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2 - Six Sigma Foundations and Principles

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What is Six Sigma

• An improvement method that aims to eliminate
variation and defects in a wide array of processes.
Six Sigma Foundations and These reductions are realized through a focused
effort on outputs critical to the customer, leading to
Principles a financial gain for the organization
• Grounded in the goal of 3.4 defects for every 1
million opportunities
• Pioneered by Motorola in the 1980’s and embraced
heavily by General Electric in the 1990’s

Overview of Six Sigma

Quality Framework of Six Sigma Definition
• Unlike TQ, which is worker empowered, Six Sigma is both a quality management
Six Sigma is owned at the business philosophy and a methodology that
leader champion level of the focuses on reducing variation, measuring
defects, and improving quality of
• TQ is confined to functions or processes products, processes and services.
within the organization. Six Sigma seeks
a broader cross functional deployment.


Overview of Six Sigma Overview of Six Sigma

Event Time Impact Era Event Time Impact Era
Motorola Early A systematic Goal Computer Early Advanced degrees in Enabling
Pioneered 80’s approach to solving and 90’s statistics and many
complex part and Software years of problem
process problems and Capability solving were no longer
the launch of an needed to solve tough
effective process business problems.

Overview of Six Sigma Overview of Six Sigma

Event Time Impact Era
Allied Signal, Mid Transformed Six Proof of
Six Sigma evolves from a “Quality Goal” Texas 90’s Sigma from a quality Capability
to a enterprise-wide ‘’strategy’’ for Instruments improvement focus
business management and improvement & GE to a business
improvement focus.


Overview of Six Sigma Six Sigma Foundation

Event Time Impact Era
Adapted for Late Six Sigma is no longer Business Bill Smith:
Transaction 90’s just for manufacturing, Mgmt
al and it became one of the System • Motorola – introduced six sigma as a
Service most powerful measure of quality in 1986.
transactional • Smith, with Mikel Harry, developed the
improvement methods initial four-step six sigma stages: measure,
available. analyze, improve, control to reduce defect


Six Sigma Foundation Six Sigma Foundation

Crosby’s Four Absolutes
Mikel Harry: 1. The definition of quality is conformance to
2. The system of quality is prevention.
• Motorola
3. The performance standard is zero defects (close to
• With Richard Schroeder, founded Six Six Sigma).
Sigma Academy in 1994. 4. The measurement of quality is the price of
• Main architect of six sigma movement. nonconformance.
“Do it right the first time.”
11 12


Six Sigma Foundation Six Sigma Foundation

Deming’s 14 Points: Deming’s 14 Points:

1. Create constancy of purpose toward improvement 3. Cease dependence on mass inspection to achieve
of product and service. Innovate, allocate quality. Inspection does not improve quality. Quality is
resources to long-term planning. Put resources built into a product and cannot be inspected into it.
into research and education.
2. Adopt the new philosophy. Do not tolerate 4. End the practice of awarding business on the basis of
commonly accepted levels of errors and defects. price tag alone. Minimize total cost by working with a
single supplier.

13 14

Six Sigma Foundation Six Sigma Foundation

Deming’s 14 Points:
5. Improve constantly and forever every process for Deming’s 14 Points:
planning, production, and service. Continually
improve test methods and identify problems, from 7. Adopt and institute leadership. The job of
the very first planning stages right up to distribution management is not supervision, but leadership.
to customers.
8. Drive out fear. No one can perform unless he or
6. Institute training on the job. In Japan, managers start
their careers with a long internship. They work in she feels secure.
procurement, accounting, distribution, and sales.

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Six Sigma Foundation Six Sigma Foundation

Deming’s 14 Points:
9. Break down barriers between staff areas. Create Deming’s 14 Points:
teams of members coming from all areas and 11. Eliminate numerical quotas for the
sectors of the business to prevent and solve
problems. workforce and numerical goals for
10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for management.
the workforce. Posters and slogans have never 12. Remove barriers that rob people of the pride
helped anyone to do a better job. of workmanship. Eliminate the annual rating
or merit system.
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Six Sigma Foundation Six Sigma Foundation

Deming’s 14 Points: Dr. Genichi Taguchi:

13. Institute a vigorous program of education and
self-improvement for everyone.
14. Put everyone in the company to work to
• Father of Quality Engineering
accomplish the transformation. • Loss Function
• Robust Design
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Six Sigma Foundation Six Sigma Foundation

Feigenbaum’s Total Quality Control:
Total Quality Control:
• Total control of quality and control of total • … is an effective system for integrating the
quality quality-development, quality-maintenance,
• Apply quality to all stages from design to and quality improvement efforts of the various
delivery groups in an organization so as to enable
• Share quality responsibilities among functions production and service at the most
• Quality is not only the manufacture of a economical levels which allow for full
product customer satisfaction.
» Feigenbaum (1991)

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Six Sigma Foundation Six Sigma Foundation

Dr. Kaoro Ishikawa: Dr. Walter Shewhart

Known for Cause & Effect or Ishikawa • Assignable and Chance causes
Diagram • Statistical Process Control
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Six Sigma Foundation

Juran’s Trilogy:

• Quality Planning

• Quality Control

• Quality Improvement


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