Module 2 Global Youth: A Estrutura Do Teste Sintetiza-Se No Quadro Seguinte
Module 2 Global Youth: A Estrutura Do Teste Sintetiza-Se No Quadro Seguinte
Module 2 Global Youth: A Estrutura Do Teste Sintetiza-Se No Quadro Seguinte
Aprendizagens essenciais
Compreender um discurso fluido e seguir linhas de argumentação dentro das áreas temáticas apresentadas,
integrando a sua experiência e mobilizando conhecimentos adquiridos em outras disciplinas.
Competência pragmática:
• competência discursiva
• competência funcional/ estratégica
You will hear the first and second parts of an interview given by
brilliant young scientist and inventor Gitanjali Rao to Angelina Jolie.
1. Listen to the first part of the interview and circle the correct option. (10 x 5 = 50 points)
“Observe, brainstorm, research, build and acreate / communicate.” That is what the
brilliant young bscientist / cyclist and inventor Gitanjali Rao
told actress and activist Angelina Jolie about her cprocess /
success, over Zoom, from her home in Colorado, during a
break in her virtual dpooling / schooling. Just 15 years old,
Rao has been eelected / selected from a group of more than
5,000 fnominees / employees as TIME’s first ever Kid of the
Year. She spoke about her astonishing work using
gterminology / technology to deal with issues such as
2. Now, listen to the second part of the interview and mark the following sentences T (true)
or F (false). (10 x 5 = 50 points)
a. Gitanjali wants to share her optimism and sense of community with other people. ___
b. Gitanjali thinks that science and technology can’t be used to promote social change. ___
c. When Gitanjali was 10, she told her parents that she wanted to create a lab at school. ___
d. Gitanjali wanted to develop a technological device that made it possible to detect
chemicals in water. ___
e. Gitanjali isn’t worried about the problems her generation will have to face. ___
f. One of Gitanjali’s latest innovations helps prevent cyberbullying. ___
g. Kindly is based on artificial-intelligence technology. ___
h. Kindly punishes you each time you are rude to other people. ___
i. Gitanjali looks like a typical scientist. ___
j. Gitanjali’s wants her devices to solve the world’s problems, and she wants to inspire
others to do the same. ___
Now, you will hear the third and fourth parts of the interview with Gitanjali Rao.
1. Listen to the third part of the interview attentively and complete the text with the missing
words. (10 x 5 = 50 points)
ANGELINA JOLIE: I know you have these “ a__________ sessions.” Tell me about
GITANJALI RAO: I just looked at what worked for me and decided to share it with
everyone else. So, I made this process that I use for
everything now: it’s observe, brainstorm, b __________,
build, communicate. It started with a simple presentation and
lesson plans, and then I started adding c __________ and
contests that students could do. I have also developed
partnerships with rural schools, d __________, and bigger
organizations like Shanghai International Youth Science and
e __________ group and the Royal Academy of Engineering
you spend months and months working on it. I’m so excited when I get an i __________
like, “Hey, I attended your workshop four months ago and here’s my finished j __________,
I really love it, it’s a shoe that calls 911.”
2. Listen to the fourth part of the interview and complete the sentences according to what
you hear. (5 x 10 = 50 points)
a. For many young people, it takes a lot _________________________________ forward.
b. I’m currently ___________________________________________________________
- things like parasites.
c. I’m hoping for this to be something that’s inexpensive and accurate so that ___________
________________________________________________________________ water.
d. I recently hit my goal of 30,000 students who I have mentored, which is super exciting.
e. There are problems that we did not create but that we now have to solve, ____________
I think more than anything right now, we just need to find that one thing we’re passionate about
and solve it. (NAmE; abridged and adapted)
Ler e compreender diversos tipos de texto, dentro das áreas temáticas apresentadas; descodificar palavras-
chave/ideias presentes no texto, marcas do texto escrito que introduzem mudança de estratégia discursiva, de
assunto e de argumentação; interpretar informação explícita e implícita, pontos de vista e intenções do(a) autor(a).
Planificar e elaborar uma atividade de escrita de acordo com o tipo e função do texto e o seu destinatário, dentro das
áreas temáticas apresentadas. Relacionar vários tipos de informação, sintetizando-a de modo lógico e coerente, com
apresentação de pontos de vista e opiniões.
Relacionar o que lê e produz com o seu conhecimento e vivência pessoal, recorrendo ao pensamento crítico e criativo.
Desenvolver a consciência do seu universo sociocultural e como este se relaciona com os universos culturais dos
outros; relacionar a sua cultura de origem com outras culturas com que contacta, relativizando o seu ponto de vista
e sistema de valores culturais, demonstrando capacidade de questionar atitudes estereotipadas perante outros povos,
sociedades e culturas.
Competência sociolinguística
1. Connect the items in columns A and D using the appropriate adjective and preposition
from columns B and C (there are extra words). Write only the sequences of letters. (3 x 5
= 15 points)
a. Young scientist and d. anxious i. at n. technology than they
inventor Gitanjali Rao is should.
e. surprised j. for
b. The students are f. brilliant k. on o. attending Gitanjali’s online
g. dependent l. by
c. Teenagers are much
more h. famous m. about p. science and technology.
2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence(s),
using the word(s) given. Do not change the word(s) given. (3 x 5 = 15 points)
a. That teenage girl is brilliant. She created the app Kindly.
That _______________________________________________________________. (WHO)
b. That app is brand new and innovative. It helps prevent cyberbullying.
That ______________________________________________________________. (WHICH)
c. Now, Gitanjali gives presentations about science and technology online.
When Gitanjali was younger, _________________________________________. (NOT USE)
Fionn Ferreira: As a child growing up near the ocean in West Cork, Ireland, Fionn Ferreira
5 loved the sea. He liked to go kayaking and would regularly volunteer at beach cleanups.
He’s also loved science. His two passions met when, in 2017, he began looking for an
environmentally safe way to extract microplastics from water. The method he discovered
made him the winner of the 2019 Google Science Fair. It uses a magnetic liquid called
ferrofluid which, when added to water, sticks to microplastics. Magnets can then be used
10 to remove the ferrofluid from the water, along with more than 85% of microplastics,
according to Ferreira. Ferreira lived far from any labs, so he built most of the equipment he
needed to test his method at home. There were hiccups along the way as he developed a
spectrometer to measure microplastics in the water. “Some worked, some didn't, some
things blew up, some caught fire,” says Ferreira. “My parents weren't very happy with me
15 when the fuses of our house were constantly blowing.” Now, Ferreira is a student at the
University of Groningen, in the Netherlands. After graduation, he wants to continue his
research and inspire greater interest in STEM. “The more people who have engaged in
science generally, the more ideas we generate,” he says.
Xóchitl López: When she was 8, Xóchitl López lived in a home that was often without hot
20 water. The same was true for many other residents of San Cristóbal de las Casas. “People
here have to take baths with cold water. They have a lot of respiratory diseases,” she
told TIME through an interpreter. “I wanted to do something.” So Xóchitl created Warm
Bath, a solar-powered water heater made of easy-to-get recycled objects, including water
bottles, plastic connectors and rubber hose. It costs about $30 to assemble. Xóchitl made
25 Warm Bath with the National Autonomous University of Mexico’s adopt-a-talent science
program, PAUTA. In 2018, she was the first child to receive the university’s Institute of
Nuclear Sciences’ Recognition for Women award.
Riya Karumanchi: When she was 14, Riya Karumanchi met a woman who used a white
cane to navigate. Riya was surprised that even with the cane, the woman struggled to get
30 around. As a tech-obsessed teenager, she assumed the cane came loaded with cutting-
edge technology, but it was just a stick. “My initial thought was like, What? How is nobody
working on this?”, said Rita. So, she engineered a device now called SmartCane. This stick
can sense wet surfaces and other obstacles, vibrating to alert the user to treacherous
situations. GPS navigation gives directions using patterned vibration and audio. An
35 emergency button acts as a lifeline to emergency responders or loved ones. Riya is now
16, the SmartCane team numbers three, and the effort has more than $83,000 in funding.
The team’s hope is to one day distribute the product through the Canadian National
Institute for the Blind. (NAmE; abridged and adapted)
2. Match the ideas in column A with the corresponding paragraph in column B. Two of the
ideas do not apply. (4 x 4 = 16 points)
a. Fighting water pollution
b. Considering adverse effects Paragraph 1
c. Solving the world’s problems Paragraph 2
d. Keeping blind people safe Paragraph 3
e. Using solar energy Paragraph 4
f. Using wind energy
4. Match each word in column A with the word/ expression it refers to in column B. Three of
the options do not apply. (3 x 4 = 12 points)
a. who (l. 1) method some incredible young innovators
b. him (l. 8) device people around the world
c. it (l. 31) cane Fionn Ferreira
5. Find in the text the words that match these definitions. (5 x 4 = 20 points)
a. small problems or temporary delays ____________________
b. to fit together all the separate parts of something ____________________
c. the newest, most advanced ____________________
d. a piece of equipment that has been designed to do a particular job ____________________
e. dangerous, especially when seeming safe ____________________
6. Read the following paragraph about young inventor Shubham Banerjee. Three sentences
have been removed from it. From sentences 1 to 5, choose the one which fits each gap a
to c. Two of the sentences do not apply. (3 x 4 = 12 points)
Like many kids, Shubham Banerjee had a love for LEGO. But instead of building spaceships, he
used the classic plastic bricks to address an issue that affects blind people around the world: a
lack of accessible braille printers. Shubham was born in Hasselt, Belgium, and moved to
California with his family when he was 4. At age 12, a_____, he was inspired by a flyer asking for
donations for the blind. Shubham used the materials in his LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robotics kit
b_____. After winning first prize in the science fair, Shubham founded Braigo Labs Inc. with his
parents. A more advanced, non-LEGO prototype for the printer followed later that year, in
collaboration with Intel Capital and other investors. Now 18, Banerjee is a freshman at the
University of California, Berkeley. He’s focused c_____. (NAmE; abridged and adapted)
1. Discuss the way technological advances and innovations can change the way people live.
Write about 150-200. (80 points)
Aprendizagens essenciais
Relacionar vários tipos de informação, sintetizando-a de modo lógico e coerente, com apresentação de pontos de
vista e opiniões.
Participar em atividades de par, interagindo com o outro, pedindo clarificação e/ou repetição, aceitando feedback
construtivo para atingir o objetivo proposto.
Relacionar o que lê e produz com o seu conhecimento e vivência pessoal, recorrendo ao pensamento crítico e criativo.
Desenvolver a consciência do seu universo sociocultural e como este se relaciona com os universos culturais dos
outros; relacionar a sua cultura de origem com outras culturas com que contacta, relativizando o seu ponto de vista
e sistema de valores culturais, demonstrando capacidade de questionar atitudes estereotipadas perante outros povos,
sociedades e culturas.
Intervenientes e Descrição das atividades
Professor e • What job would best suit your personality? • What’s your dream job?
alunos • What are the advantages of taking a gap • What are the disadvantages of taking a gap
Cada aluno year? year?
+/– 2 minutos • Why do you think people volunteer? • What would be your ideal volunteer
Total: • Could you live without your mobile phone? experience?
+/– 4 minutos Why (not)? • How useful are computers?
Professor Right, now each of you will have to talk on your own for about two minutes.
You have one minute to prepare. You mustn’t interrupt your partner while he/she is speaking.
Here is some paper and a pen in case you want to make some brief notes.
Please do not write a text.
[O professor entrega o papel e a caneta aos dois alunos. Se o aluno A iniciou o 1.º momento,
será o aluno B a iniciar o 2.º.]
Look at this picture. I’d like you to talk about it. There are some prompts to help you.
Cada aluno 1 You have a minute to prepare and then I’ll ask you to start talking.
minuto [O aluno prepara o seu discurso.]
Cada aluno [Prestação do aluno. Caso o seu discurso seja insuficiente, revele pouco conteúdo ou o aluno
+/– 2 minutos tenha dificuldade em começar a falar, o professor deverá ajudá-lo com as/algumas das
seguintes perguntas:
Picture 1: Picture 2:
• What can you see in the picture? • What can you see in the picture?
• What does it represent? • What does it represent?
• What are the benefits? • What are the benefits?
• Are there any disadvantages? • Are there any disadvantages?
• How can these be tackled? • How can these be tackled?
[O professor pode também ajudar o aluno a expandir o seu discurso, usando, por exemplo:
• Can you give me some (more) examples/details?
• Can you tell me more about that?]
Total: [O professor pode ainda lembrar o aluno da tarefa, dizendo, por exemplo:
+/– 6 minutos • Remember you have to…]
Professor Now I’d like you to talk to each other for about three minutes while I listen.
You have to speak clearly and loud enough so that we can hear you both.
One of you thinks that a gap year is a challenge that can turn into a very positive and beneficial
experience and the other disagrees.
Here is a card for you.
[O professor entrega o material aos dois alunos: Card 1 e Card 2]
Cada aluno [Prestação dos alunos. Os alunos podem usar algum tempo para tomarem conhecimento do
+/– 3 minutos material de suporte.
O professor poderá ainda repetir as instruções ou dizer, por exemplo:
• “Could you start, please?”, caso nenhum dos alunos tome a iniciativa e tenham decorrido mais
de 30 segundos.
• “Remember you have to…” para lembrar os alunos da tarefa, caso se verifique um grande
desvio ao tema.
Total: • “Remember you have to talk to each other.” para lembrar os alunos de que devem interagir um
+/– 6 minutos com o outro.]
Total final:
+/– 16 minutos FIM DA PROVA
• Describe the picture • Describe the picture
• Explain the message conveyed • Explain the message conveyed
• Describe your feelings/emotions towards • Describe your feelings/emotions
this picture towards this picture
You think that a gap year is a challenge that You believe that a gap year can turn into a
can turn into a very positive and beneficial negative experience and not necessarily a
experience. beneficial one.
Mention: Mention:
• valuable skills • pause in your studies
• knowledge • cultural differences
• culture awareness • homesickness
• independence • emotional pain
• increased confidence • personal risks
• new friends • financial cost
• maturity • waste of time