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Beatutician - 06 Months

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The key takeaways are that this is a 6 month beautician course that aims to teach students professional skills and knowledge in areas like hair, skin, and makeup through both practical and theoretical training.

The duration of the course is 6 months (20 weeks) with 7 training periods per day and 5 periods on Friday, totaling 40 training hours per week. The training methodology is 90% practical and 10% theoretical.

Students will learn beauty techniques, different hairstyles, facial treatments, makeup application, manicure/pedicure, body massage, hair coloring and more. They will also gain skills in operating beauty equipment and safety precautions.





(6 – Month Course)

Ph # 042-9263055-59, 9263064
gm.acad@tevta.gop.pk, manager.cur@tevta.gop.pk
Beautician (6 – Month Course) 1


A Six Month Beautician training course aimed to introduce this popular and high profitable
course. Emphasis is put on the ability of the trainee to perform as a confident and competent
Beautician. This course is spread over Six days a week to ensure practice in the gap time to
ensure complete proficiency in the field.

An ideal starter course for students starting out in Beauty Therapy. A fast tract course
combines the basic skills and knowledge that any beauty therapist needs. The training
objectives of this course are as follows:

1. Develop professional attitude and Knowledge of hair & skin care, Manicure, Pedicure,
Beauty Treatments comprises of Casual makeup, Party makeup & Bridal makeup,
making of Eye brows, eye lashes, Facial & skin treatments, Hina applications, Massage
& Hair styling techniques and methods.

2. The necessary theoretical knowledge is also imparted along with work ethics in order to
produce capable & skilful workforce as per prevailing market demand and self employed
members of the society.

3. This curriculum will equip the trainees with skills and knowledge to ensure proper safety
measures in parlours and emphasize on fitness & diet for healthy look.

Developed by Curriculum Section, Academics Department TEVTA.

Beautician (6 – Month Course) 2


1. Entry Level Matric

2. Duration of course 6 months (20 weeks) (800)

3. Training periods / Day 7-Periods / day

5-periods on Friday

Training Hours / Week 40 hrs.

4. Training methodology 90% practical

10% theory

5. Medium of Instruction Urdu

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Beautician (6 – Month Course) 3


On successful completion of this course, the trainee should be able to: -

1. Practice beauty techniques.

2. Make and cut of different hairstyles.

3. Have knowledge of different types of skin and their facials.

4. Apply makeup on different types of skins i.e. oily, dry, Acne, etc.

5. Apply makeup and hairstyle or cut on different faces.

6. Acquire skill on salon work i.e. safety precautions, skin and hair conditions.

7. Select, Operate and handle equipment according to professional standard

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Beautician (6 – Month Course) 4


On successful completion of this course, the trainee should be able to: -

1. Explain beauty techniques, proper appearance, speech, social behaviour etc.

2. Understand the Makeup, facial, manicure, pedicure, body massage, hair colouring,
styling and application of Hina.

3. Describe the general principles of balanced diet and nutrition.

4. Identify safety precautions including safety practices, conditions upon which medical
advice must be sought.

5. Explain professional ethics, good professional standards, hygiene and sanitization


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Beautician (6 – Month Course) 5


Co Curricula Activities /
Course Delivery Test Total
1-20 21-25 26
Week 26
20 5 1

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Beautician (6 – Month Course) 6

(6 – Months Course)

Sr. Theory Practical Total

No. Hours Hours Hours
1. Hair Care 15 170 185

2. Skin Care 15 170 185

3. Make-up 15 170 185

4. Fitness 15 170 185

6. Functional English 20 20 40

5. Work Ethics - 20 20

Total 80 720 800

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Beautician (6 – Month Course) 7


(Beautician 6-Month Course)
Subject: Hair Care
Sr. Theory
Main Topics
No. (Hours)
1 1.1 Study of Hair

1.1.1 Definition of hair 1

1.1.2 Study of different textures of hair (dry, oily, normal, 2


1.2 Cosmetics of hair

1.2.1 Procedure for the use and preparation of shampoos, 3

dyes, oils, creams, and conditioners.

1.2.2 Developers and lotions used for the setting, cutting,

perming, straightening of different textures of hair.

1.3 Procedure for washing, shampooing and combing the

hair. 2

1.4 Hair dyes

1.4.1 Introduction of hair colour problems and remedies. 1

1.4.2 Difference between natural and fashion shades. 1

1.5 List of equipment used for hair cutting and styling 1

1.6 Histology of hair 2

1.6.1 Nutrients required for the nourishment of hair

1.7 Diseases of hair and their remedies through different 2

procedures by using herbal and cosmetic shampoos, oils,

conditioners etc

1.7.1 Falling of hair

1.7.2 Dandruff of hair
1.7.3 Whitening of hair

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Beautician (6 – Month Course) 8

Total 15

Sr. Practical
Main Topics
No. (Hours)
1 1.1 Cosmetics of hair

1.1.1 Use and preparation of shampoos, dyes, oils, creams, 20


1.1.2 Developers and lotions used for the setting, cutting,

perming, straightening of different textures of hair

1.1.3 Washing

1.1.4 Shampooing
1.1.5 Combing different textures of hair
1.2 Hair dyes
1.2.1 Introduction of hair colouring problems and their 20

remedies, colour removing etc

1.2.2 Difference between natural and fashion shades
1.3 Hina
1.3.1 Preparation and application of hina
1.3.2 Use of oils and creams
1.4 Hair cutting of different texture and face shapes 40
1.4.1 Equipment for hair cutting.

1.4.2 Steps

1.4.3 U shape

1.4.4 Round shape

1.4.5 Bob cutting

1.4.6 Soldier cutting

1.4.7 Forward cutting

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Beautician (6 – Month Course) 9

1.4.8 Sheggy cutting

1.5 Hair styling
1.5.1 Roller setting.
1.5.2 Blow-drying.
1.5.3 Perming.
1.5.4 Straightening.
1.6 Histology of hair
1.6.1 Application of different vitamin capsules on hair
1.7 Disease and defects of hair and their remedies
through different procedures by use of herbal and 30
cosmetic shampoos
1.7.1 Falling of hair
1.7.2 Dandruff of hair
1.7.3 Whitening of hair
Total 170


Sr. Theory
Main Topics
No. (Hours)
1 1.1 Study of different kinds of skin (dry, oily, acne, 1
problem skin) through
1.1.1 Herbal
1.1.2 Cosmetic method
1.2 Importance of vitamins for the nourishment of the 1
1.2.1 Deficiencies of vitamins
1.2.2 Food sources of vitamins (which food source is
important for nourishment of skin) 1
1.3 List of equipment required for facial 1
1.4 Procedure for bleaching, types of bleach used for
different types of skins 1

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Beautician (6 – Month Course) 10

1.5 Preparation and use of different types of oils and

creams used for facial 1
1.6 Procedure and preparation of different types of 1
masks 1
1.7 Procedure of making and application of wax
1.8 Procedure of applying steam
1.8.1 Advantages of steam for different kinds of skin 1
1.8.2 Effects and remedies
1.9 Procedure for removal of black and white heads 1
1.9.1 Effects and remedies
1.10 Cosmetics for skin
1.10.1 Study of different types of creams, oils, scrubs and 1
masks used for different types of skin 2
1.11 Diseases and remedies of skin 2
1.12 Advantages & disadvantages of facial massage
1.13 Manicure and pedicure
1.13.1 Importance
1.13.2 Requirement and procedure for manicure and
1.13.3 List of equipment used in manicure and pedicure.
Total 15


Sr. Practical
Main Topics
No. (Hours)
1 1.1 Facial of different kinds of skin (dry, oily, acne, 24
problem skin) through
1.1.1 Herbal
1.1.2 Cosmetic method
1.2 Equipment required for facial 2
1.3 Preparing mask 10
1.4 Preparation of essential oils 10

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Beautician (6 – Month Course) 11

1.5 Bleaching 6
1.6 Threading 6
1.7 Waxing 6
1.8 Steam 6
1.9 Removal of black and white heads 6
1.10 eye brows, eye lashes 18
1.11 Cosmetics of skins 10
1.11.1 Different types of cream, oils, scrubs and masks used
for different types of skin. (labels and brands)
1.12 Diseases and remedies of skin 20
1.13 Massage of different facial muscles through 20
different methods
1.14 Manicure and pedicure procedure 20
1.15 Equipment for manicure and pedicure 6
Total 170

Sr. Theory
Main Topics
No. (Hours)
1 1.1 Study of different kinds of skin 4
1.1.1 Oily
1.1.2 Dry
1.1.3 Normal
1.1.4 Acne
1.2 Types of make up used for different occasions 2
1.2.1 Dry make up
1.2.2 Oily make up
1.3 Foundation and techniques of makeup 2
1.3.1 Contouring the makeup
1.4 Procedure of cleansing the skin before makeup 1
1.4.1 Various cleansing creams and lotions

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1.5 Cosmetics of makeup 1

1.5.1 Study of different types and brands of make up used
for different kinds of skin (available in market)
1.6 List of equipment and tools required for make 1
up 4
1.7 Chemistry for cosmetology
1.7.1 Basic chemistry elements and symbols
1.7.2 Physical and chemical changes.
1.7.3 Cosmetic for skin
1.7.4 Sterilization
Total 15


Sr. Practical
Main Topics
No. (Hours)
1 1.1 Make up of different kinds of skin 20
1.2 Use of different types of make up (on different 30
1.2.1 Dry make up
1.2.2 Oily make up 30
1.3 Foundation & techniques of make up
1.3.1 Contouring the make up 10
1.4 Cleansing of skin before make up by using
different creams and lotions 10
1.5 Application of different types and labels of
cosmetics available in market. 10
1.6 Equipment and tools required for make up 30
1.7 Evening and bridal make up 10
1.8 Professional make up 10
1.9 Learning the procedures of electricity for

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Beautician (6 – Month Course) 13

1.9.1 Basic electricity

1.9.2 Direct and alternative current 10
1.9.3 Safety devices and treatment for shock
1.10 Know how of sterilization and different types of
cosmetics available in market (biochemistry)
Total 170

Sr. Theory
Main Topics
No. (Hours)
1 1.1 Definition of fitness importance of fitness in our daily life 1
1.2 Study of basic exercise
1.2.1 Movement classification, techniques, effects.
1.2.2 Procedure for correct standing and sitting positions.
1.2.3 Procedure of figure faults by exercise, effects and contra-
1.2.4 Procedure of different types of exercises
1.3 Body massage 1

1.3.1 Definition of massage.

1.3.2 Importance of body massage.
1.4 Body massage
1.4.1 Definition of massage.
1.4.2 Importance of body massage.
1.5 Types of massage 1
1.5.1 Friction massage
1.5.2 Vibratory massage
1.5.3 Stroking massage, etc
1.6 Procedure of relaxation therapy
1.6.1 How to relax the body muscles

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1.7 Diet and nutrition 1

1.7.1 Importance of diet in our daily life.

1.7.2 Balance diet.
1.8 Importance of cholesterol in our daily life.
1.8.1 Definition of cholesterol
1.8.2 Effects and remedies of cholesterol
1.9 Caloric chart 2

1.9.1 Consumption of calories according to need, age, status

and sex.
1.10 Importance of food groups in our diet.
1.10.1 Types of food groups
1.10.2 Role of carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, fats & vitamins
in our daily life.
1.10.3 Deficiencies
1.10.4 Food sources of these groups 2
1.11 Overweight and under nutrition persons
1.11.1 Disease caused by overweight.
1.11.2 Disease of under nutrition person.
Total 15


Sr. Practical
Main Topics
No. (Hours)
1 1.1 Basic exercises 20
1.1.1 Movement, classification, techniques & effects.
1.1.2 Correct standing and sitting position
1.1.3 Correction of figure faults by exercise, effects and
1.2 Body massage 12

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Beautician (6 – Month Course) 15

1.2.1 Movement & their effects 24

1.3 Types of massage
1.3.1 Friction massage
1.3.2 Vibratory massage
1.3.3 Stroking massage
1.3.4 Relaxation therapy 20
1.3.5 Different types of exercises 20
1.3.6 Toning, relaxation and figure correction 20
1.3.7 Powders, creams and oils and their uses. 10
1.3.8 Knowledge of caloric chart according to need, age, 24
status and sex.
1.3.9 Maintenance and reduction of weight by using 20
balanced diet and different types of exercise
Total 170

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Beautician (6 – Month Course) 16


1. Different types of hair cutting.
2. Making different types of hairstyles i.e. roller setting, blow drying, perming
and straightening.
3. Doing different types of facials.
 Simple facial.
 Dry skin facial.
 Oil skin facial.
 Acne facial.
 Problem skin facial.
4. Doing makeup on different faces for different occasions.
 Party makeup.
 Bridal makeup.
Preparation and application of hina.
8. Body massage.
 Different types of oils and creams.
 Techniques of massage.
Hair colouring.
Application of different types of masks.
Doing different types of exercises.

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Beautician (6 – Month Course) 17

Preparation of different caloric charts
Application of massage.

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Beautician (6 – Month Course) 18


(Beautician 6-Month Course)

Name of Trade Beautician

Duration of Course 06 – Month

Sr. Tools
No. Equipments / Machinery
1. Revolving chairs designed for parlour use. 5

2. Wooden counters for parlour. 5

3. Large mirror mounted on wall. 2

4. Stands for rollers and pins. 2

5. Wash basin fitted in counter with tap. 1

6. Tube lights. 6

7. Water spraying gun. 2

8. Set of hair combs and brushes. 1 set

9. Set of scissors. 2 sets

10. Towels and aprons. 3 sets

11. Curtains. 4

12. Other accessories (perming and straightening pins & lotions, 1 bottle
some quantity of makeup, different facial cleansers with toning each
lotion and masks).

13. Steamer. 1

14. Massager. 1

15. Hair dryers. 2

16. Electric rollers. 1 Set

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17. Facial machine. 1

18. Skin toning machine 1

19. Hair Straightener 1

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 1 – Year Diploma from recognized Parlour with 2–Years teaching experience.

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Beautician (6 – Month Course) 21


 Beauty links by Prof. Shafiq Anwar.

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Beautician (6 – Month Course) 22


1. Pass outs may join any beauty parlor.

2. They can establish their own beauty parlor.

3. They can groom themselves at their home.

4. They can join organizations like, Airlines, Show Business etc, where numerous
females work and are essentially required to put on makeup and hair styling.

5. They can establish their own institutions to conduct beauty parlor courses, currently
an institution namely Depilex is successfully working on the same lines.

Developed by Curriculum Section, Academics Department TEVTA.

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