Research: Clinical and Epidemiological Profile of Herpes Zoster A Cross-Sectional Study From Tertiary Hospital
Research: Clinical and Epidemiological Profile of Herpes Zoster A Cross-Sectional Study From Tertiary Hospital
Research: Clinical and Epidemiological Profile of Herpes Zoster A Cross-Sectional Study From Tertiary Hospital
Paudel Vikash*1,5, Pandey Buddhi Raj1, Tripathee Richa1, Tripathee Rishabh Dev2, Sitaula
Shreema3, Dhakal Prabin4, Shrestha Dwarika Prasad5
Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy, National Medical College, Birgunj, Parsa, Nepal
Stupa Community Hospital, Bauddha, Kathmandu, Nepal
Alka Hospital, Jawalakhel, Kathmandu, Nepal
Department of Dermatology, Manmohan Memorial Medical College, Kathmandu, Nepal
Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Institute of Medicine, Kathmandu, Nepal
60 MED PHoenix : An Official Journal of NMC, Birgunj, Nepal, Volume (3), Issue (1), July, 2018, 60-65
Clinical and Epidemiological Profile
70 gene products.2 It is clinically characterized disease. All the patients were asked about
by a grouped vesiculo-bullous eruptions knowledge about herpes zoster, their
confined to dermatomes. In Nepali language, it causative factor and practice of visiting
is termed as JANAI KHATIRA i.e. holy thread traditional healers. A complete dermatological
wound, because of the pattern of herpes zoster examination regarding morphology, pattern
in thoracic region is like as the holy thread of the lesions, the segment of involvement,
worn. (Figure 1) The current concept of the laterality, dissemination of the lesions etc. were
development of the lesion as postulated by Hope- noted. Similarly, any changes in the periphery
Simpson in 1965, that primary infection presents were also noted. Whenever necessary, opinion
as chicken-pox (CP), and HZ is a reactivation from other specialists was sought. All the
of the latent virus established in one or more details were recorded in preformed proforma
sensory root ganglia during primary clinical or and analyzed statistically.
subclinical infection early in life or occasionally
in utero. 3,4 Although, HZ being a common cause RESULTS
of morbidity, there are very few studies on the The annual incidence of herpes zoster was 0.55%.
epidemiology, clinical profiles and the studies Out of 100 cases, 72 % were males and 28 %
regarding the knowledge and awareness among were females (M: F = 2.5:1). The mean age of the
the patients with HZ in South Asia. 5 Here-in, we patients was 40.4 years which ranged from 2–80
describe a hospital-based study of herpes zoster years. The distribution of age and gender is given
in a central hospital of Nepal in Table 1.
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Paudel et al.
62 MED PHoenix : An Official Journal of NMC, Birgunj, Nepal, Volume (3), Issue (1), July, 2018, 60-65
Clinical and Epidemiological Profile
zoster. Only, twelve patients had one or more his similar with the studies from Nepal7, India9
suspected provoking factors. Among them, six and Sri Lanka.10 The finding is contrast to
were diabetic, four were on steroids, one patient global estimates where female preponderance
had cancer with chemotherapy and one had done is more common.11 This could be probably due
hysterectomy just prior to HZ. to male predominance of society, frequent visit
to hospital.
Fifty two patients themselves had identified the
lesion as HZ. Among them; only 10 had some HZ is described as commonly occurring in the
short of knowledge about it. Twelve of the patients elderly and the immuno-compromised patients
had visited traditional healer prior to presentation and the incidence is said to increase with age.12
whereas in eight of them, the traditional healer This study, however showed majority of cases in
had applied herbal medicines and painted some the age group of 21–30 years with a mean age of
animals in the periphery of lesion with the belief 40 years. The results are similar with that from
of resolution. (Figure 4) Nepal 7, India 9 and Srilanka.10
MED PHoenix : An Official Journal of NMC, Birgunj, Nepal, Volume (3), Issue (1), July, 2018, 60-65 63
Paudel et al.
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and European ones.This could probably be due Journal of Dermatology, Venereology &
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in Asians. Though being common nature 8. Kawai K, Gebremeskel BG, Acosta
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT epidemiology of herpes zoster. Neurology.
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64 MED PHoenix : An Official Journal of NMC, Birgunj, Nepal, Volume (3), Issue (1), July, 2018, 60-65
Clinical and Epidemiological Profile
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