Physical Education (P.E.) Most Essential Competency:: Component Test Component Test
Physical Education (P.E.) Most Essential Competency:: Component Test Component Test
Physical Education (P.E.) Most Essential Competency:: Component Test Component Test
Lesson 1
Objectives: In this lesson, you should be able to:
o Tell the indicators for physical fitness.
o Assess regular participation in physical fitness.
o Recognize the value of participation in physical activities.
What is Fitness?
Fitness is the well-being of a person and determines the ability of his/her body to
perform well in work and leisure activities. You are fit if you are frees from diseases
related life and if you accomplish a physical activity without being tired.
Activity 2:
Have a record of the result of your physical fitness test and determine which of the
component you still need to improve. Follow the format below. Check (/) the column if how
many times you perform the following activities:
Before you do an activity, you need to perform warm-up exercises to prevent injury and
muscle pain.
1. Head Bending
2. Neck Twisting
3. Arms Stretch
4. Hands Shake
5. Knee Rotation
Write AGREE if the situation shows the importance in participating the physical activities
and DISAGREE if not. Write your answer in the space provided.
________1. Francis performs warm-up exercises before doing the physical fitness test.
________2. Shaunn always follow safety precautions in doing physical activities.
________3. Mateo keep tracking his health by doing physical fitness test.
________4. Jasmine doesn’t show self-discipline while taking the physical fitness test.
________5. Pia is conscious about her health so she always take pre-and post-physical fitness
Lesson 2
Objectives: In this lesson, you should be able to:
o Describe the nature or background of the game Piko or Hopscotch.
o Execute the different skills involved in the game Piko or Hopscotch.
o Display joy of effort, respect for others and fair play during participation in
physical activities.
Hopscotch (Piko)
Objective: To hop and jump on each square using one or both feet without stepping on the
Activity 1
Draw a if the statement describes about the nature of Piko game or hopscotch, and
draw if not. Write your answer on the space provided.
_____1. Piko is a game where players play in a drawn rectangular shaped box with
usually 10 sections.
_____2. Piko is a game that needs a ball to play.
_____3. In playing piko, the players will throw the pamato on the line of the last box.
_____4. It can only played individually.
_____5.The player who has the most invaded space (house) is the winner.
Activity 2.
Make an assessment whether you performed the following skills in Playing “hopscotch or Piko”.
Put a check (/) under the appropriate column of your performance.
Activity 3
Put check (/) before each statement that describe your attitude and feelings during and after the
Ligaya Bautista Garcia-Quintio, Eduardo V. Cipriano, Elisio P. Buhain, Juliet H. Brioso,
Diana Alcoba-Lacia, Almira Alcoba-Alonzo, Gernalyn Andres-Solano, 21st Century
MAPEH in Action Manila, 2014, pp. 203-206
Marissa C. Pascual, Irene Feliz S. Reyes, Ma. Elvira M. Garcia, Ma. Mignon C. Artuz,
Enjoying Life through Music, Art, Physical Education & Health, Quezon City, 2017 pp.
ADM Module 1: pp. 11 -15
ADM Module 4: pp. 3-5