International Journal of Health Sciences and Research
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research
Background: Recent studies have shown dengue viral infection causing encephalitis with high
morbidity and mortality. However, there is little clinical documented evidence of Dengue fever with
encephalitis in children in Assam. India
Aims: An attempt was made to determine the clinical spectrum and outcome in pediatric patients of
dengue fever with encephalitis.
Materials and Methods: The study was done in a multi-specialty teaching hospital on 513 Acute
Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) children with febrile illness.
Results: A total 513 AES patients were enrolled from 2011-2013. Of which 55.4% were male and age
group mostly affected were 5-12 years (51.1%). Among the AES cases, 15 were found to be positive
for Dengue IgM antibody. The age group mainly affected (73.3%) was 5-12 years. Majority of them
were Male (60%) and from rural area (93.3%).
Most common clinical features in DEN patients with encephalitis were fever (100%), seizure (86.7%),
altered sensorium (66.7%), vomiting (40%) and headache (33.3%). Around 20% of them had
Glasgow Comma Scale (GCS) within 3 to 8. Signs of meningeal irritation were present in 3.6% cases
and 20% cases were suffered from Diarrhea.
Outcome at discharge of DEN patients showed 66.7% were recovered completely, 13.3% had
neurological sequelae and 20% were died in hospital.
Conclusion: Dengue encephalitis an atypical manifestation of Dengue fever causing menace to the
children population which seeks attention for early diagnosis and prompt management through
disease surveillance .
Number of
Statistical analysis
A 2 or Fishers exact test was used 40
analyses were performed with the use of
Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS) software, IBM SPSS - version 20. 2011-2013
Table 2: Clinical Profile of children with Dengue (n=15) patients of flavivirus infection 7.9% were
Features Number %
Fever 15 100 laboratory confirmed Dengue. Earlier
Altered Sensorium 10 66.7 studies also confirmed that other agents that
Headache 5 33.3
Irritable 2 13.3 have been caused to AES in India include
Vomiting 6 40 dengue virus besides other etiologies. [8-10]
Abnormal behavior 0 0
Diarrhoea 3 20
In our study, majority of the AES
Seizure 13 86.7 children were male and age group mainly
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) 8 3 20 affected was 5 to 12 years. Study conducted
Signs of meningeal irritation 8 3.6
by Kumar et al., 2006; Bandyopadhyay et
Outcome of DEN Patients al., 2013, Avabratha et al., 2012 also
Outcome at discharge of DEN observed similar findings. [11-13] This may be
patients showed that 66.7% were recovered explained that among the AES patients,
completely while 13.3% cases had flavivirus infections like DEN, JE are more
neurological sequelae. 20% patients were common. Children in 5-12 years age group
died in the hospital (Figure 2). The mortality are actively mobile and they love to play
rate was more in patients with GCS between outside which make them more prone to get
3 to 8 (25.6 %). However, it was statistically mosquito bite. Moreover, in low
insignificant. socioeconomic status, male children are
Figure 2: Out come of DEN patients at the time of discharge
helping hands for their parents in cultivating
seasons. As such male children are more
DEN patients (n= 15)
exposed to the exophilic mosquito bites
which are highly abundant outside the
with Death houses. [7]
neurological 20%
sequelae Monthly admission rate of AES
13% children were recorded more from May to
October with a peak in July. These findings
completely are comparable with the findings of
67% previous studies that suggest a climate
dependent transmission cycle. [14-17] The hot
and humid time of the year is characterized
by water-logging, filling up of the perennial
DISCUSSION rivers, paddy fields, increased agricultural
The present study demonstrates that activity in the rural areas and more water
AES is a significant public health problem collection in artificial containers in nearby
in this part of country. We confirmed DEN houses. These conditions are attributable to
encephalitis as one of the important cause of enhance vector densities (e.g. via increased
AES in reference to flavivirus infection next mosquito breeding) and increased man
to Japanese encephalitis. [7] Of the total AES mosquito contact leading proportionately
How to cite this article: Kakoti G, Dutta P, Das BR. Dengue encephalitis: an atypical manifestation
of dengue fever in children. Int J Health Sci Res. 2016; 6(4):1-7.
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