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Sae J533-2007

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SURFACE SAE 533 senior - |. VEHICLE | SAE International sTANDARD Koved feat Superseding _J533 DEG1999 (R) Flares for Tubing RATIONALE This document was rewritten and reorganized to improve flow. This spacification has been updated for the purpose of the five year raview and to Include performance requirements as specified In Section 4. To be consistent with SAE document format, optional flare dimensions for 37° single flaras were moved from the body of this documant and placed in ‘Appandix A 1. SCOPE This SAE Standard covers specifications and performance requirements for 37° and 45° single and double flares for tube fands intended for use with SAE J512, SAE J513, SAE J514, and ISO 8434-2 connectors. Considerations such as the affects of wall thickness selection for specific working pressures, identifying appropriate length of thread engagements for pocific applications with mating connectors and ethor associated criteria, shall ba tha rosponsibiliy of tho usar. For applicable nominal reference working pressures for hydraulic tubing see SAE J1065 and |SO 40763. 1.1 Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO Standard Flares as deseribad in this updated document are compatible with ISO 8434-2—Metallic tube connections for fluid power and general use—Part 2: 37° flared connectors. 2. REFERENCES 2.1 Applicable Publications. ‘The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply. SAE Tecra Sandee oud fale pode tak “Ts pri pubs by SAE-w thence hed of chica ard ergheetng sseoen The xe one parle ‘recy rin, are te aptly oes ray perce tam acing ony pet cnet arg Serie sl respon o ate SAE revews each ince report tient every fe year which ire maybe reamed revs, or canaled. SAE ia our ite nomen and sugpesons Cepyrgit #2007 SAE rts [Alegre sane No pa of ie pulaton ay be repaid, shed fren sae or tanemied. any frm er by ary meen, sees, mechani Ptteapng, ard at stro, hod poc rien pein of SAE” TOPLACEADOCUMENTORDER: Tel: B77-406-723 (nlde USA and Cand) Tee 7247761020 (otlde USN) Fee arrearoe Ena GustomerSerledlsseorg ‘SAE WER ADDRES: ipahwiess. on SAE 4533 Revised SEP2007 244 SAE Publications ‘Avaliable from SAE, 400 Commorwoalth Drive, Wanendale, PA 15006-0001, T Canada) or 724-776-4970 (outside USA), www $20.19. 177-608-7323 (inside USA and SAE TSB003 Rules for Use of SI (Metric) Units SAE J512 Automotive Tubo Fittings SAE JS13. Refrigeration Tubs Fittings—Goneral Specifications ‘SAE J514——_Hydraulle Tube Fittings, SAE J1065 Nominal Reference Working Pressures for Steel Hydraulic Tubing ‘SAE J2658 Motalllc Tube Conductor Assomblies for Fluid Powor and Gonoral Use—Test Mothods for Hydrauilc Fluid Powor Metalic Tube Assombllos 24.2 180 Publications Avaliable from ANSI, 25 Wost 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002, Tol: 212-642-4900, www.ansl org. 180 8434-2 Motallic ube connactions for fluid power and gonoral uso 180 10763 _Plain-ond, seamioss and woldod stoo! tubos—Dimensions and nominal working prossuros 22 Related Publications “Tho following publications are provided for Informational purposes only and are not a required par of this document. 221 SAE Publications ‘Avallablo from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 677-606-7323 (inside USA and ‘Canada) or 724-776-4970 (outside USA), wwrw.sa0.0ry SAE J356_ Wolded Flash-Controlled Low-Carbon Stool Tubing Normalized for Bonding, Double Flaring, and Beading SAE J524 Seamless Low-Carbon Steel Tubing Annealed for Bending and Fiaring ‘SAE JS25 __ Wolded and Cold Drawn Low-Carbon Stoo! Tubing Annoaled for Bonding and Flaring SAE J§26 —_ Woldod Low-Corbon Stoo! Tubing ‘SAE J§27 _Brazod Double Wall Low-Carbon Stoo! Tubing SAEJ178 —_Extonal Leakage Classifications for Hydraulle Systems, SAEJ1273 Recommended Practices for Hydraulle Hose Assembles SAE J1290 Automotive Hydraulle Brake System—Motrlc Tube Connections ‘SAE J1677 Tests and Procedures for Steal and Copper Nickel Tubing ‘SAE J2551 Recommended Practices for Fiuld Conductor Metallic Tubing Applications ‘SAE J2593 Information Repor for the instalation of Fluld Conductors and Connectors SAE J533 Revised SEP2007 -3- 2.22 180 Publications Available from ANSI, 25 West 49rd Street, New York, NY 10096-8002, Tal: 212-642-4900, www.ansl.org. 1S0:2044 Fuld powar systoms and componants—Nominal pressures 180.4397 Gonnectors and associated components—Nominal outside diameters of tubes and nominal inside dlamotore of hocos 180.4399 Connectors and associated components—Nominal pressures 180.5508 Fuld powar systems and compononts—Vocabulary 180.6605 Toasts and tost procedures 180 10583. Test methods for tube connections, 180 13486-1 Road vebicios—Hydraulic braking systoms—Doubie- oats pipes, tapped holes, mala fitings and tuba 3. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 3.4 Dimonsions Dimensions in this document are based on and, unless designatad otherwise, ara specified in metric unit. 8.4.4 Single and double 48° flares shall conform to the dimensions specified in Figure 1 and Table 1. The recommended maximum nominal wall thicknesses lstad allow adequate thread engagement of tube nut to tubing normally considered suitable for flaring. Adequate thread engagemant may be Impaired when using wall thicknesses greater than those listed. 2 Tomes Actual Wal Thicknass 3.0.12 ‘Wale to ba in innate Contact Over Ene Seat Length Bight Flat Permissibia ‘tual Tube 10 Plus 0.25 er Mins 080 FIGURE 4 - SINGLE AND DOUBLE 45* FLARES FOR TUBING SAE J533 Revised SEP2007 -4- ‘TABLE 1 - DIMENSIONS OF SINGLE AND DOUBLE 45° FLARES FOR TUBING ‘SEE FIGURE 1 FOR DIMENSION CALLOUTS: > on a a ‘sige able singe guble Fle are Nerina Flare Pare wall Wal “Tube Diameter Diameter ‘Tckness —Thidmess, 00 Min Na Mn mane axe 318 46 4a sao ‘063 476 es at ™ 67 ov 638 a3 80 tS tt oss. 194 3 99 0B tA St 080 os rn 195 124 wat “2 99 80Ms 1st 8 188, 124 1270 16884 1890510 ant 14 2 72 (108 wr 08088 ant 124 1508 wo 86388828 241 124 1905, Bs ze mz os Ost an 18 un ma 0S BTS 10 an 14 23.40 7a o 3 wy ost 3.96. 124 3.1.2 Single and double 37* flares shall conform to the dimensions specified In Figure 2 and Table 2. The recommended maximum nominal wall thicknesses listed allow adequate thread engagement of tube nut fo tubing normally considered suitable for flaring. Adequate thread engagement may be Impaired when using wall thicknossos greater than those listed, FIGURE 2 - SINGLE AND DOUBLE 37° FLARES FOR TUBING SAE. J533 Revised SEP2007 =5- TABLE 2- DIMENSIONS OF SINGLE AND DOUBLE 37° FLARES FOR TUBING ‘SEE FIGURE 2 FOR DIMENSION CALLOUTS om 3 ms srge (One ate fue Fare Nomin! Nonna! Fare 5 ‘at Wal ‘ite “Tube oat agus Tokens Tikes oD tas yen ae toe rm th mm amma = ae te ae oF oa oss am ate ee os oa on cost ete os tes one ret are fos to2 on tes ee os eek teat 10 106 sat ne oi: 3 eo he tho ts at tat fer gets te bat tat fooe Atak an tat pao ws 7ST 408 ‘8s ase tte Si MSS 3.08 ‘8s sist mA 0 m8) kk 3.08 188 mo 1 2% 69 62 89 #2 28 3.05 18 dias 1g S88 3.085 185 mo 27 2 9s 2s? 340 185 1. For optional proved fare cota for 37 angle fares, see Annex A Tor ube end preparation Gmenelons to enhance the contac ‘rea fo te assodated 37” tare cone, 32. Deburting Prior to Flaring To assure producing satisfactory flares, It may be necessary to perform deburring operations on the tube end prior to flaring. Smoothly breaking the inside comer before single flaring ferrous, and some nonferrous tubing, is normally required to eliminate the cutoff burr which might otherwise create leakage paths across a substantial portion of the flare. ‘Smoothly breaking the outside comer prior to single flaring, or both outside and inside comers prior to double flaring, shall 'be pormissible on any tube material to minimize spitting 33 Concentricity Tho flare seat shall bo concentic with the tube outside diameter within 0.38 mm full ndicator reading (FIR). To promote uniformity in checking concentrcity of the flare seat to the tube outside diameter, it Is recommended to use the gauging ‘method depleted in Figure 3 and the folowing procedure, or equivalent means, 3.3.1 Mount the tubo in precision calles, dviding head, or equivalent rotational contoring and clamping dovico with tho rear of flaro not moro than 3mm ahoad of the ‘collats. A minimum straight longth of tubo behind the flare of 25.4 mm, or twice the tube outside dlamoter, whichovor is greater, must be available for mounting purposes. 33.2 Place stylus of indicator gage on the coined portion of flare saat 33.3 Rotate the mounted tube through full 360 degree revolution. 3.3.4 Read the full Indicator reading occurring over the 360 degrees of rotation. SAE J533 Revised SEP2007 -6- es Gage 3mm Max es Rotate Tube 960 degrees Indicating Type Gago Flare Seat Shall Be Precision Goltet, Diving ‘Concentric With Tube OD ‘Head, or Equivalent ‘Within 0.38 me FIR, N FIGURE 9 - TYPICAL FLARE CONCENTRICITY GAUGE 3.4 | Workmanship Workmanship shall conform te the best commercial practice to produce high-quality tube flaras, Tube flares shall be trea from all hanging burrs, loose scale, and slivers which might bacome dislodged in usage and all other defects which may cause the flares to leak. All sealing surfaces must be smooth with a surface finish requirement of 2.5 micrometers. Annuiar tool marks are acceptabla within the limit ofthe 2.5 micrometer surface fish roquiromant 4, PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENT Formed tube ends and hose fitting ends shall provide a sealing surface that can be properly assembled with a standard SAE J512, SAE J513, SAE J514 or ISO 8434.2 fitting and moet performance requirements for a working pressure fquivatent to that of the fluid conductor, 860 SAE J1065—Nominal Reference Working Pressures for Steal Hydraulle Tubing and ISO 10763—Plain-end, seamless and welded stool tubes—Dimensions and nominal working pressures. ‘Sample tubo assemblies shall bo tested in accordance with SAE J2658—Metallic Tube Conductor Assemblies for Fluid Power and General Use—Tast Methods for Hydrauile Fluld Power Matalic Tube Assemblies, 5, NOTES 5.4 Keywords 37" Flare, 45° Flare, Flare seat, Concentricity, 52 Marginal indicia Tho change bar (|) located In the laft margin is for the convenience of the user In locating areas whore technical revisions have been made ta the previous Issue of the repart. An (R) symbol to the left of the document tle indleates a complete ravision of the report. PREPARED BY THE SAE FLUID CONDUCTORS AND CONNECTORS TECHNICAL COMMITTEE S1— ‘AUTOMOTIVE AND H¥DRAULIC TUBE AND FITTING. SAE J533 Revised SEP2007 -T: APPENDIX A ‘When conventional dimensional controls shown in Table 2 are placed on the flare OD. the sealing surface decreases as tube walls Increass. Figure A1 and Table At provide heavier wall tubing end preparation techniques and dimensions. intended to provide enhanced saaiabilty for 37° single flares. Tubing wth wall thickness equal to or greator than those ‘specified below should be considered for this end preparation. Tube walls specified as suitable for flaring in SAE 11065, stil apply. FIGURE A1 - END PREPARATION TECHNIQUES AND DIMENSIONS FOR ENHANCED JOINT INTERFACE CONTACT AREA FOR 37° SINGLE FLARES, SEE TABLE A1 FOR DIMENSIONS (For dimensions not isted, soe Figure 2 and Table 2) TABLE A1 - DIMENSIONS FOR ENHANCED JOINT INTERFACE CONTACT AREA FOR 37" SINGLE FLARES, SEE FIGURE A1 FOR LABELED FEATURES (For dimensions not listed, soe Figure 2 and Table 2) . Opicnat Nerina Nomina Tbe Charme “ube Twoe wale Diameter 0 ‘ 2 nin rn toh wn mm 38 039 176 are 38 029 335 035 1 028 450 74 S18 029 080 on ae 029 ant 1270 12 424 4082 15.288 se 424 1410 1905 aa 424 ara nn 78 424 204s 2540 1 124 2ae 7358 18 124 26.80 3175 M8 124 207 38.10 12 1m 3682 445 134 165 4397 50.80 2 46s 4532

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