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Emperical Analysis of Urban Traffic System of Lucknow Using Data Modeling and Capturing Technique

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Serbian Journal of Management 3 (2) (2008) 145 - 156 Journal




M. Darbari *a, A. K. Srivastava a, S. Medhavib

a ICFAI Business School, A-649, Indira Nagar, Lucknow, India
b University of Lucknow, Lucknow, India

(Received 12 August 2008; accepted 17 September 2008)


This paper highlights the empirical analysis of Urban Traffic System of Lucknow and its adjacent
areas. It uses various types of questionnaire design methodologies which are helpful in collecting the
most relevant data for analysis. The analysis part deals with various extrapolation and interpolation
techniques of statistic to derive some concrete solution which is helpful to traffic department.

Keywords: urban traffic, data modeling, mathematical analysis

1. INTRODUCTION results in loss of the order of thousand of

crores in vehicle operating and travel time
Urban transport is one of the most costs. In a view of the rapidly growth urban
important components of urban population, pressure on urban transport
Infrastructure. A good network of roads and system is bound to increase much more in
an efficient Mass Urban Transport System the coming years, so there is an urgent need
make a substantial contribution to the of accurate and effective urban traffic
working efficiency of a large city. A poor planning in order to table with this problem.
urban transport system may slow down For planning it is important to have
economic growth of the city and also lead to precise information about the number of
its decay. It has been estimated that the poor vehicle their type and speed. Traffic count
traffic and transportation in Urban areas of may provide the information but it does not
* Corresponding author: manujuma@rediffmail.com
146 M. Darbari / SJM 3 (2) (2008) 145 - 156
provides other data that are essential in urban
by respondent
traffic planning such as routing, durations, 2. Questionnaire on the suggestions to
travel purpose. Collection of such data improve urban traffic planning.
requires good survey instruments such as The first group of questionnaire can be
mailed questionnaire, telephonic surveys, classified under three major categories :
face to face home surveys etc. a. Questionnaire on traffic congestion.
Here our focus is to develop a b. Questionnaire on Vehicular
methodology of framing effective
Emmission and Environmental pollution.
questionnaire useful for collecting data in c. Questionnaire on traffic injuries and
Urban Traffic planning using continuous fatalities.
petrinet as shown in Fig. 1. The aim of this The second group of questionnaires are
methodology is to provide government designed suggestions for improving urban
authorities with the methods, questionnairetransportation. The questionnaire focus on
and guidelines to investigate Urban Trafficthe following issues :
problems and public policies to deal with a. Improved public transportation
India's Urban Traffic crises. Analysis of such
system specially buses.
questionnaire helps in the development of b. Provision of footpaths and cycle lane
new planning model in Urban transport for pedestrians and non motorized vehicle
requirements. respectively.
c. Restriction on old age commercial
vehicles and Private vehicles.
2.CATEGORIZING QUESTIONNAIRES d. Strict enforcement of Traffic
Management by Traffic Management by
Broadly two types of questionnaires may Traffic Police.
be designed for respondent : e. Discouraging Private vehicles users
1. Questionnaire on the problem faced by imposing heavy parking and toll charges.

Figure 1. Workflow of Survey Design and Conduct using Countinuous Petrinets

M. Darbari / SJM 3 (2) (2008) 145 - 156 147
f. Construction of new roads, flyovers, 3. ANALYSIS OF THE SURVEY
bridges, and subways. The total sample of 100 was take out of
g. Better coordination among various which 80 were private vehicle owners and 20
government agencies like Municipal were drivers of Government vehicles and
corporations, telephone department, public transport. For calculating of the
waterworks etc. sample size we have used Yamane's Formula
h. Proper Audit of accident prone areas. (Yamane, 1967).
To facilitate the analysis we have done the
collection of data across various locations of
2.1. Survey Choice Lucknow like Badshahnagar Crossing,
SGPGI, Chowk and Lalbagh
The questionnaire can be designed to The data set presented in Table- II, are
conduct the survey on either telephonic taken four distinct locations which
interviews or through face to face interviews. represents distant boundary of Lucknow
The interviews can be further subdivided city, with sample size of 50 respondent from
into two parts : each locality. From Table II we can draw the
1. Road Side Survey of Road Uses : bar graph representation of the respondent
Drivers/Riders age and vehicle ownership and safety
2. Pedestrian Survey awareness.
XY - Plane : Age Vs Vehicle ownership
Table 1. shows the comparative study of XZ - Plane : Age Vs Type of Vehicle
two survey Methodologies covering various To further analyze our survey we have
factors like Response Rate, Data Attributes, used two more analysis tools pie- chart and
Geographic Coverage etc. likert's scale Analysis. These two tools are
used for the first and second questionnaire.
Table 1. Comparative Analysis of two survey Methodologies
148 M. Darbari / SJM 3 (2) (2008) 145 - 156

Table 2. Respondent Age, Vehicle Ownership and Safety Awareness

Pie- chart gives us the responses regarding while the second stage covers the statistical
safety suggestion given by various types of interpretation.
commuters. The second survey covers the information
The thrust is basically on the relating to the type of vehicle which the
improvement in street lighting and commuter has to encounter during his travel
Implementation of Road dividers, Second with different time zones.
survey relates to the congestion problem. There is significant variation in the type
The analysis is divided into two phases the of vehicles commuting at four different
first phase deals with bar graph analysis, locations. To check whether the difference

Figure 2. Plot of Respondents Age versus vehicle ownership and type of vehicle
M. Darbari / SJM 3 (2) (2008) 145 - 156 149

Figure 3. Safety suggestions generated from the Figure 4. Interpretation from Congestion
questionnaire Analysis

where: Combined proportion of Public + Private

a = Designated have Vehicles
b = Flyover Recommendation = (90 +95 + 85 )/ 300 = 270/300 = 0.9
c = Improvement in street lighting
d = Road Dividers Recommendations
e = Speed Breakers
f = Large Crossing Area Substituting the values in the equation we
g = Suggestions of One - Way at some get χ2 = 5.54
congestion points. We compare observed values of χ2 with
critical value of χ2 and follow the rules of
between sample proportion are significant or
hypothesis :
only due to chance we use chi-square test of
independence consider the following χ2observed < χ2Critical ⇒ Accept the
hypothesis : Null Hypothesis
and if,
H0: PT1 = PT2 = PT3 χ2observed < χ2Critical ⇒ Reject the
Null Hypothesis
H1: PT1 ≠ PT2 ≠ PT3. Now calculating the degree of freedom
we get :
dF = (r-1) (c-1)
PT1 = Proportion of Public and Private
dF = (2-1) (3-1)
Vehicle (Total) at time sample 8 am - 11 am.
dF = 2
at α = 10% = 0.10
PT2 = Proportion of Public and Private
Vehicle (total) at Time sample 12 Noon - 4 χ2Critical / α = 0.10
pm. Plotting the graph for acceptance Region
Starting with the contingency Table : (shown in Fig. 5).
Since sample chi-square lies outside the
acceptance region we reject the null
150 M. Darbari / SJM 3 (2) (2008) 145 - 156

Table 3. Contingency Table from Questionnaire problems of.

- II The total sample size is 100 (by using
Yamanes Formula) the survey is concluded
at I.T. Crossing Daliganj Railway crossing
and Kapoorthala, Mahaganar as road.
We use scatter diagram to plot the two
The relationship between X and Y takes

Table 4. Tabular representation of observed and

expected frequencies

Figure 5. Sample Acceptance Region

the term of curvilinear giving a direct,

relationship in health related problem
increases the duration of exposure increases.

3.1. Inferences from the Analysis

We have divided the interpretation into

hypothesis i.e. proportions of public and three parts, the first part deals with traffic
private vehicle at different time samples are safety awareness and the suggestions made
not same. by the commuters. From the survey we are
The third questionnaire on vehicular able to derive the conclusion that young
emission highlights the relationship between generation of commuters is least aware of the
the duration of exposure on road and rules and regulations. The reason may lack of
increase in health hazards in individuals. If it safety related guidelines in magazines and
is there than what is the type of relationship T.V. programmes popular amongst young
that exists between these two variables. In generation. One step in this direction would
order to analyze our result we have used be to increase these campaign through
regression analysis to determine the electronic media with some lucrative
relationship between dependent and schemes and offers.
independent variable. The dependent The next inference from the pie- chart we
variables are defined as "number of health are able to specify three major problems :
M. Darbari / SJM 3 (2) (2008) 145 - 156 151

Table 5. Tabular representation of Vehicular Pollution and Emission.

1. Lack of street lighting certain disagreement value as it causes some

2. Suggestion of one-way at some problem with the frequent of that route, they
specific location feel that making it one way is not a
3. Road Dividers permanent solution rather than the road in
These problems are very common to that area should be widened of flyovers
Lucknow. Due to lack of street lighting should be made. The outburst mainly
drivers (specially older people) find it very consists of private vehicles because of the
difficult to drive in might be because of the lack of public transport system which could
glare from the opposite vehicle. Secondly, cater to every class of commuters.
the absence of dividers in Alambagh and In the afternoon the situation cases out
Chowk areas lures the two wheeler drivers to with population of public transport
overtake even crossing the opposite lane dominating the private vehicles.
mark, henceforth they are in constant danger The evening slot becomes worst when the
of getting hit from vehicle coming from ratio of private and public vehicles is almost
opposite side. equal, because of office goers which form a
The point " Two way to one way” has large portion of commuters strength. Since
there is no planning of footpaths for
pedestrians, these generate tendency is to
walk on road, worsening the condition of
traffic flow from the above interpretation we
can sum up the conclusion into three basic
sections the awareness regarding the safety
standards, the congestion and the vehicular
emission/ environmental pollution.

Figure 6. Duration of exposure of an individual
The awareness regarding safety standards
152 M. Darbari / SJM 3 (2) (2008) 145 - 156

is very poorly penetrated amongst young accommodating, pedestrian space could

generation. They are hardly aware of the provide a faster movement of traffic thereby
traffic rules and regulation. One of the reducing the pollution levels.
remedial solution in order to propagation The last section focuses on vehicular
about safety norms could be to organize emission, from the regression analysis we
camps and road shows in maximum number can conclude that in Lucknow, the person
of colleges and schools, by clubbing it with who is exposed to 40 to 50 Kms of daily
some incentive scheme such maximum commuting is likely to have health problem
number of students attend the drive about like asthma, blood pressure and severe
safety standard. depression.
Secondly, has to be implemented at the The study provides an empirical analysis
infrastructure level. Priority should be of various problems and possible solutions to
assigned to the areas which are lacking in the it. If necessary steps then we hope that our
basic road safety standards. finding can help the government in building
The congestion survey has provided a Lucknow a better place to live -in.
new dimension of study. The reduction of the
private vehicle or enforcement of car pooling
in certain areas could be one of the possible
solutions. Secondly ploughing of public
vehicle like mass Transit system in fixed
section of the Road could provide
considerable respite to the congestion levels
spread across certain hot spots. Lastly,



M. Darbari *a, A. K. Srivastava a, S. Medhavib

a ИЦФАИ биѕнис школа, A-649, Индира Нагар Nagar, Лукнов, Индија
b Универзитет у Лукнову, Лукнов, Индија


Овај рад говори о емприријској анализи урбаног саобраћајног система града Лукнов у
Индији, као и негових суседа. Коришћени су различити типови методологија и упитника који
су помоглу у сакупљању података за анализу. Анализа у раду се заснива на раѕличитим
техникама екстраполације и интерполације статистичких података како би се дошло до
конкретних решенја разматраног проблема.

Кључне речи: урбани саобраћај, моделовање података, математичка анализа

M. Darbari / SJM 3 (2) (2008) 145 - 156 153

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154 M. Darbari / SJM 3 (2) (2008) 145 - 156
Sample Questionnaire for Road Safety
Name: _________________
1. (a) Locality :
(b) Area :
(c) Age :
2. Day of the Week / Date / Time: _______/ ____ /______
3. Respondent Mode of Transport (Pl. Tick)
(a) Motorcycle / Scooter
(b) Personal Car
(c) Auto/ Tempo
(d) Bus
(c) Rickshaw
(f) Cycle
4 (I) What is the Passenger Car Unit (PCU)
1 2 3 More than 4
(II) How many Times you do this journey?
(a) Six Days/ Week
(b) Less than Six days/ Week
(d) This is the first time
(e) I am a driver
5. Do you feel unsafe on any part of this journey ?
Yes No
6. If "Yes", what are the reasons of feeling unsafe. (You may tick more than one).
(a) Too much traffic congestion
(b) No safe crossing points
(c) Pedestrians occupying major road section
(d) Traffic Police Ineffective
(e) Other, Pl. specify
1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
7. What could be your suggestions to make journey safer (You can tick more than one).
(a) Designate leaves according to the type of Vehicle
(b) Improve Street Lighting
(c) Providing Road Dividers
(d) Safe Crossing points
(e) No opinion
(f) Others (Pl. Specify) ___________________________________________
8. Mark any dangerous spot on your route _________________________________
9. Please mention any other safety issues not covered in Question no. 7.
M. Darbari / SJM 3 (2) (2008) 145 - 156 155
Sample Questionnaire for Congestion

1. Do you feel traffic congestion is a major problem in your route

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
2. Please specify the type of Traffic under various time zones.
Time sample-I : 8 am - 11 am.
(a) Public Vehicles : ____________% (Approx.)
(b) Private Vehicles : ____________%
(c) Pedestriants : ____________%
Time Sample - II : 12 Noon - 4 P.M.
(a) Public Vehicles : ____________% (Approx.)
(b) Private Vehicles : ____________%
(c) Pedestrians : ____________%
Time Sample - III : 4 P.M. - 8 P.M.
(a) Public Vehicles: ____________% (Approx.)
(b) Private Vehicles: ____________%
(c) Pedestrians: ____________%
3. Suggests measures to control traffic congestions?
a. Strict traffic enforcement by the police.
1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

b. Convert two way to one way

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

c. Restrict Parking on Roads

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

d. Specific Stoppage and constant check of Public transport system.

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

e. Designing of Large Sized crossings

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

f. Others (Pl. Specify)

156 M. Darbari / SJM 3 (2) (2008) 145 - 156
Sample Questionnaire on Vehicular Emmission & Environmental Hazards

1. Date _____________ ; Place of Study _____________ Time _____________

2. Sex : Male Female
3. Age : 15-30
61 and Above
4. Respondent Type
Conductors/ Helpers
5. Type of Vehicle Used :
Two Wheeler
Four Wheeler
6. Type of Fuel used :

7. Duration of Exposure on Road

(a) Due to two hours
(b) Three to give hours
(c) Six to Eight Hours
(d) Nine Hours or More
8. Effect on Individuals
(a) Sleeplessness/ Insomnia
(b) Asthmatic
(c) Headache
(d) Depression
(e) Blood Pressure
(f) Getting Imitated too often
9. Remedial Actions
(a) Reduce Road Congestion by
enforcement of Traffic Rules
(b) Ban Old Vehicles
(c) Use CNG/ LPG
(d) Others (Pl Specify) ____________________________________________

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