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Umrah Guideline

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Umrah Guideline

4 Pillars of Umrah:
1. Ihraam
2. Tawaf – 7 times
3. Saee (Safa Marwa) – 7 times
4. Hair Cut

During Ihraam:
1. Shower from home (cut fingernails and toenails, shave armpit and pubic hair)
2. Put on Ihraam Clothes (2-piece clean cloth, no underwear or head covering, footwear
cannot cover ankle)
3. Pray 2 rakat nofol namaz declaring intention (Niyot) for Umrah and asking for dua for a safe
journey and fruitful Umrah. (Pray with Surah kafiroon and Ikhlas).

The niyot for Umrah is:

‫َلَّبْيَك الَّلُهَّم ُعْمَر ًة‬

Labbayk Allahumma Umrah.
O Allah, here I am to perform Umrah.

4. Repeat Talbiyah 3 times.

The Talbiyah is:

‫َلَّبْيَك اللُهَّم َلَّبْيَك – َلَّبْيَك اَل َش ِرْيَك َلَك‬

– ‫َلَّبْيَك – ِإَّن اْلَح ْمَد َوالِّنْعَمَة َلَك َواْلُمْلَك‬
‫– اَل َش ِرْيَك َلَك‬

Labbayka llāhumma labbayk(a), labbayka lā sharīka laka labbayk(a), inna

l-ḥamda wa n-ni’mata, laka wa l-mulk(a), lā sharīka lak.
O At Your service, Allah, at Your service. At Your service, You have
no partner, at Your service. Truly all praise, favour and sovereignty
is Yours. You have no partner.
5. Keep reciting talbiyah for your whole journey till you start Umrah. (Men should do it a bit
6. During Ihraam these things are not allowed: (Must not apply perfume, must not cut nail or
hair, must not perform any acts of marital intimacy, must not engage in any act of
disobedience, no disputes, arguments and rough behaviour, no backbiting)

During Tawaf (should be in a state of wudu during Umrah):

1. After entering Masjid Al Haram recite the following:

Bismillah wassalatu wassalamu ala Rasoolillah, A'outhu billahil

A'dtheem, wa be waj'hihi al-Kareem, wa sultanihi al-qadeem,
minashaytan irrajeem. Allahumma iftahly abwaaba rahmatik

2. First time seeing Kaaba: Say Takbir and stop saying talbiya. Make intention in your heart for
Tawaf for it to be accepted and easy.

Takbir: Allahu Akbar

3. Beginning of Tawaf expose right shoulder only (but both shoulders should be covered at all
other times)
4. Start Tawaf at Black Stone (Hajr-al-Aswad). Kiss it if possible, if not possible, touch it with
your right hand and kiss your hand. If this isn’t possible, face the Black Stone and raise your
right hand towards it (do not kiss your hand).

Bismillahi Wallahu Akbar.

5. The first three circuits should be done with a slight faster pace as long as it is not bothering
anyone else.
6. Between Rukn Yamani and Black Stone: Touch the Rukn Yamani corner with your right hand
and say Allahu Akbar. If you cannot touch it, then proceed towards Black Stone without
saying Allahu Akbar.

Between Rukn Yamani and Black Stone recite:

Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil 'akhirati hasanatan waqina 'adhaban-nar
“Oh Allah, give us the good of this world and the good of the Hereafter and protect
us from the punishment of Hellfire.”

7. Complete 7 Circuits and each time at Black stone (total 8 times) either kiss, touch, or gesture
towards it with Allahu Akbaar.
8. After completing 7 Circuits proceed to Maqaam Ibrahim or any other place nearby to pray
two rakat namaz.

Recite this while walking towards it:

‫َواَّتِخ ُذوا ِمْن َمَقاِم ِإْبَر اِهيَم ُمَصًّلى‬

Wattakhidhu Mim Maqami Ibrahima Musalla.
And take the Maqam Ibrahim as a place of Salah

9. Do two rakat of prayers with both shoulders covered. Recite Surah Kafirun and Surah Ikhlas.
10. Proceed to ZamZam Water and drink water in 3 turns. Then proceed to Saee (Safaa Marwa).
During Saee:

1. Proceed to Safaa, when you are approaching it: (ONLY ONCE. don’t repeat this at safaa)


‫ِإَّن الَّصَفا َواْلَمْرَوَة ِمن َش َعاِئِر الَّلِه‬

Innassafa walmarwata min sha’aa irillah
Indeed, Safa and Marwah are among the Signs of Allah

then say:

‫َأ‬ ‫َأ ُأ‬

‫ْبَد ِبَما َبَد اللُه ِبِه‬
Abda’u bimā bad’allahu bihi.
I begin with that which Allah has begun with.

2. Once you start going down Safaa, when the Kaaba is visible recite this (do not gesture towards
Kaaba). Read this again as you return from Marwa towards Safa, while facing the Kaaba. Repeat
every lap.

Recite the dua three times while making other dua in-between:

‫ِل‬ ، ‫ْك‬‫ َالّٰل َأ‬، ‫ َالّٰل َأْك‬، ‫َالّٰل َأْك‬
‫ُه َبُر َو ِه‬ ‫ُه َبُر‬ ‫ُه َبُر‬
‫اْلَح ْمُد‬
Allāhu akbar, Allāhu akbar, Allāhu akbar, wa lillāhi l-ḥamd.
Allah is the greatest; Allah is the greatest; Allah is the greatest, and to Allah
belongs all praise.
‫ َلُه‬،‫َال ِإَلَه ِإَّال الَّلُه َوْحَدُه َال َش ِريَك َلُه‬
‫ َوُهَو‬، ‫اْلُمْلُك َوَلُه اْلَح ْمُد ُيْح ِيي َوُيِميُت‬
‫َعَلى ُكِّل َش ْي ٍء َقِديٌر‬
Lā ilāha illallāh waḥdahu lā sharīka lah(u), lahu l-mulku wa lahu l-ḥamdu
yuḥyī wa yumīt(u), wa huwa ‘alā kulli shay’in qadīr.
There is no deity except Allah, alone without a partner. To Him belongs the
Dominion, and to Him belongs all praise. He gives life and death and He has
power over everything.

‫ َاْنَجَز َوْعَدُه َوَنَصَر‬،‫اَل ِإَلَه ِإاَّل َالَّلُه َوْحَدُه‬

‫َعْبَدُه َوَهَز َم َا ْحَز َب َوْحَد‬
Lā ilāha illallāhu waḥdah(u), anjaza wa’dahu wa naṣara ‘abdahu wa hazama l-
aḥzāba waḥdah.
There is no deity except Allah alone. He fulfilled His promise, supported His
slave and defeated the Confederates alone.
3. When you arrive at green light the men should walk slightly faster but still be near their
women. The dua below can be recited at any point during Saee, some recite during green light.

Rabbighfir Warham Wa Antal A’azzul Akram.

Oh Allah forgive me and have mercy upon me, for You are the most Mighty
and Honourable.

4. Make dua and read the Quran during Sa’ee.

5. Repeat the lap 7 times until you finish your 7th lap at Marwa.

Hair Cut
1. After completion, all the hair must be cut or trimmed (can’t be just a section). This ends
your ihraam and Umrah. Men should cut their women’s hair back in the hotel. Women
should cut no more than 1 inch of a small section.

Our Umrah Itinerary

1. 4 Nights and 3 Full days in Makkah (Intercon)
2. 2 Nights and 2 Full days in Medina (Daral Taqwa)

Some Tips
1. In Hand Luggage Carry
a. Fresh Umrah Set and Sandals
b. Medicine
c. Dua Books
d. Miswak
e. Fragrant Free Soap
2. Carry with you
a. 7 Dana Tasbih
b. Regular Tasbih
c. Tayamum Mati
3. Use bathroom in plane instead as airport bathrooms are dirty. Immigration can take 1-1.5
4. Take dinner en-route to Makkah or at Makkah hotel as limited food options.
5. After arriving in Makkah, pray Esha kasr. 2 Rakats Farz and 3 Rakats Witr. All other prayers at
mosque will be full prayers according to Jamat.
6. Do Wudu again before embarking to Masjid.
7. To Umrah carry with you
a. Green Umrah Book/any other guidance
b. Rabbana Book (blue)
c. Any other Dua Book
d. Tasbih
e. Phone
f. Mask
8. For WOMEN: Wear socks to cover ankle and make sure all hair is covered.
9. Wear Mask around the mosque if you need but not during Umrah.
10. Read the BLUE Qurans in the mosque.
11. Distribute food every night. Buy packages from restaurants in front of Masjid for 20-30
people and ask them to distribute it to the needy. Do this in Mecca & Medina everyday.
12. Johir from Pullman is Mamonis POC.
13. Read Durut Shorif starting Thursday evening into all of Friday and Surah Kahf.
14. Always read 2 rakat masjid namaz after entering masjid. (also read masjid entry and exit dua
with it).
15. Make a list of all your duas for Umrah (forgiveness, gratefulness, blessings)
16. Always do Astagfirullah in the beginning of all Dua.
17. Mention to accept dua of people you have forgotten to mention during Tawaf.
18. Stay in Mosque after Maghrib till Esha. Try to do Tahajjud as well.
19. Places to visit: aisha mosque, Jabal Al Nour (hill), Arafat

Packing Check List

Travel documents:

 Passport
 Visa
 Flight Tickets
 Vaccination Certificates
 Hotel Confirmation Copy
 Saudi Riyals
 Debit/Credit Cards
 Travel itinerary
 Relationship Certificate


 Mens Mosque Clothes: (Extra Ihram cloths x 3, Panjabi/Thobes)

 Mens Home Clothes: (T shirt and trousers, undergarments)
 Mens Comfortable footwear: (sandals)
 Womens Mosque Clothes: (burkha, trousers, hijabs)
 Womens Home Clothes: (T shirt trousers kameez, undergarments)
 Womens Hijabs: (Praying hijab 2-3, regular scarf 5-7, Undercaps, Hijab Pins)
 Womens Socks with grip.
 Bring hats and sunglasses


 For both: combs, toothbrush, deodorant, toothpaste, sunscreen, blister patches and
ointments, medicine box with bandaids, nailcutter, small mirror, face moisturiser,
 Compact prayer rugs, quran, dua book, tasbih, fragrant free soap, small scissors, miswak,
 Small face towel to carry everywhere, pocket tissue, wet wipes, hand sanitizer, water bottle
to carry zamzam water everywhere, small umbrellas, small bags for keeping prayer mat and a
small bag for keeping shoes, hand held fan if available.
 For afra: carry all nasal congestion medicines like nasal spray, fexo, cough syrup, vit C tablets
 Universal chargers
 Get Saudi SIM from airport

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