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CS5530/6530 Database Systems

Fall 2005
Key to Assignment 2 – Relational Languages: SQL and
Functional Dependencies
Due: Tue-Oct 4

Aside from regular exercises, your assignment contains practice exercises

which will help you cover the material in the textbook and lecture notes.
Only regular exercises will be corrected -- you should not turn in the
practice exercises. I will provide the key to practice exercises and I may
use some of these in your exams.

Some questions are intended only for students taking cs6530. Unless
explicitly stated in the question, cs5530 should not turn in these questions
– they will not be graded.

NOTE: A given query can be expressed in many different ways in SQL,

thus the solutions provided below give one, and in some cases 2
expressions for the queries. Other solutions are possible.

Regular Exercises

1. The university of Utah maintains a database with information about

students, professors and courses. The SQL descriptions of each relation
in the database is given below. A sample database is provided for you to
run your queries against. Besides the actual queries, you should also
submit electronically (using the submit system) the results of the queries.

create table Student (

Sid int,
Sname varchar(30),
GPA real,
Saddr varchar(100),
primary key (Sid)

create table Professor (

Pid int,
Pname varchar(30),
Paddr varchar(100),
primary key (Pid)

CS5530/6530 Database Systems -- Fall 2005 1

Assignment 2 key v1.1
create table Course (
Cid int,
Cname varchar(30),
required int,
primary key (Cid)

create table TA (
Sid int,
Cid int,
Year int,
foreign key (Sid) references Student(Sid),
foreign key (Cid) references Course(Cid)

create table Takes (

Sid int,
Cid int,
grade real,
Year int,
foreign key (Sid) references Student(Sid),
foreign key (Cid) references Course(Cid)

create table Teaches (

Pid int,
Cid int,
Year int,
foreign key (Pid) references Professor(Pid),
foreign key (Cid) references Course(Cid)

The meaning of these tables and their attributes should be obvious. Write the
following queries in SQL: [60 points]
a. List the names of all the people in the university database whose
address contains the string “salt”.
(select name from student where saddr LIKE '%salt%')
(select name from professor where saddr LIKE '%salt%')

Note here the use of UNION ALL, which will keep duplicated names in
the results.

b. List the names of all professors, and the names of all the courses
they have taught (if any).
select pname,cname
from professor P OUTERJOIN teaches T JOIN course C
where P.pid = T.pid AND T.cid = C.cid

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Assignment 2 key v1.1
c. List the names of professors that have not taught a course since
2000 in descending order of name.

select Pname
from Professor
where Pid not in (select Pid
from Teaches
where year > 2000)
order by Pname desc;

A more involved solution:

select Pname from
(select Pname
from Professor P, Teaches T
where P.pid = T.pid
group by Pname
having MAX(year) < 2000)
(select Pname
from Professor
where Pid not in (select Pid
from Teaches)
order by Pname desc

d. Since the database was just created, students have no GPAs in

their records (the Student table). Using the information about the
courses each student took, compute their GPA. Keep in mind that
when students audit courses, they do not receive a grade for that

select sid, (sum(grade)/count(grade)) as gpa

from takes
group by sid

e. Using the GPAs computed in the previous query, update the GPA
column in the Student table.
UPDATE student
SET gpa = (SELECT (sum(grade)/count(grade))
FROM takes
WHERE Student.sid = Takes.sid);

NOTE: This is an example of a correlated update

f. List the name of all students whose GPA is different from 3.0.
(this should include students whose GPA is NULL)

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Assignment 2 key v1.1
(Select name from student)
(Select name from student where gpa = 3.0)

g. List the name and address of students whose GPA are the highest
in the database.
Select name,gpa from student
Where gpa = (select max(gpa) from student)

h. List all CS courses and for each course, compute the average score
obtained by the students each time the course was taught. A
sample result could be:

Databases 2003 2.8

Databases 2004 3.5
Graphics 2001 4.0

Create view GradeAvg as

Select cid, year, (sum(grade)/count(grade)) as averg
from takes
group by cid, year;

select Cname, year, averg

from Course natural join GradeAvg;

An alternative would be to use a subquery:

select Cname, year, averg
from Course natural join
(Select cid, year, (sum(grade)/count(grade)) as averg
from takes
group by cid, year)

i. List the names of students and the names of the courses they
TA’ed but did not take.

create or replace view TANotTakes as

((select Sid, Cid
from TA)
(select TA.Sid, Takes.Cid

CS5530/6530 Database Systems -- Fall 2005 4

Assignment 2 key v1.1
from Takes, TA
where Takes.Sid = TA.Sid));

select S.Sname, C.Cname

from Student S, Course C, TANotTakes TNT
where S.Sid = TNT.Sid and C.Cid = TNT.Cid;

What about the following query?

(select s.sname
from student s
where s.sid in (
select ta.sid
from ta,course
where ta.cid = course.cid))
(select s.sname
from student s
where s.sid in
(select takes.sid
from takes,course
where takes.cid = course.cid));

j. [cs6530, and extra credit for 5530] List the names of all students
who have taken all the required CS courses.
(this requires division)
SELECT S.sname
FROM Student S
((SELECT C.cid
FROM Course C
WHERE C.required = 1)
FROM Takes T
WHERE S.sid=T.sid ));

2. [cs6530] Propose 2 improvements for the design of the university

database that address some of the complications you have encountered
while formulating the queries of question 1. (10 points)
There are several possible improvements to the tables defined above. For
• You could disallow NULL values for grades, either by constraining the
attribute grade to be non-NULL

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Assignment 2 key v1.1
create table Takes (
Sid int,
Cid int,
grade real NOT NULL,
Year int,
foreign key (Sid) references Student(Sid),
foreign key (Cid) references Course(Cid)
Or by creating a separate table for storing the grades.

• You could specify primary keys for TA, Takes and Teaches

• You could create a separate relation that keeps track of course sections:

create table CourseSection (

Cid int,
Year int,
Primary key (Cid,Year)
foreign key (Cid) references Course(Cid)

Assuming that a course is taught only once a year, i.e., the primary key for
CourseSection is (Cid,Year). To ensure the tuples in Takes are valid and
correspond to courses that were taught, you could create a foreign key from
Takes to CourseSection:

create table Takes (

Sid int,
Cid int,
grade real,
Year int,
primary key (Sid,Cid,Year),
foreign key (Sid) references Student(Sid),
foreign key (Cid,Year) references CourseSection(Cid,Year) );

And to ensure the tuples in Teaches are valid and correspond to courses that had
actual sections, you could create a foreign key from Teaches to CourseSection:

create table Teaches (

Pid int,
Cid int,
Year int,
primary key (Pid,Cid,Year),
foreign key (Pid) references Professor(Pid),
foreign key (Cid,Year) references Course(Cid,Year) );

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Assignment 2 key v1.1
3. Express each of the following integrity constraints in SQL unless it is
implied by the primary and foreign key constraint; if so, explain how it is
implied. If the constraint cannot be expressed in SQL, say so. For each
constraint, state what operations (inserts, deletes, and updates on specific
relations) must be monitored to enforce the constraint. (20 points)

a. Every class has a minimum enrollment of 5 students and a

maximum enrollment of 30 students.
The takes table should be modified as follows:
Sid int,
Cid int,
grade real,
Year int,
PRIMARY KEY (snum, cname),
foreign key (Sid) references Student(Sid),
foreign key (Cid) references Course(Cid)
FROM Takes T
GROUP BY T.cid, T.year) >= 5),
FROM Takes T
GROUP BY T.cid, T.year)<=30)

b. Every faculty member must teach at least two courses every year.
Note that we also need to include professors who did not teach any
course and whose pid is not present in the Teaches table.


(SELECT Professor P, Teaches T
WHERE P.pid = T.pid
GROUP BY T.Pid, T.year
HAVING COUNT (*) < 2))=0)
FROM Professor

The assertion below is INCORRECT because it ignores professors who

never taught a course.

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Assignment 2 key v1.1
(SELECT Professor P, Teaches T
WHERE P.pid = T.pid
GROUP BY T.Pid, T.year
HAVING COUNT (*) < 2)))=0)

c. Only faculty in that do not live in Salt Lake City can teach fewer
than 2 courses per year.


FROM Professor P, Teaches T
WHERE P.pid = T.pid and P.Paddr LIKE '%salt lake
GROUP BY T.pid,T.year
FROM Professor
WHERE P.Paddr LIKE '%salt lake%'
AND pid NOT IN (SELECT pid FROM Teaches))

d. Every student must take either Databases or Advanced Databases.


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Assignment 2 key v1.1
CHECK (NOT EXISTS (select S.sid, count (*)
From Student S, Takes T
Where S.sid = T.sid and (T.cid = 1 or T.cid = 5)
Group by S.sid
Having count(*) < 1))

e. [cs6530] A student must be enrolled in more required courses than

in non-required courses.


select SReq.sid from
(select T1.sid, count (*) AS C1
From Course C, takes T1
Where C.cid = T1.cid and C.required = 1
Group by T1.sid) SReq,
(select T2.sid, count (*) AS C2
From Course C, takes T2
Where C.cid = T2.cid and C.required = 0
Group by T2.sid) SNotReq
Where SReq.sid = SNotReq.sid AND SReq.C1 <= SNotReq.C2;))

4. Given the ER diagram below and a possible set of relations to represent

this database: (20 points)
Movies(title, year, length)
Sequel(title_orig,year_orig,title_seq,year_seq) – fkeys into Movies
Owns(title, year, studio_name) – fkey(title,year)Æ Movies;
Studios(name, address)
StarsIn(title, year, star_name, salary) – fkey(title, year)Æ Movies;
Stars(name, address)
a. Write in SQL statements to create these relations. You need to specify
all the keys and foreign keys.

Create table Movies (

Title varchar(30),
Year int,
Length real,
Primary key (title, year)

Create table Sequel (

Title_orig varchar(30),
Year_orig int,
Title_seq varchar(30),
CS5530/6530 Database Systems -- Fall 2005 9
Assignment 2 key v1.1
Year_seq int,
Primary key (Title_orig,Year_orig,Title_seq,Year_seq),
Foreign key (title_orig,year_orig) references Movies(title,year),
Foreign key (title_seq, year_seq) references Movies(title,year)

Create table Studios (

Name varchar(30) PRIMARY KEY,
Address varchar(100)

Create table Owns (

Title varchar(30),
Year int,
Studio_name varchar(30),
Primary key(title,year,studio_name),
Foreign key (title,year) references Movies(title,year),
Foreign key (studio_name) references Studios(name)

Create table Stars (

Name varchar(30) PRIMARY KEY,
Address varchar(100)

Create table StarsIn (

Title varchar(30),
Year int,
star_name varchar(30),
salary real,
Primary key (title,year,star_name),
Foreign key (title,year) references Movies(title,year),
Foreign key (star_name) references Stars(name)

b. Suppose your database system does not allow the definition of foreign
keys. How would you express the foreign keys above using the other
integrity constraints checking mechanisms in SQL?

You would need to use assertions. For example, to enforce the following
foreign key in the Owns relation:
Foreign key (studio_name) references Studios(name)
you could create the following assertion:

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Assignment 2 key v1.1
(SELECT studio_name
WHERE studio_name NOT IN
(SELECT name from Studios))))

We might suppose that we could simulate a referential integrity constraint

by an attribute-based CHECK constraint that requires the existence of the
referred value. The following is an erroneous attempt to simulate the
foreign key constraint in the Owns relation:
Studio_name varchar(30)
CHECK ( studio_name IN (SELECT name FROM Studios))
This constraint guarantees that if we add a new tuple or modify the
studio_name value of a tuple in Owns, the update is only allowed if the
value for studio_name is in the Studios table. However, if we change the
Studios relation, say, by deleting a tuple for one studio, this is invisible to
the CHECK constraint above. Thus, the deletion is permitted even though
the attribute-based CHECK constraint on studio_name is now violated

Unlike value- and tuple-based constraints, which are only checked when
the table in which they were defined is updated, assertions are checked
when any of the tables they refer to is modified.

c. [cs6530] Write an SQL query that lists all the sequels for the movie
Friday the 13th which was released in 1980.
(this requires a recursive query)

WITH RECURSIVE Mov(Title_orig, Year_orig, Title_seq, Year_seq) AS

(select S1.Title_orig, S1.Year_orig, S1.Title_seq, S1.Year_seq

From Sequel S1
Where S1.Title_orig = ‘Friday the 13th’ and S1.Year_orig = 1980)
(select S2. Title_orig, S2.Year_orig, M1.Title_seq, M1.Year_seq
From Sequel S2, Mov M1
Where S2. Title_seq = M1.Title_orig and S2.Year_seq = M1.Year_orig)

Select * from Mov;

Another alternative:
WITH RECURSIVE AllSequels(Title_orig, Year_orig, Title_seq, Year_seq) AS

(select S1.Title_orig, S1.Year_orig, S1.Title_seq, S1.Year_seq

CS5530/6530 Database Systems -- Fall 2005 11

Assignment 2 key v1.1
From Sequel S1)
(select S2. Title_orig, S2.Year_orig, AS.Title_seq, AS.Year_seq
From Sequel S2, AllSequels AS
Where S2. Title_seq = AS.Title_orig and S2.Year_seq = AS.Year_orig)

Select Title_seq, Year_seq from AllSequels

Where Title_orig = ‘Friday the 13th’ and Year_orig = 1980;

year address
length name

Sequel Movies Stars-in Stars




name address

Practice Exercises
Consider the following schema from Assignment 1:
Suppliers(sid: integer, sname: string, address: string)
Parts(pid: integer, pname: string, color: string)
Catalog(sid: integer, pid: integer, cost: real)

The key fields are underlined, and the domain of each field is listed after the field
name. Therefore sid is the key for Suppliers, pid is the key for Parts, and sid and pid
together form the key for Catalog. The Catalog relation lists the prices charged for

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Assignment 2 key v1.1
parts by Suppliers. Write the following queries in SQL:

1. Find the names of suppliers who supply some red part.

2. Find the sids of suppliers who supply some red or green part.
3. Find the sids of suppliers who supply some red part or are at 221 Packer Street.
4. Find the sids of suppliers who supply some red part and some green part.
5. Find the sids of suppliers who supply every part.
6. Find the sids of suppliers who supply every red part.
7. Find pairs of sids such that the supplier with the first sid charges more for
some part than the supplier with the second sid.
8. Find the pids of parts supplied by at least two different suppliers.
9. Find the pids of the most expensive parts supplied by suppliers named
Yosemite Sham.
10. Find how many suppliers supply some red part.

1. SELECT S.sname
FROM Suppliers S, Parts P, Catalog C
WHERE P.color=’red’ AND C.pid=P.pid AND C.sid=S.sid

2. SELECT C.sid
FROM Catalog C, Parts P
WHERE (P.color = ‘red’ OR P.color = ‘green’)
AND P.pid = C.pid

3. SELECT S.sid
FROM Suppliers S
WHERE S.address = ‘221 Packer street’
OR S.sid IN ( SELECT C.sid
FROM Parts P, Catalog C
WHERE P.color=’red’ AND P.pid = C.pid )

4. SELECT C.sid
FROM Parts P, Catalog C
WHERE P.color = ‘red’ AND P.pid = C.pid
FROM Parts P2, Catalog C2
WHERE P2.color = ‘green’ AND C2.sid = C.sid
AND P2.pid = C2.pid )

5. SELECT C.sid
FROM Catalog C
FROM Parts P
FROM Catalog C1

CS5530/6530 Database Systems -- Fall 2005 13

Assignment 2 key v1.1
WHERE C1.sid = C.sid
AND C1.pid = P.pid))

6. SELECT C.sid
FROM Catalog C
FROM Parts P
WHERE P.color = ‘red’
FROM Catalog C1
WHERE C1.sid = C.sid AND
C1.pid = P.pid)))

7. SELECT C1.sid, C2.sid

FROM Catalog C1, Catalog C2
WHERE C1.pid = C2.pid AND C1.sid <> C2.sid
AND C1.cost > C2.cost

8. SELECT C.pid
FROM Catalog C
FROM Catalog C1
WHERE C1.pid = C.pid AND C1.sid <> C.sid )

9. SELECT C.pid
FROM Catalog C, Suppliers S
WHERE S.sname = ‘Yosemite Sham’ AND C.sid = S.sid
AND C.cost ≥ ALL (Select C2.cost
FROM Catalog C2, Suppliers S2
WHERE S2.sname = ‘Yosemite Sham’
AND C2.sid = S2.sid)


FROM Suppliers S, Parts P, Catalog C
WHERE P.color=’red’ AND C.pid=P.pid AND C.sid=S.sid

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Assignment 2 key v1.1

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