Low-Cost, Tiny-Sized MEMS Hydrophone Sensor For Water Pipeline Leak Detection
Low-Cost, Tiny-Sized MEMS Hydrophone Sensor For Water Pipeline Leak Detection
Low-Cost, Tiny-Sized MEMS Hydrophone Sensor For Water Pipeline Leak Detection
8, AUGUST 2019
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Monash University. Downloaded on August 29,2020 at 01:35:38 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Monash University. Downloaded on August 29,2020 at 01:35:38 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Monash University. Downloaded on August 29,2020 at 01:35:38 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 9. Time-domain measurement results of the water pipeline leak system using the leak opening and closing sequence (a)–(h).
Fig. 10. Signal historical spectrogram of the MEMS hydrophones located at (a) 15 m, and (b) 25 m, respectively. Color in red indicates the highest
PSD and the color in blue indicates the lowest PSD.
Fig. 11. Comparison of the output voltages from the MEMS hydrophone located at 15 m using the inside and outside detection approaches.
It shows that these two approaches have very similar signal profile. While there is a about 30 dB signal attenuation using the outside detection
stable result causing by the current sequence, the next sequence Color in red indicates the highest signal power spectral density
is triggered. The overall water leak measurement takes about 5 (PSD) and the color in blue indicates the lowest PSD in the
min and the captured time-domain signals are shown in Fig. 9, spectrogram.
where the environmental vibration noise is removed by signal Based on the measurement results, as shown in Figs. 9
processing. Fig. 10 shows the spectrogram of the result of Fig. 9. and 10, the following may be concluded.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Monash University. Downloaded on August 29,2020 at 01:35:38 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 13. Comparison of the output voltages from the MEMS hydrophone and the commercial hydrophone. Both of the hydrophone sensors are
located 15 m away from the leak and using the inside detection approach. The two hydrophones have very similar signal profile.
Substituting the related material properties into (2), we ob- material, dimension, and the amount of the air bubbles inside
tain Tp ≈ 0.14. In other words, there is a direct 17-dB signal the water [29].
attenuation when the sound signal propagate from ductile iron In this work, both of the MEMS hydrophones are located at
to the MEMS hydrophone sensor. The remaining 13-dB signal the same side of the leak position. Therefore, this leak detec-
attenuation may be caused by the transmission loss since the tion configuration cannot be used to ascertain the leak location.
sound propagation from inside to outside the pipe is not an ideal However, the experiment clearly demonstrates the signal de-
plane wave. lay, hence proving that leak positioning using the report MEMS
Different sensor installation positions away from leak posi- hydrophones is feasible.
tion are investigated and they show similar signal attenuation.
It should be noted that the length of each section of the real
water distribution pipeline is about 100 m. Assuming a MEMS D. Comparison With the Commercial Hydrophone
hydrophone is installed at each junction, the maximum trans- In our work, a commercial piezoceramic hydrophone H2a,
mission loss of the inside and outside detection approaches will from Aquarian Audio & Scientific, is used as the reference hy-
be about 60 and 90 dB, respectively. This huge loss will severely drophone. This commercial hydrophone is currently used for
affect the signal fidelity and cause potential false alarms. There- pipeline leak detection by some industry players. The reference
fore, the inside detection approach is better in terms of the signal hydrophone is installed 15 m away from the leak, together with
fidelity. the MEMS hydrophone. Fig. 13 shows the comparison of the
output voltages from the MEMS hydrophone and the reference
C. Leak Positioning Evaluation hydrophone. Both the reference hydrophone and the MEMS
hydrophone capture very similar signal profiles, but different
Besides identifying the leak, another key task of pipeline signal magnitudes due to different acoustic sensitivities. The
leak detection system is to ascertain the leak location. This is experimental result verifies the feasibility of the MEMS hy-
usually realized by using multisensor correlation [30]. In this drophone for the pipeline leak detection, which features smaller
paper, we performed the leak positioning testing using the two size, lower cost, and decent performance than the commercial
deployed MEMS hydrophones as shown in Fig. 7. The output piezoceramic hydrophone.
signals from the two MEMS hydrophones are synchronized to
the same data acquisition software. From the correlation results
of the measured data, as shown in Fig. 12, it is observed that V. EVALUATION OF RELIABILITY AND LONG-TERM STABILITY
both MEMS hydrophones capture similar signal profile while
The packaged MEMS hydrophones are evaluated by the high-
there is a time delay between the two signals. This is because
temperature storage (HTS), low-temperature storage (LTS), and
the acoustic signal travels different distances before it arrives at
temperature cycling (TC) tests in order to assess the reliability
the two MEMS hydrophones. The sound speed in the pipeline
of the packaged devices. Fig. 14 shows the measured sensitiv-
can be deduced as
ity variations of five packaged MEMS hydrophones after the
d HTS, LTS, and TC tests. The sensitivity drifts of all the five
vs = (3) hydrophones are less than ±0.5 dB (±0.56%). No significant
performance drift or failure mechanism is observed after the reli-
where vs is the sound speed in water, and d = 10 m is the distance ability tests. These measured reliability evaluation results verify
between the two MEMS hydrophones. Assuming Δt = 9 ms the reliability and robustness of the MEMS hydrophones and
is the time delay between the received signals from the two the packaging. The estimated life time of the packaged MEMS
MEMS hydrophones, according to (3), the sound speed in water hydrophone is 10.4 years based on the Coffin–Manson model.
is calculated to be 1111 m/s. The calculated sound speed is lower The long-term stability measurements have been performed
than the theoretical value of 1450 m/s by 23.4%, which may on the MEMS hydrophone, in order to investigate the stability of
be caused by the setup imperfection, such as synchronization the packaged MEMS hydrophone over time. Fig. 15 shows the
error of the two signals. In addition, the sound speed in the measured sensitivity drifts of a packaged MEMS hydrophone for
water filled in the pipeline is highly dependent on the pipeline over 1200 d. The sensitivity drift is less than ±0.3 dB (±0.15%).
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The authors would like to thank N. Jaafar for hydrophone
sensor assembly and also, Q. Xie at Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT), for his valuable discussion in preparing this
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Eva Leong-Ching Wai received the bachelor’s
degree in materials engineering from Nanyang
Technology University (NTU), Singapore, in
Jinghui Xu received the B.Eng. degree in au- 2003.
tomatic engineering from Chang’an University, She worked in semiconductor packaging in-
Xi’an, China, in 2003, and the M.S. and Ph.D. dustrial for two years after graduating from uni-
degrees in mechanical engineering from North- versity. Since then, she has been with Institute
western Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China, of Microelectronics, A*STAR, Singapore, where
in 2006 and 2009, respectively. she is currently the Senior Research Engineer
From 2009 to 2010, he was a Postdoctoral of Interconnect and Packaging Platform.
Researcher with the Department of Microsys-
tems Engineering, Albert Ludwigs Freiburg Uni- Wei Li received the B.Eng and Ph.D. degrees
versity, Freiburg, Germany. Since 2010, he has in microelectronics from Nanyang Technologi-
been with Institute of Microelectronics, Agency cal University, Singapore, in 2005 and 2009, re-
for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore, where he spectively, and the M.B.A. degree from INSEAD,
is currently a Research Scientist. He holds three U.S. patents and com- Fontainebleau, France, in 2012.
pleted two times IP licensing. His research interests include acoustic He has many years of experience in technol-
(hydrophone, microphone, pMUT, etc.) and vibrational MEMS (resonator, ogy development, IP management, technology
oscillator, accelerator, etc.) based on piezoelectric AlN platform. commercialization, start-up incubation, and in-
vestment. He is currently the General Manager
with JCS Venture Lab and the founding CEO of
Kevin Tshun-Chuan Chai (M’16) received CSF Ventures. He is also Adjunct Assistant Pro-
the B.Eng. (Hons.) and the Ph.D. degrees in fessor with Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) for
electronic and electrical engineering from the SUTD Technology entrepreneurship program.
University of Glasgow, U.K., in 2002 and 2007,
respectively, developing tissue cell imaging solu- Jason Yeo received the Diploma of Engineering
tion based on electrical impedance tomography in factory automation from Ngee Ann Polytech-
on a CMOS chip. nic, Singapore, in 1989 and the EMBA degree in
He joined Institute of Microelectronics, business administration from National University
A*STAR, Singapore, in 2008 as a Research Sci- of Singapore, Singapore, in 2015.
entist and developed a silicon nanowire based He founded JCS in 1990 and led JCS to be-
biosensor readout system for the detection of come a multinational group company with grow-
biomarkers in cardiac disease. He has received several competitive ing businesses in a range of deep-tech indus-
A*STAR grants as PI/Co-PI for MEMS sensor-related applications in tem- tries. He is currently the Chairman with JCS
perature, motion and sound detection, cell counting, electronic stetho- Group and JCS Venture Lab. He is also the
scope system for the early detection of diastolic dysfunction in hyperten- Chairman with McLean, a listed company in
sive heart disease, etc. He currently heads a department of more than Malaysia.
30 IC designers working on various topics from AI powered hardware Edwin Nijhof received the Diploma in electri-
accelerators looking at both deep learning and neuromorphic methodolo- cal and electronics engineering from Middel-
gies, compute-in-memory using emerging memories, hardware security bare Technische School, Veghel, Netherlands,
for edge IOT, power management solution with IVR, mmWave IC, and in 1987.
design acceleration techniques using machine learning. He has more than 25 years of working expe-
rience in high tech industry and has worked in
several multinational corporations and startups
Guoqiang Wu received the B.Eng. degree in for their technology development and regional
electrical science and technology from Xidian operations. He is currently the Chief Technology
University, Xi’an, China, in 2008, and the Ph.D. Officer with JCS Group, JCS Venture Lab, and
degree in microelectronics and solid-state elec- the General Manager with JCS Technologies.
tronics from the Shanghai Institute of Microsys-
tem and Information Technology (SIMIT), Chi- Yuandong Gu received the M.E.E. degree in
nese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China, electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in
in 2013. pharmaceutics from the University of Minnesota,
He is currently a Research Scientist with Minneapolis, MN, USA, in 2001 and 2003,
the Institute of Microelectronics, Agency for respectively.
Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), He was a Principal Research Scientist with
Singapore. His research interests include microelectromechanical sys- the Honeywell Sensors and Wireless Lab for ten
tems (MEMS) resonators, RF MEMS, inertial MEMS, MEMS integration, years. He is currently the Deputy Executive Di-
and packaging technologies. rector (DED) with the Institute of Microelectron-
Dr. Wu was the recipient of the Best Dissertation Award of Shanghai ics, Agency for Science, Technology and Re-
in 2014. search (A*STAR), Singapore.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Monash University. Downloaded on August 29,2020 at 01:35:38 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.