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Review of Related Literature

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Chapter II


This chapter presents some related literature and studies from different journals,

magazines, books, electronic reference and other references which are considered closely

related to the study to be conducted.


UNESCO (1983) stressed that in Southeast Asia, learning in science, more than in any

other subject, is considered to be a prerequisite for modernization and national development.

Thus, over the past two decades, which have been characterized by movements towards

industrialization and accelerated economic development, science education has been at the fore

of' curriculum reform movements.

Department of Education and Science in US stated pupils must learn the lesson through

interaction and actualization while they are still in the primary stage of education. Making this

possible creates a seamless knowledge and continuous strand of learning that will benefit not

only the learner but also the facilitator and the country itself. Being engage in different

schemes of learning can contribute much in the developing mind of child’s growing

sequence(Science, 2008).

In addition, Moss (2015) said that paper outlines and the workings of the model and

illustrates a deeper and renewed focus on pedagogy schools to observe and change their

practice for all pupils. This initiative is that exceptional schools are an integral part of the

cluster network and are reconsidering their role in school renewal and systems transformation

broadly. (Moss, 2015).

Yet, (Mariki, 2017) stated an academic observation of an Educational Multimedia

Content development-training program funded by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) in

Tanzania. The ultimate goal was to allow better and easy understanding of the lessons, for

Open and Distance Learning learners. In this paper the author shares the new and exciting

experiences of instructors on adding such skills to their professional career, as the development

of these

programs. The author recommends to African nations and educators in other parts of the world

to access these multimedia-learning programs online since they are OER, and to use them in

their context.

Avalos (1995) cited some important points of interest in her book “Issues in Science

Teacher Education” that the 21st century is an outrage of all knowledge where the teacher and

students have lost the sense of respectfulness and differences. There she mentions that suffers

disobediences from the students and mostly prophesized in the next ten to twenty years


Furthermore, Sanatullova-allison et al indicated some essential theoretical and

empirical research literature that discusses the role of memory in second language acquisition

and instruction. Two models of literature analysis – thematic and study-by-study – were used

to examine and synthesize the existing research. First, issues of memory retention in second

language are investigated. Second, instructional approaches conducive to memory retention in

second language acquisition are examined. Whether Filipino, Arab or Indians experienced the

same difficulties in learning and the use of these materials can help them easily coop up in the

given lesson. Moreover Khamees citation focus on the usage images and mock up model
definitely regards in their country same with the statement of Alegado and Sanatullova-

allison’s findings.(Alegado, 2018; Khamees, 2016; Sanatullova-allison, 2014).

Demicri and Kesler stated many of the common causes for secondary students to fails

especially in subjects with too many terminologies and definitions are the changing curriculum.

The sudden change in the curriculum gave an impact to the many of the students which caused

culture shock and misleading yet this phenomena lessen after several years and when it was on

the process the curriculum once again change(Demirci & Kesler, 2010).

Haolader et al cited that in Uganda Science students have stronger central tendencies

towards the mean value in their examination results. In brief, the variance of the Science

students is smaller and they have a tighter dispersion in examination results in comparison with

the Arts students. This implies that perhaps other course units not included in the study sample

might have contributed more to the general semester results of Science students that they

outperformed the Arts students(Haolader et al., 2017).

Masbaño(2016) stated the perception of teachers regarding effective teaching practices,

problems encountered and appropriate interventions have generally supported the beliefs that

the problems of education did not lies also inside the school itself and not only outside the

school . It disregards the main reason through which students learn the effective teaching

practices. The suitable interventions were the upgrading of laboratory facilities and equipment,

the purchasing of additional books, the giving of trainings to the teachers on the recent

development on the subject that they are teaching, providing more hands on activities for

students, enhancing the teaching strategies and methods, and strengthening the commitment

among teachers(Masbaño, 2016).

Mizzi (2013) cited that several research studies have been conducted with novice and

experienced teachers when teaching within and outside their subject specialism. Teachers face

considerable challenges when teaching outside their area of expertise. These challenges are

mostly due to limited subject matter knowledge (SMK) in a particular science area. This will

also affects the progress of the teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) which is

crucial in lesson preparation and in the way science teaching is conducted. Teachers have also

developed a number of strategies to deal with such challenges(Mizzi, 2013).

Yet Lum et al examined the status of long-term memory systems in specific language

impairment (SLI)—declarative memory and aspects of procedural memory in particular.

Studies involved in the review were identified following a methodical search of the literature

and findings combined using meta-analysis. This review showed that individuals with SLI are

poorer than age-matched controls in the learning and retrieval of verbal information from the

declarative memory.. (Lum & Conti-ramsden, 2013).

Anderman’s (2015) described the developmental status of high-school aged adolescent

science learners. He definitely studies the cognitive abilities of adolescent learners across five

domains: adaptability, complex communication/social skills, non-routine problem-solving

skills, self-management/self-development, and systems thinking. He then define how science

educators can make social contexts that foster the emergence and development of these

abilities. He conclude by providing research-based recommendations for science

educators(Anderman, 2015).

While in other citation Ngema (2016) investigated factors that cause the poor

performance of learners in the science subjects at the Ingwavuma Circuit. By a varied method

design, samples were chosen purposefully in four high schools in the Ingwavuma Circuit. The
outcomes of this study indicate that factors that contribute to poor performance are, namely a

change in the curriculum, the time allocated for each science topic, the teaching load, resources

of the teacher, the teachers’ lack of specialized content knowledge, the medium of instruction,

the involvement of the parents, poverty, and motivation. From these results recommendations

for policy were suggested(Ngema, 2016).

In the brink of the new normal, The Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) joins

the Philippine government with all its actions by launching an initiative to take care of its

students and employees, and the academic community amid the spread of the COVID-19

disease. This descriptive-correlational study investigated the factors influencing the readiness

in online teaching and learning as an alternative delivery mode to continue the teaching-

learning process, even the absence of face-to-face interactions between teachers and students

(Callo & Yazon, 2020).

In addition with this, a study addressed several outcomes, implications, and possible

future directions for blended learning (BL) in higher education in a world where information

communication technologies (ICTs) increasingly communicate with each other.(Dziuban et al.,

2018). Yet, this was not approved to be effective.

Lastly, Mcfarlane(2013) stated challenges of science education in the 21st century with

regard to social, cultural, economic, political and pedagogical issues impacting and influencing

instructional methodology and understanding of the part of science education as it touches

individual, social organizational and societal progress and functions. (Mcfarlane, 2013)

Alegado, P. J. E. (2018). The challenges of teacher leadership in the Philippines as experienced and
percieved by teachers. International Journal of Education and Research, 6(6), 291–302.
Anderman, E. M. P. . (2015). The Challenges of teaching and learning about Science in the 21st century:
exploring the abilities and constraints of adolescent learners (Vol. 3484, pp. 1–50).
Callo, E. C., & Yazon, A. D. (2020). Exploring the factors influencing the readiness of faculty and
students on online teaching and learning as an alternative delivery mode for the new normal.
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(8), 3509–3518.
Demirci, A., & Kesler, T. (2010). Activity-based learning in secondary school geography lesson in
Turkey: a study from geography teacher’s perspective. World Applied Science, 11(1), 53–63.
Dziuban, C., Graham, C. R., Moskal, P. D., Norberg, A., & Sicilia, N. (2018). Blended learning: the new
normal and emerging technologies. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher
Education, 15(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41239-017-0087-5
Haolader, F. A., Kalinaki, K., & Mubarak, H. R. (2017). A comparative study on the academic
performance of students in bachelor’s degree of information technology having arts and science
background in Uganda. World Journal of Educational Research, 4(May 2017), 257–271.
Khamees, K. S. (2016). An evaluative study of memorization as a strategy for learning English: Vol. 6
No.4 (Issue July, pp. 248–259). https://doi.org/10.5539/ijel.v6n4p248
Lum, J. A. G., & Conti-ramsden, G. (2013). Long-term memory a review and meta-analysis of studies of
declarative and procedural memory in specific language impairment. Lippincott and Wilkins
Journals, 33(4), 282–297. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.TLD.0000437939.01237.6a
Mariki, B. (2017). Teachers ’ experiences in educationalmulti-media content development : the case of
Tanzania ’ s institute of adult education. Research Gate, 15 No 4(October 2014), 181–188.
Masbaño, N. L. (2016). Appropriate interventions on the problems encountered in effective teaching
practice in State University external campus in the Philippines. Asia Pacific Journal of
Multidisciplinary Research, 3(5), 27–35.
Mcfarlane, D. A. (2013). Understanding the challenges of Science Education in the 21 st century : new
opportunities for scientific literacy. 4, 35–44.
Mizzi, D. (2013). The challenges faced by Science teachers when teaching outside their specific science
specialism. In Acta Didactica Napocensia (Vol. 6, Issue 4, pp. 2–6).
Moss, J. (2015). The principles of learning and teaching. January 2006, 2–15.
Ngema, M. H. (2016). Factors that cause poor performance in Science sibjects at Ingwavuma circuit
(Issue November, pp. 1–125).
Sanatullova-allison, E. (2014). The IAFOR journal of language learning volume I -issue I - Winter 2014.
I(I), 1–13.
Science, D. of E. and. (2008). Science in the primary school inspectorate evaluation studies.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Marc Raphael F. Noche

Grade 11- STEM Marie Curie

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