The Banner Saga Tabletop RPGseconddraft
The Banner Saga Tabletop RPGseconddraft
The Banner Saga Tabletop RPGseconddraft
Using this book
How to play
Adventures in the world
Part 1
Chapter 1: Step by Step Characters
Chapter 2: Races
Chapter 3: Classes
Chapter 4: Origins
Chapter 5: Equipment
Chapter 6: Skills and Talents
Part 2
Chapter 7: Using your Statistics
Chapter 8: Adventuring
Chapter 9: Combat
Part 3
Appendix A: Conditions
Appendix B: The Gods
Appendix C: Monsters
Character Sheet
he Banner saga roleplaying game is about
storytelling in the deadly but beautiful world of The Game Dice
the banner saga. The game is fueled by your In order to play the Banner Saga you will need a set of dice
imagination. It’s all about picturing that varl with different numbered sides. These dice can be found in
clan in metal striking his fist through a flimsy most game shops or bookstores. The dice a often written in
barricade as much as it is about imagining shorthand a d followed by a number: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 and
how you characters will react to such a scene. d20. For example a d6 is a six-sided die mostly commonly
The Banner Saga gives these tales structure by using dice found in other board games. When you need to roll a dice the
to determine the outcomes of the players actions. Does your rules will tell you how many to roll. For example if you need to
attack strike through an opponent's armor or bounce off roll 3d4 +2 this means that you roll three four-sided dice,
harmlessly ? Do you convince the guard you are a rich noble totalling the result and adding 2.
or does he give you a beating for lying ? Anything is possible,
however the dice make some outcomes more likely than
others. The D20
Every time you roll a D20 in the banner saga you are rolling
Using this book to use one of the 12 statistics of the game. These are
Strength, Agility, Influence, Lore, Accuracy, Awareness,
This book is split into three parts with each section covering Armor, Constitution, Willpower, Break, Exertion and
a different topic. Deflection. Every time you roll follow these simple steps.
Part 1: This section is all about the characters of the game.
The races, the classes, the origins and their tools of the trade. 1. Determine your target value. In the Banner saga you want
Most rules that are referenced in part 1 are explained in part to roll low with the target value to beat being your statistic,
2. So if you come across a keyword or phrase you do not For example if you are rolling influence to persuade a
understand consult part 2 for an explanation guard to let you into a house, you have an Influence of 15,
Part 2: This is the rules section. How to play the game, how now you roll a d20 and are trying to roll under 15. In this
combat works and what does adventuring actually involve. example you roll a 16.
Part 3: This section covers the conditions that an adventuring 2. Apply modifiers. Are you skilled at persuasion or hit
party might fall victim to. The dead gods of the world are also creatures with your axe. Features or the environment
covered in depth here. might grant you a bonus or penalty to your roll. In the
above example the player rolled a 16 with a target value of
How to Play 16 however her necklace grants her +2 to Influence rolls
thusly she reduces her die roll by 2 giving her a 14 total
The gameplay of the Banner Saga generally follows a 3 step roll.
process 3. Determine the result. With everything totalled on each
side. You compare the result to the target, in this case a
1. Your loremaster describes the environment total of 14 versus the target of 15, and determine whether
The Loremaster or (LM) tells the players where their the action succeeds or fails. In the above example the
characters are, granting them a broad look at the human success on persuading the guard to let her in...but
environment around them, such as the terrain, how many only just.
people are in the tavern or how many doors lead out of the
current room.
1. The players describe what they do
Players tell the LM what action they wish to take such as “I
want to talk to the varl in the corner” or “I wish to go hunting
for food” Some actions are easy, walking across a room for
instance should be something that doesn’t require a die roll.
However the floor might be trapped or the varl might need to
be persuaded to talk to a human. In these cases the LM often
used the results of die roll to determine the success or failure
of such an action.
1. The loremaster describes the result of these actions
Describing the results of the players options often leads
back to step 1 of this process.
Advantage and
Sometimes during an adventure a player might be granted
advantage or disadvantage on a roll due to the circumstances
surrounding it. Standing on ice whilst trying to dodge a
falling tree could result in the roll being made with
disadvantage, or swinging your hammer down upon a prone
enemy could result in advantage.
Advantage is used to represent a positive circumstance
surrounding the roll, whilst disadvantage is used to represent
the opposite.
When making a roll with advantage you roll, two d20s and
take the better or lower result of the two. For example if you
have advantage and roll a 5 and a 10. Then you would use the
5 as your rolled result. Disadvantage is the opposite, you roll
two d20s and take the higher or worse result of the two. For
example if you have disadvantage and roll a 6 and 19. Then
you would use the 19 as your rolled result.
Round Up
Whenever you are in the game and you divide a number,
always round the fraction up to the nearest whole number.
Chapter 1: Step by Step Character
Race Your Statistics
Everyone in the world of the banner saga belongs to one of Almost everything your character will do will involve one of
the three core humanoid race. These races are Human, Varl your 12 statistics which are broken up into two sections.
and Horseborn.
The race you choose is a large part of your character's Your Core Statistics are Strength, Agility, Influence,
identity either by their appearance or the natural talents that Lore, Accuracy, Awareness, Armor, Constitution and
each one of them possesses. Sometimes these talents lead Willpower.
directly into the class options for example a Human's hit and Your Secondary Statistics are Break, Exertion and
Run talent makes them excellent Landsman or archers. Deflection.
Whilst the varls Hulking frame skill makes them ideal These abilities and what each of them is used for is
warriors. You race also grants you a set of three key statistics, covered in depth in chapter 7. You generate your statistics by
which is covered in step 3. Be sure to note all of the talents, rolling the dice associated with each section for each one you
abilities and languages your race gains. roll two of the dice associated with it and take the higher
result. For example for Strength you would roll 2d20, rolling
Class a 10 and 15, you would take the better result in this case a
strength score of 15.
Every character belongs to a class. These classes cover what
combat skills and tactics that they will use in a fight. As well For your Core statistics roll a d20 for each statistic, each
as their general reputation within the world. The main feature one cannot exceed 20.
of your class being your Passive ability is what sets your class For your Secondary statistics roll a 1d10 halved for each
apart from all the others, additionally your class also grants statistic, each one cannot exceed 5.
you proficiency in certain weapons and armor. These are If your choice of race grants you a key Statistic you get to
covered later in the equipment section. Be sure to record roll an additional die and take the higher result of the three
what abilities and proficiencies your characters gains at level dice rolled. Record the result for all of your Statistics on your
1. character sheet for future reference.
Level Origin
Usually a character begins their adventure at 1st level and Everyone's story begins somewhere and your origin is where
gains levels by using the renown earnt from their adventures. yours started. What did your character do for a living, where
Record your level on your sheet and note what you gain as did they come from and where your character fit into the
your level as shown in the level table later in this chapter. larger world.
Start by giving your character a name then choose an
Proficiency Origin as detailed in Chapter 4. Flesh out your characters
back story. Why did they become a Skald ? Why did they have
Proficiency is a term used to describe your natural abilities to leave their hometown ? Work with your Lore Master to
and talents as well as the training you have undertaken. It is create an interesting character story your race and class
used when it comes to the following things. choice can have a heavy impact on your origin story, the
Weapons Criminal Varl Berserker is probably going to be treated and
Armor had a different life than the Wandering Horseborn Archer.
How proficiency relates and effects each of these elements Skills
is explained in later chapters (Consult Chapter 5 for how At first level you can choose up to six skills of your choice,
proficiency affects weapons and armor with Chapter 7 you then become proficient with these skills. What these
explaining how skill proficiency works.) skills do and how they are used are further explained in
Chapter 7.
Your character isn’t going to live long without weapons and
armor to keep them safe. All items that you can purchase are
listed in Chapter 5. Your Lore Master might wish to change
what equipment is available to your characters so consult
your loremaster before making any purchases.
The Party
Characters who work together, survive together in the world
of the Banner Saga. So talk with your other players and the
Loremaster to determine where your character fits in with
the group. Do any of your know each other ? Does your
characters goals align with anyone else's ?
As your party and your character engages on epic quests and
political negotiations. They earn what is called Renown. The
party is usually awarded 1 Renown whenever they defeat a
creature in combat, lore masters are encouraged to grant
renown for good roleplaying as well as for using their using
their social skills such as negotiating with nobles could earn
the party renown.
Renown is a group resource that is expended in order for
character to gain a level. The amount of renown needed to
level up is shown in the Renown column of the leveling table.
However Renown as stated above is a group resource and is
spent on individual characters, for example if the party of
three 1st level players has earnt 10 renown and it costs 5 to
gain a level, this means only two of them could level up with
this amount as renown is expended when it is used.
Additionally a player can only gain a level when taking an
extended rest. Resting is covered later in this book. When a
player gains a level consult the leveling table located within
each class description to determine what they receive.
A lore master may also grant individual players renown for
great roleplaying or as a reward for completing a personal
story ark, this renown would not be added to the group total
and is instead recorded for the individual in question. This
renown can be used only by that player and cannot be shared
with others.
You as players should talk with each other on who is best to
use your renown earnt and who should spend however here
are a few tips for the Loremaster on renown
You have final say on who gains a level using renown. So
feel free to exclude characters from the debate.
Don’t allow a player to be more than two levels higher
than the rest of the party. For example if a player is level 6
and the rest of the party is level 4 do not let this player
gain a level until everyone else is level 5.
Try and keep everyone within one level of each other. Let
players debate who should level but don’t allow the loudest
player run the table.
Renown also refers to your currency in the world. It is a
resource that is expended in order to purchase everything
from equipment to services. As a Loremaster encourage your
players to talk about what they wish to spend their renown
on, as it is expended when used. Spending renown is covered
in Chapter 5.
Chapter 2: Races
Racial Traits Varl
Age. This shows at what age when this race has reached The Varl are a cross-breed of man and animal, created by an
adulthood and what age they are expected to live till impatient god who wove together a twisted version the
Speed. This shows you the number of tiles a member of original Loom-mother’s creations. Varl are horned giants who
this race can move in a standard round. Travel speeds are are strong and aggressive and have the reputation of being
covered in depth in Chapter 8 and Chapter impeccable fighters. Respected as warriors, they can live to
Key Statistics: By virtue of the race, your character has a be a few hundred years old if their lives are not cut short by a
set of key statistics that reflect the common traits that the fall in battle. Despite their warlike culture, they too cultivate
race possesses. What these are for is covered in Chapter 1 families and are not without emotions, similar to their human
under statistics. counterparts, and tend to do a better job of sticking together
Racial Trait. This is a unique trait only granted to this than the humans. Their attitude towards their human allies is
race. Giving them a unique advantage over others both in somewhat condescending, believing that they are the superior
combat and in the world at large. beings, particularly when it comes to strength and fighting.
Humans Age: Varl reach adulthood at the age of about 10, they also
tend to live for centuries. As there are no female varl, they are
The humans were the original creation of the Loom-mother, a the last of their kind.
very clever and patient god who was responsible for weaving Key Statistic: As a val you are strong, hardy and able to
life into the tapestry of creation. As farmers, peasants, punch from houses with your bare hands. As such your Key
merchants, woodsman and warriors, they are the center of Statistics are Strength, Constitution and Break.
Viking culture in this world. Born out necessity due to the Hulking Frame: Your attacks deal double damage to objects
threat of the dredge, humans hold a casual alliance with the and structures. Additionally if you are subject to an effect that
Varl, tainted with the sort of mistrust that exists between any would Push or Knock you back you halve the distance you
two different races of people. would move.
Movement speed: 6 tiles
Age: Humans reach adulthood in their early teens and tend Size: you occupy a 2x2 tile.
to live for just under a century.
Key Statistic: Humans are adaptable and quick thinkers
allowing them to choose three statistics to be their Key Horseborn
Statistics. Age: Horseborn reach adulthood about the age of 15 and
Mobile. During your turn you can take your normal typically live for about 25-30 years
movement, take the attack action or a special action and then Key Statistic: Fast and nimble, the Horseborn are will
continue your movement provided you have any movement known for the deadly archers and brutal warriors. As such
remaining. your Key Statistics are Accuracy, Willpower and Deflection
Talented: You can choose two skills of your choice and gain Free Roam: Each point of willpower spent during movement
proficiency with them. allows you to move 3 tiles instead of 1.
Movement Speed: 8 tiles Movement speed: 10 tiles
Size: You occupy a 1x1 tile Size: You occupy a 1x1 tile
Chapter 3: Classes
he characters you play in the banner Saga are
those willing to take their destiny in their own
hands and strike out to face the dangers of the
world. Maybe to avenge a lost loved one or to
seek the fame and fortune they feel they
deserve. As such each character belongs to a
class. You class details how you fight and what
type of person you are. Did you receive the power to
manipulate the tapestry of creation and joined the Menders
or did your father teach you how to hunt with a bow and now
you use it to strike your enemies from afar. You class gives
you a wide variety of abilities to choose from allowing you to
make a character that is truly unique to you. The Leveling
table informs you of what abilities you gain as your progress
through the levels.
Leveling Table
Level Renown Needed Feature Rank
1st - Class Passive and First Active Ability Journeyman
2nd 5 Heroic Improvement Journeyman
3rd 10 Specialisation Journeyman
4th 15 Heroic Improvement Journeyman
5th 20 Specialisation Journeyman
My Friend Forever
I have carried you as far as I can, and I’m sorry it is here we
stop. I gently lay you against the wall of the cave, your gentle
smile as I feel the touch of your fingers, the scent of blood
upon your fingertips as I nudge your hand. The look of pain in
your eyes I have seen before and it wounds me so, you reach
out and take the arrow from my side as I am relieved of
momentary pain. I curl up by your side to give you warmth in
our last moments, I know this and so do you. Your eyes close
as you sing to me once more, the song of a young girl and her
bear. It’s getting difficult to keep my senses awake as I feel a
dullness come over me, I look up at you quiet and serene as
my eyes grow heavier. Sleep will take me soon and we shall
hunt again once more, I hear your singing in my dreams.
Proficiencies Active Ability: Trip Attack
Weapon Proficiencies: Spear, longsword, battleaxe, As an action your animal companion can expend 2 willpower
warhammer, Shortbow, Sling, Javelin and goes for your foes legs. It makes a melee break attack
Armor Proficiencies: Light armor, medium, buckler, against an adjacent creature. On a successful hit the creature
warshield. is knocked Prone.
Renown as Currency
The renown your party gains whilst traveling through the
world whether by slaying dredge and bandits or navigating
the political struggles of the jarls can be spent on gaining new
equipment. Renown is expended in the same way when
buying items or services as it is when gaining a level, and it is
encouraged that the party discuss what to spend their
renown. Additionally many merchants or caravan masters
may ask for work in return for their services, such as working
as guards for a shipment that is traveling across the country.
Either way players will have to manage their renown between
buying supplies, items and gaining levels.
This is the value that represents how hard you are to hit.
With lightweight armors allowing their wearer to avoid blows
better but suffer when finally struck. This increase to
deflection is added to your deflection statistic and can allow
your to raise the value past its set maximum, for example if a
character with 5 deflection equips a war shield then their
deflection would be increased to 7. How deflection is used is
covered in detail in Chapter 9.
Armor Value
This acts as damage reduction by representing how good
your armor is at taking the brunt of attacks aimed at you.
How Armor is used is covered in detail in Chapter 9.
The most common shields fall into three groups; Buckler,
War and Tower. Shields grant their wielder a bonus to both
deflection and armor but occupy one hand. Wielding a shield
you are not proficient with causes your movement speed to
be halved. The buckler is unique in that it is designed to allow
people to use a two-handed weapon at the same time.
Light Armor Shields
Padded. Padded armor usually consists of layered textiles Buckler. A small circular shield often made of a single sheet
and leather. of metal, with a strip of leather on the inside allowing the
Leather. The breastplate of leather armor was made of users to wear the shield around the back of their hand but
boiled leather along with the vambraces. The rest of the keep their fingers free, this shield is often favored by
armor usually consists of a soft wool undershirt allowing the spearmen.
armor to remaining flexible but tough. War Shield. This large shield is often crafted out of hardened
Studded. Constructed in a similar fashion to leather armor wood with a series of metal bolts riveting a metal sheet
except with the addition of small metal plates usually riveted around the outer edge which re-enforces the whole shield
into the leather. allowing it to remain study in a battle and yet easier to make
and repair.
Tower Shield. Often made of a thick oak with strips of metal
Medium covering its front, this large square shield is designed to cover
Hide. This type of armor is often crudely made from thick almost all of the user's body.
animal furs and hides, often worn by tribes who often don't
have access to the equipment needed to fashion more Equipping and removing armor
modern armors. Getting in and out of armor is not a quick task and often takes
Chain Shirt. This armor is often worn over thick woolen the same amount of time to put on as it does to take off, due
undershirts or softer leathers and is constructed of to this task most travellers usually sleep in their armor when
interlocking metal rings. in the wilderness as most armor are designed to allow users
Breastplate. This armor is constructed of a fitted metal plate to sleep in it with a small amount of discomfort. Though in
that covers the wearer's torso, often worn with a set of metal towns and cities many chose to wear lighter armors as many
vambraces. This armor is worn over a combination of soft inns don’t allow its patrons to wear full armor.
wool and leather.
Half Plate. This armor is made of a series of metal plates Equiping Time
that cover most of the user's upper body, However the legs Light Armor. Equip: 1 minute Remove: 1 minute.
are usually left unprotected with the exception of greaves Medium Armor. Equip: 5 minutes Remove: 1 minute.
allowing. The armor is attached over leather padding with Heavy Armor. Equip: 10 minutes Remove: 5 minutes.
additional leather straps. Shield. Equip: 1 action Remove: 1 action.
Heavy Armor
Type Renown Cost Bonus
Ring Mail. Often constructed with leather armor as a base
with large metal rings woven into the leather itself. This is Light
usually considered the cheaper alternative for Chain Mail. Padded 1 +1 Deflection
Chain Mail. Built of heavy metal rings worn over a padded Leather 2 +2 Deflection
hard leather undershirt designed to cushion the impact of
attacks. Studded 3 +3 Deflection
Splint. With a flexible set of chain mail to protect the joints. Medium
This armor is made of strips of heavy metal plates riveted into
a base leather armor. Hide 4 +2 Armor
Plate. Plate often referred to as Plate Mail consists of sheets Chain Shirt 5 +3 Armor
of shaped, interconnected metal plates that cover most of the Breastplate 6 +4 Armor
user's body. It often includes a helmet with a visor, a series of
leather straps allow for the extreme weight of the metal to be Half Plate 7 +5 Armor
evenly distributed, whilst still allowing some degree of Heavy
movement. Ring Mail 15 +6 Armor
Chain Mail 17 +8 Armor
Splint 18 +10 Armor
Plate 20 +12 Armor
Buckler 5 +1 Deflection and Armor
War Shield 7 +2 Deflection and Armor
Tower Shield 10 +3 Deflection and Armor
Weapons Properties
What weapons you can wield and use effectively in battle is Ammunition. Weapons that require ammunition can only be
often determined by your class. Do you prefer to fight with a used when you have the appropriate ammunition. An arrow
battleaxe or with a shortbow, understanding which weapon for a bow or a rock for a sling for example. Drawing a piece of
allows you to be the most effective is the difference between ammunition from its quiver is done as part of the attack. After
life and death in the world of the banner saga. a battle has concluded if you spend 1 minute searching the
The table of weapons shows the most common types and battleground for your ammunition you can recover half of
styles of weapons that can be found in the world of the your expended ammo.
banner saga and shows how much they cost, their damage Swift. These weapons are designed to be quick and light
and their properties. These weapons are categories in two weight. Making them perfect for rapid attacks.
different ways. Thrown. A weapon with the thrown property is designed to
both function as a melee weapon and as a ranged weapon.
Melee weapons which allow you to attack anything within With a thrown weapon you can make a ranged attack which
1 tile of yourself. uses your Strength for both the attack and damage roll, with a
Ranged which allows you to make attacks against range of 2-6 tiles.
anything a distance but not against adjacent creatures. Reach. This weapon increases your attack range by 1 tile.
Adaptable. These are weapons that can be carried and
Proficiency wielded in one or two hands. As such they qualify for any
Any idiot can swing an axe but only a true warrior can cleave ability or talent that requires the use of a one handed or two
a tree with a single axe swing. When you are proficient with a handed weapon.
weapon you can attack with it with no penalty, if you make an Two-handed. This weapon whilst it can be carried in one
attack with a weapon you are not proficient with you suffer hand you must wield it in two in order to make attacks with it.
disadvantage on all attack rolls made with that weapon.
Improvising Weapons
Attack Damage Sometimes you don’t have your weapons at hand, forcing you
Strong steel cannot compensate for a weak arm. However to improvise. A chair, a tankard or a frying pan for example.
hitting someone with a hammer sure beats punching them. When wielding a improvised weapon they often can be
When you make a successful weapon attack with a melee treated as actual weapons. A broken glass is similar to that of
weapon you deal damage equal to the die shown in the a dagger, thus you Lm might treat it as such for the attack and
damage column of shown in the weapon table. damage rolls. If a weapon is unlike others such as hitting a
For example if you are wielding a dagger and make a creature with a chair, its health damage is 1d6.
successful health attack with it the target takes 1d6 health
damage. Break damage is different and is indepentant of Unarmed Attack
what weapon you wield. Whenever you make a successful
break attack the target takes break damage equal to your Occasionally you just need to punch, kick or headbutt
Break Statistic. someone. Whenever making an unarmed melee attack you
can only make a health attack. Follow the same rules as
shown in Chapter 9 for the damage of this attack deals
Health and Armor Damage damage equal to either your Strength or Agility Damage
What health and break damage does is covered in Chapter 9. Bonus. What this damage is is explained in Chapter 8.
If a weapon deals both break and health damage with the
same attack, then the break damage happens first followed Drawing and Stowing
by the health damage. As an attack goes through an
opponents armor in order to damage its wearer. Weapons
Weapons are only useful when you can wield them. On each
of your turns you can a special free action which allows you
to draw a weapon, stow and draw a new weapon or draw and
stow two weapons at the same time. However you can only
do this once per turn, if you wish to draw and stow more
weapons you must use your action.
Weapon Damage
Whenever you make a successful attack roll you deal damage
as shown in the Damage coloum of the weapons table. You
also deal additional additional damage as shown in the
Damage bonus rules.
For Thrown weapons the second value shows the damage
die for when the weapon is thrown.
For Adaptable weapons the second value shows the
damage die when the weapon is used in two hands.
Name Cost Damage Properties
Dagger 1 1d6/1d8 Swift, Thrown
Hand Axe 1 1d6/1d8 Swift, Thrown
Hammer 1 1d6/1d8 Swift, Thrown
Longsword 3 1d8/1d10 Adaptable
Battle Axe 3 1d8/1d10 Adaptable
War 3 1d8/1d10 Adaptable
Short Spear 2 1d8 Reach
Greatsword 5 1d12 Two-Handed
Great Axe 5 1d12 Two-Handed
Maul 5 1d12 Two-Handed
Long Spear 4 1d10 Two-Handed, Reach
Staff 1 1d8 Two-Handed, Reach
Shortbow 3 1d12 Two-Handed, Range (2-
10 Tiles)
Longbow 5 1d10 Two-Handed, Range (2-
15 Tiles)
Sling 2 2d4 Range (2-8 Tiles)
Javelin 2 2d6 Range (2-6 Tiles)
Traveling Gear Scale, Merchant
Whilst weapons and armor are instrumental in your survival Sealing wax
in a fight. Your war shield isn't much good if you have to use it Shovel
as firewood. Listed below are a range of items that players Signal Whistle
can purchase using their renown, in order to aid them in their Signet ring
travels. Each one of these items costs 2 renown to purchase Sap
however a Lore Master might increase or decrease the price Spikes, iron (10)
base on the location they are purchased in. Items that have Spyglass
special rules are detailed below. Tent
Abacus Torch
Ammunitions Vial
Arrows 3 renown for 10 arrows Waterskin
Slinging Stones 3 renown for 20 stones Whetstone
Backpack Antitoxin
Ballbearings A creature who drinks this removes one poison that is
Barrel currently affecting them
Bedroll Ball Bearings
Blanket As an action you can throw these small round beads in a 2x2
Block and tackle tile area adjacent to you. Any creature who walks through this
Book area must make an Agility test with a difficulty of 5, on a
Bottle,glass failure the creature falls prone. A creature can treat this area
Bucket as difficult terrain in order to avoid falling prone.
Candle (set of 6) Block and Tackle
Case, map or scroll A series of pulleys with a cable with a hook attached. It allows
Chain (10 feet) someone to lift up to 4 times the weight you could normally
Chalk (20 pieces) lift.
Climbing spike (4 spikes) Caltrops
Clothes, common
Clothes, costume As an action you can spread this small spiked tacs in a 1x1
Clothes, fine tile in a tile adjacent to you. If a creature moves through this
Clothes, traveler’s space it takes 1 point of armor damage. A creature can treat
Crowbar this tile as difficult terrain in order to avoid the damage.
Fishing tackle
Flask or tankard Climbing spikes
Hammer, forge This long narrow spikes are built to allow a creature to scale
Hammer, sledge wood or stone walls with ease. As such when using these
Hourglass climbing costs you no additional movement.
Hunter Trap
Jug or Pitcher
Ladder (10 foot) Crowbar
Lock You gain advantage on Strength tests to break open objects
Magnifying glass such as a door or chest whilst using this item.
Mirror, steel Quiver
Oil (flask)
Paper (one sheet), Quill, Ink (1 ounce bottle) A simple quiver often made of hardened leather. It can hold
Parchment (one sheet), Quill, Ink (1 ounce bottle) 20 arrows.
Perfume (vial)
Pick, miners Lock
Pole (10 foot) A simple padlock with a key. The lock can be successful
Pot, iron broken with a Strength test with a difficulty of 5, or picketed
Pouch with a Agility test with a difficulty of 3.
Rations (1 day)
Rope, hempen (50 feet)
Rope, silk (50 feet)
A set of metal restraints designed to restrain a creature.
Manacles can be broken or slipped out of with a successful
Strength or Agility test with a difficulty of 6 respectively. The
manacles come with one key, however the lock can be picked
with an Agility test with a difficulty of 3.
A small clay flask that contains a pint of oil. As an action you
can splash a tile either occupied or not with the contents of
the flask. On a successful hit, treating the flask as an
improvised weapon, the flask shatters on impact covering the
creature or tile with the oil. For the next minute if the
creature takes any fire damage such as via slag and burn, the
damage is doubled. If placed on an unoccupied tile and lit the
oil burns for 3 rounds and deals one point of health and
armor damage to any creature who moves through or ends its
turn on the tile.
A Pouch can hold up to 15 slinging stones or a range of other
smaller items.
A collection of dried meat and nuts designed to be taken on
long journey. One ration can feed a single creature for one
days of travel.
A single tent that can hold two people or a single varl.
A collection of flint and steel that allows you to light fires with
ease such as lighting torches or starting a campfire.
A torch made of simple wood often covered in a pitch soaked
rag. Once lit the torch remains ignited for 1 hour and radiates
light in a 5 tiles radius around you.
A small bag made of soft leather, that can hold up to a pint of
Chapter 6: Talents
alents represent an area of skill that your Bardic Tale
character has chosen to specialise in. It is a
manifestation of training, study and You gain the following benefits
experience. When you gain a heroic You gain proficiency in the Performance skill. If you are
improvement when you gain a level you can already proficient in this skill if you roll a 20 when roll a
choose to forgo gaining any hero points and skill test you can choose to reroll, however you must take
instead choose to learn a talent. You cannot the second roll.
take a talent more than once unless the talent specifies that You can receive free lodging for you and up to 6 allies in
you can. some establishments provided that you perform each
Art of the Menders night.
You can perfectly recall anything you have seen or heard
Your study of the great tapestry and those who can in the past month.
manipulate it grants you the following benefits
You gain proficiency in Knowledge Weaving. If you are
already proficient in this skill if you roll a 20 when roll a You gain the following benefits
skill test you can choose to reroll, however you must take Your attacks deal double damage to objects and
the second roll. structures.
You gain advantage on medicine checks to stabilize dying You can use your unarmed attacks to make break attacks.
creatures. Instead of your Influence you can instead use your
You gain replace one active ability of your choice with the Strength Statistic whenever you attempt to Intimidate a
Menders “Mend” ability. creature.
Art of Warfare Wanderer
Your study of history allows you to flawless recall battle plans You gain the following benefits
and ambush tactics. You gain the following benefits
You gain proficiency in three knowledge skills of your
You gain proficiency in knowledge History. If you are choice
already proficient in this skill if you roll a 20 when roll a You cannot get lost except by magic means.
skill test you can choose to reroll, however you must take You can perfectly recall any path you have travelled
the second roll.
You cannot be surprised whilst conscious Danger Sense
If you spend 1 uninterrupted minute studying a creature. You gain the following benefits
You can learn if four of the following character statistics of
your choice are equal, weaker or surpass yours; You gain proficiency in the Perception and Investigation
Strength skills. If you are already proficient in this skill if you roll a
Agility 20 when roll a skill test you can choose to reroll, however
Influence you must take the second roll.
Lore You gain advantage on Investigation checks to search for
Accuracy traps and other hazards.
Awareness You no longer suffer the effects on your vision such as
Armor being in Shrouded or Densely Shrouded areas.
Constitution Additionally you can see in the dark up to a range of 10
Willpower tiles.
Exertion Influential
Deflection You gain proficiency in the Deception, Persuasion and
Intimidation skills
If you spend 1 uninterrupted minute having an
conversation with a creature. You gain advantage on
Persuasion tests against that creature for the next 24
Creatures have Disadvantage on Insight tests to
determine if you are lying to them
You gain the following benefits
You gain proficiency in the stealth, Tracking and Sleight of
hand Skills.
You have advantage on attack rolls against any creature
that is suprised by you.
Whenever you are making a Dodge, Sleight of hand,
Stealth or Tracking test you can use your reaction to
expend 1 willpower in order to gain advantage on the roll.
The gods may be dead, but only luck can explain some of your
Whenever yourself or a creature you can see is making an
attack roll, ability test or contest you can use your reaction to
grant them either advantage or disadvantage on the roll. You
can use this feature three times, you regain all expended uses
when you complete an extended rest.
Rune Scribe
Your study of ancient runes and languages grants you the
following benefits
You gain proficiency in the Knowledge Runes and Religion
You can speak, read and write all written languages.
At the start of each day roll a d20 and record the result.
Until the next dawn you can use your reaction to replace
an attack, test or contest you or a creature you can see
makes with your recorded value.
Chapter 7: Using your Statistics
here are 12 statistics that your characters in To make an ability test you roll a d20, you apply the any
the world of the banner saga use. These are relevant penalties or bonuses and compare the result to your
used to represent all the assets and drawbacks Statistic and reduce the statistic by the difficulty penalty. If
that each hero possess. the total roll is equal or under the statistic used then the test
is a success. Otherwise it is a failure and you make no
progress or suffer a setback as determined by the LM.
Strength. Measures physical power
Agility. Measures dexterity Brona is an archer who is exploring a cave when
Influence. Measures force of personality the ceiling collapses and thus must make an Agility
Lore. Measures your retention and application of test in order to avoid the falling debris. The LM has
determined that the difficulty of the task is
knowledge medium and thus incurs a penalty of 5 and tells the
Accuracy. Measures your precision player to roll an Agility Test. Brona has an 16 Agility
Awareness. Measures your perception of your with a difficulty penalty of 5 means she must roll
environment under a 11 to succeed, after rolling the d20 she
Armor. Measures how effectively you use your armor has a total of 9 meaning she has succeed and deftly
Constitution. Measures fortitude dodges out of the way of the rocks and makes it to
Willpower. Measures your stamina safety.
Break. Measures your effectiveness against armor
Exertion. Measures endurance
Deflection. Measures your ability to dodge
The three main roles that you will be making in the banner Contests
saga are; Attack rolls, Ability tests and Contests. Each one Often a characters or monsters efforts are directly opposed to
uses one or more of these statistics. Earlier in this book we another. Such as both attempting to grab a falling item or if a
introduced the general flow of the die rolls. Roll a d20, apply dredge is attempting to push open a door with a player
penalties and bonuses, then compare to your Statistic. attempting to keep it closed. This leads to contested roles In
In this chapter we will be covering what each Statistic this case both creatures involved make an Ability test related
represents and what each one in turn can be used for whilst to the task at hand such as Agility or Strength in the
exploring the dangerous world of the banner saga. examples above.
They then compare the totals to each others with the
winner of the contest being the creature who both rolls a
Ability Tests success and lower than their opponent. If the result is a tie
An ability test tests your characters or monsters innate talent nothing changes about the situation or both creatures fail to
and skill in order to overcome a challenge. The LM can call succeed. For example in the above examples both creatures
for an Ability test when the creature takes an action that has fail to catch the item or the door remains closed.
a chance of failure. Each time a creature must make an
Ability test the LM determines which one of the core Skills
statistics that are relevant to the test and the difficulty penalty
of the task. The more difficult the task the higher the Each of the core statistics covers the wide range of skills that
difficulty penalty. your character might be proficient with. A skill is used to
represent a specific aspect of what the statistic is used for.
Difficulty Influence for example can be used to convince another
Rank Penalty creature to do something, deceive a creature, intimidate
Very Easy 1-2 another, tell if a creature is lying to you or pull of a wonderful
performance. So the skills related to influence are;
Easy 3-4 persuasion, deception, intimidation, insight and performance.
Medium 5-6 So a character who is proficient in deception is especially
Hard 7-8 talented at deceiving others. What each statistic and skill can
be used for is covered later in this Chapter.
Very Hard 9-10
Nearly Impossible 11+
The list below shows all the skills and the statistics they use.
Sleight of hand
Knowledge History
Knowledge Local
Knowledge Religion
Knowledge Nature
Knowledge Medicine
Knowledge Weaving (magic)
Knowledge Runes (languages)
Skill Proficiency
Gaining proficiency in a skill reflects both your natural skill
and practice or study in an area of expertise. A character who
gains proficiency in a skill can use their full relevant statistic
for their tests. A creature can always attempt a skill test even
if they are not proficient, for a skill in which the character is
not proficient you use half the related statistic.
Brona the Shieldmaiden has a Strength of 18 and is
attempting an Athletics test to push open a door. Since she is
proficient she must roll under 18 in order to succeed. If she
weren't proficiency then she would need to roll under a 9.
Working as a group
Often during the course of a game it might be beneficial for
characters to work together to achieve something. In this
case the character who is leading the test or who has the
higher statistic gains advantage on the test, reflecting the
help that is being provided. A character can only aid another
if the task is one that is made easier with help, such as
pushing a boulder out of the way, however some tasks such
as trying to pick a lock are made harder by multiple people
working on the task.
Using Each Ability Agility
This section explains what each statistics represents and Agility measures your dexterity, your reflexes and balance.
explains some of the main uses for each statistic. Agility Tests
An agility test can be used to reflect any attempt to nimbly,
Strength quickly, quietly or maintain your footing on solid ground.
Strength measures the raw physical power that a character Dodge, Sleight of Hand and stealth are the most common
can exert. ways that agility can be used.
Strength Tests Dodge
A Strength test can encompass any test made to push, carry, An dodge test can be used whenever a creature wishes to
lift, pull, break something, or apply brute force to the avoid a hazard such as a collapsing cave ceiling or rolling to
situation. Common examples of such Strength tests might be the side of a runaway cart.
one of the following: Sleight of hand
To break open a door Whenever a creature is attempting to remove an object such
To rip yourself free of bindings as via pickpocketing a character or place an object on a
To hang onto a charging beast creature then the LM might call for an Sleight of hand test.
To push a tree over
To stop a charging bear Stealth
An stealth test can be used if a player wants to hide from a
Athletics passing ground of dredge, pass a group of guards unseen, or
An Athletics test is used to cover a range of physical actions sneak up on a camp.
such as swimming, climbing and jumping. For example an
Athletics test can be used for the following. Agility Damage Die
Certain attacks your characters don't use your weapons
Climbing a cliff or attempting to resist someone's attempt damage instead it draws its damage from the characters
push you. natural agility. When an ability does so it will call for the use
When trying to jump over a long distance. of your Agility Damage Bonus which is based of your Agility
When trying to swim or stay afloat in rough seas. Statistic using the following table.
Strength Damage Die Agility Damage Die Table
Certain abilities you can use throughout the banner saga Agility Score Damage Die
aren't based on your weapon but draw their damage from
your own physical power. When an ability does so it will call 1-4 1d4
for the use of your Strength Damage Die which is based of 5-8 1d6
your Strength Statistics using the following table. 9-12 1d8
Strength Damage Die Table 13-16 1d10
Strength Score Damage Die
17-20 1d12
1-4 1d4
5-8 1d6
9-12 1d8
13-16 1d10
17-20 1d12
As your group explore the world they will be acquiring
countless pieces of gear and items. The amount in pounds
that a creature can carry is equal to 10 times their strength
score. Often this is high enough that most characters don't
have to worry about it.
Influence Nature
A knowledge nature test is whenever you attempt to recall
Influence is used to measure your character's charm, information about plants, terrain, herbs or animals.
eloquence and natural personality.
Influence Tests A knowledge medicine test lets you aid a wounded creature
An influence test might be called for by a LM whenever a or determine the cause and treatment for an illness.
character is attempting to convince someone of a lie, making
the right impression or attempting to negotiate. Persuasion, Weaving
Deception, Intimidation and Insight are the most common A knowledge weaving test is used when you wish to recall
ways and influence test may be used for. information about the menders, masons, witches, or the
information about the great tapestry of creation
A persuasion test is used when your characters are Runes
attempting to convince a creature or group of creatures to do A knowledge runes test is used when you wish to decipher or
what you want. A common example of this would be convince translate written languages.
a merchant to give you a discount on their wares.
A deception test can be used in order to see if you Measures your hand eye coordination and the precision of
successfully hide a lie or assure someone of the truth. Typical your eye
uses of this might be convincing a guard you are a noble or
not getting caught when lying about stealing something. Attack Rolls
Intimidation. When you attempt to influence someone's You use your accuracy whenever you make a weapon attack
actions via hostile actions or threats you can use an in combat. For the full rules on combat and attack rolls see
Intimidation test. Common uses might include threatening a Chapter 9.
prisoner with pain in order to gather information or
screaming at bandits in order to scare them away. Awareness
Insight Awareness represents you perceptiveness of your
When someone attempts to lie to you or hide their true surroundings.
intentions you can use an insight test in order to see if you Awareness Tests
can ascertain the truth. The most common type of awareness tests are those used to
Performance cover actions such as noticing a hidden clue or creature,
A performance test is used whenever a character is in playing seeing a concealed passage or following a creature's tracks.
music, telling a story, reciting a poem, acting in a play or Perception
generally trying to entertain. A perception test can be used in order to spot, hear or
otherwise detect the presence of something such as a
Lore creature, passage or object.
Lore covers you aptitude for knowledge. It involves both your Investigation
ability to remember facts and information as well as how you
apply the information you have learnt. When looking around for clues or find traps you may use an
Investigation test.
Lore Tests Tracking
A lore test can be used whenever you need to recall an The art of following a creature via its tracks is a common use
important piece of information, to apply knowledge you have of an tracking test.
learnt in your studies or to understand a complex subject.
Lore tests are generally used to encompass anytime the
players needs to use logic or apply their knowledge to a Armor
situation Measures you talent for using your armor effectively in battle.
History Taking Damage
A knowledge history test is used when you attempt to recall Whilst in combat whenever you would take health damage
information about historical events. you reduce the total amount of damage you take by a number
Local equal to your Armor value. For the full rules on combat
A knowledge local test is used when you attempt to recall consult Chapter 9.
information about local customs, culture or recent events.
A knowledge religion test is used when you attempt to recall
information about the gods or religious ceremonies and
Constitution Avoiding attacks
Constitution is used to measure your stamina, health and When a creature roles an attack roll against you the target
your vitality. Hit Points In order to calculate your hit point value they need to beat is reduced by your Deflection statistic.
maximum you use the following: For more in depth rules on deflection and how it's used see
chapter 9.
Base Hit Point Maximum = Your Constitution statistic +
Your Armor statistic.
Additionally as you gain levels your maximum hit points
increases to an amount equal to your level. As such whenever
you gain a level you gain the following:
Your Hit Point Maximum is increasd to you level.
For example a character with 10 Constitution and 10
Armor who is level 5 would have a hit point maximum of 25.
You do not add anything to these statistics for example gain
a bonus your armor statistic via an ability or piece of armor
does not grant you extra hit points.
Willpower measures your ability to keep going when all
others cannot.
Gaining and expending Willpower At the start of each day
you gain an amount of willpower equal to your Willpower
statistics. Willpower can be used in a range of ways, such as;
Expending it to increase your movement distance
Landing more devastating attacks
Using an active ability from your class
For rules detailed rules on using willpower consult Chapter
9 and for how to regain expended willpower consult Chapter
Break is used to show how effective you are against fighting
foes in armor
Attacking armor
When making an armor attack you attempt to sunder the
creature's armor. On a successful hit the creature's armor
value is reduced by your break statistic. For detailed rules on
Combat see chapter 9
Exertion measures how much willpower you can utilize in
any given situation.
Expending Willpower
Willpower is a key resource for all characters in the world of
the banner saga, however you can only use as much as your
Exertion statistic. For example if your Exertion statistic is 2
this means you can only expend 2 willpower per action.
Chapter 9 covers in depth the use of exertion in combat.
Deflection measures how effectively in combat you can use
your armor in order to avoid attacks.
Chapter 8: Adventuring
The Passage of Time Difficult Terrain
During your adventures the LM might need to determine the Whilst travelling over smooth roads or grass offers you no
amount of time actions take. The time scale that a DM might penalty to movement however walking over loose ground or
use can vary depending on the situation at hand. Navigating deep snow can slow down movement. This is referred to as
through a cavern or camp might take a matter of minutes difficult terrain, in order to move through difficult terrain it
actions such as searching for the correct tent, or finding costs 2 tiles of movement or half speed to navigate. So you
someone. In a large city or forest make take hours for the can only cover half the distance you could normally move or
players to navigate successfully, players might spend hours travel.
trying to find a hidden thieves hideout or searching for a
abandoned town in the center of a forest. Whilst travelling
long distances through the wilderness, the most appropriate Moving Stealthily
method of travel is days, travelling to the capital might take When travelling as part of a Fortified March it allows you to
them 5 days of travel. In combat your time is reliant of move stealthily. This grants you advantage on Awareness
rounds. A round is the passage of 6 seconds as described in tests to spot dangers. Additionally a Lore Master might allow
chapter 9. you to sneak up on enemies.
hose who dare to travel beyond the safety of
the major cities of this world often in search of
something: Fame, Honor or Glory. However
many are hunting for something more tangible:
Fortune. Weapons, armor and other items
whose legend have been told by skalds long
since their original owners bones have long
since turned to dust. This section details mythical items that
your characters might find or even purchase in the manner
stalls across the land.
Mythical Bonuses
Some items provided bonuses to the characters statistics,
bonuses received from different items to the same statistics
stack however they cannot increase a statistic past its
maximum as detailed in Chapter 1.
Chapter 9: Combat
Combat Your Turn
Combat in the banner saga is an epic clash between two or During your turn in combat you can move up to your
more parties. To organise such an event combat is order via movement speed and take a standard action. However in the
rounds and turns. A round is a period of 6 seconds of time banner saga taking an action ends your turn, so you choose to
during which each creature in the combat has a single turn. move and then take an action or take an action and not move.
Initiative is your score which determines the order in which
the combatants take their turns. Once each creature has Movement
taken a turn and no one is the victor then the round starts Your movement speed is noted in tiles on your character
again. sheet, this shows you the number maximum number of tiles
you can move during your turn, which each tile representing
Surprising your enemy a distance of 5 feet.
The best way to gain an advantage against an enemy is to The banner saga sacrifices realism for easier play by
surprise them such as via sneaking up on them or planning allowing diagonals to be both a single tile of movement.
an ambush. The LM will determine which side is surprised, if Additionally you cannot move through a tile that a creature
neither party is attempting to be sneaky then neither side is occupies regardless of if it is friend or foe.
surprised. Otherwise the LM will have the party make a Size
Stealth vs Perception contest with each creature that doesn't
notice the enemy is surprised during the first round. If a Creatures in the banner saga come in all different shapes and
creature is surprised then they cannot take movement, sizes the table below shows the number of tiles in width x
actions or reactions during their first turn in combat. length. Additionally objects and obstacles often have similar
Individual creatures in a party can be surprised. sizes.
Size Table
Initiative Category Tiles (Width x Length)
Initiative is used to determine the order in which characters Long 1x2
take their turns in combat. Once combat has been declared Regular 1x1
each creature consults the table below and rolls their
Initiative Die. The LM makes a single roll for the groups of Giant 2x2
allied enemies allowing them to move at the same time. The
LM then orders the combatants from lowest to highest with
the player who rolled the lowest going first, this is called the Actions in combat
order of combat in the case of a tie between two or more Attack Action
characters they then roll again with the lowest roll wins.
Whether you're swinging a sword, firing a bow or punching
Initiative Table someone with your fist making an attack follows the
Agility Score Initiative Die following structure:
17-20 1d4 1. Declare your target and what aspect you are attacking.
13-16 1d6 Pick a creature, object or tile within your range and
declare if you are making a health attack or break attack.
9-12 1d8 2. Apply bonuses and penalties. Is the creature behind
5-8 1d10 another and thus has cover, do you have advantage or
1-4 1d12 disadvantage on the attack.
3. Resolve the attack. You roll your attack and if it is a
success you roll damage.
Certain actions can only be used when triggered, this is done
by using your reaction. A reaction is an instant action that
takes place on your turn or during another creatures turn.
Once you have used your reaction you cannot use another
until the start of your next turn. If your reaction takes place
on another creatures turn, that creatures turn continues as
normal afterwards.
Attack rolls Spending Willpower
When making an attack roll against a creature you decide if Willpower is a vital resources for your characters in battle
you are targeting the creature's health or their armor. You and be spent in several ways. As detailed below
declare which you are targeting before the attack and then Expending it to increase your movement distance
follow the structure below: Landing more devastating attacks
1. Accuracy Statistic Total Using an active ability from your class
2. Enemy Deflection
3. Determining target number (Accuracy statistic - Enemy Charging
Deflection) During your movement action on your turn, you can expend
4. Roll a d20 and apply bonuses and penalties to the attack willpower allowing to move further than you normally can.
5. Compare total die roll to the target number For each point of willpower you spend you can move 2
6. If you rolled equal or under the target number the attack is additional tiles.
successful. Otherwise the attack is a failure.
Crushing Strike
Critical success or Critical failure During your turn when you take the attack action you can
When you make an attack roll and roll a 1 on the d20 roll, focus your might into your attacks. Before you roll your attack
then you land a critical hit which is an automatic hit. Note you can expend willpower to increase the critical hit range of
that rolling a critical hit outside of a one such as via an your attack by 2 for each point of willpower expended. For
increased critical hit range is not an automatic hit. The example if your critical hit range is 1-2 and you expend 3
damage rules for a critical hit are explained later in this willpower your score a critical hit on a roll of 1 to 8 on the
chapter. If you roll a 20 on the die then the roll is an d20 roll.
automatic miss regardless of any bonuses
Class Action
Health Damage Taking the class action allows you to use one of the unique
When you make a successful health attack against a creature abilities granted to you by your class. What these abilities are
you are going for the kill and much like your attack roll your and how they function is covered in each class. However
follow a similar structure. every ability costs willpower and your exertion must be high
1. Roll your Weapon damage die enough in order to use it. For example you must have at least
2. Get the targets armor value 2 exertion in order to use any ability that requires 2 willpower
3. Determine damage (damage rolled - enemy armor) and to be expended in order to use it.
total this
4. Reduce the targets hit points by the damage dealt. Swift Action
Break Damage Whilst in combat players have access to an action called the
Often in the banner saga you need to cripple a creature's Swift Action. This action is often used in conjunction with
armor in order to kill them as such you after a successful other actions as such using your swift action does not end
attack roll you deal Break damage following the below your turn. As with movement and standard actions you only
structure: gain one swift action per turn. Additionally if an ability is used
as a swift action you cannot do it as an action.
1. Your Break Statistic
2. Apply any modifiers The Limit of Exertion
3. Consult Enemy Armor value
4. Reduce the target's armor value by the break damage When expending willpower you are limited to the amount of
you can spend on a single action. The maximum amount of
Critical damage willpower you can spend on a single action is equal to your
When you score a critical hit with either a health or break Exertion Statistic. For example if your exertion statistic is 3
attack by either rolling a 1 or a number within you critical hit you can you could only move up to 6 additional tiles or
range. Then the damage you deal with this attack is doubled. increase your critical success range by 6.
Roll all dice associated with the attack, then double the value
and add any modifiers afterwards. Regaining Willpower
Ranged attack rolls
You regain willpower up to half your willpower maximum
Attacking a creature with a ranged weapon such as a bow or when you use the recover feature and you regain up to your
sling follows the exact structure as above however the range willpower maximum when you complete an extended rest.
of the weapon determines the number of tiles away that the
target of your attack can be. Additionally when making an
attack roll with a ranged weapon with a ranged weapon you
cannot attack a creature within 1 tile of you.
Three Quarters Cover
Ability Durations When behind three-quarters cover over 75% of the targets
Using an ability or under the effect that has a duration on body is hidden behind the obstruction. As such the creature
each of your following turns the duration. The ability will in cover receives a +3 bonus to their Deflection Value.
state at what stage of your turn the duration is reduced. For
example if an ability states: At the start of your turn 3 rounds Total Cover
later. At the start of each of your following turns the duration A creature behind total cover cannot be targeted by an attack
is reduced by one. or action, however attacks that cover an area such as Slag
When the duration is reduce to zero then the ability or and Burn can still affect the creature.
effect is no longer in effect. Abilities with durations do not
stack however multiple uses instead refreshes the duration. Hit points
Two Weapon Fighting Hit points are used to represent a character's physical and
mental resilience. Whilst as characters level up they become
Sometimes it's better to have two smaller weapons then one stronger getting stabbed with a knife still hurts. A character's
big one. When you take the attack action with a swift weapon current hit points are often just referred to a hit points can be
and are wielding a swift weapon in your off hand, you can any number between 0 and the character's hit point
make an attack with your off hand weapon as a swift action. If maximum as this number is altered a lot often to reflect
the swift weapon has the thrown property you can make a healing and taking damage. Whenever a creature takes
ranged attack instead. However you cannot use Crushing health damage you reduce their hit points by the damage
Strike with this off hand attacks. taken, when a character is below half their hit point
maximum they are considered Bloodied as they now have
visible and bleeding wounds..
Whenever you want to grab a creature you can take the Healing
Grapple action. The target of this must be within your
unarmed reach and you must have at least one free hand. You Unless it kills you, damage is almost never permanent. There
then try to grasp your target by making an Athletics vs their are many ways in the realm of the banner saga to regain one's
Athletics or Dodge contest. On a success you grapple the hit points. When a creature receives healing of any kind they
target and they are subject to the Grappled Condition. Whilst add the points they regain to their current total, however a
grappling a creature they move with you however your creature's hit points cannot exceed your hit point maximum
movement speed is halved. any hit points that regained after reaching your maximum are
The main ways that a grapple ends are the following: lost.
The grappler becomes unconscious
If the grappled creature is forced out of the reach of the Temporary Hit Points
grappler via any means such as being knocked or pushed Some abilities or mythical items can grant creatures a unique
back For example with Battering Ram. type of hit point, referred to as Temporary Hit Points these
The grappler releases the grapple on their turn. (No action are treated as a pool of hit points that protects your actual hit
required) points.
A grappled creature can use its action to escape by Whilst you have Temporary Hit Points whenever you take
making a Athletics or Dodge vs the grapplers Athletics health damage the temporary hit points are lost first with any
contest. On a success the target is freed. left over damage carrying over into your current hit points.
For example if you take 10 health damage and you have 5
Cover temporary hit points, you lose the temporary hit points and
When in a fight the environment can be an useful ally, hiding take 5 health damage.
behind a tree or a barricade can grant you cover. A target can Additionally since temporary hit points are separate from
only benefit from cover if the attacking creature is on the your actual hit points they can exceed your hit point
opposite side of it. There are three degrees of cover: Half, ¾ maximum thus allowing you to be at full hit points and have
and total. If a creature is behind multiple sources of cover temporary hit points. Healing cannot restore temporary hit
then then only benefit from the most protective source of points and they cannot be added together. If you have two
cover. different sources that grant you temporary hit points you
choose whether to keep the old ones or take the new ones.
Half Cover For example if you have 9 temporary hit points and an ability
When behind half cover up to half of the creature's body is grants you 5 you can choose to keep the 9 or you have 5, you
covered by the object. As such the creature in cover receives a don't get 14.
+1 bonus to their Deflection Value. You must have at least 1 hit point in order to gain
temporary hit points thus a dying creature cannot receive
them, also unless specified temporary hit points last until
they are depleted or until a character finishes an extended
When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you are either
immediately killed or you fall unconscious. As explained
Falling Unconscious
When you are reduced to 0 hit points and not killed outright.
You are unconscious (See Conditions Appendix) and are in a
state called Dying. If you regain any hit points whilst dying
you become stable and are no longer unconscious.
Knock Out
When a character reduces a creature to 0 hit points or lower
with a melee attack the character can instead choose to
knock the character out rather killing them. If they do this the
affected character is treated as unconscious but stable.
Whilst in a dying state you can survive for a number of
rounds equal to your Willpower Statistic. At the start of each
of your turns whilst in this state you reduce the number by
one, if this number reaches 0 your character dies. The
number of rounds is reset each time you are reduced to 0 hit
Saving a Dying Creature
As an action you can attempt to save an adjacent creature
who is dying, you proceed to make a Medicine Test with a
challenge of 2, on a success the creature is stabilized. A
stabilized creature is still unconscious and any damage
reverts them back to the dying state. Each time a creature is
reduced to 0 hit points it becomes harder and harder to
stabilize them, as such the Challenge of the medicine test
increases by 2 each time a creature is reduced to 0 hit points
or lower. If a creature is left in a stabilized condition without
receiving healing then they regain 1 hit point after 1 hour.
Killing Blow
When you receive damage that reduces you to 0 hit points
and there is damage remaining, you die if the remaining
damage is equal or higher than your Constitution statistic.
For example if a landsman has 3 hit points and a Constitution
statistic of 10 and takes 14 damage. Then he is reduced to 0
hit points with 11 damage remaining which is higher then his
Constitution and thus the landsman dies.
Whilst dying a creature can attempt to finish them off. The
creature can use their action to make a single weapon health
attack against the creature. On a successful hit, if the damage
dealt is higher than the dying creatures Constitution statistic
then they are killed. If not then the challenge of the medicine
test to stabilize them is increased by 1.
Appendix A: Conditions
Blinded Restrained
A blinded creature automatically fails all rolls that require A restrained creature cannot take movement actions
sight They cannot use reactions
Attack rolls against a blinded creature are made with Its deflection statistic is reduced to 0
Concussed A staggered creature cannot expend willpower
The creature suffers disadvantage on all rolls made.
Enraged Attack rolls made against a stunned creature are made
On an enraged creatures turn it must move in this most with advantage
direct method possible and take the attack action against A stunned creature cannot take movement, actions or
the creature it is enraged by. During its attack action it can reactions
only make health attacks.
Dazed You cannot take movement, actions or reactions
Attack rolls are made against this creature with advantage Its Deflection Statistic is set to 0
The creature's attack rolls are made with disadvantage The creature is also Prone (see prone condition)
Successful attack rolls against an unconscious creature
Frightened are treated as critical hits.
You cannot willing move close to the source of fear
You have disadvantage on ability tests and contests whilst
within line of sight of the source of your fear
A grapple creatures movement speed is set to 0 and they
cannot receive bonuses to it.
An invisible creature is impossible to perceive without the
aid of magic or special ability. However the location of the
creature can be determined by the noise it makes or
tracks it leaves.
Attacks against an invisible creature are made with
disadvantage, and the invisibles creature has advantage
on attack rolls.
Knocked Back
A creature who is knocked back will move the distance
until it reaches the end or collides with an object or
structure. However it will move through creatures in its
Melee attack rolls are made against a prone creature with
Ranged attack rolls are made against a prone creature
with disadvantage
A creature must use half their movement to stand up from
A creature who is pushed back will move the distance
until it reaches the end or collides with a creature, object
or structure
Appendix B: The Gods
hilst no one knows when or how there is only
one thing people truly know about the gods. Aselei
Its that they are dead. However their She is the curves of every river, a guide for those of us
godstones and the legends surrounding them traveling unfamiliar lands." The skald runs a finger over small
still stand the test of time. Listed below are the etchings in the stone. "Inscriptions from all those who were
gods in the world of the banner saga. lost, but found a way back home with her help. Some say her
stone shows the struggle of leaving the familiar to see what's
Hridvaldyr over the next hill." Aleo looks at the ropes tied around parts of
her and smiles. "Before the gods died, her stone supposedly
Hridvaldyr was the god of hunters and of wild beasts, stood tall and moved a few steps each year, so people are
occasionally seen roaming the land as both man and wolf. He always trying to make sure she stays put. Have you the
was always depicted in effigy with his terrible spear. strength to hold her or a gift with which to entice her?"
Dengir Irunx
One of the gods, Denglr was always one of the favorites Irynx was a god known as The Winter Bird. Stories tell of
amongst men. God of Good Fortune. They believed he Irynx hunting Radormyr through the summer skies and
brought luck, wealth, or whatever else you wish you had, but creating blizzards while flapping its wings in the winter.
couldn't get on your own. The word "fortune" has a lot of
meanings. Eventually you move on.
Radormyr Vez'nan is a mysterious god who belonged to an ancient
subterranean race whose culture has been mostly forgotten.
Nobody can really agree on what Radormyr looked like, as According the the Valka Zefr, Vez'nan may not actually be his
fond as he was of his own isolation. He never directly name, though the framework for his history is based upon
contacted humanity. Most think he was a serpent that lived in repeated patterns on the walls around his godstone. Though
the sun and it's not uncommon to hear speak of seeing the his attributes are mostly a mystery, what is known is that he
tail of a great creature slipping through the thin clouds on a become the most powerful of their gods by forsaking
sunny day. Radormyr was always one of the lucky gods, the everything dear to him. Therefore it can be inferred that he is
kind who people thanked for good weather, healthy livestock a god of control, power, and letting go.
and a good harvest.
Hadrborg Geirraðr is the god of wise counsel and direction who is
The little that most humans know about Hadrborg is that he accredited with all manner of discoveries and good decisions.
was a disciple of the Loom-mother, and he learned to create
under her guidance. He created a few beasts but soon
became bored with simple animals and began combining Bygglaserer
man and beast, ending up with varl. That's the myth, anyway. Bygglaerer, known as Bygglaerer the Builder is the god who
One thing is certain, each varl alive today was created by was responsible for laying the cavernous foundations of the
Hadrborg, and now the god is dead. The Varl here now are world and raising it's mountains. Due to this skill he was ever
the last ones that will ever exist. regarded by the other gods with a kind of wary respect, as
one who knows how to put things together would also know
Dundr how to take them apart.
While the Loom-mother was the first to create, she soon
found a counterpart in Dundr, who embodied her ideals in a Lauga
masculine form. Dundr took some of her creations and gave Lauga is the god of beauty and night, she is also said to be the
them beards and showed them the secrets of smithing, goddess of love as well.
though many remember him just as fondly for teaching them
games and songs of mirth.
Legend states he is the creator of the dredge.
Appendix C: Monsters
he world of the Banner Saga is not a one of
safety and warmth. A realm where only the
strongest and those willing to keep fighting
despite the odds, can survive. Detailed below
are just some of the threats in the world. Those
that stand between your party and honor, glory
and fortune.
Racial Templates
Unless specified otherwise enemies in the Banner Saga
tabletop Rpg are not limited by race, in order to utilise the
enemies presented, you must apply one of the following racial
templates to them, this grants them all of the benefits that
comes with that race. For example for the Archer enemy
could be either a human, varl or horseborn archer.
Listed under each Enemy is a list of “Promotions” for that
enemy. For example an Archer has the Bowmaster
promotion. Treat the Archer as a base class, if you want the
enemy to be more deadly or if the flavour of the enemy suits
an ability you can grant them a promotion. When promoted
they gain both the title and the abilities that it provides.
Racial Templates
Mobile: During your turn you can take your normal
movement, take the attack action or a special action and then
continue your movement provided you have any movement
Talented: You can choose two skills of your choice and gain
proficiency with it.
Movement Speed: 8 tiles.
Size: You occupy a 1x1 tile.
Hulking Frame: Your attacks deal double damage to objects
and structures. Additionally if you are subject to an effect that
would knock or push you back you halve the distance you
would move.
Size: you occupy a 2x2 tile.
Movement Speed: 6 tiles
Free Roam: Each point of willpower spent during movement
allows you to move 3 tiles instead of 1.
Movement Speed: 10 tiles
Size: You occupy a 1x1 tile
Archer Guardian
Health: 15 Active: Return Fire
Armor: Padded When an ally of the guardian is struck by a melee weapon
Initiative Die: 1d4 attack the guardian can use her reaction to expend 1
willpower to make a single range health attack against the
Stat block: attacking creature provided that they are within the range of
Strength: 3 her bow.
Agility: 17
Influence: 8
Lore: 15
Accuracy: 19
Awareness: 20
Armor: 6
Constitution: 2
Willpower: 14
Break: 2
Exertion: 2
Deflection: 4
Short Bow: Range 2-10 tiles, Damage: 1d12 +6
Passive: Puncture
Once per turn If you do not move before making an ranged
health attack you deal +1 health damage for every 2 points of
armor the target is missing.
Archer Promotions
Bow Master
Active: Birds of Prey
During the Bowmasters turn if they make a successful attack
that would trigger their Puncture passive. They can expend 1
willpower to cause the damage dealt by Puncture to instead
reduce the target's maximum hit points by an equal amount
Siege Archer
Active: Slag and Burn
As an action the Siege Archer expends 2 willpower and
chooses a tile up to 6 tiles away. They proceed to throw a bag
of flammable slag and ignite it using a flaming arrow. The
target tile and all adjacent tiles are ignited. Each creature in
this area takes 1 point of armor damage and any creature
who ends their turn or moves through an ignited tile takes 1
point of armor damage. The tiles remain ignited for three
Active: Rain of Arrows
As an action the skystriker can choose a tile within the range
of her bow. She expends 2 willpower and launches a volley of
arrows into that fall like rain upon the choose tile and all
adjacent ones causing each creature in this area to take
break damage. Additionally this area is now treated as
difficult terrain for three rounds.
Beastmaster Berserker
Health: 46 Health: 43
Armor: Hide, Warshield Armor: Padded
Initiative Die: 1d10 Initiative Die: 1d6
Stat block: Stat block:
Strength: 11 Strength: 18
Agility: 7 Agility: 15
Influence: 11 Influence: 14
Lore: 1 Lore: 3
Accuracy: 16 Accuracy: 12
Awareness: 5 Awareness: 6
Armor: 19 Armor: 12
Constitution: 10 Constitution: 17
Willpower: 13 Willpower: 14
Break: 1 Break: 4
Exertion: 2 Exertion: 5
Deflection: 4 Deflection: 6
Weapons: Weapons:
Battle Axe: Range: 1 tile, Damage: 1d8 +4 Battle Axe: Range: 1 tile, Damage: 1d8+6
Javelin: Range: 2-6, Damage: 2d6
Abilities Passive: Frenzy
Passive: War bear During the Berserkers turn if it takes the attack action it can
You have created a powerful magical bond with a bear make two attacks instead of one.
allowing you to fight side by side. Your bear has the statistics
of the Warbear (Appendix C: Monsters). During combat your
beasts turn is immediately after yours, it follows your
commands, if you don’t give it an order it defends itself to the
best of its ability.
Horde Breaker
Active: Break the Line
As an action the Horde Breaker expends 2 willpower and
commands their companion to bullrush their foes. Choose a
tile up to 8 tiles away from your animal companion. Who then
proceeds to move in a straight line towards that space, each
creature that the bear moves through is knocked prone.
Active: Follow Up
When the Tamer makes a successful break attack against a
creature, the tamers animal companion can use its reaction
to expend 1 willpower to make a health attack against the
creature provided that it is adjacent to the target.
Landsman Mason
Health: 27 Health: 23
Armor: Studded Armor: Half Plate
Initiative Die: 1d10 Initiative Die: 1d6
Stat block: Stat block:
Strength: 7 Strength: 10
Agility: 7 Agility: 13
Influence: 18 Influence: 6
Lore: 16 Lore: 18
Accuracy: 12 Accuracy: 17
Awareness: 12 Awareness: 12
Armor: 12 Armor: 19
Constitution: 7 Constitution: 5
Willpower: 5 Willpower: 18
Break: 3 Break: 2
Exertion: 3 Exertion: 3
Deflection: 6 Deflection: 5
Weapons: Weapons:
Longsword: Range: 1 tile, Damage: 1d8 Maul: Range: 1 tile, Damage: 1d12+3
Shortbow: Range: 2-10, Damage: 1d12
Abilities Passive Ability: Iron Willpower
Passive: Light Step At the end of each of your turns whilst you are not
The landsman uses their superior dexterity to move around incapacitated you regain one point of armor.
bodies, allowing them to pass through, but not stop on, any
allies spaces. Weapon Smith
Hunter Hridvaldyr
As an action the mason can spend 2 willpower and make a
Active: Hunters Mark single melee health attack against a creature. On a successful
As an action the hunter can expend 2 willpower and make a hit the creature takes an additional 1d8 health damage.
single attack against a creature with their short bow or
longsword. Until the start of the hunters next turn all of its Oracle
allies have advantage on attack rolls made against the
creature struck by the attack. Dengir
When an adjacent ally to the mason is the subject of an attack
Warden roll the mason can spend 1 willpower to cause the roll to be
made with disadvantage.
Active: Concussive Blows
As an action the warden can expend 2 willpower and make a Armor Smith
single break attack with either their longsword or short bow
on a successful hit the creature is concussed for three Hadrborg
rounds. If hit again using this ability the duration is refreshed. As an action the mason slams down into the earth and
expends 2 willpower each adjacent creature takes 3 armor
Tracker damage and is knocked back 3 tiles.
Passive: Agile attacker Blacksmith
Whenever the landsman makes a successful attack as part of
its attack action it can use its reaction to expend 1 willpower Stravhs
to take another movement action. As an action the mason expends 2 willpower and regains up
to their armor maximum.
Mender Raider
Health: 28 Health: 15
Armor: Leather Armor: Studded, Warshield
Initiative Die: 1d8 Initiative Die: 1d8
Stat block: Stat block:
Strength: 9 Strength: 11
Agility: 12 Agility: 7
Influence: 10 Influence: 8
Lore: 10 Lore: 14
Accuracy: 12 Accuracy: 19
Awareness: 8 Awareness: 3
Armor: 6 Armor: 4
Constitution: 4 Constitution: 11
Willpower: 16 Willpower: 10
Break: 1 Break: 3
Exertion: 4 Exertion: 2
Deflection: 4 Deflection: 6
Weapons Weapons:
Staff: Range: 1 tile, Damage: 1d8 Hand axe: Range: 1 tile (Thrown 2-6), Damage: 1d6+3
(Thrown 1d8)
Passive Ability: Weave
At the end of each of your turns whilst you are not Passive: ShieldWall
incapacitated you regain 1 willpower. When you end your turn adjacent to an ally you increase both
your and their armor value by 1.
As an action the mender expends 2 willpower and chooses a Backbiter
creature within 6 tiles of it. The creature regains 6 armor.
Active: Run Through
Storm Weaver As an action the raider expends 2 willpower and moves up to
3 tiles making a single melee health attack against each
Lighting Strike creature that it moves through.
As an action the mender expends 3 willpower and choose a
tile up to 6 tiles away and calls down a bolt of lightning. Each Thrasher
creature in the target tile and all adjacent ones takes Health
damage equal to half maximum willpower of the Mender. Active: Bloody Flail
This damage ignores armor. As an action the raider expends 2 willpower to unleash a
rapid flurry of attack, making a total of 3 attacks. Each attack
Rune Mage must be a health attack but they can be made against
different targets.
Runic Gale
As an action the mender expends 2 willpower and chooses a Savage
creature up to 6 tiles away, this creature restores up to their
willpower maximum Active: Guts
As an action the raider expends 2 willpower and makes a
Elementalist single melee break attack against an adjacent foe. On a
successful hit the target takes break damage and is knocked
Breeze prone.
As an action the mender expends 2 willpower and chooses a
creature up to 6 tiles away. For the next 3 rounds this Raidmaster
creatures movement speed is doubled.
Active: Stone Wall
As an action the raider expends 2 willpower and adopts a
defensive stance until the start of his next turn all health and
armor damage he takes is reduced by 5.
ShieldBanger Shieldmaiden
Health: 29 Health: 34
Armor: Breastplate, Tower Shield Armor: Chain Shirt, Warshield
Initiative Die: 1d12 Initiative Die: 1d6
Stat block: Stat block:
Strength: 18 Strength: 15
Agility: 3 Agility: 16
Influence: 8 Influence: 12
Lore: 10 Lore: 1
Accuracy: 14 Accuracy: 7
Awareness: 12 Awareness: 6
Armor: 19 Armor: 18
Constitution: 10 Constitution: 17
Willpower: 13 Willpower: 10
Break: 6 Break: 3
Exertion: 5 Exertion: 2
Deflection: 6 Deflection: 6
Weapons: Weapons:
Warhammer: Range: 1 tile, Damage: 1d8+6 ShortSpear: Range: 2 tiles, Damage: 1d8+5
Abilities Abilities
Passive: Return the Favor Passive: Shield Mastery
Whenever the shieldbanger is wielding a shield and is hit All armor damage you take whilst wielding a shield is halved.
with a melee health or armor attack. The attacking creature
takes 1 point of armor damage. Champion
Provoker Active: Guard
As an action the shield maiden can guard an adjacent ally.
Active: Malice The shield maiden expends 2 willpower and until the start of
As an action the ShieldBanger expends 2 willpower and her next turn any damage her guarded ally receives is halved.
choose a creature up to 3 tiles away. Until the start of the
ShieldBangers next turn that creature is enraged. Balista
Shieldmaster Active: Shield Smash
As an action the shield maiden slams her shield into a
Active: Bring the Pain creature. The shield maiden expends 2 willpower and makes
As an action the ShieldBanger expends 1 willpower and a melee break attack against an adjacent foe. On a successful
makes single melee break attack against an adjacent hit the target takes break damage and the target cannot
creature. Until the start of the ShieldBangers next turn the restore or gain any bonuses to its armor for 3 rounds.
shield bangers passive deals an additional 2 armor damage.
Active: Battering Ram
As an action the ShieldBanger expends 2 willpower and
makes a melee break attack against an adjacent creature.
This creature takes break damage and is then knocked back
6 times, additionally any creature that this creature moves
through takes 1 point of armor damage.
Skald Spearman
Health: 29 Health: 42
Armor: Leather, Buckler Armor: Studded
Initiative Die: 1d12 Initiative Die: 1d12
Stat block: Stat block:
Strength: 7 Strength: 16
Agility: 4 Agility: 4
Influence: 19 Influence: 9
Lore: 18 Lore: 14
Accuracy: 15 Accuracy: 20
Awareness: 18 Awareness: 19
Armor: 11 Armor: 13
Constitution: 9 Constitution: 19
Willpower: 16 Willpower: 20
Break: 4 Break: 5
Exertion: 5 Exertion: 5
Deflection: 6 Deflection: 6
Weapons: Weapons:
Dagger: Range: 1 tile, Damage: 1d6 Long Spear: Range: 2 tiles, Damage: 1d10+5
Abilities Abilities
Passive: Skald’s Song Passive: Embolden
Whenever you are within 2 tiles of an ally when they reduce a Whenever you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points all
creature to 0 hit points. You can use your reaction to cause all adjacent allies regain +1 willpower
creatures of your choice, including yourself, within 6 tiles of
you to regain 1 willpower. Spearmaster
Poet Active: Impale
As an action the spearman expends 2 willpower and makes
Active: Tale Worth Telling single health attack against an adjacent creature. On a
As an action the skald expends 2 willpower and chooses an successful hit the creature is pushed back 3 tiles and gains a
ally within 3 tiles of them. The next successful attack this bleeding wound for 3 rounds causing them to lose 1 hit point
creature makes before the start of the skalds next turn is a for each tile they move.
critical hit.
Hoard Speaker Active: Pig Sticker
Active: Rally As an action the spearman expends 2 willpower and makes a
As an action the skald expends 1 willpower and chooses an single health attack against a creature within its reach. This
ally within 6 tiles of then. This creature regains 2 willpower. attacks scores a critical hit on a roll of 1-8.
Shield Breaker
Active: Lunge
As an action the spearman expends 1 willpower and makes a
single attack. This attack has a reach of up to 4 tiles.
Warrior Valkyrie
Health: 40 Health: 46
Armor: Full Plate Armor: Studded, Warshield
Initiative Die: 1d10 Initiative Die: 1d10
Stat block: Stat block:
Strength: 20 Strength: 12
Agility: 5 Agility: 6
Influence: 9 Influence: 4
Lore: 1 Lore: 13
Accuracy: 18 Accuracy: 19
Awareness: 19 Awareness: 13
Armor: 27 Armor: 14
Constitution: 12 Constitution: 18
Willpower: 8 Willpower: 17
Break: 5 Break: 3
Exertion: 4 Exertion: 4
Deflection: 5 Deflection: 7
Weapons: Weapons:
Greatsword: Range: 1 tiles, Damage: 1d12 +7 Longsword: Range: 1 tiles, Damage: 1d8+3
Abilities Abilities
Passive: Heavy Impact Passive: Honor and Glory
Once per turn when you make a successful attack as part of When a creature within 3 tiles of the Valkyrie is reduced to 0
your attack action you cause all all adjacent creatures (not hit points. The Valkyrie can use its reaction to cause the
including you) to take 1d4 points of health damage which creature to go to 1 hit point instead.
ignores armor. The weapon must be wielding a weapon with
either the two-handed or Adaptable property. Warlord
Warhawk Active: Warriors Blessing
As an action the Valkyrie expends 2 willpower and grants
Active: Tempest herself and all adjacent allies the blessing of the warrior.
As an action the warrior expends 2 willpower and chooses 3 Granting each one of them 1d4 additional damage on all
creatures that are within your threatened reach and roll a health attacks them make for 3 rounds.
single melee health attack roll and apply it to each creature.
Soul of the Huntress
Warmaster Active: Horseborn’s Blessing
Active: Sundering Impact As an action the Valkyrie expends 2 willpower and grants
As an action you make a single melee attack against an herself and all adjacent allies the blessing of the horseborn.
adjacent creature and you expend 2 willpower. If this attack is Granting each one of them +6 to their movement speed for 3
successful you cause Heavy impact to deals 1d6 health and rounds.
armor damage.
Moutain Spirit
Warleaader Active: Heart of Iron
Active: Pommel Strike As an action the Valkyrie expends 2 willpower and grants
As an action you make a single attack against an adjacent herself and all adjacent allies the blessing of the horseborn.
creature. On a successful hit the creature takes a small Granting each one of them +2 to their deflection and armor
amount of armor damage and is stunned until the start of for 3 rounds.
your next turn.
War Bear
Health: 23
Armor: Thick Hide
Initiative Die: 1d10
Size: 2x2 tile
Movement Speed: 6 tiles
Stat block:
Strength: 16
Agility: 6
Influence: 4
Lore: 1
Accuracy: 15
Awareness: 11
Armor: 11
Constitution: 12
Willpower: 10
Break: 3
Exertion: 2
Deflection: 3
Claws: Range 1 tile, Damage: 1d8
Passive: Maul
When making an attack with its claws if you roll maximum
damage on the weapon attack damage. You can roll an
additional 1d8 and add it to the total damage dealt.
Venom Hurler Hag Hurler
Health: 26 Health: 31
Armor: Padded Armor: Padded
Initiative Die: 1d6 Initiative Die: 1d6
Size: 1x1 Tile Size: 1x1 Tile
Movement Speed: 8 Tiles Movement Speed: 8 Tiles
Stat block: Stat block:
Strength: 3 Strength: 3
Agility: 15 Agility: 15
Influence: 8 Influence: 8
Lore: 15 Lore: 15
Accuracy: 19 Accuracy: 19
Awareness: 20 Awareness: 20
Armor: 13 Armor: 13
Constitution: 8 Constitution: 8
Willpower: 14 Willpower: 14
Break: 2 Break: 2
Exertion: 2 Exertion:
Deflection: 4 Deflection: 4
Weapons Weapons
Short Bow: Range 2-10 tiles, Damage: 1d12+5 Short Bow: Range 2-10 tiles, Damage: 1d12+5
Abilities Abilities
Passive: Puncture Passive: Puncture
Once per turn If you do not move before making an ranged Once per turn If you do not move before making an ranged
health attack you deal +1 health damage for every 2 points of health attack you deal +1 health damage for every 2 points of
armor the target is missing. armor the target is missing.
Active: Poison Tipped Active: Pin
As an action the Venom Hurler expends 2 willpower and dips As an action the Hag Hurler expends 2 willpower and makes
the tip of her arrow in a poison taken from her swap home. a single ranged attack against a creature within her bows
She then makes a ranged health attack against a creature range. On a successful hit the creatures movement speed is
within her bows range. On a successful hit the creature is reduced by 6 until the start of the Hag Hurlers next turn.
poisoned, for three rounds the creatures maximum hit points
are reduced by 1d4 at the start of each of their turns. Multiple
doses does not stack, but it does refresh the duration.
Bog Runner Savage
Health: 20 Health: 28
Armor: Studded, Warshield Armor: Studded, Warshield
Initiative Die: 1d8 Initiative Die: 1d8
Size: 1x1 Tile Size: 1x1 Tile
Movement Speed: 6 Tiles Movement Speed: 6 Tiles
Stat block: Stat block:
Strength: 11 Strength: 11
Agility: 11 Agility: 11
Influence: 8 Influence: 8
Lore: 14 Lore: 14
Accuracy: 19 Accuracy: 19
Awareness: 3 Awareness: 3
Armor: 4 Armor: 4
Constitution: 11 Constitution: 11
Willpower: 10 Willpower: 10
Break: 3 Break: 3
Exertion: 3 Exertion: 3
Deflection: 6 Deflection: 6
Weapons: Weapons:
Hand axe: Range: 1 tile (Thrown 2-6), Damage: 1d6+3 Hand axe: Range: 1 tile (Thrown 2-6), Damage: 1d6+3
(Thrown 1d8+3) (Thrown 1d8+3)
Abilities Abilities
Passive: ShieldWall Passive: Light Step
When you end your turn adjacent to an ally you increase both The Bog Runner uses their superior dexterity to move around
your and their armor value by 1. bodies, allowing them to pass through, but not stop on, any
allies spaces.
Passive: Light Step
The Bog Runner uses their superior dexterity to move around Passive: Frenzy
bodies, allowing them to pass through, but not stop on, any During the savages turn if it takes the attack action it can
allies spaces. make two attacks instead of one.
Active: Backstab Passive: Savagery
As an action the Bog Runner expends 2 willpower and When the Savage makes a health attack he scores a critical
choose an adjacent creature. He then moves through the hit on a roll of 1-5 on the d20.
targets space making a break attack, dealing break damage
on a success. Once on the other side he makes a health
attack against the same target.
Pole Man Bearlord
Health: 46 Health: 47
Armor: Studded Armor: Hide, Warshield
Initiative Die: 1d12 Initiative Die: 1d10
Size: 1x1 Tile Size: 1x1 Tile
Movement Speed: 6 Tiles Movement Speed: 6 Tiles
Stat block: Stat block:
Strength: 16 Strength: 11
Agility: 4 Agility: 7
Influence: 9 Influence: 11
Lore: 14 Lore: 1
Accuracy: 20 Accuracy: 16
Awareness: 19 Awareness: 5
Armor: 13 Armor: 19
Constitution: 19 Constitution: 10
Willpower: 20 Willpower: 13
Break: 5 Break: 1
Exertion: 5 Exertion: 2
Deflection: 6 Deflection: 4
Weapons: Weapons:
Long Spear: Range: 2 tiles, Damage: 1d10+5 Battle Axe: Range: 1 tile, Damage: 1d8+3
Javelin: Range: 2-6, Damage: 2d6
Passive: Embolden
Whenever you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points all Passive: War Companions
adjacent allies regain +1 willpower The Bearlord has two War Bears as companions. Each one
has the statistics of the Warbear (Appendix C: Monsters).
Passive: Savage Spear During combat each bear roles for its own initiative, and will
When the Pole Man lands a successful critical hit then he follow the bearlords commands if no command is given they
deals one additional weapon damage die. will defend themselves to the best of their ability.
Active: Pig Sticker
As an action the Pole Man expends 2 willpower and makes a
melee attack against a creature. This attack scores a critical
hit on a roll of 1-5 on the d20.
The Dredge
Grunt Scourge
Health: 31 Health: 41
Armor: Splint Armor: Splint
Initiative Die: 1d12 Initiative Die: 1d10
Size: 1x1 Tile Size: 2x2 Tile
Movement Speed: 6 Tiles Movement Speed: 6 Tiles
Stat Block Stat Block
Strength: 15 Strength: 18
Agility: 4 Agility: 6
Influence: 5 Influence: 2
Lore: 2 Lore: 9
Accuracy: 13 Accuracy: 13
Awareness: 8 Awareness: 3
Armor: 22 Armor: 30
Constitution: 15 Constitution: 8
Willpower: 1 Willpower: 9
Break: 4 Break: 2
Exertion: 3 Exertion: 3
Deflection: 2 Deflection: 3
Weapons Weapons
Hammer: Range 1 tile, Damage: 1d8+5 Axe (Two Handed): Range 1 tile, Damage: 1d10+6
Abilities Abilities
Passive Ability: Splinter Passive Ability: Splinter
When the dredge receives armor damage of 3 or higher the When the dredge receives armor damage of 3 or higher the
dredges armor splinters into fragments. Causing all adjacent dredges armor splinters into fragments. Causing all adjacent
creatures to take 1 point of armor damage and reduces their creatures to take 1 point of armor damage and reduces their
maximum armor by 1. maximum armor by 1.
Active Ability: Tremble
Once per encounter as an action the Scourge expends 3
willpower and begins casting. At the start of the Scourge’s
next turn a Dredge Grunt is summoned within 3 tiles of it.
Health: 39
Armor: Splint, Tower Shield
Initiative Die: 1d10
Size: 2x2 Tile
Movement Speed: 6 Tiles
Stat Block
Strength: 11
Agility: 6
Influence: 4
Lore: 13
Accuracy: 15
Awareness: 5
Armor: 28
Constitution: 14
Willpower: 6
Break: 4
Exertion: 3
Deflection: 8
Sword: Range 1 tile, Damage: 1d8+3
Passive Ability: Splinter
When the dredge receives armor damage of 3 or higher the
dredges armor splinters into fragments. Causing all adjacent
creatures to take 1 point of armor damage and reduces their
maximum armor by 1.
Active Ability: Kindle
As an action the stone guard expends 2 willpower and slams
his shield into the ground creating a powerful shock wave. All
adjacent creatures take break damage and are pushed back 3
tiles, receive an additional 1 point of armor damage for each
tile they are knocked back.
Slag Slinger Spark Slinger
Health: 18 Health: 25
Armor: Splint Armor: Splint
Initiative Die: 1d6 Initiative Die: 1d6
Size: 1x1 Tile Size: 1x1 Tile
Movement Speed: 8 Tiles Movement Speed: 8 Tiles
Stat Block Stat Block
Strength: 5 Strength: 5
Agility: 16 Agility: 16
Influence: 5 Influence: 5
Lore: 18 Lore: 18
Accuracy: 17 Accuracy: 17
Awareness: 16 Awareness: 16
Armor: 18 Armor: 18
Constitution: 9 Constitution: 9
Willpower: 12 Willpower: 12
Break: 3 Break: 3
Exertion: 3 Exertion: 3
Deflection: 3 Deflection: 3
Weapons Weapons
Sling: Range 2-6 tiles, Damage: 1d6+5 Sling: Range 2-6 tiles, Damage: 1d6+5
Abilities Abilities
Passive Ability: Back-off Passive Ability: Back-off
When a Dredge Slinger is the subject of either a health or When a Dredge Slinger is the subject of either a health or
break damage, it can use its reaction to expend 1 willpower break damage, it can use its reaction to expend 1 willpower
and move up to 8 tiles. and move up to 8 tiles.
Active Ability: Sunstrike
As an action the Spark Slinger expends 2 willpower and
loads a strange glowing stone into its sling and hurls it at a
creature within range. The Spark Slinger makes a health
attack against a creature within its weapon range. On a
successful hit the target takes health damage and is
Staggered until the start of its next turn.
Fire Slinger
Health: 25
Armor: Splint
Initiative Die: 1d6
Size: 1x1 Tile
Movement Speed: 8 Tiles
Stat Block
Strength: 5
Agility: 16
Influence: 5
Lore: 18
Accuracy: 17
Awareness: 16
Armor: 18
Constitution: 9
Willpower: 12
Break: 3
Exertion: 3
Deflection: 3
Sling (Two Handed): Range 2-6 tiles, Damage: 1d6+5
Passive Ability: Back-off
When a Dredge Slinger is the subject of either a health or
break damage, it can use its reaction to expend 1 willpower
and move up to 8 tiles.
Active Ability: Shatterstone
As an action the Fire Slinger expends 2 willpower and
reaches into its pouch and produces two blue-glowing rocks.
It crushes them together and throws them at two tiles.
Choose 2 tiles within 6 tiles of the Fire Slinger. At the start of
the Fire Slingers next turn these rocks explode causing each
creature in either the target tile or all adjacent ones to take
break damage and health damage equal to half the maximum
willpower of the Fire Slinger.
Health: 41
Armor: Splint
Initiative Die: 1d12
Size: 1x1 Tile
Movement Speed: 4 Tiles
Stat Block
Strength: 13
Agility: 4
Influence: 11
Lore: 19
Accuracy: 14
Awareness: 9
Armor: 22
Constitution: 14
Willpower: 18
Break: 3
Exertion: 3
Deflection: 3
Twin Spears: Range 1 tiles, Damage: 1d8+4
Passive Ability: Disease Strike
When the Stonesinger lands a successful attack it transmits a
deadly disease to the target. For the next three rounds the
targets maximum hit points are reduced by 1d4 at the start of
each of its turns. Additionally if a creature that is infected
ends its turn adjacent to another the disease is transmitted to
them, with a fresh duration. Killing the Stone Singer removes
the disease from all affects creatures.
Active Ability: Rupture
As an action the Stonesinger expends 3 willpower and unites
its twin spears and starts casting. At the start of its next turn
the Stonesinger choose a Dredge within 10 tiles of it causing
its armor to shatter. All adjacent creatures takes health
damage equal to the armor value of the dredge which
exploded. The dredge which was shattered has their armor
set to 0.
Active Ability: Umbrage
As an action the Stonesinger expends 3 willpower and unites
its twin spears and starts casting. At the start of its next turn
all dredge take break damage but cause all health attacks that
they make to deal an additional 1d6 damage for the next
three rounds.
Skulker Vile Skulker
Health: 33 Health: 37
Size: 1x1 Tile Size: 2x2 Tile
Initiative Die: 1d6 Initiative Die: 1d6
Movement Speed: 10 Tiles Movement Speed: 10 Tiles
Stat Block Stat Block
Strength: 8 Strength: 12
Agility: 13 Agility: 13
Influence: 1 Influence: 1
Lore: 1 Lore: 1
Accuracy: 16 Accuracy: 18
Awareness: 13 Awareness: 13
Armor: 15 Armor: 16
Constitution: 10 Constitution: 14
Willpower: 12 Willpower: 18
Break: 3 Break: 5
Exertion: 3 Exertion: 3
Deflection: 1 Deflection: 5
Weapons Weapons
Bite: Range 1 tile, Damage: 1d6 Bite: Range 1 tile, Damage: 1d8+3
Abilities Abilities
Passive Ability: Chase Passive Ability: Chase
Skulkers use their superior dexterity to move around bodies, Skulkers use their superior dexterity to move around bodies,
allowing them to pass through, but not stop on, any allies allowing them to pass through, but not stop on, any allies
spaces. spaces.
Active Ability: Skulk Active Ability: Skulk
As an action the Skulker expends 3 willpower and becomes As an action the Skulker expends 3 willpower and becomes
invisible for 3 rounds and moves an additional 6 tiles. This invisible for 3 rounds and moves an additional 10 tiles. This
invisibility ends if the skulker attacks a creature or takes invisibility ends if the skulker attacks a creature or takes
damage. damage.
Active Ability: Howl Active Ability: Howl
Whilst the Skulker is invisible it can use its action to expend Whilst the Skulker is invisible it can use its action to expend
2 willpower to howl and single its pack to attack a creature. 2 willpower to howl and single its pack to attack a creature.
The skulker makes a single health attack against the creature The skulker makes a single health attack against the creature
and any Skulkers within 6 tiles of the hit creature can use and any Skulkers within 10 tiles of the hit creature can use
their reaction to move up to 6 tiles and attack the creature. their reaction to move up to 10 tiles and attack the creature.
Slab Hurler Barb Hurler
Health: 30 Health: 30 Armor: Splint
Armor: Splint Initiative Die: 1d6
Initiative Die: 1d6 Size: 1x1 Tile
Size: 1x1 Tile Movement Speed: 8 Tiles
Movement Speed: 8 Tiles
Stat Block
Stat Block Strength: 14
Strength: 14 Agility: 16
Agility: 16 Influence: 12
Influence: 12 Lore: 14
Lore: 14 Accuracy: 19
Accuracy: 19 Awareness: 11
Awareness: 11 Armor: 25
Armor: 25 Constitution: 7
Constitution: 7 Willpower: 13
Willpower: 13 Break: 3
Break: 3 Exertion: 3
Exertion: 3 Deflection: 4
Deflection: 4
Weapons Sling (Two Handed): Range 2-6 tiles, Damage: 2d6+5
Sling (Two Handed): Range 2-6 tiles, Damage: 2d6+5
Abilities Passive Ability: Distraught
Passive Ability: Distraught When the Barb Hurler takes health or armor damage it can
When the Slab Hurler takes health or armor damage it can use its reaction to expend 3 willpower and move up to 8 tiles.
use its reaction to expend 3 willpower and move up to 8 tiles. Additionally all other Slab or Barb Hurlers within 6 tiles of
Additionally all other Slab Hurlers within 6 tiles of the the attacker can use their reaction to make either a health or
attacker can use their reaction to make either a health or break attack against them.
break attack against them.
Active Ability: Barb Stones
Active Ability: Concuss As an action the Barb Hurler expends 3 willpower and
As an action the Slab Hurler expends 2 willpower and makes chooses a tile up to 5 tiles away. It throws a strange black
a ranged break attack against a creature up to 6 tiles away. rock at the tile. At the start of the Barb Hurlers next turn the
On a successful hit the creature is pushed up to 5 tiles away rock cracks and a Skulker is spawned from it. Which then
and is Concussed until the start of the Slab Hurlers next turn. rolls for initiative and acts on its own accord. The rocks have
a 6 armor and 6 health. The Barb Hurler can only use this
ability three times per encounter.
Direguard Gloomwarden
Health: 49 Health: 41
Armor: Splint, Tower Shield Armor: Splint
Initiative Die: 1d10 Initiative Die: 1d10
Size: 2x2 Tile Size: 2x2 Tile
Movement Speed: 6 Tiles Movement Speed: 6 Tiles
Stat Block Stat Block
Strength: 11 Strength: 18
Agility: 6 Agility: 6
Influence: 4 Influence: 2
Lore: 13 Lore: 9
Accuracy: 15 Accuracy: 13
Awareness: 5 Awareness: 3
Armor: 28 Armor: 30
Constitution: 14 Constitution: 8
Willpower: 6 Willpower: 9
Break: 4 Break: 2
Exertion: 3 Exertion: 3
Deflection: 8 Deflection: 3
Weapons Weapons
Axe: Range 1 tile, Damage: 1d8+3 Axe (Two Handed): Range 1 tile, Damage: 1d10+6
Abilities Abilities
Passive Ability: Sentinel Passive Ability: Sentinel
Whenever a stonesinger is attacked all dredge focus theirs Whenever a stonesinger is attacked all dredge focus theirs
attack on the offender until the start of the Direguards next attack on the offender until the start of the Direguards next
turn. turn.
Active Ability: Drum Fire Active Ability: Shudder
As an action the Direguard expends 3 willpower smashes his As an action the Gloomwarden expends 3 willpower and
shield into the ground blasting a shockwave and then igniting choose all dredge within 10 tiles of it. At the start of the
a 2x6 area in front of him. The Shockwave deals break Gloomwardens next turn all dredge chosen armor forms
damage to all hostile creatures in the area, and restores 4 volatile spikes that deal 1d4 health damage to all adjacent
points of armor to all dredge in the area. Afterward, each hot enemies whenever the dredge is attacked. These spikes last
ash tile deals 1d4 health damage which ignores armor to any for 3 rounds or until the Gloomwarden is killed.
hostile creature and restores 2 points of armor to any dredge
who moves through or ends their turn on the ignited tile. The
hot ash lasts for 3 rounds.
Warped Stoneguard Warped Scourge
Health: 42 Health: 39
Armor: Splint, Tower Shield Armor: Splint
Initiative Die: 1d10 Initiative Die: 1d10
Size: 2x2 Tile Size: 2x2 Tile
Movement Speed: 6 Tiles Movement Speed: 6 Tiles
Stat Block Stat Block
Strength: 11 Strength: 18
Agility: 6 Agility: 6
Influence: 4 Influence: 2
Lore: 13 Lore: 9
Accuracy: 15 Accuracy: 13
Awareness: 5 Awareness: 3
Armor: 28 Armor: 30
Constitution: 14 Constitution: 8
Willpower: 6 Willpower: 9
Break: 4 Break: 2
Exertion: 3 Exertion: 3
Deflection: 8 Deflection: 3
Weapons Weapons
Hammer: Range 1 tile, Damage: 1d8+3 Axe (Two Handed): Range 1 tile, Damage: 1d10+6
Abilities Abilities
Passive Ability: Depraved Passive Ability: Depraved
When the Warped Stoneguard is reduced to 0 hit points or When the Warped Stoneguard is reduced to 0 hit points or
lower it explodes causing all adjacent enemies to reduce their lower it explodes causing all adjacent enemies to reduce their
maximum willpower by 3. Additionally it leaves a 2x2 area of maximum willpower by 3. Additionally it leaves a 2x2 area of
burning purple ashes, that deals 1d4 health damage which burning purple ashes, that deals 1d4 health damage which
ignores armor and reduces willpower by 2 to each creature ignores armor and reduces willpower by 2 to each creature
who move through or end their turn on a burning tile. who move through or end their turn on a burning tile.
Active Ability: Soul Bond Active Ability: Mind Devour
As an action the Warped Stoneguard choose a creature up to As an action the Warped Scourge expends 3 willpower and
6 tiles away and makes a ranged break attack against it. On a chooses a creature up to 10 tiles away and makes a ranged
successful hit the target reduces their willpower by the health attack against them. On a successful hit the targets
Warped Stonegaurds break value. Additionally until the start maximum willpower is reduced by 5. Additionally the next
of Warped Stoneguards next turn all health damage it successful attack the Warped Scourge makes before the end
receives is transferred to its Soul Bonded target. of its next turn is treated as a critical hit.
Bellower Eyeless
Health: 60 Health: 58
Armor: Splint, Tower Shield Armor: Splint
Initiative Die: 1d6 Initiative Die: 1d4
Size: 3x3 Tile Size: 1x1 Tile
Movement Speed: 6 Tiles Movement Speed: 4 Tiles
Stat Block Stat Block
Strength: 20 Strength: 18
Agility: 16 Agility: 20
Influence: 14 Influence: 19
Lore: 20 Lore: 19
Accuracy: 19 Accuracy: 19
Awareness: 15 Awareness: 19
Armor: 32 Armor: 20
Constitution: 20 Constitution: 16
Willpower: 18 Willpower: 20
Break: 5 Break: 4
Exertion: 5 Exertion: 5
Deflection: 5 Deflection: 5
Weapons Weapons
Sword: Range 1 tile, Damage: 1d12+7 Twin Spears: Range 1 tiles, Damage: 1d12+6
Abilities Abilities
Passive Ability: Indomitable Passive Ability: Mastery of the Weave
At the start of each of Bellowers turns he will regenerate 6 hit Eyeless regains 3 willpower at the start of each of her turns.
points, 6 armor and 3 willpower. Bellower will continue to
use this ability until he ends his turn with less that half hit Passive Ability: Disease Strike
maximum hit points at which point he will trigger his enraged When the Stonesinger lands a successful attack it transmits a
passive. This causes his Indomitable passive to be reduced to deadly disease to the target. For the next three rounds the
2 health, 2 armor and 2 willpower regeneration at the start of targets maximum hit points are reduced by 1d4 at the start of
each of his turns. each of its turns. Additionally if a creature that is infected
ends its turn adjacent to another the disease is transmitted to
Passive Ability: Enraged them, with a fresh duration. Killing the Stone Singer removes
Each time that bellower is attacked he can spend 2 willpower the disease from all affects creatures. In addition the creature
to move his initiative immediately after the attackers turn. hit is also Knocked back 5 tiles.
Active Ability: Quake and Despair Active Ability: Possess
As an action bellower choose a creature within 10 miles of it As an action Eyeless expends 2 willpower, causing her to
and unleashes a howl of despair. The target creature is dematerialize and chooses a dead creature either friend or
Stunned until the start of bellowers next turn and all adjacent foe up to 10 tiles away. The creature is reanimated and takes
units to Bellower are pushed back 3 tiles suffering 1d4 health an immediate turn. It knows all the abilities, talents and
damage which ignores armor and 3 points of armor damage. specialisations it new in life. In additional it has Health,
armor and Willpower equal to Eyeless current Willpower.
This creature looks visibly undead and has a small crown of
blue flames floating above its head. When the possessed
creature is killed, Eyeless respawns at an unoccupied tile of
its choice up to 10 tiles away.
Active Ability: Shatter
As an action Eyeless choose a creature up to 10 tiles away
and expends 3 willpower begins to cast a spell. At the start of
her next turn all Dredge explode causing all adjacent
creatures to take armor damage equal to her break value.