Forensic Chemistry: Tatiana Trejos, Sandra Koch, Andria Mehltretter T
Forensic Chemistry: Tatiana Trejos, Sandra Koch, Andria Mehltretter T
Forensic Chemistry: Tatiana Trejos, Sandra Koch, Andria Mehltretter T
Forensic Chemistry
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• ABibliography
review including scientific foundations and current challenges for trace evidence.
• Emphasis on hair,
serves as support for trace evidence examinations and interpretation.
• fiber, tape, paint, and glass evidence.
Keywords: In this paper, a review of the literature concerning the scientific foundations of trace evidence analysis is pre-
Hair sented along with a discussion regarding the current challenges for the discipline. Information about the com-
Fiber position, manufacture, transfer, and persistence of trace materials are discussed with a focus on how each aspect
Tape impacts trace evidence interpretations. This paper reviews the literature that describes the underlying validity of
trace evidence examination methods and interpretive approaches, highlighting experimental studies that de-
scribe performance measures, capabilities, and limitations of five trace subdisciplines: hair, fiber, tape, paint,
and glass. This review is intended to serve as a foundational document in support of the trace evidence discipline
and the interpretation approach being developed by the OSAC Materials (Trace) Subcommittee.
1. Introduction support the proposition of contact with the perpetrator. Tape, and any
debris found adhering to its adhesive surface (e.g., hairs, fibers) can be
The term “trace evidence” refers to physical evidence that is small used to link people or scenes, to each other or to a potential source
and transfers as a result of interaction between objects and individuals material (e.g., textile garment, carpet, tape roll). In hit-and-runs, the
[1]. These materials are often microscopic in size but can yield in- analysis of an automotive paint chip recovered on a victim can help
formation about what may have occurred, where the sample may have investigators narrow the search of potential suspect vehicles. Also the
come from, and how the materials may have transferred. The potential friction of clothing against plastic parts of a vehicle can produce dis-
for trace evidence to play a major role in criminal investigations was tinctive thermoplastic fusion patterns of fabrics that can help elucidate
first recognized in the early twentieth century by Edmond Locard, a positioning within and around a car at the moment of impact. The
French lawyer and medical doctor, who believed that the examination distribution of glass fragments can help explain the relative locations of
of trace materials could link places, people, and objects to a crime. suspects or victims at a scene.
Locard’s exchange principle, often quoted as “every contact leaves a Trace examinations often require a series of detailed microscopical
trace,” soon became a maxim of forensic science [1,2]. and instrumental analyses to fully characterize the varied features of
Trace evidence examiners use a variety of analytical tools to locate trace materials and to evaluate the significance of the observed prop-
and examine evidence, identify their main components, classify the erties within the relevant context. Such analyses range from a physical
materials, and compare items to determine if they could share a comparison of items to determine if there is a physical fit (i.e., fracture
common source. As Locard predicted, trace evidence is often used to match) to an analysis of the color, construction, and composition of the
relate what may have occurred during a crime based on materials found materials to determine if differences can warrant an exclusion of a
at a scene. For instance, hairs recovered on a victim’s clothing can potential source(s). In the absence of a physical fit or exclusion, a class
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Mehltretter).
Received 5 December 2019; Received in revised form 16 January 2020; Accepted 28 January 2020
Available online 31 January 2020
2468-1709/ Published by Elsevier B.V.
T. Trejos, et al. Forensic Chemistry 18 (2020) 100223
association can be reported, indicating the materials could have come result, these topics will be discussed within each subdiscipline.
from the same source, or from another source that shares the evaluated Ultimately, the expert’s background knowledge of the manufacture and
characteristics. distribution of each material of interest is crucial when evaluating
evidence within its relevant population.
1.1. Informative value of trace evidence Most trace materials can provide information about potential
sources as well as activities that may have led to the contact and ex-
Although the capacity for trace materials to indicate a common change of traces. Accordingly, the foundations for the transfer of ma-
source is not individualizing without a physical fit, it is important to terials and their persistence is an important focus of this review.
recognize that trace evidence can offer more than a possible/potential Trace evidence has evolved alongside technological advances in
“source attribution.” Trace materials can be used as exclusionary or microscopy, analytical chemistry, and informatics. Historically, forensic
associative evidence, and they can provide valuable information at the scientists, researchers, and statisticians have contributed to the assess-
onset of an investigation to corroborate case activities and eyewitness ment of the scientific validity of test methods currently in practice. The
accounts. The transfer and persistence of trace materials can provide process has required several cycles of method development, optimiza-
useful information to reconstruct how a criminal event took place, ex- tion, and validation. Inter-laboratory collaborative tests have aided the
pose relevant links, and reveal factors that can lead to the recovery of evaluation of meaningful collection sets, testing reproducibility by
additional evidence [3–5]. multiple scientists, and fine-tuning the scope, capabilities, and limita-
Materials, such as fabric and glass, can be broken, torn, cut or tions of the examinations. Ultimately, the results of inter-laboratory
otherwise separated during forcible interactions. Likewise, vehicle parts studies assist the adoption of methods and their application to case-
can be bent during a crash, separating fragments of paint from the work.
original substrate. As a result, it is possible that the materials trans-
ferred during such an activity can be physically re-aligned with the 1.2. Scientific organizations, standardized guidelines, and databases
original source.
Several experimental studies [6–23] have shown that random phy- In the late twentieth century the forensic community recognized the
sical fits of materials are rare or improbable. These studies have pro- necessity of establishing consensus guidelines and standard methods for
vided the foundation for physical fits to be considered the highest level the advancement of the field and this led to the first scientific working
of association in a trace evidence comparative examination [6–23]. groups (SWGs) being founded in the United States. In 1988, the
However, there is an ongoing need to develop standardized methods to Technical Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (TWGDAM) was
evaluate the quality of a physical fit and the uncertainty associated with founded, which later became the Scientific Working Group on DNA
such conclusions. Analysis Methods, (SWGDAM). In 1994, the trace community created
Besides physical fits, an association of mass-produced materials the Technical Working Group for Fibers (TWGFIBE), later known as
cannot definitively establish that the items came from a single source. Technical Working Group for Material Analysis (TWGMAT), which
This is commonly known in forensic science as an association of became the Scientific Working Group for Materials Analysis
evidence with class characteristics. A trace examiner uses several (SWGMAT).
analytical tools to compare the features of evidentiary items to identify In 2014, most of the federal funding to the SWGs stopped, and NIST-
exclusionary differences or similarities. Since the association to a OSAC was created. The OSAC is currently a collaborative body of more
possible source can have varying degrees of significance depending on than 500 forensic science practitioners, researchers, and other experts
the characteristics of the samples and their prevalence in the relevant who represent all levels of government, academia and industry. For
environment, it is imperative that the examiner assess the significance trace disciplines, the OSAC Materials (Trace) Subcommittee has pri-
for an association and express the limitations to any source attributions marily focused on hair, fiber, tape, paint and glass. Other sub-
or associations. Efforts are underway among the National Institute of committees have been addressing additional trace materials such as fire
Standards and Technology Organization of Scientific Area Committees debris and explosives, geological materials, and gunshot residue.
(NIST-OSAC) to create standard guidelines for interpreting forensic Similarly, in 1995 the European Network of Forensic Science
evidence. This topic has become a primary focus among recent research Institutes (ENFSI) was founded with the aim to discuss topics of mutual
studies and projects funded by federal agencies. interest among forensic laboratories in Europe. The ENFSI now has two
Trace evidence has played a critical role in numerous cases, from standing committees (Quality and Competence, and Research and
the early investigative phases to the corroborative stages and in the Development) and seventeen working groups, including groups on ex-
presentation of evidence at trial [3,24–34]. Many of these cases also plosives, gunshot residues, paint and glass, textiles and hairs, and an-
illustrate the complexity of the examinations and interpretation of trace imal, plant and soil traces. In 2004 the Academia Iberoamericana de
evidential materials. Since the laboratory work is labor-intensive and Criminalistica y Estudios Forenses (AICEF) for Latin America, Spain and
the instrumentation can be costly, the examination of trace evidence is Portugal was started, and the founding of the Asian Forensic Sciences
often underutilized. Several authors have proposed models for the use Network (AFSN) occurred in 2008.
of trace evidence that can maximize its full potential and emphasize its Since their foundation, these scientific groups have developed nu-
value in reconstructions and intelligence investigations [3,4,35–38]. merous consensus documents that have strived for the harmonization of
In this paper we present an overarching review of the current state best practices and have identified research needs for the advancement
of trace evidence with emphasis in its scientific foundations. While we of the profession.
recognize that trace evidence can include many diverse materials such Finally, developing and maintaining collections and databases of
as fire debris, cosmetics, plastics, pollens, soils, gunshot residue and trace materials is a critical but challenging task. These resources are
lamp filaments, our focus here is on the sub-disciplines that are the needed to assess the rarity of observing features of interest in a relevant
primary emphasis of the NIST-OSAC Materials (Trace) Subcommittee: population and the ability of the analytical methodology to differentiate
hairs, fibers, tape, paint, and glass. We start with a discussion of samples. For instance, trace collections and databases are currently
training, education, and proficiency testing, followed by a sub- used to assist the classification of materials for investigative purposes.
discipline-specific assessment of their scope and challenges. Material- Researchers use such resources to estimate frequencies of occurrence,
specific information regarding the nature, composition, manufacture, random match probabilities, and other quantitative measures to aid in
and distribution is critical to informed decisions during a case pre-as- the interpretation of the significance of the evidence [3,5,37]. However,
sessment, the collection, and sampling of fragments at the scene and in there are difficulties in keeping current with the structural or chemical
the laboratory, and for the overall interpretation of the evidence. As a changes in materials over time and with increasing global trade.
T. Trejos, et al. Forensic Chemistry 18 (2020) 100223
2. Education and training examinations. A proficiency test is meant to replicate the types of ex-
aminations found in casework; however, for practical reasons most are
Education and training in criminalistics include higher education in simplified versions of the typical analytical comparison. An examiner
science, formal training programs at forensic laboratories, certification may have to take multiple proficiency tests if they are qualified in
processes, and continuing education activities. Most laboratory posi- several disciplines.
tions require forensic scientists to have a science degree prior to em- Commercial proficiency tests are available for all the major trace
ployment. Degree programs in forensic science have increased on col- subdisciplines [44,45], and practitioners at a variety of forensic la-
lege campuses, providing general knowledge in criminalistics and boratories across the United States and the world have received them.
specialized discipline-specific coursework (e.g., trace, chemistry/tox- Results have repeatedly demonstrated the accuracy of the analytical
icology, DNA). The Forensic Science Education Programs Accreditation methods and that correct conclusions are reported [44,46]. While
Commission (FEPAC) is the official U.S. accrediting body that assesses proficiency tests typically reveal high levels of correspondence in re-
and accredits higher education institutions to ensure quality standards ported results among participating laboratories, using these test results
in undergraduate and graduate forensic science programs. to calculate error rates is problematic. Typically, the parameters of a
Forensic laboratories also have their own in-house training pro- case differ from the proficiency test, and properly trained and qualified
grams for new forensic scientists, which can last for several months to examiners are not the only test takers. These test results have also
years. Examiner training typically involves specific procedures and shown varying approaches to report writing [45,47].
milestones, including the ability to demonstrate fundamental knowl-
edge for a material of interest, competency in the operation of analy- 4. Trace evidence interpretation and report writing
tical instruments, methodologies, protocols for sampling, analysis, re-
port writing, and oral testimony. New employees are required to pass With increasing technological advances and worldwide efforts to
such training programs to become qualified to perform examinations on validate and standardize examination protocols among different la-
casework. Some laboratories follow a modular style of training where boratories, the focus of trace evidence is also evolving into an estab-
an examiner becomes qualified to examine one material at a time. Then lishment of standardized interpretation methods. The forensic com-
as time and caseloads permit, they can work cases while training in munity is moving away from traditional conclusions such as “the trace
other materials and learning new techniques and instrumentation. The material could have come from the known source” with no further
American Board of Criminalistics (ABC), SWGMAT, and more recently explanation of what that means [48,49]. The report must be transparent
the OSAC for Forensic Science have worked to create guidelines and informative to the trier of fact. Examiners should provide a report
[39–41] to help standardize training programs for forensic scientists that documents the methods used, the results and conclusions reached
among different laboratory systems with recommendations on testing from those examinations, along with any limitations to their conclu-
topics and procedures [42]. sions, and an assessment of the significance of the results. The devel-
The ABC offers a voluntary peer-reviewed certification to practi- oping partnerships of forensic practitioners with other experts in sta-
tioners as a means to demonstrate professional qualifications in one or tistics, law, academia, and industry is vital to the development and
more fields of criminalistics. Recertification involves verification of application of functional strategies in this direction.
competency through participation in the wider forensic community: Forensic analysis is moving toward a two-pronged approach of
attending conferences, continuing education workshops or short professional judgment and statistics to analyze results, interpret data,
courses, serving on committees, or publishing, as well as successful and draw conclusions. Descriptive statistics can be useful to analyze
completion of annual proficiency tests for practitioners with Fellow and present data in a meaningful way, such as by showing data patterns
status. via QC charts, spectral overlay, box-plots, or describing a measure-
As in any scientific discipline, continuing education and scientific ment’s median, range, variance, precision, bias, accuracy, and un-
networking are crucial to maintaining professional competence. certainty. Inferential statistics estimate parameters about a population
Numerous public and private institutions (e.g., universities, labora- from a subset of the population to reach conclusions regarding hy-
tories, professional organizations) offer formal specialized workshops potheses under consideration [50]. Inferential statistics, including fre-
and training to forensic practitioners. Participation in short courses and quentist and Bayesian frameworks, provide a means to address prob-
workshops at forensic meetings are encouraged as a supplement to abilities [50]. Frequentist frameworks estimate probabilities from
training programs. Additional training outside of one’s own laboratory repeatable random events (i.e., define probability as the long-term
system offers opportunities to enhance knowledge and network among frequency of occurrence of an event). In contrast, Bayesian frameworks
other professionals who handle similar technical challenges. Several describe probabilities as degrees of beliefs or logical support [51]. In
international, national, and regional scientific meetings provide annual Bayesian inference, the prior probabilities or beliefs (i.e., those that
venues to strengthen the forensic discipline through open forums. occur before the results/data/information are considered) represent the
Additionally, every three years, Interpol produces a review of the lit- assumptions about the unknown parameters. Then, these probabilities
erature published in the past three years for a variety of forensic dis- are updated with the data to yield posterior probabilities [50]. In other
ciplines including glass, paint, fibers and textiles [43]. words, the Bayesian approach can be used to revise beliefs about un-
Finally, the professional interactions within scientific groups serve certain propositions in the light of new information or evidence [51].
as an interdisciplinary forum to improve standards, identify research In the frequentist and Bayesian approaches, the interpretation of
and training needs, and offer solutions to advance forensic science evidence can be conducted in multiple steps; in the Bayesian mode, it
disciplines. can also be conducted in a continuous mode [52–62]. The multi-step
models use comparison criteria to analyze data and then to make binary
3. Proficiency testing decisions of match/non-match. A variety of statistical frequentist
techniques can be applied to answer questions of common source, such
After completing training, a forensic scientist continues to demon- as hypothesis tests, confidence intervals, or range tests [50]. When all
strate proficiency in his/her specific disciplines through proficiency the measured properties of a known and questioned sample are indis-
testing. Proficiency tests are used to assess the ability of an examiner to tinguishable, then the possibility that the compared items originated
conduct specific examinations, interpret the data, and communicate the from the same source cannot be eliminated. After the comparative stage
results. These tests are typically administered annually and are separate (step one), the results are evaluated at a source level (step two) to ex-
from tests taken during training or the final qualification test ad- plain the significance of the findings (i.e., the rarity of the material’s
ministered to demonstrate competency to perform forensic characteristics). The final step is the evaluation of these results on an
T. Trejos, et al. Forensic Chemistry 18 (2020) 100223
activity level to determine and explain the relevance of the findings primary focus of the NIST-OSAC Materials (Trace) Subcommittee. The
under the given circumstances (i.e., assessment of the evidence con- combination of references cited throughout this paper represent a
sidering competing propositions of alleged activities, and factors such comprehensive review of the current state of trace evidence and serve
as transfer mechanisms and persistence) [55,63,64]. as background information and a bibliography supporting the inter-
While steps two and three are Bayesian in nature, in the frequentist pretation approach being developed by the OSAC Materials (Trace)
framework they do not necessarily apply quantitative assessments or Subcommittee.
make formal use of statistics to assess mutually exclusive propositions.
The following information can be used in the process to assign a qua- 5. Hair evidence
litative significance to the evidence (i.e., verbal scale of conclusions): a)
peer-reviewed studies that describe the discrimination of features and 5.1. Growth, development, and classification
methods, b) variations of the measured properties within and between
samples, c) databases, and d) survey studies that evaluate transfer, Hair is a biological fiber that grows from the skin of mammals, and
persistence, and frequency of occurrence of background materials. its growth and development continues to be well studied among diverse
Bayesian statistical methods were first reported in 1963 [65]. Its biological sciences [86–93]. Humans have thousands of hair follicles
application in the interpretation of trace evidence date to the 1970s that regulate the cyclical growth of hairs [94], the shape of hair fibers
[66,67] and continues to be a topic of research [30,57,59,62,68–77]. A across the body [95], and hair pigmentation [96,97]. Because each hair
Bayesian framework uses an estimate of a likelihood ratio (LR) to follicle is its own mini-organ driven by complex biological processes,
provide forensic scientists with measurable tools to assess the weight of variation in the positioning and patterning of the internal micro-
evidence. To make estimates, an expert uses searchable databases and structure can be found among individual hair fibers. Hairs emerge from
surveys on transfer and persistence as input to the mathematical the follicle as a hardened, keratinized material organized into three
models. Advantages of this framework are that it enables a quantitative layers: cuticle, cortex, and medulla. Within this layered structure are
assessment for the quality of an association or exclusion, and formally melanosomes, the pigmentation organelles for hair; cortical fusi; and
evaluates the evidence under two mutually exclusive propositions. The occasionally ovoid bodies; all held together by a cell membrane com-
analysis can be conducted sequentially or continuously [75]. There are plex (CMC). The presence and arrangement of the structures that make
several open source packages and accessible programs that can assist up a hair, their patterning, and relative abundance can differ among
experts in the calculations [56,59,76,77]. mammalian groups and by somatic regions. Hair fibers also vary along
Although some forensic laboratories apply Bayesian methods in their length in morphological form, size, and in the patterning of the
their interpretation, this is not yet a common practice. The US judicial pigmentation within. Melanosomes are the pigment granules that im-
system is an adversarial system where the court is impartial, and juries part color to a hair: eumelanin (brown/black melanin) and pheome-
decide on a verdict based on competing arguments. This is in contrast to lanin (yellow/red melanin). It is the size of the various pigment gran-
the inquisitorial systems found in other countries where the court is ules and the amount and distribution of the different melanin types that
actively involved in finding out the facts and can be expected to gain account for much of the variation in visible hair color [98–100]. The
expertise in statistical methods to help evaluate the evidence presented pigmentation in hair can vary among the different hairs on a person’s
before it [78–82]. Legal structure and admissibility of evidence in the head, along the length of a hair, and as a person ages [101].
U.S. varies from criminal versus civil courts, and by the court levels
(e.g., county, state, federal). Also, some states use Daubert admissibility 5.1.1. Hair types
rules (e.g., judge as gatekeeper), while others still use the Frye rules Among most mammalian species, guard and underfur hairs are in-
(e.g., acceptance rule) [83–85]. termixed on the body and differentiable by microscopical analysis of
Accordingly, it is the authors’ opinion that the operation of US morphology and microstructure. Species and somatic region (i.e., body
jurisdictions makes the adoption of Bayesian methods more challenging area) can often be determined from the shape of a hair and the ar-
as compared to some other countries (e.g., Netherlands, New Zealand, rangement of the microstructures within each layer [102–105]. Human
Australia, UK). Some challenges to the estimation of LRs are the de- hair forms are separated by regions of the body and are recognizable by
termination of the appropriate relevant population in a geographical differences in morphology (i.e., its size, cross-sectional shape, degree of
area as large as the US, the lack of consistency in LR scale ranges across curl) [103,106–109]. Scalp hairs exhibit greater variation among
disciplines, and that the performance evaluation of LR methods are not people than hairs from other body regions so they are more often mi-
yet standardized. In the trace evidence discipline, some of the sig- croscopically compared in forensic casework [110]. However, pubic
nificant challenges to applying the Bayesian approach are the scarcity hairs, facial hairs, and other body area hairs can also be compared to
of databases and the existing gap in formal training of examiners in hairs of the same body region. Prior to classifying the somatic origin of
using these models. Several efforts are being conducted to narrow this a hair, examiners should have a working knowledge of the varied hair
gap and facilitate possible future adoption of these approaches forms among human populations as well as transitional hairs between
[56,59,68,69,71,72,77]. body regions.
The OSAC Materials (Trace) Subcommittee is currently working on
the development and validation of an interpretative approach that 5.1.2. Ancestry
proposes the use of a verbal scale of conclusions to explain the sig- Specific hair traits (e.g., cross-sectional shape, degree of curl, pig-
nificance of the findings. Although the concept is not novel [70], this ment density) have been related to population ancestry [111–114],
group has described material-specific casework examples as a means to though intra-individual and intra-group variation can be extensive
help with the harmonization of the decision process among end-users. [105]. These traits have been used to differentiate hairs among popu-
Moreover, the proposed model is suitable for multi-step methods, lation groups [111,114–119]. While there are traits that are commonly
continuous methods, and for qualitative or quantitative assessments of observed among individuals who share a genetic ancestry (i.e., Eur-
the value of the evidence. As a result, the approach allows the use of opean, sub-Saharan African, Asian/Native American), using a defined
information derived from classic, frequentist, and Bayesian models to racial classification taxonomy and the historical terminology (i.e.,
explain the value of findings. Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid) is no longer accepted as valid. Studies
Interpreting the significance of any piece of evidence also rests on a focused on the extent of variation in traits among the hairs on a person’s
foundation of knowledge regarding the composition, growth or manu- scalp and among those of similar genetic ancestry have revealed that
facture, distribution, transfer, and persistence of each trace material. strict taxonomic classifications are not scientifically supported as traits
The following sections detail the five main trace materials that are the are more continuous across human populations than historical
T. Trejos, et al. Forensic Chemistry 18 (2020) 100223
classifications allowed [120–124]. With increasing levels of admixture hair for nuclear DNA, and if there is any evidence of artificial treatment,
around the world and differing interpretations of racial classifications decomposition, or other damage.
associated with cultural and language groups, it is also important to A material can be identified as a hair, but hair evidence cannot be
note that how someone self-identifies may not align with how a hair used to identify an individual as the source of the evidence based on a
examiner relates hair traits to a biogeographic ancestry phenotype. Hair microscopical comparison. While we tend to think of individuals and
classification terminology has changed over time because of the their features as biologically unique, except for identical twins, a co-
growing recognition that racialized classification schemas are proble- incidental association of two hairs that originate from different sources
matic and not always indicative of the extent that ancestry is often can occur when similarities are found in the patterning of hair micro-
mixed [125–127]. Forensic science is moving toward identifying the structure [124,143]. Unlike manufactured materials, which are known
phenotypic traits observed in an evidential hair sample (e.g., degree of to be mass-produced yet can vary among production lots, the potential
curl, color, cross-sectional shape, density of pigment granules, thickness range of variation among the hairs on a person’s scalp and within the
of cuticle) and indicating the particular combination of traits is sug- human population is not known. Accordingly, the number of other
gestive of coming from someone related to a broad geographic ancestry potential sources that a hair could be microscopically similar to, and
group (e.g., European, Asian or Native American, African), yet not also be included as possible sources, has not been well established.
limited to any one population. For reliable comparison of evidential hairs, the reference samples
must be obtained from the same body region as the hair of interest (e.g.,
5.2. Transfer and persistence studies head hairs can only be compared to head hairs).
Best practices and guidelines have been developed by practitioners
Humans shed approximately 100 hairs a day [128] and these hairs for forensic examination of hairs. The SWGMAT Human Hair
often transfer to our clothing and around our environment. If collected Examination Guide [144], SWGMAT Hair Training Guide, the ASTM
at a scene or from a piece of evidence, hairs can be informative about documents under development [40], and the European Best Practice
potential contact and activity. How easily hair transfers, persists in its Manual for the Microscopic Examination and Comparison of Human
transferred state, and remains accessible for collection is critical in- and Animal Hairs [145] are consensus documents which serve as a
formation to the examiner. Hairs are a specific type of fiber, so much of model from which laboratories could adapt the methods to their own
the research regarding the transfer and persistence of hair rests on training and hair examination protocols.
studies conducted with different fiber types, including wool hairs. If exclusionary differences are found between compared samples,
Several studies have evaluated the effect that activity and the types of then examinations cease, and it can be concluded that the samples are
recipient garment have on transfer and persistence rates [129–131]. dissimilar; and based on the known sample, the source of the reference
One common source of forensic hair evidence are the hairs collected sample cannot be included as a possible source of the questioned hair.
from victim’s hands; however, a review of casework found the majority However, consideration should be given to how representative the
of those hairs were from the victim themselves, not another person sample is and whether there could be additional variation not captured
[132]. In another study [133] an examiner collected hair from his by the reference hairs that could be similar to the evidential hair.
clothing at varied times during a normal work day for a period of one If the characteristics of an evidential hair are not able to be dis-
month. The examiner found that all the transferred hairs suitable for tinguished microscopically from the characteristics of the known hair
microscopical comparison purposes were from close family members sample, then it can be concluded that the hairs may share a common
with whom he had personal contact [133]. Another source of hairs on source. In this scenario, the number of other people who could share
clothing are hairs that transferred by indirect (or secondary) transfer similar microscopic hair characteristics is unknown. As such, this type
from garments that have been washed together [134]. of conclusion is not an identification of one person to the exclusion of
Multiple studies have found that the type and length of contact af- all others. That being said, studies demonstrate that microscopical
fect transfer, with indirect transfers being more common than direct analysis can generally differentiate hairs sampled from different people
(primary) transfer, and the type of recipient garment greatly influences [124,143,146–150]. An important aspect of forensic reporting includes
the persistence of hairs [129,135,136]. The presence or absence of a a transparent acknowledgment regarding the limitations of an analysis.
root or whether the hairs have been artificially treated does not appear Some limitation statements for hair reports may include a statement
to have much influence on how long a hair will remain on a garment that hairs are not a means of individual identification, that an assess-
[136]. Instead, the type of textile has been shown to have more of an ment of ancestry is based on hair traits that are only broadly general-
effect on the persistence of hairs similar to the reported retention and izable to continentally defined populations, and the fact that it is not
loss of fiber data, with woolen garments retaining hairs for a longer known how many other individuals may share similar microscopic
period of time than non-woolen clothing [136,137]. characteristics (and could thus be included as additional potential
While most human hair research has focused on scalp hair, some sources).
research has focused on the transfer and persistence of pubic hairs It is recommended that microscopical hair comparisons are followed
[138]. It was found that, of the 110 heterosexual consensual sexual by mitochondrial DNA analysis (mtDNA) or, if there is soft tissue pre-
interactions studied, pubic hair transfers occurred among 17.3% [138]. sent at the root end, nuclear DNA (nDNA). Studies have evaluated the
Further, transfers were more often from the female to the male, while correlation between microscopical conclusions and mtDNA results in
cross-transfers (both individuals in a couple transferring pubic hairs to forensic hair analyses with greater than 85% accuracy for microscopical
the other) were rare as it was observed only once in the study [138]. hair comparisons among hair samples that shared a mitochondrial
Results for the transfer and persistence of animal hairs have also profile [124,148,151]. However, the basis of two of these studies
been similar to those found for fibers and human hairs [148,151] were casework samples and results, so the true source of the
[130,131,139–142]. hairs and mtDNA profiles were not known for corroboration of accu-
racy. The combination of microscopy followed by mtDNA can increase
5.3. Forensic examination protocols the accuracy of potential source inclusion or exclusion for forensic
purposes, and greater significance can be attributed to conclusions re-
Once hair evidence is received in the laboratory for analysis, a levant to a court case; however neither microscopical analysis nor
microscopical examination can provide information on whether evi- mtDNA alone can definitively identify a hair to a single person
dential material is a hair or other fibrous material, if it is human or non- [124,148,151]. Proteomic research on hair offers a promising comple-
human in origin, the body area or possible biogeographic ancestry of ment to microscopy but has yet to be validated in many forensic la-
the person it may have originated from, suitability of the root end of a boratories [152–155]. Proteomic analysis of hair has limitations similar
T. Trejos, et al. Forensic Chemistry 18 (2020) 100223
to mitochondrial DNA in that neither technique can provide an absolute a representative sampling of the features of all the hairs from multiple
identification of a single individual; however, in combination with persons.
microscopy these techniques can provide valuable information for Research on hair traits and the variation among samples is ongoing.
questions as to who the source of a hair may have been and what may While database searches for hair traits or image-based comparison are
have happened in a case [156]. not currently applicable to forensic hair examinations, future dis-
Laboratories that send hairs directly to nDNA without microscopical coveries may offer new aspects of hair to analyze. Specialists would be
analysis miss important information (e.g., is the hair human?, was the well served by keeping current with the scientific research being un-
hair dyed?). Additionally, there is a greater potential to conduct costly dertaken on hair among the textile and cosmetic industries
analyses that are not necessary if the unknown hair is microscopically [95,163–165], and within the fields of dermatology [166–171], an-
dissimilar to the known sample of the person from whom it was col- thropology [101,172,173], developmental biology [91], and genetics
lected (i.e., victim’s hair found on victim’s body). Ideally, microscopy [87,174–176] as much is still being learned about human hair growth,
should work in tandem with mtDNA, nDNA, or proteomic analyses to its development within the body, and variation among peoples.
provide the greatest information about evidential hair and its potential
similarity or dissimilarity to a reference sample. 6. Fiber evidence
The ability to discriminate hairs among different peoples by mi- Fibers serve as the basic unit of textiles and are typically described
croscopical analysis has been evaluated through research studies as a unit of material, synthetic or natural, whose length is significantly
[124,143,146–150]. These studies demonstrated that comparison mi- longer than its width. Natural fibers include plant material from stems,
croscopy can discriminate among hair samples, including some iden- seeds, or leaves; animal fibers comprised of hair, wool, or silk; and
tical twins given a sufficient known hair sample, but the data does not mineral fibers such as asbestos. Manufactured fibers are created from
support identification of hair to a single individual by microscopy regenerated cellulose, synthetic polymers, or inorganic materials such
alone. as glass. Fibers may differ in length (staple or filament), composition
It should be noted that some historical research [146,147,157] is (natural, manufactured, or mineral), the type or amount of additives
often criticized for the statistical analyses employed. This research has incorporated during production (e.g., pigments, dyes, delustrants), their
also been misused by some to overemphasize the accuracy of their own shape, and treatment or post-production alteration.
casework, and the statistics have also been misinterpreted by legal Textile manufacturing involves the production of natural and syn-
scholars [158,159] to undermine the validity of hair comparisons. thetic fibers, spinning those fibers into threads and yarns, creating
However, this work did show high levels of comparison accuracy fabrics or other textile materials (e.g., weaving, knitting), and the
among study samples. The problematic use of and interpretation of processes by which fibers and fabrics are colored with dyes or pigments
these statistical analyses do not reflect on the accuracy of microscopical [177–179]. Man-made fibers (with the exception of glass fibers) are
hair analysis. Hair examiners need to be aware of the limitations to the produced by converting a polymer into a liquid state and then extruding
application of statistical analysis from research: such statistics must not through a spinneret. The spinneret openings come in a variety of shapes
be applied to casework or be used as an error rate for a case or ex- and produce distinctive cross-sectional characteristics to the fibers (e.g.,
aminer, as laboratory methods and procedures may differ from the oval, round, trilobal, pentagonal, octagonal). As the polymer exits the
research protocol. spinneret, it solidifies in air or a solvent before being drawn. The pro-
cess of extruding a fiber through a spinneret is called spinning (wet,
5.5. Collections and databases dry, melt, and gel). The drawing process orients the polymer chains
along the fiber axis, increasing its mechanical strength. This process
Reference collections serve as an important resource for comparing imparts optical properties useful for identification of fiber-type and for
non-human hairs and identifying the features observed microscopically sample comparisons. Additionally, during fiber manufacture, two or
within the hairs from peoples with known ancestry, disease status, more polymers can be spun together into a single fiber to provide
decomposition phase, and sun exposure. Many laboratories maintain special performance features for the end product. Throughout the
collections of hair samples from people of known ancestry and hair production process, fibers take on a wide range of characteristics that
samples from different body regions to use in training and as reference are responsible for the varied fabric types, colors, comfort, and per-
materials. Additional collections have been created by and curated in formance features dictated by a global market and constantly changing
natural history museums [160], universities (e.g., Pennsylvania State fashion trends. Fiber types can be characterized and differentiated by
University Department of Anthropology), and human remains research features such as color, thickness, diameter, cross-sectional shape, di-
centers (e.g., University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Texas State Uni- chroism, fluorescence, birefringence, sign of elongation, melting point
versity). Such collections may be useful in training or research. and chemical composition of its polymers, dyes, pigments, and ad-
While extensive collections are helpful and ideal for training and as ditives.
reference material, creating a database of hair features or images is not Natural fibers are produced by breaking down the leaf, stem, or seed
a practical tool for forensic identification or for statistical analyses portion of a plant into a fibrous material ready to be spun into yarns
applicable to forensic casework because of the range of variation that [178,179]. Animal fibers are cleaned to remove debris or other material
can be present within hair samples [161]. Features in hair can vary (e.g., sericin in silk) and then the fibers are aligned for spinning or
throughout their growth cycle, and there are a range of nutritional felting [179]. Once usable fiber forms are produced, the fibers can be
factors, diseases, or environmental conditions which can influence the spun into yarns differentiated by thickness, number of strands or plies,
expression of hair traits within a sample [92,162]. While some hair and direction of twist. These yarns are then processed into fabric by
traits may follow similar patterns (e.g., pigment that aggregates in knitting, weaving or by creating a non-woven material.
streaks, clumps, or patches) among the hairs of one individual, those Color can be added at various stages in the manufacturing process.
hairs can exhibit a wide range of variation in microscopical and mor- Pigments can be added to the polymer solution prior to fiber extrusion
phological appearance (e.g., color, curl, diameter) over time. A data- or it can be applied to textiles as a surface color. Dyes typically im-
base describing the color or density of hair pigment at one point in time pregnate a fiber, and the stage in the manufacturing process may be
or at a particular length away from the root end would not be useful detectable if the whole length of the fiber is not colored. When tightly
long-term, and such a database would be limited in its ability to capture twisted yarns or fabrics with a close weave are dyed, portions of
T. Trejos, et al. Forensic Chemistry 18 (2020) 100223
individual fibers may not be exposed to the dye bath, thus leaving An examination typically starts with light microscopy and comparing
portions that are not completely dyed lighter in color. Textiles may also physical characteristics with a comparison microscope. Microscopical
be overdyed in reaction to market fluctuations (changes in seasonal analysis is non-destructive and provides discrimination among fibers
styles) or aftermarket processes (recycled fibers). Washing a textile can based on differences in color, size, shape, and other microscopic char-
alter the color or intensity (hue) as can exposure to UV light. The col- acteristics such as the presence of delustrants [177,212–214]. Optical
orfastness and lightfastness of textile materials can impact the number properties (e.g., refractive index, birefringence, dichroism) are eval-
of potential donor sources of an evidential fiber. Although textiles are uated with polarized light microscopy (PLM) and fluorescence light
typically produced in batches, changes in the intensity or color of a microscopy, and spectra of colored fibers are compared with UV/Vis
material from use and exposure or the application of detergents or microspectrophotometry (MSP). Fourier transform infrared micro-
delustrants can provide further discriminating information [180,181]. spectroscopy (FTIR) is typically used to confirm manufactured fiber
For more extensive information regarding the composition, manu- type determined by PLM and to determine fiber sub-type. While this
facture, or distribution of fibers refer to the Fiber Organon and the technique can be highly discriminating as to fiber type, it does not have
American Fiber Manufacturers Association website. The American Fiber the discriminating power to differentiate fibers that have the same
Manufacturers Association website is a good source to keep current major chemical composition but are different in size, color, and shape.
with the types of fibers and amounts in production. The Journal of the The majority of fibers can be discriminated by comparison microscopy,
Textile Institute and the Textile Research Journal are additional resources PLM, and MSP, so the additional resolving power FTIR may bring to a
for current and future trends in fiber and colorant technology. forensic fiber analysis to further discriminate samples is typically low.
Additionally, FTIR is semi-destructive to fiber morphology so is typi-
6.2. Transfer and persistence studies cally used later in a forensic fiber protocol.
If any exclusionary differences between compared samples are
For a fiber to become potential questioned evidence, it must transfer found at any point, then examinations can cease, and it can be con-
from one object or place to another and then be collected. How easily it cluded that the samples do not share a common source. If the micro-
transfers, persists in its transferred state, and remains accessible for scopic characteristics, optical properties, and chemical composition of
collection is critical information to the fiber examiner. Fibers can be an evidential fiber are not able to be differentiated from the known
shed from yarns and textiles through a range of activities including fiber sample at each stage of the fiber examination protocol, then it can
abrasion, washing, and stretching/straining a textile material. Physical be concluded that the fibers could share a common source. This con-
damage to a textile material can expose yarn ends and reduce yarn clusion does not mean that an evidential fiber came from the same
cohesion or twist and allow individual staple fibers to be lost [182]. textile material as the known sample, since fibers and textile materials
Normal wear and activity patterns lead to fibers being shed and are often produced in large quantities/batches/lots.
transferred to other people or objects through contact.
An extensive body of literature has been written on the transfer of 6.4. Discrimination and interlaboratory studies
fibers as well as how long those fibers may persist on a given person or
object [130,131,183–198]. Specific research has been conducted on the Fibers can be microscopically discriminated by color, shape, size,
frequency of different fiber types to transfer [199,200] and the activ- and presence of delustrants, even under low magnification [215–217].
ities and types of recipient garments that could affect fiber retention A variety of dye combinations may lead to similar macroscopic colors
[130,186,189,200,201], as well as varied environmental conditions or on fibers and textiles; however, MSP and thin layer chromatography
exposure [191,202] and secondary transfer [196–198]. After transfer- (TLC) can further identify and characterize the dye or pigment com-
ring, fibers can be lost and/or redistributed on a garment through the ponents [217–219]. Color is arguably one of the most discriminating
actions of gravity, the activity of the person wearing the garment characteristics used in fiber examinations; however, the uptake of col-
[183,184,186,190] or through transportation of the evidence [203]. orants is more uniform in manufactured fibers than in natural fibers
Features of the recipient garment (tightness of weave, fiber type) where the structure and appearance are typically more variable. Ac-
greatly influence the rate of fiber persistence [130]. Transferred fibers cordingly, the use of MSP to compare spectra provides a method by
are typically lost within the first hour or two [131] under normal ac- which color measurements are standardized, repeatable, and the data
tivity patterns. Washing and exposure to outdoor elements can impact can be quantitatively analyzed [220,221]. This method serves as a
the persistence of transferred fibers [183,190,191,194,195,202,204]. complement to visual assessments of fiber color as well as a verification
of an examiner’s ability to perceive slight color differences.
6.3. Forensic examination protocols Research focused on several common colors and fiber types found
high discriminating power when using a combination of light micro-
Once fiber evidence is received in the laboratory for analysis, the scopy, fluorescence microscopy, and MSP [222,223]. Depending on the
physical, optical, and chemical features of fibers are assessed and dye type and fiber color, discriminating power ranged from 89% for
compared to determine whether fiber properties differ or correspond. black fibers dyed with direct dyes, 93% for black fibers dyed with re-
Best practices and guidelines have been developed among US and active dyes, 93% for orange cotton fibers, and 99.8% for green cotton
European practitioners for forensic examination of fibers and for the fibers [215,223]. Non-denim blue cotton fibers were found to have a
specific techniques used during analyses [205–209]. discriminating power of 96% when compared visually with microscopy
When examining damaged fabric, an examiner evaluates the po- and MSP [217].
tential for a physical fit to be made between torn edges. A physical fit of Studies of fiber populations found in casework or public locations
two fabric pieces is considered the highest level of source attribution in [219,224,225] and the extent that comparably colored fibers can be
textile examinations [210,211]. When a physical fit conclusion is made, discriminated [215,222,223,226] have done much to inform the for-
it is the examiner’s opinion that the possibility is negligible that the ensic community about the discrimination power of forensic fiber
compared textile materials originated from different damaged sources. analyses and their limitations, particularly in relation to common fiber
When a physical fit is not found or possible, the examiner evaluates types and colors [215,222,223,226]. Some colors and fiber types (e.g.,
the physical features of the material such as color and construction, blue denim cotton) are ubiquitous in clothing material, irrespective of
optical properties of the fibers such as fluorescence, and chemical style and seasonal changes so their significance as evidence has been
properties such as fiber composition or type. The order of examinations limited.
is typically done from least destructive to most destructive, but the When interpreting the significance of fiber evidence, consideration
extent of discrimination provided by each analysis is also considered. should be given to how common the fiber is within the general
T. Trejos, et al. Forensic Chemistry 18 (2020) 100223
environment by assessing general fiber populations [227–232]. Fur- produced as jumbo rolls that are subsequently cut down by the manu-
thermore, some locations or regions may have a greater affinity for facturers or distributors into smaller rolls for purchase.
particular colors (e.g., colors of sports teams) than other areas, or have For extensive information regarding history, composition, or man-
different prevalence of fiber types (e.g., cotton vs wool) based on ufacture, refer to Benedek [257], Johnston [258], or Satas [259]. The
weather conditions and climate (e.g., hot/humid, cold/dry). Fiber po- Pressure Sensitive Tape Council’s Products Directory and the Adhesives
pulation studies [199,224,227–234], color block studies and Sealants Industry newsletter are periodicals that are good resources
[215,217,223,226,235–238], and target fiber studies for current and future trends in tape and adhesives technology.
[198,215,219,225,236,239–241] address the frequency of occurrence
of similar color and fiber type, and these studies should be considered 7.1.1. Duct tapes
when interpreting the significance of fiber evidence. There are multiple ways to produce duct tape depending on
Interlaboratory studies typically reveal high levels of correspon- manufacturer preferences, and these different production methods/
dence among laboratories; however, as with proficiency tests, any sta- processes result in the variability observed among manufacturers and
tistical values calculated from the results found in these studies should products. Typically, backings are made of polyethylene with colorants
not be used to bolster or undermine the validity of results obtained in added (e.g., aluminum for silver-colored tapes). The fabric
criminal casework as the parameters of a case typically differ from re- reinforcement is made of cotton, polyester, a cotton-polyester blend,
search. or less commonly nylon, but these fibers/yarns can be constructed in a
Research being undertaken by textile conservationists, archaeologists, variety of ways. Adhesives are most commonly made of natural
polymer chemists and for industrial applications has expanded the rubber plus a tackifying resin and inorganic fillers (e.g., titanium
knowledge regarding how long fibers may be preserved in different dioxide, calcium carbonate), though other compositions can be
environments [242–244], methods to potentially analyze aged or expected.
weathered fibers [181,245,246], sample analysis with the least destructive
methods possible [247], and new fibers used in various industrial and 7.1.2. Electrical tapes
medical applications [248–253]. Electrical tapes consist of a plasticized PVC backing and usually a
synthetic adhesive (e.g., styrene-butadiene rubber). There are fewer
6.5. Collections and databases physical features present for evaluation of electrical tapes (i.e., no re-
inforcement layer) than duct tapes but there is still a wide range of
Many forensic laboratories have reference collections maintained chemicals that can be used, which leads to the variability observed
within laboratory systems comprised of various fiber types from vali- among the different manufacturers and products.
dated source materials. These collections are used for training and re-
search purposes. Spectral libraries are often constructed from these 7.1.3. Packaging tape
collections or commercially available libraries are purchased to aid in Packaging tapes consist of a polypropylene backing and usually a
the identification of fiber composition by FTIR. It is practically im- synthetic adhesive (e.g., acrylic). There are fewer physical features
possible to create a population database representative of all the fiber present for evaluation in packaging tapes than there are for duct tapes,
types and dye combinations that are commercially available at any one but there is still a range of optical and chemical analyses that can dif-
point in time, but attempts have been made to use smaller laboratory ferentiate some manufacturers and products.
reference collections and databases created from fibers found in case-
work for relative abundance analyses among varied fiber populations 7.1.4. Other
[184,199,215,223,224,235,254,255]. Such collections have primarily Other tapes include strapping tape, Gaffer’s tape, friction tape, of-
been used for research purposes, due to the constantly changing textile fice tape, and masking tape. Each of these has their own range of
market (e.g., style, color, season), differences in the durability of dif- chemicals used in their manufacture based on their intended end use.
ferent fibers types, and colorfastness of the dyes used. When compar-
isons to any commercial or in-house databases are applied to casework 7.2. Transfer and persistence studies
and statistical analyses are conducted, the limitations and uncertainty
must be explicitly stated. Nonetheless, these collections serve as useful Tape evidence is often purposefully used in the preparation for or
reference material for identification, classification, and comparison of commission of a crime, rather than passively transferred. Therefore,
fibers and can be an important resource in the examination and training transfer studies like those for other trace materials are less relevant, and
processes. no studies regarding transfer and persistence of tape itself were found
within the literature review. On the other hand, the adhesive of the tape
7. Tape evidence usually captures other trace materials on its surface, making it a
common substrate for other trace evidence. Persistence would primarily
7.1. Composition and manufacture involve evaluating how long the tapes would stick to surfaces via the
adhesive under a variety of conditions (e.g., under physical stress such
Tape is defined at a general level as a narrow flexible strip or band, as stretching, environmental conditions such as heat and water).
but for purposes of trace evidence analysis, the term “tape” refers to Manufacturers extensively study properties such as adhesion, tack, and
pressure-sensitive (PS) tape. PS tape can be defined as a film to which a shear resistance in developing their products [258] but this has not
PS adhesive is attached, which allows the film to adhere to a surface been studied much in relation to forensic evidence.
following the application of light (finger)-pressure. At a minimum, PS
tape consists of a film/backing and adhesive layer but may include 7.3. Forensic examination protocols
fabric (e.g., duct tape) or glass (e.g., strapping tape) reinforcement. This
review focuses primarily on duct tape, electrical tape, and packaging Once tape evidence is received in the laboratory for analysis, the
tape, since they are the most commonly encountered types of tape in physical and chemical features are analyzed and compared to de-
U.S. forensic laboratories [256]. termine whether or not the properties correspond. First, the tape is
The tape industry utilizes hundreds of raw materials in manu- examined visually and microscopically, then with a series of instru-
facturing. Tape manufacturers may either manufacture their own mental examinations in order to evaluate and compare the chemical
components or purchase them and then mix the raw materials in dif- properties. A textbook chapter has been written that extensively covers
ferent recipes (ingredients and relative amounts). Tapes are generally the forensic analysis of tape [260].
T. Trejos, et al. Forensic Chemistry 18 (2020) 100223
Best practices and guidelines have been developed by practitioners discrimination was able to be achieved on the same sample set. Tapes
for forensic examination of tapes and for the specific techniques used have been found to typically be the same product/manufacturer when
during analyses [261,262]. SWGMAT’s Guideline for Forensic Ex- they are unable to be distinguished following a comprehensive com-
amination of Pressure Sensitive Tapes provides a basic overview of parison as demonstrated by the combination of these studies
examinations, with the additional ASTM and SWGMAT guidelines [266–274].
providing more detailed information about specific techniques. Another set of studies have evaluated within-roll variation and
SWGMAT also created an extensive bibliography of relevant found that tapes are consistent along their lengths, but differences can
tape publications up until May 2012 that can currently be found sometimes be found between different rolls of the same product
on the American Society of Trace Evidence Examiners website [275–278].
( [263] under the Resources tab. Additional technologies such as X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
As one of the first steps in the analysis, the examiner evaluates the (XRF) [279], isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) [280,281], sector
potential of a physical fit between the ends of different pieces of tape field inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (SF-ICP-MS) [282],
relative to each other to determine whether they can possibly be rea- laser ablation-ICP-MS (LA-ICP-MS) [283–285], and laser induced
ligned to form one continuous piece. A physical fit of two tapes is breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) [283,284] are receiving increased at-
considered the highest level of source attribution in tape examinations tention in forensic research laboratories around the world, with results
[264]. When a Physical Fit conclusion is made it is the examiner’s that are promising and comparable to or even better than conventional
opinion that the possibility is negligible that the compared tapes ori- methods [279–283,285].
ginate from different torn/cut tape sources. Several studies have been
published for validation of such examinations [8,20,265]. 7.5. Collections and databases
When a physical fit is not observed, the examiner evaluates the
physical features such as color and width and chemical properties such There are few duct tape manufacturers in North America and even
as the adhesive composition. Examinations are typically ordered from less in other parts of the world. For these reasons as well as the wide
least destructive to most destructive, but also considers the extent of range of characteristics available for comparison between different duct
discrimination provided by each analytical method. For instance, phy- tapes, this tape is amenable to sourcing (i.e., determination of manu-
sical examinations yield high discrimination power [266–269] and are facturer/product). The largest known duct tape collection in North
generally simple to perform, so they are conducted first. On the other America is the FBI’s National Forensic Tape File (NFTF), which has
hand, pyrolysis-gas chromatography would most likely be the final approximately 700 duct tape samples and is used for manufacturer/
analytical step because the technique is destructive, though only mi- product searches. Other collections exist but on a smaller scale and are
crogram amounts of materials are needed, and the technique is more generally not used for source determinations. The accompanying da-
time-consuming compared to others [270]. tabase is housed in an Access®-based software program, which allows
If any exclusionary differences between compared samples are for text- and numerical-based searches in conjunction with energy
found at any point, then examinations cease, and it can be concluded dispersive spectroscopy spectral searches to determine a list of potential
that the samples do not share a common source. If the characteristics manufacturer/product candidates. Manufacturing representatives are
and properties of an evidential tape are not able to be distinguished then contacted for corroboration and distribution information. The FBI
from the properties of the comparison sample at every stage of the tape has published a casework example of the use of the NFTF and other
examination protocol, then it can be concluded that the tapes may share resources [286]. Other types of tape are not amenable to sourcing due
a common source. A conclusion that tapes could have a common source to the range of manufacturers and countries of origin, but collections
does not necessarily mean the questioned tape came from the known and databases can still be created and used to assess the range of pos-
roll, but either it or one like it that shares the same properties eval- sible physical features and chemical properties and evaluate the dis-
uated. Rolls are often made in batches, so rolls of the same product are crimination power and relative merits of the methodology.
expected to be indistinguishable, but discrimination studies demon-
strate that different tape products can be readily differentiated 8. Paint evidence
8.1. Composition and manufacture
7.4. Discrimination and interlaboratory studies
Paint is defined as a surface coating designed to protect or decorate
Tapes can be microscopically discriminated by color, construction, a surface. It can also be stated as a suspension of a pigment in a vehicle.
physical measurements, and other properties [266–269]. Physical The term “vehicle” in this context is used by the paint industry to de-
characteristics have been demonstrated to be highly discriminating for scribe the liquid portion of the paint comprised of the solvent and the
duct tapes (e.g., 99.6% for a set of 82 different sources, 3321 com- binder. The solvent is the volatile portion of the vehicle and is used to
parison pairs) due to the complexity of duct tape construction [269]. aid in the production, consistency, and application, after which the
Instrumental techniques, such as FTIR, scanning electron microscopy/ solvent is lost from the paint. The binder is the fraction of the paint
energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS), and pyrolysis–gas chro- vehicle that provides adhesion both within the paint film and between
matography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS), which are generally the paint and the substrate; it is often called a resin and is the non-
standard in forensic science laboratories, can further differentiate tapes volatile portion of the paint vehicle. A pigment, a finely powdered solid
based on their chemical compositions [268–274]. dispersed in the coating binder, may be inorganic, such as titanium
For tapes with fewer physical features to evaluate (e.g., electrical dioxide, or organic, such as quinacridone. Pigments may impart color
tape, packaging tape), these chemical examinations are more critical for and opacity or, in the case of extender pigments, may be used to add
discrimination. For electrical tapes in particular, different discrimina- bulk to the formulation at a reduced cost or to change physical prop-
tion powers were obtained for the various studies depending on the erties such as strength and weatherability. Additives may also be in-
sample set and the techniques used, but FTIR, SEM/EDS, and Py-GC/ cluded in paints such as driers, plasticizers, anti-skinning and anti-set-
MS, all have been demonstrated to be useful for discriminating different tling agents, and preservatives.
tape products. For instance [268], Py-GC/MS alone was able to dis- The paint industry utilizes hundreds of raw materials in manu-
criminate 83% of adhesives and 81% of backings in a set of electrical facturing. Most paint manufacturers do not manufacture their own re-
tapes known to contain rolls from different products and duplicate rolls sins and pigments but instead purchase them and then mix the raw
of the same product; in combination with other techniques, 96% materials in different recipes (ingredients and relative amounts).
T. Trejos, et al. Forensic Chemistry 18 (2020) 100223
For extensive information regarding composition, manufacture, or composition and age influenced how much paint transferred, and cross-
distribution, refer to Marrion 2004, Streitberger 2008, or Wicks 2007 transfer and secondary transfer were both observed [299]. Cross- or two-
[287–289]. Automotive News, Paints and Coatings Industry, and Coatings way-transfers of automotive paint are considered by examiners as
World are periodicals that are good resources for current and future stronger evidence than one-way transfers [300,301]. It is expected that
trends in paints and coatings technology. this is because multiple types of paint would have transferred, and two
different associations would be reported, compounding the circum-
8.1.1. Automotive paints stantial evidence supporting contact between the two objects.
One of the most common types of paint submitted to forensic la-
boratories is automotive. Several steps are involved in original equip- 8.3. Forensic examination protocols
ment manufacturing (OEM) automobile painting and are most fre-
quently performed in the following order: metal pretreatment, Once paint evidence is received in the laboratory for analysis, the
electrodeposition, primer-surfacer application, and finish coat applica- physical and chemical features of paints are analyzed and compared to
tion(s), each of which provides a layer of paint [288]. Different plants determine whether or not the properties correspond. This is done by
use different paints for their layer systems. Vehicles may require repair, first examining the evidence visually and microscopically, then with a
either at the factory or aftermarket, which can further affect the layer series of instruments in order to evaluate and compare the chemical
structure of the paint system. Typically, the more complex the layer properties. Several publications have been written that extensively
system, the more unusual it is. cover the forensic analysis of paint [290,302–304].
A wide variety of polymers can be used as paint binders and cross- Best practices and guidelines have been developed by practitioners
linking agents, including, but not limited to, acrylic, alkyd, epoxy, for forensic examination of paints and for the specific techniques used
melamine, polyester, styrene, urea, and urethane [290]. during analyses [41,305–308]. ASTM E1610 provides a general over-
view of paint examinations, details the strengths and limitations of each
8.1.2. Architectural paints method, and describes the fundamentals of an appropriate analytical
Architectural paint, frequently called household paint and sold in scheme.
many retail stores, is also frequently submitted for analysis. Often these SWGMAT created an extensive bibliography that covers the state of
paints are base white and can be tinted in-store to produce a wide range paint analysis up to 2012 and includes summaries of many publications,
of colors. Architectural paint can consist of numerous layer structures, which can currently be found on the American Society of Trace
depending on the number of times the substrate has been painted. The Evidence Examiners website [263] under the Resources tab. Every three
lifetime of a structure is generally much longer than that of an auto- years, Interpol issues a review article covering paint analysis; the most
mobile, and the paint is rarely removed before subsequent layers are recent ones cover 2013–2016 and 2016–2019 [43].
added, resulting in the potential for a sample to have many layers made As one of the first steps in the analysis, the examiner evaluates the
up of various colors and chemistries. potential of a physical fit between the known paint and a questioned
The resins used for architectural paints can be classified as either chip. A physical fit of two paint chips is considered the highest level of
waterborne latex systems or organic solvent-borne systems. Latex sys- source attribution in paint examinations [308]. When a Physical Fit
tems include acrylics, polyvinyl acetate (PVA) – acrylics, PVA-ethy- conclusion is made, it is the examiner’s opinion that the possibility is
lenes, and styrene-butadienes. Organic solvent-based resin systems may negligible that the compared paint chips originate from different da-
consist of acrylic enamels, acrylic lacquers, alkyds, nitrocellulose lac- maged paint sources.
quers, or urethane enamels [290]. When a physical fit is not found, the examiner evaluates the physical
features such as color and layer structure and chemical properties such
8.1.3. Other as the binder composition. The order of examinations is typically done
Other paints include spray, bicycle, motorcycle, maintenance (e.g., from least destructive to most destructive, but also considering the
tools, bridges), marine, and aircraft paints. Each of these has their own extent of discrimination provided by each analysis. For instance, phy-
range of chemicals used in their manufacture based on their intended sical examinations yield high discrimination power [309–311] and are
end use and expected environmental conditions [290]. generally simple to perform, so they are conducted first. On the other
hand, pyrolysis-gas chromatography may be the final analytical step
8.2. Transfer and persistence studies because the technique is destructive, though only requires microgram
amounts of materials [304], and the technique is more time-consuming
For paint to become potential questioned evidence, it must transfer compared to others.
from one object or place to another and then be collected. How easily it As with other trace materials, if any exclusionary differences between
transfers, persists in its transferred state, and remains accessible for compared samples are found at any point, then examinations cease, and
collection is critical information to the paint examiner. Spray paints and it can be concluded that the samples do not share a common source. If
household/architectural paints can transfer wet or dry to clothing and the characteristics and properties of an evidential paint could not be
other objects, and vehicle paint can transfer to other vehicles, individuals distinguished from the properties of the comparison sample at every
and their clothing, and other objects. Studies were undertaken to de- stage of the paint examination protocol, then it can be concluded that the
termine the background levels of paint flakes on clothing items unrelated paints could share a common source. A conclusion that paints could have
to a crime [291] and related to a crime [292]. Both studies determined a common source does not necessarily mean the questioned paint came
that paint can be found, single-layered paints are more common than from the known, but either it or one like it in all the same properties
multi-layered paints, and the number of chips found is inversely related evaluated. Paints are often made in batches, so containers of the same
to the number of layers observed. Careful examination of clothing can color and product, and vehicles of the same color from the same plant are
establish a person’s exposure to aerosolized spray paint, though not ne- expected to be indistinguishable, but discrimination studies demonstrate
cessarily establish him/her as the sprayer [293]. The most common areas that different paint products can be readily differentiated.
to observe aerosolized paint on the sprayer were that person’s lower
torso, wrists, and knees [294]. Very fine droplets do not persist as long as 8.4. Discrimination and interlaboratory studies
larger wet paint transfer as they can be readily washed away [293]. Some
studies have reported the efficiency of spray paint sampling methods and For automotive paints, studies starting in the mid-1970s until the
the influence of substrate and weathering effects [295–298]. Regarding present day have repeatedly demonstrated that a comprehensive ana-
transfer of tool (e.g., crowbar) and household paints, chemical lysis is capable of discrimination powers well above 99% for
T. Trejos, et al. Forensic Chemistry 18 (2020) 100223
automotive paint, and the samples that were not differentiated were composition were most effective; and for black samples, Py-GC/MS was
found to have originated from the same make and model in approxi- the best technique.
mately the same time frame (i.e., same model year or within a couple Additional technologies such as LA-ICP-MS [328–330] and Raman
model years) [312–316]. It is expected that the samples from each of spectroscopy [331–340] have also received attention in forensic re-
these indistinguishable pairs originated from the same automobile search and art laboratories around the world, with results that are
factory. These studies typically consisted of samples collected at junk promising and comparable to conventional methods. Raman spectro-
yards, auction yards, and other damaged vehicle sources and ranged in scopy has shown complementary information to FTIR, particularly in
samples set sizes from 200 to 500. the identification of pigments. However, LA-ICP-MS has not been
It was expected that factory repairs would be less common than the widely adopted in forensic laboratories due to its cost, as well as the
standard OEM systems observed and that the addition(s) of factory high discrimination rates possible with the more conventional methods.
repaint layers would increase the significance of an association. A study Regarding the accuracy of analytical methods and consistency
[317] was conducted to test this expectation and evaluated approxi- among laboratories, a collaborative study of black automotive paints
mately 1000 OEM paint samples. It determined that while most systems demonstrated inter-laboratory reproducibility of spectra collected on a
are standard systems (~92%), one additional clearcoat/basecoat (CC/ variety of FTIR instruments and accessories [341]. Some minor varia-
BC) combination occurred in ~6% of samples, two CC/BC system re- tions were observed, with thin layers presenting expected difficulties.
pairs occurred in ~1%, and three clearcoat/basecoat system repairs Additionally, an inter-laboratory study organized by the Royal Cana-
(four total CC/BC sets) occurred in ~0.28% of samples. The total per- dian Mounted Police (RCMP) in Canada further demonstrated that
centage of samples with factory repairs was in alignment with rates different examiners and different laboratories arrive at correct conclu-
quoted by the automotive industry and substantiates the expectation sions when provided mock case samples [342].
that the addition of each subsequent factory repair layer system in-
creases the significance of an association. 8.5. Collections and databases
It is further expected that the presence of aftermarket paint layers
can increase the significance of an association. A vehicle owner having Paint collections and databases exist that are used for make/model/
his/her automobile repainted would have a selection of different shops year searches or as an aid for determining frequency of occurrence of a
they could use, and different shops have different paint supplies and particular sample. The most widely used is the Paint Data Query (PDQ),
combinations they use in their repaint materials. A factory, on the other which was developed by and continues to be maintained by the RCMP
hand, typically uses the same paints in its repaints as it does in its [343,344].
original paint system. Depending on the reason for an aftermarket re- A series of studies has been recently conducted to enhance PDQ
paint (e.g., change of color, damage from a crash), the original layers library search algorithms to ATR-FTIR spectra as well as prefilters to
could be completely or partially removed before the vehicle is re- identify potential vehicle make and models [345–347].
painted, or the repaint layers could be put directly on top of the existing PDQ is a collection of automotive paints with an accompanying
paint layers. In general, the more layers present for evaluation, the database of information for over 22,000 multi-layered paint samples
more significant the findings can be. (more than 90,000 individual layers) (Version – 2018) from
Architectural paint studies, most of which included approximately foreign and domestic OEM automobiles marketed predominantly in
1000 or more samples, have similarly demonstrated that a compre- North America since about the 1970s. This compilation of information
hensive analysis is capable of discrimination power well over 99% is based on layer structure and the chemistry of each layer. Text-based
[297,311,318,319]. Even single-layered white architectural paints, searches specifying compositions and spectral searches can both be
considered “worst-case scenario” comparisons, resulted in 99.35% performed after determining the layer structure and chemistry of the
discrimination among fifty different sources [320]. individual layers from an evidentiary paint sample.
A “worst-case scenario” evaluation of black spray paints also found In addition to providing potential make/model/year/plant in-
a discrimination of 99.4% [321], which corroborate the conclusions formation from a questioned sample, the information in the database
reached in other similar studies [322–324]. The aforementioned paint allows for statistical information to be generated in order to aid in a
discrimination studies also discuss the discrimination power at various significance assessment and to track trends and changes in formula-
stages of the analytical scheme, providing the examiner basis for tions. PDQ is not designed to be a population database representative of
making choices of analytical methods and offering information to assess all the vehicles on the road, so it is not a population database, but in-
the significance of comparative analysis. stead attempts to have a sample of every type. One of the collaborative
Spray paint is expected to be more prone to heterogeneity concerns validation studies mentioned previously [342] demonstrated that most
than other types of paint encountered in forensic laboratories due to the forensic participants were able to correctly determine the manu-
need to shake the can prior to application. This is exacerbated by a facturing plant and model year range of small automotive paint samples
likely reduced need of the painter in criminal activities to have a using PDQ, and the use of PDQ has been documented in casework and
homogeneous application since the paint is typically being used to di- at trial [345–350]. PDQ has also been used to evaluate the prevalence
rectly commit a criminal act (graffiti) as opposed to having been ap- of OEM factory repairs [317].
plied for aesthetic purposes in non-criminal activities. In order to ad- Three more collections include the refinish color books available
dress these issues, several studies have been conducted to evaluate the from the various paint manufacturers, such as Axalta, BASF, and PPG
effect of shaking on chemical analysis and comparison of spray paints Industries; the National Automotive Paint File (NAPF), which is main-
[325,326]. Results confirm that there is variation in color and spectral tained and used exclusively by the FBI Laboratory; and the European
data collected for spray paints shaken to various extents. Such knowl- Collection of Automotive Paints (EUCAP), maintained by the
edge is helpful in assessing the significance of spectral variations be- Bundeskriminalamt in Germany. The former two compile the colors
tween questioned and known samples being compared. used on vehicles marketed in North America, and the latter is comprised
While shaking has an effect on the chemical composition of spray mostly of paint from vehicles found in Europe.
paints, variations may also occur due to batch differences. In order to Any forensic laboratory can contact the manufacturers and receive
evaluate batch-to-batch variation in spray paints, an inter-laboratory copies of the repaint pages for its own collection; a case example of its
study involving eleven laboratories was conducted [327]. Results from use in conjunction with PDQ is available [25]. Automobile manu-
this study indicate that for colored samples, techniques aimed at color/ factures and their paint suppliers contribute to the FBI’s NAPF by
pigment characterization performed better than those aimed at binder submitting color standards. This collection contains paint colors of
or elemental composition; for white samples, those aimed at binder automobiles available in North America on domestic cars from 1934
T. Trejos, et al. Forensic Chemistry 18 (2020) 100223
and foreign cars from 1955. Some manufacturers submit full paint their classification into end-use categories by measuring their physical
system panels for inclusion in NAPF, which the FBI forwards to the characteristics, optical properties, and major elemental components
RCMP for inclusion in PDQ. Similarly, there is cooperation among the [355,363]. Trace elements can be unintentionally incorporated into the
RCMP, FBI, and BKA in sharing samples among collections. Some for- glass during the manufacture, such as zirconium and aluminum that can
ensic laboratories also maintain collections and databases re- leach in the glass melt as a result of the wearing of the refractory bricks
presentative of their casework. used on the lining of the furnaces. These inadvertent trace additions can
Other types of paint are not amenable to sourcing due to the range be used to differentiate glass produced in a single plant over short
of manufacturers and distribution channels, but collections and data- periods of time [352,355,364].
bases can still be used to assess the range of possible physical features Glass and its physicochemical properties are complex and diverse
and chemical properties, and to evaluate the discrimination power and due to its composition, manufacture, distribution, and temporal history.
relative merits of the methodology, as demonstrated in many of the Therefore, a random match of two broken glasses that originate from
previously referenced works. different sources is possible, but unlikely. Indeed, the random match
probability from glass typically encountered in casework has shown to
9. Glass evidence be relatively small (e.g., less than 0.2% for LA-ICP-MS [69,365,366]
and smaller than 2% for micro-XRF [358].
9.1. Composition and manufacture
9.2. Transfer and persistence studies
Glass is a material that is made up of a complex mixture of atoms
that combine asymmetrically without crystallization [351]. The relative For glass to become potential questioned evidence, it must transfer
amounts of its constituents determine the properties of the final pro- from one object or place to another and then be collected. How easily it
duct, including hardness, resistance, transparency, viscosity, density, transfers, persists in its transferred state, and remains accessible for
refractive index (RI), and color. collection is critical information to the glass examiner. Further, in order
There is extensive information regarding the composition, manu- for glass to transfer to other objects or individuals, it must be broken. As
facture, and distribution of glass available within the scientific litera- a result, the mere presence of glass fragments indicates the person or
ture [53,302,352–355]. The online periodical Glass Magazine object has been in contact with broken glass, either directly or in-
( is a good resource from the National Glass directly [367–370]. Therefore, unbroken glass is not a probable donor
Association ( for current and future trends in glass pro- source of broken glass. The information regarding transfer and persis-
duction. Some manufacturers such as Pilkington and the Nippon Sheet tence mechanisms and frequencies of occurrence of background glass is
Glass Company (NSG group) publish annual reports describing statistics critical during the investigation of a crime [53,75].
on market demands, market routes by glass type, geographical location When glass shatters, fragments of all sizes travel in the direction of
and annual production of glass manufacturing plants [356,357]. the breaking force and in the opposite direction [371]. Therefore, glass
Glass manufacturing begins with the mixing of raw materials and can be deposited on objects located within the vicinity of the incident.
homogenizing them at high temperatures (~1500 °C). The major con- Although transfer and persistence can be variable, there is a degree of
stituent of glass is silicon dioxide, which is responsible for building the predictability based on information derived from experimental studies
network of the glass structure. Other components (e.g., sodium, cal- [372–375]. For instance, how much glass is transferred from a broken
cium, and magnesium) make it more difficult for atoms to rearrange window to the vicinity and how much of it remains on the receiver is
and crystallize, and also reduce the melting point and viscosity of silica. influenced by the breaking mechanism and applied force [375–378],
Many other elements are added to the formulation of glass, such as the distance and relative location from the breaking point
secondary formers (e.g., aluminum, zirconium, titanium), decolorants [369,370,376], the type and thickness of the glass [53,369,379], the
that improve transparency (e.g., iron, chromium, selenium, manga- type of garment worn by an individual [369,372,380–383], the time
nese), refining agents that prevent the retention of gas bubbles in the elapsed between an incident and the arrest or recovery of glass and
glass (e.g., calcium), and stabilizers that provide chemical resistance post-breaking activities [53], and the environmental conditions [382].
(e.g., calcium, magnesium, lead, strontium, barium, zinc). Broken glass The number of factors that influence deposition and retention of
ready for recycling, also known as cullet, is used in manufacturing glass in or on a questioned item is extensive. Nonetheless, there are
plants to decrease production costs [354]. open source statistical packages that are available to examiners to help
Glass manufacturing plants are often established near natural re- estimate transfer probabilities based on information derived from the
sources of the primary raw materials, as it represents a cost-effective case, such as number of fragments recovered, location of the fragments,
strategy. These raw materials, such as quartz (silicon dioxide), lime- and type of window [53,59]. It is also possible to use statistical methods
stone (calcium oxide and magnesium oxide), and trona (sodium car- to predict the number of fragments transferred onto a garment at the
bonate), not only contribute to the major glass composition but also to moment of the breaking from the number and distribution of fragments
trace contaminants that are an important elemental signature of the found on the ground [375]. Glass tends to fall from the receiver over
end-product. Most of these trace elements are a result of the geological time, with fragments larger than 5 mm lost more rapidly than smaller
history of the mining sites, and therefore, it is expected that the ele- fragments. Fragments smaller than 1 mm could persist up to 8–24 h
mental composition of glass from factories located in different geo- depending on the retention properties of the substrate and the post-
graphical sites will vary widely [75,352,354,355,358–360]. breaking activities [369,376].
Over 500 glass production plants operating throughout North The prevalence of glass on members of the general population not
America, Asia, Europe, South America and the Middle East serve the involved with glass-breaking activities is also important information.
global market for glass [361,362]. Innovation has produced significant There are two major types of background survey studies: those con-
changes in glass formulations to make it stronger, lighter-weight, and ducted on members of the regular population and those conducted on
more energy efficient. Shatter-resistant screens in mobile phones, ultra- individuals who have a higher chance of having glass fragments on
clear glass for self-driving vehicles, self-cleaning glass in buildings, and their clothing or person, such as suspects who have been implicated in
low-e glass windows are just a few examples of current market trends. breaking and entering activities and individuals often exposed to glass.
The two primary methods of production are the float glass process The recovery of background glass in these population studies
that produces flat glass, and the glassblowing process, that produces [291,367,384–391] has been focused on shoes, upper and lower
containers such as bottles and jars. There are significant differences in clothing, and headwear. However, recovery methods vary from
the production methods and main ingredients of glass that can lead to shaking, taping, hand-picking, and vacuuming. Some studies focus on
T. Trejos, et al. Forensic Chemistry 18 (2020) 100223
surface glass, while others recover glass from pockets and inner areas major composition. Glass is classified by end use as sheet glass (archi-
[291,384–392]. Differences in experimental designs on regular popu- tectural and vehicle windows), container glass (jars, bottles), decorative
lation has contributed to the wide range of results among published glass (lamps, vases) and specialty glass (fiber optics, optical lens). By
findings [291,367,384–391]. For instance, the reported frequency of composition, glass is classified as soda-lime (containers, windows),
finding glass on the general population ranges from 0 to 44% on the leaded glass (houseware, decorative glass) and borosilicate glass
surface of clothing, from 1.6 to 40% on pockets of clothing, and from 5 (cookware, industrial glass) [353,355,363].
to 10% in footwear. The data suggests that geographical and socio- The RI of a glass is a result of its composition and thermal history
economic circumstances have an impact on the levels of background and can be measured in many ways, including the Emmons double
glass; the frequency of occurrence reported in Australia, New Zealand variation, dispersion staining, the Becke line method, and automated
and Canada are considerably smaller than the frequencies reported in immersion methods [355,394]. However, automated oil immersion
England and Ireland (<2% to 40%, respectively) refractometry with phase contrast microscopy has been adopted almost
[291,367,386,388,390]. The higher levels reported in the United exclusively in forensic laboratories around the world due to the in-
Kingdom (UK) are thought to be a result of a particular period of time herent advantages of modernization, automated measurements, speed
when the cities were undergoing high levels of construction. In general, of analysis, improved precision, and availability of international stan-
there is a low probability of finding multiple single-source glass frag- dardized methods [355,395–397].
ments on a person not exposed to broken glass, which provides support RI can be measured and compared before and after laboratory an-
for glass to be examined in forensic casework. nealing to enhance source classification, particularly for tempered glass
From surveys on suspects who have been arrested by police, and non-continuous glass fibers [355,398]. The extent of change in RI
clothing was examined from 689 individuals suspected of criminal ac- can help distinguish between tempered glass (ΔRI ~ 1 × 10−3) and
tivity involving broken glass from 405 cases at the UK and Ireland non-tempered glass (ΔRI ~ 2 × 10−4 to 6 × 10−4) [53,399–403].
forensic laboratories [387]. In 68% of the cases, glass was recovered Elemental analysis is one of the most informative steps in glass
that was associated to the control source, and in 25% of the cases, glass comparisons [353,355]. Several studies [404–419] have demonstrated
that was recovered was different from the control sources. The authors that the most informative elements in glass comparisons are those
reported that although it is not unusual to find non-matching glass on present at minor and trace levels and therefore, an essential attribute of
suspects, it is rare to observe more than three non-matching glass the analytical method is its sensitivity. The techniques that have found
particles from a single source on one individual. On the other hand, a widespread use in forensic laboratories are SEM-EDS, micro-XRF, ICP-
survey conducted in Australia showed that, from 87 garments from non- optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), ICP-MS, LA-ICP-MS, and LIBS.
glass casework only 3% bore glass fragments, suggesting that people Three of these methods hold international recognition as standard
involved in an offense not involving broken glass have considerably methods micro-XRF, ICP-MS and LA-ICP-MS [420–422] and are pre-
lower background glass than offenders suspected of breaking activities ferred for glass comparisons due to their superior analytical perfor-
[389]. Similar findings were reported from New Zealand [367]. mance and informing power. A description of the capabilities, ad-
As expected, individuals exposed to broken glass have higher levels vantages and challenges of these elemental analysis methods can be
of glass retention. Low levels of glass were reported on headwear of a found elsewhere [75,352,353,364–366,396,423–430].
random population in Sydney (2.6%, n = 232) in comparison to gla- As with other trace materials, if any exclusionary differences be-
ziers (94.4%, n = 25) [392]. Relatively elevated percentages of glass tween compared samples are found at any point, then examinations can
were also found on jackets from law enforcement and examiners cease, and it can be concluded that the samples do not share a common
dealing with broken glass environments, where 14% of 44 personnel source. By contrast, if the characteristics and properties of the com-
had 1 to 11 multi-source glass fragments [391]. pared items cannot be distinguished at every stage of the glass ex-
amination protocol, then it can be concluded that the glasses could
9.3. Forensic examination protocols share a common source. Given that glass is a mass-produced material,
an association implies that the items originated from either the same
Once glass evidence is received in the laboratory, analysis starts source or another source of broken glass with the same properties. The
with a physical examination. When a broken window does not shatter combined methods used for the examination of glass have demon-
completely, examiners can assess the fractures to provide information strated to be highly discriminatory, often differentiating glass produced
regarding the direction of the breaking force and sequence of events in different plants or the same manufacturing site over short production
[353,355,393]. As one of the first steps in the analysis, the examiner periods [407]. Since there are many plants producing glass over many
also evaluates the potential of a physical fit between the known glass years, and glass has to be broken to become a likely source, coincidental
and a questioned fragment. A physical fit of two pieces of glass is indistinguishable glass items can exist but are infrequent.
considered the highest level of source attribution in glass examinations
[355]. When a Physical Fit conclusion is made, it is the examiner’s 9.4. Discrimination and interlaboratory studies
opinion that the possibility is negligible that the compared glass frag-
ments originated from different broken glass sources. As previously stated, glasses can be discriminated by color, RI,
When a physical fit is not found, the examiner evaluates the physical elemental composition, and other properties. Research has focused on
features such as thickness and color, optical properties such as RI, and evaluating the intra- and inter-glass variability of these properties and
the elemental composition [302]. Practitioners have developed best the discrimination potential of the techniques, which includes assessing
practices and guidelines for forensic examination of glass. The ASTM the analytical performance characteristics, such as accuracy, sensitivity,
E1967 (Automated Determination of Refractive Index), ASTM E2330 selectivity, bias, reproducibility, and repeatability.
(ICP-MS), ASTM E2926 (u-XRF), and E2917 (LA-ICP-MS) are consensus
documents which serve as a model for examination and interpretation 9.4.1. Refractive index
protocols. SWGMAT created a series of guidelines for the collection, The RI of glass is one of the properties carefully monitored by glass
handling, and examination on glass evidence that are available through makers as part of their quality control, and as a result, the distribution
the ASTEE website [263]. The OSAC Materials (Trace) Subcommittee is of RI across a windowpane or bottle is relatively homogeneous.
currently developing an overarching standard guide for forensic glass Localized homogeneity of the RI of glass is often a reasonable as-
analysis and comparison. sumption. For instance, the variation in RI across a pane of sheet glass is
During the analysis of glass, both physical and chemical properties reported to be between 2 × 10−5 and 2 × 10−4 for sheet glass
can be used to classify the glass according to their intended use or their [394,431,432] and 5 × 10−5 to 3 × 10−4 for container glass
T. Trejos, et al. Forensic Chemistry 18 (2020) 100223
[433,434]. However, studies have indicated that this is not always the The assumptions of spatial homogeneity within a single source is a
case, and special sampling procedures should be considered when fundamental pillar in glass examinations. Several researchers have
dealing with surface versus bulk glass, tempered glass, or glass with reported variations within single panes, architectural and automobile
contamination debris [401,435–438]. windows, and containers [365,406,414,417–419,434]. Different
The RI of glass has been shown to be measured with high precision sampling strategies have been applied, including monitoring glass
and accuracy [397]. The robustness of these measurements was re- panes coming out of the production line at different time intervals
ported, within a one-month period to be 0.24% RSD. Precision (re- [407]. What is important to note, is that over the years, all these
peatability) of the method was in the order of 2 × 10−5. These results studies have reached consensus that elemental profiles of glass are
agree with interlaboratory studies that reported repeatability of homogeneous at a glass-pane level. False exclusion rates have been
1.5 × 10−5 to 2.5 × 10−5 and inter-laboratory reproducibility of reported in the range of 0.3 to 1% for fragments from the same
3.8 × 10−5 to 5.0 × 10−5 [439,440]. window and 1.2 to 7.5% for fragments from panes from the same
The measurement and instrumental variations and within-source windshield [69].
variations of RI are often smaller than the variation among different Nonetheless, as with any mass-produced materials, examiners have
sources of glass, providing useful discrimination of glass objects. to be aware of the dynamic nature of manufacturing processes and
However, the discrimination of glass by RI is somewhat limited (~3–5% market influences. A recent study [408] reported notable heterogeneity
random match probability), and therefore RI analysis is often combined across the thickness of the glass, for some elements, on five float glasses
with elemental analysis [394,427]. samples measured by LA-ICP-MS. The authors attributed the anomalous
Two of the most recent inter-laboratory studies for RI were co- variation to manufacturing flaws called reams. These heterogeneities
ordinated by the ENFSI European Paint and Glass Group and by the have the potential to cause Type I errors or false exclusions if the known
ASTM Interlaboratory Test Group. The RI measurement repeatability sample is not adequately characterized. LA-ICP-MS data analysis should
within a lab ranged from 1.5 × 10−5 to 2.5 × 10−5 while inter-lab include quality control protocols to identify outliers, and anomalous
reproducibility ranged from 3.8 × 10−5 to 5.0 × 10−5 [439,440]. high standard deviations for measurements that may be related to
Although the glass community does not have RI certified references quantitation limits or heterogeneities.
materials currently available in the market, the reference glasses used The between-sample variation for glass samples is known
by this collaborative study are accessible to forensic laboratories, and to be larger than the within-sample variation. Variation
the data can now serve as an additional quality control assessment. between-factories and within-factories in the US, Europe and
Australia at different production intervals have been reported
9.4.2. Micro-XRF [359,360,364–366,409–411,414,428,448]. Likewise, within-factory
The relative discrimination capabilities of RI, micro-XRF, LIBS and variability was studied at different time intervals for over 300 glass
ICP methods have been evaluated among a set of sheet glass with very fragments collected from single plants over a period of 53 months, in-
similar refractive indices [358–360,428,441,442]. These studies show cluding approximately 100 samples collected every 15 min for a 24-
that micro-XRF is suitable for discrimination of glass samples origi- hour period [407]. Discrimination capabilities better than 99% have
nating from different plants and from glass manufactured in the same been consistently reported, from glass originating from different
plant within a short time period (e.g., one month apart, ~2% random sources, with experimental random match probabilities in the order of
match probability). Although the capabilities of the method to detect 0.1 to 0.2% [69,359,365,366].
temporal variations in a plant cannot be generalized, they provide va- Some of the most significant interlaboratory studies for elemental
luable insight into the method’s potential. Furthermore, micro-XRF has analysis of glass using multiple techniques were conducted by the
been adopted by many forensic laboratories and a standard test method European Funded NITECRIME group and by the NIJ-funded Elemental
is now available to examiners [358,363,420,428,443,444]. Analysis Working Group. Specifically, the NITECRIME effort was a
However, unlike RI and ICP methods, the spatial homogeneity of valuable step toward the optimization and validation of the LA-ICP-MS
glass within a single pane has not been directly addressed by micro-XRF method for glass analysis, with collaboration from users across Europe
methods. Also, in recent years modern micro-XRF systems are em- and the U.S for a span of 4 years. The final product of this effort con-
ploying silicon drift detectors instead of the traditional silicon lithium stitutes the basis for the current LA-ICP-MS ASTM method
detectors as they are anticipated to be more sensitive and precise. The [359,364,413,443]. More recently, interlaboratory studies funded by
use of synchroton radiation (SR-XRF) has been explored by Japanese NIJ have been focused on the evaluation of interpretation methods for
researchers with trace elements detection in the picogram level the forensic analysis of glass and the challenges of sharing and using
[404,434,445]. glass databases [69,71].
T. Trejos, et al. Forensic Chemistry 18 (2020) 100223
The use of relevant databases assists in the validation of the 10. Overall conclusions
methods developed for interpretation of glass data. The ASTM methods
include recommendations on comparison criteria when the binary cri- This review highlights the scientific foundations for the trace evi-
teria (i.e., whether or not samples can be discriminated) is used, and dence discipline. Current standard methods are based on a broad con-
these recommendations were formulated based on the performance sensus process that involves the assessment of robustness, accuracy,
evaluation of several comparison methods, error rates estimated repeatability, and reproducibility of the methods within an extensive
through inter-laboratory testing, and experimental data from databases community of users. Scientific working groups have contributed sig-
[359,365,366,450]. Some of the comparison criteria apply empirically nificantly to the validation of these protocols.
derived rules that—although not statistically sophisticated—have a Forensic science can only advance in the right direction with the
demonstrated fit for purpose and provide low error rates. Nonetheless, combined knowledge and expertise of practitioners, researchers, man-
the community continues to evaluate alternative methodologies, in- agers, and statisticians. These strategic partnerships promote the de-
cluding the use of LRs and Bayesian networks [53,61,68,69,71, velopment of solutions that are scientifically valid, practical, and effi-
72,77,451]. cient. Experimental studies discussed here have been typically designed
There is a vast amount of scientific literature describing the appli- with collaborative efforts between forensic experts, academia, and in-
cation of Bayesian interpretation of forensic glass evidence [50–70]. For dustry. As a result, most of the existing empirical data have been gen-
more extensive information regarding Bayesian interpretation of glass erated using casework-like scenarios and samples for a better under-
evidence refer to Curran et al. [53,452]. standing of its significance. We have also provided examples of the risks
Recent work has been conducted to improve probabilistic evaluations of applying correct forensic assumptions but poor statistical inter-
of glass evidence using LR approaches [68,69,71,72,77,451]. For in- pretation [146,456–458] as well as using valid statistical models but
stance, error rates of the ASTM match criteria and the calibrated LR poor experimental designs based on a wrongful understanding of for-
continuous approach have been compared using two of the largest ex- ensic science [453,454]. Interestingly, these examples raised a flag on
isting glass databases. This study showed that the LRs provided a lower the need for incorporating appropriate levels of editorial or reviewer
false exclusion rate than the ASTM criterion, while the ASTM criterion forensic expertise in statistical journals.
provided a lower false inclusion rate, although the error rates were still in In the past ten years, some techniques have been investigated for
the same order of magnitude. This study also demonstrated that using their application to trace materials including Raman spectroscopy,
LRs provides a more objective evaluation of the quality of an association LIBS, LA-ICP-MS, liquid chromatography-MS (LC-MS), direct analysis in
or exclusion, which is not possible with binary criteria [69,71]. real time-MS (DART-MS) and other MS methods. However, the majority
Alternative statistical models based on estimates of means and of publications have been focused on further validation of in-
covariance matrices have been reported [453]. However, unlike any strumentation already available in the forensic laboratories, studies of
other reported algorithms, the discrepancy of error rates between the transfer and persistence, and application of statistical methods for the
modeled data and the ASTM criteria was substantial. A potential ex- interpretation of evidence, which have provided a valuable foundation
planation of the disagreement is that the author’s modeled elemental for the discipline of trace evidence.
profiles that over-represent false positives. The range of variations se- The trace evidence discipline is diverse and has many facets: a)
lected simulated samples manufactured in the same plant in short time many types of materials can be submitted as evidence, each with dis-
periods with very similar composition. The inability of the analytical criminating characteristics to answer a variety of questions at the
methods to differentiate this type of samples is well known and docu- source or activity levels, b) the collection of microscopic trace evidence
mented and described when the expert explains the “source attribution” requires expertise from crime scene investigators, c) often trace mate-
in their conclusions. The range of reported error rates in this study rials interact with one another and the order/interplay of examinations
[453] is also in discrepancy with Bayesian approaches. Moreover, the has to be determined using case-specific information, d) evidence may
authors use an analogy between bullet lead and glass that is entirely be submitted to different sections within a forensic laboratory, and
inappropriate given the significant differences between manufacturing when multiple evidence types are examined and reported, the com-
processes, homogeneity, composition, variability studies and most im- bined value of the evidence is not always clearly articulated, e) the
portantly scopes and limitations in the interpretation of glass. As a re- examination of features and characteristics of the traces is a time-con-
sult, this study needs further revision and validation before being ap- suming process, and f) the composition of trace materials is not static;
plicable in the field. therefore, the examiner has to continuously adapt to novel analytical
Another study [454] proposing the use of machine learning algo- tools and updated information regarding market changes.
rithms for glass comparisons was recently published. However, the As a result, a sound knowledge base of the different types of trace
experimental design also suffers from similar flaws as in [453], se- evidence is critical to substantiate decisions made during the collection
lecting samples manufactured in the same plant at short periods to of evidence, sampling, analysis, and interpretation. Such knowledge
evaluate error rates. Moreover, this study has severe problems with the includes an understanding of the material's composition, its relevant
quality of the data used to train the algorithms. In particular, the population, and the informative value of the features being evaluated.
measurement of lithium does not meet the ASTM E2927 quality control Only then are forensic scientists capable of making inferences regarding
criteria, significantly skewing the data and impacting the error rates where, how, and what to collect at the crime scene, the best strategy to
reported by the authors. For instance, if the authors would have iden- preserve intersecting forms of evidence, an appropriate sequence of
tified and removed the outliers in their data, the false-negative rates in analytical methodologies, the extrinsic factors that are relevant to as-
intra-pane comparisons would have dropped from the reported 40.2% sess the weight of the evidence, and the information most significant for
to only 2.4%, which would have been in agreement with the existing comparison and reconstruction purposes. This paper describes the
vast literature on glass elemental analysis [455]. Also, the elimination foundation of knowledge, training, and resources available for that
of poor quality from inter-pane comparisons would have prevented decision-making process.
misleading error rates. A group of scientists submitted a letter to the Despite the efforts to date and that are underway, the trace com-
editor to raise awareness of the paper's flaws and allow the authors to munity seeks continual improvement and will be iteratively working
amend the errors. Unfortunately, the letter was rejected by the editor towards enhancing the perceived value of trace evidence in re-
with no reasonable explanation of the basis of the rejection. Therefore, construction and intelligence investigations; addressing gaps in re-
there is a potential risk of misuse of the paper by stakeholders if they search; exploring and validating more objective, transparent and
don't realize the severe deficiencies of the study. quantitative methods for the interpretation of trace evidence data; and
T. Trejos, et al. Forensic Chemistry 18 (2020) 100223
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