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FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets: List of Figures

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FM Global

Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets 3-26

April 2019
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Table of Contents

1.0 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................................... 2

1.1 Changes ............................................................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Hazard .............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Superseded Information .................................................................................................................... 2
2.0 LOSS PREVENTION RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................ 2
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 2
2.2 Occupancy ......................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Protection ........................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3.1 General ................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3.2 Incidental Storage ................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.3 Low-Piled Storage ................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.4 Storage .................................................................................................................................... 8
2.3.5 Water Mist Systems ................................................................................................................ 8
3.0 SUPPORT FOR RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................ 9
3.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 9
3.1.1 Hazard Categories .................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Nonstorage Occupancy Fire Protection ............................................................................................ 9
4.0 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................ 9
4.1 FM Global ......................................................................................................................................... 9
APPENDIX A GLOSSARY OF TERMS ........................................................................................................ 9
APPENDIX B DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY ...................................................................................... 11
APPENDIX C HAZARD CATEGORY EXAMPLES ...................................................................................... 13

List of Figures
Fig. 1. Flowchart for determining appropriate use of Data Sheet 3-26 ........................................................ 3

List of Tables
Table 1.
Hazard Categories Based on Predominant Occupancy ................................................................... 4
Table 2.
Sprinkler Design Demands for Hazard Categories .......................................................................... 5
Table 3.
Sprinkler Protection Guidelines for Low-Piled Storage .................................................................... 7
Table 4.
Nonstorage, Non-Manufacturing Occupancies and their Associated Fire Hazard Categories ..... 14
Table 4.
Nonstorage, Non-Manufacturing Occupancies and their Associated Fire Hazard Categories
(cont’d) ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Table 5. Manufacturing Occupancies and Their Associated Fire Hazard Categories .................................. 16
Table 5. Manufacturing Occupancies and Their Associated Fire Hazard Categories (cont’d) .................... 17

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3-26 Fire Protection for Nonstorage Occupancies
Page 2 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

This data sheet provides recommendations for fire protection in nonstorage occupancies. A nonstorage
occupancy is an area or building consisting of equipment, processes, and/or materials that are not maintained
in a storage arrangement. These materials may be combustible or noncombustible. The occupancy may
contain industrial or manufacturing processes as well as non-manufacturing operations such as offices, or
retail or residential spaces.

1.1 Changes
April 2019. This document has undergone a complete revision. Significant changes include the following:
A. Changed the title of the data sheet from Fire Protection Water Demand for Nonstorage Sprinklered
Properties to Fire Protection for Nonstorage Occupancies.
B. Incorporated Engineering Bulletin 04-12, New Protection Guidance for Extended Coverage Sprinklers
for Nonstorage Applications.
C. Moved hazard category examples from Table 1 to Appendix C and expanded them.
D. Added hazard category guidance in Appendix C for recycling, waste processing, and energy from waste
facilities (and the treating of incoming waste material).
E. Added a new flowchart (Figure 1) detailing the proper application of Data Sheet 3-26, including where
other data sheets should be used, and how to treat incidental and low-piled storage.
F. Added protection recommendations for the manufacture and assembly of large, contiguous components
that present the hazard of a shielded fire (Section
G. Changed recommended system durations to 60 minutes for all hazard categories (Section
H. Changed recommendations on work-in-process storage. Added new guidance based on testing of
low-piled storage to Table 3. This guidance is engineered toward the levels of storage common to
nonstorage occupancies. The area limitations for up to Class 3 commodities remain 200 ft2 (20 m2). The
area limitation for plastic-containing commodities has been reduced from 200 ft2 (20 m2) to 64 ft2 (6 m2,
equivalent to four pallet loads).

1.2 Hazard
Refer to the following Understanding the Hazard (UTH) publications for detailed information on the hazards
associated with this data sheet:
• Combustible Concealed Construction (P0114)
• Fire and Explosion Exposure (P0251)
• Inadequate Automatic Fire Detection (P0247)
• Lack of Automatic Sprinklers (P0037)
• Lack of Emergency Response (P0034)
• Lack of Pre-Incident Planning (P0033)
• Lint (P0315)

1.3 Superseded Information

This document supersedes Engineering Bulletin EB 04-12, New Protection Guidance for Extended Coverage
Sprinklers for Nonstorage Applications, which has been incorporated into the data sheet.


2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Use FM Approved equipment, materials, and services whenever they are applicable and available.
For a list of products and services that are FM Approved, see the Approval Guide, an online resource of FM

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Fire Protection for Nonstorage Occupancies 3-26
FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 3

2.2 Occupancy
2.2.1 There may be guidance and recommendations in other data sheets that supersede those within Data
Sheet 3-26. Use Figure 1 below to determine the appropriate data sheet to use.

Fig. 1. Flowchart for determining appropriate use of Data Sheet 3-26

2.2.2 Use Table 1 to determine the hazard category (HC) based on the predominant occupancy. See Appendix
C For specific examples of HC-1, HC-2, and HC-3 occupancies.

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3-26 Fire Protection for Nonstorage Occupancies
Page 4 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

Table 1. Hazard Categories Based on Predominant Occupancy

Category Predominant Occupancy
HC-1 Areas with light overall combustible loading with limited combustibles used in processes, or
operations of low hazard. This includes combustible furnishings that are typically noncontinuous in
well-subdivided areas. This hazard category does not include any incidental storage of plastics, or
plastics used in the construction of walls and/or ceilings.

Examples include residential, offices, noncombustible manufacturing, and hospitals.

HC-2 Areas with moderate continuous combustible loading with combustibles in processes, or operations
of moderate hazard due to limited quantities of plastics or ignitable liquids.

Examples include manufacturing, such as machine shops, woodworking, and electronic assembly,
as well as retail, theatres, and food production.
HC-3 Areas with generally continuous heavier combustible loading with limited quantities of ignitable
liquids and/or heavier amounts of plastics.

Examples include plastic manufacturing, vehicle manufacturing and assembly, and printing plants.
2.2.3 Classify buildings that are of wood construction but otherwise contain no combustible materials as HC-1
2.2.4 Identify spaces concealed from ceiling sprinklers that have combustible construction features or contain
combustible material and provide sprinkler protection in those spaces. Concealed spaces can include
equipment with combustible material; areas obstructed by ductwork, light fixtures, or hoods; and hidden
combustible construction. Protect combustible concealed spaces as HC-1 in accordance with FM Global Data Sheet 1-12,
Ceilings and Concealed Spaces. Protect other shielded areas, including machine covers, spray booths, ovens, printing presses,
combustible ductwork, plastic tanks, and conveyors, as follows:
A. Where a data sheet relevant to these hazards or occupancies exists, adhere to the recommendations
in that data sheet.
B. Otherwise, protect underneath the shielded area with sprinklers providing the same density as the ceiling
system and in accordance with Data Sheet 2-0, Installation Guidelines for Automatic Sprinklers.
2.2.5 For locations with mixed occupancy hazards that are not separated by fire partitions, protect for the
greatest hazard or see Data Sheet 2-0 for other protection options.
2.2.6 Establish and implement a housekeeping program to minimize accumulations of lint, dust, and other
combustible materials.

2.3 Protection

2.3.1 General See Data Sheet 1-57, Plastics in Construction, for protection guidance when building construction
contains plastic. Install sprinklers in accordance with Data Sheet 2-0, Installation Guidelines for Automatic Sprinklers. In addition to the recommendations in this data sheet, refer to Data Sheet 2-8, Earthquake Protection
for Water-Based Fire Protection Systems, for facilities located in earthquake-prone regions. Install a wet pipe, dry pipe, pre-action, or antifreeze sprinkler system to protect nonstorage
occupancies. An FM Approved water mist system may also be used to protect HC-1 occupancies (see Section
2.3.5). Use wet-pipe sprinkler systems unless the protected area is refrigerated or unheated, and the
temperature can fall below 40°F (4°C). See Data Sheet 2-0, Section 2.4, for further information. For wet-pipe
sprinkler systems, use the following sprinklers:
• Sidewall (HC-1 and HC-2 occupancies only), pendent, upright, or dry-pendent.

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FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 5

• Nominal 160°F (70°C) temperature rating. Only use sprinklers with a nominal temperature rating of 212°F
(100°C) where the ambient temperature is in excess of 100°F (38°C).
• Standard coverage or extended coverage.
• Standard response or quick response. Do not use standard response sprinklers when ceiling heights are
greater than 60 ft (18 m). Use the following sprinklers for dry-pipe sprinkler systems:
• Upright or dry-pendent. Dry sidewall can be used under certain conditions; see Data Sheet 2-0.
• Nominal 280°F (140°C) temperature rating. Nominal 165°F (70°C) sprinklers are acceptable for HC-1 and
HC-2 occupancies.
• Standard coverage.
• Standard response. Quick-response sprinklers are acceptable for HC-1 and HC-2 occupancies. For dry-pipe and equivalent sprinkler systems, if a maximum water delivery time is not specified
in an occupancy-specific data sheet, us one of the following water delivery times:
• 60 seconds with the operation of the single most remote sprinkler
• 40 seconds with the operation of the most remote four sprinklers (two sprinklers on two lines) Treat single-interlocked preaction sprinkler systems as either wet-pipe or dry-pipe systems. Treat
non-interlocked or double-interlocked preaction sprinkler systems as dry-pipe systems. See Data Sheet 5-48
for additional guidance on preaction systems, including detector spacing. Treat anti-freeze sprinkler systems as wet-pipe systems. See Data Sheet 2-0, Installation Guidelines
for Automatic Sprinklers, for additional guidance antifreeze solution sprinkler systems. Use minimum sprinkler K-factors in accordance with FM Global Data Sheet 2-0, Installation Guidelines
for Automatic Sprinklers. Design the sprinkler system in accordance with Table 2, based on the applicable hazard category.

Table 2. Sprinkler Design Demands for Hazard Categories

Ceiling Height up to 30 ft Ceiling Height 30-45 ft Ceiling Height 45-60 ft Ceiling Height 60-100 ft
(9 m)Note 2 (9-13.5 m) (13.5-18 m) (18-30 m)
Hazard (gpm/ft2)/ft2 [(mm/min)/m2]
Category Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry
HC-1 0.1/1500 0.1/1500 0.2/2500 0.2/3500 0.2/2500 0.2/3500 0.6/1200 Design
Note 1
(4/140) (4/140) (8/230) (8/330) (8/230) (8/330) (24/110) guidance
HC-2 0.2/2500 0.2/3500 0.2/2500 0.2/3500 0.2/2500 0.2/3500 0.6/1200
(8/230) (8/330) (8/230) (8/330) (8/230) (8/330) (24/110)

HC-3 0.3/2500 0.3/3500 0.3/3600 0.3/4600 0.5/3000 0.5/4000 0.6/1200

(12/230) (12/330) (12/340) (12/430) (20/280) (20/370) (24/110)
Note 1. The demand area for dormitories, residential, and dwelling type areas may be based on the largest room area, but not less than
four sprinklers provided fire compartmentation with a minimum one hour fire rating is present. Treat corridors as rooms in making this
Note 2. For HC-2 and HC-3 occupancies with ceiling heights up to 30 ft (9 m) where K11.2EC or K14.0EC upright 160°F (70°C) rated
sprinklers are used, the design can be reduced to the following:
• K11.2EC: 0.30 gpm/ft2 over 1500 ft2 (12mm/min over 140 m2). Ensure a minimum of 6 sprinklers in the design
• K14.0EC 0.30 gpm/ft2 over 1000 ft2 (12mm/min over 90 m2). Ensure a minimum of 4 sprinklers in the design Regardless of the design demands in Table 2, provide a minimum design pressure at the most remote
sprinkler per the sprinkler’s FM Approval listing. Provide a hose stream allowance of 250 gpm (950 L/min) for HC-1 and HC-2 occupancies, and a
hose stream allowance of 500 gpm (1900 L/min) for HC-3 occupancies.

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3-26 Fire Protection for Nonstorage Occupancies
Page 6 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Ensure a water supply capable of providing the design sprinkler discharge flow rate plus hose stream
for 60 minutes for all hazard categories. Manufacturing and assembly of large, contiguous components, such as large aircraft, boats, and
wind turbine blades, create the potential for shielded fires. The presence of these operations represents an
increased fire hazard beyond typical HC-2 or HC-3 occupancies. For ceilings below 60 ft (18 m) use Table
2. For ceilings above 60 ft (18 m) protect these areas with K25.2 (K360) sprinklers using a design of 12
sprinklers at 50 psi (2.5 bar).

2.3.2 Incidental Storage Treat storage of Class 1-3 commodities up to 10 ft (3 m) high and no more than 200 ft2 (20 m2) in
area as incidental to the occupancy. Provide protection using Table 2. In HC-2 and HC-3 occupancies, treat storage of plastic commodities up to 6 ft (1.8 m) high and no
more than 64 ft2 (6 m2) in area (approximately four pallets) as incidental to the occupancy. Provide protection
using Table 2. Multiple areas of storage within the limits listed in Sections and may still be considered
as incidental to the occupancy if separated by aisles not less than 8 ft (2.4 m) wide.

2.3.3 Low-Piled Storage Where storage exceeds the area limitations in Section and but not the height limitations,
treat it as low-piled storage and provide protection in accordance with Table 3.

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Table 3. Sprinkler Protection Guidelines for Low-Piled Storage

FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

Fire Protection for Nonstorage Occupancies
Wet System, Pendent Sprinklers, 160°F (70°C), Number of AS @ psi (bar)
Commodity Max. Ceiling Quick-Response Standard-Response
Height, ft (m) K11.2 (K160) K14.0 (K200) K16.8 (K240) K22.4 (K320) K25.2 (K360) K25.2EC K11.2 (K160) K14.0 (K200) K19.6 (K280) K25.2 (K360)
Up to CEP 30 (9) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 25 @ 15 (1) 25 @ 15 (1) 6 @ 52 (3.5) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 25 @ 16 (1) 25 @ 15 (1)
Note 1 45 (14) 25 @ 16 (1) 25 @ 10 (0.7) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 25 @ 15 (1) 25 @ 15 (1) 6 @ 52 (3.5)
60 (18) 25 @ 16 (1) 25 @ 10 (0.7) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 25 @ 15 (1) 25 @ 15 (1) 6 @ 52 3.5)
UUP 30 (9) 25 @ 50 (3.4) 10 @ 62 (4.3) 10 @ 43 (3) 14 @ 24 (1.7) 14 @ 19 (1.3) 25 @ 50 (3.4) 25 @ 15 (1)
45 (14) 10 @ 62 (4.3) 10 @ 43 (3) 14 @ 24 (1.7) 14 @ 19 (1.3)
60 (18) 10 @ 50 (3.4) 10 @ 40 (2.8)
©2019 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.

Wet System, Upright Sprinklers, 160°F (70°C), Number of AS @ psi (bar)

Commodity Max. Ceiling Quick-Response Standard-Response
Height, ft (m) K11.2 (K160) K14.0 (K200) K14.0EC K16.8 (K240) K25.2EC K11.2 (K160) K16.8 (K240) K25.2 (K360)
(K200 EC) (K360EC)
Up to CEP 30 (9) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 6 @ 73 (5) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 6 @ 52 (3.5) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 25 @ 7 (0.5)
Note 1 45 (14) ) 25 @ 16 (1) 25 @ 10 (0.7) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 6 @ 52 (3.5)
60 (18) 25 @ 16 (1) 25 @ 10 (0.7) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 6 @ 52 (3.5)
UUP 30 (9) 25 @ 50 (3.4) 10 @ 62 (4.3) 10 @ 43 (3) 25 @ 50 (3.4) 25 @ 22 (1.5) 25 @ 15 (1)
45 (14) 10 @ 62 (4.3) 10 @ 43 (3)
60 (18)
Protect Class 1-3 commodities stored up to 10 ft (3 m) high using the guidelines for CEP commodities stored under a 30 ft (9 m) ceiling.

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3-26 Fire Protection for Nonstorage Occupancies
Page 8 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

2.3.4 Storage Where the storage height limitations in Section and are exceeded, protect the storage
area in accordance with Data Sheet 8-9, Storage of Class 1, 2, 3, and 4 and Plastic Commodities.

2.3.5 Water Mist Systems Water mist systems with FM Approval for light hazard occupancies may be used to provide sole
protection for HC-1 Occupancies (i.e., in lieu of automatic sprinkler protection) when all of the
recommendations in this section are met. Do not use water mist systems to protect HC-2 or HC-3
occupancies. Install water mist systems in accordance with the recommendations in this section, the system’s FM
Approval Guide listing, and the manufacturer’s FM Approved design, installation, operation and maintenance
manual. Refer to Data Sheet 4-2, Water Mist Systems, for additional installation recommendations. Limit the use of water mist systems to wet pipe distribution systems. Limit the use of water mist systems to areas with the following types of smooth, flat ceilings and with
ceiling slopes not exceeding 1 in./ft (83 mm/m):
• Flat slab, reinforced concrete
• Smooth, monolithic ceilings attached to the underside of wood joists, wood trusses and bar joists
• Suspended ceilings Determine the design area based on the following:
A. For systems FM Approved for an unrestricted enclosure area, design the water mist system to supply
whichever of the following is greater:
1. The hydraulically most remote nine (9) automatic nozzles
2. All automatic nozzles within a 1500 ft2 (140 m2) demand area
B. For systems FM Approved with a specified maximum enclosure area, design the water mist system to
supply all automatic nozzles within the compartment.
C. For systems in corridors that can be protected by one row of nozzles, design the water mist system to
supply whichever of the following is less:
1. A maximum of five (5) automatic nozzles for the demand area.
2. In an unrestricted enclosure area, all automatic nozzles within a 1500 ft2 (140 m2) demand area.
3. For corridors smaller than 1500 ft2 (140 m2) all automatic nozzles in the area. Install automatic nozzles using the following as specified in the system’s FM Approval Guide listing
and FM Approved design, installation, operation and maintenance manual:
• Minimum linear spacing
• Maximum linear spacing, but not to exceed 16 ft (4.9 m)
• Maximum distance from the wall
• Maximum ceiling height
• Maximum clearance between ceiling and nozzle
• Obstructions
• Minimum operating pressure (for each nozzle within the design area)
• Minimum fire resistance of enclosure 30 minutes Provide a water supply capable of supplying the maximum water mist system demand for the design
area, plus 250 gpm (950 L/min) for hose streams, for a duration of 60 minutes.

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Fire Protection for Nonstorage Occupancies 3-26
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3.1 General

3.1.1 Hazard Categories

This data sheet recommends sprinkler protection based on the expected fire hazard of a building or area.
The fire hazard depends on the occupancy, exposure, and combustible loading. This data sheet approximates
an area’s fire hazard by assigning a hazard category (HC) to the area, where HC-1, HC-2, and HC-3
represent an increasing hazard level with the potential for a more severe fire event.
A nonstorage occupancy is an area or building consisting of equipment, processes, and/or materials that
are not maintained in a storage arrangement. These materials may be combustible or noncombustible. The
operation may include industrial or manufacturing processes, as well as nonmanufacturing locations such
as offices or residential spaces. Other codes and standards may refer to these areas as “light hazard” or
“ordinary hazard” occupancies.

3.2 Nonstorage Occupancy Fire Protection

Automatic sprinkler protection is the best defense against a fire. Sprinklers have proven to be the most
practical and reliable means of controlling a fire in business and industry. Sprinkler protection minimizes not
only fire damage, but also nonthermal damage, and allows for quick resumption of normal operations.
Sprinklers are needed wherever the building construction or occupancy is combustible.
The majority of fires in nonstorage occupancies in buildings with lower ceiling heights are controlled or
extinguished as long as a sufficient sprinkler density is provided over a reasonable operating area. Variations
in attributes such as temperature rating, RTI, orientation, and orifice size, among others, have had a limited
effect on sprinkler performance in nonstorage occupancy fires, provided no critical deficiencies exist (e.g.,
obstruction to sprinkler discharge, a lack of sprinklers underneath obstructions or within concealed spaces).
Where the fire hazard exceeds that of a typical nonstorage occupancy, enhanced sprinkler protection may
be needed, and the sprinkler system’s performance may become more sensitive to specific automatic sprinkler
attributes. Examples of these increased fire hazards include the following:
• The presence of storage
• The presence of combustible deposits such as dust, lint, oil, or other residues
• The presence of ignitable liquids


4.1 FM Global
Data Sheet 2-0, Installation Guidelines for Automatic Sprinklers
Data Sheet 5-12, Electric AC Generators
Data Sheet 5-14, Telecommunications
Data Sheet 5-23, Emergency and Standby Power Systems
Data Sheet 7-4, Paper Machines and Pulp Dryers
Data Sheet 7-29, Ignitable Liquid Storage in Portable Containers
Data Sheet 7-32, Ignitable Liquid Operations
Data Sheet 7-64/13-28, Aluminum Industry
Data Sheet 7-93N, Aircraft Hangars
Data Sheet 7-96, Printing Plants
Data Sheet 7-98, Hydraulic Fluids
Data Sheet 8-3, Rubber Tire Storage
Data Sheet 8-9, Storage of Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and Plastic Commodities
Data Sheet 8-21, Roll Paper Storage


Approval Guide: An online resource of FM Approvals that provides a guide to equipment, materials, and
services that have been FM Approved for property conservation.

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3-26 Fire Protection for Nonstorage Occupancies
Page 10 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

Combustible occupancy: An occupancy that contains sufficient combustible materials to allow horizontal
fire spread throughout a given area in the absence of sprinkler protection; or an occupancy that contains a
sufficient concentration of combustibles to cause significant damage to a building.
Commodity: A combination of material, external packaging (e.g., container), and material handling aids (e.g.,
pallets). The purpose of assigning a commodity classification is to determine the proper level of fire protection.
A commodity classification is dependent on how the commodity burns and how the burning commodity
responds to the application of sprinkler discharge. Refer to Data Sheet 8-1, Commodity Classification, for
further information on specific commodities.
Demand area: The expected area of sprinkler operation, based on the hazard being protected, used for
hydraulic design purposes. In English units it is expressed in ft2; in metric units, m2 (1 ft2 = 0.093 m2).
Dry-pipe sprinkler system: A sprinkler system that is located downstream of a dry-pipe valve. It is filled
with a pressurized gaseous medium (typically air or an inert gas such as nitrogen) for the purpose of
maintaining the dry-pipe valve closed. Upon sprinkler actuation, the pressure within the sprinkler system
begins to drop until the pressure becomes too low to keep the dry-pipe valve closed. At this time the dry-pipe
valve opens (trips) allowing water to fill the sprinkler system and discharge through any sprinklers that have
been actuated. A dry-pipe sprinkler system is typically used in areas where the presence of water within
the sprinkler system is not suitable.
Density: The amount of water applied by sprinklers over a given area in a certain amount of time. In English
units, it is expressed in gpm/ft2; in metric units, in mm/min (1 gpm/ft2 = 40.74 mm/min).
Duration or system duration: Water supply system duration is a defined time period between when a fire
initially activates a sprinkler system and when the fire is extinguished. Fire extinguishment usually is
accomplished by the manual firefighting efforts of public fire service personnel, facility fire service personnel,
or facility emergency response team personnel. Duration takes into consideration the commodity hazard’s
expected fire size in the presence of the system’s specific sprinklers and bases the design, as well as manual
extinguishment by either one or two applied hose streams.
Extended-coverage sprinklers: The physical characteristics of extended-coverage (EC) sprinklers are
similar to those of sprinklers for use with standard spacing. However, the deflector designs are enhanced
to ensure proper uniformity and effectiveness of water distribution for the spacing and design pressures for
which they are FM Approved.
FM Approved: Products and services that meet the requirements for FM Approval. See the Approval Guide
for a list of products and services that are FM Approved.
Hose demand: The water flow required for hoses (common sizes are 2-1/2 in. and 1-1/2 in.). In English
units it is expressed in gpm; in metric units, L/min.
Incidental storage: Storage that is normal for an occupancy (e.g., small amounts of packaging, raw materials,
or the products being made). This is likely to be at the start or end of a production line and should not exceed
the height and area limitations detailed in Section and
Library stack rooms: Rooms that house typical library bookshelves of approximately 8 ft (2.4 m) in height,
containing books stored vertically on end, held in place in close association with each other, with aisles wider
than 30 in. (762 mm).
Low-piled storage: Storage that is in excess of the area limitations detailed in Section and
so cannot be considered incidental storage but does not exceed the height limitations and therefore can
be protected in accordance with Table 3 and does not need to be evaluated per Data Sheet 8-9.
Nonstorage automatic sprinkler: A sprinkler that has been categorized by FM Global as acceptable for
protecting nonstorage occupancies and/or any other low to moderate heat-release-rate fires as recommended
in an applicable occupancy-specific data sheet.
Nonstorage occupancy: An occupancy consisting of combustible or noncombustible materials that are not
maintained in a storage arrangement. May contain incidental storage or low-piled storage.
Quick-response (QR) sprinklers: QR sprinklers are similar to standard-response sprinklers, except they
use a fast-response, heat-actuated element.
Sprinkler demand: The amount of water flow required for sprinkler protection. In English units it is expressed
in gpm; in metric units, L/min (1 gpm = 3.79 L/min).

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Waterflow alarm: A device that is installed on a sprinkler system and arranged to provide an alarm when
one or more sprinklers operate.
Total water demand: The water flow required for both sprinklers and hoses (i.e., total water demand is equal
to sprinkler demand plus hose demand). Hose demand is not always provided by the sprinkler system. In
English units it is expressed in gpm; in metric units, L/min.


April 2019. This document has undergone a complete revision. Significant changes include the following:
A. Changed the title of the data sheet from Fire Protection Water Demand for Nonstorage Sprinklered
Properties to Fire Protection for Nonstorage Occupancies.
B. Incorporated Engineering Bulletin 04-12, New Protection Guidance for Extended Coverage Sprinklers
for Nonstorage Applications.
C. Moved hazard category examples from Table 1 to Appendix C and expanded them.
D. Added hazard category guidance in Appendix C for recycling, waste processing, and energy from waste
facilities (and the treating of incoming waste material).
E. Added a new flowchart (Figure 1) detailing the proper application of Data Sheet 3-26, including where
other data sheets should be used, and how to treat incidental and low-piled storage.
F. Added protection recommendations for the manufacture and assembly of large, contiguous components
that present the hazard of a shielded fire (Section
G. Changed recommended system durations to 60 minutes for all hazard categories (Section
H. Changed recommendations on work-in-process storage. Added new guidance based on testing of
low-piled storage to Table 3. This guidance is engineered toward the levels of storage common to
nonstorage occupancies. The area limitations for up to Class 3 commodities remain 200 ft2 (20 m2). The
area limitation for plastic-containing commodities has been reduced from 200 ft2 (20 m2) to 64 ft2 (6 m2,
equivalent to four pallet loads).
April 2014. Table 2a, Sprinkler Design Demands for Hazard Categories with Ceiling Heights up to 100 ft
(30 m): The design listed for the K25.2EC (K360EC) sprinkler has been revised to provide the same design
density as listed for the K25.2 (K360) design. Additionally, Table 2a has been revised include both upright
and pendent sprinkler applications.
July 2011. Minor editorail changes and clarifications to Recommendations and were made
for this revision.
January 2011. This document has been updated. The following is a list of the changes:
• Realigned atriums, school & university classrooms, gymnasiums, metalworking and fabrication shops with
non-hydraulic operations, and mineral operations to a more suited hazard category of HC-1 based on their
light loading occupancy description.
• Re-evaluated Extended Coverage sprinkler design guidelines based on full scale fire test results.
• Added Extended Coverage Sprinklers K11.2EC (K160EC) and K14.0EC (K200EC) with a temperature
rating of 160°F (70°C) as options for new installations in HC-2 & HC-3 occupancies with ceiling heights
up to 30 ft (9 m).
• Deleted design requirement to supply the hydraulically most remote 9 sprinklers when using EC sprinklers
for HC-1 and HC-2 occupancies.
• Reduced the wet and dry sprinkler design demand areas for HC-3 occupancies with ceilings up to 30 ft
(9 m).
• Reduced the minimum water demand duration to 60 minutes for HC-2 occupancies.
• Removed any and all references to HC-4 categories due to vague occupancy description not fitting any
comparable manufacturing sites.

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• Reduced the minimum sprinkler K-Factors for new installations to K8.0 (K115) for HC-2 occupancies with
ceiling heights up to 60 ft (18 m).
• Added protection option for HC-3 occupancies over 60 ft (18m) and up to 100 ft (30 m).
• Added guidelines covering acceptability for using storage sprinklers in mixed storage and Nonstorage
• Added protection guidelines for use of water mist systems.
March 2010. This document has been completely rewritten. The following is a list of major changes:
• Added a table of hazard categories based on occupancy.
• Added a table of sprinkler design demands based on ceiling height and type of sprinkler system for each
hazard category.
• Added design information on extended-coverage sprinklers for light- and ordinary-hazard occupancies.
• Added sprinkler protection design criteria for nonstorage and nonmanufacturing facilities with ceilings
higher than 60 ft (20 m) and up to 100 ft (30 m).
• Added sprinkler protection design criteria for manufacturing facilities with ceilings up to 60 ft (20 m) high.
• Revised loss history.
• Updated Appendix A, Glossary of Terms.
July 2008. References to FM Global Loss Prevention Data Sheet 7-96, Printing Plants, were added to Table 1.
May 2008. Clarifications were made to the recommendations and
January 2008. The following changes were made:
1. Combined Tables 2 through 10 to simplify the recommendations for sprinkler system water demand.
2. Replaced Table 1, which described temperature ratings for sprinklers, with a recommendation to use 160°F
(70°C) and 280°F (140°C) temperature-rated sprinklers for wet and for dry systems respectively.
3. Added sprinkler system water demand information for assembly facilities manufacturing fiberglass boats.
January 2006. Clarification was made to the recommendation and Table 11.
January 2005. Protection criteria has been provided for light, moderately and heavily loaded nonstorage
areas with floor to ceiling clearances up to 60 ft (18.3 m). Storage type, storage and building height and
corresponding protection criteria are provided in Table 11.
January 2001. The protection requirements for the spray application of flammable liquids, including catalytic
spraying have been removed from this data sheet and are included in Data Sheet 7-27, Spray Application
of Flammable and Combustible Materials.
The protection requirements for hydraulic equipment using hydraulic fluids have been removed from this
data sheet. The protection requirements are in Data Sheet 7-98, Hydraulic Fluids.
September 2000. This revision of the document was reorganized to provide a consistent format.
October 1992. The following changes were made for this revision:
1. Flammable Liquids
Water demand criteria for flammable liquids in open and closed tanks are not contained in this revision of
Data Sheet 3-26. In the previous revision of this data sheet, the occupancies were titled Flammable Liquids
In Open Tanks and Containers and Flooding Systems and Flammable Liquids in Closed Containers, Except
Drum Storage. Water demand criteria for these occupancies are incorporated with the flammable liquid data
2. Woodworking Occupancy
Water demand criteria for the general occupancy, Woodworking, are not in this revision of Data Sheet 3-26.
Data Sheet 7-10, Wood Processing and Woodworking Facilities, has been revised (June 1991). Water
demand information is now included in Data Sheet 7-10.

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3. Textile Occupancy
Water demand criteria for the textile occupancy are not in this revision of Data Sheet 3-26. Data Sheet 7-1,
Fire Protection for Textile Mills, has been revised. Water demand information is now included in Data Sheet
4. Miscellaneous Occupancies
The section titled ″Miscellaneous Occupancies″ is included to provide guidelines for occupancies that are
not found within the specific occupancies.
5. Miscellaneous Nonmanufacturing
The title ″Miscellaneous Nonmanufacturing″ is used in place of ″Light Hazard Occupancy.″ The new title
better defines the various occupancies involved.
6. Office Occupancies
Guidelines in Data Sheet 3-26 for office occupancy are in Table 2, within the section titled Miscellaneous
Nonmanufacturing. Loss data (see Support for Recommendations) and fire test data indicate that a water
supply capable of providing a density of 0.10 gpm/ft2 (4 mm/min) over an area of 1500 ft2 (140 m2) will provide
adequate protection for an office occupancy.
7. Electronic-Electrical Manufacturing and Assembly
A separate occupancy category for electronic and electrical manufacturing and assembly occupancies has
been added.
8. Plastics Processing
Recent fire tests indicate that ordinary, intermediate or high temperature rated sprinklers over 2500 ft2
(230 m2) (dry system: 3500 ft2 ) will provide adequate protection over this occupancy.
9. Quick Response Automatic Sprinklers (QRAS)
This data sheet includes guidance on the use of QRAS. The recommendations are based on the results of
fire tests comparing QRAS and conventional response automatic sprinklers.
10. Title Change
The title change to include ″Nonstorage″ better describes the occupancies included within this data sheet.
11. International and National Fire Protection Association Standards


Table 1 of this data sheet provides a description of what a typical HC-1, HC-2, and HC-3 occupancy may
include, but this table should not be viewed as an all inclusive list. Judgment is needed when determining an
occupancy’s hazard category.
Tables 4 and 5 provide specific examples of different occupancies and their associated hazard category,
as well as any further guidance that may be applicable.
It should be noted that although a location may have a predominant occupancy of HC-1 or HC-2, consideration
should be given to areas that owing to a higher hazard process or presence of higher hazard materials (such
as plastics) may need to be afforded a greater level of protection such as HC-2 or HC-3 respectively. For
example, a HC-2 metal manufacturing facility may have plating operations that would necessitate an HC-3
level of protection in those areas.

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Table 4. Nonstorage, Non-Manufacturing Occupancies and their Associated Fire Hazard Categories
Occupancy Description Category Considerations
Healthcare - Hospitals and Hospital Laboratories HC-1 Data sheets to consider:
Facilities - Nursing or Convalescent Homes - 1-3, High Riser Buildings
- Kitchens - 1-12, Ceilings and Concealed Spaces
- Care Homes - 1-24, Protection Against Liquid Damage
- Penal Institutions (Jailhouses, etc.) - 5-23, Emergency and Standby Power
- Hospital Utility Plants HC-2 Systems
- Storage Room/Pharmacies with Storage HC-3 - 6-4, Oil or Gas Fired Single-Burner
- 6-5, Oil or Gas Fired Multiple Burner
- 7-15, Garages
- 7-52, Oxygen
Business - Offices HC-1 Data sheets to consider:
Facilities & - Hotels - 1-3, High Rise Buildings
Apartments - Flats / Apartments - 1-12, Ceilings and Concealed Spaces
- Utility Rooms HC-2 - 1-24, Protection Against Liquid Damage
- 7-15, Garages
Educational - Universities HC-1 Data sheets to consider:
Facilities - Schools - 1-3, High Riser Buildings
- Kindergartens - 1-12, Ceilings and Concealed Spaces
- Colleges - 1-24, Protection Against Liquid Damage
- Dormitories and Residence Halls - 5-23, Emergency and Standby Power
- Prisons Systems
- Detention centers - 7-15, Garages
- Utility Rooms HC-2
Transport & - Airport Terminal HC-1 Data sheets to consider:
Logistic - Bus Stations - 7-11, Conveyors
- Train Stations - 7-15, Garages
- Ferry Port - 7-29, Ignitable Liquid Storage in Portable
- Cruise Terminal Containers
- Bicycle Parks - 7-32, Ignitable Liquid Operations
- Parking Garage HC-2 - 7-93, Aircraft Hangars, Aircraft
- Car Parks Manufacturing and Assembly
- Car-Sized Vehicle Repair Garages and HC-3 Facilities, and Protection of Aircraft
Assembly Operations Where Unfueled Interiors During Assembly
Vehicles are Repaired, Tested or - 8-3, Rubber Tire Storage
Assembled - 8-9, Storage of Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and
- Truck Loading Docks - loading and Plastic Commodities
unloading canopies
- Package Delivery/Distribution Hubs
- Cross docking areas
- Aircraft Hangar,
- Zeppelin Hangar
Energy Service - Gas and Oil Stations/Service Provider HC-3 Data sheets to consider:
Providers - Battery Stations - 3-10, Wind Turbines
- Solar Plant
- Wind Turbines
- Photo Voltaic Farms

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Table 4. Nonstorage, Non-Manufacturing Occupancies and their Associated Fire Hazard Categories (cont’d)
Occupancy Description Category Considerations
Leisure Facilities - Museums and Monuments HC-1 - Theaters, auditoriums, and casinos may
& Public - Restaurants (Seating Areas) sometimes qualify as HC-1 occupancies
Assembly - Gyms when ordinary combustibles loading is
- Places of Worship minimal, or the construction of the
- Ski Lift Station building is noncombustible. For example,
- Zoo / Aquarium casino areas with ceilings under 30 ft (9
- Auditoriums m) high and only lined with slot machines
- Aquatic Center (Swimming Pool/ Spa) would qualify as HC-1. Auditoriums or
- Theatres theaters, including staging practically
- Cinemas empty of ordinary combustibles, would
- Convention Centers also qualify. Consider backstage and
- Theme Parks below stage areas without storage to be
- Libraries HC-2.
- Sport Arena HC-2 - Large convention centers have the
- Theaters potential to display products that have
- Casinos high amounts of plastic and/or have
- Night Clubs concealed spaces.
- Exhibition Halls HC-3
- Theatre: Backstage and Below Stage
- Convention Centers
Mercantile - Department Stores - front of house HC-2 - In general storage at these locations is
Facilities - Shopping Malls retail items on display to less than 6 ft
- Retail and Mercantile Areas (1.8 m) (or as high as can be reached
- Supermarkets without equipment).

- Back of house and bulk storage areas,

wholesale/big-box stores, should be
analyzed in line with Data Sheet 8-9,
Storage of Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and Plastic
Incoming Waste - Mixed household/business waste or HC-2 - The storage of incoming waste material
Material at recyclables including metal, glass, should not be considered low-piled
Recycling/Waste cellulosic materials and small amounts of storage per Table 3; the sprinkler design
Processing/ plastics should be based on either an HC-2 or an
Energy from - Pre-sorted and/or shredded household/ HC-3 HC-3 occupancy per the adjacent
Waste Facilities business waste or recyclables including description. The fire scenario is a
metal, glass, cellulosic materials and also relatively small fire spreading across the
plastic material. surface of the waste pile rather than
involving the entire pile depth at one
time. Therefore, basing protection on the
height and/or size of the waste pile would
be inappropriate.
- For baled waste paper storage see Data
Sheet 8-22.
- For other baled commodities like plastics,
see Data Sheet 8-9.
- For energy from waste facilities, refer to
Data Sheet 6-13.

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Table 4. Nonstorage, Non-Manufacturing Occupancies and their Associated Fire Hazard Categories (cont’d)
Occupancy Description Category Considerations
Telecommunication, - Laboratories HC-1 Data sheets to consider:
Film Studios, and - Control Rooms for monitoring - 1-56, Cleanrooms
Research Centers operations or network operations - 1-57, Plastics in Construction
center, broad cast facilities, - 5-14, Telecommunications
telecommunication - 5-18, Protection of Electrical Equipment
- IT Facilities HC-2 - 5-19, Switchgear and Circuit Breakers
- I/O Distribution Room - 5-23, Emergency and Standby Power
- Control Rooms Systems
- Electrical Rooms - 5-32, Data Centers and Relating
- Film and TV Studios HC-3 Facilities

Table 5. Manufacturing Occupancies and Their Associated Fire Hazard Categories

Occupancy Description Category Considerations
Mechanical - Sheet Metal Product Factories HC-2 Data sheets to consider:
Engineering or - Metal-Working - 7-6 Heated Plastic and Plastic Lined
Assembly Plants - Electric and Electronics Equipment Tanks
Factories - 7-21, Rolling Mills
- White Goods Factories (Washing - 7-29, Ignitable Liquid Storage in
Machine, Dishwashing Machine, Portable Containers
Refrigerator, Oven and Similar) - 7-32, Ignitable Liquid Operations
- Circuit Board Manufacturing - 7-37, Cutting Fluids
- Car Workshops - 7-41, Oil Quenching and Molten Salt
- Mobile Phone Production Baths
- Electrical and Electronic Testing Areas - 7-73, Dust Collectors and Collection
- Aluminum Manufacturing HC-3 Systems
- Injection-Molding Machines (Plastics) - 7-64, Aluminum Industry
for PP/PE/PS or Similar - 7-76, Prevention and Mitigation of
- Electric and Electronics Equipment Combustible Dust Explosions and
Factories with Large Amounts of Plastic Fire
Boxes - 7-93, Aircraft Hangers, Aircraft
- Manufacturing/Assembly of Wind Manufacturing and Assembly
Turbines Facilities, and Protection of
- Manufacturing/Assembly of Aircraft Aircraft Interiors During Assembly
- Manufacturing/Assembly of Boats, - 7-97, Metal Cleaning
Highway Trailers, Trucks, Boxcars, - 7-98, Hydraulic Fluids
Mobile Homes, or Similar - 7-104, Metal Treatment Process
- Mixed Manufacturing Buildings with No - 7-108, Silane
Dominate Occupancy
- Battery Manufacturing with and without
- Plating/etching/Anodizing with plastic
Textiles and - Leather Goods Factories HC-2 Data sheets to consider:
Clothing - Carpet Factories (Excluding Rubber - 7-1, Fire Protection for Textile Mills
and Foam Plastics) - 7-29, Ignitable Liquid Storage in
- Cloth and Clothing Factories Fiber- Portable Containers
Board Factories, Footwear Factories - 7-32, Ignitable Liquid Operations
(Excluding Plastics and Rubber) - 7-73, Dust Collectors and Collection
- Knitting Factories, Linen Factories Systems
- Mattress Factories (Excluding Foam - 7-76, Prevention and Mitigation of
Plastics) Combustible Dust Explosions and
- Sewing Factories, Weaving Mills Fire
- Woolen and Worsted Mills - 7-98, Hydraulic Fluids
- Rope Factories - 8-7, Baled Fiber Storage
- Washing, Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing HC-3 - 8-23, Rolled Nonwoven Fabric Storage
and Fabric Chemical Treatment
- Mattress Factories (Including Foam

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Table 5. Manufacturing Occupancies and Their Associated Fire Hazard Categories (cont’d)
Occupancy Description Category Considerations
Food and - Abattoirs, Meat Factories HC-2 Data sheets to consider:
Beverages - Rendering Plants - 1-57 Plastics in Construction
- Bakeries - 7-2, Waste Solvent Recovery
- Biscuit Factories - 7-13, Mechanical Refrigeration
- Breweries - 7-20, Oil Cookers
- Chocolate Factories - 7-29, Ignitable Liquid Storage in
- Confectionery Portable Containers
- Dairies Factories - 7-32, Ignitable Liquid Operations
- Animal Feed Factories - 7-73, Dust Collectors and Collection
- Slaughter Houses Systems
- Seafood - 7-74, Distilleries
- Butchery - 7-75, Grain Storage and Milling
- Corn Mills - 7-76, Prevention and Mitigation of
- Dehydrated Vegetable and Soup Combustible Dust Explosions and
Factories Fire
- Sugar Factories - 7-98, Hydraulic Fluids
- Alcohol Distilleries - 8-8, Distilled Spirits Storage
- Tobacco Processing - 8-29, Refrigerated Storage
- Beverage Bottling Plants
- Snack Food
- Blow Molding (Plastic and/or PET) HC-3
- Plastic Packaging
- Distilleries; Storage Rooms
Paper - Paper Factories (Pulp and Paper HC-2 Data sheets to consider:
Making) - Washing, Bleaching and - 6-21, Chemical Recovery Boilers
Chemical Treatment - 7-2, Waste Solvent Recovery
- Paper Making Machine Area - 7-4, Paper Machines and Pulp Dryers
- Book-Binding Factories - 7-29, Ignitable Liquid Storage in
- Cardboard/Corrugate Factories Portable Containers
- Coating and Printing HC-3 - 7-32, Ignitable Liquid Operations
- 7-57, Pulp and Paper Mills
- 7-58, Chlorine Dioxide
- 7-73, Dust Collectors and Collection
- 7-76, Prevention and Mitigation of
Combustible Dust Explosions and
- 7-96, Printing Plants
- 7-98, Hydraulic Fluids
- 7-103, Turpentine Recovery in Pulp and
Paper Mills
- 8-21, Roll Paper Storage
- 8-22, Storage of Baled Waste Paper
- 8-27, Storage of Wood Chips
- 8-28, Pulpwood and Outdoor Log
Timber and Wood - Woodworking Factories (Sawmills, HC-2 Data sheets to consider:
Planer Mills, Plywood, Particle Board) - 7-10, Wood Processing and
- Furniture Factories Woodworking Facilities
- Furniture Showrooms - 7-73, Dust Collectors and Collection
- Upholstery Factories Systems
- Wood Wool Manufacture - 7-76, Prevention and Mitigation of
- Prefab-Home Manufacturing (excluding Combustible Dust Explosions and
plastic insulation) Fire
- Modular Building Subassemblies HC-3 - 7-98, Hydraulic Fluids

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Table 5. Manufacturing Occupancies and Their Associated Fire Hazard Categories (cont’d)
Occupancy Description Category Considerations
Metals, Glass, and - Glass Factories- Mineral Processing HC-1 Data sheets to consider:
Ceramics such as: Glass, Cement, Ore Treating, - 7-25, Molten Steel Production
Gypsum Processing, etc. (without - 7-26, Glass Plants
Ignitable Liquids) - 7-33, High Temperature Molten
- Cement Factories Materials
- Brick and Clay Factories - 7-41, Oil Quenching and Molten Salt
- Molten Metal Products Baths
- 7-104, Metal Treatment Process
Rubber and Plastic - Floor Cloth and Linoleum Manufacture HC-2 Data sheets to consider:
- Rubber Goods Factories - 7-24, Blowing Agents
- Synthetic Fiber Factories HC-3 - 7-29, Ignitable Liquid Storage in
- Carpet Factories Including Unexpanded Portable Containers
Plastics - 7-32, Ignitable Liquid Operations
- Footwear Factories, Including Plastics - 7-73, Dust Collectors and Collection
and Rubber Soles Systems
- Cable Factories for PP/PE/PS or - 7-76, Prevention and Mitigation of
Similar Combustible Dust Explosions and
- Plastics Factories and Plastic Goods Fire
- Printing Works (Plastic and Rubber) - 7-98, Hydraulic Fluids
- Rubber Tire Manufacturing - 7-99, Heat Transfer by Organic and
- Coating Process (Electrostatic, Thermal Synthetic Fluids
or Bath) - 8-30, Storage of Carpets
- Production of Unexpanded Plastic or
Rubber Products
- Injection Molding (Plastics) for
- Plastics Grinding
- Production of Expanded Plastic or
Rubber Products
- Extrusion Involving Flammable Blowing
- Manufacturing and Assembly of Boats,
Highway Trailers and Trucks, Boxcars,
Mobile Homes, or Similar Metal
Vehicles with Combustible Interiors with
the Potential for a Shielded Fire
Mining & Carbon - Carbon Kilns HC-3 Data sheets to consider:
Manufacturing - Carbon and Coke Storage - 7-12, Mining and Ore Processing
- Carbon Furnaces, Crushing and Facilities

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Table 5. Manufacturing Occupancies and Their Associated Fire Hazard Categories (cont’d)
Occupancy Description Category Considerations
Chemicals and Laboratories HC-1 Data sheets to consider:
Pharmaceuticals - Chemical Factories HC-2 - 6-21, Chemical Recovery Boilers
- Photographic Film - 7-2, Waste Solvent Recovery
- Dye Works - 7-14, Fire Protection for Chemical
- Soap Factories Plants
- Match Manufacturing - 7-22, Hydrazine and Its Derivatives
- Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing - 7-23, Data on General Class of
- Health and Beauty Aids Chemicals
- Cosmetics and Perfumes - 7-28, Energetic Materials
- Biotechnology - 7-29, Ignitable Liquid Storage in
- Medical Care/Infusion Portable Containers
- Fire-Lighter Manufacture HC-3 - 7-32, Ignitable Liquid Operations
- Cigarette Lighter - 7-34, Electrolytic Chlorine Process
- Resin, Lamp Black and Turpentine - 7-36, Pharmaceutical Operations
- Rubber or Substitute Manufacture - 7-38, Loss Prevention in Ethanol Fuel
Production Facilities
- 7-46, Chemical Reactors and Reactions
- 7-73, Dust Collectors and Collection
- 1-56, Clean Rooms

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