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Sajdah-Tilaawat: Significance and Related Masaail

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Significance and Related Masaail

A special appeal is made to the Hifz-class
Ustaads to teach these Masa’il to their students
and constantly revise it.
Due to the importance of these Masa’il and the laxity in timeously
performing these Sajdahs, a request is made to one and all to
understand these Masa’il thoroughly and practice accordingly.

May Allah Ta’ala grant us the ability to understand the

importance of this aspect of our Deen and practice accordingly

Published By:
Madrasah Arabia Islamia, Publication Department
P O Box 9786, Azaadville, South Africa
Tel: (011) 413-2785/6

E Mail: admin@dua.org.za

Virtue of Sajdah-Tilaawat
Rasulullah  said, “When the son of Adam  recites a verse of Sajdah
(prostration), then prostrates (makes the Sajdah), Shaytaan goes into
seclusion, weeps and says, “Woe unto me, the son of Adam  was
commanded to prostrate, he prostrated and became entitled to Jannah.
I was commanded to prostrate but I refused and am doomed to the fire.”
(Sahih Muslim)

Whilst reciting the Qur’aan Shareef, verses of Sajdah appear. At times,
there is laxity with regards to performing these Sajdahs, more-so for
those who are engaged in learning and teaching Hifz. Daily, many verses
of Sajdah are recited, but the Sajdah is not performed. According to the
Hanafis, the performance of the Sajdah-Tilaawat after the
recitation/listening of a verse of Sajdah is Waajib (compulsory). If he fails
to perform it immediately, it still remains binding upon him lifelong. It is
Makrooh-Tanzihi (disliked) to unnecessarily delay it. If a person does not
have wudu at that time,. he could make wudu at a later stage and
perform the Sajdah. It is not necessary, although advisable, to perform
the Sajdah immediately. However, it is always better to perform it
immediately as it is possible that the person may forget later or he could
pass away in the interim. (If a person is unable to perform the Sajdah-
Tilaawat immediately after hearing or reciting the verse of Sajdah, it is

َ ْ َ َ َ َّ َ َ َ َ ْ ُ َ ْ َ َ َ َ ْ َ
Mustahab (meritorious) for him to recite the following Du’a:
ُ ‫ك ال ْ َم ِص‬
‫ي‬ ‫س ِمعنا وأطعنا غفرانك ربنا وإَِل‬
Remember, Sajdah-Tilaawat will still have to be performed at a later
Compensation for Missed Sajdahs
If he passes away without having performed those Sajdahs, he will be a
sinner and fidyah (monetary compensation) will have to be given in lieu
for every Sajdah missed. Due regard should be taken by all, and more-so
those involved in the teaching of Hifz to perform these Sajdahs and
ensure that the students do likewise. (The discharging of fidya for missed
Sajdah’s is not Waajib, rather it should be done as a precautionary
measure. (Fataawa Darul Uloom Zakariyya v.2, p. 483– Jawahirul Fiqh v.1,
Miscellaneous Masaail related to Sajdah-
1. According to the Hanafis, there are fourteen places of Sajdah-
Tilaawat in the Quran. Wherever the word “Sajdah” appears on the
margin of the Quran, then on reciting or listening to that verse,
Sajdah becomes Wâjib. This Sajdah is known as Sajdah-Tilaawat.
Note: The second Sajdah found in Surah Hajj (Ayat 77) will not be
made according to the Hanafis.
2. The method of making Sajdah-Tilaawat is as follows: the person
should say Allahu Akbar while standing and go into Sajdah. When
saying Allahu Akbar the hands should not be raised. While in Sajdah,
he should say: ‘Subhaana Rabbiyal’a’laa’ at least three times.
Thereafter, he should say Allahu Akbar and stand up. This is the
preferred method of performing the Sajdah-Tilaawat. It is also
permissible to perform the Sajdah in a sitting posture i.e. facing the
Qiblah whilst sitting a person recites Allahu Akbar and performs the
Sajdah, thereafter raises his head saying Allahu Akbar.
At times, Rasulullaah  would recite this duaa in Sajdah-Tilaawat.
ُ ْ َ َ ‫ َو َش َّق َس ْم َع ُه َو َب‬،‫ج َد َو ْج ِِه ل ََِّّلِي َخلَ َق ُه‬
‫ ِِبَو ِِل ِ َوق َّوت ِ ِه‬،ُ‫َصه‬
َ َ
ََْ ْ َ ً ْ َ َ َ َْ ْ ُ ْ ُ َّ
(Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Ibn Hibbaan)
‫َْ َ ُ ْ ً َ َ ْ َ ي‬
‫ وضع عِّن‬،‫ واجعلها ِِل عِندك ذخرا‬،‫الله َّم اكتب ِِل عِندك بِها أجرا‬
َ ُ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ ْ َّ َ َ َ َ ‫َ ْ ً َ ْ َ ْ َ ي‬
‫اود‬ ‫ واقبلها مِِّن كما تقبلت مِن عب ِدك د‬،‫بِها ِوزرا‬
3. Sajdah-Tilaawat becomes Waajib on the person who recites a verse
of Sajdah and also on the person who hears it being recited. This is
irrespective of whether the person had sat down with the intention
of listening to the Quran, whether he was preoccupied with some
work, or whether he heard it without intending to listen to it. It is
therefore better to recite the verse of Sajdah softly so that Sajdah-
Tilaawat does not become Waajib on anyone else.
4. Those factors that are a prerequisite for Salaat are also prerequisites
for Sajdah-Tilaawat. That is, the person must be in a state of wudu,

the place must be clean, the body and clothing must be pure, Sajdah
must be made in the direction of the Qiblah, etc.

5. If a woman hears a verse of Sajdah while she is in her menses or

nifaas (post-natal bleeding), Sajdah-Tilaawat is not waajib on her.
But if she hears it when she is in a state when ghusl was waajib on
her i.e. the menses or nifaas terminates, it will be waajib on her to
make Sajdah-Tilaawat after having a bath.
6. If a person recites a verse of Sajdah during Salaat, then upon reciting
the verse he should immediately go into Sajdah, thereafter continue
with the rest of the Surah after rising up from Sajdah, thereafter
proceed for Ruku. If a person does not go immediately into Sajdah,
but goes into Sajdah after reciting two or three more verses, this
Sajdah will still be proper. However, if he recites several more verses
(more than three verses) and then goes into Sajdah, the Sajdah will
be valid, but he will have to perform Sajdah-e-Sahw (Fatawa
Rahimiyyah). If the Sajdah-e-Sahw was omitted then it will be waajib
to repeat the Salaah. (Fataawa Haqqaniyya v.3, p.347)
7. If he recites a verse of Sajdah while in Salaat but does not make
Sajdah in the Salaat, the Sajdah will not be valid if he makes it out of
Salaat. He will remain a sinner forever. Now there is no way of
absolving himself except through repentance and seeking
8. If a person recites a verse of Sajdah and immediately thereafter goes
into Ruku and makes this intention that he is making this Ruku for
the Sajdah-Tilaawat as well, even then the Sajdah will be considered
to be valid. If he did not make this intention in his Ruku, the Sajdahs
that he makes after the Ruku will also suffice for the Sajdah-Tilaawat.
This is irrespective of whether he makes any intention or not.
9. While in Salaat, a person hears a verse of Sajdah being recited by
someone else. He should not make Sajdah-Tilaawat in his Salaat but
after completing his Salaat. If he makes it in his Salaat it will not be
valid. He will have to repeat it, and he will also be committing a sin.

10. A person was sitting in one place and was reciting the same verse of
Sajdah several times - only one Sajdah-Tilaawat will be waajib. He
could either recite that verse as many times as he wishes and then
make one Sajdah right at the end, or he could recite that verse once,
make one Sajdah and then recite that verse as many times as he
wishes. But if he changes his place, and then repeats that verse, then
goes to a third place and recites that same verse, and in this way he
continues changing places and also continues reciting that same
verse - then for every time that he repeats that verse he will have to
make Sajdah for it.

11. If a person sits at one place and recites several verses of Sajdah, he
will have to make Sajdah-Tilaawat for every verse of Sajdah.

12. While sitting down, a person recited a verse of Sajdah. He then stood
up but did not move from that place of sitting, i.e. he stood on the
same spot where he had been sitting. He then repeated that same
verse - he will only have to make one Sajdah-Tilaawat.

13. He recited a verse of Sajdah at one place, got up and went to do

some work, came back and sat at that same spot and recited that
same verse again. He will have to make two Sajdahs.

14. While sitting in one place he recited a verse of Sajdah. On completing

the recitation of the Quran, he remained sitting in that place and
started doing some other work. For example, he started eating, or a
woman started sewing or feeding her child. Thereafter he (or she)
recited that same verse of Sajdah again. Even then, two Sajdahs will
have to be made. When a person engages in any other task, it will be
regarded as if the place has changed.

15. A person recited a verse of Sajdah in one corner of a small room or

verandah. He then went and recited the same verse in another
corner - even then only one Sajdah will suffice irrespective of how
many times he recites that verse. However, if he commences with
some other work and then recites that verse again, he will have to

make another Sajdah. And if he occupies himself with a third type of
work, a third Sajdah will become waajib.
16. If it is a big house, then by repeating the verse in another corner, he
will have to make another Sajdah. And if he repeats it in a third
corner, he will have to make a third Sajdah.

17. The rule that applies to a small room also applies to a Masjid. That
is, if he repeats the same verse of Sajdah several times, only one
Sajdah will be waajib irrespective of whether he recites it while
sitting down in one place or he recites it while walking about in the

18. If a person recites the same verse of Sajdah several times in one
Salaat, even then he will only have to make one Sajdah. If he wishes,
he could recite it for as many times as he wishes and thereafter make
one Sajdah, or he could recite it once, make one Sajdah and
thereafter recite it as many times as he wishes in that same rakaat
or even in the next rakaat.

19. A person recited a verse of Sajdah but did not make Sajdah-Tilaawat.
Thereafter, he stood up at that very spot, commenced offering
Salaat, and recited that very verse in his Salaat and also made
Sajdah-Tilaawat in his Salaat. This Sajdah which he made will be
sufficient for both the recitations. However, if he changed his place,
it will be waajib to make two Sajdahs.

20. He recited a verse of Sajdah and also made Sajdah-Tilaawat.

Thereafter, he stood up, commenced offering a Salaat, and recited
that same verse in his Salaat. Now he will have to make a Sajdah
again in Salaat.

21. The person who was reciting did not change his place. He recited the
same verse of Sajdah several times. However, the place of the
person who was listening changed: he heard the verse in one place
for the first time, he then heard it in another place a second time,
and in another place a third time. Only one Sajdah-Tilaawat will be

waajib on the person who was reciting. But the person who was
listening will have to make a Sajdah for every time that he hears it.

22. If the place of the person who was listening did not change but the
place of the person who was reciting changed, then several Sajdahs
will become waajib on the person who was reciting while the person
who was listening will have to make only one Sajdah.

23. A person in a vehicle repeats a verse of Sajdah. If the person is the

driver, he will have to repeat the Sajdah according to the number of
times the verse was repeated. The passenger, however, will only be
required to make one Sajdah no matter how many times he repeats
that verse of Sajdah on that journey, as long as he does not do any
such action that equates the changing of the place, like eating, etc.

24. It is makrooh to recite the entire Surah and leave out the verse of
Sajdah. That verse should not be left out merely to save oneself from
making Sajdah. In doing so, it will be regarded as if the person is
avoiding and neglecting that verse.

25. There is no harm in reciting the verse of Sajdah only and leaving out
the entire surah. If this is done in Salaat, then an additional condition
is that this one verse must be such that it equals three short verses.
However, it is better to recite a few verses together with the verse
of Sajdah.

26. If a person hears an imam reciting a verse of Sajdah and he joins the
jama'at thereafter, he should make the Sajdah-Tilaawat with the
Imam. But if the Imam has already made the Sajdah, there are two
conditions for this: (1) If he gets that rakaat in which he heard the
Imam reciting the verse, he will not have to make a Sajdah. By getting
that rakaat, it will be regarded as if he got that Sajdah as well. (2) He
did not get that rakaat. After completing his Salaat, it will be waajib
on him to make that Sajdah out of Salaat.

27. When Sajdah-Tilaawat becomes waajib in Salaat, it is waajib to make
that Sajdah immediately. It is not permissible to delay it.

28. Sajdah-Tilaawat which became waajib out of Salaat cannot be made

in Salaat. Similarly, if it becomes waajib in Salaat, it cannot be made
out of Salaat. In fact, it cannot even be made in another Salaat. If a
person recites a verse of Sajdah in Salaat and does not make Sajdah-
Tilaawat in Salaat, the sin for that will rest on his shoulders. He can
do nothing except make taubah and ask Allah Ta'ala to forgive him
through His bounty.
29. The verses of Sajdah should preferably not be recited in the Jumu'ah
Salaat, Eid Salaats, and in those Salaats which are offered silently.
This is because there is a fear of putting the muqtadis into doubt.
30. Sajdah-Tilaawat is prohibited whilst the sun is rising, precisely at
noon, and from the time the colour of the sun changes before sunset
until the sun has fully set. However, if a verse of Sajdah was recited
during the Makrooh times of Salaah, then it will be correct to
perform the Sajdah during the Makrooh times, but if the verse of
Sajdah was recited at times other than the Makrooh times, it will not
be permissible to perform the Sajdah during the Makrooh times.
(Fataawa Hindiyya v.1 p. 135, Fataawa Haqqaniyya v.3 p.339)

31. If a person listens to a live recital over a radio or a live-stream, then

it is waajib to make Sajdah-Tilaawat. If however, one hears the
Sajdah-Tilaawat on a pre-recorded tape or CD, etc. Sajdah-Tilaawat
will not be waajib. (Fataawa Darul Uloom Zakariyya v.2 p. 478)

32. If one is travelling in a car etc and is out of the precinct of his city or
town, then it is permissible for him to perform the Sajdah-Tilaawat
through gestures, in the vehicle.

33. A person read a verse of Sajdah, e.g. the Sajdah in Surah Alaq. After
going into Sajdah, he stands up. Now he should recite few verses
before going into Ruku. If one immediately went into Ruku after
performing Sajdah-Tilaawat without reciting anything, it will be
makrooh, though the Salaah will be valid.

34. If the verse of Sajdah is recited in the mind, Sajdah-Tilaawat does
not become compulsory.

35. According to the Hanafis, one should not make Sajdah-Tilaawat for
the second Sajdah in the seventeenth para. If he did so after reciting
the said verse in salah, then he should make Sajdah-sahw at the end,
due to delaying the salaah unnecessarily. (Fataawa Haqqaniyya v.3 p.342)
36. If a person verbally reads the translation of a verse of Sajdah, he as
well as those listening will have to make Sajdah-Tilaawat as Quraan
Sharif refers to the words and the meaning of the Quraan. (Fataawa
Haqqaniyya v.3 p.345)


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