Adventure of Living W Jesus 161216
Adventure of Living W Jesus 161216
Adventure of Living W Jesus 161216
Series One 1
The Adventure of Living with Jesus
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Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman
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Scripture taken from the New Century Version®. Copyright © 2005 by Thomas Nelson.
Used by permission. All rights reserved. 2
The Adventure of Living with Jesus
Table of Contents
Introduction.................................................................................................................... 4
7. Obedience–Running to Win.................................................................................... 54
8. Additional Resources............................................................................................... 64 3
When you have asked Jesus Christ into your life, it is important to begin to learn
about the wonderful life God has planned for you. Jesus promises to take our
ordinary, self-centered lives, and make them exceptional and rewarding.
It only makes sense that the One who created us knows what is best for our lives
and can fill them with meaning and focus. By letting Jesus direct your life, you
will truly experience purposeful living and a life filled with adventure.
In his booklet, My Heart, Christ’s Home, Robert Boyd Munger wrote about how
Jesus can make this difference in our lives. When Munger gave his heart
to Christ, he imagined Jesus as the new guest he had invited into his home.
Munger explains how his relationship with Christ changed everything else in
Jesus promises to his life.
take our ordinary,
self-centered lives, “One evening I invited Jesus Christ into my
and make them heart. What an entrance He made! It was
exceptional and not a spectacular, emotional thing, but very
rewarding. real. Something happened at the very cen-
ter of my life. He came into the darkness of
my heart and turned on the light. 4
For example, the “Study” of his heart represents the books and magazines he
read. For us today that would include the TV programs that we watch and the
Jesus can bring Internet sites we visit. Ashamed of the things he had been putting into his mind,
meaning and Munger writes,
purpose to your
“Red-faced, I turned to Him and said, ‘Master, I know that this room needs to
life as you surrender
be cleaned up and made over. Will You help me make it what it ought to be?’
to Him and apply ‘Certainly!’ He said. ‘I’m glad to help you. First of all, take all the things that
God’s promises to you are reading and looking at which are not helpful, pure, good and true,
your life. and throw them out!’”
One room, the closet, was so private Munger felt ashamed. But Jesus reminded
him that His light can change even the darkest areas of our lives.
Munger’s story illustrates how Jesus can bring meaning and purpose to your
life as you surrender to Him and apply God’s promises to your life. These
promises are contained in His Word, the Bible.
The Bible tells us that it is God’s will that we grow in our relationship with
Christ, and live the tremendous life He planned for us (Ephesians 2:10). As we
study and apply God’s Word to our lives, we really begin to live a life that finds
its purpose in Jesus Christ. This course is all about the adventure we experience
If you have made the in life when we let our relationship with Jesus direct our lives.
decision to receive
Jesus as your Running a Marathon
personal Savior
If you have made the decision to receive Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord,
and Lord, you have
you have begun an exciting journey with Christ that will never end.
begun an exciting
journey with Christ The Christian life is more like a marathon than a sprint. At the beginning of a
that will never end. race, competitors always feel great and have lots of energy. However, you can’t
expect the emotions that you are feeling as you begin your walk with Christ to
carry you through when the pressures of daily life are upon you.
Running a marathon requires a great deal of time in training. But training time
definitely pays off in helping a runner to run a better race. 5
Becoming a New Person in Christ
Are you certain you would go to Heaven if you died today? God’s Word tells us
we can know for sure.
The material in this section will help you determine the certainty of your eternal
future with Christ. Even if you have already invited Christ into your life, it is vital
Are you certain you to have assurance that you belong to Him forever.
would go to Heaven
if you died today? On September 11th, 2001, nearly 3,000 people died in a violent act of terrorism at
the World Trade Center. They immediately faced their Maker. None started his or
her day with any clue it would be their last day on planet Earth. 6
What You Are Here For
The Bible tells us God is your loving Father, who planned and designed you to
be His child for all eternity. He wants you to share in the treasures He has for
you in Christ. (See Ephesians 1:3-11.) God could have made you like a robot
who had no other choice but to love Him. However, He wanted you to choose
to love and obey Him of your own free will. And so God gave you free choice!
Wrong Choices
The first man, Adam, was given the choice to love and obey God. When Adam
chose to disobey, he began the sad plight of
selfishness and rebellion that’s prevalent in
our world today. Read Genesis chapter 3 to
find out how sin originated.
Q Read Romans 5:12. What does this verse tell us about sin?
Q What does Isaiah 53:6 say we have done with our choices?
Q What do Genesis 6:5; Genesis 8:21, and Jeremiah 17:9-10 say about the
human heart?
In spite of our Q Does that include you?
unworthiness, our
loving and merciful _______________________________________________________________
God found a way to
give us hope and Separation from God
The Bible says that God is absolutely pure and holy, and cannot allow
unforgiven sinners to pollute His holy presence (Habakkuk 1:13; Isaiah 59:2). 7
Paul told the Roman believers what God’s attitude is toward open rebellion
and sin:
“For God’s [holy] wrath and indignation are revealed from heaven against all
Jesus actually ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who in their wickedness repress and
hinder the truth and make it inoperative” (Romans 1:18).
comes into our
lives and takes up Q In Romans 6:23, what is sin’s penalty?
residence. _______________________________________________________________________
If we were to stop at this point, life would be hopeless and full of despair. But, in
spite of our unworthiness, our loving and merciful God found a way to give us
Jesus Christ hope and favor. And … He paid the ultimate price to do it … His only Son!
fulfilled over two
hundred of those Jesus Christ–God’s Solution
written in the Old Here are just a few Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah which were
Testament ... fulfilled by Jesus. Look them up, and write down the specific prophecies that
exactly! were fulfilled.
Being a Christian
means you have a
relationship with
Jesus Christ.
It is not a “religious
system” or a list of The odds against one person fulfilling merely eight conditions in these prophe-
rules. cies would be the same as a blindfolded person picking one special silver dollar
from a two-foot high stack of silver dollars over an area the size of Texas (greater
than the entire nation of France). Yet, Jesus Christ fulfilled over two hundred of
those prophecies written in the Old Testament ... exactly! Jesus’ sinless life quali-
fied Him to be God’s perfect sacrifice for all of our sins (Hebrews 9:14).
_________________________________________________________________ 8
Jesus also made other “I AM” statements of Himself:
Philippians 2:6-11_________________________________________________
All the evidence points clearly to the fact that Jesus Christ is God!
Sometimes it’s hard for people to accept the fact that Jesus is God because they
Jesus rose from the can’t see Him. One of Jesus’ disciples, “doubting Thomas,” was like that. Read
his story in John 20:24-29.
dead on the third
day…just as He had Q What convinced Thomas?
Read “Did Jesus claim to be God?” for evidence about Jesus’ claim to be God at 9
Jesus told His Jesus Died On The Cross
disciples: “I am the
way, the truth, and The religious leaders knew Jesus was making statements that only God could
the life. No one can make, and accused Him of blasphemy against God (John 10:33). In an unlawful
trial they convicted Him, and turned Him over to the Romans to have Him
come to the Father
executed. Jesus then was beaten mercilessly, nailed to a cross between two
except through me”
thieves, and buried in a heavily guarded tomb. All hope seemed lost.
(John 14:6).
Jesus Conquered Death!
But, Jesus rose from the dead on the third day…just as He had promised.
(Matthew 16:21). Historical records from eyewitnesses testify that Jesus Christ
The truth is that was then seen alive by more than 500 people (1 Corinthians 15:3-8). He is alive
Jesus Christ paid today!
for all your sins on
the cross … and Read “Did Jesus Rise from the
has given you direct Dead?” for the evidence about
access to God. Jesus’ resurrection at
• Buddha is dead.
• Muhammad is dead.
• Confucius is dead.
The Bible calls Jesus the “King of kings and Lord of lords”
(Revelation 19:11-16).
And, it states that Jesus Christ will return to the earth in power and great glory
(see Zechariah 14:4 and Luke 21:27).
Eternal life is a gift
from God. You “There is salvation in no one else! There is no other name in all of heaven for
cannot do anything people to call on to save them” (Acts 4:12).
to earn it!
Jesus told His disciples: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to
the Father except through me” (John 14:6). 10
But, you may be wondering, “What about all the good things I’ve done in my
Becoming a
Christian is putting What do the following verses tell us about who is responsible for your salvation?
your faith in Jesus’
death for you on Romans 5:8_____________________________________________________________
the cross, and in
His resurrection for
your eternal life. Ephesians 2:8-9_______________________________________________________
Titus 3:5-6____________________________________________________________
1 Peter 3:18_____________________________________________________________
Eternal life is a gift from God. You cannot do anything to earn it.
However, like any gift, you can choose to accept or reject it. It’s your free choice.
Q According to 1 John 5:11-13, and John 3:15-18, what is the one requirement of
having eternal life in heaven?
In the original Greek language, the word “believe” means to: trust in, cling to,
rely upon. In other words, “believe” in the original Greek language is an active
faith … much like the faith rock climbers have in the rope to hold them secure.
Becoming a Christian is putting your faith in Jesus’ death for you on the cross,
and in His resurrection for your eternal life. 11
Accepting God’s Forgiveness
The most important decision you will ever make in life is to receive Jesus Christ
as your personal Savior and Lord. Coming to Jesus is about giving your life to
Him and accepting God’s forgiveness by faith.
However, as Robert Munger discovered, Jesus wants to change your life from
being self-centered into a purposeful life that pleases Him.
Personal Invitation
In order to receive God’s forgiveness for your sins,
you must personally invite Jesus Christ into your life
(John 1:12). God knows your thoughts and motives.
He desires you to come to Him in faith and humble-
ness, thanking Him for His death for you on the cross.
You receive Jesus Christ into your life by admitting
your sinfulness and by accepting His forgiveness for
As God’s child He your sins through His death on the cross.
will always love
Q Have you ever personally invited Jesus into your life? If so, when?
you—even when
you fail Him. _______________________________________________________________________
If you haven’t ever invited Jesus into your life, simply pray the following words,
trusting Him to answer you.
“Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for dying for all my sins. Thank you for giving me
eternal life, which you made possible by your death and resurrection. I receive
You as my Savior by faith, and desire You to be Lord of my life.”
Date: ______________
Your growth in
Christ and your Q Once you have put your faith in Christ, is there anything that can separate you
victory over from God’s love? What does Romans 8:38-39 tell us?
temptation will
depend on you _______________________________________________________________________
following God’s
growth plan. 12
Q Will Christ ever leave you? What does Hebrews 13:5 have to say?
Q For how long will God forgive your sins? Read Hebrews 8:12.
As a Christian, _______________________________________________________________________
you are granted
an inheritance. _______________________________________________________________________
As God’s child He will always love you—even when you fail Him. He will never
give up on you—even when you give up on Him. Never quit running the race!
As you learn to trust God’s Word and grow in Christ, you will experience more
and more victory over the enemy’s attacks. Your growth in Christ and your
victory over temptation will depend on you following God’s growth plan.
It is important to grow in your new relationship with Christ. Spend time going
through the remainder of this booklet—looking up the Bible verses—and telling
God you want to live the adventure He has planned for you. 13
The Holy Spirit: God’s Gift to You
When you run a race, such as a marathon, it is your race to win or lose … with-
out any help or encouragement. Living for Christ is different.
Without the Holy
Spirit, living for When Jesus left the earth after His resurrection, He told his disciples to wait for
Christ is impossible. the “promise” He would send them from his Father. “And now I will send the
Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised” (Luke 24:49).
With Him, you can
The Holy Spirit is called many things in the Bible, but His main role in your life
do anything and is to be your “Encourager and Comforter” as you embark on your new journey
everything through with Christ (see John 16:7-15).
Without the Holy Spirit, living for Christ is impossible. With Him, you can do
anything and everything through Christ (Philippians 4:13)!
As Munger discovered, your invited guest and Lord, Jesus, desires to “settle
down” in each “room” of your “house.” He brings warmth, light and music.
Christ lives in you through the Person of the Holy Spirit.
Even though the Holy Spirit is invisible, He is a real person—the Spirit of Jesus
(John 14:16-21).
Read the following verses to find out more about the Holy Spirit:
_______________________________________________________________________ 14
Q 1 Corinthians 6:19____________________________________________________
Yes, the Bible states clearly that just like the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit is
God; one God in three persons.
The Holy Spirit will take each area of your life which you commit to Him and
make it meaningful and purposeful. It won’t happen immediately, and there
will undoubtedly be setbacks, but, “He who has begun a good work in you will
You may not perform it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6).
always feel…or act
new. But in God’s A New You
eyes you are
totally new! “Those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the same any-
more, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun” (2 Corinthians 5:17).
You are now a totally new creation just like a new butterfly, which was formerly
a caterpillar.
You may not always feel…or act new. But in God’s eyes you are totally new!
The Father sees you as one whom his dear Son has purchased with the price of
his own blood. You are His royal child! (Hebrews 2:9-11).
Ashley’s Story 15
Ashley discovered what millions of others have discovered about Jesus: He is
our best friend. No other friend loves you so much or will stick with you so
closely (Proverbs 18:24). Jesus is totally loyal and faithful (Proverbs 20:6).
Life will be a You will be tempted to put other things ahead of Christ. Although there is
continual battle nothing wrong with money or material success, it is very easy to get so focused
between the desire on possessions and success, that God becomes secondary to personal ambition.
to do things your God wants to be your first and highest focus in life … and you will only be truly
way…or Christ’s satisfied when you give Him his rightful place. (Matthew 6:33).
The apostle Paul writes about the struggle to live for Christ. In Romans 7, Paul
writes about how he had the desire to live for Christ, but how he kept failing his
Lord. He learned that this battle of his flesh versus the Spirit can only be won
when we surrender our wills to the Holy Spirit. Paul explains in Romans 8 how
he was able to achieve victory through the Holy Spirit.
As long as you live, you will also have your own flesh with you, and its desire
for self-gratification. Life will be a continual battle between the desire to do
things your way…or Christ’s way.
_______________________________________________________________________ 16
Choosing to listen to the Holy Spirit and follow His leading will always be the
right choice!
The player is not a robot. But he freely chooses to let his coach direct him, be-
cause he wants to play well … and win!
The Holy Spirit will gradually conform us into the image of Christ as we submit
ourselves to Him. Of course, we will never be totally like Christ until we are with
Him in Heaven. 17
The circle on the left depicts a Christian who has given his/her life to Christ,
but has chosen to rule his/her own life. All activities, interests, desires, and
choices are self-directed, leading to a life of spiritual frustration and defeat
(represented by the arrows). Galatians 5:19-21 describes the Christian who has
self at the center of his life.
The key to
yielding your life The circle on the right depicts a Christian who has put Christ as the focus of his
to the Holy Spirit life. All activities, interests, desires, and choices are directed by Christ resulting
is “think right.” in harmony with God’s plan. This is the abiding life, which results from being
obedient to the Word of God. Galatians 5:19-23 describes the vast difference in
a Christ-directed life and a self-directed life. The key to yielding your life to the
Holy Spirit is “think right.”
“I plead with you to give your bodies to God … When you think of what He has
done for you, is that too much to ask?” (Romans 12:1).
It is God’s great love for you that should be your motivation to trust the Holy
Spirit completely with your life. (2 Corinthians 5:14-15).
Todd’s Story
“For three years I had been consumed with the desire to join the elite club for
‘cool’ guys in my high school … the ‘Mavericks.’ Before coming to Christ, I
would have ‘sold my soul’ to have been asked to join. Although I was a
It is God’s great Christian, I thought it would still be okay … even though it was a drinking
love for you that club.
should be your
“I began to seriously think about going all out for Christ, and putting aside
motivation to trust
things that were self-destructive. Finally I
the Holy Spirit
decided to make a decision by the end of the
completely with week.
your life.
(2 Corinthians 5:14- “It was during that week that I got asked to
15). join the Mavericks! I immediately knew that
the stakes were high, and that Satan was try-
ing to derail my decision. I didn’t give him
the pleasure: and turned my life completely
over to God. God gave me true freedom …
and a purposeful life!”
Just as you came to Christ by faith for the forgiveness of your sins, you must by
faith ask the Holy Spirit to control your life.
When you think of what He has done for you … and how much He loves you …
is there any other choice? 18
In response to Christ’s love for you, simply pray the following:
“Dear Lord, I want You to change my life from being self-centered into one that is
Christ-centered. I confess my sinful thoughts and actions, and give You, Holy Spirit,
control of my life right now.”
Jesus will take you just as you are … and begin re-weaving the strands in your
life … when you come back to Him in confession and repentance. God’s Word
says, “If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and
to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). 19
The Key to Walking in the Spirit
It is by faith that God’s power to live for Christ and walk in the Holy Spirit is
available to you!
God tells us that living for Christ is not accomplished by doing what Jesus did,
but rather by letting Him live His life through us by faith. Helping the poor,
feeding the hungry and living morally should be done from a heart of gratitude
rather than out of compulsion. We are to live by faith–not works.
As we live by faith, Jesus’ love will shine through us. Faith in Christ, over time,
will result in obedience to God’s Word, even though there will be ups and
downs (James 2:17).
Your faith will continually be tested. The Bible says the Christian life is like a
battlefield with three specific enemies: the world, the flesh and the devil (Satan).
Paul tells the Ephesian believers that the only way to defeat these enemies is to
trust God and depend upon His Word, the Bible. 20
Q Read Ephesians 6:10-18. What are the keys to winning the battle over these
Many believers ______________________________________________________________________
have mistaken the
Holy Spirit’s power ______________________________________________________________________
for an emotional
feeling or euphoria. Emotionally Charged … But No Power
Jesus was giving his disciples final instructions before He went back to His
Father. They were all emotionally charged after His resurrection … and ready to
give up everything to follow Him.
The power the Holy Spirit brings to you is much more than emotions or feelings
… although they may be part of it. Trying to live for Christ without the Holy
Spirit is like driving a Ferrari without gasoline–powerless. On the other hand,
the Holy Spirit gives us:
Jesus does not give you a list of rules to follow. Rather, He empowers you by His
Holy Spirit to live a life of obedience. 21
Belief Causes Behavior
If you accept How we act and behave is motivated by what we think. If we think we have a
God’s Word as better plan for our lives than God does, we will chase after self-centered pursuits.
truth, and follow
Him, He will give Many people fill their lives by chasing after money, sex, or toys, thinking it will
you desires that bring them happiness. They think, “He who dies with the most toys, wins!” As a
are in alignment result, they waste their lives.
with His will.
Other people leave God out of their lives because they believe life will be boring.
They believe God is against fun … and doesn’t care about their dreams. They
don’t want to trust Him with their future.
The Bible says that God loves you so much that He desires and plans the very
best for your future. The psalmist tells us: “Take delight in the Lord, and He will
give you your heart’s desires” (Psalm 37:4).
If you accept God’s Word as truth, and follow Him, He will give you desires that
are in alignment with His will.
Q Are you ready to make the truth of God’s Word the foundation of your beliefs?
Overcoming Doubt
Joni’s Story
Joni Eareckson was an attractive, athletic teenager who had everything going
her way in life–until she dove head first into a shallow lake … breaking her
neck. 22
Joni struggled greatly until a friend from Young Life named Steve Estes
encouraged her to trust God. Through time, and hearing God’s Word, Joni
began to believe God’s promises. Joni did overcome her despair by faith–and
today runs an international ministry, Joni and Friends, which shares Christ’s
love with disabled people all over the world.
Victorious Faith
The Bible tells us that it is possible to live a life of victorious faith. Hebrews
chapter 11 gives us examples of men and women who trusted God in spite of
great adversity and opposition. Such a life pleases God greatly, and results in a
life of victory over our circumstances.
Read Hebrews chapter 11. Write down your thoughts about those who had
victorious faith: ________________________________________________________
God has a place of
rest for you.
When God rescued the Israelites from slavery in Egypt He performed many
miracles, including drying up the Red Sea so they could escape the armies of
Pharaoh. They saw God’s mighty hand at work, but soon forgot and began to
doubt His promise to provide for their basic needs.
God told them through Moses that He had a place of rest for them to dwell in,
called the Promised Land, “a land flowing with milk and honey.” But all they did
was complain and doubt God’s promise. (Read Exodus chapters 3 through 20.)
They sent 12 spies to scout out the land and discovered it to be a paradise
“flowing with milk and honey.” But there were also giants there. When they
came back and reported their findings, only Joshua and Caleb were willing to
trust God and face the giants. The other 10 scouts were afraid and convinced the
doubting Israelites they would be unable to overcome the giants. For the next
40 years they wandered in the wilderness–unwilling to trust God and enter His
place of rest. (Read chapters 13 and 14 in the book of Numbers.)
_______________________________________________________________________ 23
Q God has a place of rest for you. Read Hebrews 3:7-4:16. According to this
passage, how do we enter God’s rest? _____________________________________
If you will simply trust the promises in God’s Word, you will discover wonderful
rest. That is victorious faith!
Is there something in your life keeping you from trusting God? If any of the
following areas are keeping you from trusting God—confess them to God, and
repent (change your thinking), now—before it is too late.
Every moment of
your life, the Holy
Spirit is waiting to
guide you into
purposeful living.
But He always
allows you free
“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you
into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what
God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect His
will really is.” (Romans 12:2) 24
Walking in the Spirit
is a moment-by-moment decision
Broken Fellowship
Every believer sins and breaks fellowship with the Holy Spirit at times
(1 John 1:8). Broken fellowship does not mean your sins aren’t forgiven. Jesus
paid for all your sins on the cross, once and for all.
Broken fellowship means that you are not abiding in Christ, and therefore are
not experiencing God’s purpose and plan for your life.
The apostle Paul (formerly named Saul) had been a strong opponent of the
early Christians. As a high-ranking Jewish leader, he was angry at everything
Christians stood for … and wanted to abolish Christianity and the worship of
Christ, even having Christians put to death.
“On his way to Damascus, Jesus miraculously appeared to him in a vision. When
Paul heard and saw Jesus … recognizing Him as Lord … he asked Jesus, ‘What
will You have me to do?’” (Acts 9:6).
Paul’s attitude of willingness to serve Christ is what God wants from you and
“God’s way” in life results in purpose, power, peace, and hope. God wants to
direct your life all the time.
But the sinful part of you will always want your own way … the “self-centered
way.” A self-centered life may get high on short-term pleasures, but usually ends
up in fear, emptiness, loneliness, and finally despair.
However, at any moment of your day, you can get back on “God’s Way” and
restore fellowship with Him. Simply take the following steps: 25
“Spiritual Breathing”
To better understand how to walk in the Spirit on a moment-by-moment basis,
Bill Bright compares it to breathing. When you breathe, you exhale impurities,
and inhale pure air and oxygen. In “spiritual breathing,” you “exhale” sin–by
confession, and “inhale” the Holy Spirit’s control–by faith. (Read Spirit-filled Life
by Bill Bright.)
Once the Holy Spirit is in control of your life, He gives you power to live for
The test of whether
or not you are living
in the will of God
is not that your life
is trouble-free, but
that you are trusting
God in spite of your
Lars’ Story
During the seven years that Lars’ athletic body, sight, and mobility
deteriorated, his faith in Christ actually deepened. He listened to Christian
radio broadcasts, and never asked, “Why?” Even in his deepest pain, he
believed that God loved him, and had some unknown purpose for his trial.
On his last night, Lars weakly prayed to his heavenly Father, trusting Him
with his future.
...the Holy Spirit
has promised to Q Read Romans 8:28. What is God telling you in this verse that you can trust
give you the Him for? _______________________________________________________________
power to ________________________________________________________________________
temptation. Just because you are living in to obedience of God’s Word, does not mean you life
will be trouble free. The real test is weither you are trusting God in spite of your
Q In what ways are you trusting God to help you overcome temptation?
_______________________________________________________________________ 27
Don’t ever say, “The temptation is too strong,” and give in to it. If you are
abiding in God, the Holy Spirit has promised to give you the power to withstand
Darrel’s Story
“I was involved in a sexual relationship with Tori whom I had been dating
for two years. When I got back from Young Life Camp, I wanted to please my
Savior. But I tried to rationalize my behavior–
thinking that God might approve. I thought God
would understand my needs.
Darrel took God seriously, and “ran” from the temptation that could have
entrapped him and hindered his walk with Christ. By faith Darrel chose to
obey God … and he won a great victory! (See John 14:21.)
Q What are some steps you can take the next time you are tempted?
Matt’s Story 28
“When a godly man told me about the Holy Spirit’s power to break my
addiction, I began looking into God’s Word and memorized its promises. I
discovered God’s awesome power to overcome my addiction.
“I then simply focus on His Word, and pray for the Holy Spirit to give me
strength to overcome.
“There are really four keys to my victory over the bondage of sin:
”First, I needed to take the time to memorize and meditate on God’s promises.
When you get up I discovered a treasure of God’s many promises throughout Scripture that are
in the morning, vital to victorious living.
do you call on
God’s power “Second, I confess my sins whenever my thoughts are wrong. According to
to help you 1 John 1:9, I take Him at his Word that I am forgiven. (Exhale … See “Spiritual
through the Breathing.”)
day’s challenges?
“Third, I surrender my thoughts and actions to the Holy Spirit by telling Him
I want to please Him. (Inhale … See “Spiritual Breathing.”)
“Finally, I spend time with my mentor and other Christians who hold me
accountable and encourage me in my walk with Christ.
“As I’ve applied God’s Word to all areas of my life, I have been free from
bondage to sin and addiction. God has blessed me with a wonderful
Christian wife and family. My wife and I are now teaching others how
memorizing God’s promises can help overcome sin and addiction. I feel so
free and joyful now that I have turned my life completely over to the Holy
Spirit’s control.”
In the New Testament we read, “In every battle you will need faith as your
shield to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan” (Ephesians 6:16).
In John, Jesus told his disciples: “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who
abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do
nothing” (John 15:5). 29
Fruit of the Spirit
The Holy Spirit wants to produce the fruit of the Spirit in your life, which is
identified as:
The Fruit of the Spirit results in a heart that God uses to reach others for Christ.
(Read John chapter 15.)
You can ask the Holy Spirit to give you His power for all the details of your
life. God gives you this great promise that you can make yours every single day:
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear … but of power, love, and self-
discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7). 30
Q In this verse, what does God tell you is not from Him, and what does He
promise to give you?
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own under-
standing; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths
straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
_______________________________________________________________________ 31
The Bible:
God’s Love Letter to You!
If you received a special letter or email from Jesus … telling you how much He
loves you … and giving you the guidance and direction you need for your daily
issues … would you read it? Would you keep it, cherish it, memorize it, and
continually think about it?
That’s exactly what the Bible is … it’s God’s love letter to you! God’s Word is as
important to your Christian growth as milk is to a new baby.
The Bible
provides the
“road map” Before You Start
for your journey
with God. Begin by obtaining a Bible with good references and helps. You may find a modern
translation easier to understand. Several websites, such as, offers
online Bibles for free in different languages. 32
Changing Habits
Every day you do things out of habit. You get up, eat breakfast, shower, get
dressed, go to school, go to work, etc.
In order to make God’s Word part of your life–you need to make it one of your
daily habits. Pick a time, (mornings work best for many people), then pick a
quiet spot and spend time reading the Bible and thinking about how it applies to
your life. Once you have done it for thirty days, you will have established a habit
that will change your life!
God’s Viewpoint
The Bible gives you God’s answers to all of life’s most important questions:
• God’s Nature
• Your Purpose
• How To Grow In Christ
Every moment of • Moral Decisions
every day, your • Relationships / Sex
mind is flooded • Emotions / Comfort
with information • Trials / Death
… most of it the
world’s viewpoint. “For the Word of God is full of living power…It exposes us for what we
really are” (Hebrews 4:12).
Every moment of every day, your mind is flooded with information … most of it
the world’s viewpoint.
Your life, and the decisions you make are greatly influenced by what goes into
your “Vat”! 33
In order for God’s viewpoint to prevail in your life, you must get a good “dose”
of God’s Word … not just a few minutes each day.
Matthew Henry once said: “If you want to get close to God, you must study His
Getting Fed
All of these ways to make God’s Word a bigger part of your life are important.
Let’s look at each of them.
_______________________________________________________________________ 34
Q Hearing God’s Word should make you want to read and study it for yourself.
What does Acts 17:11 say?
Whenever you hear God’s Word taught, attempt to learn what the Holy Spirit
is trying to teach you personally, taking good notes, and writing down your
When reading the Bible, it’s best to read it slowly and thoughtfully. Have a good
pen or marking pencil handy to write down your thoughts and underline key
Make it fun. Go on a “hunt” to find insights God has for you. Then write down
the references so you can locate them later.
“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to
make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches
us to do what is right. It is God’s way of preparing us in every way, fully
equipping for every good thing God wants us to do” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
Q What book in the Bible are you currently reading? What are you learning?
_______________________________________________________________________ 35
3. How to Study God’s Word
The reason you need to study God’s Word is to gain insight into who God is, and
what He wants to do in your life.
Here is one example of how you can read and think about God’s Word (from
Bert Harned):
A Study of “Discouragement”
“Do you get ‘discouraged, depressed’? I have
found an instant cure for it! YES! It is in Psalm
118:6-8. The NLT says, ‘The Lord is for me so I
will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to
me? Yes, the Lord is for me. He will help me.’”
“Now it’s your turn; find a quiet place and mentally chew your way through
these verses for yourself.”
Here is another way you can study God’s Word on a daily basis (with a scripture
passage included for you to use as well).
_______________________________________________________________________ 36
4. How to Memorize God’s Word
The “Topical Memory System” is a proven way to memorize God’s promises.
“How can a You can start with the “Beginning with Christ” packet of five key verses
young person produced by The Navigators ( We also recommend you
stay pure? select some key verses in this Bible study to memorize. You might want to write
By obeying Your them down on small cards that you can take with you and review daily.
Word and
following its One reason to memorize Scripture is because our memories are short.
rules … I have
After 24 hours, you may accurately remember:
hidden Your • 5% of what you hear
Word in my heart • 15% of what you read
that I might not • 35% of what you study
sin against You.” • 57% of what you see and hear
(Psalm 119:9, 11) • 100% of what you memorize
Noted author and counselor, Henry Brandt, in his book, The Heart of the Problem,
says: “I still consider Bible memorization the single most important aid in my
Christian life and in my counseling.”
Once memorized, review it without looking for 30 days. It will be yours to take
with you wherever you go!
“How can a young person stay pure? By obeying Your Word and following
its rules … I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against
You.” (Psalm 119:9, 11)
Meditating on God’s promises throughout the day will help you walk in the
Spirit. Whenever something stressful happens (and it will), think about a verse
that applies to your situation.
_______________________________________________________________________ 37
During his time in prison, he was approached by a young prisoner named Ricky
Lopez, who told David that regardless of what he had done, Jesus loved him and
died for him.
Ricky gave David a Bible. As David Berkowitz read the Bible, God’s power
began breaking him of his addiction and bondage. In time, the Word of God
brought him to a point of complete repentance—and the “Son of Sam” surren-
dered his life completely to Christ.
Getting rid of the “junk” in your VAT, and replacing it with God’s Word takes
time. The amount of time you commit to the Bible is probably the single best
indicator of your walk with Christ, and the best predictor of your future growth
in Christ.
“Let the words of Christ, in all their richness, live in your hearts, and make you
wise. Use His words to teach and counsel each other” (Colossians 3:16).
As you run the race God has set ahead of you, make sure your roots are deeply
planted in God’s Word. 38
Talking to Your Heavenly Father!
Suppose you were having lunch with a friend one day, and your cell phone
rang. You answer, and an unfamiliar, powerful voice calls out your name.
God wants you to know Him so well that you will always feel like talking to Him
… even when you sin and have broken fellowship with Him. Read about how
Prayer is vital loving and forgiving your Father’s heart is in the story of the “Prodigal Son” in
to growing in our Luke 15:11-32.
with God. Prayer is vital to growing in our relationship with God. Prayer is one of the
most incredible privileges you have as a believer … to come directly into God’s
presence and talk with Him about whatever is on your heart. And, He promises
to listen!
Jesus’ death for you on the cross made it possible for you to talk directly with
your Father in heaven. Your Father wants you to seek His guidance, comfort,
peace, and intimate companionship at all times…not just when you want things.
He actually desires your companionship! (See Galatians 4:6.) 39
Ask Christ to make Himself more real to you.
“You haven’t done this before. Ask, using my name, and you will
receive, and you will have abundant joy” (John 16:24).
Think about each
one of God’s Knowing Your Father
The first part of this study focuses on God’s character. Once you know who your
Father is, it’s much easier to talk with Him.
Attributes of God
• God is Sovereign (In Charge)
• God is Eternal (Always Existed)
• God is Omniscient (All Knowing)
• God is Omnipresent (Everywhere)
• God is Omnipotent (All Powerful)
• God is Immutable (Unchanging)
• God is Holy (Righteous and Set Apart)
• God is Just (Absolutely Fair)
• God is Love (Unconditional Acceptance)
When you talk to • God is Truth (Totally Trustworthy)
your Father,
approach Him Think about each one of God’s characteristics listed below, and how each
with humility and attribute affects your view of God … and your relationship with Him.
respect for His
absolute authority. God is Sovereign (In Charge)
God alone is Ruler of the universe. He has complete authority to do whatever
pleases Him.
When you talk to your Father, approach Him with humility and respect for His
absolute authority.
Q Read Job 1:6-12. Throughout this conversation, who was in control at all times?
_______________________________________________________________________ 40
Q What does Romans 8:28 mean to you personally?
When you talk to You live in a time dimension. God doesn’t. God has always existed, and He
your Father, think always will exist. When you join God in heaven, you will live forever with Him.
about the fact that He gives you eternal life!
wherever you go…
When you talk to your Father, think about the time ahead when you will be with
He is already there.
Him forever and ever!
When you talk to your Father, think about the fact that He knows what you are
going to say … before you say it. He even knows what is going on deep in your
heart. And, He knows what is best for you!
_________________________________________________________________ 41
When you talk to your Father, think about the fact that wherever you go … He
is already there. Even during your darkest time … you can count on his being
When you talk to your Father, think about the fact that because He never
changes … His love for you also never changes. It doesn’t fluctuate with your
emotions or deeds. It is also important to understand that because God never
changes … His Word will never change!
When you talk to your Father, think about His holiness and righteousness … and
how Jesus has made it possible for you to come directly into His awesome
presence. 42
God is Just (Perfectly Fair)
God is the Supreme Judge of the universe. He cannot make a mistake … and is
always totally fair. There is no “Court of Appeals” (See Jeremiah 9:24.) God
cannot “look the other way” regarding your sin.
When you talk to your Father, think about the fact that He will always be fair by
His perfect standard. You need to trust Him even when you think He has been
When you talk to unfair. (See Genesis 18:25.)
your Father, thank
Him for the promises God is Love (Unconditional Acceptance)
in the Bible.
God will never love you less … and He cannot love you more! The Bible tells us
that God doesn’t just have love … “He is love” (1 John 4:16).
The fact that your Father sent Jesus to suffer and die for you on the cross
illustrates the depth of His love for you (1 John 3:1).
When you talk to your Father, think about the high price He paid for your
salvation, even though you will never fully understand it or appreciate it.
When you talk to your Father, thank Him for the promises in the Bible. Review
the promises … one by one … with Him. Tell Him you want to trust Him!
Praying Boldly
Now that you begin to see how awe-inspiring your Heavenly Father is, you may
be afraid to approach Him in prayer. God’s Word tells you that as His child, you
are always welcome in His presence. Go to Him … boldly! 43
“So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will
receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it”
(Hebrews 4:16).
“And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask anything accord-
ing to His will, He hears us: And if we know that He hears us, whatsoever we
ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him” (1 John 5:14).
Now that you know Him, you can be confident … if you are abiding in Him …
that He will answer any prayer that is according to His perfect will. 44
• God’s Perfect Timing
If you want your Don’t give up on prayers that don’t get answered right away. One of the signs of
relationship with a Spirit-controlled Christian is “patience” (Galatians 5:22).
Christ to grow,
Countless Christians will tell you stories of God’s faithfulness in answering
plan to meet Him
prayers after many years of continual prayer.
every morning.
• Your Prayer Life
You began your prayer life as a member of God’s family when you invited Jesus
into your life.
Q What is different about your prayers since you asked Jesus into your life?
“Good morning Lord! Today, before I get going, I just want You to know I love
You … and want to live for You today!”
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understand-
ing. Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Pray: “Lord, today, I am going to trust You to direct my paths, and I am going to
seek Your will for my life in each situation.” 45
To restore fellowship with the Holy Spirit, simply tell Him that you have sinned,
(name it), and choose to let Him control your life. He will then restore you to
fellowship with Him (see 1 John 1:9).
• Requests
God wants you to bring Him your requests. In fact, He delights in your requests
since it is an act of faith and obedience. Never quit asking Him for things that are
biblical and within His will. He promises to answer those prayers … in His time!
Suggestion: For the next 30 days, start a prayer list. Add to it each day.
If you are reading God’s Word, and allowing the Holy Spirit to control your
life…you will naturally talk with Him more. 46
Citizens of Heaven:
God’s Family … and You!
The apostle Peter told the early believers to think of themselves as part of a
building … with Jesus being the “chief cornerstone.”
It doesn’t matter
“And now God is building you, as living stones into His spiritual temple … You
what color your
are a chosen people. You are a kingdom of priests, God’s holy nation, His very
skin is, how smart
own possession” (1 Peter 2:5, 9).
you are, how
pretty you are, God is saying wonderful things about you as one of His children. He is saying
what gender that you and all other believers are:
you are, or how
wealthy or • Living Stones in His Spiritual Temple
important you • A Chosen People
are…you are part • A Kingdom of Priests
of Christ’s body • His Very Own Possession
with believers • Citizens of God’s Holy Nation
from all time. You
It doesn’t matter what color your skin is, how smart you are, how pretty you
are a full citizen in
are, what gender you are, or how wealthy or important you are…you are part of
God’s Country … Christ’s body with believers from all time. You are a full citizen in God’s Country
heaven! … heaven! (See Ephesians 2:19.)
Your thoughts:
Jesus made a promise to you and me. When we come together, with Him as our
focus … He is there: “For where two or three gather together because they are
mine, I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20). 47
The Early Church
The book of Acts describes the establishing of the early churches, which met
primarily in homes. The Letters of the New Testament are the instructions
written to those churches by the apostles. Everything the Holy Spirit
commanded and instructed the early believers also applies to the church today.
Everything the
Holy Spirit The commitment of the early church was so strong, and their love for one
commanded and another so great, that within 300 years, Christianity had spread throughout the
instructed the entire Roman Empire. Jesus used them to change the world!
early believers
also applies to The Example of the Early Church
the church today.
To get an understanding of how committed the early Christians were to one
another, read the Book of Acts in the New Testament.
Q What stands out the most to you in your reading of the book of Acts?
Q How important were the other believers to Paul, Peter, and the other Apostles?
Getting Connected
One of the main reasons so many Christians live defeated lives is that they have
isolated themselves from other believers. Paul told the early Christians that they
were each vital “parts” of the “body of Christ.”
Every part of your body is important. If your little toe hurts, it can make your
day miserable. The invisible parts, such as the heart, liver, and kidneys are vital
for the life of the entire body. It is similar in the body of Christ. 48
Read 1 Corinthians 12:14-27 and write what Paul said about each part of the
You are a unique
creation of God. Q Who are the “MEMBERS”?
When you are joined together with other believers who are growing in Christ,
you encourage one another, and keep each other “fired up” in your mutual faith.
You enjoy one another’s company and build meaningful relationships together.
Unique Gifts
You are a unique creation of God. He has given you unique gifts that are needed
in the body of Christ. In 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Paul tells you some vital things
about your gifts:
_______________________________________________________________________ 49
Q What are you to do for others? (v. 26)
Sadly, many leave the job of doing God’s work to those with gifts that are more
obvious … such as the speaking gifts. However, God’s Word is clear that each
gift is vital to His Kingdom.
Love is the key
to all of our The entire body of Christ is commissioned and gifted to accomplish Jesus’ Great
relationships … Commission … to “go into all the world and tell the Good News to everyone.”
In one way, your role in the church is similar to a player on a basketball, foot-
ball, or soccer team. Unless each player uses his skill and talent to play, the game
could be lost. To win, each player must do his job well. He has gifted you to play
your part in building God’s Kingdom.
And yet, Jesus truly desires for us to love one another … and model His love to
the world. Listen to what He told his disciples in some of His last comments to
“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I
have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will
prove to the world that you are my disciples” (John 13:34-35).
Love is the key to all of our relationships … but how do we get it? God gives us
the answer in Paul’s letter to Timothy: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear
and timidity, but of power, love, and self discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7).
God’s Word tells us what love really means, and the fruit it produces in your
daily interaction with others. (Read Galatians 5:22.)
The Corinthian Church was full of “baby” Christians whom Paul called “carnal,”
or “fleshly.” They had accepted Christ’s love for them, but treated each other
largely from a selfish point of view. They were jealous, and continually griping
and arguing (1 Corinthians 3:1-4).
_______________________________________________________________________ 50
Paul told the Corinthians what Christ’s love is like when we’re controlled by the
Holy Spirit:
“Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.
Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no
record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but
rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith,
is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance” (1 Corinthians
“Love is patient
and kind...” Read the entire 13th chapter of 1 Corinthians, and write down your thoughts:
Remember when we were studying the Holy Spirit? It is the Holy Spirit that
gives you power to love with Christ’s love by faith. You can’t generate it on your
own. Love is the result of abiding in Christ.
Loving by Faith
Corrie ten Boom was one of the few women who survived the torture and
humiliation of Ravensbruck … a Nazi prison camp during World War II.
One day, at a church service in Munich, Corrie was startled to see the SS man
who was her former prison guard when she and the other women were herded
into the showers like cattle.
“He came up to me. ‘How grateful I am for your message … to think that, as
you say, He has washed all my sins away!’
“His hand was thrust out to shake mine. And I, who had preached so often
… the need to forgive, kept my hand at my side. Even as the angry, vengeful
thoughts boiled through me, I saw the sin of them. Jesus Christ had died for
this man; was I going to ask for more?
“I tried to smile, I struggled to raise my hand. I could not. I felt nothing, not
the slightest spark of warmth or charity. And so, I breathed a silent prayer.
‘Jesus, I cannot forgive him. Give me your forgiveness.’ 51
“As I took his hand the most incredible thing happened. From my shoulder
along my arm and through my hand a current seemed to pass from me to
him, while into my heart sprang a love for this stranger that almost over-
whelmed me.
“And so I discovered that it is not on our forgiveness any more than our
goodness that the world’s healing hinges, but on His.
Take some time “When He tells us to love our enemies, He gives, along with the command,
alone with God to the love itself.” (The Hiding Place, Fleming H. Revell Co.)
confess your in-
No matter how hard Corrie tried she didn’t have the power in herself to love this
ability to forgive,
former enemy who had humiliated her.
and ask the Holy
Spirit to forgive Yet she knew that Christ had commanded her to love everyone, even her
others through enemies.
By faith, Corrie confessed her sin, and turned the matter over to God. Her faith
resulted in the power to obey. And, her obedience resulted in the great joy and
peace that only comes when we abide in Christ.
Take some time alone with God to confess your inability to forgive, and ask the
Holy Spirit to forgive others through you. As you abide in Him, He will give you
the power!
Q Jesus was our greatest example of forgiving others. Who did He forgive in
Luke 23:34?
Joining Others
If you aren’t already connected with others who love Jesus Christ, you are miss-
ing out on God’s best for your life. He wants us to be part of a body where we
use our gifts to build His Kingdom. 52
How to get started:
• Ask God to direct you to other believers.
• Attend a Bible-teaching and outreaching church.
• Join a small Bible study and prayer group.
• Use your gifts to reach others for Christ.
• Find a mature believer who will “disciple” you.
• Ask God for someone you can disciple.
“If we are living in the light of God’s presence, just as Christ is, then we have
fellowship with each other” (1 John 1:7).
Q Read Hebrews 10:24-25. How can you apply these verses to your life?
______________________________________________________________________ 53
Obedience: Running to Win
In John 15, Jesus tells us that an abiding life is essential if we are to produce fruit
for Him. Jesus also tells us that the only way to abide in Him is to be obedient to
His commands.
“If you keep my commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have
kept my Father’s commandments and abide in His love” (John 15:10).
If you are truly running to win the prize God has for you, then aim to please
Christian growth is
Christ by obeying His commands. Jesus said, “If you love me, obey my
a lifelong process.
commandments” (John 14:15).
Jesus is not saying that we are saved by obedience. Neither is He saying that we
will lose our salvation when we disobey Him.
Many people think that God loves us more
when we obey Him than when we disobey
The entire Christian life is to be lived by faith, not works. Other religions give
lists of rules to follow. But when we see how much God loves us, and that Jesus
paid the ultimate price for our sins, we will want to obey Him. Trusting the Holy
Spirit with your life will result in a life of obedience to his Word.
Many Christians say they trust God with their lives, but refuse to obey His
Word. James calls their faith “dead.” The abiding life however, is to be lived by
faith, trusting in God’s promises even when we are going through trials and
don’t understand how God is answering our prayers. Remember the two circles
we looked at earlier? 54
Q Which circle represents your life?
If Christ is directing your life, it will result in a transformation of both your walk
and your talk. In other words, your character will become more like Christ’s
character, and your words and actions will sound and look like Him.
The Walk
We have already seen that a life of obedience to Christ is based upon faith in His
Word. You and I are totally unable to live the Christian life in our own strength.
However, by faith in His promises, the Holy Spirit gives us the power to over-
come trials and temptations. As we surrender our lives to Him, He conforms us
into His likeness.
Jesus is totally unlike us. Let’s take a look at just a few of the differences:
Personal Holiness
One of God’s attributes is holiness, which means He is morally pure and
righteous, set apart from any unclean thought or deed.
The Holy Spirit is working in our lives to remove all filthiness and lustful
Nancy DeMoss writes, “True holiness starts on the inside–with our thoughts,
attitudes, values, and motives–those innermost parts of our hearts that only
God can see. It also affects our outward and visible behavior: ‘Be holy in all your
conduct.’” 55
Q What does Peter say in 1 Peter 1:15-16?
Many Christians are able to put on a good front, which appears loving, while
holding deep grudges and resentments inside. Christ’s love is totally different;
it begins on the inside.
Since it is impossible for us to simply improve our sinful natures, our act of
obedience is to surrender our lives to the Holy Spirit, and allow Him to make us
like Christ.
Q What areas of your walk with Christ have changed to become more like Him?
Q What areas have not changed that still need to be surrendered to Him?
_______________________________________________________________________ 56
Your Greatest Investment
Have you ever thought of your life as an investment? Jesus did. He continually
compared your life with an investment of money. Jesus wants you to invest your
life for the greatest possible return. He wants you to help build His Kingdom.
Jesus told the story (in Luke 19) of a prince who had left his three servants a
huge amount of money to invest for him. He would settle with them when he
returned years later. When the time came to settle, and reward them for their
faithfulness, the prince asked them for an accounting. The first servant said,
“Master, I doubled your money.”
The prince was elated, and said, “Great job! Because you’ve earned me so
much on that small investment, I’m going to put you in charge of ten cities!”
The second servant said, “Master, I made a fifty percent return on your
investment.” The prince said to him, “I’ll put you in charge of five cities.”
Then turning to the others standing nearby, the prince ordered, ‘Take the
money from this servant, and give it to the one who earned the most.’ They
objected, and said, ‘But master, he already has double…”
The prince then said, “That’s what I mean: Risk your life and get more than
you ever dreamed of. Play it safe and end up holding the bag” (Luke 19:12-
27, The Message).
Jesus told His disciples this story to give them the picture that God expects a
return on our lives. In other words, He wants our lives to “count” for Him.
Life on earth is short. Soon it will be over—then it will be too late to invest your
life for Christ. 57
The Judgment Seat of Christ
The Bible makes it abundantly clear that when your life is over, you will have the
great honor to stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and receive rewards for
your faithful service to Christ. (See 2 Corinthians 5:10.)
All believers will give an account of their walk with Christ, but unfortunately not
all will receive rewards.
Your King has selected you to represent Him. You are God’s choice to reach
others for Him. You are Christ’s “witness.” 58
Your witness for Christ takes two basic forms:
• Witness by your “walk”
• Witness by your “talk”
Q Is there anything holding you back from sharing Christ with your friends and
Q Can you think of some people you have the opportunity to share Christ with?
________________________________________________________________________ 59
Informal Sharing
You don’t have to make a complete presentation of the Gospel to make an impact
Don’t let the fact for Christ. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to someone who is open to hearing
that you are a “work more about Christ:
in progress” stop
you from sharing • Invite a friend to church or a study group which you attend.
Christ with others. • Give your personal testimony.
• Ask someone to join you at a Christian event.
• Introduce a friend to other Christians.
• Give out a Christian book or tract.
• Refer someone to or another Christian website.
The key to informal witnessing is to be available … and to ask God to lead you.
He will! He has been waiting for you to ask Him!
We recommend you read, “Is Jesus Relevant Today?” at and take
time to print it out. You might want to give an extra copy to the person with
whom you are sharing Christ. This article emphasizes the fact that Christianity
is a relationship with Jesus Christ rather than a set of rules to follow.
Most people reject Christianity because they really don’t understand what it is
all about, or they misunderstand and think it is just “religion.” They don’t realize
that it a relationship with their Creator … Jesus Christ! The best way to witness
… so that people really understand what the Bible says … is to make a concise
presentation of the Gospel with your testimony and biblical references.
In the following area briefly write out your testimony about how you received
Christ, and how He has changed you (use another sheet of paper if necessary).
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Here are some additional ideas on preparing and sharing your faith with another
Go to God about your friends … before you go to your friends about God. Ask
God to prepare the person’s heart and to control you by the Holy Spirit.
Use a Bible
Carry a small Bible with you that has key verses underlined. It’s best to use a
modern translation, such as the New Living Translation. Try to memorize the key
verses for each point of the Gospel.
It is also vital that they immediately get connected with other Christians …
preferably people with whom they can relate. 61
Passing the Baton
When you lead a person to Christ, you are “passing the baton” to them. Teach
them from God’s Word the discipleship principle Paul taught Timothy, so they
will pass it on to others: “Teach these great truths to trustworthy people who are
able to pass them on to others” (2 Timothy 2:2).
When you lead a For those who take God’s Word seriously
person to Christ, and want to be discipled, it is strongly
you are “passing recommended that you schedule regular
the baton” to them. meetings (at least every other week), to
get deeper into the Bible. Both a small
group Bible study and one-on-one
discipleship are recommended for a new
Run to Win!
Your race goes on … and there are many miles to go!
Marathon runners often get weary during the long race. Some quit. Those who
finish strong are focused on the finish line, the satisfaction of doing well, and the
prize ahead.
“Let us strip off every weight that slows us down … And let us run with
endurance the race that God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes
on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish” (Hebrews 12:12).
Q What’s the most important thing you have learned in this study?
When Christ is the center of your life, everything will be different. Your life will
be full of joy and peace. You will want to please Him. God will give you love
for other people, even your enemies. He can take ordinary people and make our
lives purposeful and fruitful. 62
“By His mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish infinitely
more than we would ever dare to ask or hope” (Ephesians 3:20).
Are you ready to risk it all for Christ? He is completely trustworthy … and will
be with you in every mile of your race … even when you are weary and feel like
quitting. Memorize these verses and hold on to God’s purpose for your life!
“But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will run and
not grow weary. They will walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).
“It is the will of God that you keep on running. Run well, and receive the
prize!” (1 Corinthians 9:24-26).
“I know what I am planning for you,” says the LORD. “I have good plans
for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future”
(Jeremiah 29:11). 63
Additional Resources
Download Bible
Want to study the Bible, but don’t have one of your own? You can now get free Bible
downloads of the New King James Bible, the New International Version Bible, and many
other Bible versions in more than 100 languages.
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These insightful online devotionals will help make your daily Bible study more effective
and meaningful.
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