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Chapter 1 - Introduction To Mechatronics

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Introduction to mechatronics

Chapter objectives
When you have finished this chapter you should be able to:

• trace the origin of mechatronics;

• understand the key elements of mechatronics systems;
• relate with everyday examples of mechatronics systems;
• appreciate how mechatronics integrates knowledge from different disci-
plines in order to realize engineering and consumer products that are useful
in everyday life.

1.1 Historical perspective

Advances in microchip and computer technology have bridged the gap between
traditional electronic, control and mechanical engineering. Mechatronics responds
to industry's increasing demand for engineers who are able to work across the
discipline boundaries of electronic, control and mechanical engineering to identify
and use the proper combination of technologies for optimum solutions to
today's increasingly challenging engineering problems. All around us, we can find
mechatronic products. Mechatronics covers a wide range of application areas
including consumer product design, instrumentation, manufacturing methods,
motion control systems, computer integration, process and device control,
integration of functionality with embedded microprocessor control, and the
design of machines, devices and systems possessing a degree of computer-based
intelligence. Robotic manipulators, aircraft simulators, electronic traction control
systems, adaptive suspensions, landing gears, air conditioners under fuzzy logic
control, automated diagnostic systems, micro electromechanical systems (MEMS),

2 Mechatronics

consumer products such as VCRs, and driver-less vehicles are all examples of
mechatronic systems.
The genesis of mechatronics is the interdisciplinary area relating to mechanical
engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, and computer science. This
technology has produced many new products and provided powerful ways of
improving the efficiency of the products we use in our daily life. Currently, there is
no doubt about the importance of mechatronics as an area in science and
technology. However, it seems that mechatronics is not clearly understood; it
appears that some people think that mechatronics is an aspect of science and
technology which deals with a system that includes mechanisms, electronics,
computers, sensors, actuators and so on. It seems that most people define
mechatronics by merely considering what components are included in the system
and/or how the mechanical functions are realized by computer software. Such a
definition gives the impression that it is just a collection of existing aspects of
science and technology such as actuators, electronics, mechanisms, control
engineering, computer technology, artificial intelligence, micro-machine and so
on, and has no original content as a technology. There are currently several
mechatronics textbooks, most of which merely summarize the subject picked up
from existing technologies. This structure also gives people the impression that
mechatronics has no unique technology. The definition that mechatronics is simply
the combination of different technologies is no longer sufficient to explain
Mechatronics solves technological problems using interdisciplinary knowledge
consisting of mechanical engineering, electronics, and computer technology. To
solve these problems, traditional engineers used knowledge provided only in one of
these areas (for example, a mechanical engineer uses some mechanical engineering
methodologies to solve the problem at hand). Later, due to the increase in the
difficulty of the problems and the advent of more advanced products, researchers
and engineers were required to find novel solutions for them in their research and
development. This motivated them to search for different knowledge areas and
technologies to develop a new product (for example, mechanical engineers tried to
introduce electronics to solve mechanical problems). The development of the
microprocessor also contributed to encouraging the motivation. Consequently,
they could consider the solution to the problems with wider views and more
efficient tools; this resulted in obtaining new products based on the integration of
interdisciplinary technologies.
Mechatronics gained legitimacy in academic circles with the publication of the
first refereed journal: IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. In it, the authors
worked tenaciously to define mechatronics. Finally they coined the following:

The synergistic combination of precision mechanical engineering,

electronic control and systems thinking in the design of products and
manufacturing processes.
Introduction to mechatronics

This definition supports the fact that mechatronics relates to the design of
systems, devices and products aimed at achieving an optimal balance between basic
mechanical structure and its overall control.

1.2 Key elements of a mechatronic system

It can be seen from the history of mechatronics that the integration of the
different technologies to obtain the best solution to a given technological problem
is considered to be the essence of the discipline. There are at least two dozen
definitions of mechatronics in the literature but most of them hinge around the
'integration of mechanical, electronic, and control engineering, and information
technology to obtain the best solution to a given technological problem, which is
the realization of a product'; we follow this definition. Figure 1.1 shows the main
components of a mechatronic system. This book covers the principles and
applications of mechatronic systems based on this framework. As can be seen,
the key element of mechatronics are electronics, digital control, sensors and
actuators, and information technology, all integrated in such a way as to produce
a real product that is of practical use to people.
The following subsections outline, very briefly, some fundamentals of these
key areas. For fuller discussions the reader is invited to explore the rich and
established information sources available on mechanics, electrical and electronic
theory, instrumentation and control theory, information and computing theory,
and numerical techniques.

Digital 1
control 1

\ /


y \
1 Sensors Information
1 and technology
1 actuators

Figure 1.1 Main components of a mechatronic system.


1.2.1 Electronics Semiconductor devices

Semiconductor devices, such as diodes and transistors, have changed our lives
since the 1950s. In practice, the two most commonly used semiconductors are
germanium and silicon (the latter being most abundant and cost-effective).
However, a semiconductor device is not made from simply one type of atom and
impurities are added to the germanium or silicon base. These impurities are highly
purified tetravalent atoms (e.g. of boron, aluminum, gallium, or indium) and
pentavalent atoms (e.g. of phosphorus, arsenic, or antimony) that are called the
doping materials. The effects of doping the semiconductor base material are 'free'
(or unbonded) electrons, in the case of pentavalent atom doping, and 'holes' (or
vacant bonds), in the case of tetravalent atoms.
An n-type semiconductor is one that has an excess number of electrons.
A block of highly purified silicon has four electrons available for covalent bonding.
Arsenic, for, example, which is a similar element, has five electrons available
for covalent bonding. Therefore, when a minute amount of arsenic is mixed with a
sample of silicon (one arsenic atom in every 1 million or so silicon atoms), the
arsenic atom moves into a place normally occupied by a silicon atom and one
electron is left out in the covalent bonding. When external energy (electrical, heat,
or light) is applied to the semiconductor material, the excess electron is made to
'wander' through the material. In practice, there would be several such extra
negative electrons drifting through the semiconductor. Applying a potential energy
source (battery) to the semiconductor material causes the negative terminal of the
applied potential to repulse the free electrons and the positive terminal to attract
the free electrons.
If the purified semiconductor material is doped with a tetravalent atom, then
the reverse takes place, in that now there is a deficit of electrons (termed 'holes').
The material is called a p-type semiconductor. Applying an energy source results in
a net flow of 'holes' that is in the opposite direction to the electron flow produced
in n-type semiconductors.
A semiconductor diode is formed by 'joining' a p-type and n-type
semiconductor together as a p-n junction (Figure 1.2).
Initially both semiconductors are totally neutral. The concentration of positive
and negative carriers is quite different on opposite sides of the junction and a
thermal energy-powered diffusion of positive carriers into the n-type material and
negative carriers into the p-type material occurs. The n-type material acquires an
excess of positive charge near the junction and the p-type material acquires an
excess of negative charge. Eventually diffuse charges build up and an electric field
is created which drives the minority charges and eventually equilibrium is reached.
A region develops at the junction called the depletion layer. This region is
essentially 'un-doped' or just intrinsic silicon. To complete the diode conductor,
lead materials are placed at the ends of the p-n junction.
Introduction to mechatronics 5

p n P n
0 Q^cT- © © ©©
© Q^r - © © © © © ©©
© © Q_ -@-^© © © ©©
© © 0 ©-©*© © © ©©
Diode Diode
- v(t) + + v(t) -

Forward biased Reversed biased

Figure 1.2 p-n junction diode.

Transistors are active circuit elements and are typically made from silicon or
germanium and come in two types. The bipolar junction transistor (BJT) controls
current by varying the number of charge carriers. The field-effect transistor (FET)
varies the current by varying the shape of the conducting volume.
By placing two p-n junctions together we can create the bipolar transistor. In a
pnp transistor the majority charge carriers are holes and germanium is favored for
these devices. Silicon is best for npn transistors where the majority charge carriers
are electrons.
The thin and lightly doped central region is known as the base (B) and has
majority charge carriers of opposite polarity to those in the surrounding material.
The two outer regions are known as the emitter (E) and the collector (C). Under the
proper operating conditions the emitter will emit or inject majority charge carriers
into the base region, and because the base is very thin, most will ultimately reach
the collector. The emitter is highly doped to reduce resistance. The collector is
lightly doped to reduce the junction capacitance of the collector-base junction.
The schematic circuit symbols for bipolar transistors are shown in Figure 1.3.
The arrows on the emitter indicate the current direction, where IE = IB + IC.
The collector is usually at a higher voltage than the emitter. The emitter-base
junction is forward biased while the collector-base junction is reversed biased.

1.2.2 Digital control Transfer function
A transfer function defines the relationship between the inputs to a system and its
outputs. The transfer function is typically written in the frequency (or s) domain,

Figure 1.3 (a) npn bipolar transistor; (b) pnp bipolar transistor.

rather than the time domain. The Laplace transform is used to map the time
domain representation into the frequency domain representation.
If x(t) is the input to the system and y(i) is the output from the system, and the
Laplace transform of the input is X(s) and the Laplace transform of the output is
Y(s), then the transfer function between the input and the output is

X(s)' Closed-loop system

A closed-loop system includes feedback. The output from the system is fed back
through a controller into the input to the system. If Gu(s) is the transfer function of
the uncontrolled system, and Gc(s) is the transfer function of the controller, and
unity (negative) feedback is used, then the closed-loop system block diagram
(Figure 1.4) is expressed as:

Y(s) = X(s). (1.2)
1 + Gc(s)Gu(s)

US?\) +^ Y{s)
X(s) Gu(s) fc Gc(s)
> w
* w

Figure 1.4 Block diagram of closed-loop system with unity gain.
Introduction to mechatronics

X(s)- USA • G(s) - ^• Y(s)

\ -A


Figure 1.5 Block diagram of closed-loop system with transfer function in feedback loop.

Sometimes a transfer function, H(s), is included in the feedback loop (Figure 1.5).
For negative feedback this is expressed as:

Y(s) = X(s). (1.3)
1 + H(s)G(s) Forward-loop system

A forward-loop system (Figure 1.6) is a part of a controlled system. As the name

suggests, it is the system in the 'forward' part of the block diagram shown in
Figure 1.4. Typically, the forward-loop includes the uncontrolled system cascaded
with the controller. Closing the loop around this controller and system using unity
feedback gain yields the closed-loop system. For a system with controller Gc(s) and
system Ga(s), the transfer function of the forward-loop is:

Y(s) = Gc(s)Gu(s)X(s). (1.4) Open-loop system

An open-loop system is a system with no feedback; it is an uncontrolled system. In

an open-loop system, there is no 'control loop' connecting the output of the system
to its input. The block diagram (Figure 1.7) can be represented as:

Y(s) = G(s)X(s). (1.5)

X(s) Gu(s) Gc(s) + Y(s)

Figure 1.6 Forward-loop part of Figure 1.4.

8 Mechatronics

X(s) G(s) + Y(s)

Figure 1.7 Block diagram of open-loop system.

1.2.3 Sensors and actuators Sensors
Sensors are elements for monitoring the performance of machines and processes.
The common classification of sensors is: distance, movement, proximity, stress/
strain/force, and temperature. There are many commercially available sensors but
we have picked the ones that are frequently used in mechatronic applications.
Often, the conditioned signal output from a sensor is transformed into a digital
form for display on a computer or other display units. The apparatus for
manipulating the sensor output into a digital form for display is referred to as a
measuring instrument (see Figure 1.8 for a typical computer-based measuring
system). Electrical actuators

While a sensor is a device that can convert mechanical energy to electrical energy,
an electrical actuator, on the other hand, is a device that can convert electrical
energy to mechanical energy. All actuators are transducers (as they convert one
form of energy into another form). Some sensors are transducers (e.g. mechanical
actuators), but not all. Actuators are used to produce motion or action, such as
linear motion or angular motions. Some of the important electrical actuators used
in mechatronic systems include solenoids, relays, electric motors (stepper,
permanent magnet, etc.). These actuators are instrumental in moving physical
objects in mechatronic systems.

Signal AtoD/ Computer Digital

Sampling computer
conditioning conversion interface

Figure 1.8 Measurement system.

Introduction to mechatronics 9 Mechanical actuators

Mechanical actuators are transducers that convert mechanical energy into
electrical energy. Some of the important mechanical actuators used in mechatronic
systems include hydraulic cylinders and pneumatic cylinders.

1.2.4 Information technology Communication

Signals to and from a computer and its peripheral devices are often communicated
through the computer's serial and parallel ports. The parallel port is capable of
sending (12 bits per clock cycle) and receiving data (up to 9 bits per clock cycle).
The port consists of four control lines, five status lines, and eight data lines.
Parallel port protocols were recently standardized under the IEEE 1284 standard.
These new products define five modes of operation such as:

• Compatibility mode
• Nibble mode
• Byte mode
• EPP mode (enhanced parallel port)
• ECP mode (extended capabilities mode)

This is the concept on which the PC printer operates. Therefore, the code required
to control this port is similar to that which makes a printer operate. The parallel
port has two different modes of operation: The standard parallel port (SPP) mode
and the enhanced parallel port (EPP) mode. The SPP mode is capable of sending
and receiving data. However, it is limited to only eight data lines.
The EPP mode provides 16 lines with a typical transfer rate in the order of
500 k B s - 1 to 2 M B s _ 1 (WARP). This is achieved by hardware handshaking and
strobing of the data, whereas, in the SPP mode, this is software controlled.
In order to perform a valid exchange of data using EPP, the EPP handshake
protocol must be followed. As the hardware does all the work required, the
handshake only needs to work for the hardware. Standard data read and write
cycles have to be followed while doing this.
Engineers designing new drivers and devices are able to use the standard
parallel port. For instance, EPP has its first three software registers as Base + 0,
Base-Hi, Base+ 2 as indicated in Table 1.1. EPP and ECP require additional
hardware to handle the faster speeds, while Compatibility, Byte, and Nibble mode
use the hardware available on SPP.
Compatibility modes send data in the forward direction at a rate of
50-150 k b s - 1 , i.e. only in data transmission. In order to receive the data the

Table 1.1 EPP address, port name, and mode of operation

Address Port name Read/Write

Base + 0 Data Port (SPP) Write

Base+1 Status Port (SPP) Read
Base + 2 Control Port (SPP) Write
Base + 3 Address Port (SPP) Read/Write
Base + 4 Data Port (SPP) Read/Write
Base + 5,6,7 16-32 bits

mode must change to Nibble or Byte mode. Nibble mode can input 4 bits in the
reverse direction and the Byte mode can input 8 bits in the reverse direction. EPP
and ECP increase the speed of operation and can output at 1-2 MB s _ 1 . Moreover
ECP has the advantage that data can be handled without using an input/output
(I/O) instruction. The address, port name, and mode of operation of EPP are
shown in Table 1.1.

1.3 Some examples of mechatronic systems

Today, mechatronic systems are commonly found in homes, offices, schools,

shops, and of course, in industrial applications. Common mechatronic systems

• Domestic appliances, such as fridges and freezers, microwave ovens,

washing machines, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, cookers, timers, mixers,
blenders, stereos, televisions, telephones, lawn mowers, digital cameras,
videos and CD players, camcorders, and many other similar modern
• Domestic systems, such as air conditioning units, security systems,
automatic gate control systems;
• Office equipment, such as laser printers, hard drive positioning systems,
liquid crystal displays, tape drives, scanners, photocopiers, fax machines, as
well as other computer peripherals;
• Retail equipment, such as automatic labeling systems, bar-coding machines,
and tills found in supermarkets;
• Banking systems, such as cash registers, and automatic teller machines;
• Manufacturing equipment, such as numerically controlled (NC) tools, pick-
Introduction to mechatronics 1 1

and-place robots, welding robots, automated guided vehicles (AGVs), and

other industrial robots;

• Aviation systems, such as cockpit controls and instrumentation, flight

control actuators, landing gear systems, and other aircraft subsystems.

Q l . l What do you understand by the term 'mechatronics'?

Q1.2 What are the key elements of mechatronics?

Q1.3 Is mechatronics the same as electronic engineering plus mechanical


Q1.4 Is mechatronics as established as electronic or mechanical engineering?

Q1.5 List some mechatronic systems that you see everyday.

Further reading
[1] Alciatore, D. and Histand, M. (1995) Mechatronics at Colorado State University,
Journal of Mechatronics, Mechatronics Education in the United States issue,
Pergamon Press.
[2] Jones, J.L. and Flynn, A.M. (1999) Mobile Robots: Inspiration to Implementation,
2nd Edition, Wesley, MA: A.K. Peters Ltd.
[3] Onwubolu, G.C. et al. (2002) Development of a PC-based computer numerical
control drilling machine, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Short Communications
in Manufacture and Design, 1509-15.
[4] Shetty, D. and Kolk, R A . (1997) Mechatronics System Design, PWS Publishing
[5] Stiffler, A.K. (1992) Design with Microprocessors for Mechanical Engineers,
[6] Bolton, W. (1995) Mechatronics - Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical
Engineering, Longman.
[7] Bradley, D.A., Dawson, D., Burd, N.C. and Leader, A. J. (1993) Mechatronics -
Electronics in Products and Processes, Chapman & Hall.
[8] Fraser, C. and Milne, J. (1994) Integrated Electrical and Electronic Engineering for
Mechanical Engineers, McGraw-Hill.
12 Mechatronics

[9] Rzevski, G. (Ed). (1995) Perception, Cognition and Execution - Mechatronics:

Designing Intelligent Machines, Vol. 1, Butterworth-Heinemann.
[10] Johnson, J. and Picton, P. (Eds) (1995) Concepts in Artificial Intelligence -
Mechatronics: Designing Intelligent Machines, Vol. 2.
[11] Miu, D. K. (1993) Mechatronics: Electromechanics and Contromechanics. Springer-
[12] Auslander, D. M. and Kempf, C. J. (1996) Mechatronics: Mechanical System
Interfacing, Prentice Hall.
[13] Bishop, R. H. (2002) The Mechatronics Handbook (Electrical Engineering Handbook
Series), CRC Press.
[14] Braga, N.C. (2001) Robotics, Mechatronics and Artificial Intelligence: Experimental
Circuit Blocks for Designers, Butterworth-Heinemann.
[15] Popovic, D. and Vlacic, L. (1999) Mechatronics in Engineering Design and Product
Development, Marcel Dekker, Inc.

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