JHA Lifting-Moving Heavy Objects
JHA Lifting-Moving Heavy Objects
JHA Lifting-Moving Heavy Objects
Work supervisors and crew members are responsible for developing and discussing field emergency evacuation procedures (EEP) and alternatives in the event a person(s)
become seriously ill or injured at the worksite.
The items listed above serve only as guidelines for the development of emergency evacuation procedures.
JHA and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Acknowledgement
We, the undersigned Supervisor and employees, acknowledge participation in the development of this JHA and accompanying emergency evacuation procedures. We have
thoroughly discussed and understand the provisions of each of these documents.
Block 11: List all applicable standards associated with the completion of the work
project or activity. (Example: OSHA 1910.134 Respiratory Protection)
Block 12: List specific employee training required to perform the work project or
Block 13: Identify all tasks and procedures associated with the work project or activity
that have potential to cause injury or illness to personnel and damage to property or
material. Include emergency evacuation procedures (EEP).