15nov 1140 Choudhury Bangladesh Delta Plan
15nov 1140 Choudhury Bangladesh Delta Plan
15nov 1140 Choudhury Bangladesh Delta Plan
Land Classification
Elevation in meter
Background: Need for a Delta Plan
Bangladesh faces the challenge of balancing its
available resources and plan against growing
• Integration of existing sectoral plans
• Urbanization & population growth
• Industrialization
• Upstream developments
• Land subsidence & environmental degradation
• Climate change (sea-level rise, flooding, droughts….)
• Adequate and/or innovative financing
A ‘new’ type of planning is needed for the Delta Plan
that can deal with these uncertainties
Background: Way of working with Long Term Vision
Instead of:
1 2 3 4 5 6
2010 2100
Work with long term vision (e.g. 100 years), next back casting to present
and subsequently work with regular plans
2010 1 2100
Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100
• A long-term (50 to 100 years), holistic, techno-economic,
water centric, strategic plan for land and water management
in support of a sustainable living environment for
Bangladesh delta
• Adaptive delta management (ADM) approach followed to
make robust and flexible decisions under uncertain changing
• BDP ADM focusses: “How to enable socio-economic
development under uncertain changing conditions especially
regarding climate change and (trans-boundary) water
Framework for the Preparation of the Bangladesh Delta Plan
Paradigm Shift: BDP Adaptive Delta Management
Water Integrated Delta
IWRM Adaptive Delta Management
Management Management
Decision making process (including cost benefit analysis) becomes increasingly complex
Stages of BDP Strategy Formulation Process
Adaptive Delta Management: Vison and Goals
➢ BDP Vision
Ensure long-term water and food security, economic growth and
environmental sustainability while effectively coping with natural
disasters, climate change and other delta issues through robust,
adaptive and integrated strategies, and equitable water
Adaptive Delta Management: Vison and Goals
Goal 1: Ensure safety from floods and climate change related disasters
Goal 2: Ensure water security and efficiency of water usages
Goal 3: Ensure sustainable and integrated river systems and estuaries
. management
Goal 4: Conserve and preserve wetlands and ecosystems and promote .
. their wise use
Goal 5: Develop effective institutions and equitable governance for in .
. country and trans-boundary water resources management
Goal 6: Achieve optimal use of land and water resources
Approach towards BDP scenarios
Moderate Reactive
Flood Risk Management Strategy
Freshwater Strategy
Adaptation Pathway for Fresh Water Strategy
Additional surface irrigation (Ganges
Brahmaputra/ other barrages
barrage, local irrigation development)
Supply Surface water
management supply to Dhaka
Deep groundwater
Less water
irrigated Low impact, high intensity agriculture
demanding crops
Demand agriculture
Balancing supply management Irrigation water
saving Circular water management application in industry
and demand for technologies and domestic water use
sustainable Domestic
and industry
inclusive growth water saving
River/ beel/ aquifer
Water budgets restoration
at basin and
catchment level Surface and groundwater resource
planning &
River basin
management Joint water resource development and protection GB basin
plans for IWRM
Expansion of clean
Maintaining industrial production
Circular water management application in industry
and domestic water use
water quality
Low impact agri- and
for health, Pollution aquaculture
control and
livelihoods and treatment
Reduce emissions from urban and rural areas
ecosystems Urban
master plans
ETP coverage divisional capitals and
economic zones
permitting &
planning & Protection and further designation of ECAs
River basin and
Environmental Joint water quality management GB basin
management plans