Acute undifferentiated fever (AUF) is a District of Maharashtra state for the duration
common cause for which the patients seek of October 2012 to January 2014. Patients
health care in India. It is region specific and with age 5years and with classical symptoms
has similar clinical presentation, with varied of febrile illness were included in the study.
etiologies. Due to this it posses challenge to About 500 blood samples received were
the diagnosis, treatment and public health. investigated for Malaria, Bacterial culture
Majority of patients present with nondescript sensitivity, Leptospira culture, ELISA for
symptoms. Scrub typhus, Malaria, Enteric scrub typhus, Brucella, Dengue and
etiologies of AUF. The prevalence of local The study included 500 blood samples
AUF etiologies helps to prioritize differential obtained from patients presenting with
diagnosis and guide the treatment. The study classical symptoms of AUF. Samples received
aimed to find out the predominant AUF from males showed highest number of positive
etiologies in the rural Konkan area of cases amounting for 82.47% with majority of
Maharashtra state in India. cases (83%) cases in middle age group. The
sero-positivity of samples accounted for
Materials and Methods: 42.8%. Brucella was the most common cause
was conducted at a tertiary care hospital on the (27.10%) and Scrub typhus (21.49%).
Interestingly there were no positive cases of
malaria and only 11.21% samples positive for diseases. Majority of patients show
Dengue which are considered as most nondescript symptoms like Fever with chills,
common AUF etiologies and treated Headache, Retro-orbital pain, Myalgia,
accordingly. Arthralgia, Rash, Hemorrhagic manifestation
and Leucopenia. The reports indicate that
Conclusion: Scrub typhus, Malaria, Enteric Fever, Dengue,
AUF is the most common clinical problem Leptospirosis, Chikungunya, Spotted fever,
worldwide with varied etiologies and non Rickettsiosis, Hantavirus, Q fever, Brucellosis,
descript symptoms. Understanding of Influenza and other bacterial infections like
etiologies, their local prevalence and their UTI, Respiratory Tract infections and
specific features will be helpful in treating diarrheal diseases are some of the common
AUF cases during various outbreaks. etiologies of AUF(2). The prevalence of local
AUF etiologies determines the prioritization
Key words: of differential diagnosis of the clinical
Acute undifferentiated febrileillness, syndrome (3).
dengue fever, etiology, scrub typhus, Konkan. In the developing countries usually
acute febrile illness is considered as either
Introduction: dengue or malaria and the treatment is given
The classical manifestation of an accordingly. Laboratory evaluations for fever
infection or illness is fever. It is the most in developing countries usually include
common clinical complaint observed in microscopy of thick and thin blood smears for
variety of patients. Acute undifferentiated malaria. In India, although about 100 million
fever (AUF) also known as acute febrile individuals are investigated for malaria by
illness is a common cause for which the microscopy every year, as per the official
patients seek health care in India, especially estimates only less than 2% of them are slide-
between the month of June and September . positive. The annual slide positivity in
An acute febrile illness is characterized by a malaria-endemic countries is estimated to be
sudden onset of fever with chills and often about 5% (6 million confirmed cases of 128
diagnosed on the basis of clinical million individuals investigated in 43
observations. Acute febrile illness has great countries)(4,5). The estimates show that, about
diversity of etiology and posses challenge to 30 % to 90% of all patients with AUF are
the diagnosis, treatment and public health treated with antimalarial drugs, though only 7
response to the endemic and epidemic
to 45% of them have laboratory confirmed Patients with age 5years and with febrile
malaria(6). illness with symptoms like fever with duration
There is inadequate understanding of 2 to 14 days & oral or axillary temperature
among the health care providers about proper 38c, body ache, rash, abdominal pain,
diagnosis and treatment for acute febrile ocular pain and red eyes and who consented
illness. In rural parts of India the health sector for the study were included. The patients who
is underdeveloped with inadequate health care denied consent and with fever localizing the
facilities and resources for proper diagnosis of source of infection to skin, soft tissue,
disease. Reporting of cases and a treatment respiratory, gastrointestinal, meningeal or
seeking is lethargic and there is no health genitourinary tract were excluded from study.
awareness in the community. Acute febrile 18 ml of venous blood sample was collected
illness can lead to fatal conditions if aseptically before the administration of the
misdiagnosed or mistreated. antibiotics. The sample was dispensed 2 drops
There is paucity of data regarding in EMJH medium, 8 to 10 ml in BacTec
AUF etiologies in rural Konkan region of bottle, 6ml in plain Vacutainer and 2 ml in
Maharashtra. This study was aimed to EDTA Vacutainer.
determine the prevalence of AUF etiologies at The samples were investigated for
a rural tertiary care hospital at Sindhudurg Malaria, Bacterial culture sensitivity,
District of Maharashtra state. Leptospira culture by EMJH method, ELISA
for scrub typhus, Brucella, Dengue and
Materials and Methods: Leptospira. The observations of investigations
The study was conducted at BKL were recorded for analysis with reference to
Walawalkar Hospital; a 500 bedded rural age, gender, investigations, area and
tertiary health care center. Samples were etiologies.
obtained from patients treated at Civil hospital
and various Primary Health Centers of Results:
Sindhudurg district viz; District Hospital Total 500 samples were received for
Sindhudurg, Sub District Hospital Kankavali, the study from October 2012 to January 2014.
Kudal, Sawantwadi and Primary health centers Maximum104 (20.8%) samples were received
from Hirlok, Kasal, Kalsuli, Kharepatan, from Sub District Hospital Kankavali
Nandgaon, Varavade, Mangaon and Hivale. followed by 87 (17.4%) samples from District
The duration of study was from October 2012 Hospital Oras respectively.
to January 2014.
respectively. The age ranged from 12 to 80 studies except that of Malaria and Dengue (1).
years with mean age of 36.52 +15.22 years. In current study there were no cases of malaria
Highest 415 (83%) cases belonged to age associated with AUF while the Dengue
group above 50 years i.e. middle age group positive samples accounted for only 24
which is the working group at a risk for (11.21%) cases. The findings from a study in
exposure to infectious agents. Maximum 277 Karnataka indicate Scrub typhus as most
(82.47%) cases belong to Males which is common cause of acute fever followed by
likely due to increased chances of exposure to Leptospirosis which is consistent with
pathogens as males predominantly work findings in current study(8).
outside. The findings are consistent with other
studies (7). Fig 2: Gender based distribution of positive
The study shows predominant AUF AUF cases
etiologies like Brucella (61, 28.50%), 40 37
Males Females
Leptospira (58, 27.10%) and Scrub typhus No. of Positive cases 35 31 30
(46, 21.49%) which are zoonotic diseases 30 27
25 21
most prevalent in rainy season and common in 19
20 16
farmers and individuals with close contact of 15
10 11
cattle or exposed to contaminated water by the 10 8
5 3
excreta of infected animals especially rats. 1 00
Many studies indicate Leptospira, Rickettsiae,
Malaria and Dengue as most common
etiologies of AUF. The findings of Leptospira
and Scrub typhus are consistent with other Investigations
DH Oras
Total 87 104 33 5 27 20 37 28 62 46 25 26 500
Samples (17.4) (20.8) (6.6) (1) (5.4) (4) (7.4) (5.6) (12.4) (9.2) (5) (5.2) (100)
Blood 3 3 0 0 2 1 3 0 4 1 0 4 21
Culture (3.5) (2.9) (0) (0) (7.4) (5) (8.1) (0) (6.5) (2.2) (0) (15.4) (4.2)
Leptospira 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4
Culture (2.3) (0.96) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (1.6) (0) (0) (0) (0.8)
Scrub 16 7 3 2 2 1 1 2 7 1 2 2 46
Typhus (18.4) (6.7) (9.1) (40) (7.41) (5) (2.7) (7.1) (11.3) (2.2) (8) (7.7) (9.2)
13 15 7 0 3 3 1 1 6 4 2 6 61
(14.9) (14.4) (21.2) (0) (11.1) (15) (2.7) (3.6) (9.7) (8.7) (8) (23.1)(12.2)
9 6 0 0 4 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 24
(10.3) (5.8) (0) (0) (14.8) (5) (2.7) (0) (3.2) (0) (4) (0) (4.8)
Lepto 14 6 4 0 0 2 4 1 11 10 3 3 58
ELISA (16.0) (5.8) (12.1) (0) (0) (10) (10.8) (3.6) (17.7) (21.7) (12) (11.5)(11.6)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
Area wise
Total 57 38 14 2 11 8 10 4 31 16 8 15 214
Positive (65.4) (36.6) (42.4) (40) (40.7) (40) (27) (14.3) (50) (34.7) (32) (57.7)(42.8)
With scarce diagnostic facilities and treatment Oras is a coastal city inhabited by the
options in rural parts of India, majority of major population of Sindhudurg district with
clinicians assume that the patient with AUF is tourism, fishing and agriculture as its major
likely to be suffering from malaria or either occupation. The regional prevalence of
dengue and the treatment is given accordingly. pathogens and their chances of exposure to the
A similar study in central India on Non local people influence the disease pattern.
malarial Acute Undifferentiated (NMAUF) The Bacterial culture indicated 21 (4.2%)
cases revealed that about 39.9% patients with positive cases including 3 Gram negative
NMAUF received unnecessary treatment with bacilli and 14 Gram positive cocci with
antimalarial drugs, indicating need for Staphylococcus as a common isolate
awareness and guidelines to improve accounting for 13 (61.90%) positive cultures.
treatment strategies for AUF cases The findings are consistent with other studies
The samples from District Hospital Oras on bacterial etiologies of AUF. Bacterial
showed highest 57 (65.4%) positive cases with infection is one of the known etiologies for
maximum 16 (18.4%) cases of Scrub typhus, AUF with S. aureus and E. coli common
14 (16%) ELISA positive and 13 (14.9%) isolates (10).
Brucella positive cases. Thus the results indicate
predominance of Brucella, Leptospira and
Table 2: Account of Bacterial culture Scrub typhus as most common AUF etiologies
isolates especially in Males with maximum cases in
Sr. Isolates Count middle age group above 50 years.
A Gram Positive Cocci 14 Conclusion:
1 Staphylococcus species 13 Acute febrile illness is the most
2 Micrococcus species 1 common clinical problem worldwide with the
B Gram Negative Bacilli 3 diversity of etiologies and non descript
3 Escherichia coli 2 symptoms, it posses challenge to the
are unnecessarily treated with anti bacterial Using Certain Rapid Microbiological And
and anti malarial drugs and also subjected to Virological Tests; Int J Pharm Bio Sci
unnecessary investigations adding to the cost 2015Ot; 6(4): (B) 715-723
of treatment. Understanding of etiologies, 4. World Health Organization, 2005. World
their local prevalence and their specific Malaria Report 2005. Geneva: WHO and
features will be helpful in treating AUF cases UNICEF.
during various outbreaks. 5. World Health Organization, 2007. Global
RBM Online Database. Geneva:
Conflict of interest: None to declare WHO.http://www.rbm.who.int/wmr2005/ht
Source of funding: Nil m/1-1.htm.
Acknowledgement: 6. Amexo M, Tolhurst R, Barnish G, Bates I,
The authors express the deepest 2004. Malaria misdiagnosis: effects on the
gratitude to the Civil Surgeon, Medical poor and vulnerable. Lancet 364: 1896
Superintendent, Resident Medical Officer, 1898.
Pathologist of Sindhudurg district Hospital, 7. MA Andrews, Aleena Elizabeth,
District health officer ;Sindhudurg, Taluka Pravinlal Kuttichira, Clinical Profile of
Health Officer, PHC Medical Officer involved acute undifferentiated febrile illness in
in the study. patients admitted to a teaching hospital in
Funding: Kerala; Health Science 2014;1(3):IS001D
The study was partially funded by 8. Kashikunti MD, Gundikeri SK, Dhananjay
Director of Health Services, Maharashtra M; Acute Undifferentiated febrile illness-
State. lineal spectrum and outcome from a tertiary
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Study of Acute Undifferentiated Fever