1st International Conference on Educational Sciences and Teacher Profession (ICETeP 2018)
Manap Somantri
Department of Educational Administration
University of Bengkulu
Bengkulu, Indonesia
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 295
TABLE II. LEVEL OFF SATISFACTION ASSESSMENT OF SITUATIONAL leadership potential test to the stage of creativity assessment
reached 70.37%.
Acurate Action
Category Problem Action Respon D. Student Skills in Evidence-Based Problem Solving
Data Plan
Very Obtained a response in the form of the accuracy of
6 3 3 3 3
Satisfaction identification of the main problem and supporting facts is the
Satisfaction 17 20 18 18 18
extent to which students understand the National Standard of
Education, the more precise and specific it can be assumed that
Les student understanding is getting higher. (1) accuracy in
4 4 6 6 6
Satisfaction identifying data/information; (2) description of the action plan
and explanation of the background; (3) potential strength in
A total of 23 students were able to appraise the response ability to respond logically, specifically, systematically, and
appropriately, the other four expressed a response that was applicatively. Characteristics of the problem: (1) appointed
unsatisfactory. A total of 21 students could propose the right from the condition of the school does not meet the demands of
action plan with the reason for choosing the right action plan, several SNP indicators; (2) takes place in a relatively long
the other six proposed action plans that were less satisfactory period of time and demands high leadership competence in
and within appropriate reasons. mobilizing all school elements involved in the long process of
problem solving; (3) Considerations expected to be submitted
C. Students Creativity in propose action plan by students are based on systematic thinking and based on
Creative proposes an action plan for problem solving is part understanding of school documents (4) Additional information
of leadership potential. Assessment is obtained in the form of: requested by students is expected to be in the form of official
(1) the accuracy in identifying problems so that they are not too documents that are usually in school, needed to complete
urgent but important to be solved and supporting facts can problems, and indeed not included in the scenario; (5) Action
show the extent to which students understand the National plans that are expected to be submitted by students are those
Education Standards; (2) the diversity of action plans shows that are detailed, systematic, and applicable to solve problems
the extent to which students can think creatively; (3) the correctly. Students are asked to respond to problematic
accuracy and detail translation of the background of the conditions in the form of writing down detailed systematic
selection as the best action plan can show the strength of action plans to solve problems. The flow of writing the action
leadership potential possessed by students. plan is: (1) identifying conditions that do not meet SNP
demands; (2) identifying important information needed to fix
As many as 19 (70.37%) of 27 students have the ability to problematic conditions; (3) make an action plan that is
identify problems, propose varied action plans, and choose the applicable and then write the plan in detail and systematically;
right action plan in overcoming the problems faced by the (4) determine the response category is less satisfying, satisfying
school. Each student presents three alternative action plans, or very satisfying. After being confirmed between the written
and chooses the one most likely to overcome the problem. Not test results and interviews, the following results were obtained
all students can provide a variety of alternatives, in general (table 4).
they give two different alternatives, and one alternative is a
repetition or another language from the alternative that has
been stated. Most students are able to provide a variety of TABLE IV. ASSESSMENT OF MAKING ABILITY DECISION BASED ON
alternative actions.
Category Problem Eviden Reason Solution
3 4 2 2 0
Action Plan Alternate Potential Satisfaction 19 19 20 16 18
Category Problem solution
1 2 3 student Les
5 4 5 9 9
Very Satisfaction
4 5 3 2 4 2
Satisfaction 19 16 19 17 15 17 The data in the table above shows that there are still five
Les people who cannot formulate a problem or satisfy the problem
4 6 5 8 8 8
Satisfaction unsatisfactorily. Four people cannot find additional information
satisfactorily, five people who cannot formulate an action plan
Of the 27 students, four of them were unsatisfactory in appropriately and are unable to formulate the reason correctly.
identifying problems. Whereas in submitting an action plan The final results from all stages, there are ten people whose
there were 19 people who were unsatisfactory, each in the answers are unsatisfactory, so that they are declared not to pass
action plan 1, five in the action plan 2, and eight in the action the leadership potential test, while the other 18 people (67%)
plan 3. There were eight students who failed to choose the best have passed, or have the potential to become educational
action plan, so the action plan chosen included the category leaders.
Less Satisfactory (table 3). The level of success in the
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 295
1) Strengths and weaknesses of student potential should be able to account for the supporting data, the reasons,
leadership: Based on the stuational response in general and the predictions of the results. There is no problem solving
student can choose problems, but many make statements that that is separated from the context of the problem, but certainly
exceed the requested, this is caused by problems that are has a better context, background, and prospects after the
relatively easy to guess, so they immediately give an corrective action is taken.
explanation or reason, although not requested by the assessor
either. If given a question that is more complex and its values
veiled, students find it difficult to establish problems that need IV. CONCLUSION
to be addressed, and tend to choose problems that are in Not all students have leadership potential, from 27 students
accordance with their respective backgrounds. However, when who were tested, 18 people (67%) had leadership potential,
confirmation is made to rectify the conditions, students are while nine (33%) did not satisfy their leadership potential test
more quickly complaining about the conditions that are results, because they could not determine the problem, found
designed. no additional information, no can formulate an action plan, and
In the skills to propose alternative problem solving or not be able to formulate the reason. Many students cannot
creativity in problem solving, students are considered capable determine the main problem, but rather write down the
of presenting alternatives correctly, in order to provide the consequences or reasons why the problem occurred. So that
most likely alternative. Whereas in evidence-based decision- only three people survived the answer, so the assessor stated
making abilities students need more perseverance to analyze that all three were killed. In the session assessing the response,
the supporting data presented, both presented in the form of it turned out that 27 students from 17 students were right in
tables and notes on interview results. Based on existing assessing the principal's response, others were wrong in
supporting data. Students are able to contribute to decission assessing the principal's response. limited school facilities and
making. infrastructure; two other people stated that many school
equipment was damaged so the graduation rate continued to
Such tests have the advantage of being able to select decline.
prospective leaders, where those who are unable to see the
problem and cannot propose alternative solutions, are declared Not all students can provide a variety of alternatives, in
inadequate to become leaders, so that in the future, no leader is general they give two different alternatives, and one alternative
unable to lead change in the organization he leads. This test can is a repetition or another language from the alternative that has
also reduce bureaucratic opportunities to determine prospective been stated. Only a small portion provides a variety of
leaders, especially schools (principals) in collusion, nepotism, alternative answers. However, almost all students choose the
and bribes of money which are still very prevalent in the best alternative according to the main problem that must be
autonomous region. solved. Of the 27 students among them were less than
satisfactory in identifying problems. Whereas in submitting an
The weakness of this leadership potential test is too strict in action plan for the problems contained in the scenario, there are
determining the decision not to pass, with only one answer that 19 or 70.37%. Unsatisfactory action plans, six people each on
is not satisfactory then the assay or student is declared the action-1 plan, five people on the action-2 plan, and eight on
unsatisfactory and does not pass as a prospective leader. the action-3 plan.
However, this condition can be annulled through interviews,
where the interviewer can revise the answer, when it is In the case of evidence-based decision making there are
considered asces change their provisions so that they are in still five people who cannot formulate a problem or have a
accordance with the guidelines, rubrics, and criteria determined satisfactory problem. Four people cannot find additional
by the assessor. Malasah is then centered on the integrity of information satisfactorily, five people who cannot formulate an
assessors, because assessors have a very free space to action plan appropriately and are unable to formulate the
determine whether the candidate's answers can be changed or reason correctly. The final results from all stages, there were
cannot be changed. nine people whose answers were unsatisfactory, so that they
were declared not to pass the leadership potential test, while the
2) Debriefing needs for increasing leadership potential: other 18 people (67%) were passed, or had the potential to
Students still need guidance and guidance to be able to become educational leaders.
analyze problems and consider solutions, increase the ability Based on the weaknesses of the leadership potential test, it
to propose various alternative solutions to problem solving, is too strict in reading the decision not to pass, with only one
and determine an alternative that is most likely to be able to answer that is unsatisfactory, the assignment or student is
solve the problem. Students should also be able to limit declared unsatisfactory and does not pass as a prospective
themselves in giving statements, by just giving the answers leader. The interviewer can revise the answer, when the
that are requested, not necessarily giving arguments and assumption is considered to change its provisions so that it
explanations, even though what is asked is only asked what matches the guidelines, rubrics, and criteria set. Malasah is
the problem is, not in the-why and how-hands. Students have then centered on the integrity of assessors, because assessors
not been able to analyze the situation appropriately. Therefore, have a very free space to determine whether the candidate's
students must gradually improve their ability to analyze answers can be changed or cannot be changed. For the good in
the future, assessors who have integrity are needed to act as
supporting data. Every problem that will be followed up
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