Forensic Examinations of Micro-Traces: Editorial
Forensic Examinations of Micro-Traces: Editorial
Forensic Examinations of Micro-Traces: Editorial
The detection of almost every crime needs the help of forensic the mud on the suspect’s shoe (soil trace) and its comparison with the
specialists. Dr. Locard’s exchange principle (Locard’s principle) soil sample from the site of the incident, which is helpful in confirming
formulated at the beginning of XX century holds that the perpetrator the presence of the suspect at this site. The importance of physico-
of a crime will bring something into the crime scene and leave with chemical research is therefore not overestimated.
something from it. The examples of evidence traces at the crime scene
Physicochemical investigations of traces and micro-traces embrace
are the following: single hair, clothing fibers, glass crumbs, chips of
a variety of sensitive analytical methods. The choice of the analytical
paint coatings and plastics, fragments of the epidermis, metal particles
method is determined by the questions put forward by the contractor
or soil. Among all the traces of special interest in forensic science there
of the expert’s report. However, the specifics of the research material
are micro-traces, not visible to the naked eye, but yet very important
itself are decisive. This is why an expert with special knowledge can
for revealing the truth about the event, its course and its participants
properly evaluate the properties of the evidence material and select the
[1]. They may also contribute to apprehending the perpetrator. A small
investigative methods. However, this does not mean his full freedom
trace, generally unnoticed by a naked eye, can only be revealed by the
of choice, not to say it’s randomness. The expert always pays attention
use of special magnifying instruments or by illuminating the surface,
to the frequency of successful identification of similar materials
where it is expected to light of a specific wavelength of electromagnetic
in executed other cases and takes into account the selectivity and
radiation. Another way is to use special chemical substances that react
sensitivity of the method as well as the probability of an error. He also
with the material making the trace to be visible. However, the disclosure
pays attention to the reliability, with which the findings are made and
of certain types of evidence material, regardless of their mass, size
prefers the methods that guarantee sufficient results. The popularity
or volume, may require the use of special equipment or methods to of the method among the representatives of the trial body is also
search for narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or explosives. In considered [2].
revealing the traces, both the knowledge and the ability to search for
them depend on the type of event. The imagination and perception of An indispensable technique in the examinations of traces is
forensic technicians is particularly helpful here. In the examination of microspectrometry. An on-line optical microscope with a spectrometer
the crime scene and the protection of evidence may also be attended by operating in different electromagnetic radiation ranges allows both
a specialist, such as an expert in forensic physics and chemistry. the morphology (structure) of the trace to be determined and the
spectrometric measurement for the selected fragment. It enables one to
Another important issue is to protect the traces properly so that determine the structure, color and chemical composition of the trace
they do not become confused and contaminated since their disclosure material [3-7]. The so-called “coupled methods” that are a combination
to delivery to the laboratory. Moreover, the reference (comparative) of two different analytical methods, e.g. gas chromatography and mass
material is necessary for the comparative tests. This material should spectrometry gained the importance over the years. By combining a gas
match the evidence in terms of concentration, color, gloss, odor, chromatograph with a mass spectrometer and a pyrolyzer, it became
chemical composition and other characteristics of the substance. At the possible to investigate the thermal decomposition of solid samples, i.e.,
same time, the principle of representativeness of the collected material plastics, paints, adhesives, gums [8-10]. Thus, a tool has been developed
should be respected. to allow for a more precise determination of the chemical composition
of the samples being tested, as well as to distinguish samples belonging
Physico-chemical examinations of micro-traces to the same product group, but with a slightly different composition, as
The revealed and secured traces are identified in the laboratory previously determined by another technique, for example by infrared
using modern physicochemical methods that allow traces of milligrams spectrometry. This method does not require complex preparation of
or even micrograms to be investigated and are non-destructive, the analyzed sample for testing and is relatively fast.
allowing the materials to be re-examined in the same or another Combining a measuring device with a computer allows one to store
method, often without prior separation from the substrate on which the measurement results, collect them as catalogs and data bases to be
they occur. Establishing the chemical composition and properties of used in later comparative research.
the trace usually makes it possible to determine its type and origin
and so, to perform its identification [2]. For example, determining Evaluation of the analytical results
the morphological structure of fibers found under the fingernails of
It should be noted that due to occurrence of various objects in the
a raped victim and identifying its polymeric composition allows one
to determine the type of fiber (natural, synthetic, artificial) and its
application (for underwear, clothing, decorative). Comparing their
Correspondence to: Janina Zięba-Palus, Institute of Forensic Research,
composition and color with the appropriate characteristics of the fibers
Westerplatte 9, 31-033, Krakow, Poland, E-mail:
of the suspect’s garment, one can confirm or exclude the possibility of
contact between the persons. Another example can be the analysis of Received: March 10, 2017; Accepted: April 04, 2017; Published: April 07, 2017
environmental of a human being with lower or higher frequencies, they also encountered on the substrate, e.g. on clothing, road surfaces, and
may have different evidential value. Physicochemical characterisation tools used in the crime. Often, abrasions are clearly visible with the
of an object that became an evidence allows to evaluate the extent of its naked eye, for example on the person’s clothing hit by the vehicle there
similarity to the reference sample. Materials such as paint, glass, fibers are coloured streaks formed by the transfer of particles of polymeric
and plastics are produced in great amounts within production lots and material (varnish, plastic) to the fabric and pressing or mingling
not always they may acquire individual characteristics as a result of use. between the fibers. Under severe operating conditions at the contact
Therefore, conclusions from physicochemical examinations can only between the two surfaces, e.g. the tool (crowbar) and the door opened
be probable and not categorical. In the absence of reference material by means of it, or for example the clothing of the person being hit by a
the results of physicochemical tests are compared with the databases of vehicle and the car body belonging to the perpetrator, local temperature
the individual groups of materials held by the laboratory, and then the increases, the polymer material is melted and easily transferred to the
classification of the trace material is possible, i.e. an assignment to the contact surface. Determining the compatibility of the composition
group/ class of materials (articles). The more features are considered of the transferred material (present in the abrasion) and the material
in comparison and the more analyzes an expert would perform, the of the contact surface can confirm this contact. Comparative studies
smaller the group/ product class is established. always seek to establish a degree of similarity between the material that
creates such a trace and the one present at the crime scene as well as
Often, traces of paints and varnishes are protected during the
the material that is secured from the suspect. To determine whether
investigation of a traffic accident or a burglary site. It is then the task of
they may come from objects, tools, or clothing that surrounds us, is
the expert to determine, whether the specimens of the paint producing
important to explain the course of the incident and establish the
a trace and a comparative paint obtained, for example, from tool or
a vehicle body belonging to the suspect may have come from the
same source, i.e. have been parts of one and the same coating. When At the site of the road accident there are also revealed the traces of
there is no reference material available, because the perpetrator of the rubber, visible in the form of tire marks on the roadway, which consist
incident is unknown, the examinations are undertaken to attempt the of the material of the car tire that is transferred to the road surface
identification of the type and origin of the material, or possibly to find during a sudden braking of the vehicle. Analysis of the chemical
the manufacturer of the coating product. Consequently, it is often composition of the trace material and comparing it with the material
possible to determine, for example, the type of vehicle or tool from taken from the suspect’s vehicle tires can help identify the vehicle
which the evidence fragment could have been separated. For example, being involved in the event. In the rubber tire alongside natural and
if on the surface of a crowbar being found in the house of a suspect synthetic rubber, there are additional chemicals to improve mechanical
micro-chips of paint consistent in colour and chemical composition properties such as adhesion and abrasion and chemical resistance, e.g.
with the paint visible on the door that was forced during the burglary, resistance of finished products to atmospheric agents, fuels and oils.
it is very likely that the perpetrator used the crowbar. If on clothing of a The type of additives used depends on the manufacturer and the type
pedestrian being hit by a vehicle there is present a smear that reveals a of tire [9].
colour, structure and chemical composition compatible with a car paint
The analysis of particles of the adhesive material used to seal the
coating on the suspect’s vehicle body [3-5], it is likely that the car was
envelope or package allows the classification of the adhesive into
in contact with the injured person. The expert’s opinion will always be
a specific group of products based on its chemical composition. It
formulated in terms of probability, since the basic characteristics, such
also makes it possible to determine if it is a typical adhesive, which
as color and the main components, are the same, and the difference
is routinely used e.g. to close envelopes / packages. Disclosure of two
usually concerns ingredients present in small quantities: impurities
types of adhesive will lead to the conclusion that the letter was most
and additives originating, for example, from raw materials used for
likely opened and re-glued.
production or deliberately introduced for modifying the material
properties. The more features will be taken into account, the more Summary
precise will be the comparison. On the other hand, the comparison
of the paint splinters revealed at the traffic accident site with the data In the age of dynamic development of nanotechnology the
base of the paint coating leads to the establishing of the paint type, and penetration into increasingly deeper levels of structures of the
sometimes also to the brand and model of the vehicle that was involved investigated evidence materials create new possibilities for forensic
in the collision and drove off the scene. Such a vehicle type information investigation as it involves the use of increasingly sensitive analytical
helps the Police to find the vehicle of the offender. instruments being efficient in examinations of smaller and smaller
quantities of materials in forensic laboratories. This in turn provides
The car paint coating has a layered structure, which is clearly new opportunities for discovery and clarification, as well as the proof
visible on its cross-section. The number, color, thickness and chemical of crimes that recently could not have been unraveled.
composition of the individual layers depend on the type of coating. The
most complex construction has a coating on the body of the vehicle, and Although the size of the disclosed trace is small, it provides valuable
the simplest on the surface of the tool such as a crowbar. Preliminary information about the criminal event. Each case must be analyzed
microscopic examinations allow one to observe the stratification of individually and answering the questions of the contracting authority
fragments of the paint coating. To determine the chemical composition depends not only on the knowledge and experience of the expert, but
of each layer, the method of infrared micro-spectrometry and X-ray also on what kind of evidence will be made available to the research and
microspectrometer are firstly used to establish the type of polymers how well secured. An expert opinion is an evidence in the preparatory
that make up the coating and identify the main pigments and fillers. proceedings. There are no perfect methods or infallible experts.
This makes it possible to determine the type of car varnish (acrylic, There are only methods that are better and experts, who mistake less
nitrocellulose, alkyd, etc.), and so its application. frequently than others. However, the expert is always responsible for
honesty and diligence in carrying out the tasks entrusted to him. The
In addition to the particles, abrasions of this type of material are court as the highest expert may reject even the most faithful opinion.
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