Umrah Guide
Umrah Guide
Umrah Guide
• Make a sincere Intention that you are doing this purely for the sake of Allah SWT and
not to show off to anyone else. Your goal is to attain Allah SWT Pleasure and Mercy
by following the way of His Prophet and Messenger Muhammed (PBUH)
Ihram is a state that you enter in whether to perform Umrah or Hajj
• Doing Ghusl is Sunnah for men and women, even those who are
menstruating or bleeding following childbirth (nifas).
• Men should do ghusl and put perfume on his head and beard, and put on the
ihram garments.
• If it is time for obligatory prayer (Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghreb or Isha) then pray
with the imam if possible.
• OR you can pray a 2 rakat nafl prayer (supererogatory) which you can make
intention that this is sunnah prayer for wudu NOT Umrah
• The Sunnah is to say your intention out loud but it is not mandatory
• You say Labayk Allahuma Umrah
The miqat is a principal boundary at which Muslim pilgrims intending to perform the Ḥajj or
ʿUmrah must enter the state of iḥrām
You guys are coming from Medina so you will be passing the Dhul Hulaifah Miqaat
• Once you pass the miqaat, you should start making the Talbiyyah
• Labbayka Allahumma labbayk, labbayka la sharika laka labbayk. Inna al-hamda wa’n-
ni‘mata laka wa’l-mulk, la sharika lak (Here I am, O Allah, here I am. Here I am, You have
no partner, here I am. Verily all praise and blessings are Yours, and all sovereignty, You
have no partner).
• You say this Talbiya all the way until you reach the Ka’ba
• Even when you are in you hotel to drop off your bags, keep saying this
(In the name of Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. O Allah,
forgive my sins and open to me the gates of Your mercy. I seek refuge in Allah the
Almighty and in His Noble Face and in His eternal Power, from the accursed Shaytan).”
• Start at the black stone and try to kiss it but if it is too crowded, there is no
problem just point to it from far away and say:
Bismillah wa Allahu akbar
• In tawaf, it is Sunnah for men to walk rapidly in the first three circuits, taking
short steps. It is also Sunnah for them to uncover the right shoulder
throughout tawaf (this is called idtiba‘), by baring the right shoulder and
placing the two ends of the rida (upper garment) on the left shoulder.
• Every time he comes in line with the Black Stone, he should say “Allahu
• Between the Yemeni Corner and the Black Stone he should say: “Rabbana
atina fi’l-dunya hasanah wa fi’l-akhirah hasanah wa qina ‘adhab al-nar (Our
Lord, give us that which is good in this world and that which is good in the
Hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the Fire).”
• In the rest of his Tawaf he may say whatever he likes of dhikr (remembering
Allah) and du‘a (supplication).
• Pray 2 rakat sunnah of Tawaf behind Maqam Ibrahim
• In the first rakat after Fatihah, recite Surah Kafiroon – this is sunnah not
• Second rakat after Fatihah, recite surah Ikhlas – Kul hu Allahu Ahad
• Then he should offer du`a after that, then repeat the dhikr a second time,
followed by du`a, then repeat the dhikr a third time.
• Then he should come down and head towards al-Marwah, walking until he
reaches the green marker – i.e., the green pillar – and running from the green
pillar to the second green pillar, running fast if he is able to, provided that it is
not too difficult for him and does not cause annoyance to anyone else. Then
after the second marker he should walk normally until he reaches al-Marwah.
When he reaches al-Marwah he should climb it, and turn to face the qiblah,
raise his hands, and say the same as he said at as-Safa. This is one lap.
• Then he should come back to as-Safa from al-Marwah , and this is the second
lap. He should say and do during it the same as he said and did in the first
lap. When he has finished seven laps – from as-Safa to al-Marwah is one lap,
and from al-Marwah to as-Safa is another lap.
• Then he should have his hair cut, removing hair from all over his head, in
such a manner that it is clearly obvious.
• A woman should cut a fingertip’s length from the end of all of her hair.