Module 3
Module 3
Module 3
This lesson focuses on the concept of leadership. Students will explore the ways in which people
become leaders, as well as the skills and methods of effective leadership and their impact on
teams. Students will have the opportunity to determine their current leadership style and practice
their leadership skills through creative learning activities.
Students will also examine the characteristics of effective teams and the things they need to go
through in their development. They will also examine an individual’s role within a team and the
keys to effective communication. One critical element in the success of a team or group is
effective leadership.
However, simply having the responsibilities of a leader does not necessarily make a
person an effective leader. All of us can learn to lead effectively.
You can start by analyzing your performance in specific areas of leadership. Watch the
video, and then complete the quiz in the link below to identify where you already lead
effectively, and to explore where your skills need further development.
Leadership Swap
Activity Description: This activity is a structured leadership example exchange. From the list of
"situations" below, select three (3) and share something you have done or witnessed under the
said situations.
Leadership Situations
A creative twist on a situation or issue.
A clever improvisation--"dancing on your feet"
A pleasant surprise
An Aha moment
Something that generated a great deal of excitement
A conflict resolved
A breakthrough insight or solution
A really tough situation
A blindside experiences
A moving (emotional) situation
There are many leadership skills and competencies that, when combined and applied, go
toward making you an effective leader. You have the ability to develop each of these skills
within yourself. Interpretations of the answers in the quiz are provided in
B. Characteristics of Leadership
1. Goal Orientation. The leader sees the bigger picture and understands the purpose
of life and work of the group or organization. To lead implies that the leader has
foresight and a sense of direction.
2. Enablement. Effective leaders seek to enable others to experience life in its
3. Concern. Leaders must show concern for person. Human beings are the most
important resource leaders have. Without people, material and financial resources
are worthless.
4. Self-Development. Leaders must develop a healthy self-image and a positive
C. Leadership Styles
1. The Three Elements. Leadership involves an inter-relationship among three
i. The qualities, skills and needs of the leader.
3. Leadership as a Process. There are two major parts of the leadership process:
task-oriented and relationship-oriented. Leaders need an awareness of both parts
and they also need to strike a balance between them because they can easily and
unknowingly overemphasize one of more of these aspects. To overemphasize the
task results in short-time effectiveness and longer-range human problems.
Overemphasis on maintenance or relationship results in groups so involved with
their feelings that they neglect the task.
5. Leadership Patterns
i. Telling. - Leaders identify problems, consider options, choose one
solution, and tell their followers what to do. Leaders may consider
members’ views, but members don’t participate directly in decision-
ii. Persuading. – Leaders make decisions and try to persuade group
members to accept them. They point out that they have considered the
organization goals and the interests of group members. They even point
out how members will benefit from carrying out decisions
iii. Consulting. – Group members have opportunities to influence the
decision-making from the beginning. Leaders present problems and
relevant background information. Leaders invite the group to suggest
alternative actions.
G. Effective Leadership. To be effective, leaders must aim to satisfy the three areas of
1. Achieve the task. Leaders’ primary responsibility involves accomplishing the
tasks for which the group or organization exists. Their main contributions toward
achieving the required results lie in:
1. Copy and paste a picture of a leader whom you admire. Identify their significant
contributions to their community or to the society. Identify their qualities/character that
made them good leaders. At least 5 – 6 sentences.
5 points- content
3 points- relevance and organization of thoughts
2 points- mechanics