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Pembicara: Dr. Orfeas Liangos - Coburg Germany

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Januari 2021
Hari I : Sabtu, 16/01/2021

Waktu Program
09.00-09.05 Opening oleh MC
09.05-09.15 Sambutan oleh Kepala Divisi dan Ketua PODIN
Dr. dr. Atma Gunawan, SpPD-KGH
Sambutan dan pembukaan
Pembicara: Dr. dr. Aida Lidya, SpPD-KGH
09.15-09.30 Plenary Lecture : Kidney Problem in Covid-19 Era
Pembicara: Dr. dr. Aida Lidya, SpPD-KGH
09.30–10.30 Symposium I: Hypertension
09.35-09.55 Managing Refractory Hypertension in Dialysis Patient
Prof. dr. Mochammad Thaha, SpPD-KGH, PhD
09.55-10.15 New Insight in Optimum Treatment of HHD
Prof. dr. Saifurrohman, SpJP (K), PhD
10.15-10.25 Diskusi
10.25-10.30 Presentasi Sponsor: dexamedica (Canderin)
10.30-11.30 Symposium II: Anemia
10.35-10.55 Concept of Anemia in Cardiorenal Syndrome
Pembicara: Dr. dr. Aida Lidya, SpPD-KGH
10.55-11.15 Therapy Strategy in Erythropoietin Failure
dr. Chandra Irwanadi Mohani, SpPD-KGH
11.15-11.25 Diskusi
11.25-11.30 Presentasi Sponsor: Etana/Epodion
11.30-12.30 Dry Workshop 1: Kidney Bone Disease (Renal Osteodystrophy)
11.35-11.55 Diagnosis and Management of Renal Osteodystrophy
Pembicara: Dr. Orfeas Liangos – Coburg Germany
11.55-12.15 Technical Approcah of Iliac Crest Biopsy in Renal Osteodystrophy
Pembicara: Dr. Orfeas Liangos – Coburg Germany
12.15-12.25 Diskusi
12.25-12.30 Presentasi Sponsor: Fahrenheit (Fosrenol)
12.30-12.35 Closing
Hari 2 : Minggu, 17/01/2021

09.00-09.05 Opening oleh MC

09.05-10.30 Symposium III: Infection in Dialysis Unit
09.10-09.35 Management of Viral Hepatitis C in Dialysis Patient
Dr. dr. Nur Samsu, SpPD-KGH
09.35-09.55 Prevention of Viral Hepatitis infection in Dialysis Unit
dr. Widodo, SpPD-KGH
09.55-10.15 AKI in Covid-19 Patients: Mechanisms and Management
Dr. dr. Hasyim Kasim, SpPD-KGH, FINASIM
10.15-10.25 Diskusi
10.25-10.30 Presentasi Sponsor: Fahrenheit (paket hepatitis C )
10.30-11.50 Symposium IV: Specific Dialysis Patients
10.35-10.55 Pediatric Hemodialysis
Dr. dr. Zulkhaer Ali, SpPD-KGH
10.55-11.15 Incremental Dialysis
Dr. dr. Aida Lydia, SpPD-KGH, PhD
11.15-11.35 Pregnancy Women on Dialysis
dr. Ayudya Nurani. M.Si Med, SpPD KGH
11.35-11.45 Diskusi
11.45-11.50 Presentasi Sponsor
11.50-12.50 Dry Workshop II : Miscellaneous
11.55-12.15 Plasmapheresis Procedure in Nephrology
dr. Jonny, MM, SpPD-KGH
12.15-12.35 How I Performed Kidney Biopsy
dr. Novadian, SpPD-KGH
12.35-12.45 Diskusi
12.45-12.50 Presentasi Sponsor: Renalpro
12.50-12.55 Closing oleh MC

Hari 3 : Sabtu, 23/01/2021

09.00-09.05 Opening oleh MC
09.05-10.30 Symposium : Budget in Dialysis
09.10-09.35 Cost Benefit Analysis in HD, CAPD, and Kidney Transplantation
dr. Afiatin, SpPD-KGH
09.35-09.55 How to Provide HD with Low Price in Gonoshasthaya Nagar Hospital, Dakka, Bangladesh
Prof. Mamun Mostafi
09.55-10.15 Reuse Dialyzer ( PHC )
Dr. dr. Atma Gunawan, SpPD-KGH
10.15-10.25 Diskusi
10.25-10.30 Presentasi Sponsor: PHC
10.30-11.50 Dry Workshop IV: Dialysis Access
10.35-10.55 Insertion of Temporary Central Vein Catheter for Dialysis (Phobos )
DR. Dr. Mohammad Rudiansyah, M.Kes, Sp.PD-KGH,FINASIM
10.55-11.15 Insertion of Tunnedled Central Vein for Dialysis (Palindrome )
Dr. dr. Nur Samsu, SpPD-KGH
11.15-11.35 Prevention and Managementof Catheter Related Infection (Citralock, tranmedik)
dr. Barkah, SpPD-KGH
11.35-11.45 Diskusi
11.45-11.50 Presentasi Sponsor: Phobos + palindrome + Citralock, tranmedik
11.50-13.15 Dry Workshop: AVF
11.55-12.15 Vessel Mapping, Monitoring and Sueveillance for AVF (Mindray)
dr. Nyoman Paramita Ayu, SpPD-KGH
12.15-12.35 Ideal AVF for Indonesian Dialysis Patients and How to Care
dr. Wizhar Syamsuri, SpPD-LGH
12.35-12.55 Angioplasty Procedure for AVF Stenosis (Boston )
Dr. dr. Atma Gunawan, SpPD-KGH
12.55-13.05 Diskusi
13.05-13.15 Presentasi Sponsor: USG Mind Ray + Boston
13.15-13.20 Closing oleh MC

Hari 4 : Minggu, 24/01/2021

09.00-09.05 Opening oleh MC Hari Keempat

09.05-10.30 Symposium VI: Dialysis Patients
09.10-09.35 Home Hemodialysis: How type and Advantages
dr. Pranawa, SpPD-KGH
09.35-09.55 Dysequilibrium Syndrome: Prevention and Management
dr. Heru Prasanto, SpPD-KGH
09.55-10.15 Management of Recurrent Ascites in ESRD Patient
dr. Syafrizal Nasution, SpPD-KGH
10.15-10.25 Diskusi
10.25-10.30 Presentasi Sponsor : -
10.30-11.30 Dry Workshop VI : Hemodiafiltration I
10.35-10.55 HDF Implementation for Indonesian Patients
Dr. dr. Atma Gunawan, SpPD-KGH
10.55-11.15 Hemodiafiltration with Endogenous Reinfusion: advantage, indication, procedure
Prof. Dr. dr. Rully M. A. Roesli, SpPD-KGH
11.15-11.25 Diskusi
11.25-11.30 Presentasi Sponsor: Nipro + fresenius
11.30-12.50 Dry Workshop VII: Dialysis in Specific Condition
11.35-11.55 CRRT: How does It Work? Access, Membrane Circuit, Anticoagulant, and Solutions
Dr. dr. Nur Samsu, SpPD-KGH
11.55-12.15 Role of CRRT in septic shock: advantages, timing, procedure
Tan Han Kim
12.15-12.35 Liver Dialysis for Hepatic Failure : Indication, Technique and Procedure of Liver Dialysis
Tan Han Kim
12.35-12.45 Diskusi
12.45-12.50 Presentasi Sponsor: Prismaflex Baxter
12.50-12.55 Closing oleh MC

Hari 5 : Sabtu, 30/01/2021

09.00-09.05 Opening oleh MC Hari Kelima

09.05-10.05 Symposium VII: Peritoneal Dialysis
09.10-09.30 Does Kt/v matter in Asian PD Patients?
Pembicara: Prof. Wai Kei Lo
09.30-09.50 Management of Hypokalemia and Hyponatremia in CAPD
Pembicara: Prof. Wai Kei Lo
09.50-10.00 Diskusi
10.00-10.05 Prsentasi Sponsor: Baxter
10.05-11.05 Dry Workshop VIII : PD Insertion
10.10-10.30 Insertion of PD Catheter by Peritoneoscope
Pembicara: dr. Abdullah, SpPD-KGH
10.30-10.50 Insertion of PD Catheter by Seldinger Technique
Dr. dr. Rudi Supriyadi, SpPD-KGH
10.50-11.00 Diskusi
11.00-11.05 Presentasi Sponsor: Baxter
11.05-12.05 Dry Workshop IX: Surgical Intervention in PD Catheter
11.10-11.30 Insertion of PD Catheter by Surgical Technique
Dr. dr. Atma Gunawan, SpPD-KGH
11.30-11.50 Management of PD Catheter Malfunction
dr. Lukman Pura, MH, SpPD-KGH
11.50-12.00 Diskusi
12.00-12.05 Presentasi Sponsor: Baxter
12.05-12.10 Closing oleh MC

Hari 6 : Minggu, 31/01/2021

09.00-09.05 Opening oleh MC

09.05-10.05 Symposium VIII: Kidney Transplantation in MPOH Hospital
09.10-09.30 Medical Aspects Protocol of Kidney Transplantation in MPOH Hospital: From
Screening to Maintenance
dr. Sishir Gang, MD, DM, DNB
09.30-09.50 Diagnosis and Management of Kidney Transplant Rejection in MPOH Hospital
dr. Sishir Gang, MD, DM, DNB
09.50-10.00 Diskusi
10.00-10.05 Presentasi Sponsor: Astellas/Kalbe/Novartis
10.05-11.05 Symposium IX: Kidney Transplantation
10.10-10.30 Desensitization Procedure in Sensitized High Risk Kidney Transplantation
dr. Pringgodigdo Nugroho, SpPD-KGH
10.30-10.50 Evaluation of GFR in kidney donors: how? what is the limit?
dr. Maruhum Bonar Hasiholan M, SpPD-KGH
10.50-11.00 Diskusi
11.00-11.05 Presentasi Sponsor: Astellas/Kalbe/Novartis
11.05-12.05 Dry Workshop VI : Hemodiafiltration II
11.10-11.30 HD plus hemoperfusion : advantages, indications, procedure ( bellco )
Dr. dr. Atma Gunawan, SpPD-KGH
11.30-11.50 Water Quality in Dialysis ( Tirta )
Sampranoto, ST
11.50-12.00 Diskusi
12.00-12.05 Presentasi Sponsor: bellco + Tirta
12.05-12.10 Closing oleh MC Hari Keenam

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