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RS521 Iss 3

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Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

indicators and signs
RS/521 Issue 3
December 2015
Uncontrolled When Printed
Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

Published by:
The authoritative version of this document is available at

Contents approved by Traffic Operation and Management

Standards Committee.

Enquiries on this document can be forwarded to:


Signals, handsignals,
indicators and signs
RS/521 Issue 3 (December 2015)

© Copyright 2015
Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited
Uncontrolled When Printed
Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

You will need this handbook if you

need to understand the meaning of
signals, handsignals, indicators and

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Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

1 Definitions and identification of signals

1.1 Definitions
1.2 Signal types - identification

2 Colour light signals

2.1 Three-aspect signalling - normal sequence

2.2 Four-aspect signalling - normal sequence
2.3 Junction indicators
2.4 Route indicators
2.5 Flashing yellow aspects
2.6 Position-light signals
2.7 Colour light signals not in use

3 Semaphore signals

3.1 Distant signals

3.2 Stop signals
3.3 Route indications
3.4 Semaphore subsidiary signals
3.5 Semaphore shunting signals that display a red aspect
3.6 Semaphore shunting signals that display a yellow aspect
3.7 Route indications by shunting signals
3.8 Semaphore signals not in use

4 ERTMS boards

4.1 Block markers

4.2 ERTMS lines where lineside signals are provided
4.3 Cab signalling boards
4.4 Shunt entry boards
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Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

5 Other signals and indicators

5.1 Limit of shunt signals or indicators

5.2 Stop boards
5.3 Possession limit boards (PLB)
5.4 Work-site marker boards
5.5 Signal passed at danger (SPAD) indicator
5.6 Points indicators
5.7 Banner repeating and co-acting signals
5.8 ‘Off’ indicators
5.9 ‘Close-doors’ indicator
5.10 ‘Right-away’ indicators
5.11 Rear clear marker
5.12 Mid-platform train berth marker
5.13 Whistle boards
5.14 Preliminary route indicators
5.15 Automatic warning system (AWS) cancelling indicators
5.16 AWS gap indicators

Level crossing signs and indicators

6 6.1 Level crossing signs
6.2 Level crossing indicators

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Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

Speed indicators
7 7.1 Permissible speed indicators
7.2 Warning indicators
7.3 Permissible speed indicators at diverging junctions
7.4 Differential permissible speed indicators
7.5 Permissible speed indicators with letters
7.6 Enhanced permissible speed (EPS) indicators

Speed restriction signs

8 8.1 Temporary speed restriction signs
8.2 Emergency indicator

AC electrified line signs

9 9.1 Neutral section signs
9.2 Coasting signs

Radio signs
Telephone signs
11 11.1 Telephones
11.2 Limited clearance telephones
11.3 Signals without telephones

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Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

12 Other lineside signs

12.1 Low adhesion hazard signs

12.2 Sandite markers
12.3 Signal reminder signs
12.4 Countdown markers
12.5 Coasting boards
12.6 Car stop markers
12.7 Mile posts
12.8 Gradient signs
12.9 Spring catch points sign
12.10 Bridge identity plates
12.11 Safety signs

13 Lineside handsignals

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1 Definitions and identification

Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016
of signals

1.1 Definitions
Stop signal
A stop signal is a signal that can show a stop aspect or indication.

It also includes:
• position-light signals
• shunting signals
• limit of shunt signals or indicators
• stop boards
• possession limit boards
• work-site marker boards.

Distant signal
A distant signal is a signal which cannot show a stop aspect or

Some colour light distant signals are identified by a white triangle

or the letters ‘R’ or ‘RR’ on the signal identification plate.

Automatic signal
A signal operated by the passage of trains. The signaller or a
person operating a signal post replacement switch can place some
automatic signals to danger.

Controlled signal
A signal operated by the signaller, some of which may be set by
the signaller to work automatically.

Semi-automatic signal
A signal normally operated by the passage of trains, but can also
be controlled from a signal box or a ground frame.

Intermediate block home signal

A stop signal that controls the exit from an intermediate block
section, and the entrance to an absolute block section or another
intermediate block section.

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1 Definitions and identification

Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016
of signals

1.2 Signal types - identification

The meanings of signal identification plates are as follows:

Controlled signal Distant


Outer distant signal

Automatic signal

Banner repeating


3 state banner
repeating signal

Intermediate block
signal C Co-acting signal

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Colour light signals
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

2.1 Three-aspect signalling - normal

The normal sequence of three-aspect signalling is:

3 Red aspect

2 Yeellow aspect
Proceed: Be prepared to
stop at the next signal

1 Green aspect

Direct Proceed: Next signal

ioon displaying proceed aspect
of trav

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Colour light signals
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

2.2 Four-aspect signalling - normal

The normal sequence of four-aspect signalling is:

4 Red aspect
3 Single yellow aspect
Pro ceed: Be prepared
to stop at the next signal

2 Double yellow aspects

Preliminary caution
Pro ceed: Be pprepared
repared to
find the next signal
displaying a single yellow aspect

1 Green aspect
Proceed: Next signal displaying
on proceed aspect
of trav

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Colour light signals
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

2.3 Junction indicators

Junction indicators are provided to show that a train is being
signalled to a route to the left or right of the straight route.

A junction indicator is normally located

above the signal, and will display a line
of white lights when a proceed aspect
is displayed.

When the straight route is obvious, there is normally no junction

indicator provided for this route.

Where there is no obvious straight route, a junction indicator will be

provided for all signalled routes.

Where the straight route is not the highest-speed route, the junction
indicator will normally apply to the lower-speed route.

Where the diverging routes ahead are both of equal speed, a

junction indicator will be provided for each route.

Position 1

Position 2 Position 4

Position 3 Position 5

Position 6

of tra

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Colour light signals
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

2.4 Route indicators

At some locations a route indicator is provided at the
signal. The indicator will display either a letter or a
number to show the route onto which the movement is
being signalled.

Route indicators may also be associated with a junction


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Colour light signals
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

2.5 Flashing yellow aspects

A flashing yellow aspect means facing points at a junction ahead
are set for a diverging route and the speed of the train must be

The normal sequence of three-aspect flashing yellow signalling is:

5 Red

4 S g steady
Single yyyellow
with jjunction
with ti indicator
i di t

3 Single flashing yellow

2 Green

of trav 1 Green

Three-aspect flashing yellow signalling

When a single steady yellow aspect is displayed together with a

junction indicator at signal 4, the driver must obey the caution
aspect and be prepared to stop at signal 5. This applies even
though a flashing aspect may have been displayed at signal 3.

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2 Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015

Colour light signals
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

The normal sequence of four-aspect flashing yellow signalling is:

5 Red

4 Single
S g steadyy yellow
with junction
j ti indicator
i di t

3 Single flashing yellow

2 Double flashing yellows

of trav 1 Green

Four-aspect flashing yellow signalling

If the train is between signals 2 and 3 when signal 4 is cleared for

the diverging route, signal 3 may then display one flashing yellow
aspect. This applies even though a steady aspect has been
displayed at signal 2.

When a single steady yellow aspect is displayed together with a

junction indicator at signal 4, the driver must obey the caution
aspect and be prepared to stop at signal 5. This applies even
though a flashing aspect may have been displayed at signal 3.

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Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
Colour light signals
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

Flashing yellow signalling in ERTMS areas

For trains on which ERTMS is operating the ability of approaching

signals to display flashing aspects will be disabled. Only standard
aspect sequences will be displayed to these trains. Route or
junction indicators will continue to operate.

2.6 Position-light signals

Position-light signals that display a red aspect

These position-light signals are normally positioned at ground level

independent of a main aspect.

When proceeding on the authority of a main aspect, any

position-light signals along the route between main running signals
will show a proceed aspect.

The signal identification plate may also have a direction arrow

showing the line to which the signal applies.

This indicates stop.

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2 Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015

Colour light signals
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

Position-light signals that display a yellow aspect

Position-light shunting signals that display a yellow aspect are

stop signals applying only to movements in the direction to which
the signal can be cleared. Other movements can pass the signal
without it being cleared.

The signal identification plate may

also have a direction arrow showing
the line to which the signal applies.

This indicates stop.

The driver may pass the signal in the

‘stop’ position when the movement is
being made towards the shunt neck or
siding and not the running line.

The driver must be prepared to stop short of any train, vehicle or


Shunt neck



Yellow position-light signal

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Colour light signals
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

Position-light signals that display a proceed aspect

If any position-light signal displays two white lights

at 45°, this authorises the driver to proceed at
caution towards the next stop signal.

If there is no stop signal, it authorises the driver to

proceed at caution towards a buffer stop.

The driver must be prepared to stop short of any

train, vehicle or obstruction.

Position-light signals associated with a main


These are normally positioned below the main aspect

they are associated with, and often on the same signal

The normal aspect for a position-light signal is unlit.

This means ‘obey the main signal’.

The train or movement may proceed past the signal

when the position-light signal shows proceed.

The driver must be prepared to stop short of any train,

vehicle or obstruction.

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2 Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015

Colour light signals
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

Position light signal that has an associated route


Route indicators associated with position-light

signals are of miniature design, and display a letter
or a number that shows the route onto which the
train is being signalled.

2.7 Colour light signals not in use

When not in use, main and position-light signals are
covered up.

Main aspects may also have a large ‘X’ displayed over

the cover.

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Semaphore signals
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

3.1 Distant signals

These signals show the following indications.

Indication by day: arm horizontal.

Indication by night: yellow light or

reflectorised indication.

Meaning: be prepared to stop at the next stop signal, or other

specified place to which the distant signal applies.

Indication by day: arm raised or lowered 45°.

Indication by night: green light.

Meaning: all associated stop

signals worked from the same
signal box are clear.

If there is only one distant signal provided for a diverging junction,

this signal applies to all trains that approach it.

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Semaphore signals
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

3.2 Stop signals

These signals show the following indications.

Indication by day: arm horizontal.
Indication by night: red light.
Meaning: stop.

Indication by day: arm raised or lowered
Indication by night: green light.
Meaning: proceed.

If there is a distant signal on the same post as a stop

• the stop signal is worked by the signal box at
that location, and
• the distant signal is normally worked by the signal
box ahead.

The stop signal that controls movements into a

loop, siding or no-block line may be a
miniature semaphore arm.

Meaning when cleared: proceed at caution and be

prepared to stop short of any train, vehicle or any

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Semaphore signals
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

3.3 Route indications

Indications of route within semaphore-signalled areas may be
given by one of the following methods.
• ‘Stepping’.
• ‘Stacking’.
• A route indicator.

The diagram below shows the ‘stepping’ arrangement of signals.

This arrangement is the normal method of route indication on
running lines in semaphore areas.

Signal 1 applies to the route on the extreme left. Signals 2 and 3

apply to successive routes to the right.

2 1
1 2


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Semaphore signals
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

The diagram below shows the ‘stacking’ arrangement. This

arrangement is the normal method of route indication for shunting
signals in yards and sidings, and also on running lines where there
is little gantry space.

Signal 1 applies to the route on the extreme left. Signals 2 and 3

apply to successive routes to the right.

2 1
3 2


At some locations a route indicator is provided at the signal. The

indicator will display a figure or letter to show the route onto which
the movement is being signalled.

Route Indicator

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Semaphore signals
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

3.4 Semaphore subsidiary signals

Semaphore subsidiary signals are always associated with the main
arm of a semaphore stop signal.

The subsidiary signal will always be

positioned below the main semaphore arm
with which it is associated, and on the same
signal post.

When the subsidiary signal is in the ‘normal’

position, the driver must obey the main

The ‘normal’ indication is:

• the arm in the horizontal position
• a red, white or no light displayed.

The proceed indication is:

• the arm raised or lowered 45°
• a green light displayed.

When the signal is cleared, it authorises the

driver to:
• pass the main aspect at danger
• proceed at caution towards the next train,
signal or buffer stop, and be prepared to
stop short of any obstruction.

At some locations, clearing the subsidiary signal will also show an

indicator displaying either the letter ‘C’ or ‘S’.

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Semaphore signals
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016


When this signal is cleared with the letter

‘C’ showing, it authorises the driver to
proceed at caution towards the next train,
signal or buffer stop, and be prepared to
stop short of any obstruction.


When this signal is cleared with the letter ‘S’

showing, it authorises the driver to proceed
for shunting purposes only.

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Semaphore signals
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

3.5 Semaphore shunting signals that

display a red aspect
Semaphore shunting signals that display a red aspect are stop

Shunting signals have a:

• white disc with a red horizontal bar, or
• miniature semaphore arm with a vertical white stripe.

These signals show the following indications.

Indication by day: arm or bar horizontal.
Indication by night: red light.
Meaning: stop.

Indication by day: disc turned 45° or
arm raised or lowered 45°.
Indication by night: green light.
Meaning: proceed at caution as far as
the line is clear.

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Semaphore signals
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

3.6 Semaphore shunting signals that display

a yellow aspect
Semaphore shunting signals that display a yellow aspect are stop
signals applying only to movements in the direction to which the signal
can be cleared. Other movements can pass the signal without it being

Shunting signals have a:

• white disc with a yellow bar
• black disc with a yellow bar
• miniature semaphore arm with a vertical black stripe.

These signals show the following indications.

Indication by day: bar or arm
Indication by night: yellow light.
Meaning: stop. The driver may pass
the signal in the ‘stop’ position when
the movement is being made
towards the shunt neck or
siding and not the running line.

Indication by day: disc turned 45° or
arm raised or lowered 45°.
Indication by night: green light.
Meaning: proceed at caution as far
as the line is clear.

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Semaphore signals
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

Shunt neck



Yellow shunt signal

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Semaphore signals
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

3.7 Route indications by shunting signals

These signals show the following indications.
Signal 1 applies to the route on the extreme left. Signals 2
and 3 apply to successive routes to the right.

No 1

No 2 No 1
No 3 No 2
No 3

of trav

3.8 Semaphore signals not in use

When semaphore signals are not in use,
they have:
• a large X fixed on the signal arm, or
• the disc covered over.

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ERTMS boards
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

4.1 Block markers

A block marker consists of a reflective square sign showing a
yellow arrow on a blue background. The arrow shows which line
the marker applies to.

Each block marker is provided with a unique identification plate, of

white characters on a black background.


1320 1324

Left side Above Right side

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ERTMS boards
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

4.2 ERTMS lines where lineside signals

are provided

First train

Signal GB3
Red aspect
Red aspect
Danger Stop


Stop: End of autho

Stop: rity
at block ma
at rker
ity nt
auth veme

Signal GB1

Proceed: Obey instruction
on DMI

Train on which ER
is in operation

A train on which ERTMS is operating can be issued with a

movement authority (MA) to any intermediate block marker. In this
case signal GB1 will display a yellow aspect.

If a train is not fitted with ERTMS or a train on which ERTMS is

operating in other than full supervision (FS) or on sight (OS), then
even if the route is set to block marker BM2 signal GB1 will display
a red aspect.

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ERTMS boards
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

4.3 Cab signalling boards

Warning of start of cab signalling board

This board indicates that ERTMS signalling is

about to start.

Start of cab signalling board

This board indicates the start of ERTMS signalling.

End of cab signalling board

This board indicates the end of ERTMS signalling.

4.4 Shunt entry boards

Shunt entry boards consist of a reflective board
showing a white chevron on a violet background.
The chevron points toward the line to which the
shunt entry board applies.

Shunt entry boards mark the entry of a shunt route

on ERTMS cab signalled lines where lineside
signals are not provided.

The identity of a shunt entry board is shown on an identification

plate in white characters on a black background.

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Other signals and indicators
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

5.1 Limit of shunt signals or indicators

Limit of shunt signals or indicators are either:
• instructions on illuminated signs, or
• two red lights horizontally displayed.

No part of the train may pass a limit of shunt signal or indicator

unless authorised by the signaller.

If a limit of shunt signal or indicator is passed without authority, it is

a signal passed at danger.

5.2 Stop boards

A stop board shows the word ‘Stop’ and may also:
• show other instructions
• be illuminated.

The driver or person controlling the movement

must stop the train at the stop board and may only
• when the instructions on the stop board have
been carried out, or
• when given permission to do so by the
authorised person.

If a stop board is passed without authority, it is a signal passed at


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Other signals and indicators
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

5.3 Possession limit boards (PLB)

A PLB identifies the boundary of a possession. They may also be
used as part of the protection for a line blockage.

The board is red, double-sided and is visible along the line in both

It will also have a steady or flashing red light visible along the line
in both directions.

If a PLB is passed without authority, it is a signal passed at danger.

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Other signals and indicators
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

5.4 Work-site marker boards

Work-site marker boards may be provided within a possession of a
running line.

The board is yellow, double-sided and is visible along the line in

both directions.

It has two red flashing lights which indicate an entrance to a work

site. The authority of the Engineering Supervisor or Safe Work
Leader is needed to pass it.

It has two yellow flashing lights which indicate an exit from a work
site. The authority of the PICOP is needed to pass it.

Both indications must be treated as a stop signal.





If a work-site marker board is passed without authority, it is a

signal passed at danger.

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Other signals and indicators
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

5.5 Signal passed at danger (SPAD)


Where provided, SPAD indicators are normally positioned about 50

metres (55 yards) beyond certain signals.

The indicator has a three-aspect signal head which is fitted with a

blue backplate.

Indications and meanings

The indicator is not normally lit. If a signal is

passed at danger, the indicator will be
activated. It will then display:
• a flashing red light in the top and bottom
• a steady red light with the word STOP in
the centre aspect.

When the indicator is activated, the driver or

person in charge of any movement who sees
the indicator must:
• stop the train immediately
• contact the signaller.

This applies to any movement on the line to which the signal

applies or any other line.

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Other signals and indicators
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

5.6 Points indicators

A points indicator is associated with hydro-pneumatic and certain
other types of points and is identified by a sign showing the words
‘Points indicator’.

They display the following indications.

Indication: A red light that may be steady or

flashing or no light is showing.

Meaning: Stop at the points indicator and

contact the signaller unless otherwise

Indication: A steady yellow light.

Meaning: The points to which it applies are

fitting correctly.

If a points indicator is passed without authority, it is a signal passed

at danger.

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Other signals and indicators
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

5.7 Banner repeating and co-acting

Banner repeating signals

Banner repeating signals are provided on the approach to certain

signals which have restricted sighting (for example because of
curvature of the line, buildings or tunnels), to give advance
information of the signal aspect.

Position: On
Meaning: distant signal to which it applies is at caution.

Position: Off
Meaning: distant signal to which it applies is showing

Position: On
Meaning: the signal to which it applies is at danger.

Position: Off
Meaning: the signal to which it applies is displaying a
proceed aspect.

Position: Off
Meaning: the signal to which it applies is displaying a
green aspect.

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Other signals and indicators
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

Co-acting signals

Co-acting signals are provided to give both short and long distance
sighting of the signal. A co-acting signal repeats the exact aspect
or indication of the main signal. Co-acting signals are always the
same type (colour light or semaphore) as the main signal.

5.8 ‘Off’ indicators

If an ‘OFF’ indicator is provided at a platform, it will:

• show the word ‘OFF’ when the signal to which
it applies shows a proceed aspect
• allow a guard or platform staff to check the signal
is clear before commencing the train despatch
• show no indication when the signal to which it applies is at

On a bi-directional platform line, the ‘OFF’ indication may be

accompanied by an ‘UP’ or ‘DN’ or other indication to show which
route has been set.

An ‘OFF’ indication does not always mean the line ahead is clear
as the signal to which it applies may have been cleared for another
train standing ahead in the same platform.

‘OFF’ indicators may be provided at locations other than platforms

to show the driver that the signal to which they apply is displaying
a proceed aspect.

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Other signals and indicators
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

5.9 ‘Close-doors’ indicator

Close-doors indicators display the letters ‘CD’ when
illuminated, and let the driver know that it is safe to
close the power-operated doors on the train.

5.10 ‘Right-away’ indicators

Right-away indicators display the letters ‘R’ or ‘RA’.

If this indicator is illuminated, it tells the driver that

station duties are complete, the train is secure and
that it is safe to proceed.

5.11 Rear clear marker

This sign informs the driver that the train has cleared
a defined location to the rear.

5.12 Mid-platform train berth

This sign informs the driver of the sub-divisions along
a station platform to permit its use by more than one

5.13 Whistle boards

A whistle board may be provided on the
approach to some level crossings.

The whistle board can be a retro-reflective

round sign or a cut out.

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Other signals and indicators
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

5.14 Preliminary route indicators

A preliminary route indicator is provided where it is necessary for a
driver to receive advance information about the route that has been
set beyond a junction signal ahead of the train.

A preliminary route indicator displays an arrow pointing in the same

direction as any junction indicator displayed at the junction signal
that the preliminary route indicator applies to If the junction signal is
displaying a proceed aspect without a junction indicator, the
associated preliminary route indicator will display an arrow pointing
straight up.

If the junction signal is at danger, the preliminary route indicator is

not illuminated.

The table below gives examples of the preliminary route indicator

display which depends on what is displayed on the junction signal

Junction signal Preliminary Junction signal Preliminary

ahead route ahead route
showing: indicator showing: indicator

Proceed with Proceed with

position 1 JI position 4 JI

Proceed with Proceed with

position 2 JI position 5 JI

Proceed with Proceed with

position 3 JI position 6 JI

Proceed with Stop aspect

no JI

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Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
Other signals and indicators
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

5.15 Automatic warning system (AWS)

cancelling indicators
On single and bi-directional lines, the AWS magnet will normally be
suppressed for movements for which it does not apply, this means
the AWS will not operate.

However, there are some locations where the AWS magnet is not

In these cases a cancelling indicator is provided to tell the driver

that the AWS warning indication does not apply to trains travelling
in that direction.

Where the AWS magnet is permanently installed.

The indicators look like this.

Where the AWS magnet is provided in connection

with a temporary or emergency speed restriction
on a single or bi-directional line. The indicators
look like this.

The cancelling indicator is normally positioned 180 metres

(approximately 200 yards) after passing over the AWS magnet.

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5 Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015

Other signals and indicators
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

5.16 AWS gap indicators

In some AWS fitted areas AWS equipment is not provided
throughout. These areas are identified with the following signs.

Where AWS is not provided at a station on a line equipped

with AWS.

Start of AWS gap End of AWS gap

Where AWS is not provided in the opposite direction on a

bi-directional line.

Start of the relevant End of the section normal

section of line arrangements resume

For a temporary or emergency speed restriction, AWS will be

provided in both directions.

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6 Level crossing signs

Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016
and indicators

6.1 Level crossing signs

Automatic barrier crossing locally monitored and
automatic open crossing locally monitored crossings

On passing the warning board, the train must be controlled so that

the speed shown on the speed restriction board is complied with
between the board and the crossing.

Warning board Speed restriction board

If differential speeds are shown on the speed restriction board,
they have the meanings shown in section 7.4.

On ERTMS lines, on passing the warning board, the train must be

controlled so that the speed on the driver machine interface (DMI)
is complied with.

Open crossings

Warning board Combined speed and whistle board

On passing the warning board, the train must be controlled to

comply with stop board or the combined speed and whistle board.

If differential speeds are shown on the combined speed and

whistle board, they have the meanings shown in section 7.4.

On ERTMS lines, on passing the warning board, the train must be

controlled so that the speed on the DMI is complied with.

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6 Level crossing signs

Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016
and indicators

Wrong-direction boards

Wrong-direction speed restriction boards are

positioned on the approach to level
crossings that have wrong-direction controls.

The speed of the train must be controlled so that the train

complies with the speed shown, between the board and the
crossing. Black numerals on a white background denote mph and
white numerals on a black background denote km/h.

Sighting board on ERTMS lines

This sign indicates the point at which the driver is

required to ensure that the level crossing is clear and
to observe the driver’s level crossing indicator.

6.2 Level crossing indicators

A level crossing indicator is associated with locally monitored level

They display the following indications.

Indication: A red light that may be steady or

flashing or no light is showing.

Meaning: Stop before reaching the level

crossing and ensure it is safe before passing
over it.

Indication: A flashing white light.

Meaning: The level crossing is working correctly,

and providing the crossing is clear, it is safe to
proceed over it.

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Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
Speed indicators
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

7.1 Permissible speed indicators

Permissible speed indicators
show the start of the
permissible speed.

Black text on a white

background and cut-out signs
show the speed in mph. White
text on black background shows
the speed in km/h.

In limited clearance areas the indicators

are sometimes oval-shaped.

7.2 Warning indicators

Warning indicators are provided on the
approach to certain speed indicators
and give a warning of a reduction in
permissible speed ahead. Black text on
a white background shows the speed in
mph. White text on black background
shows the speed in km/h.

There may also be a fixed AWS magnet on the approach to the


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7 Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015

Speed indicators
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

7.3 Permissible speed indicators at

diverging junctions
These show the speed to the
left or right of the straight route
at a diverging junction.

If there are diverging junctions to

both the left and right and the
permissible speed is the same,
there is only one indicator.

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Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
Speed indicators
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

7.4 Differential permissible speed indicators

The bottom figure always shows the higher speed. It applies to:
• passenger trains (loaded or empty)
• parcels and postal trains (loaded or empty)
• light locomotives.

The top figure applies to all other trains.

7.5 Permissible speed indicators with letters

These show the permissible speed and apply only to the trains shown
by the letters.

This is what the letters mean.

HST High speed trains.
MU Multiple-unit trains.
DMU Diesel multiple-unit trains.
EMU Electric multiple-unit trains.
SP Sprinter multiple-unit trains.
CS Class 67 locomotives.

The classes of train that can travel at these speeds are shown in the
Sectional Appendix.

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7 Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015

Speed indicators
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

7.6 Enhanced permissible speed (EPS)

These show the enhanced permissible speed in mph and apply to
tilting trains in tilting mode.

Where differential signs are provided, the bottom figure always

shows the higher speed and applies to class 390 trains in tilting
mode. The top figure applies to class 221 trains in tilting mode.

Warning indicators are provided on

the approach to certain EPS speed
indicators and give a warning of a
reduction in the enhanced
permissible speed ahead.

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Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
Speed restriction signs
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

8.1 Temporary speed restriction signs

Warning boards

A warning board is placed on the approach to a temporary speed

restriction ahead.

An AWS magnet is provided on the approach to a warning board.

i There will be no AWS in AWS gap areas.


Normal sign These narrower signs are

used in restricted clearance

Speed indicator

A speed indicator shows the start of the speed restriction and the
permitted speed over the restriction.

On ERTMS lines where lineside signals are provided, if the speed

restriction starts within an ERTMS area but ends outside the
ERTMS area, an additional speed indicator will be placed at the
end of cab signalling board.

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8 Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015

Speed restriction signs
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

Directional indicators

A directional indicator on a warning board or speed indicator

shows that there is a speed restriction ahead on a portion of line
that goes off to the left or right of the straight route at a diverging


Differential temporary speed restrictions

A temporary speed restriction can show different speeds which

apply to different types of trains.

The bottom figure always indicates the higher speed. It applies to:
• passenger trains (loaded or empty)
• parcels or postal trains (loaded or empty)
• light locomotives.

The top figure applies to all other trains.

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Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
Speed restriction signs
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

Termination indicator

The termination indicator shows the end of the

speed restriction.

SPATE indicator

The SPATE indicator shows the speed restriction

has been withdrawn or will not be imposed.

SPATE is an abbreviation of ‘Speed Previously

Advised Terminated Early’.

Repeating warning board

A repeating warning board is placed on the end of a platform or a

connection from a siding or dead-end platform line to remind the
driver there is a temporary speed restriction ahead.

The board will also have the associated speed indicator or a

spate indicator below the board.

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8 Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015

Speed restriction signs
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

8.2 Emergency indicator

When an emergency speed restriction is to be
imposed an emergency indicator will also be

The indicator has flashing white lights that must

be working at all times.

An AWS magnet is provided on the approach to

an emergency indicator for an emergency speed
restriction ahead.

i There will be no AWS in AWS gap areas.

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Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
AC electrified line signs
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

9.1 Neutral section signs

Neutral section warning board

This sign provides advance warning of a neutral


Neutral section indication board

This sign identifies the commencement of a neutral


9.2 Coasting signs

This ‘advance lower pantograph’ sign provides
warning of a lower pantograph sign ahead.

The sign also has flashing white lights.

This sign means ‘lower pantograph’.

This sign means ‘raise pantograph’.

This sign means ‘do not raise pantograph’.

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10 Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015

Radio signs
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

GSM-R radio area

This sign indicates the start of a GSM-R radio section.

Areas where GSM-R radio is not provided

This sign indicates the end of a GSM-R radio section.

GSM-R alias plate

In places where there is no signal or where
there may be confusion over the number to
enter when registering the cab radio, an alias
plate may be provided.

GSM-R signalbox phone number plate

At certain signals the GSM-R network may not

be able to automatically route calls from the
driver to the signaller who controls the area.
This sign is a reminder to drivers of the
signaller’s GSM-R phone number.

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Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
Radio signs
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

GSM-R signalbox short code plate

An alternative method has been developed to

avoid a driver having to dial the long
8-digit number. This is achieved by dialling a
short code number. This sign displays the
correct signaller’s GSM-R short code number.

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11 Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015

Telephone signs
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

11.1 Telephones
Signal post telephones

Telephones associated with a signal are similar to

these. If the telephone has a number on the cabinet
the number states the maximum amount of minutes
that can elapse before the signaller is contacted by
the driver.

Lineside telephones

These telephones are provided to contact the signaller.

11.2 Limited clearance telephones

Telephones with yellow or white diamonds with the
letter X or a yellow roundel.

If any of these signs are displayed it means that the signal post
telephone is not in a position of safety. It may only be used to
contact the signaller:
• in an emergency
• if told that the adjacent line has been blocked.

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Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
Telephone signs
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

Telephone with limited clearance warning signs

These signs mean that a train driver may use the signal
post telephone because it is in a position of safety in
relation to the adjacent line and protection is provided by
the presence of the train.

The telephone may only be used by other staff to

contact the signaller:
• in an emergency
• if told that the line to which it applies has been blocked.

11.3 Signals without telephones

White diamond sign

This sign means that a telephone is not provided but the

presence of the train or shunting movement is indicated
to the signaller.

White diamond sign with a telephone number


This sign means that a telephone is not provided but the

presence of the train or shunting movement is indicated
to the signaller. If GSM-R or CSR is not available the
signaller may be contacted using the telephone number
on the plate.

A driver may only leave the cab in order to use a lineside

telephone to contact the signaller:
• in an emergency
• if told that the adjacent line(s) has been blocked.

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12 Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015

Other lineside signs
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

12.1 Low adhesion hazard signs

Entrance to a low adhesion area

This sign informs the driver of the entrance to a low

adhesion area.

Exit from a low adhesion area

This sign informs the driver of the exit from a low

adhesion area.

12.2 Sandite markers

These signs informs the driver of sites where
Sandite should be applied. There are three signs.

• Three marks - advance warning of Sandite

application site.
• Two marks - start applying Sandite.
• One mark - stop applying Sandite.

12.3 Signal reminder signs

This sign informs the driver of a particular signal

12.4 Countdown markers

These signs inform the driver of the distance
between the sign and the signal concerned.

There are three signs.

• Three marks - distance to signal normally 300m.
• Two marks - distance to signal normally 200m.
• One mark - distance to signal normally 100m.

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Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
Other lineside signs
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

12.5 Coasting boards

This board advises that the driver may coast to a
stopping point or significant speed reduction beyond
the board.

12.6 Car stop markers

These signs inform the driver of the correct
stopping point for the train.

12.7 Mile posts

These signs are situated on
the lineside and used to
identify locations. The
number denotes the mileage
and each mark under the
number denotes quarter of a

12.8 Gradient signs

These signs are situated on the lineside and
used to identify the change in gradient at that
particular location. Gradients are expressed as
a ratio. e.g ‘1 in 460’ means the track rises (or
falls) one unit in every 460 units. The angles
of the gradient signs indicate the direction of
the slope.

12.9 Spring catch points sign

These signs are placed on the approach to
spring catch points.

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12 Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015

Other lineside signs
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

12.10 Bridge identity plates

These signs identify the location of bridge structures.

12.11 Safety signs

Limited clearance sign

This sign means there is no position of

safety on this side of the railway for the
length of the structure. No-one must
enter or stand at that location when a
train is approaching.

No refuges warning sign

This sign means there is no position of

safety on this side of the railway for the
length of the structure. However, there
are positions of safety, or refuges, on
the opposite side of the railway line.

Prohibition sign

This sign means you must not pass beyond this

sign while trains are running unless you are
carrying out emergency protection. This is
because you would not be able to reach a
position of safety or refuge safely. If you are
carrying out emergency protection, you must
take extreme care.

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13 Lineside handsignals
Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

Red handsignal

A red flag during daylight or a red

light during darkness or poor
visibility means ‘STOP’.

Yellow handsignal

A yellow flag during daylight or a

yellow light during darkness or
poor visibility is used when giving
authority to pass a signal at

Green handsignal

A green flag during daylight or a

green light during darkness or
poor visibility is used to give
authority to pass over a level

Lookout handsignal

A blue and white chequered flag is used

between lookouts to inform of an approaching
train. Drivers can ignore this handsignal.

Uncontrolled When Printed
Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016
Uncontrolled When Printed
Document comes into force and supersedes RS521 Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
Superseded by RS521 Iss 4 with effect from 03/12/2016

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