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Ebp Head Up 30

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Untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Tugas Praktik Klinik Profesi Ners Keperawatan Medikal Bedah

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Sari Apriliyana Setyarsono



TAHUN 2020
Analisa jurnal
Judul:Effect of 30ᵒ head up position of intracranial pressure change with head injury in surgical
ward of general hospital of Dr.R.Soedarsono Pasuruan
Penulis: Sumirah Budi Pertami , Sulastyawati, Puthut Anam
Tahun: 2017

Analisa PICOT
P: Populasi sasaran dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien cedera kepala bagian bedah
bangsal rumah sakit umum Dr. R. Soedarsono Pasuruan
I: Pemberian teknik (posisi kepala 30 °) dan kelompok kontrol (posisi kepala 15ᵒ
C: -
O: Hasil yang didapatkan ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari posisi kepala ke atas 30 ° terhadap
perubahan tekanan intrakranial, terutama pada tingkat kesadaran dan tekanan arteri rata-rata
pada pasien dengan cedera kepala. Disarankan kepada petugas kesehatan untuk memberikan
pengetahuan mengenai intervensi ini untuk mencegah peningkatan tekanan intrakranial.
T: Juli-Agustus 2017
Public Health of Indonesia
Pertami SB, et al. Public Health of Indonesia. 2017 August;3(3):89-95 ISSN: 2477-1570
Original Research


Sumirah Budi Pertami*, Sulastyawati, Puthut Anami

Department of Nursing, Polytechnic of Health of Malang, Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia

Accepted: 5 September 2017

Sumirah Budi Pertami
Department of Nursing, Polytechnic of Health of Malang
Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia
Jln. A.Yani No 1 lawang Malang
E-mail: sumirahbudip@yahoo.com

Copyright: © the author(s), YCAB publisher and Public Health of Indonesia. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits
unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

Background: Head-injured patients have traditionally been maintained in the head-up position to
ameliorate the effects of increased intracranial pressure (ICP). However, it has been reported that the 15
degrees head-up position may improve cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and outcome. We sought to
determine the impact of 30 and 15 degrees on intracranial pressure change.
Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study with posttest only control time series time design. There
were 30 head-injured patients was selected using consecutive sampling, with 15 assigned in the treatment
(30° head-up position) and control group (15° head-up position). Intracranial pressure variable was
identified using the level of consciousness and mean arterial pressure parameters. Wilcoxon signed rank test
was used for data analysis
Results: Findings showed p-value 0.010 (<0.05) on awareness level and p-value 0.031 (<0.05) on mean
arterial pressure, which indicated that there was a statistically significant effect of the 30° head-up position
on level of awareness and mean arterial pressure.
Conclusion: There was a significant effect of the 30° head-up position on intracranial pressure changes,
particularly in the level of awareness and mean arterial pressure in patients with head injury. It is
recommended that for health workers to provide knowledge regarding this intervention to prevent increased
intracranial pressure.

Key words: Consciousness level, 30° head-up position, intracranial pressure, mean arterial pressure

BACKGROUND According to literature, head injuries can

Head injuries include injuries by objects/ cause serious problems such as increased
bone fragments that penetrate brain tissue, intra-cranial pressure, crisis hypertension,
and the effect of strength or energy being bleeding, seizures and death. Increased
passed on to the brain or the effects of intraranial pressure can lead to ischemia or
acceleration and deceleration on the brain.1

©Public Health of Indonesia – YCAB Publisher, Volume 3, Issue 3, July-August 2017 |  89

infarction of brain tissue and brain death so intra-cranial pressure, blood pressure is
that immediate precautions are required.2 required to maintain the value of cerebral
Traffic accidents are the most perfusion pressure within the normal
common cause of head injuries and are a range. In patients with severe head injury,
public health problem worldwide, hypotension may increase death. While in
especially in developing countries.3 This patients with head injury, hypertension
situation generally occurs in motor drivers also occurs that can cause death. The 30°
without wearing helmet or wearing helmets head-up position is suggested according to
carrelesly, and do not meet the standards.3 previous studies, which can decrease ICT
Brain injury trauma is a significant global and increase the pressure of cerebral
public health concern and is predicted to be perfusion compared to the supine position.8
the leading cause of death and disability by A 30° head-up position is performed
2020.4 in patients with head injury because this
Every year, in the United States, it is position will facilitate drainage of reverse
about 30 million emergency injuries blood flow from intracranial so as to
become hospital cases and cause death. Of reduce intracranial pressure.2 In addition,
those, 16% are head injuries as a primary from the Mahfoud study,9 it was found that
and secondary diagnosis. In 2010, intracranial pressure in ICT values
approximately 2.5 million people were decreased significantly in the 0°-60°
hospitalized with a diagnosis of head position range, minimum intracranial
injury in the United States.5 In Asia, a high arterial pressure was found in patients with
percentage of incidence of head injury is a 30° head-up position. Horizontal position
caused by fall (77%) and other injuries will increase CPP and head-up position
(57%).4 >40° will decrease brain perfusion.8
In Indonesia, the incidence of head Bahrudin and Sunardi10 also stated that
injury each year is estimated to reach ICT will decrease significantly from 0°-
500,000 cases, with 10% of them died 35° head-up position, but in 40° position
before arriving at the hospital. Of all cases, and upwards, ICT will rise again.
80% were classified as mild head injury, Therefore, this study aimed to
10% as moderate head injury, and 10% as analyze the effect of the 30° head-up
severe head.6 According to medical record position on changes in intracranial pressure
data of general hospital of dr. R. in patients with head injury. The study was
Soedarsono Pasuruan during the preli- conducted by observing the level of
minary study, there were 115 cases of head awareness and Mean Arterial Pressure
injury on July - September 2016, with 94 (MAP) to identify changes in intracranial
patients categorized as mild head injury, 8 pressure.
moderate head injury and 13 serious head
injury patients.
Non-pharmacologic strategies perfor- METHODS
med for the management of head injury are Design
the setting up of the 15-30° head-up This was a quasi-experimental study with
position to improve venous return and posttest only control time series time
reduce intra-cranial pressure. In patients design.
with hypovolemic, there may be a
suspicion of a drastic decrease in blood Research subjects
pressure and decreased cerebral perfusion.7 The target population in this study was all
In management to optimize the value of patients with head injury in the surgical

©Public Health of Indonesia – YCAB Publisher, Volume 3, Issue 3, July-August 2017 |  90

ward of the general hospital of Dr. R. pressure in this study was categorized into
Soedarsono Pasuruan. There were 30 head- 3 classes: High if MAP >100 mmHg,
injured patients was selected using normal if MAP in the range 70 - 100
consecutive sampling, with 15 assigned in mmHg, and low if MAP <70 mmHg.
the treatment and control group.
Research Ethics
Intervention Ethical approval was obtained from the
The researcher performed a 30° head-up Health Research Ethics Commission at
position to the treatment group and the 15° Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang. Study
head-up position to the control group to permission was obtained from the General
obtain relevant data in accordance with the Hospital of Dr. R. Soedarsono Pasuruan to
research objectives. The treatment of this carry out research by disseminating the
position arrangement was performed when intent and purpose of research. The
the patient was treated in the surgical ward. researcher explained the objectives and
The treatment was given for 2 hours on the procedures of the study, and asked for the
first day and then the level of awareness patient's willingness to be the respondent
and Mean Arterial Pressure was measured in the study and signed the informed
(posttest 1). After than, the treatment was consent.
continued for 2 hours and then the level of
awareness and Mean Arterial Pressure was Data analysis
measured again (posttest 2). Wilcoxon signed rank test was used for
data analysis because the result of
Instrument normality test using Shapiro Wilk showed
Level of awareness and mean arterial <0.05, which indicated that the data were
pressure were measured in this study. not in normal distribution.
Level of awareness was measured using
GCS instruments (Glasgow Coma Scale) to
describe intracranial pressure. GCS 9 -12 RESULTS
refers to moderate intracranial pressure Characteristics of respondents
increase, and GCS 13-15 refers to 13-15. Table 1 shows that 33.3% of patients with head
While Mean Arterial Pressure or average injury aged 15-25 years, 30% of them aged 26-
of arterial pressure was calculated by 35%, and the rest aged 36-65 years. The
majority of respondents were male (60%),
measuring blood pressure then counting
having head injury caused by motor vehicle
systole multiply diastole and divided by accidents (73.3%), and 83.3% of them had
three. Measurement of Mean Arterial mild head injury.
Pressure to explain the intracranial

Table 1. Distribution of respondents based on age, gender, cause of head injury, head injury classification

Characteristics n %
15 – 25 10 33.3%
26 – 35 9 30%
36 – 45 2 6.67%
46 – 55 5 16.67%
56 – 65 4 13.33%
Male 18 60%
Female 12 40%

©Public Health of Indonesia – YCAB Publisher, Volume 3, Issue 3, July-August 2017 |  91

Cause of head injury
Motor vehicle accidents 22 73.3%
Work-related accidents 2 6.7%
Falls 4 13%
Blunt trauma 2 6.7%
Mild head injury 25 83.3%
Moderate head injury 5 16.67%

Table 2. Average level of awareness and mean arterial pressure

Variables n Mean SD
Level of Awareness
30° Head-up position
Posttest 1 15 13.67 1.44
Posttest 2 15 14.87 0.32
15° Head-up position
Posttest 1 15 14.40 0.91
Posttest 2 15 14.60 0.91
Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)
30° Head-up position
Posttest 1 15 80.42 18.5
Posttest 2 15 93.76 5.57
15° Head-up position
Posttest 1 15 85.01 15.3
Posttest 2 15 81.05 15.4

The result of the awareness level on the 30° awareness on the 15° head-up position, the
head-up position in 15 respondents in posttest mean of awareness level in posttest 1 was
1 showed that 26.67% of respondents had 14.40 and in posttest 2 was 14.60. For the
awareness level 9-12 and 73.33% of them had mean arterial pressure, in the 30° head-up
awareness level 13-15. In posttest 2, it was position, MAP in the posttest 1 was 80.42 and
100% of respondents had awareness level posttest 2 was 93.76. While in the 15° head-up
ranged 13-15. Table 2 shows that the mean position, MAP in the posttest 1 was 85.01 and
level of awareness in posttest 1 was 13.67 and posttest 2 was 81.05.
in posttest 2 was 14.87. While the level of

Table 3. Effect of the 30° head-up position on intracranial pressure changes using Wilcoxon signed rank test

Level of Awareness P-value

30° Head-up position
Posttest 1 0.010*
Posttest 2
15° Head-up position 0.083
Posttest 1
Posttest 2
Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)
30° Head-up position
Posttest 1 0.031*
Posttest 2
15° Head-up position
Posttest 1 0.035*
Posttest 2
*Significant level (<0.05)

©Public Health of Indonesia – YCAB Publisher, Volume 3, Issue 3, July-August 2017 |  92

Wilcoxon signed rank test as shown in the Pressure (MAP) variable was measured in
Table 3 showed p-value 0.010 (<0.05), this study because of the particularity of
which indicated that there was a the clinical symptoms in head injury
statistically significant effect of the 30° namely decreased level of consciousness
head-up position on level of awareness and change in blood pressure. Besides,
compared to the 15° head-up position. MAP is used in the formula: Cerebral
However, there were statistically Perfusion Pressure = Mean Arterial
significant effects of both 30° and 15° Pressure - Intracranial Pressure.10
head-up position on mean arterial pressure Cerebral Perfusion Pressure is the pressure
with p-value 0.031 and 0.035 (<0.05). of brain perfusion, which is related to the
intracranial pressure.
DISCUSSION On the other hand, Olviani8 states
This study aimed to analyze the effect of that Mean Arterial Pressure should be
the 30° head-up position on changes in maintained above 60 mmHg to ensure
intracranial pressure in patients with head perfusion to the brain, coronary artery and
injury. Intracranial pressure was described kidney during head-up position. In
in terms of awareness level and mean addition, an increase in blood pressure or
arterial pressure. Findings of this study enlarged pulse pressure (the difference
revealed that there was a statistically between systolic and diastolic blood
significant effect of the 30° head-up pressure) or changes in vital signs is a
position on level of awareness. This is in clinical symptom of increased intracranial
line with previous study found that 93.3% pressure.12 Changes in systole and diastole
of patients post-op trepanation had will also affect the value of mean arterial
composmentis awareness after given 30° pressure in patients with head injury.
head-up position in 30 minutes. Positioning is one of the familiar
The 30° head-up position aims to forms of nursing intervention in the
secure the patient in the fulfillment of application of patient care. The 30° head-
oxygenation in order to avoid hypoxia in up position is part of progressive
the patient, and intracranial pressure may mobilization of level I in head-injured
be stable within the normal range.11 In patients who can be non-pharmacological
addition, this position is more effective to techniques to maintain intracranial
maintain the level of consciousness pressure stability. The 30° head-up
because it affects the anatomical position position can launch venous drainage from
of the human body which then affects the the head and stable condition; and prevent
patient's hemodynamics. The 30° head-up neck flexion, head rotation, cough and
position is also effective for brain sneeze.
homeostasis and prevent secondary brain However, the effect of the 30° head-
damage by respiratory function stability to up position on intracranial pressure is
maintain adequate cerebral perfusion.12 influenced by many factors include drug
Findings of this study also revealed factors, history of hypertension and other
that there was statistically significant effect nonpharmacological techniques. Drug
of both 30° and 15° head-up position on factors are excluded in this study due to the
mean arterial pressure. This is consistent researchers limitations in controlling the
with previous study indicated that head-up half-life of the drug, and the other
position in the range 15-30° could decrease confounding factors such as prior history
cerebral perfusion pressure and stabilize of disease were also excluded because in
mean arterial pressure.8 The Mean Arterial

©Public Health of Indonesia – YCAB Publisher, Volume 3, Issue 3, July-August 2017 |  93

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