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/^^^ United States

'-* ■ *• Department of
Solar- and Wind-Powered
Irrigation Systems

Economic Report
Number 482
Robert V. Enochian

Robert V. Enochian. National Economics Division, Economic
Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural
Economic Report No. 482

Five different direct solar and wind energy systems are technically feasi-
ble for powering irrigation pumps. However, with projected rates of fossil
fuel costs, only two may produce significant unsubsidized energy for irri-
gation pumping before the turn of the century. These are photovoltaic
systems with nonconcentrating collectors (providing that projected costs of
manufacturing solar cells prove correct); and wind systems, especially in
remote areas where adequate wind is available.

Keywords: Energy, solar energy, photovoltaics, wind energy, irrigation


Use of brand names or company names in this publication is for identifica-

tion only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Department of

Washington, D.C. 20250 February 1982

Summary íü

Introduction 1
Energy Requirements for Irrigation i
Conserving Water and Energy: Dual Goals 3
Irrigating With Solar and Wind Energy 3
A Brief History 3
Systems Under Consideration ///./////,.[[[ 4
Solar Thermal Irrigation Systems 5
System Design 5
Collector Design ...,!.!.!!!.!.! 5
Heat Engines !!!.!!!!!.!!.!.!!!.. 8
Experimental Systems 1..!!.!...!.!.]. 1. !. 8
Conclusions ,,./////,[[[, 14
Photovoltaic Energy Irrigation Systems 14
Solar Cell Design 15
The Potential for Solar Cells ..,..////.'//,'//.[[][.[[[[[[[ 15
Experimental Systems .!.!.]. 16
Conclusions ./././///,///.[/. 19
Wind Energy Irrigation Systems 19
The Wind as an Energy Source 19
Windmill Design ....!!..!.!!!!!]! 20
Experimental Systems ........!.!.!.!.!!!.!!!!!. 20
Conclusions ////////,,/,,[[[. 22
Conclusions and Recommendations 23
References 24
Onsite solar energy systems are technically feasible for pumping water to
irrigate farm crops. However, out of five direct solar and wind-powered
irrigation systems studied, only two may be economically feasible before^
the turn of the century.
The two systems that appear capable of economically producing signifi-
cant energy by 2000 are:
• Photovoltaic (solar cell) systems using nonconcentrating collectors,
provided that projected costs of fossil fuel and projected costs of man-
ufacturing solar cells prove to be correct; and
• Wind-powered systems. Wind systems may already be feasible in
remote areas where electric utility power is unavailable, where the
transport of fossil fuel is difficult and costly, and where adequate
wind is available.
It is important to find technically and economically feasible ways of using
solar energy for irrigation pumping for two primary reasons:
• Irrigation pumping uses large quantities of energy currently pro-
vided by nonrenewable fossil fuels; and
• Solar energy is particularly compatible with irrigation. The maxi-
mum need for irrigation occurs at times, and in locations, of maxi-
mum solar radiation (insolation), such as during summers in the
Southwestern United States. Conversely, less water evaporates from
crops and land during periods of lower insolation—when solar energy
would be less available for powering irrigation systems.
The five solar irrigation systems reviewed in this report include solar
thermal systems which use either (1) concentrating or (2) nonconcentrating
collectors to convert direct solar energy into mechanical energy and then,
in some configurations, to electrical energy; systems that use photovoltaic
(solar) cells to convert solar energy directly into electricity using (3) con-
centrating or (4) nonconcentrating collectors; and (5) wind energy systems
which produce either mechanical or electrical energy for powering irriga-
tion pumps.

Solar- and Wînd-Powered
Irrigation Systems
Robert V. Enochîan*

Introduction Energy Requirements for Irrigation

Irrigating the world's farmland takes a large The number of irrigated acres worldwide rose
amount of energy. Irrigation operations in the from 1 million in 1900 to about 561 million in
United States use about 20 percent of all the 1976, and is expected to continue rising (32).^ In
energy used by farms for direct production opera- the United States, more than 35 million acres of
tions. Conserving this use of energy and replacing farmland were irrigated in 1974 with 69 million
fossil fuels used for irrigation with renewable acre-feet of onfarm pumped water from both
sources of energy can have worldwide benefits by ground water (wells) and surface water (lakes and
improving trade balances, by reducing inflationary rivers) sources. Land irrigated with pumped water
pressures, and, especially, by lowering the costs of accounts for just over 10 percent of the Nation^s
producing farm crops. harvested acres. However, in 1969, irrigated farm-
land accounted for 25 percent of all farm commod-
This report reviews the technical and economic ity sales (78). The 17 westernmost States contained
feasibility of the two basic systems of using direct over 80 percent of the land irrigated with pumped
solar energy for irrigation pumping (with two var- water in 1974; with over 50 percent of the pump
iations of each), along with the use of wind energy irrigated land concentrated in Texas, Nebraska,
for irrigation. It also presents a brief review of the and California (SI). See figure 1 for a display of
utilization of energy for irrigation pumping and these 17 States.
the practices that can be adopted by pump Irriga-
tors to conserve energy used for this important The combined direct energy from all sources used
production operation. for pumping this water was estimated to be over
260 trillion British thermal units (Btu^s) in 1974,
The two direct solar systems with their variations not including the energy lost in generating and
are solar thermal and photovoltaic (solar cell) sys- transmitting the electricity that was used (78).
tems with concentrating and nonconcentrating col- This represents about 20 percent of all energy used
lectors. All of the systems are found to be techni- by farms in the United States for direct
cally feasible; however, only two seem to have the production operations. In Texas and California, an
potential of economically producing significant estimated 40 percent of all energy used for direct
quantities of energy before the turn of the century. production operations goes for irrigation pumping
These two are the photovoltaic system with non- {2S, 92), These calculations exclude the indirect
concentrating collectors and wind systems, espe- energy used in the manufacture of farm fertilizers,
cially in remote areas. pesticides, and farm machinery.^

This review will be useful to pump irrigators for

identifying those solar systems which might have The energy required for irrigation pumping de-
the greatest feasibility the soonest It will also pends on the number of acres irrigated, the
provide policymakers, research administrators, amount of water applied per acre, the height the
and research workers with information that will water is lifted, and the method used to distribute
help them decide which solar irrigation technolog- or apply the water {66, 78). In addition to surface
ies might be the most deserving of future research (gravity flow or flood) application, which currently
support. represents the largest area irrigated with pumped
water, various types of pressurized (sprinkler and

^Italicized numbers in parentheses indicate items in References

*Consulting agricultural economist, formerly with the section.
National Economics Division, Economic Research Service, U.S. 2Estimates of energy used for the manufacture of fertilizers
Department of Agriculture. and pesticides can be found in (31).
Robert V. Enochían

drip) irrigation systems are in use. The use of sities for irrigation in each of the Western United
sprinkler systems is increasing rapidly because States is shown in figure 1. These intensities re-
surface application is not practical on certain types sult from the relationship among pumping depth,
of soil, terrain, or crops, and requires large proportion that ground water is of total water sup-
amounts of labor, which is costly and in short sup- plied to agriculture, and method of water applica-
ply (78). Although pressurized systems require tion.
more energy per unit of water applied than sur-
face irrigation, the overall energy and economic
efficiencies of surface irrigation apparently are
lost as water lift increases to over 250 feet (20, 77). In 1974, total U.S. expenditures for energy used
Thus, as the depth of farm wells increases, pres- for onfarm irrigation systems were estimated at
surized systems of irrigation become more cost ef- $594 million (78), By 1977, these expenditures had
fective than surface irrigation.^ The energy inten- risen to $800 million, with approximately $700
million expended in the 17 westernmost States
^Since the quantity of water applied by sprinkler systems (66), This increase was due mostly to increased
that is pumped from wells over 250 feet in depth is unknown,
the possible increase in the cost of energy used for irrigation prices for fossil fuels used for generating pumping
attributable to the shift to sprinkler systems cannot be energy and due partially to shifts to systems re-
estimated. quiring higher amounts of energy.

Figure 1

Irrigation Energy Intensities in tiie Western United States

btu's per acre-foot of water

t^$3Less than 1,190
I More than 2,780
Source: (2B)
Conserving Water and Energy

present energy prices, not all of the currently

Conserving Water and Energy: known irrigation system conservation practices are
Dual Goals cost effective because of the large capital invest-
ment and nonenergy operating costs required to
Ground-water tables are declining steadily, and adopt such practices (23, 77). Nevertheless, since
there is an increasing demand for water by indus- the potential for energy savings is so great, re-
trial users as well as agricultural users. So as fos- search on irrigation systems which can conserve
sil fuel supplies become more limited and more both water and energy is receiving high priority
costly, farmers who use pump irrigation will at- by the agricultural research establishment.
tempt to reduce costs by adopting practices that
conserve both energy and water. The USDA and State agricultural experiment sta-
tions are currently conducting over 100 research
The amount of water used for irrigation is partly projects concerned with more efficient use of irri-
controlled by a crop's consumptive water use, that gation water, and, thereby, more efficient use of
is, the water required for building plant tissues, energy (73). For example, a new closed-conduit
for the natural transpiration of the plant, and for irrigation system has been developed that reduces
the evaporation from soil adjacent to the plant water requirements while operating at pressures
However, the quantity of irrigation water used no greater than those required by surface applica-
also depends on a number of factors controlled by tion and costing no more than other sprinkler or
irrigation practices. These include local irrigation drip irrigation systems (7J^).
customs, water availability, labor availability,
seepage and evaporation from canals and ditches, Irrigating with Solar and Wind Energy
surface runoff, unnecessarily deep percolation of
water into the soil, and losses and waste caused by In both developed and developing countries around
poor management. On lands irrigated by surface the world, attention is being focused on improved
distribution, it has been estimated that one to systems for using solar and wind power to provide
three times the amount of water actually needed to energy for a number of tasks, including the power-
satisfy consumptive use may be lost in the process ing of irrigation pumps. A major purpose of the
of delivering and applying water to the land (13). solar irrigation projects that are now either in
operation or are planned is to develop performance
data that can be used to improve system design.
There are several practices farmers can use to
save energy directly and to use water more effec- A Brief History
tively. For example, more timely adjustment or
repair of irrigation pumps could improve pump People used water lifted from wells, lakes, and
efficiency. Farmers in some locations could shift rivers for irrigating fields long before the discov-
pumping loads to times that electricity rates are ery and widespread use of fossil fuels for this pur-
lowest. In addition, some farmers could change to pose (26, 29). Initially, the power for lifting water
cropping patterns which require less water, while for these first irrigation systems was provided by
others could improve irrigation practices to make humans. Later, these primitive systems were pow-
more efficient use of water. Comprehensive discus- ered by bullocks, camels, or donkeys. Many of
sions of conservation practices for farmers who use these human and animal-powered systems are still
pump irrigation can be found in ß, 2^, 77). in widespread use in the developing countries of
the world.
Most energy planners agree that conservation of
energy is more cost effective than developing new
sources of energy (89), Improved selection and Eventually, ways were found to use wind power to
maintenance of irrigation facilities can reduce do some of the work. Vertical-axis windmills have
pump-size requirements and improve overall effi- been used in Persia for grinding grain and lifting
ciency of the system. Some authorities believe that water since the first millenium A.D. and, before
input energy for irrigation can be reduced by as the widespread use of fossil fuels, windmills were
much as 40 to 50 percent (23, 25). However, at used extensively for lifting water throughout the
Robert V. Enochîan

world (57). In many areas, including North Amer-

ica, wind power continues to be used for lifting focusmg, tracking collectors for collecting solar
water, but only for providing drinking water for energy. Solar ponds and cylindrical transparent
livestock or for use by farm households. collectors also are receiving consideration. All of
these collectors heat a transfer fluid which then
heats a working fluid to power a heat engine
Throughout the past four centuries, a number of
recorded experiments have used direct solar which generates either mechanical power or elec-
energy to lift water for irrigation purposes. Per- tricity to power a pump. Photovoltaic and thermo-
haps the earliest of these was described by the voltaic systems are also receiving considerable re-
French engineer, Solomon de Caux, in 1615 (65). search attention. These convert solar radiant en-
ergy directly into electricity which is then used to
Another example was in about 1885, when solar
drive an electric motor connected to a water pump.
thermal energy was used to power an apparatus at
Auteuil, France, which lifted over 300 gallons of
water per hour from a depth of 65 feet using 350 Agricultural biomass is an energy source derived
square feet of solar collecting area (17). In the indirectly from the sun which can also be used for
United States in 1907, and again in 1911, near irrigation pumping (8^, H). The biomass approach
Philadelphia, Pa., F. Shuman developed solar uses plant or animal residues to produce methane
steam engines of several horsepower which were gas, or grain and sugar crops to produce alcohol
used to pump water. And in 1913, near Cairo, which can then be combusted in an internal com-
bustion engine to power a water pump. Texas
Egypt, F. Shuman and C. V. Boys built a large
solar-powered system of over 50 horsepower that A & M University has initiated work on biomass
powered a heat engine and pumped irrigation as a possible source of energy for irrigation pump-
ing (22); but because of the relatively minor atten-
water from the Nile River (26). References to other
tion biomass has received for this purpose to date
recorded early experiments on using solar thermal
energy for irrigation pumping can be found in (26 it IS not considered in this report. Furthermore
J^8, 65). since gas or alcohol produced from biomass is
easily stored and transported, the use of biomass
After World War I there was a gap in research does not have to be confined to a specific site as
efforts because of the ready availability of cheap, does the initial mechanical energy produced by the
convenient-to-use fossil fuels. However, interest in solar thermal or wind systems dealt with in this
the use of solar energy for irrigation pumping was
revived in the late fifties and early sixties (65). The
impending shortages and higher prices for fossil Other solar energy systems for powering irrigation
fuels contributed to this renewed interest as did facilities are possible both for onsite generation of
the growing interest in increasing food production power and centralized generation systems from
by providing irrigation water to remote arid lands, which the power would be distributed through a
particularly in the developing countries. public utility grid. Centralized power generation
systems, which can provide energy for irrigation
Since the renewal of interest, a number of solar pumping, are outside the scope of this study With
irrigation systems have been built or planned, in regard to other possible onsite systems, such as
both the United States and other countries. Many photochemical conversion or wind-powered hydro-
of these are demonstration projects, but in some gen production, no references were found during
of the developing countries—especially Africa and this review to the use of such systems for powerinir
irrigation facilities.*
Latin America—there are already solar thermal-
powered pumping systems providing small villages
with water for drinking and irrigating.

^iPor a comprehensive overview of solar energy systems that

Systems Under Consideration have the potential for providing significant qufî^titfesTf ener^
by the year 2000. refer to (91). It describes research and devef
opment programs and implementation scenarios for six techni-
The solar projects built since the sixties or now cally feasible so ar energy technologies for heating and cooling
bemg planned have emphasized flat-plate, or providing high temperature heat, and producing mechanical
and electric power or clean fuels. =i-"<tiut,ai
Solar Thermal

A schematic of a solar-powered system for pumping

Solar Thermal Irrigation Systems irrigation water using mechanical energy for pow-
ering the pump is shown in figure 2. An electric
In recent years, several systems for converting generator could be introduced between the turbine
solar thermal energy to mechanical and then, in and the pump shown in this schematic for provid-
some systems, to electrical energy for pumping ing electricity to drive the pump. An advantage of
water have been found to be technically feasible. such a modification is that electric power provides
The basic difference in these systems is in the de- greater flexibility in utilizing the system for other
sign of the solar collector—some concentrate or purposes when it is not needed for irrigation. In
focus the sunlight and some do not. addition, surplus electricity can be channeled into
the local electric power grid and sold to the elec-
The remainder of this section describes the basic tric utility company. This practice is generally
design of solar thermal systems that have been more efficient than energy storage.
used in irrigation pumping experiments and eval-
uates the engineering and economic aspects of Collector Design
these systems.
The basic component of a solar thermal energy
System Design system is the solar collector. A number of different
types of collectors have been designed and tested
The basic configuration of the solar thermal en- but design concepts are changing so rapidly that
ergy systems used for pumping water, as well as selecting an optimum design is difficult.^ Factors
for other purposes, is similar. Specific components that need to be taken into consideration are the
may vary but, in general, the systems consist of a available space, the availability of direct and indi-
solar collector which heats a fluid, called a trans- rect sunshine, and the compatibility of the collec-
fer fluid. This transfer fluid circulates through a tor output with the other components of the sys-
closed system with its flow controlled by tempera- tem. There are two general categories of collector
ture sensors and valves. When heated to the appro- design: nonconcentrating and concentrating.
priate temperature, it enters a heat exchanger and
heats another fluid, called the working fluid, The most common type of nonconcentrating solar
which is contained in another closed system. When collector is the flat plate collector which uses
the working fluid is heated, it vaporizes into a gas water mixed with antifreeze as the heat transfer
which is under pressure. The expanding gas drives medium. Another nonconcentrating collector de-
a turbine coupled directly to a water pump or to sign is the solar pond. This is a shallow pond dug
an electric generator for powering the pump. The in the earth, lined with black plastic, partly filled
gas is then condensed and returned to the heat ex- with concentrated saltwater, and then topped with
changer/vaporizer to complete the cycle. a layer of fresh water. The concentrated saltwater
collects the sun's heat and acts as the heat transfer
In order to operate such a system during periods fluid. The top layer of water acts as an insulator to
of low solar radiation (insolation) or at night, keep the heat from escaping from the concentrated
either a thermal storage tank, an auxiliary boiler, saltwater layer. Research is underway to reduce
or both can be introduced, usually between the the problem of the two layers mixing, especially
solar collector and the heat exchanger/vaporizer. when there is air turbulence. These
Other means of providing irrigation water to crops nonconcentrating collectors provide fairly low
for short periods of low or nonexistent insolation temperatures and, therefore, their use in operating
are to store the pumped water in a reservoir in- heat engines (turbines) is limited.
stead of pumping it directly for irrigation, or to
store electricity produced by the system in bat- Systems which concentrate the sun's rays are the
teries.^ most effective users of heat energy because they

6A comprehensive discussion of a wide array of collector de-

signs and heat engines is contained in (67). A brief description
5A comprehensive discussion of various means of storing
energy generated by solar systems is contained in (67). of collector designs is contained in (86).
Figure 2

Schematic of Solar-Powered Irrigation Pumping System

Solar rays fuel



Source: (81)
Solar Thermal

also track the sun for optimum performance (fig. ceives reflected sunlight from a field of mirrors.
3). They have received the greatest attention in All of these concentrating collectors have reflector
solar-powered irrigation experiments, especially in surfaces which focus the incident solar rays onto a
the United States. Some engineering problems receiver which contains the transfer fluid. The
exist with these systems and high investment costs transfer fluid is usually water containing anti-
make them impractical for powering irrigation freeze, or some type of oil.
systems at the present time. The widespread use
of these systems will depend upon substantial anti-
cipated cost reductions resulting from economies of A variation of the parabolic trough does not track,
large-scale manufacture of components and from and consists of a cylinder made of a transparent
the resolution of engineering problems that will synthetic material with a thin aluminum reflector
improve system efficiency. on the bottom half. A metal tube, situated on the
longitudinal axis, carries the transfer fluid. An-
There are a number of variations but the three other type of concentrating collector is the Fresnel
common concentrating collector designs are the lens, which has a short focal length yet large diam-
parabolic trough, the parabolic dish, and the cen- eter, such as those used in searchlights and auto-
tral receiver which is mounted on a tower and re- mobile headlights.

Figure 3
Types of Solar Collectors Most Commonly Used In Irrlgatlon-Related Experiments
Incident solar rays

Flat plate Parabolic trough

\ \ \

^\\\^V.^ \ Mirrors

Central receiver Parabolic dish

Source: (86)
Robert V. Enochîan

Heat Engines SOPRETES Systems. Several solar thermal pro-

Thermal energy concentrated by solar collectors totype systems are already pumping water in a
must be converted into mechanical energy for pow- number of Latin American and African nations
ering an irrigation pump directly or for powering and more are under construction in these countries.
an electric generator to drive the pump. A number These sytems were designed and installed primar-
of devices for converting thermal energy into me- ily by a French firm, Société Française d'Etudes
chanical energy are available and can be utilized Thermiques et d'Energie Solaire (SOFRETES).
for solar thermal systems. The systems use flat plate collectors and organic
fluid, Rankine-cycle heat engines and have genera-
ting capacities ranging from 1 to 50 kilowatts (79),
The basic differences in these devices are the type One of these systems, installed in the Mexican
of working fluid used (organic, water, or gas) and town of San Luis de la Paz, produces about 25 kil-
the temperature at which they operate. Theoreti- owatts of electrical energy and pumps about
cally, the higher the operating temperature, the 330,250 gallons of fresh water daily (H, 15), A
higher the thermodynamic efficiency of heat en- proposal for a larger system that can pump L7
gines. However, in selecting a heat engine, consid- million gallons of irrigation water per day from
eration must be given to the overall efficiency and the Senegal River in Africa has been prepared by
cost of producing energy. Collector costs for a SOFRETES and the Thermo-Electron Corporation
lower temperature cycle may be lower and, in of Waltham, Mass. (83), Funding for this proposal
actual operation, efficiency does not necessarily is to come from the Government of Senegal, from
increase proportionately with increasing tempera- the French Government's foreign aid agency, Fonds
ture (67), d'Aide a la Cœperation (FAC), and from the U.S.
Agency for International Development (USAID).
The heat engine which seems to have the greatest
promise for converting thermal energy to mechani-
cal energy is the Rankine-cycle engine. The tech-
The economies of the SOFRETES systems have
nology for this engine, which uses an organic
been analyzed but firm conclusions cannot be
working fluid such as freon, is reasonably well-
made because of the many unknowns (IJf,, 15, 83),
developed. This type of engine has been used since These unknowns include such things as future
the early 19th century for powering everything
interest rates, petroleum and utility electric power
from steamboats to electric power plants using nu-
costs, useful life and maintenance requirements for
clear energy and is most commonly used for gener-
these relatively untested systems, and future man-
ating stationary power (67). With current tech-
ufacturing costs of solar equipment. For the pro-
nology, the Rankine-cycle engine can operate at
posed Senegal River installation, the net present
temperatures up to 1,100°F, thus, making it suit-
value of the system was estimated for different
able for use with low-temperature, flat plate col-
years of use, different discount rates, and different
lectors and solar ponds as well as with concentrat-
average annual percentage rates of change in the
ing solar collectors that produce higher tempera-
value of energy. In 1979, when the projected cost
tures. Limitations above 1,100°F are imposed only
of electrical energy produced by diesel fuel was
by currently available steel alloys used in most
58.0 cents per kilowatthour, the net present value
boilers and other components. All of the solar ther-
of the system was equal to or greater than the esti-
mal irrigation systems referred to in the current
mated actual cost only when the years of system
literature use the Rankine-cycle heat engine.
use were 20 or more, the discount rate was 10 per-
cent or less, and the projected annual rate of in-
Experimental Systems crease in energy costs was more than 10 percent
(83), In any case, most of the installed SOFRETES
Some solar thermal systems are in use for pump- systems are currently supported by government
ing water, model systems have been developed for subsidies in one form or anather, as are most sys-
evaluation, and demonstration projects are being tems used for generating electricity in the coun-
operated or are under construction, especially in tries in which SOFRETES systems are being
the Southwestern United States. installed.
Solar Thermal

Ormat Turbines Ltd. Systems. Another solar turn 10 percent, based on the assumptions used. If
thermal water pumping system, developed by an such extreme conditions occur, the economic and
Israeli firm, Ormat Turbines Ltd., couples an or- social problems associated with them would, in the
ganic fluid, Rankine-cycle engine with a cylindrical authors' words, "complicate the rate-of-return
concentrating collector, half of which is a trans- analysis." Nevertheless, a similar system is already
parent synthetic material and the other half an in operation in Israel where there are plans to
aluminum reflector. This system is used to produce install many such systems (W^ The economics of
electricity, which then operates a standard well these systems under Israeli conditions were not
pump (68). Ormat has proposed a joint venture specified.
with the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in Liver-
mbre, Calif., to evaluate and further develop this Texas Tech University Systems. In 1976, Texas
system (69). The end result of this project is to be Tech University, operating under a grant from the
an operating 50-kilowatt system to demonstrate the National Science Foundation through the Agricul-
feasibility of using solar energy to pump irrigation tural Research Service of the U.S. Department of
water in California. Cost estimates for this system Agriculture, modeled and evaluated solar energy
are incomplete (69). systems for operating feedmills and irrigation fa-
cilities (80, 81). After evaluating a variety of pos-
sible solar collector configurations and power cycle
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Systems. The and energy storage options, the authors concluded
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, supported by the that the central receiver collector system (fig. 3)
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), has modeled was more capital cost effective than other collector
and evaluated the feasibility of a 150-kilowatt irri- types for both electric power and process heat
gation pumping plant using shallow solar ponds as generation, and selected it for evaluation in the
collectors coupled with an organic fluid, Rankine- study. The power cycle chosen was the Rankine
cycle heat engine (71). The purpose of this model steam cycle. Storage of the fluid heated by the
was to test the concept that savings in collector solar collector to keep the system operational dur-
costs might more than offset the lower efficiency of ing periods of low insolation was determined to be
converting thermal to mechanical energy with low- more cost effective than either storage of pumped
temperature collector arrays. Calculations of water in a reservoir or no storage (fig. 2).
energy output were made using data from engi-
neering studies for the Rankine-cycle engine and An economic analysis of a 100-kilowatt solar-pow-
weather data from meteorological records for ered irrigation system using the most cost effective
Inyokern, Calif., April through October 1962. configuration, as specified above, indicated that
the system would be economically feasible only if
Once the physical plant was specified and the sys- the cost of fossil fuel escalates at an annual rate in
tem's components were costed, computer simula- excess of 18 percent. This result was generally
tion was used to arrive at costs of generating en- true for both the High Plains Region of Texas and
ergy based on assumed system life and deprecia- the Final County Region of Arizona. According to
tion, interest, and tax rates. These costs were then the authors (81), it is reasonable to assume that
compared with the costs of purchased electric maximum annual fuel cost increases will not be
power and of other solar irrigation systems. The above 10 percent for prolonged periods, leading
them to the conclusion that the onsite use of solar
authors concluded that shallow solar ponds,
coupled with the organic fluid, Rankine-cycle en- energy for irrigation pumping is not economically
gine were the lowest cost solar thermal power sys- feasible at the present time.*^
tem proposed up to the time of the study (April
1978). However, such a system can only show an The authors attribute the poor economic feasibility
economic advantage over purchased electric power of the system to two factors and suggest solutions.
if the cost of power were to inflate more than 8
percent faster than the components needed for the
solar system. At a 17-percent differential inflation 7USDA and DOE project annual fuel cost increases of 4 to 8
rate, investment in this type of system would re- percent above the rate of inflation for the near future.
Robert V. Enochian

One factor is that an onsite solar irrigation system 50-horsepower pump capable of delivering up to
in the areas considered would have a low utiliza- 10,000 gallons of irrigation water per minute at
tion factor because it would only be used about 100 peak operation. The system made no provision for
days per year. The other factor is that the ^stem energy storage, thus was capable of operating only
is relatively inefficient because of its small size. on cloudless days. At night, and during hailstorms,
The authors suggest that both problems can be the collectors automatically stowed in an inverted
rectified by building large-scale solar power plants position to protect the surface against weather
tied into the local utility grid. They also suggest damage and to minimize the effects of condensa-
that if the onsite system concept is pursued, an tion, which reduces collector efficiency. A full
effort should be made to lower capital costs by im- description of the system and performance charac-
proving cy<île efficiency, by lowering component teristics is contained in (7,16, 58),
costs, and by utilizing the ^stem for other pur-
poses, including selling power to the utility
company when it is not being used for pumping The NML/Battelle system was operated and evalu-
irrigtóon water,
ated during the 1977 season, at the end of which it
was concluded that solar energy is not yet an econ-
Arizona State University Studies. A study of the omical answer to rising electricity costs. The re-
feasibili^ of utilizing solar energy for irrigation search team suggested that solar energy may have
pumping conducted at Arizona State University a chance of being competitive (with other means of
ooncluded that solar ener^ will be cost competitive producing mechanical power) by 1985 if research
with alternative energy sources ¡f these sources and development are continued and result in re-
increase in price at a rate greater than interest ducing total system investment significantly—
rates and the solar power plant is fully utilized (U7), perhaps to one-quarter of the then-current costs
(6. 7h

Another Arizona State University study concluded

that the cost competitiveness of onsite solar irriga- On the basis of operating experience during the
tion systems can be improved by changing pump- 1977 season, the NML/Battelle system was modi-
ing schedules, using the solar system only to fied to achieve more mature capabilities and to
provide the base energy supply, supplemented by further evaluate operating and maintenance re-
auxiliai^^ourees, and by developing other uses for quirements during the 1978 season. These tasks
the enet^y output during periods that the system were perform^ by Battelle under contract with
is not being used for pumping f:45). Even with the DOE, forn>erly ERDA, operating through
these improvements, however, the final conclusion Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, N. Mex. Ac-
was that lower investment and lower operating cording to the report of 1978 results, the modified
and maintenance costs are required to make solar system was operated for 188 hours and pumped
energy <for onsite irrigation pumping) competitive 32.8 million gallons of water during which signifi-
with alternative energy sources. cant information was gathered on performance,
component life, and maintenance requirements.
Several new operating and maintenance problems
NML/Battelle System. In April 1977, the North- were encountered, with the result that satisfactory
western Mutual Life Insurance Company (NML) progress towards unattended system operation was
and BatteHe Memorial Institute began operating not made /<5;i. Economic considerations aside, it
what was described as the world's largest solar- was concluded that more testing and development
powered irrigation system at NML'ä Gila River will be req^iired before the system is considered
ranch, southwest of Phoenix, Ariz. The system was acceptable. The facility was to be maintained in a
developed and installed over a 2-year period by temporary shutdown condition for 6 to 12 months
Battelle. Design and optimization of the system to facilitate the initiation of any follow-on program
involved computer modeling to select the optimum or demonstration in connection with additional
combination of components. It consisted of 5,500 work (6), Operation of the system was supported
square feet of parabolic tracking solar collectors, by the DOE through mid-1980 at which time
an organic fluid, Rankine-cycle heat engine, and a Sandia Laboratories concluded it had all the data

Solar Thermal

it needed to fully evaluate the system. NML has to provide irrigation water around the clock
sold its Gila River ranch and the new owner has during the season. Details of design consideration
discontinued operation of the system because the can be found in (2, P, 10).
maintenance costs do not justify its continued oper-
ation (8). The system was operated for several seasons to
obtain data on operations and maintenance as well
Sandia Laboratories Projects. Early in 1976, as to carry out irrigation experiments. Numerous
Sandia Laboratories proposed development of a problems were encountered with the collector field,
small solar-powered system to pump water. The the heat storage system, and, especially, the
project was funded by the State of New Mexico Rankine-cycle heat engine. The problems identified
and by DOE and is described in (11). Subsequently, with the collector field and heat storage system
Sandia Laboratories formulated a comprehensive were either remedied or have had remedial solu-
solar irrigation program plan for DOE which was tions proposed. Due to the complexities of the heat
published in November 1976 and revised in 1978 engine it was difficult to analyze problems, and a
(12), This plan contains four major activities: number of modifications did not result in appro-
priate solutions (1, 10). The engine systeni used
for converting thermal energy to mechanical
• To upgrade and operate the NML/Battelle energy was not designed for the extreme tempera-
facility for the purpose of collecting additional ture cycling (ranging from ambient nighttime
operational and maintenance information. As temperatures to operating temperatures of up to
indicated, Sandia contracted with Battelle to 450°F) encountered in solar thermal irrigation sys-
carry out this work. tems (8).
• To construct and operate a 25-horsepower Engineering considerations aside, the Sandia/New
(19 kilowatt) shallow-well experiment in New Mexico researchers concluded that widespread
Mexico in cooperation with New Mexico State applications of solar thermal systems cannot be
University (11). expected because of the excessive initial investment.
The 25-horsepower installation at Willard cost ap-
• To conduct systems studies and economic proximately $200,000 and, even with large cost
analyses of onsite solar irrigation systems. decreases through mass production, the cost of an
installed system would be expected to exceed
• To monitor the design, construction, and oper- $100,000 (1). Justifying such an investment would
ation of a 150-kilowatt deep-well experiment require year-round utilization of the facility (1, 8).
in Arizona, in cooperation with Arizona State This could be accomplished by using the system for
University. other purposes during the off-season (multiple use),
or for operations that are conducted on a year-round
The last three of these activities are described basis (such as feedmill operations), or by selling
below. unneeded electric power to the local utility by plug-
ging into their grid. Federal Energy Regulatory
Construction of the Sandia/New Mexico shallow- Commission rules issued under the Public Utility
well experiment began in 1976 at the Torrance Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 that went into effect
County Land and Livestock Company farm in the in March 1981, say that small power producers must
Estancia Valley near Willard, N. Mex. The system be allowed to sell surplus power to their local elec-
was similar in design to the NML/Battelle solar tric utility (86). The basis these regulations set for
irrigation system at Gila Bend with selection of the price the utility must pay for this power is the
components based more on availability and cost "avoided cost" that the utility would have to spend to
than on performance optimization (2). The system generate an equal amount of power (36). Because of
employed tracking parabolic-trough concentrat- the high costs of constructing new electric power-
ing collectors (6,720 square feet), an organic fluid, generating facilities, these avoided costs could be
Rankine-cycle engine, and both thermal and higher than the price the utility receives for the
pumped water storage which enabled the system electricity it sells from old facilities. The effect of

Robert V. Enochian

these regulations on the construction of onsite solar Two sets of calculations were made, both which
electrical systems cannot be foreseen at this time. assumedthat the initial costs of all inputs, except the
collectors, were the same. Two initial costs were
The Willard installation was turned over to the State assumed for the collectors which, starting with 1978,
of New Mexico and is currently not in use. Because were assumed to be either $10 or $5 per square foot.«'
of the major problems with the heat engine, plans
are being made to eliminate us^ of the heat engine
When it was assumed that the solar irrigation sys-
and pump and to use only the thermal part of the
tem would be used only for irrigation pumping, the
system to produce process heat for the production of
alcohol from cull potatoes f^/ life cycle cost of the solar system was always higher
than that of a conventional electric water pumping
system throughout the period from 1980 to 1990,
Another major activity in the solar irrigation pro-
even with the löwer collector cost assumption. How-
gram of Sandia Laboratories was to conduct systems
ever, because of the differential in the escalation
studies and economic analyses of onsite solar irriga-
rate for general inflation and fuel costs, the life cycle
tion systems. In 1977, a preliminary analysis was
cost for the solar system dropped more rapidly than
conducted of the economic feasibility of stand-alone for the conventional system.
solar irrigation systems for certain applications, in
selected locations, using a system configuration
The 1990 projections show that the life cycle cost for
similar to the Sandia/New Mexico solar irrigation
experiment (10, J^9). the solar irrigation system, using the lower collector
cost assumption, ranged from a low of 1,5 times that
Locations selected for analysis were based on data in for the conventional electrical system in southern
the 1969 Census of Agriculture and on the irrigation Arizona, where the price of electricity is highest of
all areas considered, to a high of 4.5 times in south-
weight ranking of the Western States. Sites selected
eastern Oregon which has low-cost hydroelectric
included southern ArizonaltbeSan Joaquin Valley
power. In Arizona, where it is less expensive to
of California, northwestern Nebraska, central New
Mexico, southeastern Oreg:on, and the southern pump water using natural gas rather than electric-
High Plains of Texas. Crops considered were the ity, solar compares less favorably with natural gas
than with electricity. This is also true for the south-
principal crops produced in each location. Initial
capital costs were generated by an optimization ern High Plains of Texas and central NewMexico.
procedure. Prices for equipment were based on In northwestern Nebraska, where both electricity
and diesel are used for pumping water, life cycle
industry estimates, with system components sized to
costs are about the same for systems using these two
meet crop water demand for each location. Eco-
fuels. However, the analysis shows that by 1990 the
nomic feasibility was determinedljy comparing the
life cycle cost of the solar system to that of conven- life cycle cost of the solar irrigation system using the
tional systems. The economic parameters used to lower collector cost assumption would be about 3 5
times higher.
calculate life cycle costs were as follows:
On the basis of their analysis of the economics of a
Percent stand-alone solar irrigation system used only for
irrigation, the authors conclude that the conven-
Loan rate tional ener^ alternatives are the least costly ßg).
Downpayment However, the study also analyzes the impact of sev-
Market discount rate eral methods of improving the feasibility of solar
Effective income tax rate 50 energy. Thesemethods include finding alternative
Depreciation rate 5 uses for energy produced by the solar system when
General inflation rate 6
PueLesealation rate 10
Investment tax credit 10 «Both costs are based on the assumption that these levels can be
Maintenance expenses 2 achieved with large-scale production and improved manufactur-
{% of investment) mgeffieiencies. In 1978, the pricefor parabolic-trough concen-
Property tax rate tratmgcoHectorsof the type used for the Willard facility was in
0 the range of $15 to^O per square foot (64).

Solar Thermal

it is not needed for irrigation purposes; government construction of the system. The three top proposals
incentives, such as a tax deduction for the cost of the received which were given further consideration
energy that would have been purchased if a solar were:
system had not been installed; and the use of a hy-
brid system which combines solar energy with a (1) A distributed collector field employing para-
conventional system. Other ways of increasing the bolic tracking collectors, a thermal storage
use of an onfarm power plant are to reduce peak system, and a Rankine-cycle heat engine simi-
energy demand for irrigation and extend the period lar in design to the Willard, New Mex., experi-
of use by modifying irrigation and cropping prac- ment, submitted by the Acurex Corporation;
tices U6),
(2) A two-axis tracking parabolic dish concentra-
ting collector fieldusing a Brayton-cycle (gas
turbine) engine, submitted by Honeywell; and
The analysis of the stand-alone system conducted by
Sandia ß9) shows that in southern Arizona, with
(3) A central tower system with heliostats (track-
100-percent utilization of the energy from the solar
ing mirrors) and a central cavity receiver which
irrigation system and assuming a 1978 starting would furnish thermal energy to a steam tur-
price of $5 per square foot of collector area, the life bine heat engine, submitted by Black and
cycle cost of the solar irrigation system would be Veatch Consulting Engineers.
comparable to that for an electric-powered system
sometime between 1985 and 1990. For the same All three designs were judged technically good and
location and assumptions and allowing an income tax ranking them proved difficult. Some considerations
deduction for the cost of electricity saved by using a were how well the system met proposal require-
solar irrigation system, the life cycle cost of the solar ments, maintenance requirements, risk involved in
system would break even by 1985. By combining the meeting projected operating conditions, ease with
100-percent utilization and the tax deduction advan-
which a farmer could operate them, and life cycle
tages, the life cycle cost for the southern Arizona costs for both present and predicted systems. From a
location would be lower for the solar option as early performance standpoint, the Acurex proposal was
as 1980, even with a $10-per-square-foot starting ranked highest and DOE awarded the company the
price for the collectors. The savings for the hybrid
contract for construction and operation of the sys-
system—solar plus electric—in southern Arizona tem (10). A full description of the system's analysis,
would be an estimated 10 percent of the cost of an the preliminary design, and system production cost
all-electric system. Whether or not the assumptions estimates are contained in the Acurex design study
used can be considered realistic is not known. Their
use, however, results in a more favorable economic
picture than for other analyses which do not use such
advantageous assumptions. The system was constructed on the Dalton Cole and
Son farm near Coolidge, Ariz. A farmer-owned
electrical cooperative located near the site is cooper-
A final major activity of the Sandia Laboratories ating with the project by allowing the system to put
Solar Irrigation Program is a 150-kilowatt deep- generated electricity into its grid and later remov-
well experiment near Coolidge, Ariz. (12). The ex- ing an equivalent amount without any loss or cost to
periment was designed to involve industry in the the experiment (10). Due to budgetary constraints,
solution of solar irrigation; to determine by study only half of the planned 48,960-square-foot collector
contracts the best system to be built for the experi- field was originally built. This meant that the water
ment; and to construct and operate the best system pumps could operate only half the time. The other
to obtain true performance and cost data (10), half of the collector field was added in fiscal 1981.
Nevertheless, even before completion, the system
was operated on a daily basis, and operation and
maintenance data were collected for evaluation (8).
DOE requested proposals from industry in October For a comprehensive outline of the tests and evalua-
1976 for a study into system design, to be followed by tion of this system during 1981 see (85).

Robert V. Enochian

DOE Progress Report. The characteristics of the fossil fuels; adoption of the many technological ad-
NML/Battelle installation at Gila Bend, Ariz., the vances that can be foreseen for improving the effi-
shallow-well experiment at Willard, N. Mex,, and ciency of solar^hermal power systems; and the exe-
the 150-kilowatt experiment at Coolidge, Ariz., as cution of recently adopted legislation that requires
well as a photovoltaic irrigation experiment at Mead, utility companies to purchase surplus electrical
Nebr., discussed later in this report, are summa- energy from onsite solar-electric systems at a price
rized in a 1978 DOE progress report prepared by that is equal to the utility's avoided costs of produc-
the Aerospace Corporation (89). This report also ing an equivalent amount of power. Nevertheless,
contains economic and market analyses of solar some observers believe that the capital investment
thermal irrigation systems based on various scenar- required for converting solar thermal energy into
ios. All scenarios are based on projected 1985 eco- mechanical or electrical energy will remain high
nomic conditions, many of which seem overly per unit of energy output, while the efficiency of
favorable to the solar option. Even for the most conversion remains low, thus making its widespread
favorable scenario, however, the analysis shows that use during this century doubtful (76),
the economics of solar thermal systems are not
favorable. In addition, the authors point out other
factors which might inhibit adoption of solar irriga- Photovoltaic Energy Irrigation Systems
tion systems. Economics and market penetration in
the future are expected to be more favorable, based Another method of utilizing solar energy to pump
on two assumptions: (1) continuing high petroleum irrigation water is to convert the energy directly
prices and (2) rather optimistic reductions in the into electricity through a device called a photovol-
costs of manufacturing and installing solar col- taic, or solar, cell. Although the basic patents for
lectors (89), solar cells were established in the early forties, the
first breakthrough in their manufacture came at
Bell Laboratories in 19M(59). In the following two
Aside from continuing the evaluation of the Coolidge decades, photovoltaic cells, arranged in panels and
experiment, and a plan to request proposals for wired together, became the standard source of elec-
testing a 20-kilowatt solar thermal electrical gener- tric power for space satellites. A limited market for
ating system side by side with a 20-kilowatt photo- solar cells also developed where conventionally gen-
voltaic system in Tunisia, for comparative evalua- erated power was particularly expensive, such as in
tion under comparable conditions, DOE has decided remote locations where electricity was needed to
to redirect its solar thermal energy program (8), operate a radio transmitter or to record weather
Current plans are tp concentrate on^rying to make data (60),
solar thermal heat competitive with other sources of
process heart for such purposes as industrial water Photovoltaic-^nerated electricity could become a
heating. When this has been achieved, consideration feasible option for other uses sometime during this
will again be given to adding systems for generating century, provided DOE's projections of the cost of
mechanical and electrical energy for powering irri- manufacturing solar cells proves to be valid. This
gation facilities (8), would be especially true for applications in which
the system could be utilized for long hours over a
year, such as for pumping water to irrigate vege-
Conclusions table crops. DOE's cost projections, however, depend
on developments leading to improved efficiency of
Whether or not future developments in converting solar cells and breakthroughs in the development of
solar thermal energy into mechanical or electrical efficient cells made from lower cost materials than
energy will reduce costs sufficiently to make this those made by the current single-crystal silicon
source of energy competitive with present sources is wafer technology. The probability of these develop-
uncertain. It seems certain, however, that at least ments occurring seems uncertain at this time. A
three developments will continue to improve the factor contributing to this uncertainty is the Govern-
competitive position of solar thermal energy for ments current budget-cutting operations. This
powering irrigation facilities. These developments could result in a reduction in the research and devel-
are a continuing rapid escalation in the prices of opment programs that are necessary to achieve the

Photovoltaic Energy

projected breakthroughs that would reduce solar The Potential for Solar Cells
cell costs sufficiently to make photovoltaic electric-
ity a feasible option for powering irrigation systems As indicated, the use of solar cells for providing
and many other uses during this century. electric power has been limited to the space pro-
gram and for specialized uses in remote locations.
The cost of solar cells dropped steadily from about
The remainder of this section describes the way $200 per peak watt^ during the height of the space
photovoltaic cells operate, discusses the potential for program, to about $10 in 1978 and is expected to
photovoltaic generation of electricity, and reviews continue to drop (58,59), At this price, solar cells are
the results and conclusions of various photovoltaic cost effective for specialized uses in remote locations
irrigation systems. which otherwise would have to rely on heavy-duty
batteries with their high maintenance and replace-
ment costs (59).
Solar Cell Design
Before widespread use of photovoltaics becomes
Solar cells usually employ thin wafers of single- practical, however, their costs will have to drop
crystal silicon as part of their electric circuitry. dramatically. Further cost reductions are expected
When sunlight strikes the cell, electrons of silicon by efficiencies that can be achieved through large-
atoms are freed from their chemical bond within the scale manufacture; by the development of new, low-
silicon crystal The freed electrons are mobile, as are cost photovoltaic materials; by the use of improved
the "holes" that they leave. These freed electrons, devices for concentrating sunlight onto the cells for
which are negatively charged, and holes, which are improving their performance; and by improving cell
positively charged, will eventually recombine unless conversion efficiency. Conversion efficiencies have
they are separated into different regions of the already been increased from about 4 percent in 1975
crystal. to 11 percent in 1978 and are expected to reach 16
percent by 1986 (5). These estimates are for cells
made from silicon wafers, but possible break-
In photovoltaic devices, the separation of freed elec- throughs are also expected for cells made with lower
trons and holes is accomplished by a positive-nega- cost materials such as gallium arsenide, cadmium
tive (p-n) junction which divides the crystal into sulfide, or amorphous silicon, and thin-film devices
p-type and n-type regions. The junction is produced which can be produced at much lower cost than
in semiconductor crystals through extremely care- single crystal devices (5, 70).
ful control of chemical purity during crystal growth,
followed by deliberate introduction of a very small
quantity of selected impurity, called "dopant," The use of sunlight concentrators for improving
which, through diffusion, becomes established at the solar cell conversion efficiencies results in higher
location that constitutes the p-n junction. As the temperatures which, in turn, degrade power output.
freed electrons and holes come near the p-n junction, This can be counteracted by providing liquid or air
the electrons will be pushed by the electric field that cooling for cells with concentrators. However, this
exists in the vicinity of the junction into the n-region results in increased costs and consumption of some
and the holes will be pushed into the p-region. Con- of the power produced /55j. A model has been devel-
ductors connected to the top and bottom surfaces of oped for assessing the economic tradeoffs between
the cell allow connection to an external circuit conversion efficiencies and concentration ratios, as
through which the cell's electric current flows. The well as for other major parameters (75),
current will flow so long as sunlight strikes the cell
and generates the electron-hole pairs. Since solar In 1980, DOE sponsored a meeting to review the
photovoltaic arrays generate direct current, power photovoltaic program for technology and systems
inverters are necessary to convert to alternating
current to be compatible with present electrical
»Peak watt is the amount of power produced in direct sunlight
systems. Comprehensive discussions of the operation at 25°C. With indirect or diffused sunlight the power output
of a photovoltaic cell, with illustrations, are con- would be less. Power output is also degraded with increasing
tained in ^45^, 5^^ temperatures.

Robert V. Enochîan

development. This review followed nine semiannual (onsite) or aggregated (centralized) systems for
reviews conducted since the photovoltaic program producing electricity with photovoltaics is most
began in 1975, and focused on residential photo- advantageous. Economies of scale are not as great
voltaic applications. The objectives and status of the for photovoltaic systems as for conventional electric
DOE's photovoltaic research program, and the out- power systems because of the modular characteris-
look for achieving these objectives, were also dis- tic of photovoltaic systems. Environmental consider-
cussed and are presented in the proceedings of the ations for photovoltaic systems will be of reduced
meeting (88), Since collector technology has univer- importance, however, thus providing greater flexi-
sal application, these objectives, and the outlook for bility on where such systems may be located. On the
their achievement, will be of interest to those con- other hand, unless it is demonstrated in actual use
sidering photovoltaics for other applications, in- that photovoltaic devices have an unusually high
cluding irrigation. reliability and low maintenance requirements,
small dispersed systems may result in special main-
tenance problems and maintenance diseconomies
The overall ^oal of DOE's photovoltaics program is ash
to reduce system costs to a competitive level in both
distributed and centralized grid-connected applica-
tions. Program activities are directed toward the Experimental Systems
development and testing of technologies and infra-
structure that will yield technically, economically, To evaluate the operational and maintenance re-
and socially acceptable energy-producing systems. quirements as well as the economics of distributed
The basic objective of the collector research pro- photovoltaic systems, a number of modeled studies
gram is to develop low-cost reliable materials, de- and experimental demonstrations have been made
vices, and collectors to meet the program's key mod- or are in progress. Those relating to the operation of
ule price goals. irrigation facilities are described in this section.

Asiate as 1980, DOE's price goals for solar cells Foreign Systems. In 1978, Newkirk prepared an
were to reduce costs to $1.00 to|2.0ft per peak watt annotated bibliography of experiments on the use of
(in 1975 dollars) by 1982, to 50 cents by 1986 (5, SO), photovoltaics for powering water pumps (65). Seven
and to 15 to 40 cents by 1990 (88), According to DOE, publications were reviewed describing experiments
widespread use of photovoltaics will depend on cost in the Soviet Uriion; 2 describing experiments in
reductions to 20 cents per peak watt by the nineties France; 1 in Germany; 3 in the United States; and
(30), Inmid-^1981, the actual prices quoted by manu- 1 which contained 31 abstracts from worldwide lit-
facturers t)f solar cells ranged from $6.00 to $16.00 erature on the use of solar energy for irrigation,
per peak watt. The postulated improvements that some of which used photovoltaics.
would reduce cell costs dramatically enough to re-
sult in electricity costs competitive with those pro- With the exception of the experiments in the United
duced by other means are uncertain at this time. States, the experiments reviewed were for small-
However, proponents of photovoltaics are optimistic scale installations ranging from about 300 watts to 1
about achieving these cost reductions, especially if a kilowatt in size. The objectives of these experiments
greater commitment is made to research and devel- were to test system designs, demonstrate technical
opment by the Government (58, 59), On the other feasibility, evaluate sunlight concentrators, evaluate
hand, some observers are not as confident that the economic feasibility, and determine the direction of
teehnologieal breakthroughs necessary for wide- future developments.
spread use of photovoltaics will ever materialize (56),
The conclusion of one of the Soviet experiments was
The attractive features of photovoltaics and the that despite the present-day extreme cost of photo-
possibilities of technological breakthroughs have electric converters, the useof independent solar
resulted in continuing research and development plants based on such devices proved to be more
efforts by both private industry and by DOE-funded favorable, under appropriate conditions, than the
projects. Still to be resolved is whether distributed employment of internal combustion engines/ö5). In

Photovoltaic Energy

France, the conclusion of one of the experiments was used from October through March to dry the 330
that when compared with a thermal steam engine, tons of corn harvested from the 80-acre test field.
photovoltaics showed a definite advantage. Also, The system consists of three major elements: the
that the expected drop in prices and improvements photovoltaic array, battery storage, and power in-
of solar panels would make megawatt-size stations verting and control elements. Approximately
economical for large-scale irrigation and for full 100,000 nonconcentrating solar cells are connected
electrification of remote areas (65). together on 28 panels to form the 25-kilowatt array.
The system is used to acquire data and to evaluate
A1977 comparative study of power costs for irriga- design, performance, and maintenance characteris-
tion pumping with solar cells (1 kilowatt) versus tics. A comprehensive description of the system is
diesel pumps showed that solar cells should become contained in (52).
competitive in 5 to 6 years, assuming that ERDA
(DOE) projections of solar cell costs hold true (5).
The same study indicates that using solar cells for Using data obtained from the Mead, Nebr., photo-
generating electricity appears to be especially prom- voltaic irrigation experiment, DOE projections on
ising in those developing countries without cheap costs of solar cells and optimistic and conservative
fuel sources. In Upper Volta, for example, the only scenarios, an economic analysis was undertaken to
domestic fuel source is firewood, and electricity estimate when photovoltaic systems might become
costs 19 cents per kilowatthour. India, on the other profitable in Nebraska, West Texas, Arizona, and
hand, has large deposits of coal and the cost of power the Central Valley of California (40, 51, 52). These
generation is relatively low (about 5 cents per kilo- areas differ widely in their water sources, pumping
watthour in many areas). depths, irrigation season lengths, and in the magni-
tude of incident insolation during the year. The
Mead, Nebr., Systems. In the United States, analysis calculates the profitability of adopting the
modeled and experimental irrigation systems using photovoltaic system in each year from 1977 to 2000
solar photovoltaics have been considerably larger in on the basis of several combinations of assumptions.
size than those in other countries. The first step The analysis assumes year-round utilization of the
towards realization of a large-scale photovoltaic system at different values for the energy, depending
system was made during the summer of 1977 by the on use. Four sets of parameters are used for the
construction of an experimental unit capable of gen- analysis. Under the optimistic scenario, the discount
erating approximately 25 kilowatts of peak power. rate is 5 percent (the subsidized rate charged by the
The work was sponsored by the DOE and carried out Farmers Home Administration for 40-year real
estate loans), the fuel inflation rate is 4 percent, the
by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Lincoln
Laboratory and the University of Nebraska/Agri- year 2000 solar-cell-array target cost is $100 per
cultural Engineering Department (52). The site peak kilowatt (DOE's 1986 target cost is $500 per
selected for the experiment was near Mead, Nebr., peak kilowatt), and system support costs are $550
per peak kilowatt. With this scenario, the use of
where the major irrigated crop, corn, requires an '
average of 14.2 inches of water per season. Using photovoltaics becomes profitable by 1983 in the
75-percent water application efficiency, this amount Southwest (Arizona, Texas, and California) and by
of water would require 19.2 gallons of diesel fuel per 1986 in Nebraska where the year-round insolation is
acre to lift the water from the average ground-water less and the irrigation season is shorter than in the
reservoir of 100 feet depth, plus additional fuel for Southwest. Under the conservative scenario, where
distributing the water through gated pipe or sprin- the discount rate is 8 percent (the rate charged by
kler systems. The saved cost of this fuel could be the Farmers Home Administration for 12-year
credited to the investment cost of a photovoltaic equipment loans), the fuel escalation rate is 2 per-
system. cent, the year 2000 solar-cell-array target cost is
$300 per peak kilowatt, and system support costs are
$1,050 per peak kilowatt, the use of photovoltaics
The experiment was designed to operate a 7.5-kilo- doesn't become profitable until 1990 in the South-
watt pump for 12 hours a day. During the July- west and after the year 2000 in Nebraska (40, 51,
August irrigation season, it irrigated 80 acres of 52). Extending the analysis to include the effects on
corn. Following the irrigation season, the system is farmers' income taxes, as well as possible Govern-

Robert V. Etioehian

ment ineentîves (tax credits), showed that the year of are using similar systems developed by other or-
profitable adoption would be somewhat earlier. The ganizations. NASA/Lewis is also collaborating with
analysis also showed that because of the expected USAID to install small photovoltaic systems in sev-
continued decline in solar cell costs, the optimal year eral developing- countries, some for pumping water.
of investment in photovoltaic systems would be con- These countries include Upper Volta, Gabon,
siderably later than the initially viable year. The Guyana, and Ecuador f7f). Electric power rates in
analysis concludes that small tax credits can have these countries are among the highest in the world.
great leverage in accelerating adoption of solar As indicated above, a test project is also planned for
photovoltaic systems, but this is not necessarily Tunisia for evaluating a photovoltaic system side by
recommended asa public policy option ßO^ 51), side with a solar thermal-generating system/a^.

BDM Study. In 1978, the BDM Corporation pre- Sandía Laboratories Study. In 1980, Sandia
pared a market identification and analysis of photo- National Laboratories issued a three-volume report,
voltaic systems for the DOE (18), This study prepared by the BDM Corporation for the DOE,
conchidesthat the seasonal requirement for pumping summarizingthe findings and conclusions of a con-
energy, coupled with the low unit cost of conventional tract study to identify and characterize agricultural
electrical energy, limits the application of photo- energy demands that can effectively use photovoltaic
voltaicsiof irrigation pumping before the nineties. systems, and to conceptualize and evaluate system
The key factors that would result in greater eco- designs for selected agricultural applicationsf5-4A
nomic attractiveness include the ability to use the About 50 agricultural operations that use significant
system fcr other applications during the irrigation amounts of energy were identified and screened for
off-season, the reduction in capital cost to the user, potential photovoltaic applications on the basis of
and technical innovations that would reduce the technical and cost feasibility, market size, and
need for battery storage. Early market penetration project compatability. Those that were unpromising
will depend largely on Government incentives and were dropped from further consideration, while
price reductions of solar cells (18), those that were promising were analyzed to select
the best four for conceptual design.
Texas Tech System. In 1979, TexasTech Univer-
sity, under contract with DOE, designed a model According to the report, irrigation did not appear to
2,000-kilowatt photovoltaic concentrating system be generally attractive because of the limited annual
applied to deep-well irrigation in theTrans-Peeos operating cycle for most crops and the very high
region of Texas (50), The operational concept oí the energy demands. However, year-round irrigation,
system design is to displace daytime utility power such as vegetable crop irrigation in Southern Cali-
with solar-generated electric power. According to fornia, Arizona, and Texas may be very attractive,
the operation and evaluation plans of the experi- particularly since the demand for irrigation is high-
ment, once the system has been constructed and is in est during periods of high insolation (5i). Vegetable
operation, it will be used to collect data for analyzing crop irrigation was, therefore, one of the four appli-
the reliability and maintainability of the system for cations chosen for conceptual design. The other
the purpose of improving it as well as providing three chosen applications related to livestock op-
information that would be applicable for designing erations (5^),
and operating other similar systems. No time frame
was given as to when the system would be con- The conceptual design of the irrigation system was
structed. sized to supply a sufficient annual amount of water
to a 200-acre vegetable farm in Phoenix, Ariz.,
NASA/Lewis System. The NASA/Lewis Research with Santa Maria, Calif., as an alternate location.
Center in Cleveland, Ohio, under contract with DOE, Two conceptual photovoltaic collector designs were
has eonstructed and is evaluating an experimental analyzed: one was an array of 2-axis tracking, con-
photovoltaic system for pumping water on the centrating (Fresnel lens) collectors, and the other
Schuchuli Indian Reservation near Gunsite, Arizona. was an array of nontracking, nonconcentrating
This system pumps 900 gallons of water per hour for (flat plate) collectors. Tradeoff analyses were per-
5 hours a day using a 2-horsepower motor (72). formed to select each of the other key system op-
Several other Indian reservations in the Southwest tions. The selected system design supplies direct

Wind Energy

current (DC) power to a variable speed pump to vantages of both horizontal-axis and vertical-axis
accommodate the variable power output from the wind machines, and the results and conclusions of
array which has no electrical storage and no utility wind-powered irrigation experiments.
backup or feedback. Performance and cost esti-
mates were made of these conceptualized systems. The Wind as an Energy Source
The cost estimates are based on a 1986 time frame
and range from about 9.0 cents per kilowatthour Interest in developing large-scale schemes for
for the flat plate system to about 13.0 cents per using wind energy has always been tempered by
kilowatthour for the Fresnel lens system. This the availability of abundant and cheap petroleum,
compares with the annualized cost of electricity the promise of inexpensive and trouble-free nu-
from the grid of 8.0 cents per kilowatthour, clear power and, between 1930 and 1950, the wide-
making the flat plate system nearly competitive spread availability of federally subsidized, cen-
(ölf). Even though the cost of electricity from the trally generated electric power to farms by
concentrator system is estimated to be higher than USDA's Rural Electrification Administration (33,
the nonconcentrating, the study points out that 57). However, the problems and public concern
future improvements in technology will probably associated with the use of nuclear power and the
enhance the economics of concentrator systems. rapid increase in petroleum prices in recent years,
have led to renewed interest in wind energy.
The amount of energy available from wind is enor-
A general conclusion that can be drawn from all of mous, but the technological problems of extracting
the photovoltaic experiments and studies to date is this energy at a reasonable cost and the unpredict-
that the large-scale use of solar thermal energy able nature of wind, limits its application at the
systems will depend on cost reductions brought present time. Current research and development
about largely through solving engineering prob- programs for utilizing wind energy are attempting
lems and from the economies of large-scale manu- to overcome these limitations. However, because
facture of components. In contrast, the widespread of the nature of the wind and the developments
use of photovoltaics will depend more on develop- that have already been made, some experts feel
ments leading to improved efficiency of solar cells that only incremental improvements can be ex-
and breakthroughs in the development of efficient pected (57),
cells made from lower cost materials than single-
crystal individual silicon wafers. The probability The application of scientific study to windmill de-
of these developments occurring seems uncertain sign began early. In 1759, John Smeaton read a
at this time. paper before the Royal Society on the aerodynam-
ics of windmill blades. In 1891, the world's first
Wind Energy Irrigation Systems wind tunnel was designed and built for research
on windmills at Askov, Denmark. In the late twen-
In some regions, wind will probably have a greater ties and early thirties, extensive experimental and
potential for irrigation pumping than either solar analytical work was done at Gottingen, Germany.
thermal or photovoltaics. Wind turbines are more In the early forties, the largest wind machine that
efficient because they can power irrigation pumps has ever operated—the Smith-Putnam 1,250-kilo-
with direct mechanical power. Because of the sub- watt wind turbine—was erected on a mountain
stantial investment tax incentives that have been called Grandpa's Knob in southern Vermont. The
made available to encourage the use of solar en- machine was operated intermittently as a test unit
ergy, Irrigators in the higher tax brackets and for the 100 production units that were expected to
those in areas of extremely high costs for conven- follow. However, before the production units were
tional energy, such as some of the developing coun- built, the test unit was dismantled because pro-
tries, will find wind to be an especially attractive jected costs were found to be greater than the cost
alternative energy source. of energy from other sources (57).

This section discusses the use of wind as an alter- The type of wind machine most widely used in the
native energy source, the advantages and disad- world today, the American multivane fan water

Robert V, Enochîan

pumper, was developed in the Midwest in the turn as wind direction changes, yaw control is not
mid-19th 43entury by artisans, mechanics, farmers, needed. Another possible advantage may be a re-
and small-scale manufacturers---all with little duced need for pitch control devices to protect the
scientific knowledge. The recent resurgence of in- machines against high winds because of the verti-
terest in wind energy is proceeding through both cal-axis design-s natural aerodynamic stall char-
the scientific and artisan communities (57), acteristics.

Windmill Design Disadvantages of the vertical-axis design include

an aerodynamic efficiency about 10 percent less
Over the years many designs and materials have than horizontal-axis machines, limited ability of
been used for windmill construction and many of the rotor to self-start (thereby requiring an electric
these are currently used for providing energy for starter), and generally lower rotation speeds,
small-scale operations (61), The U.S. Government which requires higher drive train torque capacity.
is focusing attention on large-scale power generat- As a result, a Darrieus machine is able to produce
ing windmills of the horizontal-axis, two-bladed only about 50 percent of the annual energy of a
propeller type, and several test windmills, ranging propeller-type, horizontal-axis machine of the same
from 100 kilowatts to 2.5 megawatts, have been power rating/57, 63),
constructed or planned (63), These are Government
financed in the hope that after research, develop-
ment, and eîigineering show the way, these wind Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, N. Mex., is
generators can be manufactured on a large scale developing the vertical-axis Darrieus design for
at a cost that will make the energy they produce DOE. This work has progressed to a point that
competitive with other sources of electricity (57, indicates that even though this design may be less
efficient frong an engineering viewpoint, it could
eventually prove to be cost-competitive with hori-
The Federal Government's wind energy program zontal-axis designs. However, at this time research
is broadly based.10 In addition to the large-scale and development on the horizontal-axis designs is
power generating program being developed with more advanced than on the vertical-axis machines
NASA, DOB is also active in programs with verti- (63).
cal-axis machines; innovative designs and small
wind machines (under 100 kilowatts); characteriza- Experimental Systems
tion of witid patterns and development of tecli-
ni^ues for wind machine siting; and the legal, so- To evaluate the operational and maintenance re-
cial, and environmental aspects of wind energy quirements as well as the economics of wind-pow-
generation (^(^^, S7), ered irrigation systems, a number of modeled
studies and experimental demonstrations have
Most current wind-powered irrigation pumping been made or are in progress.
experiments in the United States are using the
Darrieus design. The curved blades of this verti- DOE'S Research Program. The DOE's wind
cal-axis design have resulted in the nickname "egg energy research program includes funding of
beaters," The vertical-axis machines have two pri- USDÁ for research to develop farm and rural use
mary advantages over those of horizontal-axis de- of small wind-energy systems. This program's
sign. First, the generator and gearbox can be lo- objeetives are to identify and test applications of
cated at grouTid level instead of at the top of a these systems, assess the performance of available
tower as with the propeller-type, horizontal-axis smaH wind turbines for these applications, identify
machines. This reduces structural requirements small machine development needs, and develop
and provides easier access for maintenance. In and evaluate advanced small wind turbines. Proj-
addition, since vertical-axis machines need not ects include the development of rural and remote
applications of wind-generated energy, apple
i^A comprehfiñsive annotated Jbibliography of wind energy
storage and cooling, direct hydraulic dissipation of
information sources which contains références to all aspects of heat, dairy milk cooling, water heating, and pump-
the Government s research program is avaiiable from DOE (90), ing for irrigation (87).

Wind Energy

USDA Studies. In 1977, the USDA contracted Some feasible applications were found only when
with Development Planning and Research Asso- optimistically low WTGS manufacturing and dis-
ciates, Inc., for a study to assess the potential of tribution costs and prices for alternative sources
wind energy applications for various selected agri- of energy of 6.0 cents per kilowatthour or greater
cultural enterprises in 23 States to determine what were assumed. The authors state that "these
combination of wind characteristics, wind turbine conditions are unlikely to occur in the near future"
generator parameters, enterprise load character- mh
istics, and alternative energy costs are required to
make the installation of a wind turbine generating The USDA and the West Texas State University
system (WTGS) economically feasible. The study Alternative Energy Institute are testing a 56-
report contains estimates of the number, size, and horsepower (40 kilowatt) vertical-axis, Darrieus
rated power of wind turbine generating systems wind turbine for wind-assisted irrigation pumping.
best suited for various U.S. farm applications, in- The turbine is mechanically coupled to a vertical
cluding irrigation pumping. turbine pump through a commercially available
combination gear drive. The wind turbine supplies
The economic feasibility of wind turbine generat- mechanical power to the pump whenever the wind
ing systems was examined for six different scenar- speed exceeds a minimum cut-in level, thus reduc-
ios considering combinations of high and low ing the load on an electric motor that supplies the
WTGS capital costs and energy costs equivalent remainder of the power required for constant out-
to 4.0, 6.0, and 8.0 cents per kilowatthour. Other put pumping. During the test, the wind turbine
general assumptions of this study (27) were the supplied 65 percent of the energy used to pump
following: water» thus reducing electricity costs (21), The
study report did not contain a comprehensive eco-
nomic analysis.
• Purchased electricity from utilities would be
a constant backup to wind-generated electric-
ity without payment of penalty for power In another study, the USDA investigated the ap-
company losses of revenue nor credit for ex- plication of wind energy systems, without energy
cess wind energy generated. storage, for irrigation in the Great Plains (S7), A
simulation model of four modes of well yields was
• No storage of wind-generated electricity. developed to compare: maximum pumping rates as
a function of drawndown in a typical well; monthly
• No adjustments of wind speed data for either well yields using a 2,690-square-foot swept area
recorded anemometer heights or WTGS tower wind system for each mode in three different loca-
height. tions; and the percentage of fossil fuel replaceable
by wind energy. It was concluded that wind-pow-
• 10-percent discount rate. ered systems could supply at least half of the Great
Plains irrigation demand using the present mix of
• 20-year use life of WTGS with no salvage irrigation systems. However, because the wind re-
value. source is not constant, modes without auxiliary
energy would require two wells to yield water
• Annual operating and maintenance cost of 3 amounts similar to one well with auxiliary power
percent of the turnkey wind generator capital that pumps continuously (S7), The study did not
cost. contain an economic analysis.

With high capital costs and low prices for alterna- In 1979, a workshop on wind energy applications
tive fuels (4.0 cents per kilowatthour equivalent for in agriculture was conducted at Iowa State Uni-
electricity, natural gas, fuel oil, gasoline, and die- versity. One paper included in the workshop pro-
sel), a WTGS was not economically feasible given ceedings (hi) discusses an experiment being con-
economic conditions in 1977. Nor was it feasible ducted at Manhattan, Kan., by USDA and Kansas
with low capital costs and high prices for alterna- State University (88), The system is designed for
tive fuels (8.0 cents per kilowatthour equivalent). pumping from tailwater pits (a pit for catching

Robert V. Enoehian

irrigation runoff) and other surface water sources, wind-assisted electric systems with and without sale
with a Darrieus vertical-axis wind turbine of surplus electricity; and stand-alone reservoir
mechanically eoupled to a vertical turbine pump. systems. These systems were considered for three
different price scenarios and seven different geo-
Lifting and distributing surface water accounts for graphic locations throughout the United States,
nearly 6 percent of the energy used for irrigation representing different wind availabilities, lengths of
pumping on farms in the Great Plains (78), Suc- irrigation season, and water requirements.
cessful development of a wind-powered system of
the type being developed at Manhattan, Kans., The study concluded that the most economically
could replace some or all of this energy. It could feasible wind systems were the stand-alone reservoir
also encourage utilization of tailwaters where systems, followed closely by the wind-assisted elec-
electricity is not now available, thus conserving tric systems in which surplus electricity was sold.
both water and energy (38). A number of design The other systems were a distant third. The regions
parameters have been investigated and showing the greatest potential for economic utiliza-
engineering improvements made for this system, tion of wind power were the High Plains of Kansas,
but a comprehensive economic analysis has not Texitô, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and south central
been made. Nebraska. The authors conclude that by taking
advantageof the substantial investment tax incen-
Texas Systems. In 1977, the State of Texas Gover- tives that are available, Irrigators who are in the 50-
nor's Energy Advisory Council had a wind-powered pereent tax bracket would find wind turbines to be
irrigation system modeled and analyzed for two an attractive investment at the present time (H)*
types of pumps: positive displacement and airlift Those irrigators in lower tax brackets may need to
(Si 35, 62), The general system parameters were for wait further technological and economic advances in
a wind rotor which could pump 200 gallons per wind turbine manufacture before an investment
minute from a well 200 feet deep. The rotor design would be economical.
(20 kilowatts at a wind speed of 22 miles per hour)
and operation were analyzed using a computer India Study. A study of the economics of wind
program which gave the optimized power coefficient. energy use for irrigation in India concluded that
The efficiencies for three modes of operation (con- energy from windmills designed specifically to
stant power coefficient, constant revolutions per operate in the low wind velocities that prevail in
minute (rpm), and constant torque) were compared India during the main irrigation season would pro-
and the problems of matching torque-rpm character- vide an economical means of irrigating small farms
istics of loads (water pumps) to those of the wind from open wells (82), This conclusion was made after
rotor were analyzed; It was concluded that even with comparing costs of utilizing wind energy with those
the variability in wind power, it is technically feasi- for bullock-powered water lifts, utility electric
ble for pumping irrigation water. A cost-benefit power, and diesel-powered pumps. Widespread use
analysis was then made comparing the wind systems of such windmills, however, might require govern-
to conventional irrigation systems. The general ment stôsistance primarily in the form of low-interest
conclusion was that even though the initial costs loans. It is also expected that the economics of wind
(investment) for utilizing wind energy are consider- energy can be improved if the government supports
ably greater than for using fossil fuels, wind energy research and development efforts to optimize the
is a viable alternative for pumping irrigation water, design of windmills for operating in low wind speeds
and the research and development work needed and to actively promote their use (82),
should be started while fossil fuels are still readily
available (3JÍ), Conclusions

New Mexico State University Study. In 1980, New The experiments described in this section indicate
Mexico State University conducted an economic that under some conditions, some configurations of
analysis of wind energy for irrigation pumping (M. wind-powered irrigation systems may be feasible
Four types of wind-powered irrigation systems were alternatives tousing fossil fuels. Research and de-
evaluated. These were wind-assisted combustion velopment may help to further enhance the feasibili-
engines (diesel, natural gas, LPG, and gasoline); ty of wind-powered irrigation systems.

Conclusions and Recommendations

Presently, the situation under which wind is most Widespread use of solar-powered irrigation sys-
likely to be a feasible option is in a location where tems will require substantial long-term funding of
utility electricity is unavailable and fossil fuels are research and development and the selective subsi-
extremely expensive, where there are adequate dization of investments in appropriate technolo-
wind availabilities, and where the wind turbine can gies. The funding of research and granting of
be utilized for long hours throughout the year. In subsidies ultimately will be based on political,
some locations with adequate wind availabilities, technical, and economic considerations. Policy-
such as the High Plains of the Southwest, conditions makers will need information on the comparative
may already be suitable to make wind-powered cost effectiveness of solar-powered irrigation sys-
irrigation systems feasible. This is most likely for tems, as well as information on other systems that
irrigators who have the possibility of utilizing wind use solar energy and that conserve energy from
turbines for long hours over a year and those in the conventional sources.
higher income tax brackets who could benefit most
from the substantial investment tax incentives that The cost effectiveness of using onsite solar-powered
are available. irrigation systems should be compared with alterna-
tive irrigation methods that are now in the planning
or experimental stages. These alternative methods
Conclusions and Recommendations include the use of methane gas or alcohol produced
from agricultural residues or from cereal and sugar
Studies and experimental projects of solar-powered crops.
irrigation systems to date indicate that many techni-
cal and economic problems exist which preclude the The feasibility of onsite solar irrigation systems also
immediate widespread application of these systems. should be compared with that for centralized gener-
Some systems, particularly those that utilize non- ation of solar electricity in which the electricity is
concentrating photovoltaic collectors and some distributed through a utility network.
wind-powered systems are closer to being cost
effective than any of the solar-thermal systems or The decision to make an investment in an onsite
the photovoltaic systems with concentrating collec- solar system for irrigation pumping must be based
tors. All systems, however, require further research on the costs of energy from that system compared
and development to improve their technical effi- with the cost of purchased energy ß5). The latter is
ciency and cost effectiveness before they can be based on several factors, one of which is the amorti-
competitive with systems using conventional sources zation of old (as well as new) generating plant invest-
of energy. ment costs. These old investments were made when
the cost of capital was much lower than at present.
Thus, comparison of energy costs from a new solar
Since irrigation pumping uses such large quantities plant and from an older, conventional power plant
of energy in the production of food and fiber, finding reflects the situation actually confronting farmers,
technically and economically feasible ways in which with costs usually favoring the conventional source.
to use solar and other renewable energy sources for On the other hand, for utility companies facing the
operating irrigation facilities should receive high decision of investing in new alternative generating
priority. Another reason that such research should plants, the solar option may be more feasible.
receive high priority, particularly the use of direct
solar energy, is the compatibility of irrigation with The development of onsite solar irrigation systems
solar energy. The maximum need for irrigation for providing mechanical or electrical energy should
occurs at times and in locations of maximum insola- be pursued only if their projected economic benefits
tion, such as during summers in the Southwestern and their possible environmental advantages are
United States and all year in most of the Southern considered to be more favorable than other systems.
Hemisphere. Conversely, evaporation losses from Otherwise, their development will divert resources
crops and land decrease during periods of lower away from systems with a greater probability of
insolation—when solar energy would be less availa- early success in achieving the goal of greater energy
ble for powering irrigation systems (65), self-sufficiency.

Robert V. Enochîan

References (9) .. Solar Irrigation Pro-

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Robert V. Enochian

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