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Blood: Hansel M. Gadon, MAN

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Hansel M. Gadon, MAN

• The only fluid tissue in the human body
• Classified as a connective tissue
– Living cells = formed elements
– Non-living matrix = plasma
Physical Characteristics of Blood
• Color range
– Oxygen-rich blood is scarlet red
– Oxygen-poor blood is dull red
• pH must remain between 7.35–7.45
• Blood temperature is slightly higher than body
Blood Plasma

• Composed of approximately 90%water

• Includes many dissolved substances
– Nutrients
– Salts (metal ions)
– Respiratory gases
– Hormones
– Proteins
– Waste products
Plasma Proteins

• Albumin – regulates osmotic pressure

• Clotting proteins – help to stem blood loss
when a blood vessel is injured
• Antibodies – help protect the body from
Formed Elements

• Erythrocytes = red blood cells

• Leukocytes = white blood cells
• Platelets = cell fragments
Photomicrograph of a Blood Smear
Characteristics of Formed Elements of the Blood
Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells)

• The main function is to carry oxygen

• Anatomy of circulating erythrocytes
– Biconcave disks
– Essentially bags of hemoglobin
– Anucleate (no nucleus)
– Contain very few organelles
• Outnumber white blood cells 1000:1

• Iron-containing protein
• Binds strongly, but reversibly, to oxygen
• Each hemoglobin molecule has four oxygen
binding sites
• Each erythrocyte has 250 million hemoglobin

• *anemia and polycythemia

Leukocytes (White Blood Cells)
• Crucial in the body’s defense against disease
• These are complete cells, with a nucleus and
• Able to move into and out of blood vessels
• Can move by ameboid motion
• Can respond to chemicals released by
damaged tissues
Leukocyte Levels in the Blood
• Normal levels are between 4,000 and 11,000 cells
per millimeter
• Abnormal leukocyte levels
– Leukocytosis
• Above 11,000 leukocytes/ml
• Generally indicates an infection
– *leukemia
– Leukopenia
• Abnormally low leukocyte level
• Commonly caused by certain drugs
Types of Leukocytes

• Granulocytes
– Granules in their
cytoplasm can be
– Include
eosinophils, and
Types of Leukocytes

• Agranulocytes
– Lack visible
– Include
• Neutrophils
– Multilobed nucleus with fine granules
– Act as phagocytes at active sites of infection

• Eosinophils
– Large brick-red cytoplasmic granules
– Found in response to allergies and parasitic worms
• Basophils
– Have histamine-containing granules
– Initiate inflammation
• Lymphocytes
– Nucleus fills most of the cell
– Play an important role in the immune response

• Monocytes
– Largest of the white blood cells
– Function as macrophages
– Important in fighting chronic infection (tb)

• Derived from ruptured multinucleate cells

• Needed for the clotting process
• Normal platelet count = 300,000/mm3
• Blood cell formation
• Occurs in red bone marrow
• All blood cells are derived from a common
stem cell (hemocytoblast)
• Hemocytoblast differentiation
– Lymphoid stem cell produces lymphocytes
– Myeloid stem cell produces other formed
Fate of Erythrocytes

• Unable to divide, grow, or synthesize proteins

• Wear out in 100 to 120 days
• When worn out, are eliminated by phagocytes
in the spleen or liver
• Lost cells are replaced by division of
Control of Erythrocyte Production

• Rate is controlled by a hormone

• Kidneys produce most erythropoietin as a
response to reduced oxygen levels in the
• Homeostasis is maintained by negative
feedback from blood oxygen levels
Control of Erythrocyte Production
• Stoppage of blood flow
• Result of a break in a blood vessel
• Hemostasis involves three phases
– Platelet plug formation
– Vascular spasms
– Coagulation
Platelet Plug Formation
• Collagen fibers are exposed by a break in a
blood vessel
• Platelets become “sticky” and cling to fibers
• Anchored platelets release chemicals to
attract more platelets
• Platelets pile up to form a platelet plug
Vascular Spasms

• Anchored platelets release serotonin

• Serotonin causes blood vessel muscles to
• Spasms narrow the blood vessel, decreasing
blood loss
• Injured tissues release thromboplastin
• PF3 (a phospholipid) interacts with
thromboplastin, blood protein clotting factors,
and calcium ions to trigger a clotting cascade
• Prothrombin activator converts prothrombin
to thrombin (an enzyme)
• Thrombin joins fibrinogen proteins into hair-
like fibrin
• Fibrin forms a meshwork (the basis for a clot)
Blood Clotting

• Blood usually clots within 3 to 6 minutes

• The clot remains as endothelium regenerates
• The clot is broken down after tissue repair
Fibrin Clot
Undesirable Clotting
• Thrombus
– A clot in an unbroken blood vessel
– Can be deadly in areas like the heart
• Embolus
– A thrombus that breaks away and floats freely in
the bloodstream
– Can later clog vessels in critical areas such as the
Bleeding Disorders

• Thrombocytopenia
– Platelet deficiency
– Even normal movements can cause bleeding from
small blood vessels that require platelets for
• *petechiae
• Hemophilia
– Hereditary bleeding disorder
– Normal clotting factors are missing
• *BT/ victims of blood borne dse
Blood Groups and Transfusions

• Large losses of blood have serious

– Loss of 15 to 30 percent causes weakness
– Loss of over 30 percent causes shock, which can
be fatal
• Transfusions are the only way to replace blood
• Transfused blood must be of the same blood
Human Blood Groups
• Blood contains genetically determined
• A foreign protein (antigen) may be attacked by
the immune system
• Blood is “typed” by using antibodies that will
cause blood with certain proteins to clump
Human Blood Groups

• There are over 30 common red blood cell

• The most vigorous transfusion reactions are
caused by ABO and Rh blood group antigens
ABO Blood Groups

• Based on the presence or absence of two

– Type A
– Type B

• The lack of these antigens is called

– Type O
ABO Blood Groups

• The presence of both A and B is called type AB

• The presence of either A or B is called types A
and B, respectively
Rh Blood Groups
• Named because of the presence or absence of
one of eight Rh antigens (agglutinogen D)
• Most Americans are Rh+
• Problems can occur in mixing Rh+ blood into a
body with Rh– blood
Rh Dangers During Pregnancy
• Danger is only when the mother is Rh– and the
father is Rh+, and the child inherits the Rh+
Rh Dangers During Pregnancy

• The mismatch of an Rh– mother carrying an

Rh+ baby can cause problems for the unborn
– The first pregnancy usually proceeds without
– The immune system is sensitized after the first
– In a second pregnancy, the mother’s immune
system produces antibodies to attack the Rh+
blood (hemolytic disease of the newborn)
Blood Typing

• Blood samples are mixed with anti-A and anti-

B serum
• Coagulation or no coagulation leads to
determining blood type
• Typing for ABO and Rh factors is done in the
same manner
• Cross matching – testing for agglutination of
donor RBCs by the recipient’s serum, and vice
Blood Typing
Developmental Aspects of Blood

• Sites of blood cell formation

– The fetal liver and spleen are early sites of blood
cell formation
– Bone marrow takes over hematopoiesis by the
seventh month
• Fetal hemoglobin differs from hemoglobin
produced after birth

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