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Emergency response for evaluating SARS-

CoV-2 immune status, seroprevalence and
convalescent plasma in Argentina
Diego S. Ojeda ID1☯, Marı́a Mora Gonzalez Lopez Ledesma1☯, Horacio M. Pallarés ID1☯,
Guadalupe S. Costa Navarro ID1☯, Lautaro Sanchez ID1, Beatriz Perazzi2, Sergio
M. Villordo1, Diego E. Alvarez3, BioBanco Working Group4¶, Marcela Echavarria5,
Kasopefoluwa Y. Oguntuyo ID6, Christian S. Stevens ID6, Benhur Lee ID6, Jorge Carradori7,
Julio J. Caramelo ID1, Marcelo J. Yanovsky1, Andrea V. Gamarnik ID1*
1 Fundación Instituto Leloir-CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2 Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad
a1111111111 de Farmacia y Bioquı́mica, Hospital de Clı́nicas José de San Martin, Departamento de Bioquı́mica Clı́nica,
a1111111111 Buenos Aires, Argentina, 3 Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas, Universidad Nacional de San
a1111111111 Martı́n-CONICET, Argentina, 4 Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de
a1111111111 Microbiologı́a, Parasitologı́a e Inmunologı́a e Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas en Retrovirus y SIDA
(INBIRS-CONICET), Argentina, 5 Unidad de Virologia, Centro de Educación Médica e Investigaciones
Clı́nicas “Norberto Quirno” (CEMIC-CONICET), Argentina, 6 Department of Microbiology, Icahn School of
Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York, United States of America, 7 Laboratorio Lemos S.R.L,
Buenos Aires, Argentina

OPEN ACCESS ☯ These authors contributed equally to this work.

¶ Membership of BioBanco Working Group is provided in the Acknowledgments
Citation: Ojeda DS, Gonzalez Lopez Ledesma MM,
* agamarnik@leloir.org.ar
Pallarés HM, Costa Navarro GS, Sanchez L, Perazzi
B, et al. (2021) Emergency response for evaluating
SARS-CoV-2 immune status, seroprevalence and
convalescent plasma in Argentina. PLoS Pathog Abstract
17(1): e1009161. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.
ppat.1009161 We report the emergency development and application of a robust serologic test to evaluate
Editor: Michael S. Diamond, Washington acute and convalescent antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 in Argentina. The assays,
University School of Medicine, UNITED STATES COVIDAR IgG and IgM, which were produced and provided for free to health authorities, pri-
Received: October 15, 2020 vate and public health institutions and nursing homes, use a combination of a trimer stabi-
Accepted: November 13, 2020 lized spike protein and the receptor binding domain (RBD) in a single enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) plate. Over half million tests have already been distributed to
Published: January 14, 2021
detect and quantify antibodies for multiple purposes, including assessment of immune
Copyright: © 2021 Ojeda et al. This is an open
responses in hospitalized patients and large seroprevalence studies in neighborhoods,
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which slums and health care workers, which resulted in a powerful tool for asymptomatic detection
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and and policy making in the country. Analysis of antibody levels and longitudinal studies of
reproduction in any medium, provided the original symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections in over one thousand patient sam-
author and source are credited.
ples provided insightful information about IgM and IgG seroconversion time and kinetics,
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are and IgM waning profiles. At least 35% of patients showed seroconversion within 7 days, and
within the manuscript.
95% within 45 days of symptoms onset, with simultaneous or close sequential IgM and IgG
Funding: The COVIDAR project was funded by the detection. Longitudinal studies of asymptomatic cases showed a wide range of antibody
CONICET through the Fondo para la Convergencia
responses with median levels below those observed in symptomatic patients. Regarding
Estructural del Mercosur (FOCEM), NIH (NIAID)
R01.AI095175 and Agencia Argentina de convalescent plasma applications, a protocol was standardized for the assessment of end
Promoción Cientı́fica y Tecnológica PICT2017- point IgG antibody titers with COVIDAR with more than 500 plasma donors. The protocol
1717 Annex COVID-19 to AVG. Founds were also showed a positive correlation with neutralizing antibody titers, and was used for clinical trials
provided by Fundación Williams and Asociación
and therapies across the country. Using this protocol, about 80% of convalescent donor
Civil SAND to AVG for COVIDAR and Serokit

PLOS Pathogens | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1009161 January 14, 2021 1 / 18

PLOS PATHOGENS Antibody kinetics and longitudinal studies of symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections

production and distribution. The funders had no plasmas were potentially suitable for therapies. Here, we demonstrate the importance of
role in study design, data collection and analysis, providing a robust and specific serologic assay for generating new information about anti-
decision to publish, or preparation of the
body kinetics in infected individuals and mitigation policies to cope with pandemic needs.

Competing interests: The authors have declared

that no competing interests exist.

Author summary
The development of robust and specific serologic assays to detect antibodies to SARS-
CoV-2 is essential to understand the pandemic evolution and establish mitigation strate-
gies. Here, we report the emergency development, production and application of a versa-
tile ELISA test for detecting antibodies against the whole spike protein and its receptor
binding domain. Over half million tests have been freely distributed in public and private
health institutions of Argentina for evaluating immune responses, convalescent plasma
programs and for large seroprevalence studies in neighborhoods and health care workers.
We are still learning how and when to use serologic testing in different epidemiological
settings. This program allowed us to produce large amount of high quality data on anti-
body levels in symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections and generate rele-
vant information about IgM and IgG seroconversion time and kinetics. We also present
standardized protocols for antibody quantification as guidance for convalescent donor
plasma selection in hospitals throughout the country for compassionate use and clinical
trials. Here, we provide a framework for generating widely available tools, protocols and
information of antibody responses for pandemic management.

The Americas have been profoundly impacted and have become the epicenter of Coronavirus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19), as of October 13th more than 18 million infections and more than
550,000 deaths have been reported on the continent. Surveillance and testing are fundamental
in controlling viral spread and understanding pandemic evolution. Detection of viral RNA by
qPCR is the gold standard for diagnosis of acute infections. Measurement of humoral
responses has been used as a complement to nucleic acid testing, for diagnosis of suspected
cases with negative qPCR results, and for detection of acute or past infections in asymptomatic
cases [1]. However, serology became an essential tool for the management of the pandemic,
including seroprevalence assessment of immunity in the population, measurement of neutral-
izing antibody titers in convalescent patients and antibody response upon vaccination [2,3].
Antibody mediated immunity is thought to protect individuals from SARS-CoV-2 infection
by interfering with viral entry and/or viral replication. Antibody responses appear within the
first week of symptoms onset in about 30 to 40% of infections and, in most cases, simultaneous
or close seroconversion for IgM and IgG were observed [1,4]. Antibodies have been detected
in more than 90% of infections after the third week of symptoms onset [5]. However, the dura-
tion and degree to which recovery from COVID-19 disease, or asymptomatic infection, con-
fers prolonged immunity from reinfection is still unclear, even among individuals with high
antibody titers [6,7]. We are still learning about the dynamic nature of antibody response
linked to severe, mild, and asymptomatic COVID-19 manifestations and, as the pandemic pro-
gresses, algorithms and strategies to implement serologic testing in different epidemiological
settings are under evaluation. For understanding this complex process, it is essential to have
highly specific and sensitive serologic assays [8,9]. Based on the urgent need to attain reliable

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PLOS PATHOGENS Antibody kinetics and longitudinal studies of symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections

tests that measure antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, we redirected resources of a basic molecular

virology laboratory, as part of a national task force for the emergency, for the development and
production of an affordable and robust serologic assay for Argentina and neighboring coun-
tries. The COVIDAR serologic test was generated early after the first COVID-19 case in
Argentina, and over half million tests have been already produced and distributed for free in
the country.
An important application of serology measurement is the assessment of humoral responses
to vaccines and identification of plasma from convalescent donors for possible therapies [10–
12]. During the initial stages of the COVID-19 epidemic in China, convalescent plasma ther-
apy was used compassionately and has since been implemented in the United States and many
other countries [13–17]. Randomized clinical trials to evaluate the usefulness of convalescent
plasma in different stages of the disease are ongoing (https://clinicaltrials.gov). Success of this
intervention likely increases with the antibody titer of the donor as recently shown [15,16].
Thus, it is important to screen potential convalescent donors to select plasma with the highest
antibody titers. This screening can be accomplished by measuring the amount of antibodies by
titration and defining the virus-neutralizing activity of the plasma. However, the lack of stan-
dardization and correlation between antibody levels and neutralizing capacity of antibodies
complicates implementation and evaluation of plasma therapy protocols for COVID-19. Stud-
ies using SARS-CoV-2 in plaque reduction assays or pseudotyped particle-based systems indi-
cate that plasma derived from convalescent patients has potent neutralizing activity related to
IgG molecules recognizing the spike protein, suggesting that IgG antibodies against spike have
high potential to fulfill neutralizing functions in vivo [18–21]. We developed standardized pro-
tocols for antibody quantification using COVIDAR IgG and provided data showing a positive
correlation with neutralizing antibody measurements. This information allowed the imple-
mentation of protocols in hospitals throughout the country assessing plasma donors for com-
passionate use (https://www.groupcpc-19.com/) and for randomized multicenter clinical trials

Due to the urgent need for tools to cope with the pandemic, the Argentine Ministry of Science
redirected scientific capacities to generate COVID-19 control means. In this context, the
COVIDAR group developed a quantitative serologic test based on ELISA for SARS-CoV-2
infection, which gained emergency approval by the National Administration for Drugs, Food
and Medical Devices (ANMAT) by May 4th. The assay uses two viral proteins, a trimer stabi-
lized spike protein and the receptor binding domain (RBD), expressed in human cells. Com-
bining these proteins in one assay provided higher sensitivity and reproducibility than using
each protein in independent plates for IgG and IgM testing [24].
For this study, four different cohorts of patient samples were used. First, a full data set of
535 acute or convalescent COVID-19 qPCR positive serum samples; second a data base of
antibody measurements and specific information of suspected COVID-19 with 3500 entries;
third, 1074 serum samples from longitudinal studies of a cohort of 93 patients; and fourth, 561
COVID-19 convalescent plasma from potential donors.
IgG and IgM responses were initially evaluated in 535 qPCR positive patients (Fig 1A).
Samples were grouped according to days of symptoms onset (SO). In the early phase, within 7
days of SO, the IgG sensitivity was 35% (Fig 1A). The sensitivity for IgG detection increased
from 72% to 74% between 2 and 3 weeks, and seroconversion increased up to 90.4% after 3
weeks. In addition, within 100 samples with >45 days of SO, 5 did not show presence of IgG,
indicating that 5% of the patients displayed undetectable levels of IgG or they were non-

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PLOS PATHOGENS Antibody kinetics and longitudinal studies of symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections

Fig 1. Antibody responses against SARS-CoV-2. A. Levels of specific IgG and IgM antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 (measured as
OD at 450 nm) versus days of symptoms onset in 535 patient serum samples are shown. The positivity rate and sample size for each
week are indicated on the top. The cut-off is also shown. B. Levels of IgG and IgM antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in 277 pre-
pandemic serum samples. The cut-off definition is shown. C. Comparison of the levels of IgG and IgM antibodies against

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PLOS PATHOGENS Antibody kinetics and longitudinal studies of symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections

SARS-CoV-2 from patients with severe, moderate and mild symptoms. For each plot, the red lines indicate median values. D.
Comparison of the level of IgG and IgM antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 from patients of different ages. The number of samples
analyzed for C and D was 1379 and 976, respectively.

responders up to 45 days. Regarding IgM, within 7 days of SO, sensitivity was 46%. IgM levels
were highest between 15 and 21 days, and although IgM positivity increased after 3 weeks, the
antibody level observed by optic density (OD) at 450 nm clearly decreased (Fig 1A).
Assessment of 277 pre-pandemic samples, including acute infections of other pathogens
(dengue virus, hepatitis C virus, human immunodeficiency virus and seasonal coronaviruses),
were performed. The cut off for IgG and IgM were defined to maximize specificity, ensuring
no false positives. Thus, the cut off was defined as the mean of negative control plus 10 or 5
standard deviations for IgG and IgM, respectively (Fig 1B). High specificity of COVIDAR IgG
has been supported by baseline seroprevalence studies of heath care professionals (HCP). In
this regard, seroprevalence in HCP at region VIII of Buenos Aires Province, performed in
June 2020, showed 0.74% of IgG positivity [25].
A data set of IgG and IgM, including 1379 samples of acute and convalescent infections
with complete medical records, was used to analyze distribution of age, gender and symptoms.
No significant differences concerning gender were observed. The amount of patients with high
IgG levels in the group of severe symptoms was larger than those in the moderate and mild
groups. The distribution of IgG levels for patients with severe symptoms were significantly dif-
ferent from those with mild symptoms (Wilcoxon rank sum test p-value<0.0001). The median
OD level at 450 nm for IgG was 2, 2.9 and 3.9 for mild, moderate and severe groups, respec-
tively (scale up to 4). This trend of antibody levels with symptoms was also evident for IgM,
median 0.8, 1.4 and 2.9 for mild, moderate and severe groups, respectively (Fig 1C). The distri-
bution of IgM levels for patients with severe vs mild symptoms was significantly different (Wil-
coxon rank sum test p-value<0.0001). Antibody measurements also correlated with age,
covering a range from 16 to more than 65 years showing the highest antibody levels associated
with older COVID-19 patients (Fig 1D). Antibody level distribution significantly differed
between patients that were < than 45 versus those that were > than 45 years old (Wilcoxon
rank sum test p-value<0.0001).
Serological courses were also followed in a separate cohort of 93 hospitalized patients, most
of which (90 patients) underwent seroconversion during the follow-up period (Fig 2A). From
this, 1074 antibody determinations were performed. We represented the seroconversion time
for IgM and IgG for each patient, as the first moment in which antibodies were detected. In
most cases, synchronous seroconversion of IgG and IgM was observed (67 patients, 72%). IgM
seroconversion was earlier than IgG in 21% of the patients, while IgG appeared earlier than
IgM in 7% of the patients (Fig 2A). This longitudinal study indicates that in the first week of
SO 34% of the patients were IgG positive and 38% IgM positive, in agreement with data pro-
vided in Fig 1, obtained with a different data set and analysis. In addition, considering patients
that were followed for at least 45 days of SO, the seroconversion rate in this cohort was 96.7%.
For other infectious diseases, information regarding the duration of IgM is relevant for
identification of possible active infections. In our cohort of COVID-19 subjects, longitudinal
studies of antibody responses showed a considerable heterogeneity of IgM kinetics (Fig 2B).
Analysis of IgM profiles of the data set shown in Fig 2A indicate that in 60% of the cases IgM
levels declined before 30 days of SO, while in 40% of the patients it remained at high levels
after 30 days, highlighting a wide range of IgM responses and kinetics in different patients (Fig
2B). Specific examples of longitudinal measurements of patients with severe symptoms indi-
cate that while IgG levels plateau at high levels and remained, in most cases, at elevated titers

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PLOS PATHOGENS Antibody kinetics and longitudinal studies of symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections

Fig 2. Longitudinal antibody measurements of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients. A. Antibody responses of 90 patients, initially
seronegative, were followed as a function of time until seroconversion. The plot indicates the time at which antibodies appear for

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PLOS PATHOGENS Antibody kinetics and longitudinal studies of symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections

the first time for each patient. IgM and IgG seroconversion time is shown in different colors (blue and red, respectively). Three
types of seroconversions were observed: synchronous (IgG and IgM together), or consecutive (either IgM or IgG first). The time
separation between the two seroconversions are indicated by a dash line. B. Representative longitudinal IgG and IgM antibody
measurements of symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infected patients show large humoral response heterogeneity. Each plot represents a
single patient followed as a function of time of symptoms onset. C. Representative examples of longitudinal antibody
measurements with different IgM profiles of patients with severe symptoms. Insets indicate heats maps of antibody titrations
(from 1/100 to 1/12800).

between 40 and 60 days of SO, IgM dynamics were also very diverse (Fig 2C). IgM titrations
indicate that, while in some patients the antibody levels abruptly or slowly dropped before 30
days, in others IgM levels remained high (titers above 1/12,000), even at 60 days of SO (Fig
2C), suggesting that IgM detection should be used with caution in SARS-CoV-2 infections.
Serology testing has been performed systematically in HCP and nursing homes using COV-
IDAR in asymptomatic populations for surveillance. Data indicate that asymptomatic infec-
tions were detected by IgG and IgM testing, though at lower levels compared with
symptomatic patients (Fig 3A). In addition, longitudinal studies of SARS-CoV-2 infections in
the absence of symptoms also indicated simultaneous or close seroconversion of IgM and IgG
(Fig 3B).

Whole blood antibody testing by ELISA assay validated for large scale
seroprevalence studies
Well-designed serosurveys are essential to determine how prevalent SARS-CoV-2 infection is
in the general population, in selected subsections of the population (such as health care work-
ers), or in specific risk groups. Highly specific and sensitive assays are desirable for accurate
seroprevalence studies; however, it is also necessary to have methods that are suitable for sim-
ple and fast sample collection. ELISA assays use venipuncture, and require refrigerated storage
of samples during transportation, making the assay incompatible with massive testing. To
overcome this limitation, we adapted the COVIDAR IgG and IgM assays to work with whole
blood samples obtained by finger prick. A self-contained Serokit was validated for storage and
transportation of whole blood using a glycerin based preservation system [26]. Similar meth-
ods have been extensively used in serosurvey studies of Chagas disease conducted in rural
areas of Argentina [27].
To validate the process, 68 paired serum and whole blood samples from confirmed SARS--
CoV-2 qPCR positive patients were used. All serum specimens were kept at 4˚C, while whole
blood samples collected from the same individuals were divided as follows. Fifty two whole
blood samples were kept at room temperature and, to evaluate stability, 16 samples were
placed at 37˚C for 7 days using the Serokit preservation system. IgG and IgM antibody reactiv-
ity from serum samples showed 100% agreement with those from the same individual’s whole
blood samples stored using Serokit, either at room temperature or at 37˚C (Fig 4).
The validation of finger prick capillary whole blood sample application with Serokit storage
widened COVIDAR use to field serosurveys. Until now, seroprevalence studies in nine slums
of Buenos Aires, and surveillance studies among HCP in 30 hospitals have been conducted

Standardized protocols for IgG quantification that correlate with

neutralizing activity
An important limitation to evaluate antibodies in COVID-19 convalescent plasma is the lack
of standardized quantitative assays that can be easily performed in different institutions.

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PLOS PATHOGENS Antibody kinetics and longitudinal studies of symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections

Fig 3. Antibody responses of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infected patients. A. Comparison of virus-specific IgG and IgM antibody levels in asymptomatic (n = 40)
and symptomatic patients (n = 40), during acute SARS-CoV-2 infection, are shown. The median is indicated in each case. B. Representative examples of longitudinal
antibody measurements of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infected patients. IgM and IgG levels are represented as a function of time of the first qPCR positive test for each

Previous analysis using serologic tests assessing IgG titers directed to RBD and/or spike have
shown a positive correlation with antibody neutralization [7]. Due to the urgent need for tools,
we validated an IgG titration protocol using COVIDAR and performed correlations with neu-
tralizing antibody titers. Protocols and COVIDAR kits for IgG titration were freely distributed
in private and public institutions in 20 out of 23 provinces of the country, in which more than
100,000 tests have already been performed.
Five hundred and sixty-one convalescent donor plasma samples were titered in our labora-
tory for standardization. A distribution analysis of the amount of donors and IgG levels indi-
cate that more than 80% of the samples displayed spike specific end point IgG titers above 1/
400. Hyper-immune plasmas with titers as high as 1/400,000 were observed (Fig 5A). A signifi-
cant difference of IgG titers was observed between donors that experienced mild symptoms
and those that experienced moderate or severe symptoms, median of 1/800 and 1/6400,

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PLOS PATHOGENS Antibody kinetics and longitudinal studies of symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections

Fig 4. Validation of finger prick sampling for COVIDAR ELISA test. A. Antibody measurements of paired serum
and whole blood samples from the same patient were performed using COVIDAR IgG and IgM. For each case the
positive control (red) and cut off are indicated. B. Stability of whole blood sample at 37˚C in Serokit for field
SARS-CoV-2 serosurvey studies. Antibody measurements of paired whole blood and serum samples from 19 patients
that were kept for one week at 37˚C in Serokit or 4˚C, respectively.

respectively (p = 0.0001) (Fig 5A). Full titration curves are shown in heat maps to illustrate this
distribution (Fig 5B).
The data using the IgG titration protocol was correlated with virus-neutralizing activity
using SARS-CoV-2 pseudotyped VSV particles (CoV2pp) [31]. Plasma from 176 potential
donors were used to assess neutralizing activity. Neutralization curves were fit using a
4-parameter logistic regression model and used to determine 50 and 80% CoV2pp absolute
infection inhibition concentration (AbsIC50 and AbsIC80, respectively) by measuring lucifer-
ase reporter activity encoded in the CoV2pp. AbsIC50 and AbsIC80 values were correlated

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PLOS PATHOGENS Antibody kinetics and longitudinal studies of symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections

Fig 5. Quantification of IgG levels in COVID-19 convalescent patients and correlation with neutralizing activity. A. IgG titers were defined by end dilution with
COVIDAR ELISA test in convalescent-phase COVID-19 patients who were discharged from the hospital (n = 561). On the right, plot of titer distribution showing
significant differences (p <0.0001, Mann-Whitney test) between samples from donors that have experience mild or severe symptoms. B. Full IgG titrations curves of
plasma sample from donors that recovered from severe or mild COVID19 were used to generate heat maps. Red represents high and blue low antibody levels as indicated
on the right. Samples were sorted by increasing titers. C. Correlation of IgG end point titration and neutralizing antibody titers in COVID-19 patients measured by
pseudovirus CoV2pp (n = 176). The reciprocal of inhibition concentration 50% and 80%, IC50 and IC80 respectively, are correlated to the reciprocal end point IgG titers.
In the inset the r Spearman and p values from linear regression are shown. Boxes indicate the median, and the red line the mean of IC50 or IC80 for each IgG titer.

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PLOS PATHOGENS Antibody kinetics and longitudinal studies of symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections

with spike/RBD specific end point IgG titers (r = 0.717, p<0.0001 and r = 0.716, p<0.0001
respectively, Fig 5C).
Convalescent plasma samples with low IgG titers between 1/50 to 1/200, displayed detect-
able neutralizing antibodies, with IC80 from the reciprocal of 16 to 132, highlighting that all
COVID-19 convalescent individuals with positive anti-spike IgG showed neutralizing antibod-
ies (Fig 5C). A positive correlation between spike binding IgG titers and CoV2pp infection
neutralizing activity was observed with convalescent donor plasma titers above 1/200 (Fig 5C).
Plasmas with high spike IgG titers invariably displayed high neutralization activity estimated
by IC50 or IC80.
We conclude that using end point titrations for total IgG against spike with COVIDAR is
suitable for large scale studies, especially in areas of limited resources, as surrogate of neutrali-
zation potency and guidance for convalescent donor plasma selection.

The development and appropriate application of serologic assays to detect antibodies to
SARS-CoV-2 are essential to determine the pandemic evolution and establish mitigation poli-
cies. Here, we developed and produced a widely available serologic tool to assist health authori-
ties for pandemic management. Protocols and reagents were distributed to evaluate immune
status of hospitalized patients, surveillance of at risk groups, seroprevalence studies in different
populations and evaluation of plasma from convalescent donors for possible therapies. The
biggest challenge still stands regarding how to deploy this tool in a strategic manner to bring
communities out of the current suffering.
We provided a robust serologic test for health institutions throughout the country and gen-
erated highly needed information of humoral responses of acute and convalescent SARS-CoV-
2 infections. Specific IgG and IgM responses were found to be highly heterogeneous among
different individuals. We observed early seroconversion within the first week of SO in at least
34% of the patients (Figs 1 and 2). This raised the question of whether IgM and/or IgG sero-
conversion time indicates the end of infectiousness or whether early antibody appearance may
overlap with active infection and possible transmission. Although this is an issue that requires
further attention, periodic serology testing has been useful for guiding focused qPCR testing,
asymptomatic case identification and contact tracing.
The fraction of asymptomatic but infectious cases is a critical epidemiological characteristic
that modulates pandemic potential. Viral load and antibody responses in asymptomatic indi-
viduals are both important to understand transmission and pandemic extension. It is still
unclear how many people carry SARS-CoV-2 infection asymptomatically. It has been shown
that the ratio of symptomatic to asymptomatic cases changes in different settings. Ratios from
2:1 to near 1:8 symptomatic to asymptomatic cases have been reported [28,32,33]. The factors
that influence this large variation are still unknown. One concern is that the low level of anti-
bodies found in asymptomatic cases may lead to their underestimation [34]. Our studies show
wide individual variations in the antibody response and kinetics in both symptomatic and
asymptomatic cases. We found that asymptomatic individuals displayed lower overall antibody
levels than those observed in COVID-19 symptomatic patients (Fig 3). A positive correlation
between disease severity and levels of IgG and IgM in acute and convalescent stages was also
observed (Fig 1C and 5A), in agreement with previous studies [6,35]. Another important issue
is the duration of IgM antibodies. Our longitudinal study using 93 infected individuals showed
that IgM levels wane in 60% of the cases within 30 days of SO (or first qPCR detection for
asymptomatic cases). However, IgM levels were still detected after 30 or even 60 days in 40%
of the cases, suggesting that IgM detection does not necessarily reflect a recent infection.

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PLOS PATHOGENS Antibody kinetics and longitudinal studies of symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections

Another important question is whether all infected individuals mount a robust antibody
response to SARS-CoV-2 infection. In this regard, we found antibodies in 90% of the qPCR
positive cases after 3 weeks of SO and, considering patients that were followed for at least 45
days, the seroconversion rate reached 95%. Thus, at least 5% of infected individuals resolved
the infection with undetectable levels of antibodies. This observation could be assigned to low
antibody responses, below the detection limit, or to non-responder individuals. In this regard,
previous studies have shown the relevant role of T cell responses in infection resolution
Factors that affect the spread and dynamic of the virus in different geographic, demo-
graphic, and socioeconomic areas are still unclear. Reliable reagents to perform large and peri-
odic serosurveys are urgently needed. Here, we provided a tool for using whole blood by finger
pricking, followed by IgG and IgM tests, to facilitate large sampling together with a robust
ELISA assay. This approach has been used in different neighborhoods and defined at-risk pop-
ulations in Argentina with SARS-CoV-2 prevalence from less than 1 to more than 50%
[28,29], supporting the convenience and utility of the application.
It is important to stress the relevance of widely available quantitative serologic assays. Pas-
sive antibody transfer is a treatment strategy that has been used for COVID-19, including
plasma and purified immunoglobulins derived from COVID-19 convalescent donors.
Although the efficacy of convalescent plasma treatment remains uncertain, recent reports indi-
cate a clinical benefit associated with high-titer units administered early in the course of the
infection [16]. In this regard, an important limitation has been to obtain harmonized antibody
titers information used in different clinical trials and therapeutic applications. By titering
more than 500 convalescent plasma samples, we showed a diversity of titers, which correlated
with donor disease severity (Fig 5A). We provided a standardized protocol, widely distributed
and used in Argentina for quantitative IgG measurements. A positive correlation between IgG
quantitation, using COVIDAR, with neutralizing activity measured by a pseudotyped virus
was shown (Fig 5C). This protocol has been useful to normalize quantifications at hospitals
and heath institutions using plasma for compassionate therapies and for different clinical trials
[22,23]. Although IgG titers correlated with neutralizing activities, the relevant open question
is how they correlate with protection [38,39].
While the pandemic still progresses, scientists, public health workers, and policy makers are
being challenged to create new strategies based on evidence and experiences in different parts
of the world. A consensus has emerged that serological testing provides an essential tool in the
pandemic response, nevertheless, serology testing strategies should be dynamic and adaptable
to specific needs and resources available in different regions. Our work provides widely and
freely available robust serology reagents, protocols, and data on humoral responses of SARS--
CoV-2 infected individuals that hopefully helps finding better control measures for the current

Materials and methods

SARS-CoV-2 protein expression
The ectodomain, soluble version of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (residues 1−1208 of Gen-
Bank: MN908947) including a T4 foldon trimerization domain, a GSAS substituted at the
furin cleavage site (residues 682–685), and an octahistidine tag was cloned into a pCDNA
mammalian expression vector. A SARS-CoV-2 version S-2P (spike with two proline substitu-
tions at 986 and 987) was originally used. However, due to the difficulty of purifying the neces-
sary amount of spike protein for producing the ELISA plates, substitutions that increased
protein yields and stability were incorporated. In this regard, a variant with four additional

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PLOS PATHOGENS Antibody kinetics and longitudinal studies of symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections

proline substitutions was generated, HexaPro variant, as recently described [40]. The sequence
of the receptor binding domain (RBD, amino acid 319 to 541, RVQP. . ..CVNF) along with the
signal peptide (amino acid 1–14, MFVF. . ..TSGS) plus a hexahistidine tag was obtained from
the Krammer laboratory [41] and subcloned into a pCDNA human expression vector.
For protein expression, FreeStyle 293-F (293-F) cells or adherent HEK 293-T (293-T) cells
were maintained at 37˚C with 8% CO2 and 5% CO2, respectively. 293-F cells were grown and
transfected in Expi293 expression medium and 293-T cells were grown in D-MEM high glu-
cose supplemented with 10% Fetal Bovine Serum 100U/ml penicillin, 100ug/ml streptomycin
and transfected in Opti-MEM reduced serum media. Plasmids encoding spike and RBD were
transiently transfected using polyethyleneimine hydrochloride. Transfected 293-F suspension
cultures were maintained at 32˚C and transfected 293-T cells were maintained at 37˚C. The
cultures supernatants were harvested at five days after transfection by centrifugation of the cul-
ture at 4000 g for 20 minutes at 4˚C, new medium was added and a second harvest was per-
formed after four days. For FreeStyle 293-F cells viability was monitored and kept above 75%
at all times.

Protein purification
Culture supernatants were applied using a peristaltic pump to HisTrap excel columns (GE
Healthcare) with a flow rate of 2–3 ml/min, using 1 ml of media for each 100 ml of superna-
tant. Columns were washed with 10 volumes of buffer A (NaH2PO4 57,5mM, NaCl 300 mM,
pH 7.8) and next with 60 volumes of buffer A with 10 mM imidazol. Then, columns were con-
nected to an HPLC system (Kanuer) and washed at 2 ml/min with the last buffer until absor-
bance at 280 nm reached a value below 0.005. Proteins were eluted with a 12 minute linear
gradient from 10 to 1 M imidazole in buffer A. Fractions of 1 ml were collected and analyzed
by SDS-PAGE. Buffer of fractions containing protein was exchange to PBS with NAP-5 col-
umns (GE Healthcare) and pooled. Typical yields were around 6 and 45 mg/l for spike and
RBD, respectively, with a purity level of at least 98%.

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays development

The ELISA protocol was adapted from previously established protocols used for Chagas dis-
ease by Laboratorio Lemos S.R.L. [42], and for SARS-CoV-2 by the Krammer Laboratory [41].
Ninety-six well high binding plates (Jet Biofil, Guangzhou, China) were coated overnight at
4˚C with 75 μl per well of a solution containing 100 ng of a mixture of full-length trimeric
spike and RBD proteins in carbonate buffer, pH 9.6. The next day the coating solution was
removed by washing three times with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), pH 7.4. Serum samples
diluted in PBS-T containing 0.05% Tween and 0.8% casein were added to the wells (100 μl of a
1:100 dilution for IgM and 200 μl of a 1:50 dilution for IgG determination), and incubated for
1 h at 37˚C. For end point titrations, samples were serially diluted in IgG SARS-CoV-2 nega-
tive serum or fetal bovine serum (FBS), added to the plates and incubated for 1 h at 37˚C. Fol-
lowing a washing step with PBS-T, 100 μl of diluted horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated
with goat anti-human IgM (Sigma), or with mouse anti-human IgG antibodies (BD pharmin-
gen), was added to the wells and incubated for 30 min. at 37˚C. Subsequently, the plates were
washed with PBS-T, and the peroxidase reaction was visualized by incubating the plates with
100 μl of TMB solution for 30 min at 37˚C. The reaction was stopped by adding 100 μl of 1M
sulfuric acid, and optical densities (OD) were immediately measured at 450 nm. For whole
blood analysis, 50 μl of blood were preserved in collecting tubes containing 90 μl of buffered
glycerin from the Serokit system [26]. Stored samples were then diluted in PBS-T containing
0.8% casein for quantification of IgG or IgM levels.

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PLOS PATHOGENS Antibody kinetics and longitudinal studies of symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections

Serum and plasma samples

Human plasma and serum samples were obtained from a number of different sources follow-
ing the subsequent inclusion criteria: people aged over 16 years, of any sex who presented a
diagnosis of infection or suspected of SARS-CoV-2 infection in acute or convalescent phase.
Confirmed or suspected cases met the criteria of The National Ministry of Health of Argentina
(https://www.argentina.gob.ar/salud/coronavirus-COVID-19/definicion-de-caso). De-identi-
fied samples from the following health institutions were received: BioBanco de Enfermedades
Infecciosas (BBEI), Centro de Educación Médica e Investigaciones Clı́nicas “Norberto
Quirno” sede Saavedra (CEMIC), Hospital de Clı́nicas José de San Martı́n, Hospital de Infec-
ciosas Fransisco Javier Muñiz, Hospital General de Agudos Dr. I. Pirovano, Hospital General
de Agudos Parmenio Piñero, Hospital Italiano, Hospital Militar Central Cirujano Mayor Dr.
Cosme Argerich, Hospital Naval Dr. Pedro Mallo, Hospital Universitario Austral, Hospital
Sirio Libanes, Sanatorio de La Trinidad Mitre, Sanatorio Dr. Julio Méndez, Sanatorio Fran-
chin, Sanatorio Güemes and Swiss Medical.
A pre-pandemic serum panel of samples selected based on the date of collection (July and
September 2019) was provided by the Blood Bank of the Hospital de Clı́nicas José de San Mar-
tı́n. Positive and negative controls were donated from the CEMIC blood bank. Longitudinal
studies were performed using samples from de-identified patients from Sanatorio de La Trini-
dad Mitre and Hospital de Clı́nicas José de San Martı́n (n = 118). Samples were taken every 2
to 4 days until the patient was discharged from the hospital. Additional samples were collected
when patient assisted for controls. Samples were collected between 1 to 90, or more days, of
symptoms onset.
Asymptomatic patients identified by contact tracing of COVID-19 positive patients were
obtained from BBEI COVID-19 collection, Hospital de Clı́nicas José de San Martı́n, Sanatorio
de La Trinidad Mitre and Swiss Medical. Paired whole blood and serum samples used for Sero-
kit validation were obtained from the BBEI COVID19 collection.
Sample collection and processing were performed from April 2020 to October 2020.

Neutralization assay
Neutralization assays were carried out with SARS-CoV-2 pseudotyped particles (CoV2pp),
generated in Benhur Lee’s laboratory [31]. CoV2pp carries vesicular stomatitis virus as viral
backbone, bearing the Renilla luciferase gene in place of its G glycoprotein (VSVΔG-rLuc),
and expresses SARS-CoV-2 spike protein on its envelope.
ACE2 and TMPRSS2 expressing 293T cells (293T-ACE2+TMPRSS2 clone F8-2), were used
for these assays [31]. Cells were maintained with DMEM high glucose with 10% FBS and were
seeded in a 96-well plate the day before infection.
Patient sera were heat inactivated at 56˚C for 30 minutes and serially diluted in DMEM
high glucose with 10% FBS. Serum neutralizations were performed by first diluting the inacti-
vated sample 8-folds and continuing with a 2-fold serial dilution. A pre-titrated amount of
pseudotyped particles (diluted to give approximately 5x105 Relative Luminescent Units) was
incubated with a 2-fold serial dilution of patient sera for 30 minutes at room temperature prior
to infection. Approximately 20 hours post-infection cells were processed for detection of lucif-
erase activity. Cells were lysed and transferred to white, F-bottom 750 Lumitrac plates (Grei-
ner, 655074). Plates were read via the GloMax Navigator Microplate Luminometer (Promega,
GM200) using the Renilla Luciferase Assay System Luciferase Assay System (Promega, E2820).
Absolute inhibitory concentrations (absIC) values were calculated for all patient sera sam-
ples by modeling a 4-parameter logistic (4PL) regression with GraphPad Prism 8. The 4PL
model describes the sigmoid-shaped response pattern. For clarity, it is assumed that the

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PLOS PATHOGENS Antibody kinetics and longitudinal studies of symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections

response can be expressed so that the slope increases as the concentration increase. Absolute
inhibitory concentration (absIC) was calculated as the corresponding point between the 0%
and 100% assay controls. Fifty % and 80% inhibition were defined by the controls for all the
samples on the same plate. For example, the absIC50 or absIC80 would be the point at which
the curve matches inhibition equal to exactly 50% or 80% of the 100% assay control relative to
the assay minimum.

Biobanco de Enfermedades Infecciosas Colección COVID19 working group: Yesica Long-
ueira, Marı́a L. Polo, Melina Salvatori, Sabrina Azzolina, Yanina Ghiglione, Horacio Salomon,
Marı́a F. Quiroga, Gabriela Turk and Natalia Laufer.
Authors are thankful to Dr. Florian Krammer and Dr. Felix Rey for reagents and protocols
for protein expression and purification, to Ignacio Sanchez and Alejandra Tortorici for protein
purification protocols, to Matias Ostrowski and Paula Pérez for help in optimizing neutraliza-
tion assay protocols, to Drs. Alicia Mistchenko, Belen Bouzas, Marisa Gimenez, Nadia Ahmed,
Marcelo Rodriguez Fermepin, Fundación INFANT, Romina Musante, Alejandra Margari,
Juan Stupka, Maria Alejandra Morales, Luciano Leguizamón, Gabriela Barbas, Miriam Per-
eiro, Ana Buchovsky, Maria Eugenia Bernardi, Ana Solarz and Mariela Aranda for recommen-
dations during the COVIDAR validation process, and Dr. Laura Bover and the CPC19 group
for help in protocol dissemination of antibody titrations. We are also grateful to Drs. Leandro
Burgos Pratx and Ventura Simonovich for providing convalescent plasma samples and for dis-
cussion about COVID-19 convalescent plasma management, and to Drs. Jorge Geffner and
Ana Fernandez-Sesma for insightful advice in COVIDAR applications. Thanks also go to
Julieta Portillo, Marcos Olivera and Jorge Daniele from the Leloir Institute.

Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Diego S. Ojeda, Marı́a Mora Gonzalez Lopez Ledesma, Horacio M. Pal-
larés, Guadalupe S. Costa Navarro, Beatriz Perazzi, Diego E. Alvarez, Benhur Lee, Jorge
Carradori, Julio J. Caramelo, Marcelo J. Yanovsky, Andrea V. Gamarnik.
Data curation: Diego S. Ojeda, Marı́a Mora Gonzalez Lopez Ledesma, Lautaro Sanchez, Sergio
M. Villordo, Marcelo J. Yanovsky, Andrea V. Gamarnik.
Formal analysis: Diego S. Ojeda, Marı́a Mora Gonzalez Lopez Ledesma, Horacio M. Pallarés,
Lautaro Sanchez, Sergio M. Villordo, Diego E. Alvarez, Jorge Carradori, Marcelo J.
Yanovsky, Andrea V. Gamarnik.
Funding acquisition: Andrea V. Gamarnik.
Investigation: Diego S. Ojeda, Marı́a Mora Gonzalez Lopez Ledesma, Horacio M. Pallarés,
Guadalupe S. Costa Navarro, Lautaro Sanchez, Beatriz Perazzi, Diego E. Alvarez, Kasopefo-
luwa Y. Oguntuyo, Christian S. Stevens, Benhur Lee, Jorge Carradori, Julio J. Caramelo,
Marcelo J. Yanovsky, Andrea V. Gamarnik.
Methodology: Marı́a Mora Gonzalez Lopez Ledesma, Horacio M. Pallarés, Guadalupe S.
Costa Navarro, Lautaro Sanchez, Beatriz Perazzi, Diego E. Alvarez, Kasopefoluwa Y. Ogun-
tuyo, Christian S. Stevens, Benhur Lee, Jorge Carradori, Julio J. Caramelo, Marcelo J.
Yanovsky, Andrea V. Gamarnik.
Project administration: Marcelo J. Yanovsky, Andrea V. Gamarnik.
Resources: Andrea V. Gamarnik.

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PLOS PATHOGENS Antibody kinetics and longitudinal studies of symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections

Supervision: Andrea V. Gamarnik.

Validation: Diego S. Ojeda, Marı́a Mora Gonzalez Lopez Ledesma, Horacio M. Pallarés, Gua-
dalupe S. Costa Navarro, Diego E. Alvarez, Marcela Echavarria, Jorge Carradori, Marcelo J.
Writing – original draft: Marı́a Mora Gonzalez Lopez Ledesma, Diego E. Alvarez, Julio J. Car-
amelo, Marcelo J. Yanovsky, Andrea V. Gamarnik.
Writing – review & editing: Marı́a Mora Gonzalez Lopez Ledesma, Diego E. Alvarez, Julio J.
Caramelo, Marcelo J. Yanovsky, Andrea V. Gamarnik.

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