16c0916 Conversion Table
16c0916 Conversion Table
16c0916 Conversion Table
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HDL-Cholesterol mmol/L x 38.6 = mg/dL
Homocysteine, Plasma umol/L x 0.135 = ug/mL
Homovanillic Acid, Urine (HVA) umol/L x 0.182 = mg/mL
Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid (5-HIAA) umol/L x 0.193 = mg/L
Hydroxyprogesterone-17 nmol/L x 0.33 = ng/mL
Immunoglobulin A (IgA) mg/dL x 10 = mg/L
Immunoglobulin G (IgG) mg/dL x 10 = mg/L
Immunoglobulin M (IgM) mg/dL x 10 = mg/L
Insulin mU/L x 6.945 = pmol/L
Iron umol/L x 5.59 = ug/dL
LDL-Cholesterol, measured mmol/L x 38.6 = mg/dL
Lead (Pb), Whole Blood umol/L x 20.7 = ug/dL
Magnesium mmol/L x 2.43 = mg/dL
Metanephrines nmol/L x 0.197 = ug/L
Microalbumin mg/dL x 10 = mg/L
Noradrenaline nmol/L x 0.169 = ug/L
Normetanephrines nmol/L x 0.183 = ug/L
Oxalate, Urine mmol/L x 90 = mg/L
Parathyroid Hormone, Intact pmol/L x 9.50 = pg/mL
Phenytoin mg/L x 3.96 = umol/L
Phosphate (PO4) mmol/L x 3.096 = mg/dL
Phosphate (PO4), Urine mmol/L x 3.096 = mg/dL
Prealbumin (Transthyretin) mg/dL x 10 = mg/L
Progesterone nmol/L x 0.3145 = ng/mL
Prolactin uIU/mL x 0.047 = ng/mL
Protein, Total g/l x 0.1 = g/dL
Salicylate mg/L x 0.00724 = mmol/L
Testosterone nmol/L x 28.8 = ng/dL
Theophylline mg/L x 5.55 = umol/L
Thyroxine (T4) nmol/L x 0.0775 = ug/dL
Thyroxine, Free (Free T4) pmol/L x 0.0775 = ng/dL
Transferrin mg/dL x 0.01 = g/L
Triglycerides mmol/L x 88.5 = mg/dL
Triiodothyronine (Total T3) nmol/L x 64.94 = ng/mL
Triiodothyronine, Free (Free T3) pmol/L x 0.65 = pg/mL
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Urea mmol/L x 6 = mg/dL
mmol/L x 2.8 = mg/dL Urea nitrogen
Uric Acid umol/L16.69 = ug/dL
Valproic Acid (Valproate) mg/L x 6.93 = umol/L
Vancomycin mg/L x 0.69 = umol/L
Vanillyl Mandelic Acid (VMA) umol/L x 0.1982 = mg/L
Vitamin B12 pmol/L x 1.355 = pg/mL
Zinc, Serum umol/L x 6.54 = ug/dL
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