.
3 mi SE of Val-

351 Vigo 42 15 N Ample room. Height Formerly 4 small bouys.

8 41 W 11.7' .Influenced by Port facilities at
In estuary. wind. Bouzas. Airport near.

Balearic Islands, Seaplane Bases

352 Alcudia Bay 39 50 N S. L. Xfmi x t mi NE/ W/T, radio heacon,

3 08E SW. jetty, intown: tele-
NW corner of pnone, accomodations.
Alcudia Bay. Airport near here. No

353 Formells 40 03 N 14 ml N/S; - m Permanent anchorage.

4 08 E E/W. Almost land- bldga., limited fresh
N end of Min- locked, but expos- water.
orca Il ed to N gales.

354 La Sabina 38 43 N Salt lakes united Fuel, W/T, barracks.

1 25 E near La Sabina.
SW of Ibiza I.

39 53 N ml x mi. Nar- W/T, 2 hangars, slip-

355 ahon,
4 16 E row harbor, restric- way, concrete apron,
At SL end of ted by low-lying other facilities at
Minorca town. hills on either side. Naval Base. Airport nr.

356 Palma 39 34 N Inside the port mi Formerly radio, hangars,

2 38 E x w mu. Landing must jetty, nuays, crane
SVVof town. be SW/NE or vice versa. other facilities in
town. Now abandoned.

357 Pollensa Bay 39 54 N Calm water area; Fuel, telephone, han-

3 06 E 1 mi x 1mi. E gars, ouay with 2
NE part of side of harbor jetties, 2 slipways,
Majorca I. best for landing. cranes, barracks and
other bldgs. Constr-
uction work. Well
equipped base. Air-
port here also.
Portugal, Seaplane Bases

358 Alverca 38 52 N S. L. Large. Strong cur- Civil customs sea-

9 02 w renus up to 7 knots. plane station. Tele-
On W bank of H phone and telegraph.
Tagus. Bouys, operated in
connection w/airport.

Name Location Elevao D Facilities

Aveiro 40 39 N S. L. 23 mi x 1 mi (ap- Naval base. Fuel,

8 44 W prox). Depth: Only telephone, W/T, D/F,
No. 1: on the 2-3'. Unsuitable (under construction)
W bank of San for large craft. 2 hangars, (for land
Jacinto channel. and seaplanes), slip-
No. 2: Dnergency way, Anchorage: Bad
landings can be holding ground. Op-
made in lagoon. erated in conjunction
with Aveiro airport.

360 Barreiro Channel 38 40 N S. L. Unlimited in R. Ehoergencylanding

9 08 W Tagus. Rough sea area only. 1 fixed
3 ni SSE of at tines. mooring bouy. Pier.
Lisbon. RR to Lisbon; facili-
ties in Lisbon.

361 (Bom Successo) 38 41 N S. L. Ample E/W only. Naval seaplane sta-

9 13 W Strong currents. tion. Fuel, Telephone,
On N bank of Obstructions. Land- W/T, hangars, some
Tagus R. ing area is in nar- repairs, small slip-
rowest part of R. way, crane, bouys.

362 Cabo Ruvio 38 45 N S. L. Ample. WVhen water P.AA and BOAC, base,
9 06 w is too rough, em- Fuel, W/T, night
3-3/4 mi NNE ergency area is landing lights and
of Lisbon. used. illuminated wind T.
Servicing shed with
workshops,.engine and
spare part stores
pier, pontoon, elec-
tric capstan, PAA.
Admin. bldg, 5 moor-
ing bouys. Airport

363 Espinho 40 58 N ~mi x 2mi Lagoon. Operated in conjunc-

8 38 W. tion with airport.
S of airport
364 Faro 36 59 N
7 51 w Ample outside; 900' Emergency anchorage.
In the channel. channel runs along W/T and telephone at
NW shore is island. Fare. Occasionally
Tidal range: 11'. used.
Nctensive sand banks
off mainland shore,
Channel at least 15'
365 Figueira da Foz 40 09 N
8 52 W Landing place for
Mouth of R' small and medium
Mondego sized seaplanes.
366 Lagos Bay 37 06 N
8 40 W Ample room in bay. Energency anchorage.
Suitable landing
In bay E of area in N winds
Lagos only.
Montijo 38 41 N S. L. Ample. Corrent Naval seaplane base
9 03 w
normally 2 knots. under construction
On E bank of Sheltered water.
Tagus R. To replace (Ben
Successo), Extensive
facilities in con-
junction with Montijo
airport planned. W/TL
D/F, (quay suitable
for passenger traffic
and oilers under con-
struction), mooring
area in Montijo Chan
mel (being dredged).
363 Oporto 41 08 N
Not protected from
8 40 W ocean, Suitable for
small seaplanes.
369 Setubal' 38 31.N 2 mi NE/SW. Well Tel. and Tel, port
8 54 W protected. Approx.
z0 mi ESE of launch, 4 wharves, Rd,
25' depth at low RR, l0-ton crane.
Lisbon. water.
370 Valenca
42 02 N (town)
8 39 W
On R. Minho. I 4 WW 1ng nd only
use nbw "f
S. I a
L.ia 900' ;wide t Val-
371 Gibraltar 36 08 N S. L.
521W Meteo., slipway.
On W of the
Rock, in the
r.I( il

,. r

r C 1
' ::. '
i_ 1.



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