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FM Global 2510

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Approval Standard

Flood Abatement Equipment

Class Number 2510

March 2013

Copyright © 2013 FM Approvals LLC. All rights reserved.

Approvals are intended to verify that the products and services described will meet stated conditions of performance, safety
and quality useful to the ends of property conservation. The purpose of Approval Standards is to present the criteria for
Approval of various types of products and services, as guidance for FM Approvals personnel, manufacturers, users and
authorities having jurisdiction.

Products submitted for Approval shall demonstrate that they meet the intent of the Approval Standard, and that quality control
in manufacturing and/or applications shall ensure a consistently uniform and reliable product or service. Approval Standards
strive to be performance-oriented and to facilitate technological development.

For examining equipment, materials and services, Approval Standards:

a) must be useful to the ends of property conservation by preventing, limiting or not causing damage under the
conditions stated by the Approval listing; and
b) must be readily identifiable.

Continuance of Approval and Listing depends on compliance with the Master Agreement, satisfactory performance in the field,
on successful re-examinations of equipment, materials, and services as appropriate, and on surveillance audits of the
manufacturing facility or service/application.

FM Approvals LLC reserves the right in its sole judgment to change or revise its standards, criteria, methods, or procedures.
Table of Contents
1.  INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................1 
1.1  Purpose ..........................................................................................................................................................................1 
1.2  Scope..............................................................................................................................................................................1 
1.3  Basis for Requirements ..................................................................................................................................................1 
1.4  Basis for Approval .........................................................................................................................................................2 
1.5  Basis for Continued Approval........................................................................................................................................2 
1.6  Effective Date ................................................................................................................................................................2 
1.7  System of Units ..............................................................................................................................................................3 
1.8  Applicable Documents ...................................................................................................................................................3 
1.9  Definitions .....................................................................................................................................................................4 
2.  GENERAL INFORMATION ..............................................................................................................................................8 
2.1  Product Information .......................................................................................................................................................8 
2.2  Approval Application Requirements .............................................................................................................................8 
2.3  Requirements for Samples for Examination ..................................................................................................................9 
3.  GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ...........................................................................................................................................9 
3.1  Review of Documentation .............................................................................................................................................9 
3.2  Physical or Structural Construction Features ...............................................................................................................10 
3.2.1  Opening and Temporary Perimeter Barriers .......................................................................................................10 
3.2.2  Backwater Valves ...............................................................................................................................................10 
3.2.3  Flood Abatement Pumps .....................................................................................................................................14 
3.3  Components .................................................................................................................................................................14 
3.4  Markings ......................................................................................................................................................................14 
3.6  Calibration ...................................................................................................................................................................16 
3.7  Test Facilities ...............................................................................................................................................................16 
3.8  Tolerances ....................................................................................................................................................................16 
4.  PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................17 
4.1  General Components and Materials Testing for Opening and Temporary Perimeter Barriers ....................................17 
4.1.1  Examination ........................................................................................................................................................17 
4.1.2  Hydrostatic Test Strength....................................................................................................................................17 
4.1.3  System Leakage Test ..........................................................................................................................................18 
4.1.4  Component Durability - Cycling.........................................................................................................................18 
4.1.5  Vibration Resistance ...........................................................................................................................................18 
4.1.6  Impact and Wear Resistance ...............................................................................................................................19 
4.1.7  Salt Spray Corrosion – Residue Build-Up ..........................................................................................................19 
4.1.8  Tensile Strength, Ultimate Elongation, and Tensile Set Tests ............................................................................19 
4.1.9  Accelerated Aging Test.......................................................................................................................................20 
4.1.10  Compression Set Test .........................................................................................................................................20 
4.1.11  Ultraviolet Light and Water Test ........................................................................................................................21 
4.1.12  Air-Oven Aging Tests of Nonmetallic Components ...........................................................................................21 
4.1.13  Environmental Corrosion Resistance (Barriers which are Exposed to Environmental Conditions when Stored or
Not in Use) ..........................................................................................................................................................21 
4.1.14  Extreme Temperatures Operation (Barriers which are Exposed to Environmental Conditions when Stored or Not
in Use) .................................................................................................................................................................22 
4.1.15  Abrasion Resistance (Perimeter Type Barriers) ..................................................................................................22 
4.1.16  Hail Resistance (Perimeter Type Barriers)..........................................................................................................22 
4.1.17  Tear and Puncture Resistance Test (Perimeter Type Barriers) ...........................................................................23 
4.2  Performance Testing for Temporary Perimeter Flood Barriers ...........................................................................23 
4.2.1  Deployment .........................................................................................................................................................24 
4.2.2  Hydrostatic Load .................................................................................................................................................26 
4.2.3  Wave-Induced Hydrodynamic Load ...................................................................................................................26 
Table Wave Spectrums ...........................................................................................................................27 
4.2.4  Overtopping ........................................................................................................................................................27 
4.2.5  Debris Impact Test ..............................................................................................................................................28 
Figure Debris Impact Test Layout ..........................................................................................................29 
4.2.6  Current Test ........................................................................................................................................................30 
4.3  Performance Testing for Opening Barriers ..................................................................................................................30 
Table 4.3 Opening Flood Barrier Performance Tests ........................................................................................30 
4.3.1  Pre-installation ....................................................................................................................................................31 
4.3.2  Deployment .........................................................................................................................................................31 
4.3.3  Hydrostatic Load Test .........................................................................................................................................32 
4.3.4  Dynamic Impact Load Test .................................................................................................................................33 
4.4  Testing for Backwater Valves ......................................................................................................................................34 
4.4.1  Examination ........................................................................................................................................................34 
4.4.2  Water Flow .........................................................................................................................................................34 
4.4.3  Watertightness ....................................................................................................................................................35 
4.5  Testing for Flood Abatement Pumps ...........................................................................................................................35 
4.5.1  Examination ........................................................................................................................................................35 
4.5.2  Clearance/ Interference .......................................................................................................................................36 
4.5.3  Performance ........................................................................................................................................................36 
4.5.4  Endurance Test....................................................................................................................................................36 
4.5.5  Hydrostatic Strength ...........................................................................................................................................36 
4.5.6  On/Off Switch Durability - Cycling ....................................................................................................................37 
4.5.7  Voltage Variation ................................................................................................................................................37 
4.5.8  Dielectric Withstand ...........................................................................................................................................37 
4.6  Additional Tests .........................................................................................................................................................37 
5.  OPERATIONS REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................................................38 
5.1  Demonstrated Quality Control Program .................................................................................................................38 
5.1.1  Quality Assurance Program ................................................................................................................................38 
5.1.2  Documentation/Manual.......................................................................................................................................38 
5.1.3  Records ...............................................................................................................................................................38 
5.1.4  Drawing and Change Control .............................................................................................................................38 
5.2  Surveillance Audit Program .....................................................................................................................................39 
5.3  Installation Inspections..............................................................................................................................................39 
5.4  Manufacturer's Responsibilities ...............................................................................................................................39 
5.5  Manufacturing and Production Tests ......................................................................................................................39 
5.5.1  Test Requirement No. 1 - Equipment Seat Leakage ...........................................................................................39 
5.5.2  Test Requirement No. 2 - Equipment Hydrostatic Strength ...............................................................................40 
5.5.3  Test Requirement No. 3 – Pump Performance Test............................................................................................40 
5.5.4  Test Requirement No. 4 – Backwater Valve Water Tightness Test .....................................................................40 
APPENDIX A: Units of Measurement ...................................................................................................................................41 
APPENDIX B: Tolerances.......................................................................................................................................................42 
APPENDIX C: FM Approvals Certification Marks .............................................................................................................43 
APPENDIX D: USACE Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory Test Facility Description ...................................................45 
Figure D-1. Layout and Barrier Construction .....................................................................................................46 
2510 March 2013

1.1 Purpose

1.1.1 This standard describes FM Approvals requirements for flood abatement equipment for use in riverine or
rainfall related flood conditions.

1.1.2 FM Approvals criteria may include, but are not limited to, component and system testing performance
requirements, examination of manufacturing facility(ies), audit of quality assurance procedures, and a
surveillance audit program.

1.2 Scope

1.2.1 This standard encompasses the design and performance requirements for flood abatement equipment for use in
controlling riverine or rainfall related flood conditions. Flood abatement equipment shall be FM Approved for
specific flood protection applications which are designated and categorized by:

 Function (permanent, contingent, and emergency)

 Operation (automatic and manual)
 The intended use of protection (i.e., perimeter and opening barriers, flood abatement pumps and backwater

1.2.2 This standard sets performance requirements for flood abatement equipment in the following product categories
and associated class number:

Class Number Product Category

2510 Opening Barriers
2511 Perimeter Barriers
2512 Backwater Valves
2513 Flood Abatement Pumps

1.2.3 Consultation with FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-40 is required for installation of this

1.2.4 Flood waters can produce high hydrostatic or flood dynamic loading on a structure. Appropriate measures must
be taken to ensure that an external wall structure (or similar) can withstand anticipated flood loading. Some
wall construction assemblies often are able to withstand 3 ft (0.9 m) or less of flood loading without needing
reinforcement or additional waterproofing.

1.2.5 Since each flood abatement system is unique in its operation and design, component testing shall be performed
on a case-by-case basis. Upon request for a program, and receipt of appropriate system documentation, FM
Approvals shall prepare a customized evaluation program for the specific flood abatement system. The test
program shall verify the manufacturer’s design calculations, stated performance requirements, as well as
component functionality and reliability.

1.2.6 Approval Standards are intended to verify that the product described will meet stated conditions of
performance, safety and quality useful to the ends of property conservation.

1.3 Basis for Requirements

1.3.1 The requirements of this standard are based on experience, research and testing, and/or the standards of other
organizations. The advice of manufacturers, users, trade associations, jurisdictions and/or loss control
specialists was also considered.

FM Approvals 1
2510 March 2013

1.3.2 The requirements of this standard reflect tests and practices used to examine characteristics of flood abatement
equipment for the purpose of obtaining FM Approval. Flood abatement equipment having characteristics not
anticipated by this standard may be FM Approved if demonstrated performance is equal or superior to that
required by this standard, or if the intent of the standard is met.

Alternatively, flood abatement equipment that has met all of the requirements identified in this standard may
not be FM Approved if other conditions which adversely affect performance exist or if the intent of this
standard is not met. It is the sole discretion of FM Approvals whether Approval shall be granted.

1.4 Basis for Approval

1.4.1 Approval is based upon satisfactory evaluation of the product and the manufacturer. Examination and tests on
production samples shall be performed to evaluate:

 The suitability of the product

 The performance of the product as specified by the manufacturer and required by FM Approvals
 The durability and reliability of the product

1.4.2 A satisfactory evaluation of the flood abatement equipment’s “Design, Installation, Operation and Maintenance
Manual” is required. The evaluation shall be preformed to ensure that the document is accurate and complete.

1.4.3 A first audit shall be conducted to evaluate the manufacturer's ability to consistently produce the product that
was examined and tested as part of the Approval project. The audit shall review the facility and quality control
procedures used in the manufacturing of the product. Typical areas of review include; incoming inspection,
work in progress, production testing, final quality control, marking, calibration of equipment, shipping
procedures, and document and drawing control. These audits are repeated periodically as part of the FM
Approvals Surveillance Audit Program. (Refer to Section 5.2, Surveillance Audit Program.)

1.5 Basis for Continued Approval

1.5.1 Continued Approval is based upon:

 The suitability of the product

 Production or availability of the product as currently FM Approved
 The continued use of acceptable quality assurance procedures
 Satisfactory field experience
 Compliance with the terms stipulated in the Master Agreement
 Satisfactory re-examination of production samples for continued conformity to requirements
 Satisfactory Surveillance Audits conducted as part of FM Approvals product surveillance audit program

1.5.2 Also, as a condition of retaining Approval, manufacturers may not change a product or service without prior
written authorization by FM Approvals.

1.6 Effective Date

The effective date of an Approval standard mandates that all products tested for Approval after that date shall satisfy the
requirements of the standard. Products FM Approved under a previous edition shall comply with the new version by the
effective date or forfeit Approval.

The effective date of this standard is Nov 1, 2013 for compliance with all requirements.

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1.7 System of Units

Units of measurement used in this Approval Standard are United States (U.S.) customary units. These are followed by
their arithmetic equivalents in International System (SI) units, enclosed in parentheses. The first value stated shall be
regarded as the requirement. The converted equivalent value may be approximated. Appendix A lists the selected units
and conversions to SI units for measures appearing in this standard. Conversion of U.S. customary units is in accordance
with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)/American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) SI
10-2010, "American National Standard for Metric Practice." Two units of measurement (liter and bar), outside of, but
recognized by SI, are commonly used in the international scientific community and are used in this standard.

1.8 Applicable Documents

This standard is used in conjunction with the following standards, test methods, and practices as referenced in this

ASME Publications
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 www.asme.org

ASME A112.14.1-, Backwater Valves

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII- Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels, Division 1

ASTM Publications
American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959

ASTM B117 - Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus
ASTM D412 - Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Rubbers and Elastomers -
ASTM D471 - Standard Test Method for Rubber Property-Effect of Liquids
ASTM D395 - Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property - Compression Set
ASTM D573 - Standard Test Method for Rubber - Deterioration in an Air Oven
ASTM D1242 - Standard Test Method for Resistance of Plastic Materials to Abrasion
ASTM D3273 - Standard Test Method for Resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surface of Interior Coatings in
an Environmental Chamber
ASTM D5602 - Standard Test Method for Static Puncture Resistance of Roofing Membrane Specimens
ASTM D6382 - Standard Practice for Dynamic Mechanical Analysis and Thermogravimetry of Roofing and
Waterproofing Membrane Material
ASTM E290 - Standard Test Methods for Bend Testing Of Material for Ductility
ASTM G154 - Standard Practice for Operating Fluorescent Light Apparatus for UV Exposure of Nonmetallic
ASTM G155 - Standard Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Non-Metallic
ASTM SI10 - American National Standard for Use of the International System of Units (SI): The Modern
Metric System

FM Global
FM Global, 75 Remittance Drive Suite #6182, Chicago, IL 60675-6182

FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-40, Flood

International Standards Organization

International Standards Organization, , 1 rue de Varembé, Case Postale 56, CH-1211 Geneve 20, Switzerland

ISO 9001 - Quality Systems - Model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation, and
ISO 9002 - Quality Systems - Model for quality assurance in production, installation, and servicing
ISO 17025 - General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories

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United States Army Corp of Engineers

United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE), Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC)

Standardized Testing Protocol for Evaluation of Expedient Floodfight Structures, June 27, 2010

United States Department of Transportation (D.O.T.)

United States Department of Transportation, Washington, DC

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Transportation, Parts 171 through 180

1.9 Definitions

For purposes of this Standard, the following terms apply.

This term refers to installations acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and enforcing the applicable
installation rules. When the authority is FM Global, such locations are termed “FM Global Accepted.” Acceptance
is based upon an overall evaluation of the installation. Factors other than the use of FM Approved equipment impact
upon the decision to accept the equipment. Acceptance is not a characteristic of a product. It is installation specific.
A product accepted for one installation may not be acceptable elsewhere. (Contrast with FM Approved).

Automatic Flood Barrier

A permanent barrier that automatically deploys without the use of human interaction when flood conditions are
detected. Types of automatic barriers include, but are not limited to, passive barriers (buoyancy driven horizontal or
vertical) or active barriers (pneumatic or hydraulic activated by water sensors).

Backwater Valve
A device installed in building drainage systems utilizing a check valve to prevent backflow. Backwater valves are
designed in either a normally open position or normally closed position.

Characteristic Curve
Graphic representation of the variation of the pump’s total head, efficiency and brake horsepower versus the pump’s
capacity at a constant speed.

Combination Floor Drain and Backwater Valve

A floor drain incorporating an internal check member to prevent backflow.

Combination Horizontal Backwater Valve and Manual Gate Valve

A backwater valve designed to be installed in a horizontal drain line incorporating an internal check member and
manual gate valve to prevent backflow.

Contingent Flood Barrier

A barrier that is pre-installed but is not permanently affixed to a structure. An example of a contingent barrier is a
manual barrier which has pre-installed frame but the barrier itself is stored in a designated area other then the
opening it’s designed to protect.

The distance a flood barrier moves from its original location after or during a test.

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Deployment Time
The amount of time required for setting up and/or operating a flood barrier.

Door Panels
Any panel, permanent or otherwise, which provides partial coverage of an exterior or interior door opening with the
principle function of preventing flood waters into a structure.

The side of the water basin protected by the flood barrier.

Emergency Flood Barrier

Any barrier that can be fitted, installed, or otherwise put in place in a relatively short period of time during a flood

Flood Abatement Pumps

A pump used for the removal of unwanted water. Types of flood abatement pumps include but are not limited to
submersible (ex: a sump pump) and self-priming pumps. Flood abatement pumps shall be utilized in one of the
following applications; as part of an open automatic barrier system, installed in a building and used for removal of
unwanted water, and/or as a portable emergency device used for removal of unwanted water from a building.

Flood Doors
Any door, permanent or otherwise, which provides complete coverage of an exterior or interior door opening with
the principle function of preventing flood waters into a structure.

FM Approvals Certification Mark

The FM Approvals Certification Mark is detailed in Appendix C. Its use is mandatory on all FM Approved systems.
These registered marks cannot be used except as authorized by FM Approvals via the granting of Approval to a
specific product. For flood abatement equipment systems, the FM Approvals Certification mark shall be placed on
the system placard and not on individual components unless those components have undergone a separate
evaluation to the applicable standards.

FM Approved
This term refers to products FM Approved by FM Approvals. Such products are listed in the Approval Guide, an
online resource of FM Approvals. All products so listed have been successfully examined by FM Approvals and
their manufacturers have signed and returned a Master Agreement to FM Approvals. This contract obligates the
manufacturer to allow re-examination of the product and surveillance audits at FM Approvals’ discretion. It further
requires the manufacturer not to deviate from the as-FM Approved configuration of the product without review by
and agreement of FM Approvals. Approval is product specific.

Horizontal Backwater Valves

A backwater valve designed to be installed in a horizontal drain line incorporating an internal check member to
prevent backflow.

Leakage Rate
The rate at which water moves past or through a flood barrier from the wet-side to the dry-side of the barrier,
expressed as gallons per minute per foot length.

Major Repair
A repair made to a flood barrier during the performance testing that requires changes to barrier design by the
manufacturer. Major repairs are only allowed at the discretion of FM Approvals, and may require re-testing or
additional testing.

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Manual Barrier
A barrier that requires human intervention to operate in the desired manner. Examples of a manual barrier include;
an opening barrier which is stored in a designated area other then the opening it’s designed to protect or a
permanently installed opening barrier with hinges or pivots.

Maximum Load
Maximum radial hydraulic load on the impeller of a sump pump at any point on the performance curve based on a
specific gravity of 1.0. This usually occurs at the point of maximum total discharge head.

Maximum Power
The greatest speed-corrected power required to drive a flood abatement pump at rated speed and at any point along
its characteristic curve, and through the pumps total run out condition.

Minor Repair
A small repair made to a flood barrier during the performance testing. A repair will constitute as a “minor repair”
only if; (1) the repair can be easily replicated by the end user, and (2) the Design, Installation, Operation, and
Maintenance Manual instructs how to conduct the repair. If a minor repair becomes part of the deployment
procedure in the Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual, it will no longer be considered a repair.

Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL)

A laboratory which is listed and recognized by the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety &
Health Administration’s (OSHA) Directorate of Science, Technology, and Medicine program. The program
recognizes private sector organizations as NRTL’s, and recognition signifies that an organization has met the
necessary qualifications specified in the regulations for the Program. The NRTL determines that specific equipment
and materials ("products") meet consensus-based standards of safety to provide the assurance, required by OSHA,
that these products are safe for use in the U.S. workplace.

Normally Closed Backwater Valve

A backwater valve designed in such a manner that when installed, the swing check remains closed until flow causes
it to open.

Normally Open Backwater Valve

A backwater valve designed in such a manner as not to interfere with the movement of the air in the drainage
system. When installed, the swing check hangs in a normally open position.

Opening Barrier
Any device capable of preventing flood water from passing through an opening in a structure. Opening barriers are
permanent or contingent and operate as automatic or manual.

The action of water flowing over the top of a perimeter flood barrier.

Pedestal Sump Pump

A sump pump that is comprised of; a pumping element in a sump, pit, or a low point, and a motor mounted on a
column or pedestal extended vertically above the pumping element. The motor would not be exposed to the water in
the sump, pit, or low point.

Perimeter Barrier
A temporary emergency structure which, when deployed, is intended to protect an area surrounding an occupancy
from riverine flood conditions.

Permanent Barrier
A barrier that is pre-installed and permanently affixed to a structure.

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Rated Capacity
Rate at which water is delivered, in gal./min. (L/min), at rated pressure and rated speed.

Rated Pressure
Pressure in pounds per square inch - psi (kilopascals -kPa) developed by the pump when operating at rated capacity.

Riverine Flood Conditions

Flooding of or produced by a river causing both water and sediments to be transported onto a flood plain.

The side of the basin that imposes the flood water, also referred to as the wet-side.

The location on a barrier where the product meets the ground or wall of the basin to prevent water from moving
from the wet-side of the basin to the dry-side. A seal can also be made between different components or sections of
the flood barrier.

Self-Priming Pump
A pump which will clear its passages of air if it becomes air bound and resume delivery of the pumpage without
outside attention.

Shutoff Pressure
The net pressure in psi (kPa) developed by a flood abatement pump at rated speed with zero flow.

Structural Opening
Any penetration where water can flow such as doors, windows, air bricks/vent bricks, portals, Garage
entrance/loading dock entrance, etc.

Submersible Sump Pump

A sump pump that consists of both the pumping element and motor submerged in the sump, pit, or low point of a
building. Both the pumping element and the motor are exposed to water.

Submersible Pump
A pump that consists of both the pumping element and the motor in a protective housing which allows the system to
run properly when submerged in a liquid.

Sump Pump
A pump powered by an electric motor used for the removal of ground water drainage from a sump, pit or low point
in a foundation. Types of sump pumps include, but are not limited to, pedestal and submersible.

Terminal Backwater Valve

A backwater valve designed to be installed at the discharge end of a horizontal drain line incorporating a check
member to prevent backflow.

Total Discharge Head

The gauge reading in psi (kPa) at the discharge of a sump pump, referred to the pump centerline, plus the velocity
head at the point of gauge attachment.

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Total Suction Head

The condition when the suction pressure is above atmospheric. The total suction head is the algebraic sum of the
gauge reading in psi (kPa) at a flood abatement pump suction nozzle, referred to the pump centerline, plus the
velocity head at the point of gauge attachment. Also called “positive suction pressure”.

Total Head
The algebraic difference between the total discharge head and the total suction head. Where suction head exists,
total head equals total discharge head minus total suction head.

Vertical or 90-Deg Backwater Valve

A backwater valve designed to be installed in vertical piping, such as downstream from a P-trap or a holding tank.

2.1 Product Information

2.1.1 Flood abatement equipment is designated and categorized by function (permanent, contingent, and emergency)
and operation (automatic and manual). FM Approvals defines protection with the following flood abatement

 Temporary perimeter flood barriers

 Opening flood barriers
 Backwater valves
 Flood abatement pumps

2.1.2 In order to meet the intent of this standard, Flood Abatement Equipment shall be examined on a model-by-
model, type-by-type, manufacturer-by-manufacturer, and plant-by-plant basis. This is predicated on the basis
that identical designs, fabricated in identical materials by different manufacturers have been seen to perform
differently in testing. Sample Flood Abatement Equipment, selected in conformance to this criterion, shall
satisfy all of the requirements of this standard.

2.2 Approval Application Requirements

To apply for an Approval examination the manufacturer, or its authorized representative, should submit a request to:

Fire Protection Group Manager

FM Approvals
743A Reynolds Road
West Glocester, RI 02814 U.S.A.

The manufacturer shall provide the following preliminary information that gives a full description of the construction of
the flood abatement equipment. All documents shall identify the manufacturer's name, document number or other form
of reference, title, date of last revision, and revision level.

Test programs will be scheduled only upon receipt of all material listed herein. All foreign language documents shall be
provided with English translation.

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2.2.1 Marketing/Ordering Literature - Showing general specifications and functions of the system.

2.2.2 Model Number Breakdown - A specification or drawing showing all system variations and options to be

2.2.3 The Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual.

2.2.4 Quality Control Procedures - Document(s) detailing routine testing and final inspection procedures: receiving
inspection; in-process inspection; final inspection, and calibration of measuring and testing equipment used. In
addition, procedures must detail the system acceptance testing once the flood abatement equipment system is

2.2.5 Documentation Control Specification - Proposed method of controlling critical documents which may be
identified in the Documentation Section of the Approval Report. These drawings shall be listed in the report
issued at the conclusion of the Approval Program. FM Approvals shall be notified of changes to these
documents via Form 797, “Approved Product/Specification-Tested Revision Report or Address/ Main Contact
Change Report”.

2.2.6 Production Drawings - The following drawings shall be provided:

 Electrical schematic(s)
 Final assembly drawings and parts lists sufficient to detail primary components (all), operator controls, and
their locations
 Complete set of mechanical drawings for all machined parts
 Complete part specifications (including manufacturer’s model numbers, size, ratings, etc.) for all
purchased parts
 Specification sheets for all parts/components
 Drawings showing all construction details
 Product label drawing(s) showing all required marking information. The label drawing shall show the
proposed label location on the equipment and artwork showing the manufacturer’s name, address, model
and serial numbers, equipment ratings, warning markings, and the FM Approval Certification Mark, (see
Appendix C).

2.2.7 The number and location of manufacturing facilities.

2.3 Requirements for Samples for Examination

Sample requirements are to be determined by FM Approvals following review of the preliminary information. Sample
requirements may vary depending on design features and/or the results of any testing. It is the manufacturer’s
responsibility to submit samples representative of production. Any decision to use data generated utilizing prototype
components or prototype systems is at the sole discretion of FM Approvals.

3.1 Review of Documentation

During the initial investigation and prior to testing, the manufacturer's specifications, technical data sheets, and design
details shall be reviewed to assess the ease and practicality of installation and use. The system and its components shall
be capable of being used within the limits of the Approval investigation.

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3.2 Physical or Structural Construction Features

3.2.1 Opening and Temporary Perimeter Barriers Air / Nitrogen / other gas cylinder(s) for pressurized seal systems shall meet the applicable
requirements of the either the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII or Code of
Federal Regulations, Title 49, Transportation, Parts 171 through 180; or equivalent national standard
of the country of use, reference section 4.9. All materials used in flood abatement equipment shall be suitable for the intended application. Flood
abatement equipment shall be constructed of corrosion resistant materials. When unusual materials
are used, additional testing may be necessary to verify their suitability. Certain elastomeric materials, particularly those that contain bituminous or asphaltic compounds,
are subject to material degradation due to biological attack. This type of degradation is long-term
and would not necessarily affect the elastomeric barrier material during a single flood deployment,
but could cause substantial degradation over extended storage times. Therefore, these materials shall
only be accepted for use at the sole discretion of FM Approvals. Manually operated caps and valves, and mechanisms, must have a securing, locking, and/or
supervising component. The design of automatic opening barriers shall be such that major debris that could impact the
barrier’s functionality is prevented from entering the system. Other debris shall be able to be flushed
from the system during periodic maintenance. Automatic opening barriers shall be capable of manual deployment. Automatic opening barriers shall be evaluated for reliability when any component is exposed to an
outside load condition (i.e. vehicular, personnel traffic, etc.) while in the open position. The
manufacturer shall provide a complete analysis which illustrates the product’s ability to withstand
any anticipated load conditions over the expected life of the barrier. The analysis shall include at a
minimum; maximum deflection under load, permanent deflection based on simulated live loads, and
a failure analysis of the deployment equipment. The analysis shall be reviewed for accuracy and
completeness by FM Approvals.

3.2.2 Backwater Valves A backwater valve shall comply with the minimum dimensional requirements indicated in Tables 1
though 3 and the corresponding figures. Either flange or hub and spigot type ends are acceptable.

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Table 1 - Dimensions for Horizontal Backwater Valves

Swing Check Type
(See Figure 1)
Size Dimension A Dimension B Opening
Inches Inches (mm) Inches (mm)
2 2 (50) 3 (75)
3 3 (75) 5 (125)
4 4 (100) 6 (150)
5 5 (125) 7 (180)
6 6 (150) 8 (205)
8 8 (205) 10 (255)


A Flow

A Swing

Figure 1 – Swing Check Valve Type

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Table 2 - Dimensions for Combination Horizontal Backwater

Valves and Manual Gate Valves (See Figure 2)
Nominal Size Dimension A Dimension B Opening

Inches Inches (mm) Inches (mm)

3 3 (75) 5 (125)
4 4 (100) 6 (150)
5 5 (125) 7 (180)
6 6 (150) 8 (205)

Hand Wheel

Packing Gasket
Nut Gland Plate


A Flow

Gate Valve Valve
and Seat

Figure 2 - Combination Horizontal Backwater

Valves and Manual Gate Valves

FM Approvals 12
2510 March 2013

Table 3 - Dimensions for Terminal Backwater Valves

(See Figure 3)
Nominal Size Dimension A
Inches Inches (mm)
2 2 (50)
3 3 (75)
4 4 (100)
5 5 (125)
6 6 (150)
8 8 (205)
10 10 (255)
12 12 (305)

Flow A

Figure 3 - Terminal Type Valve Hub and spigot dimensions of a backwater valve shall comply with the appropriate hub and spigot
requirements of the joining material. Backwater valves designed to be normally closed shall be constructed that when the valve is
installed at the required 1:48 slope (1/4 in. per foot) with respect to the direction of flow, the check
member will be in a closed position when no fluid is discharged. The valve will remain sufficiently
open during periods of low flows to avoid the screening of solids. Backwater valves designed to be normally open shall be constructed that when the valve is installed
at the required 1:48 slope (1/4 in. per foot) with respect to the direction of flow, check member will
be in an open position but will close when fluid backflow occurs. The valve shall not reduce the
hydraulic capacity of the connecting pipe. Backwater valves shall be designed and constructed that when installed in it’s proper operating
position in the drainage system, the upper face of the cover shall be parallel to the invert of the
outlet so that the slope of the drain can be readily determined by placing a level on the top of the
cover. Backwater valves shall be designed to provide access to working components for repair or
replacement. The size of the access shall be based upon the requirements necessary to perform the
repair or maintenance. The access cover shall be water and gas tight once installed. Parts that are used to affect sealing in backwater valves shall be secured in a manner that will
maintain proper alignment of mating surfaces. Moving and stationary parts shall not loosen or
become detached during handling or operation of the unit and shall be replaceable.

FM Approvals 13
2510 March 2013 Hub and spigot connections for backwater valves shall conform to ASTM A 74 for soil pipe and
fittings. The internal working parts such as valve seat, flap, hinge pins, and stems of a backwater valve shall
be copper alloy in accordance with ASTM B 16, stainless steel in accordance with ASTM A 351, or
equally corrosion resisting material. The casting or moldings for backwater valves shall be sound,
free of blow holes, cold shuts, fins, flashing, and other imperfections affecting casting quality and
shall be of uniform thickness.

3.2.3 Flood Abatement Pumps The flange dimensions, bolt layouts, and threaded openings used in pipe connections for a flood
abatement pump shall conform to a recognized national or international standard. Manufacturers must provide a characteristic curve for each pump. The maximum power shall be based
on the highest power requirement, regardless of where it occurs on the entire characteristic curve. A pump shall be cable of turning on and off either manually or automatically. A automatic operation
shall turn on or off by responding to the appropriate water levels in a sump. A pump must have a means of protection from clogging from floating debris.

3.3 Components

3.3.1 All components of flood abatement equipment products shall be examined and tested in accordance with this
standard. However, not all component tests within this standard are applicable to every product design. In
addition, if a component cannot be adequately examined with the tests listed in this standard, additional testing
may be necessary. Applicable component tests will be determined at the sole discretion of FM Approvals.

At a minimum, components required for the flood abatement equipment shall be designed for proper system
functionality, and maximum long term reliability. Flood abatement equipment designs should take into account
the possibility of component failure and the potential for that failure to impair the effectiveness of the system.
Such impairments shall be minimized through failsafe, redundant component, over-design, de-rating, or other
means demonstrating equivalent reliability.

3.4 Markings

3.4.1 A permanently-marked, legible, corrosion-resistant nameplate shall be securely attached to the equipment
where practical and it shall be easily visible. The nameplate shall include the following information, at a

 Manufacturer’s name or trademark

 Model identification
 System ratings (as applicable)
 Equipment operating ratings (as applicable)
 Serial number or other traceable code markings
 FM Approvals Certification Mark, (see Appendix C)
 Manufacturing location source code (as applicable)

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Additional marking for backwater valves include;

 For plastic valves, the letters “ABS” or “PVC” (as applicable to the material of the valve body)
 Nominal size
 Direction of flow

Additional marking for flood abatement pumps include;

 Rated flow
 Rated head
 Speed
 Hertz
 Horsepower
 Voltage
 Amperage
 Phase

3.4.3 An automatic barrier shall be permanently marked with manual deployment instructions. Alternatively, the
barrier’s “Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual” shall include instructions for manual
deployment. The instruction manual must be permanently stored in an easily accessible location within close
proximity to the barrier.

3.4.3 The marking for a backwater valve shall be located on the cover plate so that it is visible after the valve has
been installed.

3.4.4 Any other pertinent marking information required by the referenced standards or other national or international
standard to which the system is manufactured shall be permanently marked on a suitable data plate.

3.4.5 The model identification shall correspond with the manufacturer's catalog designation and shall uniquely
identify the product as FM Approved. The manufacturer shall not place this model identification on any other
product unless covered by a separate agreement.

3.5 Manufacturer's Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual

The manufacturer shall provide complete instructions and any assistance required to properly design, install, operate,
and maintain a flood barrier. Such documentation shall be furnished by the manufacturer and submitted to FM
Approvals as a part of the examination of a barrier.

This document must include the following, at a minimum:

 A description of the barrier parts and components needed for installation and deployment
 A description of foundation requirements
 A procedure and/or requirements on how to pre-install the barrier (as applicable)
 A procedure on how to deploy the barrier
 Details regarding maintenance and/or trouble shooting during deployment or flood conditions

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3.6 Calibration

All equipment used to verify the test parameters shall be calibrated within an interval determined on the basis of
stability, purpose, and usage of the equipment. For testing conducted at locations other than FM Approvals, a copy of
the calibration certificate for each piece of test equipment is required for FM Approvals records that indicate that the
calibration was performed to standards traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or to
other acceptable reference standards by an accredited ISO 17025 calibration laboratory. The test equipment must be
clearly identified by label or sticker showing the last date of the calibration and the next due date. In addition, a copy of
the ISO 17025 accreditation certificate for the calibration laboratory is required for FM Approvals records.

The calibration of recently purchased new equipment is also required. Documentation indicating either the date of
purchase or date of shipment, equipment description, model and serial number is required for identification. The period
from the time the equipment was put into service to the date of testing must be within an interval that does not require
the equipment to be calibrated as determined on the basis of the parameters mentioned above.

3.7 Test Facilities

Testing shall be conducted at an FM Approvals facility, the manufacturer’s facility, and/or at National Recognized
Testing Laboratories (NRTL) as described in Section 4.1 and Appendix D. The testing location(s) of component,
material and performance tests shall be specified and/or agreed upon by FM Approvals.

If the testing cannot be conducted at an FM Approvals facility, the manufacturer shall provide facilities and all properly
calibrated instrumentation required to perform the tests deemed necessary by FM Approvals. The manufacturer shall
also provide personnel to install, operate, and run the testing of the flood abatement equipment. For testing not
conducted at an FM Approvals facility, a representative of FM Approvals shall witness all the tests and shall receive
copies of the data and calibration certificates.

If other standards are contemplated, they should be forwarded to FM Approvals for review and acceptance prior to the
generation of the test program.

3.8 Tolerances

Tolerances on units of measure shall be as described in Appendix B, unless otherwise specified.

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The performance requirements are composed of five different sections; (Section 4.1) general component and material
testing for opening and temporary perimeter barriers, (Section 4.2) performance testing for temporary perimeter barriers,
(Section 4.3) performance testing for opening barriers, (Section 4.4) testing for backwater valves and, (Section 4.5)
testing for flood abatement pumps.

4.1 General Components and Materials Testing for Opening and Temporary Perimeter Barriers

The components and materials of a flood barrier shall be examined and tested in accordance with this standard.
However, not all tests within this section of the standard are applicable to every product design. In addition, if the design
of a component cannot be adequately examined with the tests listed in this standard, additional testing may be necessary.
Applicable tests will be determined at the sole discretion of FM Approval.

Performance testing on components may be conducted for an individual component, component assembly, or as an
entire barrier system as deemed appropriate.

Material related testing may be waived at the discretion of FM Approvals if prior testing has been completed by an
OSHA Directorate of Science, Technology and Medicine certified NRTL (National Research and Testing Laboratory).
Documentation shall be submitted demonstrating compliance to the requirements and confirmation that these tests have
been carried out as described in the applicable ASTM Standard and completed with ISO 17025 calibrated equipment.

4.1.1 Examination Requirements

A flood barrier shall conform to the manufacturer’s drawings and specifications, and to the physical
and structural requirements described in Section 3, General Requirements. Test/Verification

A flood barrier and all its individual components shall be examined and compared to the
manufacturer’s production drawings and engineering specifications.

In addition, it shall be verified that the representative samples conform to the physical and structural
requirements described in Section 3, General Requirements.

4.1.2 Hydrostatic Test Strength Requirements

Pressure retaining components or barriers, such as bladders or tubes, shall withstand 150 percent of the
maximum system operating pressure without rupture, cracking or permanent distortion. Test/Verification

Components or barriers of each size shall be subjected to a test pressure of 150 percent of the
maximum system operating pressure, for five minutes. The test medium shall be the medium used
during operation. No rupture, cracking or permanent distortion of the component body is allowed.
After the test the components or barrier shall be fully functional.

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4.1.3 System Leakage Test Requirements

Pressure retaining components such as caps, fill ports, and valves shall not leak when subjected to a
hydrostatic test pressure of 120 percent of the maximum system operating pressure. Test/Verification

With the inlet side open to the atmosphere, the upstream side of each component shall be subjected to
pressure of 120 percent of the maximum system operating pressure. The test medium shall be the
medium used during operation. The test pressure shall be held for five minutes with no leakage

4.1.4 Component Durability - Cycling Requirements

Components with moving parts shall not show excessive wear or damage after 500 cycles of
operations. Tests/Verification

The sample component shall be cycled 500 times through its operational requirements; through its full
open to close and close to open positions, or its full range of travel, etc. After cycle testing, the
components shall be visually inspected for any signs of excessive wear or damage which would impair
proper operation. If deemed necessary, the component shall be subjected to any of the appropriate tests
outlined in this Approval Standard.

4.1.5 Vibration Resistance Requirements

Component assemblies shall withstand vibration without cracking, loosening, separation, or excessive
wear. Tests/Verification

One of each type of component assembly shall be attached to a vibration machine so that the
assemblies are vibrated in their intended installation position.

The test samples shall be subjected to the vibration conditions outlined in Table 4.1.5. The frequency
shall be varied with a cycle period of 25±5 seconds. If one or more resonant point(s) is detected, the
component or component assemblies shall be vibrated for the remainder of the five hours at such
frequency(ies) for a period of time proportionate to the number of resonant frequencies. Otherwise the
component or component assemblies shall be subjected to the vibration condition for a period of
5 hours.

Table 4.15 Vibration Conditions

Total Displacement/Stroke Frequency Time
Inch (mm) Hz Hours
0.020 (0.51) 18 to 37 (variable) 5

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4.1.6 Impact and Wear Resistance Requirement

Plastic securement components which are susceptible to stress, and/ or an outside force during
installation, construction, and or during the life span of the barrier shall not craze or show signs of
degradation when subjected to applied stress and/or impact. Test/Verification

A. Each plastic component susceptible to an applied force or torque shall be placed in a refrigeration
chamber and exposed to a temperature of 10°F (-12°C) for a 24 hour period. The component(s)
shall then be removed from the chamber and the maximum force or torque specified by the
manufacturer shall be applied. The plastic component(s) shall not show crazing, signs of cracking,
or permanent distortion.

B. Each plastic component shall be placed in a refrigeration chamber and exposed to a temperature
of 10°F (-12°C) for a 24 hour period. The component(s) shall then be removed from the chamber
and a flat steel weight shall be dropped on each component with an impact of 68 Joules (50 ft-lbf).
The weight shall be dropped three separate times and shall be prevented from impacting the test
sample more then once for each drop. After the tests, the plastic component(s) shall not show any
signs fracture or crazing.

4.1.7 Salt Spray Corrosion – Residue Build-Up Requirements

Components or component assemblies with dissimilar metals shall not deteriorate, crack, fail, or lose
functionality due to galvanic corrosion. Test/Verification

Each component or component assembly shall be supported and oriented in its intended installation
position. The sample(s) shall be exposed to salt spray (fog) as specified by ASTM B117, Standard
Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus with the exception of the salt solution. The salt
solution shall consist of 20 percent (by weight) of common salt (sodium chloride) dissolved in
deionized water with a pH between 6.5 and 7.2 and specific gravity from 1.126 to 1.157.

The sample shall be exposed for a period of 240 hours.

Following the exposure, the sample shall be removed from the test chamber and permitted to air dry
for a two- to four-day drying period. Subsequently, the component shall be visually inspected to meet
the stated requirements and, if deemed necessary, shall be subjected to any of the appropriate tests
outlined in this Approval Standard.

4.1.8 Tensile Strength, Ultimate Elongation, and Tensile Set Tests Requirements

Elastomeric components which are subjected to tensile type loading shall have a;

 Tensile strength of not less than 1500 psi (103.4 bar)

 Ultimate elongation of not less than 200 percent
 Tensile set of not more than 19 percent

Parts constructed of silicone rubber material shall have a tensile strength of not less than 500 psi
(34.5 bar) and at least 100 percent ultimate elongation.

FM Approvals 19
2510 March 2013 Tests/Verification

Tensile strength, ultimate elongation, and tensile set shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D
412, Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers - Tension, Method
A, with the following exceptions:

For tensile strength and ultimate elongation:

 If a test sample breaks outside the benchmarks or if the measured tensile strength or ultimate
elongation is less than the required value; an additional test sample shall be tested and those
results shall be considered final.
 It shall be acceptable for a test sample to break in the curved portion just outside the
benchmarks if the measured strength and elongation values are within the minimum

For tensile set:

 The spacing of the benchmark shall be 3 in. (76 mm)

 The elongation shall be maintained for 3 minutes
 The tensile set shall be measured 3 minutes after the release of the specimen

4.1.9 Accelerated Aging Test Requirements

Elastomer components which are subjected to tensile type loading shall not have less than 80 percent
of the as-received tensile strength and 50 percent of the as-received ultimate elongation after
accelerating the age of the material. Tests/Verification

Test samples shall be prepared in the same manner as for tensile strength and ultimate elongation tests
outlined in Section 4.1.8, except that benchmarks spaced 1 in. (25 mm) apart shall be stamped on the
specimens after the air oven exposure.

Test samples shall be exposed to 212°F (100°C) for 70 hours in accordance with ASTM D 573,
Standard Test Method for Rubber - Deterioration in an Air Oven. After exposure, samples shall be
tested in accordance with ASTM D 412, Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and
Thermoplastic Elastomers C Tension.

4.1.10 Compression Set Test Requirements

For elastomer components which are subjected to compression type loading, a compression set of the
material in the as-received condition shall not be more than 15 percent. Tests/Verification

Testing shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM D 395, Standard Test Methods for Rubber
Property C Compression Set, Method B. Type I specimens of the material shall be prepared and then
exposed for 22 hours at 70°F ± 2°F (21°C ± 1°C).

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4.1.11 Ultraviolet Light and Water Test Requirements

Non-metallic components shall be exposed to ultraviolet light and water for 720 hours in accordance
with Table X3.1, Condition 1, of ASTM G 155-05a, Standard Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light
Apparatus for Exposure of Non-Metallic Materials. At the conclusion of the test, there shall be no
cracking or crazing of the component. Following exposure, all functions such as securement,
adjustment, etc., shall operate properly. Tests/Verification

A sample of each non-metallic component shall be exposed to ultraviolet light and water for 720 hours
in accordance with Table X3.1, condition 1 of ASTM G155, Standard Practice for Operating Xenon
Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Non-Metallic Materials. During each operating cycle, each
sample shall be exposed to light and water spray for 18 minutes and to only light for 102 minutes
(total 120 minutes). The air temperature within the apparatus during operations shall be 109 ± 4.5ºF
(43 ± 2.5ºC) and the relative humidity 30 ± 5 percent. The component shall be inspected for cracking
and crazing after 360 hours. If no cracking or crazing is apparent, the exposure shall continue for the
full 720 hours. After testing, the barrier and/or components shall be visually inspected to meet the
stated requirements and, if deemed necessary, shall be subjected to any of the appropriate tests
outlined in this Approval Standard.

4.1.12 Air-Oven Aging Tests of Nonmetallic Components Requirements

Non-metallic components, other than rubber gaskets, shall not crack or craze after being subjected to
an air-oven aging test at 158°F (70°C). Test/Verification

A sample of each non-metallic component shall be subjected to an air-oven aging test for 180 days at
158°F (70°C), and then allowed to cool at least 24 hours in air at 74°F (23°C) at 50 percent relative
humidity. After the test, the components shall be visually inspected to meet the stated requirements
and, if deemed necessary, shall be subjected to any of the appropriate tests outlined in this Approval

4.1.13 Environmental Corrosion Resistance (Barriers which are Exposed to Environmental Conditions when Stored or
Not in Use) Requirement

Securement components or component assemblies shall be resistant to corrosion resulting from

exposures to a moist carbon dioxide-sulfur dioxide-air mixture. Following the exposure period, the
samples shall be examined for deterioration or failure to their functionality. Test/Verification

Each component or component assembly shall be supported and oriented in its intended installation
position. Each test sample shall be exposed to a moist carbon dioxide-sulfur dioxide-air mixture for a
period of 10 days.

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Sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide are to be supplied to the test chamber from commercial cylinders.
An amount of sulfur dioxide equivalent to one percent of the volume of the test chamber, and an equal
volume of carbon dioxide shall be introduced into the chamber each day after the chamber has been
purged. Approximately 0.53 gallons (2.0 liters) of deionized water shall be maintained in the bottom
of the chamber.

Following the exposure, the samples shall be removed from the test chamber and permitted to air dry
for a two to four-day drying period. Following this drying period, the component or component
assembly shall meet the stated requirements and, if deemed, necessary, shall be subjected to any of the
appropriate tests outlined in this Approval Standard.

4.1.14 Extreme Temperatures Operation (Barriers which are Exposed to Environmental Conditions when Stored or
Not in Use) Requirements

A flood barrier or barrier component(s) that requires unfolding, unrolling, etc. to deploy shall operate
properly after being exposed to extreme high and low temperatures. In addition, barrier gaskets under
tension or compression shall not show signs of cracking or degradation. Test/Verification

The test sample shall be submerged in water for 30 minutes. The sample shall then be conditioned in
an environmental chamber set at -40 °F (-40 °C) for a period of 24 hours. Immediately upon removal
from the chamber the test sample shall be tested for proper function.

The same test sample shall then be conditioned in an environmental chamber set at 130 °F (54.4 °C)
for a period of 24 hours. Immediately upon removal from the conditioning chamber, the barrier and/or
components shall be tested for proper function. Subsequently, the barrier and/or components shall be
visually inspected to meet the stated requirements and, if deemed necessary, shall be subjected to any
of the appropriate tests outlined in this Approval Standard.

4.1.15 Abrasion Resistance (Perimeter Type Barriers) Requirement

Membranes, shell, etc. shall be capable of resisting normal wear from anchoring components. Tests/Verification

The test sample shall be orientated and set-up in the same manner as the end-use application. A Norton
standard 5 x 2 x 1/2 in. (130 x 50 x 15 mm) nominal size abrasion wheel with the designation 37C36-
KVK shall be moved to and fro for 3000 cycles along the sample. The wheel shall be prevented from
rotating and shall exert its full weight plus the weight of the moving arm, 1/2 lb (0.5 kg), on to the
sample. The frequency of cycles shall not exceed 30 per minute. After the 3000 cycles, the sample
shall be visually examined for any signs of wear or damage that would cause failure to the flood

4.1.16 Hail Resistance (Perimeter Type Barriers) Requirement

Membranes, shells, etc., including joints and seams of the membrane, shall show no signs of cracking,
crazing, peeling, puncture, rupture or splitting when impacted from potentially damaging hail.

FM Approvals 22
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A 2 ft × 4 ft (0.6 m × 1.2 m) test sample is placed on a panel support. The panel support is a 2 ft × 4 ft
(0.6 × 1.2 m), outside dimension, box that is open on the top and bottom. The box is comprised of 1-
1/2 in. (38 mm) wide × 3-1/2 in. (89 mm) high wooden panels which are nailed together at its corners.
The sample is secured to the box with self-drilling fasteners spaced 12 in. (305 mm) on center along
its perimeter. A 1- 3/4 in. (45 mm) diameter steel ball is dropped onto the sample from a height of 17
ft 9- 1/2 in. (5.4 m). A minimum of ten drops of the steel ball is required, five of which shall be
conducted on a fabricated seam. Subsequently, the sample shall be visually inspected to meet the
stated requirements and, if deemed necessary, shall be subjected to any of the appropriate tests
outlined in this Approval Standard.

4.1.17 Tear and Puncture Resistance Test (Perimeter Type Barriers) Requirements

An impermeable portion of a barrier (i.e. barrier membrane and any other non-metallic construction
material that may come into contact with debris) shall be capable of withstanding the impacts from
potentially damaging objects. Tests/Verification

Testing shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM D5602 - Standard Test Method for Static
Puncture Resistance of Roofing Membrane Specimens, with the following exceptions;

 The applied weight shall be 35 lbs (16 kg)

 The sample material shall be secured to each side of the test fixture using C-clamps or a
similar device

After the test, the sample shall be examined for tears and/or punctures. Any damage that could result
in a catastrophic failure of the barrier shall constitute a failure.

4.2 Performance Testing for Temporary Perimeter Flood Barriers

The performance testing of temporary perimeter barriers has been designed to simulate riverine flood conditions.

All tests in this section replicate events that can be anticipated during a single flood occurrence. As a result, all tests
listed in Table 4.2 must be completed in sequence with the same product.

Performance testing shall be conducted at the US Army Corps of Engineers, ERDC Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory,
located in Vicksburg, Mississippi. The design, description, and capabilities of the facility are described in Appendix D.
Construction of the barrier must comply with the test set-up and constraints of the facility. Note: A special construction
may be required to connect a barrier to the walls of the test basin. Leakage from this construction will be included in the
test results. However, the construction is not required to be part of the design of the flood barrier, with respect to FM
Approval. Alternative facilities may be accepted for testing at the sole discretion of FM Approvals.

Major and minor repairs to a perimeter barrier during any portion of the performance test series are only allowed at the
discretion of FM Approvals. A major repair may require re-testing of the entire performance test series and/or additional
testing. A maximum of three minor repairs shall be allowed, but may require adjustments to the barrier’s Design,
Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual. No repairs shall be allowed that can put facility personnel into harms

FM Approvals 23
2510 March 2013

Table 4.2 Perimeter Flood Barrier Performance Tests

Water Condition(s)
Test Description Duration
Water Depth* Other
Per Manufacturer’s
Deployment N/A N/A
1.0 ft (0.30 m) N/A 22 hr
Hydrostatic Load 2.0 ft (0.61 m) N/A 22 hr
100 percent x h N/A 22 hr
66.7 percent x h low waves 2-3 in (51-76 mm) 7 hr
66.7 percent x h medium waves 6-8 in (152-203 mm) 10 min (3 times)
66.7 percent x h high waves 10-12 in (254-305 mm) 10 min
80 percent x h low waves 2-3 in (51-76 mm) 1 hr (min) - 7 hr (max)
80 percent x h medium waves 6-8 in (152-203 mm) 10 min (3 times)
80 percent x h high waves 10-12 in (254-305 mm) 10 min
Overtopping ≥1 in (25 mm) overflow N/A 1 hr
12 in (30 cm) diameter log
66.7 percent x h 610 lb (277 kg) weight N/A
at 7 ft/s (2.13 m/s)
Debris Impact
17 in (43 cm) diameter log
66.7 percent x h 790 lb (358 kg) weight N/A
7 ft/s (2.13 m/s)
Current 66.7 percent x h 7 ft/s (2.13 m/s) current 1 hr
Post Hydrostatic
100 percent x h N/A 1 hr (min) - 22 hr (max)
* The manufacturer’s specified maximum water depth for the barrier is defined as “h”.

4.2.1 Deployment Requirements

The barrier’s Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual shall be verified for accuracy
and completeness of the deployment process. The manual shall include at a minimum; Barrier Packaging

No cracks, tears, or other damage that may have occurred during shipping shall be visible.
At the discretion of FM Approvals, minor repairs maybe allowed (i.e. repositioning of a
seal). If minor repairs are required, the manual shall include details on how to identify and
repair the damage prior to deployment. Material, Tools, and Equipment Required

The manual shall include a list of all the materials, tools, and equipment used during the
unpacking and deployment of the barrier. In addition, the manual shall indicate if the
materials, tools, and/or equipment are supplied or not supplied with the barrier.

FM Approvals 24
2510 March 2013 Person-Power Requirements

The manual shall include the number and skill level of the personal required to deploy the
barrier as described below:

 Skilled personnel; a person with specific knowledge of the installation method of the
 Unskilled personnel; a person that has no knowledge of the barrier design or
 Heavy machine operator Deployment Time

The deployment time shall be equal to or less than the time listed in the manual. The
deployment time shall be measured in terms of personnel requirements, total man-hours,
and length of the barrier. Deployment Procedure

The manual shall clearly detail the steps for the deployment of the barrier. The procedure
shall comply with all of the requirements of Section Additional Deployment Requirements

The manual shall adequately detail any of the following deployment requirements if
identified by the manufacturer and/or preformed during the deployment test process:

 Special construction considerations

 Application limitations
 What to do if damage should occur during construction Barrier Reusability

The manual shall indicate if that barrier is suitable for multiple uses. If multiple use is
indicated then the manual shall contain a procedure for how the barrier shall be
disassembled and restored to a similar pre-test condition. Tests/Verification

Document the unpacking and deployment of the barrier with a video camera while simultaneously
reviewing the Design, Installation, Operations, and Maintenance Manual. At the completion of the
deployment, compare the video recording to the manual to assure that all of the requirements listed in
Section have been properly documented. The manual must be corrected of any inaccuracies
and/or missing information.

If the barrier is reusable, document and verify the disassembling procedure at the completion of the
performance testing in the same manner as the deployment, Section 4.2.1.

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4.2.2 Hydrostatic Load Requirements

A perimeter barrier shall be capable of withstanding the hydrostatic loads created by floodwaters of
various heights. The leakage rate shall not exceed 0.25 gallons per minute per foot length (3.10 liters
per minute per meter length), where the barrier’s length is measured along the center point of the
barrier’s seal to the ground.

In addition, the permanent deflection of the barrier shall be less than or equal to 6 in. (15 cm), as
measured from the horizontal and vertical center of each wall. Tests/Verification

Conduct three different hydrostatic load tests at the following water heights;

 1 ft ± 0.5 in (0.30 m ± 13 mm)

 2 ft ± 0.5 in (0.61 m ± 13 mm)
 100 percent x h ± 0.5 in (13 mm)

Where h is the manufacturer’s specified maximum water depth of the barrier. If this water depth is less
than or equal to 2.0 ft, the water depths may be changed as deemed appropriate by FM Approvals.

Fill the river-side of the basin to the desired water level at a maximum rate of 2/3 ft (10.0 cm) per
hour. The desired water level shall be held for a minimum of 22 hours for each test.

The leakage rate shall be calculated in intervals no greater than 15 minutes at the following times (at a

 During the filling process

 During the first hour
 During the last two hours

Measure the barrier’s deflection from the horizontal and vertical center of each wall (three locations)
at the completion of each test. Additional locations (up to 6 total) shall be required if deemed
appropriate for the design of the barrier.

The Hydrostatic Load Test at 100 percent x h water depth shall be repeated after the Current Test, as a
post test to the Overtopping, Debris Impact, and Current Tests. The test duration for the post test shall
be 1 hour, at a minimum. If negative effects (i.e. increased leakage rates or deflection measurements)
are observed during the first hour of the post test, then the post test shall be conducted for a maximum
of 22 hours.

4.2.3 Wave-Induced Hydrodynamic Load Requirements

A perimeter barrier shall be capable of withstanding wave-induced hydrodynamic load conditions

from various water depths and wave heights. The permanent deflection of the barrier shall be less than
or equal to 6 in. (15 cm), as measured from the horizontal and vertical center of each wall.

In addition, during low wave conditions, the leakage rate shall not exceed 0.25 gallons per minute per
foot length (3.10 liters per minute per meter length), where the barrier’s length is measured along the
center point of the barrier’s seal to the ground.

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There is no leakage rate requirement for medium and high wave conditions. However, during these
wave conditions the barrier shall not fatigue, experience fill-loss, wall sliding, overturning, or
deformation. Tests/Verification

Six tests shall be conducted; consisting of three different size wave heights (low, medium, and high) at
each of the following two still water depths:

 66.7 percent x h
 80 percent x h

Where h is the manufacturer’s specified maximum water depth of the barrier. If this water depth is less
than or equal to 2.0 ft, the water depths may be changed as deemed appropriate by FM Approvals.

Drain the river-side of the basin to the desired water level, or fill the river-side of the basin at a
maximum rate of 2/3 ft (10.0 cm) per hour, as applicable.

Impact the barrier with waves generated perpendicular to the face of the barrier as detailed in Table At the end of each test condition, allow the waves to dissipate before starting the next test.

Table Wave Spectrums

Wave Height Mean Wave
Wave Description (Measured from trough to crest) Period Test Duration
Low Waves 2-3 in (51-76 mm) 2 seconds 7 hr*
Medium Waves 6-8 in (152-203 mm) 2 seconds 10 min (3 times)
High Waves 10-12 in (254-305 mm) 2 seconds 10 min
* For a water depth of 80 percent x h, if no negative effects are observed during the first hour of testing (i.e.
increased leakage rates or deflection measurements), the test duration may be reduced to 1 hour.

Measure the leakage rate for the duration of each low wave test at intervals no greater than 15 minutes.

Measure the barrier’s deflection at the completion of each test from the horizontal and vertical center
of each wall (three locations). Additional locations (up to 6 total) shall be required if deemed
appropriate for the design of the barrier.

4.2.4 Overtopping Requirements

A perimeter barrier shall not float, overturn, or experience catastrophic failure if the water level of a
flood exceeds the height of the barrier.

In addition, the permanent deflection of the barrier shall be less than or equal to 6 in. (15 cm), as
measured from the horizontal and vertical center of each wall. Tests/Verification

Fill the river-side of the basin at a maximum rate of 2/3 ft (10.0 cm) per hour until the water level
equals 100 percent of structure height plus one inch. Maintain the water level for one hour.

At the completion of the test, measure the barrier’s deflection from the horizontal and vertical center
of each wall (three locations). Additional locations (up to 6 total) shall be required if deemed
appropriate for the design of the barrier.

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4.2.5 Debris Impact Test Requirements

A perimeter barrier shall be capable of withstanding multiple impacts from floating debris. The
leakage rate shall not exceed 0.25 gallons per minute per foot length (3.10 liters per minute per meter
length), where the barrier’s length is measured along the center point of the barrier’s seal to the

In addition, the permanent deflection of the barrier shall be less than or equal to 6 in. (15 cm), as
measured from the horizontal and vertical center of each wall. Tests/Verification

Drain the riverside of the barrier until the water level equals 66.7 percent x h ± 0.5 in (13 mm), where
h is the manufacturer’s specified maximum water depth of the barrier.

Two tests shall be conducted with two different size logs; 12 in. (30 cm) and 17 in. (43 cm) in
diameter, 610 lb (277 kg) and 790 lb (358 kg) in weight respectively. The logs shall be southern pine
or similar density and conditioned by submerging in water for a minimum of 2 weeks prior to testing.
The cut edges of the logs shall be perpendicular saw-cut with no round edges.

Each floating log shall be pulled into the center wall of the barrier with a velocity of 7.0 ft/s (2.1 m/s)
[~5.0 mph (8.0 km/h)] at a trajectory angle of approximately 70 degrees, see Figure The
pulling action shall be shut-off right before the log impacts the barrier.

Measure the leakage rate during each test at intervals no greater than 15 minutes.

At the completion of each test, measure the barrier’s deflection from the horizontal and vertical center
of each wall (three locations). Additional locations (up to 6 total) shall be required if deemed
appropriate for the design of the barrier.

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Impact Test - 12 in. (305 mm)

and 17 in. (430 mm) Logs

20 degrees

70 degrees

20 ft
(6.1 m) 20 ft
(6.1 m)

Off Limits
Area for any
part of Structure

30 ft
(9 m) Wall

Figure Debris Impact Test Layout

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4.2.6 Current Test Requirements

A perimeter barrier shall be capable of withstanding forces created by a 7.0 ft/s (2.1 m/s) current. The
leakage rate shall not exceed 0.25 gallons per minute per foot length (3.10 liters per minute per meter
length), where the barrier’s length is measured along the center point of the barrier’s seal to the

In addition, the permanent deflection of the barrier shall be less than or equal to 6 in. (15 cm), as
measured from the horizontal and vertical center of each wall. Tests/Verification

Testing shall be conducted at a water height of 66.7 percent h ± 0.5 in (13 mm), where h is the
manufacturer’s specified maximum water depth of the barrier. A minimum channel width of 6 in.
(15 cm) should be created for the water flow. Current shall be applied parallel to the face of the
barrier. The water velocity shall be slowly increased to 7.0 ft/s (2.1 m/s) [~5.0 mph (8.0 km/h)] and
then maintained steady for 1 hour.

The water velocity shall be measured at 50 percent of the water depth approximately 6 in. (15 cm)
from the front face of the barrier, and the horizontal midpoint of the section of barrier exposed to the
current; or 1/2 the distance from the barrier to the wall, which ever is less.

Measure the leakage rate for the duration of the test at intervals no greater than 15 minutes.

At the completion of the test, measure the barrier’s deflection from the horizontal and vertical center
of each wall (three locations). Additional locations (up to 6 total) shall be required if deemed
appropriate for the design of the barrier.

4.3 Performance Testing for Opening Barriers

The performance testing of opening barriers has been designed to simulate quasi-static riverine flood conditions, i.e.
slow rising and receding floodwaters with minimal wave exposure and blunt debris impact. All tests in this section must
be completed in sequence as shown in Table 4.3, with the same test sample.

Table 4.3 Opening Flood Barrier Performance Tests

Test Description Condition* Duration
Deployment N/A Per Manufacturer’s Specifications
Hydrostatic Load 100 percent x h ± 0.25 in (0.6 cm) 22 hr
Redeploy Disassemble and redeploy Per Manufacturer’s Specifications
Dynamic Impact Load Impact at weakest point of barrier N/A
Post Hydrostatic Load 100 percent x h ± 0.25 in (0.6 cm) 1 hr
Redeploy Disassemble and redeploy Per Manufacturer’s Specifications
Impact at the barrier connection to the supporting
Dynamic Impact Load N/A
Post Hydrostatic Load 100 percent x h ± 0.25 in (0.6 cm) 1 hr
* The manufacturer’s specified maximum water depth for the barrier is defined as “h.”

The tests shall be conducted with a test enclosure which is capable of retaining water for at least 22 hours at the
manufacturer’s specified maximum water depth for the barrier. The length of the test enclosure must accommodate all
the requirements for each of the performance tests.

Major and minor repairs to the opening barrier during the performance test series are only allowed at the discretion of
FM Approvals. If minor repairs are conducted then only a maximum of three minor repair shall be allowed. In addition,

FM Approvals 30
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each minor repair may require adjustments to the barrier’s Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual.
Any major repair may require retesting of the entire performance test series and/or additional testing. No repairs shall be
allowed that can put facility personnel into harms way.

4.3.1 Pre-installation Requirements

The barrier’s Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual shall be verified for accuracy
and completeness of the pre-installation procedure and/or requirements.

When the manual indicates multiple pre-installation options, the performance test series shall be
conducted on all desired opening barrier pre-installations (i.e. externally mounted to a structure,
internally mounted to a structure, door jamb mounting, etc). Tests/Verification

Verify that the barrier’s manual accurately details all applicable pre-installations of the barrier to the
test enclosure(s).

4.3.2 Deployment Requirements

The barrier’s Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual shall be verified for accuracy
and completeness of the deployment process. The manual shall include at a minimum; Material, Tools, and Equipment Required

The manual shall include a list of all the materials, tools, and equipment used during the
deployment of the barrier. In addition, the manual shall indicate if the materials, tools
and/or equipment are supplied with the barrier. Person-Power Requirements

The manual shall include the number of personal used to deploy the barrier. Deployment Time

The measured deployment time shall be equal to or less than the time listed in the manual.
The deployment time shall be measured in terms of personnel requirements and total man-
hours. Deployment Procedure

The manual shall clearly detail the steps for how to deploy the barrier. The procedure shall
comply with all of the requirements of Section Additional Deployment Requirements

The manual shall adequately detail any of the following deployment requirements if
identified by the manufacturer and/or preformed during the deployment test process:

 Foundation requirements
 Special construction considerations
 Application limitations
 What to do if damage should occur during deployment

FM Approvals 31
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Document the deployment of the barrier with a video camera while simultaneously reviewing the
Design, Installation, and Operation, and Maintenance Manual. At the completion of the deployment,
compare the video recording to the manual to assure that all of the requirements listed in Section have been properly documented. The manual must be corrected of any inaccuracies and/or
missing information.

In addition, the barrier shall be removed or opened (as applicable) and evaluated for wear or damage
after each of the Hydrostatic Loads tests, as shown in Table 4.3. The barrier shall then be re-deployed
in accordance with Section 4.3.2 before the start of the next test in the sequence. For automatic type
barriers, the deployment test shall be conducted at the beginning of the Hydrostatic Load Tests during
the filling process of the test apparatus.

4.3.3 Hydrostatic Load Test Requirements

An opening barrier shall be capable of withstanding the hydrostatic loads created by quasi-static
floodwaters. The leakage rate shall not exceed 0.08 gallons per hour per linear foot (1 L/h/m) of
protected opening over any 15-minute period, where the linear foot of protected opening is the length
of the opening width (measured from barrier seal-to-seal) plus two times the water depth. Tests/Verification

Fill the wet-side of the test apparatus to 100 percent x h ± 0.25 in (0.6 cm), where h is the
manufacturer specified maximum water depth for the barrier.

Maintain the desired water level for a minimum of 22 hours. Measure the leakage rate over 15 minute
intervals until the leakage rate has either stopped or stabilized. If neither has occurred than measure
the leakage rate at the following increments, at a minimum;

 15min
 30 min
 45min
 1 hour
 22 hours

The Hydrostatic Load Test shall be repeated as a post test to each Dynamic Impact Load Test as
shown in Table 4.3. The duration of the post tests shall be 1 hour.

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4.3.4 Dynamic Impact Load Test Requirements

An opening barrier shall be capable of withstanding two impacts of 600J each from a rigid falling
object simulating floating debris. The maximum amount of permanent deflection from the impacts
shall be less than L/120 but not greater than 1 inch (25 mm), where L is the linear span of the opening
measured in inches (millimeters). In addition, permanent dents at the point of impact shall not impair
the functionality of the barrier. Tests/Verification

Drain the wet-side of the test apparatus before conducting the test.

The impact object shall be a piece of saw-cut log with a diameter of 12 in (30.5 cm) and a density
similar to wet southern pine [30 lb/ft3 (48 kg/m3)]. One end of the log shall have a straight
perpendicular cut and the other shall be cut at an angle of 15 degrees off-center with no round edges.
The straight cut end of the log shall be attached to a steel block so that the total mass of object is
110 lbs (50 kg). A similar impact object can be substituted at the discretion of FM Approvals as long
as the trajectory of impact and impact energy criteria are met.

The first impact location shall be the predetermined weak point of the barrier panel, the horizontal
center point of the barrier at 80 percent x h, where h is the manufacturer’s specified maximum water
depth of the barrier.

The second location shall be as close to the barrier perimeter as possible, at roughly the same height as
the first impact. This location is intended to evaluate the barrier connection to the supporting structure.
Additional impact locations on the barrier panel or frame may be included as deemed necessary by FM
Approvals (e.g. hinges, plastic parts, etc.).

The impact to the barrier shall be such that the leading edge of the impacting object hits the
predetermined location on the barrier. Figure 4.3.4 contains a suggested layout for this test.

Figure 4.3.4 Impact Test Layout

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Impact the barrier by lifting the object to a height of 4 ft (1.22 m) above the point of impact. Then drop the
object so that it falls under gravitational acceleration, through a circular trajectory, and impacts the barrier in
the horizontal position. The impact force E (600J), calculated as potential energy, is determined by the length of
trajectory and weight of the impacting object:

E = mgh

where, m is the mass of the impacting object (110 lb or 50 kg), g is gravitational acceleration (32.2 ft/s2 or
9.81 m/s2), and h is the height through which the impacting object falls (i.e. 4 ft or 1.22 m).

Measure the permanent deflection after each impact and verify that any permanent dents at the point of impact
did not impair the functionality of the barrier. Permanent deflection is measured from the original location of
the barrier along its base where it forms the seal, on the riverside of the barrier.

4.4 Testing for Backwater Valves

4.4.1 Examination Requirements

Backwater valves shall conform to the manufacturer’s drawings and specifications and to Approval
requirements. Test/Verification

A backwater valve representative of the manufacturer’s final production equipment shall be examined
and compared to drawings and engineering specifications. It shall be verified that the representative
sample conforms to the physical and structural requirements described in Section 3, General

4.4.2 Water Flow Requirements

The opening through a backwater valve shall permit the passage of a cylinder 12 in. (305 mm) long
and a diameter as follows:

Nominal Diameter of
Size Cylinder
Inches Inches (mm)
1.5 0.75 (19)
2 1.00 (25)
3 1.50 (38)
4 2.00 (51)
6 3.00 (76)
8 4.00 (102) Tests/Verification

The test cylinder as indicated in section shall pass through the backwater valve to the point
where the valve body has an integral quarter bend on the outlet or assembled in a floor drain.

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4.4.3 Watertightness Requirements

A backwater valve shall not exceed the water leakage rate as described in section when
exposed to a range of water pressures. Tests/Verification

The valve shall be positioned in its normal operating position as prescribed by the manufacturer. A
water source capable of maintaining a 5 psi (34 kPa) hydrostatic pressure shall be affixed to the outlet
of the backwater valve. The water pressure shall be increased to 5 psi (34 kPa) in the following four
Psi (kPa)
0.25 (1.7)
0.50 (3.4)
1.0 (6.9)
5.0 (34.5)

The pressure shall be maintained at each step for 10 min. ±15 sec. During each test period, any water
that is emitted from the entrance side of the fitting shall be collected, measured, and recorded. The
water leakage shall not exceed the following:

Nominal Volume of
Size, Collected Water,
Inches Fl oz (mL)
1.5 5.5 (163)
2 9.5 (281)
3 21.5 (636)
4 38.5 (1,139)
6 87.0 (2,573)
8 153.0 (4,525)

4.5 Testing for Flood Abatement Pumps

4.5.1 Examination Requirements

Flood Abatement Pumps shall conform to the manufacturer’s drawings and specifications and to the
Approval requirements. Test/Verification

A pump representative of the manufacturer’s final production equipment shall be examined and
compared to drawings and engineering specifications. It shall be verified that the representative
sample conforms to the physical and structural requirements described in Section 3, General

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4.5.2 Clearance/ Interference Requirements

A pump shall conform to the manufacturer’s clearance and/or interference specifications. Tests/Verification

A sample pump, with no power, shall be capable of passing a stainless steel ball from the discharge of
the pump to the water inlet. The size of the stainless stain ball must be equal to, or greater then, the
clearance specifications listed by the manufacturer. The pump shall be rotated from its intended
installation position to pass the ball though the pump but only if the rotation of the pump does not
increase the clearance of any opening or passageway.

4.5.3 Performance Requirements

The pump shall develop its rated pressure when delivering its rated capacity as specified by the
manufacturer. Tests/Verification

A sample pump shall be operated at various flow rates to verify the manufacturer’s characteristic
curve. A minimum of three flow readings shall be taken; one flow reading should be as close to the
rated capacity as possible, while the other two flow readings should be at about 20 percent above and
20 percent below the rated capacity. At each flow rate, the total discharge head, total suction head, and
power required shall be measured.

Note: Pumps with a set impeller diameter and operating speed may use a more simplistic test program
to confirm that the rated point is met.

4.5.4 Endurance Test Requirements

A pump shall be capable of continuous operation for 336 hours at it’s rated capacity without excessive
vibration, loosening of parts (fasteners, etc.), visible distortion of the baseplate, excessive generation
of heat in the bearings, or rubbing of the rotor. Tests/Verification

A sample pump shall be operated continuously for 336 hours at its rated capacity. No loose parts,
distortion, overheating, or degradation of performance shall be allowed. Following the test, the pump
shall be disassembled and examined for signs of rubbing.

4.5.5 Hydrostatic Strength Requirements

A pump shall withstand an exposure to a hydrostatic test. The pump shall not rupture, crack, or exhibit
permanent distortion of any component of the pump. For pumps with mechanical seals, no leakage
shall be detected. For pumps with stuffing box packing, no leakage shall be detected with the
exception of the stuffing box packaging.

FM Approvals 36
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A sample pump shall be hydrostatically tested for 5 minutes at a pressure equal to, or greater than,
twice the maximum shutoff pressure (2 x Pmax), where Pmax is is the maximum shutoff pressure
specified by the pump manufacturer. No rupture, cracking or permanent distortion shall be observed.

4.5.6 On/Off Switch Durability - Cycling Requirements

The on/off switch of a flood abatement pump, under full electrical load, shall not show excessive
wear or damage after 1000 cycles of operations. Tests/Verification

The on/off switch assembly of a flood abatement pump shall be cycled 1000 times through its full
range of travel. After testing, all parts of the assembly shall be visually inspected. No excessive wear
or damage shall be observed.

4.5.7 Voltage Variation Requirements

Electrically operated motors used in a flood abatement pump shall operate properly at ±15 percent of
the rated voltage specified by the manufacturer. The pump shall display no hesitation, partial
operation, or other failures to operate properly. Tests/Verification

The motor of a flood abatement pump shall be supplied with minus 15 percent of the rated voltage for
a period of 2 minutes. The pump shall display no hesitation, partial operation, or other failures to
operate properly. The test shall then be repeated with a supply of plus 15 percent of the rated voltage
to the motor.

4.5.8 Dielectric Withstand Requirements

Electrically operated motors used in a flood abatement pump shall withstand an applied voltage
between all terminals provided for external connections and ground, as well as between all
combinations of individual connections. There shall be no breakdown of the insulation between the
test points. The motor and pump shall continue to function normally subsequent to this test. Tests/Verification

For a motor with a rated voltage not exceeding 90 V, the test voltage shall be equal to 500 V. For all
other devices, the test voltage shall be calculated as 1000 V plus two times the rated voltage of the
circuit. The required voltage shall be applied between each terminal and ground, and between all
individual terminals. The voltage shall be increased steadily to the specified value in a period of not
less the 10 seconds, and maintained for a minimum of 60 seconds.

4.6 Additional Tests

Additional tests may be required, depending on design features, results of any tests, material application, or to verify the
integrity and reliability of the flood abatement equipment barriers, at the discretion of FM Approvals.

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Unexplainable failures shall not be permitted. A re-test shall only be acceptable at the discretion of FM Approvals and
with adequate technical justification of the conditions and reasons for failure.

A quality control program is required to assure that subsequent production of flood abatement equipment systems
produced by the manufacturer at an authorized location shall present the same quality and reliability as the specific flood
abatement equipment system examined. Design quality, conformance to design, and performance are the areas of
primary concern. Design quality is determined during the Approval examination and tests, and is covered in the
Approval Report. Conformance to design is verified by control of quality and is covered in the Surveillance Audit.
Quality of performance is determined by field performances and by periodic re-examination and testing.

5.1 Demonstrated Quality Control Program

5.1.1 Quality Assurance Program

The manufacturer shall demonstrate a quality assurance program which specifies controls for at least the
following areas:

• Existence of corporate quality assurance guidelines

• Incoming quality assurance, including testing
• In-process quality assurance, including testing; (if applicable)
• Final inspection and tests
• Equipment calibration
• Drawing and change control
• Product labeling
• Packaging and shipping
• Handling and disposition of non-conformance materials

5.1.2 Documentation/Manual

There shall be an authoritative collection of quality procedures and policies. Such documentation shall provide
an accurate description of the quality management system while serving as a permanent reference for
implementation and maintenance of that system. The system should require that sufficient records are
maintained to demonstrate achievement of the required quality and verify operation of the quality system.

5.1.3 Records

To assure adequate traceability of materials and products, the manufacturer shall maintain a record of all
quality assurance tests performed and shall maintain this record for a minimum period of two years from the
date of manufacture.

5.1.4 Drawing and Change Control

The manufacturer shall establish a system of product configuration control that shall allow no unauthorized
changes to the product. Changes to critical documents, identified in the Approval Report, must be reported to,
and authorized by, FM Approvals prior to implementation for production.

The manufacturer shall assign an appropriate person or group to be responsible for reporting proposed changes
to FM Approved or Listed products to FM Approvals before implementation. The manufacturer shall notify
FM Approvals of changes in the product or of persons responsible for keeping FM Approvals advised by means

FM Approvals 38
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of FM Approvals Form 797, Approved Product Revision Report or Address/Contact Change Notice. Records
of all revisions to all Approved products shall be maintained.

5.2 Surveillance Audit Program

5.2.1 An audit of the manufacturing facility is part of the Approval investigation to verify implementation of the
quality assurance program. Its purpose is to determine that the manufacturer's equipment, procedures, and
quality program are maintained to ensure a uniform product consistent with that which was tested and FM

5.2.2 Surveillance audits shall be conducted by FM Approvals or its representatives, quarterly, annually, or more
frequently dependent on jurisdictional requirements.

5.2.3 FM Approved products or services shall be produced or provided at, or from, the location(s) audited by FM
Approvals and as specified in the Approval Report. Manufacture of products bearing the FM Approvals
Certification Mark is not permitted at any other location without prior written authorization by FM Approvals.

5.3 Installation Inspections

Field installation inspections may be conducted to review an installation. The inspections are conducted to assess ease of
application, and conformance to written specifications. When more than one application technique is used, one or all
may be inspected at the sole discretion of FM Approvals.

5.4 Manufacturer's Responsibilities

5.4.1 The manufacturer shall notify FM Approvals of changes in product construction, design, components, raw
materials, physical characteristics, coatings, component formulation or quality assurance procedures prior to
implementation of such changes.

5.4.2 Where all or part of the quality control has been subcontracted, the manufacturer shall, at a minimum, conduct
sufficient oversight audits to verify the continued application of the required controls.

5.4.3 The manufacturer shall provide complete instructions for the usage of systems. The instructions shall provide
specific quality assurance procedures on the usage of calibrated equipment, such as scales, pressure gauges, and
other necessary critical equipment.

5.4.4 The manufacturer, or assigned representative shall perform a documented system acceptance check and
operational test in accordance with the manufacturers “Design, Installation, Operation and Maintenance
Manual”. A copy of the results shall be kept on file and with the owner of the flood abatement equipment
system, at a minimum.

5.5 Manufacturing and Production Tests

5.5.1 Test Requirement No. 1 - Equipment Seat Leakage

The manufacturer shall test 100 percent of all caps, fill ports, control and relief valves for leakage when
subjected to a hydrostatic test pressure of 100 percent of the maximum system operating pressure. The pressure
shall be held for a minimum of 15 seconds with no evidence of leakage or distortion.

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5.5.2 Test Requirement No. 2 - Equipment Hydrostatic Strength

The manufacturer shall test 100 percent of water or air filled barrier equipment for hydrostatic strength to
100 percent of the maximum system operating pressure. The pressure shall be held for a minimum of
15 seconds with no evidence of body leakage or damage.

5.5.3 Test Requirement No. 3 – Pump Performance Test

The manufacturer shall test 100 percent of production pumps at various flow rates to develop the characteristic
curve. A minimum of three flow readings shall be taken; one flow reading should be as close to the rated
capacity as possible, while the other two flow readings should be at about 20 percent above and 20 percent
below the rated capacity. At each flow rate, the total discharge head, total suction head, and power required
shall be measured.

5.5.4 Test Requirement No. 4 – Backwater Valve Water Tightness Test

The manufacturer shall test 100 percent of production valves by positioning it in its normal operating position.
A water source capable of maintaining a 5 psi (34 kPa) hydrostatic pressure shall be affixed to the outlet of the
backwater valve.

The pressure shall be maintained at 5 psi for 10 min. ±15 sec. Water that is emitted from the entrance side of
the fitting shall be collected, measured, and recorded. The water leakage shall not exceed the following:

Nominal Volume of
Size, Collected Water,
Inches Fl oz (mL)
1.5 5.5 (163)
2 9.5 (281)
3 21.5 (636)
4 38.5 (1,139)
6 87.0 (2,573)
8 153.0 (4,525)

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APPENDIX A: Units of Measurement

FLOW: gal/min - “gallon per minute”; (L/min - “liters per minute”)
L/min = gal/min x 3.7854
FORCE: lbf - “pounds-force”; (N - “newtons”)
N = lb x 4.4482
LENGTH: in. - “in.”; (mm - “millimeters”)
mm = in. x 25.4
ft - “feet”; (m - “meters”)
m = ft x 0.3048
MASS: Lb - “pounds”; (kg - “kilograms”)
kg = lb x 0.454
PRESSURE: psi - “pounds per square inch”; (bar - “bars”)
bar = psi x 0.06895
psf -“pounds per square foot”; (kPa - “kilopascals”)
bar = psf x 0.00479
psi - “pounds per square inch”; (kPa - “kilopascals”)
psi = kPa x 6.8948
TEMPERATURE: °F - “degrees Fahrenheit”; (°C - “degrees Celsius”)
°C = (°F - 32) x 0.556
TORQUE/MOMENT: lbf· ft - “pound-force foot”; (N· m - “newton meters”)
N· m = lbf· ft x 1.356
VACUUM: inHg - “in. of mercury”; psi - “pounds per square inch”; (kPa - “kilopascals”)
psi = inHg x 0.4912
kPa = inHg x 3.3864
VOLUME: gal - “gallons”; (L - “liters”)
L = gal x 3.7854
Fl oz - “fluid ounces”; (mL - “milliliters”)
FL oz = mL x 29.57
VOLUME PER UNIT gal/min/ft2 - “gallons per minute per square feet”
AREA: (mm/min - “millimeters per minute”)
mm/min = gal/min/ft2 x 40.75
WORK: J-“Joules”; (ft·lbf –“foot-pounds force”)
J = ft·lbf x 0.7376

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APPENDIX B: Tolerances

Unless otherwise stated, the following tolerances shall apply:

Angle: ± 2°

Flow ± 3 percent of value

Frequency (Hz): ± 5 percent of value

Length: ± 5 percent of value

Volume: ± 5 percent of value

Rotation: ± 1 RPM

Pressure: ± 5 percent of value

Temperature: ± 5 percent of value

Time: + 5/- 0 seconds

+ 0.1/- 0 minutes
+ 0.1/- 0 hours
+ 0.25/- 0 days

Unless stated otherwise, all tests shall be carried out at a room (ambient) temperature of 68°F ± 18°F (20°C ± 10°C).

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2510 March 2013

APPENDIX C: FM Approvals Certification Marks

FM Approvals certifications marks are to be used only in conjunction with products or services that have been FM Approved
by FM Approvals and in adherence with usage guidelines.

Authorized by FM Approvals as a certification mark for any product that has been FM
Approved. There is no minimum size requirement for the mark, but it must be large enough to
be readily identifiable. The mark should be produced in black on a light background, or in
reverse on a dark background.

FM APPROVED mark with "C" only:

Authorized by FM Approvals as a certification mark for any product that has been evaluated
by FM Approvals in accordance with Canadian codes and standards. There is no minimum
size requirement for the mark, but it must be large enough to be readily identifiable. The mark
should be produced in black on a light background, or in reverse on a dark background.

FM APPROVED mark with "C" and "US":

Authorized by FM Approvals as a certification mark for any product that has been evaluated
by FM Approvals in accordance with US and Canadian codes and standards. There is no
minimum size requirement for the mark, but it must be large enough to be readily identifiable.
The mark should be produced in black on a light background, or in reverse on a dark

Cast-On FM APPROVALS marks:

Where reproduction of the FM APPROVED mark described above is impossible because of
production restrictions, use these modified versions of the FM APPROVED mark. There is no
minimum size requirement for the mark, but it must be large enough to be readily identifiable.

Downloadable art and other FM Approvals resources are available by visiting our Web site at

FM Approvals 43
2510 March 2013

FM Approvals Certification Marks

Usage Guidelines

 All FM Approvals certification marks are the sole  Products or services may not be marketed under
property of FM Approvals LLC (“FM Approvals”) any mark or name similar to “FM Global,” “FM
and are registered or the subject of applications for Approvals” or any of the FM Approvals
registration in the United States and many other certification marks. Further, products or services
countries. They are for use only according to these may not be marketed to imply a relationship
guidelines. beyond the scope of any Approval made by FM
 FM Approvals certification marks may be used Approvals.
only on FM Approved products and related  When an FM Approvals certification mark is used
product packaging, in advertising material, in advertising material or on product packaging,
catalogs and news releases. Use of FM Approvals all material must reflect the specific circumstances
certification marks on such material is not a under which the product was FM Approved. The
substitute for use of the complete FM Approvals material must clearly differentiate between
certification mark on FM Approved products products that are FM Approved and those that are
and/or product packaging. not, and may not, in any way, imply a more
 No FM Approvals certification mark or aspect substantial relationship with FM Approvals.
thereof may be incorporated as part of a business  A company may not reference the intent to submit
name, Internet domain name, or brand a product for Approval or the expectation that a
name/trademark for products/product lines. This company will have a certain product FM
includes both design aspects (the FM Approvals Approved in the future. For example, a company
“diamond,” etc.) and word aspects (“FM,” may not state, “Approval by FM Approvals
“Approved,” etc.). The use of any FM Approvals pending” or “Approval by FM Approvals applied
certification mark as a trademark is strictly for.”
prohibited.  FM Approvals certification marks should not be
 The Approval Standard number or class number preceded or followed by a qualifier that indicates a
may not be incorporated as part of a business degree of certification or acceptability. For
name, Internet domain name, or brand example, “exceeds,” “first” or “only” may not be
name/trademark for products/product lines. For used to qualify any FM Approvals certification
example, a company may not say “ABC mark.
Company’s 4100 Fire Door is FM Approved”; the  Only original artwork issued by FM Approvals
proper terminology is, “ABC Company’s Fire should be used. The FM Approvals certification
Door is FM Approved per Approval Standard marks should not be altered in any way other than
4100.” to resize the artwork proportionately.
 FM Approvals certification marks, except for the Unacceptable uses of the marks include, but are
FM Approvals Quality System Registration mark, not limited to, adding/deleting wording or artwork,
may not be used on business reducing the artwork to an illegible size, animation
stationery/cards/signage because this could or distortion.
mischaracterize the relationship with FM  The text of the FM Approvals certification marks
Approvals. Additionally, these items should not may not be translated into any language other than
reference any FM Approvals certification mark. English.
 FM Approvals certification marks must appear in
a size and location that is readily identifiable, but
less prominent than the name of the owner of the
certification or the manufacturer/seller/distributor
of the certified products.

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2510 March 2013

APPENDIX D: USACE Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory Test Facility Description

Performance testing of perimeter barriers shall be conducted at the wave basin at the ERDC Coastal and Hydraulics
Laboratory, located in Vicksburg, Mississippi. The research facility consists of a 100 ft. (30.48 m) wide by 150 ft. (45.72 m)
long basin. One end of the facility contains three electric-driven piston-type wave generators, each driving a 25 ft. (7.62 m)
wide wave paddle. The three wave generators are synchronized so that they all run together as a 75 ft. (22.86 m) wide
generator. Guide vanes contain the wave train for the first 50 ft. (15.24 m) in front of the wave generators. The generators are
computer controlled and capable of producing monochromatic or spectral wave fields.

Two wing walls, 30 ft. (9.14 m) apart, are centered at the end of the basin away from the wave generators. The wing walls are
each 30 ft. (9.14 m) long then turn towards the sides of the basin for 10 ft. (3.05 m) Between the wing walls is an 8 ft. (2.44 m)
diameter by 8 ft. (2.44 m) deep sump. The sump is equipped with two 4 in. (10.2 cm) diameter pipes with float-controlled
submersible pumps and flow meters, and also two external diesel-powered pumps with 15 in. (0.38 cm) diameter intakes and
12 in. (0.31 m) diameter outfalls.

During testing of a flood-fighting product, seepage through the structure shall be collected in the sump and pumped back into
the basin via the sump pumps and 4-in diameter pipes. The diesel pumps are used during the overtopping tests to return the
water to the basin and during the current test to provide water flow.

Seepage rates through the test structures are measured by the flow meters in the 4 in. (10.2 cm) diameter pipes and also by a
laser pointing at a float in a standpipe in the sump measuring changes in water surface elevation. Several capacitance-type
wave gauges measure the changes in water surface elevation within the basin to determine the incident wave fields. Eight lasers
record any movement of the structure during testing.

A cable take-up reel has been modified to tow a log into the structure at a calibrated 5 mph (7 ft/s) (for a debris impact test. The
log trips a wire set a few in. in front of the test structure which turns off the drive motor on the take-up reel prior to impact.
Two web cams with 360-degree pan and telephoto zoom capabilities are used to record construction, testing, and disassembly
of each product. The web cams may also be used to broadcast so that the tests may be viewed in real time by anyone with web

Due to the restrictive height of the research basin walls, the height of each structure shall be limited to 4 ft (1.2 m). The layout
of the base of the barrier construction area is shown in Figure A-1. The ground surface of the wave basin is a smooth, flat, and
impervious concrete slab with little elevation changes. The water supply for performance testing shall be the available non-
potable (e.g. city water) water supply to the test facility. No purposely contaminated water shall be allowed into the facility.

The wet-side, or river-side, of the wave basin refers to the side of the basin that imposes the flood water. The dry-side of the
wave basin refers to the side protected by the temporary perimeter barrier.

Two web cams with 360-degree pan and telephoto zoom capabilities are used to record construction, testing, and disassembly
of each product. The web cams may also be used to broadcast so that the tests may be viewed in real time by anyone with web

FM Approvals 45
2510 March 2013


POOL Section Construction Base Area

SIDE 20 ft
(6.1 m)

Off Limits Area

for any part of WET
Structure SIDE 20 ft
(6.1 m)

30 ft
(9 m)
Pumping capacity needs to be
sufficient for current and overflow tests.

Figure D-1. Layout and Barrier Construction

FM Approvals 46

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