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Frankenstein. A Byronic Hero

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Ciutea Bianca- Maria

Romanian- English
Thursday, 18-20
Is Victor Frankenstein a Byronic hero?

The current essay aims to analize the ways in which it can be proven that Victor
Frankenstein has detains the characteristics of a Byronic hero.

The paper’s structure proposes to define what is a Byronic hero is and his its main
principal features, to present a brief characterization of Frankenstein, his relationship with the
creature and how these elements together can support the statement that Shelley’s protagonist
has detains Byronic traits.

First of all, in order to understand the main thesis, it is necessary to define in what
consists of a Byronic hero consists of. This type of hero ‘’is one of the most prominent literary
character types of the Romantic period’’1, period in which Byron's prominent pregnant figure
lefts its mark on English literature. As the name suggests, Lord Byron created what it is known
today as Bbyronic hero, which presents an idealised, but flawed character whose attributes
include a series of features. An important aspect which it was a source of controversy for many
critics is the influence of Byron, specifically, his persona and human traits that contributed in the
ensemble of this hero type.

The series of features that individualize the Byronic character are the distaste for the
norm, a high level of intelligence, an unvoidable fate, the arrogance, the self-destruction,
confidence and sensitivity. Also, the Byronic hero is considered to be cynical, fearless,
mysterious, lonely, a guilty- haunted hero, often seen as a melancholic and rebellious young
man, distressed by a terrible wrong he committed in the past. There are many more, but for the
character of Victor just some of them are highlighted in the novel. Yes

Subsequently, Victor’s character is very complex, because he is changing during the

novel. From a young man with an avid desire to learn the secrets of life and to master what his
professors taught him, he become, after two years of hard work, a disillusioned, guilt- haunted
man, unable to sleep or eat properly. Also, he became afraid by the creature he created because
Victor started to imagine things that are real not in the front of his eyes. For example, in this
quote ‘’Don’t ask me that, I cried. I put my hands over my eyes, I thought I could see the

Cristina Gabriela Marin, The Byronic hero, University of Craiova, p. 1.
horrible creature there in front of me. (...) I tried to fight the creature, but there was nothing there.
Then I fainted and fell to the floor’’2.

Above all in particular, the strongest feature in my point of view is the self- destruction of
Victor. He doesn’t take into consideration the risks of creating such a ‘’monster’’(I was a very
clever scientist, but I did not realize then what a terrible mistake I was making’’). He becomes
unable to save him and his creature from Frankenstein ailing and harmful behavior. Victor
refuses to show him affection and care, as the only way to save him from destruction. After
seeing his loved ones being murdered by his creation, the only thing that is keeping him alive is
the revenge, the desire to kill the monster.

Another trait it is the fact that the Byronic hero is also known to be sensitive as he has a
capacity to feel and is well- educated. For example, the quote ‘’I told her that I loved her very
much and wanted to marry her’’ 3 shows the love and affection for Elizabeth, even though he was
caught in his madness caused by his desire to kill the monster and to be free. Notably is the fact
that Victor feels sorrow for the death of Justine who was executed for a crime she did not
commit, so, he remains humanized.

On the other hand, the high level of intelligence is another Byronic trait that leads Victor
to destruction, because intelligence requires curiosity. His desire to fulfill his curiosity about
nature and galvanism started from his childhood and adolescence, these paragraphs recalling this
statement: ‘’The world was to me a secret which I desired to divine. Curiosity, earnest research
to learn the hidden laws of nature, gladness akin to rapture, as they were unfolded to me, are
among the earliest sensations I can remember’’4. In addition, with a high level of intelligence,
Victor ends up isolating himself because the hard work he is putting in the name of science
started to consume him and thus it is deduced the isolation as a Byronic trait.

Similarly, the influence of Agrippa demonstrate that Victor is fascinated with about
philosophy, naturalism, occult writings, subjects known by few. Despite his ability to understand
and desire to study more about different philosophers and scientists, which it outlines the high
level of intelligence, he appears to be a philomath with an unfulfilled curiosity. From the
paragraph ‘’I have described myself as always having been imbued with a fervent longing to
Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, Retold by Patrick Nobes, Oxford University Press, p. 13.
Op cit, p. 44.
Op cit, p. 31.
penetrate the secrets of nature. In spite of the intense labor and wonderful discoveries of modern
philosophers, I always came from my studies discontented and unsatisfied.’’ 5 it can be observed
a trace of arrogance.

Discussing about arrogance as a Byronic feature, it is clear that Victor is so caught up in

the pursuit of knowledge and the creation of life that he feels invincible. Yes. He thinks of
himself as godlike, bringing light where there is only darkness and creating life where it did not
exist before. He can be seen as a Prometheus, both Victor and the mythological character being
punished for their game of God. He thinks he can cheat death and expected that his creature will
show him gratitude and worship without hesitation, like a God receives from his creation.
Furthermore, he is seen by Walton as a mad scientist, while Frankenstein portrays himslef as a
kind, benevolent, hard-working creator who made a mistake, but end up sounding like a prideful,
shallow man. He is a clear example of what it is known as hamartia, because he has a tragic flaw.
Nice! The roles of God and nature he assumed in creating life leads to consequences because of
his arrogance, ambition and pride.

On the basis of these arguments, I consider that Frankenstein illustrates the Byronic traits
presented above, which include the self- destruction, sensitivity, a high level of intelligence,
arrogance and pride. Also, the self- isolation of Victor because of his dark secret and the element
of danger caused by his creature it takes him out of the realm of a simple Rromantic hero.
Therefore, taking into consideration all of these features that were illustrated, it can be
considered that Victor Frankenstein in Mary Shelley’s eponymous novel is a Byronic hero with a
tragic death, caused by his ambition and lack of responsibility in taking care of a creature who
was left alone in a world of human beings.

Op. cit., p. 35.

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