Quarter 1 Module 3
Quarter 1 Module 3
Quarter 1 Module 3
Good Day SPIan! Welcome to Applied Economics (Grade 12) offered by Skill-Power Institute,
Inc,-Antipolo Senior High School.
Embracing and ushering the "new normal" learning approach in this time of pandemic aims to
provide modern and quality education for Filipino learners like you. At this moment, you will
study at your own pace and safety at home while your instructor takes responsibility of
monitoring your progress. This module was developed to provide you with interesting and
meaningful learning experiences.
In order to assure your learning about the Applied Economics, this module is undertaking all
the necessary measures to ensure that your expectation will be discussed within reasonable
time without compromising anyone’s health and safety.
I acknowledge the efforts and/or contributions of Senior High School Department to this work,
but I own all errors, if any. I hope that concepts and ideas of applied economics learned from
this module may enable you to face the challenges that lie in the real world.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course deals with the basic principles of applied economics, and
its application to contemporary economic issues facing the Filipino entrepreneur such as prices
of commodities, minimum wage, rent, and taxes. It covers an analysis of industries for
identification of potential business opportunities. The main output of the course is the
preparation of a socioeconomic impact study of a business venture.
Now, it's time to acquire new knowledge, meaning-making and transfer of ideas, SPians!
WHAT’S MORE? In this portion, you are given a set of question to help you
digest the lesson you’ve read.
WHAT I HAVE It helps you to generalize/summarize the topic you have
LEARNED? learned.
WHAT I CAN DO? This directs you to the Learners Activity Sheet to apply it into
your day-to-day basis.
ASSESSMENT Test your knowledge by taking this test. This will be evaluated
by your teacher.
ADDITIONAL This gives you extra homework to help you acquire additional
ACTIVITIES. learning.
GLOSSARY Look at this part to search the unfamiliar words and their
REFERENCES Otherwise called as bibliography is a list of resources used by
the author to help you understand the lesson.
SUGGESTEDREADINGS/ This provides a list of other books, published or unpublished
WEBSITES studies, journals, links, and website for your references.
Let us determine how much you already know about Economics as
Social Science and Applied Science. Encircle the letter of the correct
Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart Below to assess your prior or initial knowledge and
knowledge of the topic, Understanding of Recreational Outdoor Activity in
Optimizing One's Health.
Skills I expects to
Quotation Analysis: What comes into your mind when we say the statement
below? Write a 250-300 words essay. You may write your answers to a piece of
paper or type it right away to your chat box and send it to your teacher in any
modalities you may have.)
Processing questions:
What is the importance of recreational outdoor activity?
How is recreational outdoor activity related to health-related fitness?
Economics, as a social and applied science will explain and help you
understand what is really happening in the economy. Economics is a body of
knowledge that analyzes, explains and even predicts the economic behavior of
people, groups and nation; and involves such concepts as the distribution of
goods and services, level of employment and income of the people, prices and
basic economic issues such as scarcity, wants, needs and allocation. Using a
simpler description, economics may be defined as the science of how people
make effective choices or decisions to satisfy their wants. It is also science that
deals with how society allocates its scarce resources among the people's
unlimited needs. The word economics comes from a Greek words "oikos" and
"nomos" that means household management. Economics deals with the
management of both individual households and the global economic society,
which is the larger household.
Also, economics can be defined two manners of scientific approach which
is social science and applied science. It is a social science because it explains
how and why people have the way they do, as individuals and in groups. It
concerned with the analysis of commercial activities and with how goods and
services are produced. It has general principles such as the Law of Supply and
Demand but these do not apply in every situation. This is because human
beings are unpredictable. In the same way, no person can predict his next
year's income or earnings, but he can use general projections tk come up with
estimates. On the other hand, economics may also be considered as applied
science because of the way it uses a scientific approach to understand the
complex forces that shape individuals and groups; and it is systematic body of
knowledge that conforms to some universal laws. It uses the scientific method
in its explanations, which consists of observing reality and presenting
ESSAY. Answer briefly the following:
Content: 10 pts
Organization: 5 ptS
Relevance 5 pts
Total 20 pts
1. Compose a short poem about how one's lifestyle can while self-assessing
health-related fitness and sets FITT goals based on training principles to
achieve and/or maintain health-related fitness to dance.
2. Cut out different types of dances and create a collage out of the cut outs in
your journal or notebook.
Objectives: Identify the types of dances and explain the different dances.
Procedures: Make a graphic organizer and give the description and examples to
complete the entire concept.
Content: 10 pts
Organization: 5 ptS
Creativity 5 pts
Total 20 pts
Content: 10 pts
Organization/Creativity: 5 ptS
Relevance 5 pts
Total 20 pts
Content: 10 pts
Organization: 5 ptS
Dance - the collection of interrelated condition on which something occurs.
FITT - principle helps you create a workout plan that will be more effective in
reaching your fitness goals. F.I.T.T. stands for frequency, intensity, time, and
type of exercise. These are the four elements you need to think about to create
workouts that fit your goals and fitness level.
Health-related fitness- is theoretically defined as a multidimensional construct
containing the components cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength,
muscular endurance, flexibility and body composition