Ball Bounce Lab
Ball Bounce Lab
Ball Bounce Lab
Independent Variable: Drop height
Dependent Variable: Time
Controlled Variables: Object (a Tobouncy ball, ⌀2.2cm), air resistance
I measured the time taken for the ball to hit the ground from each height, three trials for each
The uncertainty for the time was calculated by (maximum value - minimum value)/2.
E.g The uncertainty for 0.500m: (0.34 - 0.30)/2 = 0.01
Looking at the equation s = ½ at2, in order to determine the value of a (or g), we will need to
graph s against t2 , where t2 is the x value and the linear gradient of that graph is ½ a (or ½ g) .
In order to find m, we need to find the maximum and minimum slopes with uncertainties.
Now that we have found the value of m, we can substitute and find g.
g = 2m = 2*4.45 = 8.9
This experiment focused on finding the value of g using the SUVAT equation s = ut + ½ at2. A
bouncy rubber ball was dropped from 0.5m to 2.5m in increments of 0.5m, and the time taken
for the ball to hit the ground was taken with a stopwatch. Based on the data collected, I ended
up with four different experimental values of g with an average value of 8.9 ± 0.33 ms-2. This
value is somewhat far off from the Earth’s acceleration’s theoretical value due to gravity, 9.81
The percentage error of my experimental value in comparison to the theoretical value can be
found using the following equation:
Based on the accuracy of the experimental value of g, we can conclude that the method used
was not as reliable and valid as it could have been. Air resistance played a significant role in
determining the experimental value as the theoretical value of g neglects air resistance. The air
resistance slowed down the ball slightly, decreasing the velocity, increasing the time, and
ultimately decreasing the acceleration.
There were a few limitations to the method because it was done manually (dropping ball with
the hand, measurement of time, measurement of height). The table below examines the
limitations of the experiment and the possible ways of addressing them if the investigation is
repeated in the future.
Limitations/Problems Improvements for next time
Human reaction time. I had to release the Maybe have a special ball that is connected
ball, start the stopwatch simultaneously, and to a stopwatch where you start the stopwatch
stop the time when the ball hit the ground. and the ball automatically stops the time
Because my reaction time is not abnormally when it makes contact with the ground. This
fast, some measurements were taken a while would make the method way more accurate
after the ball hit the ground. This affects the because the time is stopped the moment the
data a lot because the little differences in sensor on the ball touches the ground. This
milliseconds can’t contribute to my accuracy will reduce the random errors in the
and precision measurements. experiment.
The height at which the ball was released I would change the set up of the experiment
was different every trial because I held the to reduce systematic errors. A possible
ball with my hand. I made a mark on the wall solution would be to hold a flat object at a
for every height using a meter stick and I held specific height on which the ball can be
the ball every trial with my hand, eyeballing placed on. Then all you have to do is remove
the height. This causes a systematic error as the flat object when you start the stopwatch.
I’m repeating the experiment with different Of course, this does not completely fix the
heights. problem but rather reduces the error.
The timer and ball did not start at the same Fixing this problem is not very easy as it is
time. Because I am human, to perfectly time it one of the disadvantages of being human.
so that I start the stopwatch and release the Using machinery that releases the ball and
ball at the same time. starts the stopwatch at the same time would
solve this issue. However, this is very simple
and there would be no other benefit to
building a machine like that.
Due to the friction on our fingertips, the This can be fixed by holding the ball with
person holding the ball may unintentionally tongs so that there is less friction between the
add some force to it or hold on to it for a few ball and whatever is holding it.
milliseconds longer than wanted.
Video Analysis
Based on the slow-motion video taken during one of the trials, the distance traveled by the ball
is approximately 950 pixels. The video was at 960 fps slowed down 30 times meaning it is
decreased to 32fps. It took the ball around 4.6 seconds to hit the ground.
With this information, we can figure out the speed at which the ball traveled and then the