Emperical Analysis of Urban Traffic System of Lucknow Using Data Modeling and Capturing Technique
Emperical Analysis of Urban Traffic System of Lucknow Using Data Modeling and Capturing Technique
Emperical Analysis of Urban Traffic System of Lucknow Using Data Modeling and Capturing Technique
This paper highlights the empirical analysis of Urban Traffic System of Lucknow and its adjacent
areas. It uses various types of questionnaire design methodologies which are helpful in collecting the
most relevant data for analysis. The analysis part deals with various extrapolation and interpolation
techniques of statistic to derive some concrete solution which is helpful to traffic department.
Pie- chart gives us the responses regarding while the second stage covers the statistical
safety suggestion given by various types of interpretation.
commuters. The second survey covers the information
The thrust is basically on the relating to the type of vehicle which the
improvement in street lighting and commuter has to encounter during his travel
Implementation of Road dividers, Second with different time zones.
survey relates to the congestion problem. There is significant variation in the type
The analysis is divided into two phases the of vehicles commuting at four different
first phase deals with bar graph analysis, locations. To check whether the difference
Figure 2. Plot of Respondents Age versus vehicle ownership and type of vehicle
M. Darbari / SJM 3 (2) (2008) 145 - 156 149
Figure 3. Safety suggestions generated from the Figure 4. Interpretation from Congestion
questionnaire Analysis
Figure 6. Duration of exposure of an individual
The awareness regarding safety standards
152 M. Darbari / SJM 3 (2) (2008) 145 - 156
Овај рад говори о емприријској анализи урбаног саобраћајног система града Лукнов у
Индији, као и негових суседа. Коришћени су различити типови методологија и упитника који
су помоглу у сакупљању података за анализу. Анализа у раду се заснива на раѕличитим
техникама екстраполације и интерполације статистичких података како би се дошло до
конкретних решенја разматраног проблема.