Citation Lee20 /L 1033
Citation Lee20 /L 1033
Citation Lee20 /L 1033
Introduction (Perias)
Have you ever been curious how do health care workers do tests for covid-19? Mainly, there are two
categories in the lab tests for detecting covid-19. These are the molecular and genetic tests that looks for
an infection.
Molecular tests are the ones we usually see practiced by the healthcare workers. On the other hand,
genetic tests look for the genes of the virus. Viruses' genetic code is stored in the RNA. A genetic test
makes the genetic code be copied in the DNA using reverse transcriptase. After that, the DNA is now
increased and boosted up to billions of copies using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process. To pick
out and separate the needed DNA sample , gel electrophoresis can be used. What happens is the
molecules are to be pushed by an electric field through a gel containing small pores. The molecules will go
through the pores in the gel which speed is determined by how small and big they are. [CITATION LEE20 \l
1033 ]
Figure 1. Agarose gel electrophoresis of the DNA amplification product created by targeting the sequence
coding for SARS-CoV-2 N protein.
Advances made today made it possible to have easier automation of result with less time and resources.
Today, southern blotting has been largely replaced by real- time PCR, due to its efficiency to record
detected genes with lesser amount of DNA required, and less work. Though, southern blotting is still used
to detect transgenes in transgenic animals due to the lower false positive results in comparison to RT-PCR.
[ CITATION Kri16 \l 1033 ]
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) stimulates body reaction which can serve
as a marker for current or past exposure to this pathogen, and potentially for protection from re-infection.
This reaction to COVID-19 can be observed dependent on the production of antibodies, and along these
lines, serologic tests have opened for analytic purposes. Western blots is important to identify and analyze
antigens that could be reason for developing an antibody against COVID-19. To analyze this process would
be use skin testing to quantify the deferred type of touchiness reaction in patients recovering from COVID-
19. [ CITATION Pav20 \l 1033 ]
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