Al - Mukhtasar As-Saghir
Al - Mukhtasar As-Saghir
Al - Mukhtasar As-Saghir
ﺍﻟﻤﺨﺘﺼـــﺮ ﺍﻟﺼﻐﻴـــــــــــﺮ
The Short Summary
Al Mukhtasar Assagheer
Written by
ﻋﺒﺪ ﺍﷲ ﺑﻦ ﻋﺒﺪ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ ﺑﺎﻓﻀﻞ ﺍﻟﺤﻀﺮﻣﻲ
‘Abdullah Bin ‘Abdurahman Ba`fdal Al Hadroumi
Translated by
ﻣﺤﺐ ﺍﻟﺪﻳﻦ ﺃﺑﻮ ﻣﺎﻟﻚ ﺍﻟﺮﻭﻣﻲ
Muhib AdDeen Abu Malik ArRumi
ﺃﻡ ﻣﺎﻟﻚ ﺻﻔﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﺼﺮﻳﻪ
Um Malik Safia Al Misryyah
ﻗﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﱠﻨِﺑﱠﻱ ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﷲ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ
َﻣﻥْ ُﻳﺭِﺩِ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻩُ ِﺑﻩِ َﺧْﻳﺭًﺍ ُﻳَﻓﱢﻗْﻫﻩُ ِﻓﻱ ﺍﻟﱢﺪﻳِﻦ
We hope Muslims around the world would find this translation helpful
and benefit from it. This book is dedicated to my husband (AbuMalik),
my son (Malik), and all Muslims.
By UmMalik
ﺑﺴﻢ ﺍﷲ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ
His name: Imam & Great Jurist 'Abdullah son of 'Abdurahman son of abi bakr son
of Mohamed AlHaaj son of 'Abdurahman son of 'Abdullah son of Yahya son of the
jurist Ahmed son of Mohamed son of Fadl son of Mohamed son of 'Abdulkareem
Ba Fdl the Hadroumian, the Tarimi. He was born in the city of Tarim in Yemen in
850 AH. His father, 'Abdurahman, taught him until 866 AH, which is when his father
died. His grandfather, Abu Bakr, raised him from that point on. At that time he also
studied under Shaikh Omar Al Mahdaar & Shaikh 'Abdullah Al 'Aidroos. At a very
young age he memorized the full the Quran along with several books of Fiqh, arabic
Linguistic sciences, Tajweed & Hadith.
Some of his teachers (Mashaykh) are:
The Imam & Jurist 'Abdullah son of Ahmed Ba Khrama
Imam Mohamed son of Ahmed Ba Fdl
The Judge Buryan AdDeen Ibrahim Al Qurashi Ashafa'i
Al Muhadith Nasir AdDeen Mohamed Al Miraghi
Imam Ibrahim son of Mohamed Ba Hurmuz Ashabami
The great Jurist Mohamed son of Ahmed Ba Jarfeel Al Da'ani Al Hadromi
Translator’s introduction
One day a few months back my thoughtful wife felt, as she did many times, that we
have lacked in offering assistance to our fellow Muslims. My wife suggested the best
option for us; would be to share the knowledge we have obtained. After many days
of istikhara and Du'a we decided to translate this book for several reasons. It’s a
well known book and abridged version of Al Muqadima Al Hadrumyyah, and it’s
also well known amongst our dear scholars. Once our intentions were in place we
rolled up our sleeves and got to work. We intend to make this translation as easy as
possible so it can reach and affect as many people as possible. We tried to stay
away from big terminology and plainly explain main points.
We have attempted to do what many have hoped and dreamed to see over the past
two decades of translations. This is the first emergence between classical Islamic law
and the western mentality, we have taken a 600 year old classical shafi fiqh book and
made it into a basic usable book for “the average Mahammed” in the west.
I ask Allah to make this book beneficial for all the Muslims globally.
I would like to thank my mashaykh, brothers, and close friends that helped us with
this amazing project.
Basic Vocabulary to Know:
Obligation (Fard ) means an action if not fulfilled, the complete action is invalid
and needs to be redone.
ﺑﺴﻢ ﺍﷲ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ
In the name of Allah the most merciful the most gracious
All praise is to Allah the lord of both worlds. I testify that there is no God but Allah without any partner.
And I testify that Muhammad is his slave and messenger. May peace and blessings be upon him, his
companions, and all the believers.
This is a summary of what every Muslim should know in regards to obligatory actions like purification,
praying, almsgiving, fasting, and pilgrimage.These topics have been written as actions that are required by
men, women, children, elderly, freemen, and slaves.
There are six obligatory (Fard) steps that makeup preprayer washing (Wudu):
13. Doing each action consecutively without stopping (Al Muwalah)
14. Not using assistance when washing for prayer (Isti’anah) i.e. asking someone to pour water
for you.
15. Do not dry off after washing (Tansheef) air dry naturally is preferable.
1. Anything that may be excreted from penis, vagina, and/or anus i.e. stool, urine, blood, ect.
2. Lack of mental alertness i.e. sleeping (except when falling asleep in a sitting up position) or
3. Touching the skin of the opposite sex that may be marriageable.
4. Touching penis, vagina, and/or anus with palm of the hand or with fingertips, self or others.
1. Praying (Salah)
2. Circumambulation (Tawaaf)
3. Touching the Quran
4. Carrying the Quran
5. Directly touching an item that contains any Islamic knowledge except if an item is in one’s
However, a child learning Islamic knowledge is allowed to carry it without proper purification.
1. Enter with the left foot and exit with the right foot
2. Do not carry anything with Allah’s names in it, or the messengers’ names, or Quran
3. Cover the head
4. Go somewhere private while using the restroom (for indoor restrooms close the door)
5. Do not urinate in still water or in a small quantity of running water
6. Do not urinate in an unknown hole in the ground (out in the wilderness)
7. Do not urinate in the direction of the wind when outside.
8. Do not relieve yourself in manmade shade (ex. bus station or subway)
9. Do not relieve yourself in the road (ex. public property)
10. Do not relieve yourself in a ventilation system
11. Do not relieve yourself under a fertile tree
12. Do not speak while relieving yourself
13. Assure the complete excretion of urine
14. One should say when entering: In the name of Allah, I seek refuge from you from male and
female demons (Bismillaahi, Allaahumma inne aoothu bika minalkhubthi walkhabaaith)
15. One should say when exiting: O Allah, I seek your forgiveness, I thank Allah who has relieved
me (Ghufraanaka, alhamdulallah althe athhaba inne alatha wafane).
1. Using siwak
2. Start with Allah’s name (Bissmillah)
3. Performing preprayer washing prior to starting the shower
4. Washing hard to reach places i.e belly button, skin folds, etc. (Ma’aatif)
5. Washing hair & scalp thoroughly with fingertips
6. Rubbing the whole body
7. Doing every action three time
Pure water is free water (Maa Mutlaq) and it is the only type of water that can remove the state of
impurity & remove filth. It is water that has fallen from the sky or come from beneath the earth and
remained at it’s original form.
There are two ways that can change the state of the water:
Water becomes impure if a filthy item falls into a small amount of water or liquid (less than 216 liters)
whether the water’s smell, taste, or color has obviously changed or not. Small minor filth, however, are
exceptions ex.three or less strands of filthy hair, small insect that died in the water, or filth that isn't
obviously seen.
The ruling of water that has filth fallen into
Water remains pure even if filth has fallen into it as long as the following is met: a. the water is 216 liters or
more b. color, taste, or smell of the water has not been changed.
Filthy water can be made pure by doing the following: a. increase the amount by adding more clean water
b. allow the water to naturally dissolve the filth. Using chemicals to remove or dissolve filth doesn’t make
the water usable for purification in islam.
Filths in Islam are: urine, stool, animal feces, puss, blood, vomit, alcohol, all intoxicants, dogs, pigs or
whatever is born by one of the two, animal killed in nonhalal way (including their hair, feathers, skin & all
of its remains), preejaculation, prostatorrhea, semen of a dog or a pig, and milk from an animal that is not
halal to eat.
A whole or part of human corpus, fish and locust are considered clean, a piece that is cut off from a living
being other than those three mentioned is considered filthy except for hair, feathers, skin, or wool from an
animal that is halal to eat.
What can and cannot be purified and how
Vinegar that is naturally produced by alcohol or wine (produced from dates and raisin) is halal to use.1
Skin of halal animals that died unlawfully can be purified by tanning.
If an item becomes filthy by the urine, saliva, feces, sweat, or any bodily exertions of a dog or a pig, or
what bores from them or from one of them, then the item must be washed seven times. One of the seven
washes must be with clean dirt.
If dirt gets filthy by a dog, the dirt must be washed with pure water seven times.
If a baby boy (that hasn’t started eating solids) urinates on an item, sprinkle water over the urine to purify
the item.
All other filth must be washed until its’ smell, taste, and color have been removed. However, if color or
smell cannot be removed due to its complexity then it is alright for the item to be used as is (i.e stains).
All Liquids cannot be purified after it has become filthy (except water as mention before).
Dry preprayer washing is required from both major and minor impurities when one doesn’t have access to
water either due to traveling, or an illness (for example surgery that limits you from using water on the
skin), or water cutoff in your residence. Skin covered by bandages should be washed by tayamum. Water,
however, must be used on areas without bandages. Use water to wipe off solid body casts.
1. Transporting the dirt by placing the palm of the hands on the dirt and then on the skin.
2. Intention of making dry preprayer washing for prayer. Intention should start when the hand
touches the dirt and should remain during the tayamum process until the dirt reaches the face.
3. Wiping the face.
4. Wiping the hands to the elbows must include elbows.
5. Keep the order as mentioned above.
1. Use clean dry dirt that has dust when beaten. Hit the dirt once to wipe the face and once to wipe
hands to the elbows.
2. Tayamum should only be performed after the time of prayer has been begun.
3. Tayamum should be performed for each obligatory prayer as long as water is still not available.
It is not halal to intentionally manipulate alcohol to produce vinegar.
4. One should search for water prior to tayammum and should ask everyone that surrounds him/her if
5. If neither water or dirt are accessible, then one should pray alone without washing and then make
up the prayer when one of the two become available.
6. Tayamum can be performed if water is extremely cold and warming it is not possible.
If tayamum is done due to extreme cold water or sinful traveling, then any prayers done must be made up.
The shortest duration of menstruation is one day and one night. The longest duration of menstruation is
fifteen days. The average is six or seven days.
1. Praying
2. Circumambulation
3. Touching the Quran
4. Carrying the Quran
5. Sitting in the Masjid
6. Reading the Quran
1. Fasting
2. Walking through the Masjid if blood may possibly leak.
3. Fondling with what is inbetween the navel and knee.
4. Intercourse during menstruation it is one of the major sins.
A woman needs to make up her fasting from the days of Ramadan but not with missed prayers.
If menstruation stops she can start fasting even before she perform the ritual shower. Postpartum
bleeding is equivalent to the laws of menstruation.
The Chapter of Prayer
There are five assigned prayers that are obligatory upon every Muslim.
Praying before a prayer time or after a prayer time frame without a lawful excuse is a major sin.
Prayer Times
Thuhr (Noon)
Starts: once the sun has crossed the zenith. Zenith is exactly halfway between sunrise and sunset, it is also
when the sun is at the highest point in the sky.
Ends: When the length of a shadow of an object is the same as the length of the object itself.
'Asr (Afternoon)
Starts: when the length of a shadow of an object is slightly greater than the object itself.
Ends: when the sun sets.
Maghreb (Sunset)
Starts: when the sun sets completely.
Ends: when the redness in the sky vanishes.
Isha (Night)
Starts: after the disappearance of the redness in the sky.
Ends: when the “true dawn”2 appears.
Fajr (Dawn)
Starts: when the “true dawn” appears.
Ends: when the sun begins to rise.
Those that do not have access to time of prayers must put an effort into studying or gaining a skill in
True dawn is when the rays of the sun spread horizontally (versus false dawn in which the rays of sun
spread vertically)
understanding the time of prayers.
Those that have missed an obligated prayer without a lawful excuse are required to pray it as soon as
1. From the time the sun starts to rise till it rises to the extent of the length of a spear approx. 20
to 30 min. after the sun begins to rise.
2. When the sun is in the middle of the sky directly at the zenith except on fridays.
3. When the sky is yellowish until the sun sets.
4. After Fajr until the sun rises completely i.e. the time before prayer of duha.
5. After Asr until the sun sets
● However, a prayer that has a legitimate reason at the moment can be prayed such as: the
prayer of greeting the masjid & prayers of the eclipses.
● It is forbidden to start praying during the Juma’a sermons after the preacher goes up on the
platform, except for prayer of greeting the masjid.
Prayer is obligatory upon every mentally sane adult muslim and has performed preprayer washing.
A legal guardian should order his/her seven year old child to pray and hit the child if they don’t pray when
they turn 10 years old.
If a child hits puberty or when menstruation/postpartum bleeding ends, or an insane muslim becomes well
in the duration of a prayer, then they are obligated to pray that prayer (even if it’s toward the end of prayer
time and there is only enough time to say “Allah Akbar”).
If menstruation/ postpartum bleeding or insanity starts after the time of prayer has started, then this prayer
is an obligation to be made up as soon as possible.
It is required for parents to teach their children their obligations as muslims i.e. purification, prayer,
giving alms, fasting, and pilgrimage prior to their puberty.
It is also required for parents to teach their children what is forbidden in Islam i.e. adultery,
homosexuality, stealing, drinking alcohol, and taking any intoxicants, lying, gossiping, slander someone in
their absence, etc. Parents need to tell their children their obligations as muslims start when they reach
A male child becomes accountable when he turns 15 years old or when they have a nocturnal emission
(wet dream).
A female child becomes accountable when her menstruation starts.
Parents/guardians need to pay if needed for teachers to teach their kids what is required, and if they can’t
afford it then other family members should handle it.
Private part of a male is the area between the naval and knee.
Private part of a female is the entire body except the face and hands.
The Recommendations of Prayer
● Raising the hands (with palms facing the Qibla) while saying Allah Akbar at the beginning, and
when you are about to bow, and when you raise from the bow and when you raise from the first
● Saying the “Opening Supplication” (Istiftaah)
● Saying: ‘Authu bellah mn Ashaytaan ArRajeem, in every raka’a (saying it with the first raka’a is
recommended the most).
● Reciting an additional surah after Al Fatiha except when following in congregation and the
prayer leader is reciting out loud, it is required to listen to the prayer leader.
● Men should reciting out loud in Fajr and the first two of Maghrib & ‘Ishaa,. Women should do the
same except when foreign men are present.
● Placing the right hand over the left hand right under the chest
● Saying Allah Akbar in every move made the first Allah Akbar, however, is required.
● Qunoot defined as making supplication while lifting hands (with palms facing the sky) after
raising from second bow in Fajr. Qunoot should also be done all other prayers when a disaster
happens to Muslims.
● Saying while in the bow movement: Glory to my Lord the exalted three times in arabic (Subhaana
Rabbiyal'Atheem w Bihamdehi)
● Saying while in the prostration movement: Glory is to my Lord the most high three times in arabic
(Subhaana RabbiyalA'laa w Bihamdehi)
● While in prostration, the following should touch the ground in this order: knees, hands, forehead, and
then nose.
● While sitting between both prostrations one should say: My Lord forgive me, have mercy on me,
guide me, support me, protect me, provide for me, and elevate me (Rabbighfir lee,
warhamnee,wahdinee, wajburnee, wa'aafinee, warzuqnee, warfa'nee)
● Prior to standing up after the first & third Raka’a one should sit briefly then rise (Istiraha), except
in the Maghrib prayer
● Say the first testimony (after the second raka’a) while sitting down, offering peace and blessings to
the prophet Mohammed.
● When sitting during the prayer, sit on the left leg/foot while bending the toes of the right foot
● Sitting in the last testimony on the ground while buttocks are on the floor while your left leg and
foot beneath your right leg (Tawarok).
● One should keep their eye sight focused on where their face is during prostration.
● One should have excessive meditation & reverence while in Prayer.
● One should extend his recitation during the first Raka’a then decrease the length throughout his
● One should enter the prayer focused, empty hearted, and not think about worldly matters.
● One should make as much supplication as possible during his prostration.
● Intentional talking and actions nullifies prayer, so does accidental if it is exceeds two steps.
● Excessive actions and movements nullify prayer even if it doesn’t exceed two steps or movements.
However, if one forgetfully speaks a little or eats a little or excessively increases the duration of a
movement of the prayer their prayer remains valid and uninterrupted.
Prostration of Forgetfulness
“Sujood Sahw”
If any of the following is missed, it is prefered to perform the two prostrations of forgetfulness at the end of
the prayer prior to making the two greetings (Tasleem):
And also if the any of the following committed, it is prefered to perform the two prostrations of
forgetfulness at the end of the prayer prior to making the two greetings (Tasleem):
It is obligatory to follow the imam if he makes the two prostrations of forgetfulness. In congregation, a
prayer is invalid if one performs the two prostration of forgetfulness by himself or does not follow the
In the Quran, there are 14 verses that order a muslim to prostrate to their lord (Sujood Tilawah). One
should prostrate if they hear or say one of those verses whether or not they are during prayers. However, if
the prayer is in congregation and the imam doesn’t prostrate then it is forbidden to do so (prayer would be
someone with a lisp someone that can not pronounce the words correctly.
a follower in congregation (must follow the imam not another follower)
someone without the correct purification
a person that has filth on them or on their clothes
a person behind someone that did not find water or dirt for purification
Please note: a man can not pray behind a woman or a hermaphrodite
1. One should not stand in front of his prayer leader, nor should he be in the same line as him.
2. The follower and the leader should be in the same structure or yard with no more than 200 meters
between them.
3. One should be aware of all his prayer leaders’ movements whether it be by seeing or hearing the
leader or by seeing some of the followers’ movement.
4. One should intend in his prayer that he will be following the leader.
5. One should try to make his prayer the same as his leader’s prayer.
6. If one speeds up and goes ahead of his leader by two obligatory movements or falls behind his
leader by two obligatory movements without an allowed excuse, then the prayer is invalid.
One that is traveling a long distance that is permissible is allowed the following:
Combining between prayers is allowed when traveling on a long and permissible journey. Combining
means to pray Thuhr & Asr together during one of their time or Maghrib & ‘Isha at one of their times.
When one combines with a earlier prayer then it is a condition to pray the early prayer first.
When one combines with a later prayer then it is a condition to intend during that prayer time that the
prayer will be combined with a later prayer.
The duration between combining two prayer should be as brief as possible.
Early Combining (Taqdeem): Praying Thuhr and Asr in the Time of Thuhr; all that is needed is to pray
Thuhr then stand and Pray Asr.
Late Combining (Takheer): Praying Thuhr and Asr in the Time of Asr; All that is needed is to intend in
the time frame of Thuhr that you will be praying it with Asr.
Juma’a prayer is an obligation required by every free adult male muslim residing in the city in which it will
be performed.
1. Rain
2. Illness
3. Caring for the ill
4. Fearing for one's safety, or wealth, or family.
5. Conditions in life such as, extreme hunger, thirst, heat, cold, wind and/or mud”
Reading verses from the Quran in one of the two.
Supplicating for all the believers by at least saying: “May Allah have Mercy upon you” in the second
Making sure forty adult male Muslims hear it.
Praying the two raka’a immediately after both sermons are finished.
Purifying oneself from both major & minor impurities.
Purification of clothes, body, and location in which the prayer will take place.
Prayer leader must be standing while giving the sermon.
covering the private parts.
sitting between both sermons with calmness.
Performing the sermons in the arabic language.
The sermons are made after zenith.
Minimum wash: Covering the whole body with water after the removal of any and all filth.
Minimum wrap: Covering the private parts.
Best wrapping for men: use three shrouds (sheets that cover the dead body).
Best wrapping for women: bottom garment, upper Garment, veil, and two shrouds.
Funeral Prayer
Burial method
Minimum Burial: Is to dig a hole deep enough to hide the smell of the body, protect the body from wild
animals and the body must face the Qibla.
The Best Burial: Is to dig a hole in depth equivalent to an average grown male body and some; which
would approx. be 274.5cm.
We are forbidden to do any of the following when we experience death of someone we know:
● Extreme praising
● Screaming or raising the voice
● Hitting ones face & chest
● Pulling & plucking Hair
● Ripping Clothes
● Pouring dirt over the head
● Any extreme expressions and acts of sadness and sorrow
The Chapter of AlmsGiving
1. Camels
2. Cattle
3. Sheep
4. Agriculture
5. Metals
6. Treasure
7. Business Goods
The amount of almsgiving to be given out depends on how much is own of each of the above.
● Camels: the following must be given out if one owns any of the specific numbers of camels.
1. If one owns five camels, then one male or female sheep (must be one year old), or a two male or
female goats are to be given
2. For ten camels, then two male or female sheeps (one year old) are to be given.
3. For fifteen camels, then three of male or female sheeps (one year old) are to be given.
4. For twenty camels, then four of male or female sheeps (one year old) are to be given.
5. For twenty five camels, then a one year old female camel must be given.
6. For thirty six camels, then a two year old female camel must be given.
7. For forty Six camels, then a three year old female camel must be given.
8. For sixty one camels, then a four year old female camel must be given.
9. For seventy six camels, then two female camels that are two year old must be given.
10. For ninety one camels, then two of female camels that are three years old must be given.
11. For one hundred & twenty one, then three of female camels that are two years old must be given.
12. For every forty after that, then a two year old female camel must be given.
13. For every fifty after that: a three year old female camel must be given.
1. Forty: one sheep must be given (any age).
2. One hundred & twenty one: two sheeps must be given.
3. Two hundred & one: three sheeps must be given.
4. Four hundred, four sheeps must be given.
5. For every hundred after that, one sheep must be given.
● Agriculture:
1. If the ripe crops (ready to be harvested and are edible) are greater than or equal to 825 kilograms
(300 Sa’a) and was grown and watered by human work force, then an amount of 5% of the total
must be given out. However if it was grown without human work force (was produced naturally),
then an amount of 10% of the total must be given out if the crops are greater than or equal to 825
kilograms. Almsgiving is due when the crops are harvested.
● Gold/Silver: almsgiving should be given out if you have what is equivalent to the following:
If one owns 84 grams3 of gold then they are obligated to pay alms, to calculate to actual value of the 84
grams, multiple the amount of grams of gold by the current market price of a gram of gold.
If one owns 588 grams4 of silver, then multiple the amount of grams of silver by the current market price of
a gram of silver.
One should then pick the least out of the two values of either the gold or silver to base the limit that
obligates them to pay alms and then pay the due amount
Almsgiving is not obligatory unless any of the above mentioned wealth was owned for a complete lunar
2.5 percent of the full amount that was own in the span of a lunar year (354 days) is to be given out.
Permissible personal jewelry is not subjected to the laws of Almsgiving.
● Treasure: if gold or silver found in unmarked territory or the land is owned by the discoverer of
the treasure, then a fifth of the total value needs to be given out immediately
● Business Goods: almsgiving should be given out if you have what is equivalent to the amount of
gold or silver mentioned above. Once the goods reach that limit, then 2.5 % of the current value of
the goods in your possession should be given out (the goods must be owned for one complete lunar
year 354 days). The limit of the business goods are the same as the gold and silver limits.
84 grams was calculated as follows: Nissab of Gold = 20 Mithqaal also known as Dinar, 1 Mithqaal = 4.2
grams, 4.2 grams * 20 Mithqaal = 84 grams.
588 grams was calculated as follows: Nissab of Silver = 200 Dirhams, 1 Dirham = 2.94 grams, 2.94 grams
* 200 Dirhams = 588 Grams.
AlmsGiving of Eid Al Fitr
Almsgiving for Eid Al Fitr starts on the last night of the holy month of Ramadan and continues through the
first day of the month of Shawwal. It is obligatory upon every Muslim.
● Every Muslim is responsible for paying his Fitr Alms for him/herself and anyone that falls under
their responsibility.
● It is forbidden to delay it till after the day of Eid (sun setting of the first day of the month of
Shawwal is the latest), if there is no legitimate excuse present, then alms needs to be paid
● Those that do not have anything to give or only have what is suffice for their day and night are not
required to pay.
● It is not required for one to sell their possessions to pay this type of alms.
The amount to be paid for Eid almsgiving is 2750 grams5 of the most common grain or edible food in the
country one lives in (i.e. rice in the USA).
The amount to be paid is 1 Sa' = 4 Muod, 1 Muod = 687.5 grams. 687.5 x 4 = 2750 grams.
The Chapter of Fasting
The Holy month of Ramadan enters by the completion of 30 days of the month of Shabaan or viewing the
The viewing of just one good characteredmuslim suffice as evidence that the month has started.
1. Intentions if the fast is an obligation then the intention needs to be done the night before (after
Maghreb and before fajr). Also for an obligatory fast, one needs to specify what they are fasting
(ex. ramadan, or making up an obligation).
2. Refraining from intentional intercourse, masturbation, inducing vomit, allowing an object to enter
the body via mouth, nose, anus, or vaginal. Anything that enters the body by other means is allowed
while fasting (ex: oils or ointments being absorbed by the skin, or even tasting mascara, eye shadow
or eyeliner in the throat). Allowing items to enter the body by being ignorant, forgetful, or forced
does not break one's fast.
3. Ejaculation by skin to skin contact or by kissing or by bed fondling all break one's fast. However,
ejaculation by means of thinking and imaging with no touching whatsoever does not break one's
4. Being a Muslim for the entire day.
5. Being Sane For the entire day.
6. Free from menstruation & postpartum bleeding for the Entire day.
It is forbidden to fast the two Eid days and the three days after Eid Al Adhaa (Tashreeq) & the second
half of the month of Sha’baan; except for Nadhr or for making up days that were obligatory or a habit.
If a Muslim meets the following conditions then fasting is an obligation upon him/her:
1. Sanity.
2. Puberty.
3. Ability to fast.
A Child is ordered to fast starting from the age of seven and disciplined for not doing it starting from the
age of ten.
It is allowed for a traveler to break fast if he/she traveling long distance as long as the journey is sinless;
same goes for the ill that fears he/she is in harm by fasting.
Women that are pregnant or breastfeeding can break their fast as well if they fear for themselves and
their children.
A person trying to save an animal in danger is also allowed to break his fast (except for the pig).
Muslims that have one of the excuses mentioned above, will only have to make up their fast as soon as
they can except for the following cases in which they would have to pay Fidyyah (feeding one poor person
per day missed with what is equivalent to 700 gm of food):
1. saving an animal
2. a woman that is pregnant or breastfeeding and fear for her child’s safety
3. those that have missed days from a previous Ramadan and never made it up
Any muslim that broke their fast without any legitimate excuse should make up their fast as soon as
The conditions of acceptance of ones residing in the Masjid are : Intentions of a duration to reside in the
Masjid. One should also be a sane Muslim and clean from major impurity and women should be clean from
menstruation & postpartum bleeding.
The Chapter of Pilgrimage
Pilgrimage (Hajj): is obligatory upon every adult, sane, free Muslim who is physically and financially able to
make Hajj (if someone has as a permanent illness, it is permissible to send someone to make Hajj on their
Obligations of Pilgrimage
1. Ihraam by intention.
2. Standing (Wuqoof) on Mount ‘Arafah.
3. Circumambulation (Tawaaf) after standing on mount ‘Arafah.
4. Walking back and forth (Sa’ee) between the hills of Safa & Marwa with a fast pace.
5. Shaving (Halq) or trimming (Taqseer).
1. Changing into the two white sheets that are made of unhemmed cloth (Ihraam) at the designated
2. Staying over night at Muzdalifah which is the night of the slaughter (Nahr)
3. Staying three night after the day of Eid (Tashreeq) at Minna.
4. Throwing seven stones one at a time at the pillar in ‘Aqabah which is the day of the slaughter.
5. Throwing three stones on each day of the three days following the day of Eid (ie the 11th, 12th &
13th), timing for this starts on each day after Thuhr till before sunset.
6. The farewell circumambulation.
4. Then shaving the head or trimming it.
There is only one requirement: and that is to change the clothes at the designated location (Miqaat)
Obligations of Circumambulation
Ending of Hajj happens by completing three actions; completing two out of the three actions is called the
first ending and completing the third is called the second and final ending.
The three actions are:
1. Circmumbulation (Tawaaf)
2. Shaving the head (Halaq)
3. Throwing the stones at 'Aqaba
The first ending allows one to perform all acts that were restricted by Ihraam (listed below) except
women and marriage.
Ending of 'Umrah happens once all of its actions are complete.
1. Men covering head or wearing hemmed clothes. Woman covering the face or wearing gloves.
2. Using perfume or anything that is used as a perfume on ones’ body, clothes, bed..etc.
3. Using creams or oils in one's’ hair or beard
4. Removing any hair or nails
If any does of the four actions mentioned above while in the state of Ihraam, then one needs to fix his
status by one of the following: a. slaughter a sheep or b. feeding six people a total of 8250 grams (3 sa'a) of
food (approx. 1375 grams of food to each poor person) or c. fast three days.
5. Intercourse if done during 'Umrah then it is invalid, and it will need to be redone.If done
intentionally before the first ending of pilgrimage then it is invalid, it should be redone and a punishment
(Kaffarah) is applied by a. Slaughtering a camel, if unable then b. a cow, if unable then c. 7 sheeps, if
unable then d. feeding a poor person with what is equivalent to a camel, if unable then e. fasting the amount
of days that equal the weight of a camel divided by a Muod (687.5 grams).
6. Hunting edible wild animals & Cuting down trees Hunting is also forbidden in the area of both
Mecca and Madina’s Masajid. If one does any of the two in the state of Ihraam then fidyyah is
needed to be done.
Those that want to get involved in business & marital interactions need to know their methods and systems
according to Islamic law
Interest Transactions
If one were to buy food with same type of food or silver with silver or gold with gold then:
1. Immediately
2. Releasing funds before departure
3. Weights and sizes need to be equivalent
However; if food was bought with another type of food or buy gold using silver then:
1. Immediately
2. Releasing funds before departure and no equivalency is needed
While purchasing or agreeing to a certain deal one has the option to wait a few days, either for testing or
deciding about whether or not they will purchase the item. Three days are the maximum allowed number of
days for testing or deciding on an item to purchase. However the duration of testing ends by buying the
item and departing with it with agreement. If there is any damage found after departure, one has the right
to return it immediately.