AWS A5.7-84 Specification For Copper and Copper Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes R (1991)
AWS A5.7-84 Specification For Copper and Copper Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes R (1991)
AWS A5.7-84 Specification For Copper and Copper Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes R (1991)
- ""~
AWS A5.7-84
12,February 9985
AWS A5.7- 77
26 A p r i l 1978
T h i s non-governmentdocument was adopted on 12February1985and is
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An American National Standard
Specification for
Copper and CopperAlby
Bare Welding Rods
and Electrodes
AWS A5.7-I7
Prepared by
AWS Committee on Filler Metal
Approved by
AWS Board of Directors, October 20, 1983
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Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584.
Note: By publication of this standard, the American Welding Society does not insure anyone utilizing the stan-
dard against liability arising from the use of such standard. A publication of a standard by the American Welding
Society does not carry with it any right to make, use, or sell any patenteditems. Each prospectiveuser should makean
independent investigation.
This standard is subject to revision at anytime by the responsible technical committee. It must be reviewed every five
years and if not revised, it must be either reapproved or withdrawn, Comments (recommendations, additions, or
deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this standard are requested and should be
addressed to AWS Headquarters. Such comments will receive careful consideration by the responsible technical
committee andyou will be informed of the committee’s response. Guests are invited to attend all meetings of AWS
committees to express their comments verbally. Procedures for appeal of an adverse decision concerning your
comments are provided in the Rule of Operation for AWS Technical Committees. A copy of these Rules can b::
obtained from the American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd., P.O. Box 351040, Miami, FL 33135.
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Personnel .................................................................................... v
Scope ........................................................................................ 1
Part A - General Requirements ................................................................. 1
1. Classification ............................................................................. 1
2. Acceptance .............................................................................. 1
3. Certification ............................................................................. 1
4.Rounding-OffProcedures .................................................................. 1
Part B - Test. Proceduresand Requirements ....................................................... 2
5.SummaryofRequiredTests ................................................................ 2
6.Retests.................................................................................. 2
7.WeldTestAssembly ....................................................................... 2
8 Chemical Analysis ........................................................................ 2
Part C - Manufacture. IdentQîcatìon and Packaging ................................................ 2
9.MethodofManufacture ................................................................... 2
10. Standardsizesandshapes ................................................................. 2
1l.FinishandUniformity ..................................................................... 2
12.StandardPackageForms .................................................................. 4
13.WindingRequirement.s .................................................................... 4
14 Filler Metal Identification .................................................................. 6
15 Packaging ............................................................................... 6
16.PackageMarking ......................................................................... 7
Appendix: Guide to Classification of Copper and Copper Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes .......... 9
A l . Introduction ............................................................................ 9
A2 Method of Classification .................................................................. 9
A3 Ventilation During Welding ................................................................ 9
A4 . Description and Intended Use of Welding Rods and Electrodes ................................. 10
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AWS A 5 . 7 8 4 m 2575532 0007744 3 m
AWS Committee on Filler Metal
COPYRIGHT 2003; American Welding Society, Inc. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Fluor Corp/2110503106, User=, 08/28/2003
. 00:55:13
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AWS A 5 . 7 B Y E 2 5 7 5 5 3 2 00077L.15 5 E
G. E. Metzger AFWAL/MLLS
J. W. Mortimer Consultant
R. L. Peaslee Wall Colmonoy Corporation
E. W. Pickering Combustion Engineering
E. E. Pochapsky U. S. Steel Corporation
J.A. Read* Canadian Liquid Air, Limited
S. D. Reynolds, Jr.* USNRC
J. M. Rolnick Airco Welding Products
D. Rozet Techalloy Maryland, Incorporated
Reid-Avery Division
H.S. Sayre* Consultant
N. G, Schreiner Consultant
O. W. Seth CBI, Incorporated
R.J. Shillinsky C-E Lummus
R. C. Shutt Lincoln Electric Company
R. W.Straiton" Bechtel National, Incorporated
H. B. Taylor Cyclops Corporation
Steel Division
*Advisory Member
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Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584.
AWS A 5 . 7 8 4 m 2 5 9 5 5 3 2 0009946 7 m
Specification for
Copper and CopperAlloy Bare Welding Rods
and Electrodes
Issued 1952 Revised 1957,1966,1969,1977,1984
Scope PartA
This specification prescribes requirements for the General Requirements
classification of copper and copper alloy bare welding
rods and electrodes for plasma arc,gas metal arc, and
gas tungsten arc welding,' It includes compositions in l. Classification
which the copper content exceeds that of any other The welding materials coveredby this specification
element. are classified according to their chemical compositionas
Note: No attempt has been made specified in Tablel. Materials classified under oneclas-
to providefor classlpcation of all sification shall not classified
be under any other
grades of copper and copper alloy cation of this specification.
filler metals; only the more com-
monly used have been included. 2. Acceptance
The values stated in U. S. custom- Acceptance of the material shall be in accordance
ary units are to be regarded as the with the provisions of AWS A5.01, Filler Metal Pro-
standard. TheSI units are given as curement Guidelines.
equivalent values to the U. S. cus-
tomary units. The standard sizes
and dimensionsin the two systems 3. Certification
are not identical, andfor this rea- For all material furnished under this specification,
son conversion from a standard themanufacturer certifies (by affixing themarking
size or dimension in one systemwill required in 16) that the material representative
or mate-
not always coincide with a stand- rial, has passedthe tests required for classification, and
ard size or dimension in the other. that the-material meets all other requirements of this
Suitable conversions, encompass- specification.
ing standard sizes of both can be
made, however, if appropriate tob
erances are applied in each case. 4. Rounding-Off Procedures
For purposes of determining conformance withthis
specification, an observed or calculated value shall be
1. These filler metals may beused with otherwelding processes rounded to the"nearest unit"in thelast right-hand place
for which they are found suitable. of figures used in expressing the limiting value quanti-
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AWS A 5 . 7 A 4 m 2575532 0007947 7 m
9. Method of Manufacture
Part B The welding materials classified by this specification
Tests, Procedures and Requirements may be madeby any method that will produce material
conforming to the requirements of this specification,
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Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584.
Finish and UniformityJ3
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Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584.
Table 2
Standard Sizes
Form in. mm
1/ 16 (0.062) 1,6
Straight lengths 5/64 (0,078) 2.0
3/32 (0.092) 2.4
0.020 0.5
0.030 0.8
0.035 0.9
Wound on spools 0.045 1.2
0.062 (1 / 16) 1.6
0.078 (5/64) 2.0
0.094 (3/32) 2.4
a. Filler metal shall not vary more than f 0.002 in. (0.05 mm) in diameter.
b. Other sizes, lengths, and forms may be supplied ás agreed upon between the purchaser and supplier.
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Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584.
AWS A597 8LI W 2 5 7 5 5 3 2 0 0 0 7 7 5 0 7 W
Winding Requirements15
Table 3
Standard weight and dimensionsfor coils withsupport
in. mm lb kg in. mm
Al I
SI Equivalents
Section A-A
All dimensions i n inches
"Dimension A, inside diameter of barrel, shall be such that swelling of the barrel
or misalignment o f the barrel and
core of the spool beingless than the inside diameter of the flanges.
flanges will not result in the
tDimension B, outside diameter o f barrel, shall be such as t o permit proper feeding of the electrode.
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Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584.
A W S A S - 7 8 4 W 2 5 7 5 5 3 20 0 0 7 7 5 3 O W
rA r 7/16+ 1/16, -O
I SI Eouivalents I
Spool size C D, maximum
in. mm in. mm in. mm
- - - -
200 f 1/32 55? 1 8 200
12 300 4 1/16 100?2 12 300
restriction. The outside end of the spooled filler metal 14.4 Filler Metal in Straight Lengths.
shall be identified so that it can be readily located and 14.4.1 Identification markingof individual lengths is
shall be fastened to the spool toavoid unwinding. not required.
14.4.2 Class markingof individual lengthsmay be as
14. Filler Metal Identification agreed upon between supplier and purchaser.
14.5 Spools Filler metal wound on spools shall be iden-
14.1 Product informationlisted in 14.2.1 thru 14.2.5 and tified by the information required in 14.2.1 thru 14.2.5
the precautionary information of 16 shall appear on placed on one flange of the spoolin such a manner that
each tag or label. the identification is not readily removable.
14.2 Coils Without Support. Within the outer wrap-
ping, coils without supportshall be identified by a tag or 15. Packaging
otherwiseat the inside end showing the following
information: 15.1 Filler Metal in Coils Without Support
14.2.1 AWS specification and classification numbers 15.1.1 Nominal weight shall be as specified by the
(year of issue may be excluded). purchaser.
14.2.2 Supplier name and tradedesignation. 15.1.2 Net weights shall be within 10 percent of the
14.2.3 Standard size and net weight. nominal weight.
14.2.4 Lot, control, or heat number. 15.1.3 Coils shall be wrapped and tied securely.
14.2.5 Informationshall be attached in such a 15.2 Filler Metal in Coils With Support
manner that it is not readily removable. 15.2.1 Nominal coil weight shall be in accordance
14.3 Coils With Support. Filler metal wound on coils with Table 3.
with support shall be identified by theinformation 15.2.2 Net weight shall be within 10 percent of the
required in 14.2.1 thru 14.2.5. nominal weight.
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Package Marking17
15.2.3 Liners shall beof such material and design to 16.1.1 AWS specification and classification num-
provide protection against damageor distortion of the bers. (Excluding the year of issue)
filler metal during normal handling and storage. 16.1.2 Supplier’s name and trade designation.
15.2.4 Liners shall be sufficiently clean and dry to 16.1.3 Standard size and net weight.
maintain cleanliness of the filler metal. 16.1.4 Lot, control, or heat number.
15.3 Filler Metal Wound on Spools 16.2 All packages of welding materials including indi-
15.3.1 Nominal weights shall be: vidual unit packages enclosed within alarger package, For 12in.(300 mm) spools - 25 lb (1 1 kg). shall carry(as a minimum)the following precautionary For 8 in. (200 mm)spools - 10 lb (4.5 kg). information prominently displayed in legible type: For 4 in. (100 mm) spools- 2 lb(0.9 kg).
15.3.2 Except for 12in. (300 mm) spools,net weight WARNING: Protect yourself and others. Read and
may vary f20 percent from the nominal. understand this information. FUMES AND GASES
15.3.3 For 12 in. (300 mm) the net weight may vary can be dangerous to your health. ARC RAYS can
f20 percent from the nominal.In addition, 20 percent injure eyes and burn skin. ELECTRIC SHOCK can
of any lot may weight 12.5 to 20 lb (5.7 to 9.1 kg). kill.
15.3.4 Spools shallbe of a material anddesign so as
to provide protection against damage or distortion of Read and understand the manufacturer’s instruc-
themselves or the filler metal due to normal handling tions and your employer’s safety practices.
and use. Keep your head out of the fumes.
15.3.5 Spools shall be sufficiently clean and dry to Use enough ventilation, exhaust at the arc, or both
maintain cleanliness of the filler metal. to keep fumesand gases away from your breathing
15.3.6 Spools shall be constructedto electrically insu- zone, and thegeneral area.
late the filler metal from the spool. Wear correct eye, ear and body protection.
15.4 Filler metal in straight lengths. Nominal weights Do nottouch live electiical parts.
shall be 5 , 10, 25, 50 and 60 lbs (2.3,4.5, 11.2, 27 and See American National Standard 249.1 Safety in
31 kg). Welding and Cutting published by the American
Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd.,P.O. Box
351040, Miami, Florida 33135; OSHA Safety and
16. Package Marking Health Standards, 29 CFR 1910, available from
16.1 The following product information
(as a minimum) U.S. Dept. of Labor, Washington, D C 20210.
shall be legibly marked so as to be visible from the
outside of each unit package: DO NOT REMOVE THIS INFORMATION
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AWS A 5 . 7 84 m 2 5 7 5 5 3 2 0007753 4
A l Introduction A2.2 The system for identifying the filler metal classifi-
cation in this specification follows the standard pattern
Al.1 Thespecification itself is intended to provide both used in other AWSfiller metal specifications. Theletters
themanufacturerandthepurchaser of copperand ER at the beginning of a classification indicate that-the
copper alloy filler metal with a means of production bare filler metal maybe used either as an electrode or as
control and a basis of acceptance through mutually a welding rod.
acceptable, sound, standard requirements. A2.3 The chemical symbol Cu is used to identify the
A1.2 This guide has been preparedanas aid to prospec- filler metals as copper-base alloys. The additional chem-
tive users of the copper and copper alloy filler metal ical symbols, as the Si in ERCuSi, the Sn in ERCuSn,
covered by this specification in determining whichclas- etc., indicate the principal alloying element of each
sification of filler metal is best suited for a particular group. Where more than classification
one is included in
application, with due consideration to the particular a basicgroup, theindividual classifications in the group
requirements for that application. are identified by the letters A, B, C, etc., as in ERCuSn-
A. Further subdividingis done by using 1,2, etc., after
the Iast letter, as the 2 in ERCuAl-A2.
A2 Method of Classification
A2.1 The specification classifies thosecopperand
copper alloy filler metals used most extensively a t the A3 Ventilation During Welding
time of issuance of the specification. In A4, the filler
metals are arranged in five basic groups. The tensile A3.1 Five major factors govern the quantity of fumes to
properties, bend ductility, and soundnessof welds pro- which welders and welding operators can be exposed
duced withthe filler metals classified within this specifi- during welding. These are:
cationfrequentlyaredeterminedduringprocedure A3.1.1 Dimensions of the space in which welding is
qualification. It shouldbe notedthat thevariables in the done (with special regard to the height of the ceiling).
procedure (current,voltage, and welding speed), varia- A3.1.2 Number of welders and welding operators
bles inshielding medium (thespecific gas mixture or the working in that space.
flux), variables in the compositionof the base metaland A3.1.3 Rate of evolution of fumes, gases, or dust,
thefillermetalinfluencethe results whichmaybe according to the materials and processes involved.
obtained. Whenthese variables are properly controlled, A3.1.4 The proximity of the welders or welding
however, the filler metal shall give sound welds whose operators to the fumes asthey issue from the welding
strengths (determined by all-weld-metal tension tests) zone, and to thegases and dustsin the spacein which the
will meet or exceed the minimums shownin Table A l . welders or welding operators areworking.
Typical hardness properties are also included in Table A3.1.5Theventilation provided to thespacein which
A I . When supplementary tests for mechanical proper- the welding is done.
ties are specified, the procedures should be in accor- A3.2 American National Standard 249. I , Safetyin
dance with AWSB4.0, Standard Methods for Mechan- Weldingand Cutting(pub1ishedby the American Weld-
ical Testing of Welds. ing Society), discusses the ventilation that is required
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Table A I
Hardness and tenslle strengthof copper and copper alloy weld metal
AWS Minimum
Classification Brinell Hardness tensile strength
psi MPa
ERCu 25 Rockwell F 25 000 172
ERCuSi-A 80 to 100 (500 kgload) 50 O00 345
ERCuSn-A 70 to 85 (500 kgload) 35 o00 240
ERCuNi 60 to 80 (500 kgload) 50 O00 345
ERCuAl-Al 80 to 110 (500 kgload) 55 o00 380
ERCUAI-A~ 130 to 150 (3000 kgload)a 60 O00 414
ERCuALA3 140 to 180 (3000 kgload)a 65 000 450
ERCuNiAl 160 to 200
(3000 kg load)a 72 O00 480
ERCuMnNiAl (3000
160 to 200 load)a kg 75 O00 515
NOTE: Hardness values as listed above are averagevalues for an as-welded deposit made with the filler metal
specified. This table is included for information only,
a. Gas tungsten arc pFocess only.
during welding and should be referred to for details. silicon are added primarily as deoxidizers. The other
Attention is particularly drawn to the section of that elements add either to the ease of welding or to the
document entitled Ventilation. properties of the final weldment. ERCu filler metals
generally are used for the welding of deoxidized and
electrolytic tough pitch copper. Reactions with hydro-
A4 Description and IntendedUse of the gen in. oxygen-freecopper, andthe segregation of
Welding Rods and Electrodes copper oxide in tough pitch copper may detract from
joint efficiency. ERCu welding electrodes and rods may
A4.1 General Characteristics be used to weld these base metals when the highest
A4.1.1 Gas tungsten arcwelding normally employs quality is not required.
dcen current. A4.2.1 Preheating is desirable on most work; on
A4.1.2 Gas metal arcwelding normally employs dcep thick base metalit is essential. Preheat temperatures of
current. 400 to 1000" F (205 to 540" C) are suitable.
A4.1.3 Shielding gasfor use with either process nor- A4.2.2 For thick basemetals, gas metal arcwelding is
mally isargon, helium,or a mixture of the two. Oxygen- preferred. Conventional joint designs consistent with
bearing gases normally are not recommended. good welding practice are generally satisfactory, An
A4.1.4 Base metal shouldbe free from moisture and external source of preheating generally is not needed
all other contaminents, including surfaceoxides. when welding base metal 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) and thinnerin
A4.2 ERCu (Copper Filler Metal). ERCu filler metals thickness. Preheatingin the range of4001000° to F(205
are made of deoxidized copper, but also may contain to 540" C) is desirable when welding base metal thicker
one or more of the following elements: phosphorus, than 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) if high-quality welds are to be
silicon, tin,manganese, and silver. Phosphorusand obtained.
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Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584.
Appendix1 1
A4.3 ERCuSi (Silicon Bronze) Filler Metal as short as possible to assure adequate shielding gas
A4.3.1 ERCuSi filler metals are copper-base alloys coverage and thus minimize porosity.
containing approximately 3 percent silicon; they may
also contain small percentages of manganese, tin, or A4.6 ERCuAl(Aluminum Bronze) Filler Metal
zinc. They are used for gas tungsten and gas metal arc A4.6.1 ERCuA1-Al filler meta1is an iron-free alumi-
welding of copper-silicon and copper-zinc base metals, num bronze. It is recommended for use as a surfacing
to themselves and also to steel. metal for wear-resistantsurfaces having relatively light
A4.3.2 When gas metal arc welding with ERCuSi loads, for resistance to corrosive media such as salt or
filler metals, it generally is best to keep the weld pool brackish water, and forresistance to many commonly
small and the interpass temperature below 150" F (65" used acids in varying concentrations and temperatures.
C) to minimize hot cracking. The use of narrow weld This alloy is not recommended forjoining.
passesreduces contraction stresses and also permits A4.6.2 ERCuAl-A2 filler metal is an iron-bearing
faster cooling through the hot-short temperature range. aluminum bronze and is generally used for joining
A4.3.3 When gas tungstenarc welding withERCuSi aluminum bronzes of similar composition: manganese,
filler metals, best results are obtained by keeping the silicon bronzes,somecopper-nickel alloys, ferrous
weld pool small. Preheating is not required. Welding metals and dissimilar metals, The most common dissim-
can be done in all positions, but the flat position is
ilar metal combinations are aluminum bronze to steel
preferred. and copper to steel. This alloy also is used to provide
A4.4 ERCuSn-A (PhosphorBronze) Filler Metal wear- and corrosion-resistant surfaces.
A4.4.1 ERCuSn-A filler metals contain about5 per- A4.6.3 ERCuAbA3 is a higher strength aluminum
cent tin and up to0.35 percent phosphorus added as a bronze filler metal used forjoining and repair welding of
deoxidizer. Tin increases wear resistance of the weld aluminum bronze castings of similar composition, and
metal andslows the rateof solidification by broadening for depositing bearing surfaces and .wear- and cor-
the temperature differential between the liquidus and rosion-resistant surfaces.
solidus. Thisslower solidification increases the ten- A4.6.4 ERCuNiAl is a nickel-aluminum bronze filler
dency to hot shortness. To minimize this effect, the weld metal used for joining and repairing
of cast or wrought
pool should be kept small and welding time as short asnickel-aluminum bronze base metals.
possible. ERCuSn-A filler metals can be used to weld A4.6.5 ERCuMnNiAl is amanganese-nickel-
bronze and brass, They alsobecan usedto weld copper aluminum bronzefiller metal used for joining or repair-
if the presence of tin in the weld metal is not object- ing of cast or wrought base metalsof similar composi-
ionable, tion. This filler metal may also be used for surfacing
A4.4.2 When gas tungsten arcwelding with ERCuSn applications where high resistance to corrosion, ero-
filler metals, preheating is desirable. Welding is done in sion, or cavitation is required.
the flat position only. A4.6.6 Because of the formationof aluminum oxide
in the moltenweld pool, aluminum bronze filler metals
A4.5 ERCuNi (Copper-Nickel)Filler Metal are not recommended for use with the oxyfuel weld-gas
A4.5.1 In ERCuNi filler metals, the nickel addition ing process.
strengthens theweld metal andimproves the corrosion A4.6.7 Copper-aluminum weld metals are character-
resistance, particularlyagainstsaltwater. The weld ized by relatively high tensile strength, yield strength,
metal has good hot and cold ductility. Copper-nickel and hardness. Dependingupon thethickness or compo-
filler metals are used for welding most copper-nickel sition of the base metal, preheat may or may not be
alloys. necessary.
A4.5.2 When gas tungstenor gas metal arc welding A4.6.8 Welding in the flat position is preferred.
with ERCuNi filler metals, preheating is not required. Welding in otherpositions can be done successfully with
Welding is done in all positions. The arc should be kept pulsed arc welding equipment and welder technique.
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