K8+ Single Chip Keyer Manual: 3 To 5 VDC
K8+ Single Chip Keyer Manual: 3 To 5 VDC
K8+ Single Chip Keyer Manual: 3 To 5 VDC
This manual will describe the operation of the K8+ Keyer which is a low cost automatic
Morse keyer designed by Steve, K1EL. It is implemented in an 8 pin Microchip PIC
microprocessor. Only a few external components are required to build a powerful iambic
keyer with the K8+ Keyer I.C.
The K8+ is in an 8 pin mini DIP package with the following pin assignments:
1 8 Pin 1 : +5 Volts DC
2 7 Pin 2 : Aux. Sidetone/Beacon Switch
3 K8 6
Sidetone Audio
Push Button Switch
4 5 Pin 5 : Transmitter Key
Pin 6 : Dah Paddle
Pin 7 : Dit Paddle
Top View Pin 8 : Ground
3 to 5 VDC
.01 uF Iambic
1 GND 8
2 7
3 DAH 6
4 PB KEY 5
To Xmtr Key
4.7K 2N2222
Push Piezo
Switch Transducer
The PIC is not capable of directly keying a transmitter and requires a transistor buffer
between the keyer chip and the transmitter. The schematic above would be used for positive
keying. The diagram below would be substituted for negative keying. Most modern rigs
utilize positive keying while older tube style rigs generally are negative keyed. The manual
for your transmitter or transceiver will specify whether the keying voltage is positive or
+3 to 5 VDC
1K 2N3904
From PIC
Pin 5 To Xmtr
120 Keying Input
The negative keying circuit shown has a max. rating of -30 volts at 20 mA. In some cases the
transmitter may exceed this rating and will require a more robust circuit. Contact K1EL for
alternate keying schemes.
The K8+ keyer can be constructed on a small piece of perf-board. The layout is not critical,
be sure to include the .01 µF capacitor and place it as close as possible to pins 1 and 8 on the
PIC. If using a supply greater than 5 volts, use a 78L05 regulator to provide 5 volts for the
K8+. It is recommended to use a socket for the K8+ to avoid overheating it while soldering.
Be sure to use a normally open switch for the push-button. All parts shown can be purchased
at a local Radio Shack store. The RS 273-073 piezo element works well as a sidetone output
speaker. If installing the K8+ directly in your transceiver, the sidetone audio should be fed
into the receiver's audio chain, it may be necessary to reduce the output level by using an
attenuator network such as shown below:
In Out
R1 Choose R1 & R2 for
R2 desired attentuation
C2 Choose C1 & C2 for
desired wave shaping:
.001 to .01uF typical
Any paddle configuration will work as long as the contacts switch the paddle inputs to
ground. Pull-ups for the Dit and Dah paddles and the push-button are built into the PIC so no
external pull-up resistors are required. In a harsh environment you might consider using the
optional protection circuit shown to prevent damage from electrostatic discharge. This is a
precautionary measure if there is a possibility that you might directly come in contact with
pins on the PIC via the keyer paddle.
From Paddle To K8 Input
Sidetone Considerations
Sidetone Pin 3 provides a tone that can either drive a piezo transducer or be fed into the
audio amplifier of a transceiver's receiver section. The sidetone can be disabled by a keyer
configuration command if you would rather use the sidetone already built into your
Push-button Functionality
The push-button input provides two functions. The first is to start an automatic message, the
second is to place the keyer into configuration mode.
Message Functionality
Whenever the push-button is pressed and quickly released the keyer's currently selected built-
in message will be output. You have a choice between five different messages most of which
are varieties of CQs. When a keyer chip is purchased your callsign is permanently
programmed into the PIC's on board memory. The programmed callsign is used in sending
the built-in message. When purchasing a K8+ you have several message list options:
The message set was determined when the K8+ was purchased. Also note that the AR
character is optionally chosen as well. Your pre-programmed callsign will be substituted for
K1EL in these examples. The message can be canceled at any time by hitting either paddle.
(MESSAGE MEMORY) is sent from an internal fifteen character memory that can be loaded with
whatever the you desire. This message is intended for contest use, or a custom CQ message.
For example if CQ FD CQ FD was loaded into message memory:
The message memory can be sent by itself if the fifth message is selected. Although 15
characters is not very large, it is useful for a short special purpose message or beacon.
In the event the you would like to participate in a club sponsored event or lend the keyer to
another ham, the built in callsign can be replaced by loading in a different one. The new
callsign will remain in effect until power is turned off or new callsign is loaded.
Remember that even though there are five messages available, only one of these can be
selected as the current message. It is easy to pick a different one but it does take a few
seconds to change.
Beacon transmit is an option you select when ordering a K8+. The function of Pin 2 depends
on this option. If the beacon option is selected, a switch connected between pin 2 and pin 4
will control beaconing. When the switch is open the keyer will operate normally, when closed
the keyer will repeat the selected message every 3 seconds. If you don’t select the beacon
option, Pin 2 is active high (+5V) whenever the sidetone is activated. This is intended to be
used to key an external sidetone oscillator or Sonalert style beeper.
PB 4
Beacon On/Off
If the push-button is pressed and held, the keyer will respond after about two seconds with
the letter R. This means the keyer is ready to accept a command, you simply enter a
command letter in Morse on the paddles and the command will be executed. Some
commands have sub-menus that are used to further specify a configuration change. All
commands provide some sort of feedback to tell you if the command was understood and
executed properly. If an illegal command is entered the keyer will respond with a question
mark. Please note that iambic mode is enabled during command and memory loading mode.
A - The sidetone enable is toggled when this command is received. Toggle means that if the
sidetone is on it will be turned off, if off it will be turned on. The keyer will power up with
sidetone enabled or disabled according to the programmed default, which you specified at
time of purchase. If, for example, the keyer powers up with sidetone enabled, the first A
command will turn it on, a second A command with turn it back off.
C - This command is used to load the callsign memory. After you issue the C command the
keyer will respond with a single dit. This is the signal to enter the first letter of the callsign.
When that letter has been accepted the keyer will send another dit and you then enter a
second letter. This will continue until either 8 letters are entered or you enter a period. To
signal that loading mode is over the letter K will be sent by the keyer.
D - This command is used to check the contents of the message memory. On keyer power-up
the message memory is cleared.
I - Toggles between Iambic mode A and B. In either iambic mode, alternating dits and dahs
are sent while both paddles are held closed. In mode B an extra alternate dit or dah is sent
after both paddles are released. An A or B is sent in response to this command.
K - The keyer can be placed in a straight key mode with this command. A dah paddle press
will key the transmitter for as long as the paddle is pressed. Use the swap command: X to
choose either the left or right paddle. To get back to normal keyer mode, just press and hold
the push-button, wait for the R, and enter the K command again.
L - This command is used to load the message memory. It works exactly like the C command
with the exception that up to fifteen letters can be entered. If you want to enter a word space,
simply wait for two dits before entering the next letter. Loading is completed when you enter
more than fifteen characters or a period. If you accidentally issue a C or L command just
enter a period and the command will be ignored If you would like to blank out the memory
for some reason, enter a word space as the first letter followed by a period.
M - This command is used to change the current message. When you enter this command the
keyer will reply with a menu of five choices. These are presented in a list of short message
identifiers separated by pauses.
(Note: The Contest and QRP message sets are optionally chosen at time of purchase)
The menu selections will be repeated in order until you press a paddle to select one. For
example if you want the CQ DX message, just wait until DX is sent, press a paddle, and wait
for the keyer to respond with an R as an acknowledgment. From that point on, whenever the
push-button is quickly pressed and released, the CQ DX message is sent.
P - The PIC keyer has a built in CW practice mode. If the P command is issued the keyer will
continually send random CW characters at the currently configured speed. To end practice
mode simply press either paddle
S - The CW sending speed is changed with this command. It works like the C and L
commands in that you enter the code speed directly on prompts from the keyer. After the S
command is issued the keyer will respond with a single dit, you then respond with the first
digit of the speed. The keyer will then send a second dit after which you send the second
digit. For example if 18 WPM is desired, a 1 is sent first followed by an 8. As a short cut a T
can be entered for zero. If the desired speed is a single digit, enter either a zero or T as the
first number, .ie 07 or T7 for 7 WPM. Likewise 2T can be entered for 20 WPM. If an illegal
value is entered, the keyer will respond with a question mark.
T - This command keys the transmitter for tuning. Keying will remain on until either paddle
is pressed.
U - This command toggles autospace mode. When autospace is enabled the K8+ will
automatically insert the proper inter-letter space between letters.
Here is how it works: If you pause for more than one dit time between a dit or dah the K8+
will interpret this as a letter-space and will not send the next dit or dah until the letter-space
time has been met. The normal letter-space is 3 dit spaces but this can be increased up to
3+9=12 by using the F command. The K8+ has a paddle event memory so that you can enter
dits or dahs during the inter-letter space and the K8+ will send them as they were entered.
With a little practice, autospace will allow you to send near perfect Morse. When entering the
U command, an A will be sent when changing to autospace mode or an N when changing to
normal mode. Autospace is off at power-up.
W - This command is used to find out what speed the keyer is currently set to. The speed can
easily be changed at any time with the S command.
X - Exchange Paddle Inputs (dit and dah) to accommodate left handed CW ops.
Z - You have two options for handling the case when both paddles are pressed at the same
time. In normal iambic mode the keyer will alternate between dits and dahs as long as both
paddles are pressed. In "DE" mode the keyer will send the message "DE (YOUR CALLSIGN)"
whenever both paddles are pressed. If you practice you will find this is a natural extension of
sending a D with the dah paddle held while pressing the first dit of the D. While not for
everyone, some hams find this mode useful.
The Z command is used to change back and forth between Iambic and DE modes. When
changing to iambic mode, an I is output, when "DE" mode is selected a D is output.
During configuration memory loading, transmitter keying is disabled and replies are sent in
sidetone only. Thus in order to use configuration mode you must have some sort of sidetone
connected. Even if sidetone has been disabled with the A command, it will be forced on
during configuration.
Sleep Mode
The keyer utilizes the automatic sleep mode of the PIC CPU. The PIC normally rests in sleep
mode and draws about 1 µA of DC current. When either the paddles or push button is
pressed, the chip wakes up and goes into active mode drawing about 10 mA. After the paddle
or push button is serviced the PIC goes back to sleep.
Keyer Specifications:
The K8+ keyer is fully guaranteed and if you are not satisfied please return the K8+ I.C. and
manual for a full refund. Any questions will be handled by snail-mail or e-mail.
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