Research On Copper Electroplating Technology For High Density TSV Filling
Research On Copper Electroplating Technology For High Density TSV Filling
Research On Copper Electroplating Technology For High Density TSV Filling
Abstract—Three dimension (3D) packaging technology has from 1 to 200 um, and the high aspect ratio from 0.5 to 20
appeared for its incomparable performance, functionality and according to the application. The range of TSV density is
integration density when Moor’s Law cannot meet the from less than 0.1% to 15%, but mostly distributed around 1%
requirement of high function after the integrated circuits (ICs) [9]. Consequently, it is extremely difficult or impossible to
have developed for decades. As the key technology to realize develop an approach to accommodate the entire via
3D packaging, the through-silicon via (TSV) by dimensions, especially for high aspect ratio TSV. For a time,
interconnecting multiple active circuit layers on a single chip the effect of current density has been studied as the critical
makes the chip develop to the direction of the maximum 3D parameter of the electrochemical deposition parameters [10-
stacking density and the shortest interconnection. Filling large
11]. It is confirmed that the smaller the current density is, the
open rate and size TSVs without any voids defects by
electroplating has always been a great challenge for 3D
better the electrochemical deposition via is [12]. However,
packaging for the sake of the fact that the pinch-off effect in when comes to vias with large sizes the conventional theory
Damascus electroplating always exists, not to mention the high usually lead to the formation of voids.
cost and long cycle. In this paper, TSV with a large size (a In this study, the modified bottom-up electroplating
diameter of 30 um, a depth of 200 um) and high density (an technique was adopted to fill the vias with a large size. And
open rate of 0.66%) in a wafer had been filled by using bottom- defect-free filling results were acquired after several
up copper electroplating technique. The influence of
experiments. Influences of current density on the filling
electrochemical deposition (ECD) current density and time
results were systematically investigated and researches on
used in the process on the filling result were investigated. A
supposed mechanism was also proposed to describe the improving the TSV filling efficiency were also performed.
experiment result in filling TSVs with high density and large The filling morphologies were characterized by Scanning
size. The filling results were characterized by Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM).
Electronic Microscopy (SEM). And well filled results, as well as
the optimized current density and time were successfully
acquired after several experiments. Vertical TSVs in 12-inch Si wafer were fabricated by
deep reactive ion etching process (DRIE). Silicon dioxide
Keywords—TSVs; Copper electroplating; Current density layers were subsequently deposited on the sidewalls as
I. INTRODUCTION isolation by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition
(PECVD) and Ti/Cu were respectively deposited by sputter
Three-dimension (3D) integration has attracted process as barrier layer and seed layer. Then the modified
considerable interest in the integrated circuits packaging field bottom-up electroplating technique was performed to fill the
due to its incomparable advantages for high speed but small large size vias. The electrochemical deposition was carried
size with high density packaging. The through-silicon via
out on Raider ECD single wafer platform of the Applied
(TSV) technology, including deep vias etching, sidewall
Material. The cathode was a TSV wafer.
isolation, the formation of Cu seed layers and metal filling, is
the key technology to realize 3D integration. Among the The electroplating bath is composed of copper (60 g/L),
TSV technology, significant challenges remain in TSV H2SO4 (10 g/L), chloride (80 mg/L), 3-mercapto-1-
filling effected by the pinch-off in Damascus electroplating propanesulfonate (3 ml/L, accelerator), polyethylene glycol
[1]. On the other hand, from manufacture viewpoint the (6 ml/L, suppressor), and Polyethylenimine alkyl salt (3 ml/L,
challenge lies in how to reduce the high cost of TSV filling leveler).
(accounts for almost 41% of the total cost [2]).
For TSV filling, copper has been widely used as an
interconnection metal by using the method of electroplating During the TSV filling, a low current density (X ASD)
process for over a decade. To address the problem of pinch- was used as a protection current and then gradually
off effect, the bottom-up copper electroplating method increasing until it was supposed to be filled. The whole
appeared as a promising approach. Currently, most electro deposition cost nearly X hours. The profiles were
researches on TSV filling focus on how to optimize the detected by X-ray diffraction and the cross-sectional images
condition to achieve well-filled TSVs. The influence of and the results were shown in Fig. 1. It can be clearly seen
organic additives, i.e., suppressor, accelerator and leveler on that voids defect exist largely in the middle of the TSV vias
the plating profiles were intensively investigated [3-8]. The with thin copper layers depositing on the bottom.
above mentioned used in TSV filling are what we have
learned from copper Damascus electroplating, however, for
many cases it doesn’t work. The fundamental reason of the
hurdles can attribute to the broad range of the TSV
dimensions and density. In nowadays, TSV diameter varies
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The well-filling result is a significant achievement but the
long time cost was too high for IC packages. It’s known that
the deposition rate, more accurately, especially the
availability of copper ions largely depends on the current
density. By gradually increasing the current density while
keep other factors the same, finally we found X ASD was the
limit current and when exceeding the current the defect
Figure 1 the SEM cross section filling formed. Under the condition the filing time was
reduced to X hours. In our opinion, when the current density
According to previous reports [13], voids should be is large enough, the copper ions were deposited prompt at the
prevented under a relatively low current density despite of top of the vias and then the vias pinch-off. The concentration
high time consumption. Consequently, prolonging the of additives should be changed to match large current. And
deposition time under the protection current and lowering the more experiments are under way.
protection current were carried out attempting to improve the
filling results, although it didn’t work. Normally, low current CONCLUSION
density leads to slow overall deposition rate so that the time TSV fillings without defects is critical important and
is sufficient for the copper ions diffusing to the bottom. challenging in industrial manufacture. With the 3D
However, maybe the size of the TSV vias is large enough, packaging technology development, TSV vias with different
and it was too late to diffuse to the bottom under low electric size and aspect ratio appear to meet different requirements.
field. Voids then formed with thin copper-deposited layer on In this paper, vias (diameter 30 um, depth 200 um) were
the bottom, whereas the top of the vias pinch-off. fully filled and proposed a mechanism to describe the
experiment result in filling TSVs with high density and
large size. A large of researches still needs to be carried out
to illuminate the mechanism. It will be published in due
The study was supported by the National Science and
Technology Major Project under contract No. 2018ZX02501.
The authors wish to thank the support.
Figure 2 the SEM cross section after 2 hours
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