S 1246782021000938
S 1246782021000938
S 1246782021000938
Original article
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Background and objectives. – Seroprevalence estimation of COVID-19 is quite necessary for controlling
Available online 22 July 2021 the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Seroprevalence rate in recovered COVID-19 patients help us
to identify individual with anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and its protective nature. The objective of present
Keywords: study was to evaluate seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 among potential convalescent plasma donors and
Anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies analysis of their deferral reasons.
Antibody stability Materials and methods. – A total 400 potential convalescent plasma donors were enrolled over five-month
Convalescent plasma donor
period for this prospective study. Inclusion criteria were lab confirmed COVID-19 recovered patients and
Plasmapheresis donor deferral
14 days of symptoms free period. All prospective plasmapheresis donors were tested for IgG SARS-CoV-
2 antibody through chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay, CBC, serum protein, blood grouping
along with other required test for normal blood donation as per Drugs & Cosmetics Act. After pre donation
testing and medical examination if donor was found to be ineligible for plasmapheresis was deferred.
Seroprevalence rate was calculated by positive IgG antibody test results among the potential plasma
Results. – Seroprevalence rate was 87% for IgG SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in prospective convalescent
plasma donors (recovered COVID-19 patients). There was no significant difference in seroprevalence rate
between different sub-groups with respect to gender, age, blood groups, Rh factor, mode of treatment,
day of Ab testing and repeat plasma donation. Most common reason for their deferral was absent IgG
SARS-CoV-2 antibodies (13%) followed by absenteeism of eligible screen donors (6.7%), low Hb (1.7%) and
poor veins for plasmapheresis (1.7%). Till five-month study period none of the plasmapheresis develop
symptoms of reinfection with COVID-19.
Conclusion. – In all, 13% recovered patients did not develop IgG antibodies after SARS-CoV-2 infection.
SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies persist for quite some time and are protective against reinfection. More
long-term serology studies are needed to understand better antibody response kinetics and duration
of persistence of IgG antibodies.
© 2021 Société française de transfusion sanguine (SFTS). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights
1246-7820/© 2021 Société française de transfusion sanguine (SFTS). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
R. Jain et al. Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 29 (2022) 60–64
RT-PCR based molecular test while serological test detects anti- plasma and satisfied general eligibility criteria for plasma donation,
bodies after acute infection and can identify cases which were they were called for screening in blood bank. Appointments were
asymptomatic or missed by RT-PCR test. given to 8-10 prospective donors in a day for pre donation screening
Past reported studies mentioned potential benefits of con- and health check-up. Each donor was assigned a unique identi-
valescent plasma therapy in H1N1 influenza virus’s pandemic, fication code along with the sample IDs. The donors were tested
SARS CoV-1 epidemic and MERS-CoV epidemic led us to try it in for Complete blood count (CBC), Transfusion transmitted infection
COVID-19 disease [6–8]. This therapy is based on principle that (TTI) (hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, HIV, malaria, and syphilis),
plasma of convalescent patients who have recovered from COVID- serum protein, blood grouping and IgG antibody of SARS-CoV-2.
19 infection may contain neutralizing antibodies which may help Final eligibility was ascertained through history, medical examina-
to neutralize virus in an infected recipient. In India plasma therapy tion, laboratory tests and presence of suitable veins for apheresis.
was recommended for off label use in July based on presence of IgG Suitability of vein for apheresis was decided by trained transfusion
antibodies (Abs) [9]. medicine doctor. After confirming final eligibility, 500 ml COVID-19
This led to sudden increase in demand of convalescent plasma convalescent plasma (CCP) was collected by plasmapheresis (Spec-
across different states and cities in India. Previously our blood cen- tra Optia USA). If the donor was not found to be eligible for plasma
tre did not have an apheresis facility but within short span of time donation, then the donor was deferred after proper counselling.
the infrastructure and machine were set up, manpower appointed Donors who were deferred (for plasmapheresis) due to unsuitable
and licence for apheresis was obtained. The next big challenge for vein were asked to donate plasma through whole blood donation
us was to recruit plasma donors from limited number of recov- but not included in this study. For repeat plasmapheresis donation,
ered COVID-19 patients. We developed a dedicated team for the donors were allowed to donate again after 14 days if IgG antibody
recruitment of plasma donors. against SARS-CoV-2 was still present and satisfied the all above
Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 among general population, blood eligibility criteria.
donors and among health care workers was 0.73%, 4% and 11.94%
respectively which was varying in different regions of differ-
ent countries and in different time lines [10–12]. Till now only 2.2. IgG antibody against SARS-CoV-2
few studies reported seroprevalence among recovered COVID-19
patients. Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 among potential conva- Every prospective plasmapheresis donor was tested for IgG anti-
lescent plasma donor (recovered patients) is important to know body against SARS-CoV-2 through chemiluminescent microparticle
the number of persons developing antibody after COVID-19 infec- immunoassay (CMIA) (Abbott Healthcare Pvt. Ltd, USA) according
tion. For any successful blood/plasma donor recruitment program, to manufacturer’s protocol. CMIA assay is designed to detect qual-
analysis of donor deferral pattern is very crucial. The policies of itative IgG antibody to nucleocapsid protein of SARS-CoV-2. Result
recruitment and retention of blood donors depend on the donor reported as reactive if cut off index (COI) ≥ 1.4 and non-reactive if
deferral pattern. It is also important to assess the stability of SARS- cut off index COI < 1.4.
CoV-2 antibodies to estimate for how long an individual might
be protected from re-infection and to know how long this anti-
2.3. Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 among potential convalescent
body might persists. We thus planned this study with an aim to
plasma donor and reason for their deferral
know the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 among potential conva-
lescent plasma donor and analyse the reasons for their deferral.
The proportion of potential donors who developed antibodies
We also evaluated the stability of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in
after being positively tested for COVID-19 was calculated. Sero-
repeat convalescent plasma donors.
prevalence rate was seen as a percentage of donors who were
positive for SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibody. Similarly, Seroprevalence
2. Materials and methods rate was analysed with respect to gender, age, blood group, Rh fac-
tor, mode of treatment and repeat donors. Total number of deferred
This study was conducted in the Department of Blood bank, donors and for each reason deferral was analysed in term of per-
at Goa Medical College a tertiary care referral centre in western centage.
India after obtaining ethical approval from the institutional ethics
committee and written informed consent was obtained from the
2.4. Stability of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in repeat
convalescent plasma donors.
convalescent plasma donors
2.1. Study design Antibody was tested again in repeat convalescent donors at var-
ious time interval when they came for repeat plasma donation.
This study was prospective longitudinal observational study Days of follow-up was calculated from the date of last symptoms.
conducted on convalescent plasma donors (through apheresis) for At the end of study period history of reinfection with SARS-CoV-2
a period of 5 months from August 2020 to December 2020. In the (symptoms of repeat COVID-19 or any repeat positive RT-PCR test
present study, we enrolled 400 prospective convalescent plasma if done) was asked from all plasmapheresis donors (who donated
donors over five-month period. All prospective plasma donors were convalescent plasma at our centre) telephonically.
enrolled during study period (universal sample size). The donors
were selected on the basis of donor selection criteria as per the
Drugs & Cosmetics Act, Government of India and Indian council of 2.5. Statistical analysis
medical research (ICMR) guidelines [13,14]. Inclusion criteria for
plasma donors were lab confirmed COVID-19 recovered patients The collected data were entered in excel (Microsoft office 365)
(RT-PCR confirmed diagnosis of covid-19), 14 days symptoms free coded and analysed. Analysis was carried out using Epi Info version
period after COVID-19 and presence of IgG antibody of COVID-19. 7.0 and SPSS version 23.0. All tests were considered significant if
Recovered COVID-19 patients’ data were collected from hospi- the P value was < 0.05. Paired student “t” test was used to calculate
tal records and record of health services. Targeted donors were difference of means for quantitative variables. Pearson’s chi square
approached through phone calls. If they were willing to donate was used to evaluate qualitative data.
R. Jain et al. Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 29 (2022) 60–64
Table 1
Descriptive statistics of prospective plasma donors (n = 400) and seropositivity rate.
3.1. Deferral reasons of plasmapheresis donors Estimation of seroprevalence is necessary for controlling the
transmission of SARS-CoV-2 as well as to measure the burden of
Although there was 87% seroprevalence rate for IgG SARS-CoV- disease. It is also helpful for the government to develop policy for
2 antibodies, 25.5% of prospective plasmapheresis donors were vaccination in vulnerable population. In our study seroprevalence
deferred due to various reasons (Table 2). Most common reason in recovered COVID-19 patients was 87%. It was similar compared
for deferral was negative IgG SARS-CoV-2 antibody (13%) followed to the study of PLACID Trial from the India (83%) [14]. In another
study by Luchsinger et. al. seroprevalence was 79.4% in convales-
cent plasma donors [15]. In our study 13% of the recovered patients
Table 2 with past RT-PCR confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 did not develop
Reasons for deferral of prospective plasmapheresis donors [n = 102 (25.5%)]. SARS-CoV-2 antibodies (Abs). So, with these results we can say
SN Reason of deferral Number of donors
that all lab confirmed COVID-19 recovered patients did not develop
SARS-CoV-2 antibodies due to many reasons. Early Ab testing, late
1 Non-reactive (Negative) of IgG 52 (13%)
Ab testing (after Ab disappear), false positive RT-PCR test, false
covid antibody
2 Absenteeism of eligible screen 27 (6.7%) negative Ab testing and poor sensitive test for antibody detection
donors (Not willing after pre could be possible reasons. In the absence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies
donation screening) these people may be susceptible for developing repeat COVID-19
3 Low Hb 7 (1.7%) infection.
4 Poor veins for plasmapheresis 7 (1.7%)
5 HCV reactive 4 (1%)
In our study seroprevalence rate between male and female and
6 HBsAg reactive 2 (0.5%) different age groups of plasmapheresis donors were similar. This
7 Under weight 1 (0.25%) was in contrast to study by Ray et. al. where with the increasing
8 Syphilis reactive 1 (0.25%) age of donor, higher IgG content was noted [16]. This may be due to
9 Gilbert syndrome 1 (0.25%)
difference in qualitative and quantitative evaluation of SARS-CoV-
R. Jain et al. Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 29 (2022) 60–64
Table 3
Follow-up data of antibodies in repeat convalescent plasma donors.
S.No. Sample ID = (Registration ID) 31–45 daysa 46–60 daysa 61–80 daysa 81–100 daysa 101–120 daysa
2 IgG antibody in our study and study by Ray et. al. respectively. absenteeism could be that initially we had only one apheresis
Comparison of seroprevalence rate was done between different machine and due to huge number of donors, few donors had to wait
blood groups and Rh factor of plasmapheresis donors and no sig- for whole day for their turn to donate plasma. Due to this problem
nificant association were noted. Similar finding was noted in other many potential donors did not turn up for plasma donation after pre
studies as well [12,17]. Previously blood group association with donation testing (screening). After a month the institute procured
COVID-19 infection has been noted in some studies. Blood group another apheresis machine and then this problem was resolved.
A people have been found to be more at risk as compared to those Low Hb and poor veins for plasmapheresis were other reasons for
with blood group O [1,18]. However, in our study no such associ- plasmapheresis donor deferral. Similar reasons for deferral were
ation was observed and this could be an incidental finding in few noted in other studies as well [22,23].
studies without any possible explanation. Seroprevalence rate was Till now there is limited data published on the SARS-CoV-
similar between hospitalized patients (moderate to severe symp- 2 antibody stability from India. We could follow up few of the
toms) Vs home quarantined patients (mild symptoms). This was seropositive plasmapheresis donors for antibody testing again dur-
in contrast to initial postulation that hospitalized patients (severe ing repeat plasmapheresis. In our study only one donor become
symptoms) developed high titre antibody. This finding is similar in negative for SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibody during testing for repeat
study by Ray et. al. where plasma donors IgG content was not corre- plasmapheresis. In few of our plasma donors, antibody was present
lated with WHO clinical progression score for the COVID-19 disease for more than 100 days after COVID-19 infection and this was the
[16]. Seroprevalence rate was compared between different day of maximum duration of follow up that could be done. We can suggest
antibody testing from the date of last symptoms and no corelation these antibodies as protective as none of our plasmapheresis donor
was found. By these findings we can say SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibod- develop COVID-19 infection (symptoms of reinfection) again till
ies start developing after 14 days of infection and persist for 2-3 the end of five months study period. This finding was similar with
months or longer. Similar findings were noted in by Siddiqui et. al. review by Roy et al. where they conclude reinfection with SARS-
in seroprevalence and stability study [19]. CoV-2 seems unlikely [24]. More such studies are required to gain
In our study qualitative IgG antibody detection was done more confidence about protective nature of these antibodies. There
through chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay (CMIA) are few limitations of this study. Major limitation of our study was
(Abbott Architect) which detect antibody against the nucleocap- use of qualitative method for antibody detection and unavailabil-
sid protein of SARS-CoV-2. There were many other platforms to ity of precise quantitative test for IgG antibody titre or neutralizing
detect antibody against SARS-CoV-2 like Roche Anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody titre. Another limitation was long term follow up of donors
total assay (IgA, IgM, and IgG), Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics VIT- for antibody stability and reinfection against SARS-CoV-2 were not
ROS AntiSARS-CoV-2 IgG test through CLIA method that detects done. RT-PCT test was not done to check for reinfection and only
antibodies against the RBD of the spike protein, Ortho-Clinical Diag- telephonically history was asked.
nostics VITROS AntiSARS-CoV-2 which measures total antibody
{including IgA, IgM, and IgG (S1)} to SARS-CoV-2 and rapid card 5. Conclusion
test to detect total IgG and IgM antibody against SARS-CoV-2. In
study by Setia et. al. performance evaluation for above mentioned We conclude that all patients do not develop IgG antibodies
methods and seroprevalence of SARS CoV-2 in Frontline Healthcare after SARS-CoV-2 infection (Seroprevalence rate 87%). Negative
Workers were done. They reported overall sensitivity for Abbott SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies was the main reason for plasmapheresis
was 71%, Roche 96%, Ortho (both total and IgG(S) 99% and rapid donor deferral. Once developed these (SARS-CoV-2 IgG) antibodies
card test 56%. They concluded assay performance depends on assay persist for quite some time (varying period) and provide protec-
design (total IgM & IgG antibodies versus IgG alone), choice of anti- tion against reinfection. This study could be useful to understand
gen, and time of sample testing from the onset of disease [20]. It the infection recovery and re-infection pattern. Long term follows
is currently not known whether the detection of antibodies that up evaluation of durability and protective nature of this antibody
bind these proteins (nucleocapsid protein, RBD of the spike pro- may help us to identify population at risk against SARS-CoV-2 rein-
tein) predicts neutralizing activity or protection against infection fection.
Non-reactive (Negative) SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies was the
main reason for plasmapheresis donor deferral followed by Source(s) of support/funding
absenteeism of eligible screen donors. The probable reason for
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