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Talk2Me Video - : Before Watching

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Talk 2

M e
2 TALK2ME VIDEO |  Teacher’s notes B2
Neither do I …

Flipped classroom

How to use the worksheets

4 Here students are required to understand the
The worksheets are designed to be used in class or functional language on the Speaking page –
for self-study. They can also be used by students agreeing and disagreeing. Students choose the
who have followed the flipped classroom approach correct options to complete the sentences.
to the Speaking lesson.
How to use the Teacher’s notes Answers
The Teacher’s notes provide ideas and extra 1 don’t agree 2 don’t have to 3 Neither 4 agrees
activities to use in class, either when students are 5 agree 6 Charlie 7 less 8 Both Charlie and Meg
doing the worksheet or checking answers.

Before watching Extra language focus

Focus on two other expressions for agreeing and
1 Students work with a partner to remember disagreeing in the video that are not covered on the
school trips they’ve been on. Point out that Speaking page. Go to the extracts below and use them
they need to list different types of places. Each as a dictation, and then focus on the meaning of the
student then writes what they remember about underlined expressions. (The timings are in brackets.)
each trip. They compare notes with a partner
Meg: Yeah, I have to admit that after a while the art
before sharing their answers with the class. Are
gallery did get boring, and you had to be quiet all the time.
their memories similar or different?
Charlie: Yeah, that’s true; it was really good. (3:09)
Video skills
Recognising emphasis on important information
• This is an important skill because it helps students After watching
to listen for the information that the speakers
most want the listener to hear. If they can focus
5 This exercise gives explicit practice of the
functional language in the video. Students should
on emphasised information and pay less attention
be able to do this without needing to watch
to the other information, it will improve their
the video again, but you could play it again if

While watching Answers

1 I don’t agree 2 Me neither 3 So do I 4 don’t you
2 This exercise is a simple gist task designed to think 5 what about 6 You’ve got a point
allow students to get used to the four speakers’
voices. It could be skipped in class if your
students have already watched the video. Extra classroom activity
This activity requires a die and the list below. Students
Answers work in pairs – A and B – and have to try and persuade
The speakers mention the following places: zoo, each other that a particular option for a school trip
theme park, activity trip/weekend, museum, a trip is best using language for agreeing and disagreeing.
abroad, adventure park, art gallery The first roll of the die chooses A’s activity (1–6 below).
The second roll of the die chooses B’s activity.
3 Students should read the Video skills tips A
carefully before watching the video again. The 1 A trip to a science museum 2 A trip to London
exercise asks students to identify who says the 3 An activity weekend in the mountains 4 A weekend
statements and what type of school trip they’re observing animals and plants in the country 5 A day at
about. Point out that the statements paraphrase a video game congress 6 A trip to a chocolate museum
the speakers and are not their exact words. B
1 A trip to an art gallery 2 An activity weekend at the
Answers beach 3 A trip to the zoo 4 A day at a theme park
1 Meg, art gallery 2 Bella, the zoo 3 Bella and 5 A weekend at a music festival 6 A trip to a natural
Charlie, activity trip 4 Charlie, activity weekend history museum
5 Bella and Meg, a trip abroad 6 Richard, theme

Optimise B2 Optimise B2 Teacher’s Resource Centre © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017.

This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
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