Tool and Equipments
Tool and Equipments
Tool and Equipments
lead aprons
thyroid shields
personal radiation dosimeters
Personal protective equipment should be taken on and off in recommended sequences to maximize
protection from infectious disease, however these sequences may vary by institution.
Radiography (X-rays)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Computed tomography (CT)
Echocardiography, and
Nuclear medicine, such as PET.
For diagnostic purposes, these systems are used to image the body to obtain a correct diagnosis and
determine future care. Rapid advancements in technology and changes in health-care reform necessitate a
mindful approach in order to end up with the correct system for your facility’s needs.
Features to consider depend on the system in question. For MRI, compare magnet length, bore size,
acoustic noise level, and programming flexibility. Moving from analog to digital radiography will result
in improved productivity and the benefits of electronic image storage and transmission; the choice
between computed and direct radiography will depend on the application.
Additional options include portable systems, multiple-use units such as combination digital fluoroscopy
and radiography systems, space-saving equipment, and imaging equipment optimized for high-volume
Discover and compare Diagnostic Medical Imaging Equipment:
Doctors Imaging utilizes the latest and most technologically advanced equipment including our 3T MRI,
Open MRI, digital X-ray, Ultrasound, and Low-Dose CT scan. We believe that everyone should have
access to these technologies so that they can be confident in their treatment plans and knowledgeable
about their health conditions. We offer you advanced technology and medical expertise with quality that
is as good or better than hospitals.
We offer you affordable access to advanced technology without sacrificing quality or comfort:
You don’t have to choose between the best exam and the best price when you’re at Doctors Imaging. For
example, a 3T MRI is the most powerful MRI machine for every part of the body and we are the region’s
first independent imaging center to offer its capabilities. Insurance companies and other third-party
payors typically charge based on the type of exam regardless of how advanced the technology is. But, as a
Doctors Imaging patient, you’ll have access to the highest quality exams for the same low cost.
MRI Options
Our stand-alone imaging center offers powerful Ultra High-Field 3T MRI and Open MRI. So you can be
sure that we are prepared to meet all your needs for your next MRI. These MRI exams use no radiation at
all. But the measurement of 3T (3 Tesla) refers to the strength of the magnet.
The 3T MRI unit is a large doughnut-shaped magnet with a tube-like central opening. A patient lies on
a moveable examination table that slides into the center of the magnet. The high image quality corrects
for slight movement from the patient, like breathing, and is performed much faster than previous forms of
For some exams, doctors can order an open MRI when a patient is concerned about feeling
claustrophobic with a conventional MRI.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a plain abdominal radiograph versus a computed
tomography (CT) scan?
A plain abdominal radiograph is a low-cost procedure that is easy to perform with inexpensive
radiographic equipment. A radiograph requires little cooperation from the patient. The radiation dose is
small. A CT scan is a high-cost procedure that also requires little cooperation from the patient. CT
equipment is expensive and delivers a higher radiation dose to the patient. Given the rapid speed of new
CT scanners, the time that a patient is lying on the radiographic tabletop is nearly equal for a plain film of
the abdomen and CT scan. An abdominal film requires no patient preparation. There is about a 1-hour
preparation time for a CT scan that uses intravenous (IV) and oral contrast agents.
CT has far greater contrast resolution than a plain film and is far superior in showing abnormal
calcifications or fluid/gas patterns in the viscera or peritoneal space. CT is tremendously superior at
showing the solid organs. A plain radiograph has better spatial resolution than CT, in particular, the
overview scout image of a CT scan (variously termed scanogram, topogram). A plain film provides an
overall “big picture” for bowel obstruction superior to a CT scan. This advantage is greatly surpassed,
however, by individual bowel loops, fluid-filled bowel loops, and bowel wall thickness and intravenous
contrast enhancement patterns shown on CT.
Gaurav Bandi MD, Stephen Y. Nakada MD, in Complications of Urologic Surgery (Fourth Edition), 2010
Laser Lithotripsy
The surgical management of nephrolithiasis has undergone dramatic changes since the mid-1980s.
Developments in radiographic equipment, endourologic devices, and intracorporeal lithotrites have
resulted in more effective stone comminution, more efficient stone removal, and increased stone-free
rates, combined with a significant reduction in operative morbidity compared with the open surgical
The initial laser lithotrites (pulsed dye, Q-switched YAG, and alexandrite) fragmented stones through
generation of a shock wave. The pulsed-dye laser was first used for the fragmentation of ureteral calculi
in 1986.3 This laser delivers short, 1-µsec pulsations at 5 to 10 Hz that are produced from a coumarin
green dye. The 504-nm wavelength laser is selectively absorbed by the stone (except cystine) and not by
the surrounding ureteral wall.4 Because the energy is delivered in short pulses, minimal heat is generated,
thus protecting the ureteral mucosa. Initial experience yielded stone fragmentation rates of 64% to 95%.
Failures have been related to equipment malfunction (4%-19%) or more often to stone compositions that
are resistant to lithotripsy (cystine, calcium oxalate monohydrate). In addition, the coumarin laser requires
approximately 20 minutes before it is ready to function, and the required eye protection (amber glass)
makes visualization of the stone and laser fiber difficult. Along with the foregoing limitations, its large
size, high initial cost, and high maintenance cost of toxic disposables resulted in its decreasing use.
The Ho:YAG laser was first introduced for lithotripsy in 1995.5,6 The holmium laser works by a dual
mechanism: photoacoustic effect and photochemical effect. Like the previous lasers, the short-pulsed
laser induces rapid formation of a spherical plasma cavitation bubble that expands symmetrically to a
maximum size and then collapses violently. Bubble collapse leads to the generation of a shock wave that,
on impingement on the targeted stone, comprises the primary mechanism of fragmentation referred to as a
photoacoustic effect or photomechanical effect.4 The long pulse duration of the Ho:YAG laser produces
an elongated cavitation bubble that generates only a weak shock wave. In addition, the cavitation bubble
generated is asymmetrical. As a result, different portions of the bubble collapse at slightly different times,
thus giving the effect of multiple shock waves generated from a single bubble. The shock waves
generated by the Ho:YAG laser are much weaker than are those generated by short-pulsed lasers and
electrohydraulic lithotripsy (EHL) probes,7-9 a finding suggesting additional mechanisms of stone
formation. This theory is further supported by evidence that Ho:YAG laser stone fragmentation starts
before the collapse of the vapor bubble.8
The Ho:YAG laser also works by a photothermal mechanism that involves the direct absorption of the
laser energy by the stone. In other words, the stone is literally melted.8,10 Support for this theory arises
from the findings that Ho:YAG laser stone fragmentation increases with increased stone temperature and
that thermal byproducts for all stone compositions tested are found on the surfaces of the craters and in
the irrigation solution during Ho:YAG laser lithotripsy. The photothermal mechanism of action of the
Ho:YAG laser has several clinical implications, most of which favor the Ho:YAG laser over other
intracorporeal lithotrites. The absence of a very strong shock wave minimizes stone retropulsion,11 which
is thought to be directly proportional to laser fiber diameter, pulse width, and total pulse energy
output.12-14 It also minimizes the risk of scatter damage to adjacent tissues (e.g., ureteral wall) and
endoscopic equipment, encountered more commonly with EHL energy.11,15-18
Because the Ho:YAG laser energy is absorbed by all stone compositions, this laser can be used to
fragment all stone types, including the harder cystine and calcium oxalate monohydrate stones.19,20
Another advantage of Ho:YAG laser lithotripsy over other lithotrites is production of significantly smaller
fragments, which can be easily irrigated, thus reducing the need for extraction of the fragments with
basket or grasping devices.15
The biggest advantage of the Ho:YAG laser is that laser energy can be delivered to the target using silica
fibers ranging from 150 to 940 µm in diameter. This characteristic allows its use in endoscopic
procedures. However, even though the 200-µm fiber is quite flexible, one can still lose anywhere from 10
to 45 degrees of tip deflection of a 7.5-Fr flexible ureteroscope when it is placed through the working
channel.21,22 This feature may limit access to lower pole of the kidney, especially in the presence of
hydronephrosis or when the ureteral-infundibular angle is >170 degrees. Transposition of the stone to an
upper pole calyx using a stone basket may be required in this situation.
Lithotripsy efficiency correlates with energy density and depends on the pulse energy output and the
diameter of the optical delivery fiber.23 Although energy density increases with decreasing fiber
diameter, in vitro studies demonstrated that peak lithotripsy occurred with 365- and 550-µm fibers,
whereas the 200-µm fiber can act as a fine drill, which is less effective.24 To maximize lithotripsy
efficiency, the treating physician should move the laser fiber over the stone surface in a “painting”
fashion, thus vaporizing the stone rather than fragmenting it; the physician should avoid drilling into the
stone, thus fracturing the fiber tip, or drilling past the stone, thereby damaging the urothelium.25
Compared with some of the soft tissue applications of the Ho:YAG laser, the power used for stone
fragmentation is considerably lower. In general, pulse energies of 0.6 to 1.2 J and pulse rates of 5 to 15
Hz are used. Because high pulse energy narrows the safety margin and may increase stone retropulsion as
well as fiber damage, it is recommended that treatment be commenced with low pulse energy (e.g., 0.6 J)
with a pulse rate of 6 Hz and that pulse frequency be increased (in preference to increasing pulse energy)
as needed to speed fragmentation.25
Other advantages of the Ho:YAG laser include a compact machine that requires minimal maintenance
and is ready for use 1 minute after it is turned on. The required eye protection for the Ho:YAG laser does
not compromise the endoscopic view of the surgeon, and energy levels used for stone disease (i.e., <15
W) would be harmful to the operator's cornea only if the eye were positioned at a distance of ≤10 cm
from the fiber.26
As long as the Ho:YAG laser is fired away from the urothelial mucosa, soft tissue damage is not observed
because much of the laser energy is absorbed by the medium (usually water) between the laser fiber and
the mucosa. Urothelial injury is highly unlikely if the distance between the fiber and the urothelium is
>0.5 mm.
Complications are few and most often result from anesthesia, limitations in endoscopic technology, and
the clinical situation, not the laser. Because the Ho:YAG laser can cut and coagulate tissue, it is very
important that the entire procedure be done under direct vision. If the stone dust begins to obstruct the
operator's vision, lithotripsy should be halted until the irrigation has an opportunity to clear the operating
field.26 If the laser comes in contact with the urothelial mucosa, the depth of thermal injury is 0.5 mm.27-
29 The typical injury is a small mucosal defect or a small perforation the size of the laser fiber.
Clinical studies have shown low perforation and strictures rates with the use of the Ho:YAG laser for
lithotripsy.30 Most perforations are minor, can be managed by ureteral stenting, and do not require open
conversion. One must also be cautious about drilling through the stone to the backside where tissue
damage can occur blindly. Finally, because the laser is capable of cutting through metal, it is important
not to direct the laser energy directly at wires or baskets. Moreover, the laser fiber should always be
extended at least 2 mm beyond the tip of the endoscope to avoid damage to the lens.
Studies have found that the photothermal breakdown of uric acid stones produces cyanide in linear
proportion to the total holmium energy employed.31,32 Cyanide is highly soluble in water and is readily
absorbed from intact or injured urothelium.32 Until this toxicity profile is better defined, the Ho:YAG
laser should be used cautiously for the treatment of large uric acid stones, especially in the presence of
soft tissue trauma (e.g., percutaneous lithotripsy, traumatic ureteroscopy), which can enhance the
systemic absorption of cyanide.
Imaging with X-rays
Penelope Allisy-Roberts OBE FIPEM FInstP, Jerry Williams MSc FIPEM, in Farr's Physics for Medical
Imaging (Second Edition), 2008
X-ray sets have a collimator system so that the beam can be adjusted to the required size by the operator.
In radiographic equipment, this comprises two sets of parallel blades made of high-attenuation material
that can be driven into the beam to define the required (rectangular) area. The collimator incorporates a
light source to the side of the X-ray beam and a mirror in the beam. The position of the light bulb and the
angle of the mirror are adjusted so that the divergent light beam appears to emanate from the X-ray focus.
This allows the radiographer to see the position of the X-ray beam projected on to the patient. The
collimator assembly is referred to as the light beam diaphragm.
Conventional radiography and computed tomography
Stacy E. Smith, in Rheumatology (Sixth Edition), 2015
Magnification radiography
The quality of the radiographic image is important for accurate and detailed assessment of subtle skeletal
abnormalities. High-resolution magnification radiography and fine-detail radiographs were developed to
maximize diagnostic information. These are particularly useful in assessment of the hands, fingers, and
feet. Magnification radiography is a highly specialized, not commonly available radiographic technique
that results in higher resolution (sharpness), better contrast, and lower quantum noise than conventional
radiography and is used primarily for research purposes.7 Image magnification up to 10 times that seen in
conventional radiographs can be obtained. It is more sensitive than conventional radiography in detecting
erosions, patterns of bone resorption, early bone proliferation, chondrocalcinosis (i.e., crystal deposition
disease [calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease, or CPPD]), and the presence of soft tissue
swelling and is useful when conventional radiography yields negative or equivocal findings. Fine-detail
radiography is more sensitive in detecting the subtle early subperiosteal resorption, cortical striation, or
tunneling seen in hyperparathyroidism.6 It may also be helpful in monitoring the course of this disease
and its response to therapy.
Imaging and Special Research Support Facilities
Imaging equipment such as radiographic and ultrasound equipment is sometimes included as part of a
veterinary care and research support program. In addition, MRI, CT, and PET scanners and rodent whole-
body irradiators are also often used as animal research tools. Often, space for imaging equipment is
included as part of a surgery suite. If such equipment is to be used with animals housed in a barrier
facility, consideration should be given to including space for the equipment inside the barrier. This
eliminates the disease hazard inherent in returning animals to the barrier. Optimally, space for the
equipment could be arranged so as to be directly accessible from inside as well as outside the barrier.
Properly managed, this arrangement would increase access to the equipment without compromising the
12.4 Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The development of MRI equipment and the progress in the tools used for image analysis make MRI an
increasingly important modality for future diagnosis of movement disorders. At the moment, MRI can
provide high-resolution anatomical images, and with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and diffusion
spectrum imaging (DSI), MRI can visualize exquisite white matter connections. Using blood oxygen
level-dependent (BOLD) contrast, task-based protocols, MRI can determine the cortical regions involved
in movement or other tasks. Resting state imaging, on the other hand, detects network-level involvement
of brain regions. MRI arterial spin labeling (ASL) determines blood flow similar to H215O PET imaging.
While these MRI contrasts are becoming more common in the research context, their utility in patient
management is still undetermined.
A recent meta-study (Cochrane and Ebmeier, 2013) showed that DTI can detect significant alterations in
fractional anisotropy in groups of patients with PD, PSP, and MSA in comparison to healthy controls.
Considering that DTI was also found to be sensitive to the loss of dopaminergic neurons in a murine
model (Boska et al., 2007), development of a PD biomarker based on DTI imaging is a possibility. A
preliminary study utilizing support of vector machine-based pattern recognition in DTI showed that DTI
can also be used for diagnosis of individual PD patients (Haller et al., 2012), further supporting the
possibility of a DTI biomarker.
BOLD-based resting state imaging was used to determine functional connectivity in 36 PD patients
(Sharman et al., 2013) in comparison to 45 age-matched controls. Functional connectivity was altered in
PD patients. PD patients had reduced cortical-subcortical sensorimotor connectivity and increased
associative and limbic functional connectivity. Using DTI, the same study also showed white matter
alterations in addition to functional changes in the patient group. Overall, there was reduced white matter
connectivity for most of the corticobasal ganglia–thalamocortical connections that were investigated.
Other studies utilizing resting state imaging showed changes in functional connectivity in the motor
network, among other changes (Wu et al., 2009a,b). Corticostriatal connectivity alterations regarding the
putamen (Hemlich et al., 2010) and malfunctioning of default mode network during an executive task
(van Eimeren et al., 2009) were also found in PD patient groups.
A study using ASL revealed altered cerebral perfusion in a group of PD patients (Melzer et al., 2011).
The observed changes were similar to those reported using FDG PET (Ma et al., 2010).
DTI has been used to study both patients and mouse models (Argyelan et al., 2009; Ulug et al., 2011) in
primary dystonia. These studies have implicated the cerebello-thalamocortical pathway. Dystonia gene
carriers had reduced fractional anisotropy and tract counts in this pathway. The nonmanifesting patients
and animals had an additional reduction in the thalamocortical portion of the same pathway.
In recent years ultrasound imaging equipment has been required to display safety indices in appropriate
circumstances. This chapter will consider the reasons for this requirement and give guidance on the
meaning and usefulness of the specific indicators. It is important to state at the outset that ultrasound is a
relatively safe imaging modality. Unlike X-ray imaging it does not involve the use of ionising radiation
which has well-known risks. In comparison with narrow-bore MRI scanning, it does not require injection
of toxic contrast materials, nor are there the hazards associated with very high magnetic fields.
Ultrasound scanning is widely used throughout the world. One of the major areas of application is in
obstetric scanning and almost every woman in the developed world will undergo as a minimum a routine
dating scan during pregnancy. Other applications of ultrasound in medicine are wide ranging; it is used in
cardiology, mammography and general abdominal imaging, for eye scanning and fetal heart monitoring
and for investigations of peripheral vascularity. In 2008/09 over 7.4 million ultrasound scans were carried
out in NHS Trusts in England and of these 2.4 million were obstetric/gynaecological scans. The use of
ultrasound is increasing, the fastest growth being in non-obstetric scanning where a 70% increase has
occurred over the last ten years. In spite of the large number of examinations carried out each year there
have been no confirmed reports of ill effects following ultrasound examination. It remains the case that
probably the greatest risk arising from the use of ultrasound in obstetrics is the risk of misdiagnosis.
The acoustic output from ultrasound equipment is well controlled by the manufacturers in line with
regulatory requirements. The USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA)1 require the maximum
available ultrasound intensity to be limited and compliance with AIUM/NEMA Output Display Standards
(ODS).2 These restrictions apply to all equipment manufactured or sold in the USA; in effect all the
major worldwide manufacturers are included. The FDA limits are set out later in this chapter in the
section on guidelines and regulations.
There are certain clinical situations in which extra care should be taken to ensure that the exposure is no
greater than necessary. In these situations the on-screen safety indices are of great value to the operator
since they allow an immediate assessment of potential risk to be made for specific exposure conditions. In
general, well-perfused tissue is less susceptible to thermal effects than is less well-perfused tissue, and
cells are more susceptible to external influence during periods of rapid division. For both these reasons
the fetus may be considered to be at some risk and operators should attempt to ensure that the exposure is
well managed. There is a common misconception that vaginal scanning is more risky than external
scanning; this is not true since vaginal transducers operate within the same regulatory limits on in-situ
exposure as do other transducers. The greatest risk from vaginal scanning may arise from transducer self-
heating. Neonatal scanning is carried out at a stage in life where cells are rapidly turning over and this
also requires careful management. In eye scanning using ultrasound there is a concern that thermal effects
may be induced due to poor perfusion, with the consequent risk of cataract formation. Experimental
evidence for cataract formation is available for high temperatures only; nevertheless proper management
of ultrasound exposures in eye scanning is prudent, a view endorsed by the FDA in setting lower
mandatory limits for ophthalmological equipment.1
Scanning of a soft tissue–gas interface will increase the risk of ultrasound-induced effects and the areas
which may be vulnerable are the lungs and the intestinal tract. The use of contrast materials, where gas
bubbles are deliberately introduced into the body, carries a degree of risk and this is discussed further in
the section on cavitation and gas body effects, later in this chapter.
To ensure that the likelihood of any ultrasound-induced effects is minimised, safety indices relating to
thermal effects and gas-bubble activity have been developed. The current advice on managing ultrasound
exposure is based on the use of these displayed safety indices. The safety indices are based on two known
biophysical mechanisms of ultrasound, which are thermal effects and mechanical effects associated with
gas bubbles. This chapter focuses on these well-established mechanisms. The likelihood of other potential
mechanisms, for example radiation force effects, is not predicted by the safety indices.3
Technology in Health Care