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PCN/GEN Appendix Z1 Iss 3 Rev B - NDT Training Syllabi

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PCN/GEN Appendix Z1 iss 3 Rev B – NDT Training Syllabi

Contents Page
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................. 2
2 Introduction, Terminology, Purpose and History of NDT ............................................ 2
2.1 The Task of NDT ............................................................................................................... 2
2.2 The Task of NDT personnel ............................................................................................. 2
2.3 The History of NDT ........................................................................................................... 2
2.4 Terminology of NDT ......................................................................................................... 3
2.5 General safety considerations ........................................................................................ 3
A Radiographic testing level 1, level 2 and level 3 ........................................................... 4
B Ultrasonic testing level 1, level 2 .................................................................................. 17
C Eddy current testing level 1, level 2 and level 3 .......................................................... 22
D Penetrant testing level 1, level 2 and level 3 ............................................................... 29
E Magnetic particle testing level 1, level 2 and level 3 .................................................. 33
F Syllabus visual testing level 1, level 2 and level 3 ...................................................... 38

ISO/TC135 and CEN/TC138 are proud to present to the worldwide Non Destructive Community their recommendations for minimum requirements of technical
knowledge of NDT personnel; these recommendations provide means for evaluating and documenting the competence of personnel whose duties require the
appropriate theoretical and practical knowledge.
As part of the efforts to streamline and harmonize the training and certification of NDT personnel, ISO/TC135 - CEN/TC138 have been actively involved in
developing guidelines for training syllabus and guidelines for NDT training organisations. These guides serve to those involved in training and are useful to achieve
a uniform level of training material and consequent competence of personnel.
These documents represent 2 years of efforts of ISO/TC135 and CEN/TC138 working groups to promote harmonisation and mutual recognition of minimum
requirements of the different existing certification schemes.
The content of this first edition has been based on the experience of the experts as well as comments of the end-user industries and the last publication of the
ICNDT recommended guidelines.

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The time allotment for the different topics takes into account the latest developments in each method and consequently the total duration can be sometime greater
than the minimum duration required by EN ISO 9712.
This document will be updated along the years in order to maintain a workable document in line with the incoming NDT methods and techniques.
ISO/TC135 and CEN/TC138 wishes to express their appreciation to all those who contributed to the production of this publication.
1 Scope
This document defines guidelines with the intention to harmonise and maintain the general standard of training of non-destructive testing (NDT) personnel for
industrial needs. Associated guidelines for NDT training organisations have been produced for the general part of training courses.
The guidelines also establish the minimum requirements for effective structured training of NDT personnel to ensure eligibility for qualification examinations leading
to third party certification according to recognized standards.
This document enclose a clause about NDT in general and a clause specific to each of the following NDT method: acoustic emission testing, eddy current testing,
leak testing, magnetic particle testing, penetrant testing, radiographic testing, ultrasonic testing and visual testing,.
2 Introduction, Terminology, Purpose and History of NDT
2.1 The Task of NDT
Non-destructive testing (NDT) gives an important contribution to the safety and the economic and ecological welfare of our society.
NDT is the only choice for the test of an object which must not be destroyed, modified or degraded by the testing process. This is generally required for objects
which will be used after testing, for example safety parts, pipelines, power plants and also constructions under in-service inspection, but even for unique parts in
archaeology and culture.
NDT is based on physical effects at the surface or the inner structure of the object under test. Often the outcome of the test needs to be interpreted to give a useful
result; sometimes different NDT methods must be combined, or verified by other test methods.
2.2 The Task of NDT personnel
NDT personnel have a high responsibility not only with respect to their employers or contractors but also under the rules of good workmanship. The tester shall be
independent and free from economic influences with regard to his test results, otherwise the results are compromised. The tester should be aware of the importance
of his signature and the consequences of incorrect test results for safety, health and environment. Under legal aspects, the falsification of certificates is an offence
and judged according to the national legal regulations. A tester may find himself in a conflicting situation about his findings with his employer, the responsible
authorities or legal requirements.
Finally the tester is responsible for all interpretations of test results carrying his signature. NDT personnel should never sign test reports beyond their certification.
2.3 The History of NDT
NDT started with visual checks in prehistoric times. In medieval centuries, test methods like simple leakage tests and hardness checks were introduced. The
breakthrough for NDT came with industrialisation in the 19th and 20th century: X-ray and Ultrasonic Testing for inner defects, Penetrant and Magnetic Particle
Testing for surface cracks. During the last few decades sophisticated, mostly electronically linked methods like Eddy Current Testing, RADAR, Computer
Tomography and Thermography were developed. NDT methods found application in a wide range of industry from civil engineering and industrial plants to space
and defence technology.
The history of NDT is linked to many famous researchers and inventors like Röntgen, Becquerel, Curie, Oerstedt, Faraday and even Leonardo da Vinci. They
discovered the physical principles and demonstrated early applications. All together, approximately 5000 scientists worldwide made contributions to the present
state of NDT.
NDT is a global technology. Since NDT tasks and related technical problems are similar in all developed countries, improved solutions and new equipment are
spread around the world within a few months. Many international conferences and standard committees contribute to a steady and consensual development of NDT
for the benefit of safety, economy and the environment.

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2.4 Terminology of NDT
Correct Terminology is a necessary demand for a worldwide-applied technology. It is needed for communication between contracting parties, testers and certifying
bodies. Terms like “Indication”, “Imperfection”, “flaw” and “defect” need a precise and unequivocal definition to avoid any confusion and misinterpretation of results.
The European Standards EN 1330–1 and –2 (for different NDT methods) and the synonymous International Standards (partly drafts) give the agreed denominations
and short definitions of terms.
2.5 General safety considerations
2.5.1 Non-destructive testing is often applied in conditions where safety of the operator may be in danger due to local conditions, or where the application of the
particular NDT method or techniques may in itself compromise the safety of operator and others in the vicinity.
An essential element of any course training for NDT personnel must therefore be safety and the duration of the training for this subject should be adequate and
provided addition to the technical training associated with the particular NDT method.
2.5.2 General safety considerations may include but are not necessarily limited to:
 Environmental conditions: heat, cold, humidity;
 Toxicity: of NDT materials, tested products, atmosphere;
 Radiation safety: NDT materials,products, local regulations
 Electrical safety: NDT equipment, lethal voltages, EMC;
 Potential of personnel injury: working at height or in other dangerous environments;
 Personnel protection equipment: closing, radiation dosimeters.

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A. Radiographic testing level 1, level 2 and level 3

Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

1.0 1.0 History 1.0 History 1.0 History

Introduction, Purpose Purpose Purpose
History of NDT
1.1 Terminology 1.1 Terminology 1.1 Terminology
Electromagnetic radiation Wave-length EN 1330 - 3
Energy Dose
Dose Dose rate
Dose rate Intensity
Dose rate constant

2.0 2.0 Properties of X- and gamma 2.0 Properties of X- and gamma 2.0 Properties of radiation
Physical principles of radiation radiation
the method and Relevant standards: Photon
associated Knowledge Gamma radiography
EN 444: General Principles
Process of ionisation
Neutron radiography
Straight line propagation photochemical effects
biological effects Electron radiography
Effects of radiation
fluorescent effects
Capability of penetration
Energy Process of ionization
photochemical effects
biological effects
fluorescent effects

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

2.1 2.1 Generation of X-radiation 2.1 Generation of X-radiation 2.1 Generation of X-radiation
Function of X-ray tubes Function of X-ray tubes Function of X-ray tubes
Tube current I Spectrum Spectrum
intensity intensity
High voltage U
max. energy max. energy
effects on dose rate and energy of
effective energy effective energy
change of spectrum by tube current change of spectrum by tube current
and tube voltage and tube voltage
Inherent filtering Characteristic radiation
Inherent filtering
Hardening effect

2.2 2.2 Origin of -radiation 2.2 Origin of -radiation 2.2 Origin of -radiation
Radio isotope Ir 192, Co 60, Se 75 Radio nuclide Natural and artificial decay
Isotope Ir 192, Co 60, Se 75, Yb 169
Activity Decay series
half life Activity A
Radio nuclides for NDT
characteristics of -sources
Characteristics of -sources
life time Isotope Ir 192, Co 60, Se 75, Yb 169
half life
decay curves maximum activity Activity A
source size
source size Characteristics of -sources
Characteristic of Gamma ray half life
decay curves maximum activity
Dose rate constant
source size
Spectrum and effective energy
Characteristic of Gamma ray
Dose rate constant
Spectrum and effective energy

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

2.3 2.3 Interaction of radiation with matter 2.3 Interaction of radiation with matter 2.3 Interaction of radiation with matter
Attenuation Attenuation Attenuation vs. energy
photo effect photo effect
coherent scattering coherent scattering
primary radiation
Compton scattering Compton scattering
scattered radiation
pair production pair production
Influence of:penetrated thickness
Attenuation coefficient Attenuation coefficient
Type of material
Scatter radiation Scatter radiation
Specific contrast Specific contrast
Half value layer
Radiation contrast Radiation contrast
Tenth value layer
Effects of filtering Effects of filtering

Beam hardening Beam hardening

Klein-Nishina law

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

2.4 2.4 Properties of film systems and 2.4 Properties of film systems and 2.4 Properties of film systems, screens
screens screens and digital detection systems
Construction Construction additional to level 2
base, emulsion, silver bromide grain size
Latent image information origin New detectors
and distribution
storage phosphor imaging plates
Photo process
Processing flat panels
Properties of film systems x-ray intensifier
Properties of films
characteristic curve line detector
film gradient, film contrast, speed
granularity Classification of detector systems
influence of film processing
contrast application
optical density
film system class
detail perceptibility
Film screens
Classification of film systems according to.
type of film screens
EN 584-1
intensifying effect
filtering effect Film screens
film to screen contact type of screens
film screen contact
inherent unsharpness
effect of filtering
screens for Co 60 and Linac

2.5 2.5 Geometry for radiographic exposures 2.5 Geometry for radiographic 2.5 Geometry for radiographic
exposures exposures
Geometric unsharpness
object to film distance Geometric unsharpness Additional to level 2
focus size d object to film distance
Method of focal spot measurement
source to object distance focus size d
according to EN 12543, EN 12579
source to object distance
Source film distance
Requirements for optimisation by:
Source film distance
Geometric unsharpness, total
Determination of the focal spot
size of Gamma sources
Focus size, current, voltage
Source size, activity

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

3.0 3.0 Typical weld defects imperfections 3.0 Weld imperfections 3.0 Weld imperfections
Product knowledge Type of discontinuity according. to Type of weld seam and weld seam Additional to level 2
and capabilities of the EN ISO 6520 preparation Introduction to fracture
method and its mechanics working load
Welding process origin
derivate Techniques
Materials properties
Type of discontinuity according to
EN ISO 6520 Origin of defects
Further NDT methods
3.1 3.1Typical defects in castings 3.1 Defects in castings 3.1 Defects in castings
Types of defects Casting process Casting process
Types of cast imperfections and their origin Type of cast imperfections and their origin
Structural indications Structural indications
Beam direction to detectability Working load
Materials properties
Production caused defects

3.2 3.2 Influence to detectability 3.2 Influence to detectability 3.2 Influence to detectability
type of defect, beam direction beam direction
size geometric distortion geometric distortion
orientation increase in wall thickness increase in wall thickness
Imaged thickness range Imaged thickness range Imaged thickness range
Number of exposures Thickness ranges for x- and -rays Thickness ranges for x- and -rays
Number of exposures Number of exposures vs. distortion angle

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

4.0 4.0 Design and Operation of X-ray 4.0 Design and Operation of X-ray 4.0 Design and Operation of X-ray
Equipment Machines Machines Machines
Stationary systems, mobile unit Additional to level 1: Additional to level 2
Tubes inherent filtering beam opening characteristics
glass- and metal-ceramic tube pre-filtering x-ray flash devices
rod anode devices
Design of tubes Devices for special applications
micro focus devices
standard tube micro focus tubes
high voltage devices
rod anode tube enlargement technique
short anode tube radioscopy Line focus tubes
Cooling: Gas, water, oil Linac Rotary anode tubes
Focal spot Construction
High voltage, max. current Field of application
Exposure time Typical dates
Safety circuit
Operation instructions
4.1 4.1 Design and Operation of Gamma ray 4.1 Design and Operation of Gamma ray 4.1 Design and Operation of Gamma ray
Devices Devices Devices
container, shielding Additional to level 1: Same as level 2
class: P, M
crawler for pipelines
type: A, B (transportation)
special device for testing of heat
source holder and source capsule
exchanger tubes
Enclosed radioactive material
manipulation device
connections accessory
remote control
Operation instructions
Reference to national requirements and
safety regulations

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

4.2 4.2 Accessories for radiographic testing

lead tape measure
holding magnets
lead screens shielding
rubber bands etc.
radiation protection equipment
5.0 5.0 Written procedures are given 5.0 Information about the test object 5.0 Information about the test object and
Information prior the national requirements
information about the test object Identification or designation
Test Object dimensions Additional to level 2:
Material, dimensions, isometrics
Test class of standard Selection of standards for specific testing
number of parts
Equipment to be used field of application
kind of manufacture European standards
Exposure arrangement
catalogue of defects Application standards
Extent of testing (20 % inspection) overview
Test conditions
marking purpose
technical contents and systematic
particular test conditions Product specific standards for special
industrial sectors
Applicable standards
for welding
Overview for casting
for pipes
Standards assigned to the test object pressurised equipment directive
Preparation of written instructions ISO standards
American standards:
overview ASME-Code
overview ASTM-Standards
6.0 6.0 Developing process 6.0 Developing process 6.0 Developing process
Testing Darkroom Additional to Level 1: Principles
Processing equipment, adjustment Processing equipment, adjustment
checking: checking:
water bath
storage of unexposed films storage of unexposed films
fixing bath
darkroom light test darkroom light test
final water bath
fog test fog test

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

drying clearing time clearing time

tally sheet tally sheet
Preparation and regeneration of baths
Process-controlling in acc. EN 584-2 Use of filmstrips according to. EN 584-2
Use of filmstrips acc. EN 584-2
Film processing faults
6.1 6.1 Examination of welded joints acc. 6.1 Examination of welded joints acc. 6.1 Explanation and discussion of
EN 1435 EN 1435 EN 1435
Scope Scope Scope
Test classes Test classes Test classes
basic and improved techniques basic and improved techniques basic and improved techniques
Test arrangements Test arrangements Test arrangements
number of exposures (Annex A, number of exposures (Annex A, number of exposures (Annex A,
EN 1435) EN 1435) EN 1435)
Choice of Energy Choice of Energy Choice of energy
max. x-ray voltage max. x-ray voltage max. x-ray voltage
penetrated thickness range for gamma penetrated thickness range for gamma penetrated thickness range for gamma
rays rays rays
special options special options special options
Film and screen choice Film and screen choice Film and screen choice
film system classes, film system classes, film system classes,
type and thickness of screens type and thickness of screens type and thickness of screens
Minimum optical density Minimum optical density Minimum optical density
Minimum source-to-object distance Minimum source-to-object distance Minimum source-to-object distance

6.2 6.2 Examination of castings according 6.2 Examination of castings according 6.2 Explanation and discussion of
to. EN 12681 to. EN 12681 EN 12681
Scope Scope for complex shaped objects Scope for complex shaped objects
Test classes Classifications Classifications
basic and improved techniques basic and improved techniques basic and improved techniques
Test arrangements Test arrangements Test arrangements
number of exposures number of exposures number of exposures
special geometries special geometries
Choice of Energy
average wall thickness Choice of Energy Choice of Energy

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

max. x-ray voltage average wall thickness average wall thickness

penetrated thickness range for gamma max. x-ray voltage max. x-ray voltage
rays penetrated thickness range for gamma penetrated thickness range for gamma
special options rays rays
special options special options
Film and screen choice
film system classes, Use of enlargement Increase of covered thickness range
type and thickness of screens Double film technique Double film technique
wall thickness compensation wall thickness equalization
Minimum optical density
use of higher Energy, use of higher Energy,
Minimum source-to-object distance film hardening hardening
Film and screen choice Film and screen choice
film system classes, film system classes,
type and thickness of screens type and thickness of screens
minimum optical density minimum optical density
minimum source-to-object distance minimum source-to-object distance
6.3 6.3 Working with Exposure charts 6.3 Special Technique 6.3 Direct radiography and radioscopy
according to. EN 13068
Definition of exposure value Stereo technique
exposure time Image detectors:
Round about technique
Correction of exposure time for different
Testing of corrosion damage flat panels
Film-focalspot-distance FFD
x-ray intensifier
optical density Enlargement with micro focus camera and TV-systems
relative film exposure factor
Real-time technique
fluorescent screens serial production testing
radioscopy dynamical testing
computed radiography
special materials
documentation, picture archive
Limits of the method:
modulation transfer function
Basic image processing

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

6.4 6.4 Special Technique

Stereo technique
Round about technique
Testing of corrosion damage
Enlargement with micro focus
Special aspects for radiography of materials
with high and low density
Low voltage radiography
Radiography of art objects
light alloys
pre filtering
High voltage radiography
concrete testing
Film – screen –systems pre filtering
intermediate filtering
heavy walled casting
special radiation protection,
6.5 6.5 Image quality indicators 6.5 Image quality indicators according to 6.5 Image quality indicators according to
according. to EN 462-1, -2,-3 EN 462-1, -2,-3 EN 462-1, -2,-3, 4, 5
Definition of Image quality number Additional to Level 1: Same as Level 2:
design of IQI
Image quality number for other materials Relevance of image quality indicators
IQI position of different exposures
acc. EN 462-4
image quality classes International image quality indicators
Detection of unsharpness with duplex-
image quality number
indicator acc. EN 462-5
6.6 6.6 System of marking 6.6 Drafting an NDT instruction for the 6.6 Drafting an NDT procedure for the
testing of welding and castings testing of welding and castings
object to film assignment
permanent marking of the object, Organization of simple test procedures Complete organization of test procedures in
zero point, incremental count direction, combination with other NDT-methods
Test objects
marker tape,
ambient conditions Integration of internal priorities
position of markings on the object
reference documents, specifications,
Choice of testing method
time of testing

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

choice of radiation source radiation protection

choice of adequate direction of equipment
Personal qualification
film location plan
identification of test piece and Cost estimation:
radiographs for personal
number of exposures for equipment
performance of the test and reporting for expendable
of test results for auxiliary attachment
viewing of the films second exposures after repair
classification of defects
assessment of the results according to Selection of specifications for application
and evaluation
applicable codes and standards
list of required accessories Example of an written practice for weld
inspection acc. to ASTM
7. 0 7.0 Basics of evaluation 7.0 Basics of evaluation 7.0 Basic of evaluation
Evaluation and Viewing conditions Additional to Level 1: Viewing conditions
Reporting room condition Mach Effect Mach Effect
viewing time
Film illuminator acc. EN 25580 Film illuminator acc. EN 25580
lapsed time after dazzling
min. luminance min. luminance
Film illuminator, luminance homogeneity factor homogeneity factor
Density measurement Physiological factors Physiological factors
eyesight eyesight
adaptation prior to viewing adaptation prior to viewing
7.1 7.1 Evaluation of radiographs 7.1 Evaluation of radiographs 7.1 Evaluation of radiographs
Verification the image quality Verification of image quality Verification of image quality
Report of simple welding and casting Report of imperfections Report of imperfections
7.2 7.2 Test report 7.2 Check of test report 7.2 Feasibility of test report
welding according to EN 1435 Does it comply with the examination
standard?. Confirmation of the radiographic image
castings according to EN 12681
quality vs. test report
Conformed to the test quality
Achieved test class
Achieved image quality class

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Achieved diagnostic coverage of test object

8.0 8.0 Classification of imperfections 8.0 Classification of imperfections
Assessment Type, size, localisation, frequency Type, size, localisation, frequency
8.1 Assessment of imperfections 8.1 Assessment of imperfections
Welding Welding
according to EN 25817 according to ISO 6520
according to 12062 according to EN 25817
according to. EN 12517, according to 12062
according to Standard on inspection of according to EN 12517,
pressure vessels (EN 13445-5) according to standard on inspection of
pressure vessels (EN 13445-5)
according to ASTM casting
according to ASTM
Evaluation catalogue to EN 25817
Evaluation catalogue to EN 25817
ASTM – catalogue
ASTM – catalogue
other national training catalogues
other national training catalogues
influence of manufacture and material
influence of manufacture and material

9.0 9.0 Personnel qualification (according to 9.0 Personnel qualification (according to 9.0 Personnel qualification (according to
Quality aspects EN ISO 9712) EN ISO 9712) EN ISO 9712)
Equipment verification Equipment verification Equipment verification
Written instructions Format of working procedures,
Traceability of documents Traceability of documents
A review of applicable NDT application and Other NDT qualification and certification
product standards systems
A review of applicable NDT application and
product standards

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

10.0 10.0 alternative detectors to film 10.0 Innovative radiological techniques

Developments Flat panel detectors 3-dimensional radiology inspection
stereo technique
multi angle technique
computed laminography
computed tomography
digital image processing
film digitisation
image enhancement

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B. Ultrasonic testing level 1, level 2 and level 3

Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

1.0 1.0 Task of non-destructive testing - 1.0 Review of level 1 knowledge 1.0 Terminology and definitions of UT
Introduction, Personnel
1.1 Terminology and Definitions of UT Overview of standards: ISO, CEN and
Terminology national (general, and products)
1.1 History of NDT
History of NDT
1.2 Terminology of NDT (EN 1330-1 & –2)
1.3 History of UT

1.4 Terminology of UT (EN 1330-4)

2.0 2.0 Relevant standards: 2.0 Physical definitions and typical 2.0 As level 2 +
Physical principles of EN 583-1 to EN 583-6 parameters
the method and EN 14127
associated Knowledge Isotropic and anisotropic materials
Phenoma of guided propagation
2.1 Review of mathematical basics 2.1 Same as level 1 +
Velocity measurement and
Physical definitions and typical parameters - acoustic impedance, factors of reflection
and transmission (normal beam only)
Sinusoidal movement, amplitude, period,
Relation between between velocity and
frequency, wavelength, propagation velocity - beam propagation
elastic properties of materials
2.2 Various types of wave modes 2.2 Various types of wave modes
Longitudinal waves Same as level 1 +
Transverse waves - extended knowledge of surface waves or
Rayleigh waves and of plate
Concepts of surface waves or Rayleigh
waves and of plate waves or Lamb waves waves or Lamb waves
- creeping waves

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

2.3 Reflection and refraction 2.3 Reflection and refraction

Normal incidence, transmission and Same as level 1 + acoustic pressure
Incidence oblique
Snell’s law
Critical angles, mode conversion

2.4 Transmission and reception of 2.4 Transmission and reception of

ultrasonic waves ultrasonic waves
Piezo-electric effect Same as level 1
Ferro-electricity or electrostriction
2.5 Magnetostriction 2.5 Magnetostriction

2.6 Transducer characteristics 2.6 Transducer characteristics

Material, dimensions, piezo-electric Same as level 1 (deeper knowledge)

2.7 Characteristics of the beam of a 2.7 Characteristics of the beam of a

circular transducer circular transducer
Influence of transducer frequency and Same as level 1 +
- characteristics of the beam of a
Near field (Fresnel zone) rectangular transducer
Far field (Fraunhofer zone) - beam profiling
Beam divergence - beam divergence factor
3.0 3.0 Various defects related to the 3.0 Same as level 1 + 3.0 Same as level 2+
Products knowledge manufacturing processes and service - tandem (zones) Choice of techniques (contact, immersion,
and related capability induced defects related to the defined - selection of transducers for required transmission, resonance, …)
of the method and sectors resolution and reduction of
Implementation of the testing techniques noise (type, frequency, size) - EMAT
derived techniques
according to products and to expected - immersion - Multiple probe arrays
discontinuities - TOFD
Influence of geometry and structure - phased arrays
(spurious echoes, sound attenuation) Influence of the main parameters

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

A comprehensive understanding and

knowledge of the manufacturing processes
and associated metallurgy & flaw types
A comprehensive understanding and
knowledge of the cause and formation of in-
service defects including associated
metallurgy & flaw types etc…
4.0 4.0 Various probes (normal, angle, dual) 4.0 Same as level 1 + 4.0 Same as level 2 +
Equipment Instruments (analogical and digital) - detailed knowledge of the different
Pulse generation functions of UT test equipment Systems (manual/semi-automatic,
Reception and amplification (percentage - automatic and semi automatic systems automatic,): speed, incrementation,
and dB) - B- and C-scan presentation (deeper repeatability, …
Range setting knowledge) Analog flaw detedors (different circuits)
A- scan presentation - couplant (deeper knowledge) Digital flaw detectors (Comparison with
B- and C-scan presentation analog flaw detectors, Sampling-rate)
Calibration reference and transfer blocks
Additional functions: Special equipment including thickness
Couplant measurment
- Dynamic range
- Probes for immersion: focused,
spherical, cylindrical, Fermat surface;
- Measurement of pulse length practical
mesurement of the near field
Shoe (delay, curvature, …);
Connecting cables (sealing, insulation and
Blocks: representativity
5.0 5.0 Written instruction (prepared by a 5.0 Same as level 1 (deeper knowledge)+ 5.0 As level 2 +
Information prior to level 2 or 3) - contents and requirements of instructions, Selection of technical parameters:
test procedures and standards - Products: geometry, surface
Objectives - quality, accessibility, environment,
Requirements - Preparation of written instructions …
- UT indication/ discontinuity/ defect:
type, origin, shape, dimension,
orientation, tilt/skew, …
- properties of the equipment:
Preparation of written specifications

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

6.0 6.0 Verification of combined equipment 6.0 Same as level 1 (deeper knowledge) 6.0 Same as level 2 +
Testing according to EN 12668-3 +
- reference reflectors (laws of distance and Control and assessment of procedures and
6.1 Standardized calibration blocks ref : size) instructions for their efficiency
EN 12223 & EN 27963 - DGS-method
- DAC-curves
- distance/amplitude-correction
6.2 Contact technique (straight and - transfer correction (surface and
angle beam) attenuation)
Reflection - sizing techniques, principles and
Transmission limitations
- scanning
6.3 Immersion techniques (straight and
angle beam)

6.4 Setting of range and sensitivity

Reference reflectors
Transfer correction

6.5 Ultrasonic thickness measurement


7.0 7.0 Detecting, locating (trigonometrical 7.0 Same as level 1 (deeper knowledge)+ 7.0 Use of complementary NDT
Evaluation and rules) and sizing techniques - characterization (planar / non planar methods;
reporting according to EN 1713 for welds) Interpretation of relevant standards and
Recording and evaluation level - Interpretation and evaluation of indications codes
Acceptance levels Evaluation (conventional approach,
Test reports validated method) ;
System of coordinate Distinction defect/artefact;
Measurement (probe, reflector) Acceptance criteria;
Calculated values Level of significant variation;
Storage and recording process

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

8.0 (not applicable) 8.0 Evaluation and confirmation of test Detailed knowledge of how to classify &
Assessment reports assess observations, analyse the results
Application of the acceptance criteria and compare them to codes, standards and
according to standards, codes and design specifications etc….
How to develop codes, standards and
design specifications etc…. into clear
acceptance criteria to be written into
procedures and instructions

Also how to find information /assistance to

investigate observations not covered by
codes and standards & develop
acceptance criteria. The training of levels 1
& 2 for these acceptance criteria.
9.0 9.0 Personnel qualification 9.0 Personnel qualification 9.0 Personnel qualification and
Quality aspects (according to EN ISO 9712) (according to EN ISO 9712) responsibility
Equipment verification Equipment verification (according to EN ISO 9712)
Written instructions Equipment verification
Traceability of documents Format of working procedures,
Traceability of documents
Other NDT qualification and certification
A review of applicable NDT application and
product standards

10.0 (not applicable) 10.0 General information Newest developments for industrial and
Developments scientific applications of UT: e.g.
tomography holography, acoustic
microscopy, …

Issue 3 Rev B Page 21 of 43 dated 1st January 2013

C. Eddy current testing level 1, level 2 and level 3

Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

1.0 1.0 Generalities on NDT: 1.0 Generalities on NDT: 1.0 Generalities on NDT:
Introduction, What is testing? What is the purpose of What is testing? What is the purpose of What is testing? What is the purpose of
Terminology, NDT? At what stage of the life of a NDT? At what stage of the life of a NDT? At what stage of the life of a
History of NDT "product" is NDT performed? How does it "product" is NDT performed? How does it "product" is NDT performed? How does it
add value? Who may carry out NDT? Main add value? Who may carry out NDT? Main add value? Who may carry out NDT? Main
NDT methods. NDT methods. NDT methods.
1.1 Eddy current testing: 1.1 Eddy current testing: 1.1 Eddy current testing:
Definition: electromagnetic interaction Definition: electromagnetic interaction Definition: electromagnetic interaction
between a sensor and a test object between a sensor and a test object between a sensor and a test object
conducting electricity, providing information conducting electricity, providing information conducting electricity, providing information
on physical characteristics of the test on physical characteristics of the test on physical characteristics of the test
object. object. object.
History of the method History of the method History of the method
1.2 Terminology 1.2 Terminology 1.2 Terminology
EN 1330 –1and –2 EN 1330 –1and –2 EN 1330 –1and –2
EN 1330- 5 EN 1330- 5 EN 1330- 5
2.0 2.0 Fundamentals * 2.0 Fundamentals * 2.0 Fundamentals *

Issue 3 Rev B Page 22 of 43 dated 1st January 2013

Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Physical principles and 2.1 Electricity : elements 2.1 Electricity : 2.1 Electricity :
associated knowledge1 Direct current : current, voltage, resistance, Direct current : current, voltage, resistance, Direct current : current, voltage, resistance,
conductance, Ohm's law, resistivity, conductance, Ohm's law, resistivity, conductance, Ohm's law, resistivity,
conductivity. Units, conductivity values for conductivity. Units, conductivity values for conductivity. Units, conductivity values for
some metals. some metals. some metals.
Alternating current : sinusoidal current and Alternating current : sinusoidal current and Alternating current : sinusoidal current and
voltage, amplitude, frequency, period, voltage, amplitude, frequency, period, voltage, amplitude, frequency, period,
phase. phase. Vector representation. phase. Vector representation. Other
periodic currents.

2.2 Magnetism 2.2 Magnetism 2.2 Magnetism

Magnetism : magnetic field, lines of force, Magnetism : magnetic field, lines of force, Magnetism : magnetic field, lines of force,
magnetic field strength. Permeability, flux magnetic field strength. Permeability, flux magnetic field strength. Permeability, flux
density (induction). Flux. Hysteresis loop. density (induction). Flux. Hysteresis loop. density (induction). Flux. Hysteresis loop.
Units. Reluctance. Magneto-motive force. Units. Reluctance. Magneto-motive force. Units.

Diamagnetism, paramagnetism, Diamagnetism, paramagnetism,

ferromagnetism. ferromagnetism.

1 Section 2 lists the notions necessary to understand eddy current testing. The knowledge associated to the physical principles (physics, mathematics) may as well be the object of a
preliminary course of training.

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

2.3 Electromagnetism 2.3 Electromagnetism 2.3 Electromagnetism

Magnetic field created by a current, (wire, Magnetic field created by a current, (wire, Magnetic field created by a current, (wire,
coil). Electromagnetic induction coil). Electromagnetic induction coil). Electromagnetic induction
phenomenon, inductance, Electromagnetic phenomenon, inductance, mutual induction. phenomenon, inductance, mutual induction.
coupling. Induced currents and secondary Electromagnetic coupling. Induced currents Electromagnetic coupling. Induced currents
field. Lenz’s law and secondary field. Lenz’s law and secondary field. Lenz’s law
Eddy current distribution in conducting Eddy current distribution in conducting Eddy current distribution in conducting
materials materials materials
- depth of penetration, amplitude, phase - planar wave: standard depth of - planar wave: standard depth of
-characteristic frequency penetration, amplitude, phase penetration, amplitude, phase
Impedance. - cylindrical conductors: characteristic - cylindrical conductors: characteristic
frequency frequency
Impedance. Complex plane representation. Impedance. Complex plane representation.
Impedance plane diagrams Impedance plane diagrams

Issue 3 Rev B Page 24 of 43 dated 1st January 2013

Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

3.0 Applications of eddy current testing: Manufacturing related discontinuities Manufacturing related discontinuities (typical
Product knowledge Metal sorting (typical flaws) flaws)
and related capability Measurement of a physical parameter: Service induced discontinuities (flaws). Service induced discontinuities (flaws).
of the method and conductivity, ferrite content , thickness of
coatings, etc... Material properties influencing eddy current Material properties influencing eddy current
derived techniques
Detection of local discontinuities (flaws). testing: conductivity, permeability, testing : conductivity, permeability,
Capabilities : Product characteristics influencing eddy Product characteristics influencing eddy
depth of penetration, conductive current testing: condition (surface condition, current testing : condition (surface condition,
materials heat treatment, cold working, temperature, heat treatment, cold working, temperature,
Non contact, high speed, high etc...), shape, wall thickness, accessibility etc...), shape, wall thickness, accessibility
temperature, may be mechanised. Products being tested : Applications of eddy current testing :
Techniques: single frequency, Semi-finished products, pipes, heat Metal sorting
multifrequency, multiparameter. exchanger tubes, mechanical parts (e.g. Measurement of a physical parameter :
car, railway and aircraft industry), welds conductivity, , thickness of coatings, etc...
(e.g. offshore) Detection of local discontinuities (flaws)
Applications of eddy current testing : Capabilities :
Metal sorting - depth of penetration, conductive materials
Measurement of a physical parameter : Non contact, high speed, high
conductivity, ferrite content , thickness of temperature, may be mechanised.
coatings, etc... Techniques : single frequency,
Detection of local discontinuities (flaws) multifrequency, multiparameter. Remote
Capabilities: field.
- depth of penetration, conductive materials Codes and standards
Non contact, high speed, high
temperature, may be mechanised.
Techniques : single frequency,
multifrequency, multiparameter. Remote
Codes and standards

4.0 4.0 Eddy current testing system: 4.0 Eddy current testing system: 4.0 Eddy current testing system:
Equipment instrument, probe, reference blocks. instrument, probe, reference blocks. instrument, probe, reference blocks.

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

4.1 Relevant standards: 4.1 Relevant standards: 4.1 Relevant standards:

- EN 13860-1 and EN 13860-2 - EN 13860-1 and EN 13860-2 - EN 13860-1 and EN 13860-2

Measurements: absolute, differential, others General purpose application instrument : General purpose application instrument:
Output and signal display essential functions essential functions
Specific application instruments Specific application instruments
Probe functions: combined or separate Probe functions: combined or separate
transmit- receive transmit- receive
Probe family : surface, coaxial Probe family : surface, coaxial
Probe designs Probe designs
Measurements : absolute, differential, Measurements : absolute, differential,
others others
Output and signal display Output and signal display
Reference blocks : material, design, Reference blocks : material, design,
production, storage. production, storage.
Mechanised equipment Mechanised equipment
standards Codes and standards

5.0 Information on the product : grade, Information on the product : grade, Information on the product : grade,
Information prior to metallurgical condition, shape. Type of metallurgical condition, shape. Type of metallurgical condition, shape. Type of
testing discontinuities anticipated and location, duty discontinuities anticipated and location, duty discontinuities anticipated and location,
of the product. Extent of examination. of the product. Extent of examination. duty of the product. Extent of examination.
Information on test conditions : Information on test conditions : Information on test conditions :
temperature, humidity, access, availability, temperature, humidity, access, availability, temperature, humidity, access, availability,
unwanted interfering signals, electric and/or unwanted interfering signals, electric and/or unwanted interfering signals, electric and/or
magnetic disturbances. magnetic disturbances. magnetic disturbances.
- Preparation of written instructions Use of other NDT methods
Codes, standards, specifications.

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

6.0 Reference blocks : design, production, Reference blocks : design, production, Reference blocks : design, production,
Testing storage. storage. storage.
Operating conditions : Probe : selection, as a result of the Probe : selection or design, as a result of
Excitation frequency and if necessary information in 5.0, the information in 5.0,
auxiliary frequencies Operating conditions as a result of the Operating conditions as a result of the
Probe speed, probe clearance, probe information in 5.0 : information in 5.0 :
vibration and centring Excitation frequency and if necessary Excitation frequency and if necessary
auxiliary frequencies auxiliary frequencies
Calibration curves Probe speed, probe clearance, probe Probe speed, probe clearance, probe
vibration and centring vibration and centring
Settings : data acquisition Calibration curves
procedure/instructions Calibration curves Settings : data acquisition procedure
Settings : data acquisition procedure
7.0 7.0 Evaluation 7.0 Evaluation. 7.0 Evaluation.
Evaluation And NOT APPLICABLE Characterisation of the indications : single Characterisation of the indications : single
Reporting frequency analysis, multifrequency analysis, frequency analysis, multifrequency
data analysis procedure analysis, data analysis procedure

7.1 Reporting 7.1 Reporting 7.1 Reporting

Reporting level Reporting level
Examination report Examination report Examination report

8.0 NOT APPLICABLE Acceptance criteria Acceptance criteria

Assessment Codes, standards Significance of discontinuities
Codes, standards
9.0 9.0 Personnel qualification 9.0 Personnel qualification 9.0 Personnel qualification
Quality aspects (according to EN ISO 9712) (according to EN ISO 9712) (according to EN ISO 9712)
Equipment verification Equipment verification Equipment verification
Written instructions Format of working procedures,
Traceability of documents Traceability of documents
Other NDT qualification and certification
A review of applicable NDT application and
product standards

Issue 3 Rev B Page 27 of 43 dated 1st January 2013

Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

10.0 NOT APPLICABLE General information Array probes

Developments Pulsed eddy currents
Non inductive techniques : Magneto-Optical
Imaging, SQUID, Giant magneto-

Issue 3 Rev B Page 28 of 43 dated 1st January 2013

D. Penetrant testing level 1, level 2 and level 3
* E = educational training time P = Practical training time
Note "direct access to level 2 examination requires the total hours shown for level 1 and level 2".
Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

1.0 1.0 History 1.0 History 1.0 History

Introduction, Purpose Purpose Purpose
History of NDT 1.1 Terminology 1.1 Terminology 1.1 Terminology
Product family Product family Product family
EN ISO 12706 EN ISO 12706 EN ISO 12706
Penetrant Sensitivity level Sensitivity level
Developer Post emulsifiable Post emulsifiable
Remover Dual purpose penetrant Dual purpose penetrant
Reference block e.g. Background Background

2.0 2.0 Relevant standards: 2.0 Relevant standards: 2.0 Relevant standards:
Physical principles of - EN 571-1: General principles - EN 571-1: General principles - EN 571-1: General principles
the method and
associated Knowledge Viscosity Viscosity Physical basics of the method
Bleed out Bleed out Superficial tension
Flash point Capillarity Viscosity
Emulsification of penetrant Flash point Contact angle
Development Emulsification of penetrant Vapour pressure
Coloured and fluorescent penetrant

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

3.0 3.0 Typical defects according to the 3.0 Typical defects according to the 3.0 Typical defects according to the
Product knowledge production process (forgings, castings, production process (forgings, castings, production process (forgings, castings,
and capabilities of the rolling, welding, …) rolling, welding, …) rolling, welding, …)
method and its Welding process, casting process, process
of rolled bars
derivate techniques
4.0 4.0 Design and operation of penetrant 4.0 Design and operation of penetrant 4.0 Design and operation of penetrant
Equipment installations and units installations and units installations and units
Semiautomatic and automatic systems
Aerosol spray cans Electrostatic systems, fluidised bed Electrostatic systems, fluidised bed
Dip installations, brushing, light sources, Aerosol spray cans Aerosol spray cans
measuring units and reference blocks Dip installations, brushing, light sources, Dip installations, brushing, light sources,
measuring units and reference blocks measure units and reference blocks (EN
(EN 3452-3 and EN 3452) 3452-3 and EN 3452-4)

Viewing condition (EN ISO 3059) (According to various standards e.g. EN

ISO 3452-4)
Viewing condition (EN ISO 3059)
5.0 5.0 Verification that the test object is in 5.0 Information about the test object, 5.0 Prepare written procedure
Information prior the suitable conditions for testing prepare written instruction
test Identification or designation Identification or designation
Written instructions are given Material, dimensions, field of application Material, dimensions, field of application
Kind of product family, catalogue of defects Kind of product family, catalogue of defects
Test conditions, Test conditions
Applicable standards and codes, assigned Applicable standards and codes assigned
to the test object to the test object
6.0 6.0 Performance of the test 6.0 Preparation and performance of the test 6.0 Preparation of the test
According to written instruction Preparation of written instructions according According to EN 571-1
to EN 1371-1, EN 10228-2, EN 1289
7.0 7.0 Test report 7.0 Check test report 7.0 Written procedure with check of test
Evaluation and reports:
Reporting Welding according to EN 1289 Welding according to EN 1289 Welding according to EN 571-1
Casting according to EN 1371-1 Casting according to EN 1371-1 Casting according to EN 1371
Forging according to EN 10228-2 Forging according to EN 10228-2 Forging according to EN 10228-2
Rolled products

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

7.1 Basics of evaluation 7.1 Basics of evaluation 7.1 Basics of evaluation

Viewing conditions according to EN ISO Viewing conditions according to EN ISO Viewing conditions according to EN ISO
3059 3059 3059
Reference block No 2 (according to EN Reference block Nos. 1 and 2 (according Reference block Nos. 1 and 2 (according to
ISO 3452-3) to EN ISO 3452-3) EN ISO 3452-3)
Verification the indication quality Other used reference blocks Other used reference blocks
Calibration of test units Calibration of test units
Report of simple welding, forging, rolled Batch test report
products and casting imperfections
7.2 Evaluation 7.2 Evaluation
Verification the indication quality Verification the indication quality

Report of discontinuities according to EN

1289, EN 1371-1, EN 10228-2

8.0 8.0 Assessment of discontinuities 8.0 Assessment of discontinuities 8.0 Assessment of discontinuities
Depth, width, shape, position, orientation Influence of manufacture and material Depth, width, shape, position, orientation
9.0 Personnel qualification (according to EN Personnel qualification (according to EN Personnel qualification (according to EN
Quality aspects ISO 9712) ISO 9712) ISO 9712)
Equipment verification Equipment verification Equipment verification
Written instructions Format of working procedures
Traceability of documents Traceability of documents
A review of applicable NDT application and Other NDT qualification and certification
product standards systems
A review of applicable NDT application and
product standards
10.0 10.0 Disposing of chemicals 10.0 Disposing of chemicals 10.0 Disposing of chemicals
Environmental and Penetrants Penetrants Penetrants
safety conditions Developer Developer Soluble remover, developer
Emulsifier Emulsifier Safety data sheets
Material of process excess removal Material of process excess removal UV-radiation, electrical hazard
Safety data sheet Safety data sheet
Active carbon method, ultrafiltration method A review of applicable NDT application and
UV radiation, electrical hazard product standards
Disposal is regulated by national

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

11.0 (Not applicable) Special installations Creative and innovative special

Developments installations
Automotive installations (examples) Automotive installations (examples)
Tube installations

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E. Magnetic particle testing level 1, level 2 and level 3
* E = educational training time P = Practical training time
Note "direct access to level 2 examination requires the total hours shown for level 1 and level 2".
Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

1.0 1.0 Introduction 1.0 Introduction 1.0 Introduction

Introduction, Presentation of the magnetic particle Presentation of the magnetic particle Presentation of the magnetic particle
terminology, purpose testing testing testing
and history of NDT Applicability and limits Applicability and limits Applicability and limits
History History History
Terminology Terminology Terminology
2.0 2.0 Basic physical phenomena in terms 2.0 Basic physical phenomena 2.0 Basics
Physical principles of general description Electric circuits, typical value, units Diamagnetism – Paramagnetism
and associated Electric circuits, typical values, units Magnetic circuits, typical value, units Ferromagnetism – Ferrimagnetism
knowledge Magnetic circuits, typical values, units Magnetic field created by electric circuits Magnetic fields characterization and
Magnetic field created by electric circuits Indefinite rectilinear conductor measurements
Passage of the flux from a magnetic Long magnetic coil Magnetic field H - magnetic Induction B
medium to a non magnetic media Short or flat magnetizing coil Hysteresis cycle and remarkable points
Magnetic flux of a magnetic discontinuity Passage of the flow of a magnetic in a Influence of the temperature on the
Influence of depth and orientation of a non magnetic media magnetic properties
magnetic discontinuity on its detection Continuity of HT Principle of magnetic particle testing
Magnetic properties of materials Continuity of BN Influence of the interface between a
Nonmagnetic materials Magnetic flux of a magnetic magnetic medium and a nonmagnetic
Magnetic materials. Curie point discontinuity medium
Influence of the geometry (depth, Continuity of HT
thickness) and of the orientation of a Continuity of BN
magnetic discontinuity on its detection Influence of the orientation of the
Magnetic properties discontinuity on magnetic flux
Designation of alloys Behaviour of a magnetic particle in the
Non magnetic materials vicinity of a magnetic flux
Magnetic materials Influence of geometry (depth, thickness
Field of application and orientation) on detectability
Curie Point Magnetic properties of principal
Curve of the first magnetization ferromagnetic alloys
Hysteresis cycle and remarkable points Magnetic field H, magnetic induction B,
Magnetic properties of steels relative magnetic permeability µ R ,
coercitive force Hc, electrical resistance

Issue 3 Rev B Page 33 of 43 dated 1st January 2013

Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Influence of composition, heat
treatments and work hardening of the
Influence of work hardening.
Influence of heat treatment
Particular alloys: e.g. Permalloys,
Invar, Inconel
3.0 3.0 Typical discontinuities according to 3.0 Typical discontinuities in welds, 3.0 Typical discontinuities in welds,
Product knowledge the production process (welds, forgings, forgings, castings and roller products and forgings, castings and roller products and
and capabilities of castings and roller products there indications there indications
method and its
3.1 Testing parameters: 3.1 Testing parameters: 3.1 Testing parameters:
derivate techniques Magnetization, detection media and test of Magnetization, detection media and test of Magnetization, detection media and test of
detection media indication. detection media indication. detection media indication

4.0 4.0 Equipment 4.0 Equipment 4.0 Equipment

Equipment Magnetizing equipment Various types
Viewing condition Portable electromagnet Mobile or fixed equipment using magnetic
Measurement and calibration Mobile flow technique or current flow technique
Demagnetization Magnetic benches Automatic and robotized with automatic
Automatic and robotized with automatic detection (magnetic leakage field)
detection (magnetic leakage field)

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

4.1 Relevant standards: Sources of light and conditions of 4.1 Relevant standards:
EN ISO 9934-2 and EN ISO 9934-3 illumination EN ISO 9934-2 and EN ISO 9934-3
Flux indicators and products indicators
Field strength measuring devices
Photometers and radiometers
Considerations on the choice of the
Elements to be taken into account
materials and components to be
controlled zones to be controlled, goal
of the test place and environment
Choice of the technique type of current
Magnetic flow technique (open and
closed circuit)
Current flow technique – Induced current
flow combined system Multidirectional
magnetization and rotating field

5.0 5.0 Application of a written instruction 5.0 Identification or designation 5.0 Identification or designation
Information prior the material. materials.
test -Kind of manufacture. -Kind of manufacture.
-Catalogue of defects -Catalogue of defects
-Test condition and application of standard: -Test condition and application of
-Accessibility standard:
-Infrastructure -Accessibility
-Particular test condition -Infrastructure
-Application standard. Overview -Particular test condition
-Standard and codes assigned to the test -Application standard. Overview
objects -Standard and codes assigned to the test
-Acceptance criteria objects
Preparation of written instructions -Acceptance criteria
Documents Preparation of written instructions

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Presentation of the standards, codes and Presentation of the standards, codes and
procedures procedures
6.0 6.0 Testing according to the written 6.0 Testing 6.0 Testing
Testing instructions Surface preparation Preparation of the parts and influence of
Surface preparation Cleaning, machining the surface quality
Cleaning, machining Use of contrast paint Means of magnetization. Values of the
Use of contrast paint Magnetization, types and time of parameters. Continuous or simultaneous
Magnetization, types and time of application method. Remanence method . Flux
application Application of the detection media indicators
Application of the detection media Continuous technique Choice of the detection media. products
Recording of discontinuities Remanence technique indicators
Continuous technique Grid and covering
Remanence technique Control of conditions of magnetization
Grid and covering
Control of conditions of magnetization

6.1 Treatment of the components after 6.1 Treatment of the components after 6.1 Treatment of the components after
test test test
Residual field Residual field. Conditions requiring Demagnetization
Basic principle of demagnetization demagnetization. Level of residual field Principle, minimal value of the magnetic
Demagnetization. Industrial methods of Basic principle of demagnetization field of demagnetization, frequency, effect
demagnetization Demagnetization. Industrial methods of of skin and calculation of magnetizing coil
Cleaning of the components demagnetization and influence of terrestrial Level of residual field according to the later
magnetic field use of material
Cleaning of the components Influence of terrestrial magnetic field
Cleaning of the components

7.0 7.0 Classification of the indications 7.0 Test report 7.0 Test report
Evaluation and Welding according to EN 1290 Check test report Written procedure with check of test
reporting Casting according to EN 1369 Basic of evaluation reports:
Forging according to EN 10228-1 Viewing conditions (EN ISO 3059) Welding according to EN 1290
Rolled products according to reference block, other Casting according to EN 1371
Viewing conditions according to used reference blocks, calibration of Forging according to 10228-2
reference block test units, batch test report

Issue 3 Rev B Page 36 of 43 dated 1st January 2013

Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Verification the indication quality (EN ISO Evaluation and verification the Basics of evaluation, viewing
3059) indication quality conditions (EN ISO 3059) according
to reference block, other used refer-
Report of simple welding, forging, rolled Report of imperfections according to ence blocks calibration of test units
products and casting imperfections EN 1290, EN 1369, EN 10228-1
Evaluation verification the indication
8.0 Not applicable Assessment of discontinuities Assessment of discontinuities
Assessment Influence of manufacture and material Influence of manufacture and material

9.0 9.0 Personnel qualification 9.0 Personnel qualification 9.0 Personnel qualification (according to
Quality aspects (according to EN ISO 9712) (according to EN ISO 9712) EN ISO 9712)
Equipment verification Equipment verification
Equipment verification Written instructions Format of working procedures
Traceability of documents Traceability of documents
A review of applicable NDT application and A review of applicable NDT application and
product standards product standards

10.0 10.0 Health and Safety 10.0 Health and Safety 10.0 Health and Safety
Environmental and
Safety conditions Electric risks hazards Electric risks hazards Electric risks hazards
Risks related to the products (magnetic Risks related to the products (magnetic Risks related to the products (magnetic
inks) inks) inks)
Risks related to the ultraviolet radiation Risks related to the ultraviolet radiation Risks related to the ultraviolet radiation
Disposal of the effluents and environmental Disposal of the effluents and environmental Disposal of the effluents and
conditions (concepts) conditions (concepts) environmental conditions (concepts)
Safety data sheet Safety data sheet Harmfulness and toxicity of the products
Treatment and rejection of the effluents,
environmental conditions
Fire hazards
Risks related to the ultraviolet radiations
11.0 (Not applicable) Special installation and equipment New techniques
Developments Creative and innovative special

Issue 3 Rev B Page 37 of 43 dated 1st January 2013

Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

F. Syllabus visual testing level 1, level 2 and level 3

* E = educational training time P = Practical training time
Note "direct access to level 2 examination requires the total hours shown for level 1 and level 2".
Level 3
Level 2
Contents Level 1 The following should be covered in addition
to that in Level 1 & 2
1.0 1.0 History of NDT 1.0 History of NDT 1.0 As level 2
Introduction, History of Visual Testing (VT) History of Visual Testing Use of VT as a complement to other NDT
Terminology, purpose Purpose of NDT Purpose of NDT methods.
& history of NDT Definition of visual testing Definition of visual testing
1.1 Terminology 1.1 Terminology
Terminology applicable to VT Terminology applicable to VT
EN1330-2 & EN 1330-10 EN1330-2 & EN 1330-10
Overview of VT applications Extended overview of VT applications
2.0 2.0 Relevant standards 2.0 Relevant standards 2.0 As level 2, plus
Physical principles of EN 13018 VT General principles EN 13018 VT General principles
the method and EN13927 VT Equipment EN13927 VT Equipment Goals and principles of VT
associated Knowledge
Fundamentals Fundamentals A comprehensive knowledge and
Vision Vision understanding of the physical principles and
 The eye, inc operation & physics of light including
construction Optical performance
 Vision limitations Polarization of light
 Adaptation & accommodation Stroboscopic principles
 Disorders Dispersion
Lighting Lighting Refraction and refractive
Transmission  Physics of light index
Reflection Electromagnetic radiation Reflection
Absorption Visible wavelengths Fluorescence
Photometry  Fundamentals of light Advantages and disadvantages of
Light levels Transmission different wavelengths of optical radiation
Light measurement Reflection (UV, IR), including Colour temperature
Absorption Types of light sources, natural,
 Lighting measurements artificial including laser
Details of the eye including
 Lighting levels
Vision ranges
 Lighting techniques
Effects of disorders
 Contrast
Optical principles
 Operation of lenses

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Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Optical principles  Operation of magnifiers Camera & photo sensor operation &
 Image construction principles
 Virtual images Optical filters
 Chromatic aberration Construction of digital images and
 Geometric distortion problems
 Magnification principles Image processing
Visual perception Image analysis
 What your eyes see Image compression &
Visual perception Transmission
 What your mind sees
Image storage
 What others perceive
 What the designer, engineer etc. Video monitors
want you to see Other monitors
Material attributes affecting the test
 Cleanliness
Material attributes  Colour Light meters & photometers
 Colour  Condition
 Surface condition  Shape
 Surface preparation  Size Principles of operation of fibre bundles and
 Temperature lenses
 Texture Coherent
 Type Incoherent
 Surface Finish
 Surface preparation Photogrammetry
Environmental factors Environmental & physiological factors
 Atmosphere
 Comfort
 Perspective
 Distance
 Accessing
 Fatigue
 Health
 Humidity
 Mental attitude
Direct and remote methods  Position
 Safety
Vision requirements  Temperature
References:  Cleanliness
EN13028 Direct and remote methods vision
EN13927 requirements & the employers responsibility

Issue 3 Rev B Page 39 of 43 dated 1st January 2013

Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

3.0 The depth of knowledge required for this The depth of knowledge required for this Level 2, plus
Product knowledge section is given below: section is given below: Evaluation of surfaces
and capabilities of the Outline of basic flaws detectable by VT as Test objects and flaws
method and its necessary to work in a specific sector Basic production and degradation
process; Roughness & waviness
derivate Techniques
Terms, origin and nature and
References EN 970, EN 12454, EN1370, appearance of flaws
EN 5817 Product technology sectors Definition of shape & geometry of flaws
Basic metallurgy of the process/
Awareness of capability and limitations Welding / joining methods A comprehensive understanding and
Including Cladding & Buttering: knowledge of the manufacturing processes
Wrought product production methods and associated metallurgy & flaw types
Cold working processes etc…
Heat treatment processes
Material composition:
Surface finishing methods A comprehensive understanding and
Basic foundry technology knowledge of the cause and formation of in-
Machining & material removal service defects including associated
processes metallurgy & flaw types etc…

In-service aspects:
Service induced flaws

References EN 970, EN 12454, EN 1370,

EN 10163 parts 1 to 3 inclusive, EN 5817

Capability and limitations of VT

Flaw size

Issue 3 Rev B Page 40 of 43 dated 1st January 2013

Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Orientation/ position
Flaw types
Surface condition effects
Equipment limitations
Lighting effects

Associated techniques
Thermographic imaging
4.0 4.0 Introduction to equipment 4.0 Introduction to, and applications of As level 2, plus the inclusion of
Equipment Mirrors equipment equipment for assessment of surface
Magnifiers (ref ISO 3058) Mirrors conditions
Borescopes Magnifiers (ref ISO 3058) A good understanding of equipment
Fibrescopes Borescopes performance limitations & the selection of
Photographic & video: Fibrescopes new equipment for its suitability.
Imaging cameras Photographic & video:
Light sources and special lighting Imaging cameras Additionally, the effect this will have on the
Gauges, templates, scales, Video monitors test arrangement
special tools, etc. Light sources and special lighting The evaluation of equipment to fulfil a
Automated systems Gauges, templates, scales, special particular task
Computer-enhanced systems tools, etc. Development of verification for equipment
Demonstration test piece Automated systems performance, including the choice/design
Resolution targets Computer-enhanced systems and application of demonstration test
Demonstration test piece pieces
Or other special equipment as necessary Resolution targets Understanding of the procedure for control,
for the test. Graticules maintenance and calibration of equipment
Image recording, transfer & storage
Why equipment must be verified equipment:
Equipment selection & limitations
Verification of equipment
Sizing of indications:
Imaging systems
References: Special optical systems
EN 13927 Or other special equipment as necessary
ISO 3058 for the test, such as underwater, radiation
resistant, etc.

Issue 3 Rev B Page 41 of 43 dated 1st January 2013

Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

5.0 5.0 Pre-test documentation (ref EN13018) 5.0 Pre-test documentation (ref EN13018) 5.0 As level 2, plus the writing of
Information prior to the procedures and the design of the test
Test arrangement.
Test instruction Test instruction
Written procedure (when required) Written procedure or standard (when The development & application of
required) verification techniques including the
These should specify the following aspects: demonstration of procedures and
Object to be tested These should specify the following aspects: instructions for effectiveness.
Extent of test coverage Object to be tested
Technique & sequence of performing test Extent of test coverage A thorough knowledge of complementary
Surface condition Technique & sequence of performing Test NDT methods that may be referenced in
Surface preparation Surface condition written procedures.
The stage of manufacture or service life Surface preparation
when testing is to be carried out The stage of manufacture or service life
The requirements of test personnel when testing is to be carried out
The acceptance criteria The requirements of test personnel
The illumination (type, level and direction) The acceptance criteria
The visual testing equipment to be used The illumination (type, level and direction)
The post test documentation The visual testing equipment to be used
A demonstration test piece & inspection The post test documentation
checkpoints A demonstration test piece & inspection
Requirement for recorded images checkpoints
Requirement for recorded images
EN13018 Development and writing of NDT
instructions for level I for a given test
specimen, from standards or codes.

6.0 6.0 How to set up a test 6.0 How to set up and calibrate a test 6.0 As level 2, plus the control of
Testing Working with demonstration test pieces and Specifying & Working with demonstration procedures and instructions for their
resolution targets test pieces and resolution targets effectiveness

Practical training on test equipment and Prepare written test instructions from
performing tests on training test pieces with standards or codes for given test pieces.
known flaws to provided instructions/
procedures including equipment and test Practical training on test equipment and
parameters. performing tests on training test pieces with
known flaws to instructions as above
including equipment and test parameters.

Issue 3 Rev B Page 42 of 43 dated 1st January 2013

Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

7.0 7.0 Reporting the results of tests 7.0 Level 1 detail, plus How to control 7.0 As level 2 plus how to develop report
Evaluation and and monitor a Level 1 test done with formats for ease of use and clarity.
Reporting your guidance. Organization and storage/distribution of
Reference to test standards final reports
Calibration status Interpretation, evaluation & reporting of Investigation of suitable codes & product
Reference points for location of indications results to specifications and standards standards for each application
Classification of indications per: Objective/Subjective evaluation Acting as a reference point for level 2
instructed acceptance criteria Completion of calibration forms advice for interpretation and evaluation
reports and documentation References:
reporting verification results EN 13445-5
EN 12732
EN 12952 etc.
8.0 Not Applicable Classification & assessment of Detailed knowledge of how to classify &
Assessment observations per acceptance criteria from assess observations, analyse the results
the codes, standards or written instructions and compare them to codes, standards and
etc. or by specific reference to a level 3 design specifications etc.
where no codes or standards exist.
How to develop codes, standards and
By comparison design specifications etc. into clear
By measurement acceptance criteria to be written into
Automated evaluation e.g. pattern procedures and instructions
Recording Also how to find information /assistance to
Reporting investigate observations not covered by
codes and standards & develop acceptance
criteria. The training of levels 1 & 2 for
these acceptance criteria.
9.0 9.0 Personnel qualification 9.0 Personnel qualification 9.0 Personnel qualification
Quality aspects (according to EN ISO 9712) (according to EN ISO 9712) (according to EN ISO 9712)
Equipment verification Equipment verification Equipment verification
Written instructions Format of working procedures
Traceability of documents Traceability of documents
A review of applicable NDT application and Other NDT qualification and certification
product standards systems
A review of applicable NDT application and
product standards
10.0 Not applicable General information The importance of investigating current
Development and developing technology and methods of
Summary of latest developments

Issue 3 Rev B Page 43 of 43 dated 1st January 2013

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