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A Study On Students' Adversity Quotient and Academic Performance in English Subject

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Fiola Kuhon
Bina Sarana Informatika


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24 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGLISH STUDIES, Vol. 3, No.1, February 2020, Page 24-29


Fiola Kuhon
Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika
Email : fiola.ffi@bsi.ac.id

E-ISSN : 2615-3092 P-ISSN : 2615-3084

Abstract. The aim of this study is to observe students’ Adversity Quotient and their Academic Performance, in
this case English subject. From many previous studies, there is a high indication that Adversity Quotient plays
an important role in students’ academic performance. Therefore, this study was carried out to observe that
hypothesis. Quantitative method was used wherefore the data was in form of numbers, namely from Adversity
Quotient test and students’ final grade in English class. The findings showed that majority of the students who
exceled in academic performance were the students whose test results showed that they were classified with high
level of Adversity Quotient. Furthermore, as this study included 2 groups of students, the data depicted that the
adult students performed a better result in AQ test than the fresh graduate students who were both in the same

Keywords: Adversity Quotient, Academic Performance, Students


INTRODUCTION cognitive structures as well. Under the

From century to century, studies had been psychological domain are constructions such as
carried out to identify the factors of success in self-achievement, self-esteem, self-concept,
learning. Findings identified that there are other cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence, and
factors beyond teacher-students related factor like motivation. Those constructions are impulse that
school environment socio-psychological factors drives the learners to perform a high level
(Osokoya, 1998.); cognitive factor (Rohde & academic performance and high academic
Thompson, 2007); home and school achievement. The variable that appears in the field
circumstances (Odinko, 2002); class proportions of psychological construction is what is known
and school facilities (Owoeye, 2011); teachers’s and popular as Adversity Quotient. It is strongly
fairness and integrity (Falaye & Okwilagwe, believed and has been stated that Adversity
2008); students’ creativity and intelligence Quotient is able to bridge the gap for learners to
quotient (Aitken, 2004); anxiety test result (Osiki achieve high academic achievement and perform
& Busari, 2002); educational standard (Adeyegbe, better academic performance (Stoltz, 1997, 2010)
2005); numeracy skills (Falaye, 2006); and also That new finding has torn down an old stigma
educational policies and institutional aspects about Intelligence Quotient. It has been ages that
(Obemeata, 1995; Obanya, 2003). However, the people had assumed that Intelligence Quotient is
quality of educational achievement and students’ the biggest factor to determine the success in life.
academic performance still remain low despite all The higher the IQ, the brighter the future. This
the data obtained above (WAEC, 2012). Some happens at school as well. Parents generally
researchers have conducted studies to find out assume that children with higher IQ will obtain
what other key factors beyond the factors higher academic achievement. However, as a
mentioned above to other related areas within the matter of fact, IQ is not the only main factor
teaching-learning network including speaking here; recent researches have shown that
psychological or psychosomatic constructions and Adversity Quotient is an undeniable important
factor also. AQ is generally defined as the ability
A Study on Student’s Adversity – Fiola Kuhon 25

of an individual to deal with problems and and approach that allows individuals to know the
difficulties and how the individual resolves them level of their persistence. Therefore, the objective
and then converted into opportunities for greater of this study is to compare the results of both
achievement (Stoltz, 1997). In general, some groups Adversity Quotients test and their English
researchers defined AQ with different viewpoint grade.
and interpretations. There are three definitions of Adversity Quotient
adversity quotients, namely: www.ccsenet.org/ies According to the definition by the American
International Education Studies Vol. 8, No. 6; Heritage Dictionary of the English Language,
2015 70 (i) conceptual work design to increase Fourth Edition (2010), Adversity means “a state of
success in all aspects; (ii) benchmark on how hardship and affliction; misfortune; a calamitous
someone responds to difficulties and challenges; event; distress or an unfortunate event or incident.
and (iii) proven scientific tools based on In 1997, in his book titled Adversity Quotient:
knowledge to improve one's response to adversity Turning Barriers into Opportunities, Dr. Paul. G.
(Stoltz, 1997). In the perspective of the education Stoltz developed that the concepts of Adversity
realm, AQ is an important factor needed by Quotient were drawn from three main sciences:
students to continue to fight when students face Cognitive Psychology, Psychoneuroimmunology,
difficulties in achieving a high academic and Neurophysiology. Thus, it can be concluded
achievement. Basically, AQ can predict a person's that the concepts exemplify two important
endurance and persistence through scientific tests components of each practical concept - scientific
where the results can be used to improve various theory and real-world application. In addition, this
aspects such as team effectiveness, relationships, fact is also the result of 19 years of research and
family, community, culture, society and 10 years of application which is a major
organization (Phoolka & Kaur, 2012).Thus, it can breakthrough in understanding what an individual
be said that students who come with great IQ score needs to succeed in life "(Stoltz, 1997).
do not have a guarantee that they will be more Furthermore, according to Stoltz (1997)
successful academically if they have a low AQ. difficulty is something significant that has a large
Students who are smart but cannot overcome the capacity to change the performance expected of
difficulties during the learning process will fail at students regardless of the intelligence capabilities
the end of the day. they have. As such, he defines Adversity Quotient
College students are the individuals who as "an indicator of how a person can survive
happen to most likely face the challenge their difficulties, as well as the ability to overcome
adversities. In college, the students are expected to those difficulties or the capacity of an individual
be more independent about their achievement. In to deal with difficulties in his life. According to
this research, two groups of students were Stoltz (2010) there are five main reasons why an
participated. The first group is freshmen students individual needs to improve his ability to deal with
who just graduated from high school, with age difficulties: (1) AQ is a benchmark that can be
group 18-19 years old. Meanwhile the other group measured validly and reliably and is tracked
is adult students who are currently working as against performance or other important variables.
well, with age group 21-27 years old. As defined (2) AQ is not permanent, can be changed and
by Dr. Paul G. Stoltz, "AQ is about how someone strengthened continuously. (3) AQ is not an
responds to what life has to offer, especially addition to current learning, performance,
difficult challenges and problems. It measures assessment and change initiatives but is a natural
how a person responds and deals with what enhancer. (4) AQ is not a program, but a
happens in life starting from daily hassles to the technology that can adapt. (5) AQ has been studied
great difficulties that can arise in their lives. It can for 37 years and 10 years of organizational /
also be said to be an established science, theory institutional and industrial application, although
26 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGLISH STUDIES, Vol. 3, No.1, February 2020, Page 24-29

few people are aware of it, but it cannot be denied difference between the average scores of student’s
that we all have it. AQ is special, it can be learning outcome based on their level of adversity
identified and most significantly it can be quotients namely quitters, campers, and climbers.
improved. Unlike IQ (Intelligent Quotient) ) or EQ The students who categorized as climbers
(Emotional Intelligent Quotient), which can only obtained higher learning outcomes than campers
be identified. and quitters. The data depicted that the group of
Adversity Quotient and Students’ Academic Quitter's type students gets an average learning
Performance outcome score of 58.87. The group of Campers
As stated before, Adversity Quotient is an type students got an average of 68.69 learning
individual’s ability to deal with adversities in life. outcomes. The Climbers type group got 79.38
It is also believed that it can bridge the learners learning outcomes.
with the expected high academic achievement Students with high level of Adversity
(Stoltz, 1997, 2010). Due to many conducted Quotient will most likely excel in their academic
studies to observe the correlation between performance. In the perspective of the education
students’ AQ and their academic achievement in realm, AQ is an important factor needed by
many areas or subjects, the stated fact above is students to continue to fight when students face
supported strongly by many positive findings. difficulties in achieving a high academic
A research conducted in 2009 by Huijuan, achievement. Basically, AQ can predict a person's
entitled The AQ and Academic Performance endurance and persistence through scientific tests
Among College Students at St. Joseph’s College, where the results can be used to improve various
Quezon City resulted that The level of adversity aspects such as team effectiveness, relationships,
quotient and academic performance of the family, community, culture, society and
respondents who took part in the study were found organization (Phoolka & Kaur, 2012).
related to each other significantly. The Adversity
Response Profile (ARP) were used as the major
Research Design
tool for this study to obtain the data necessary for
This research used quantitative method, since
the study to determine Adversity Quotient level.
all the data was taken and presented in form of
Another study was conducted by Baroa
numbers and tables.
(2015), she conducted a study to determine the
According to Leedy 1993, Qualitative
relationship between the AQ and Leadership
research is a method which deals with numbers
Skills in relation to the demographic profiles in the
and any data that can be measured systematically.
Division of Cadiz City such as age, gender, marital
This method is used to answer questions between
status, length of service and school level school
relationships that has measurable variables in
administrators. Her study revealed that the level of
order to explain, control and predict a phenomena.
AQ of school administrators according to the four
Meanwhile, in collecting the data of students’
factors were found below average, however if the
adversity quotient test, the writer used closed-
demographic profiles were considered, then the
questions questionnaire given to the participants.
Leadership skills in its three areas showed high
Each of the options had its score between 0 to 3 as
marks. Thus, it can be concluded that AQ’s level
the highest score. With 20 total question the final
of the School administrators did not totally affect
scores then classified as follow:
their leadership skills.
Meanwhile, a very recent study entitled The Points/scores Level of AQ
Effect of Adversity Quotient and Gender to 41 - 60 Climber
Learning Outcome of High School Students 21 - 40 Camper
conducted by Sigit, Suryanda, Supriyanti and 0 - 20 Quitter
Ichsan (2019) showed that there was a significant
A Study on Student’s Adversity – Fiola Kuhon 27

Meanwhile, the other data of students’ In percentage, there was 37% students were
academic performance was obtained from their classified as Climber, 37% were classified as
final grade in English class. Camper and 25,92 % students were classified as
Quitter. The gap between the level was not too
significance, although it depicted clearly that the
The participants of this study were 1st year
students with high level of AQ performed a better
English students consisted of two groups; Group 1
result that the students with lower AQ level.
was 27 fresh graduates students in regular class
A different result was shown from Group 2,
and Group 2 was 8 adult students in extension
based on their AQ test and English final grade.
From this group, the data showed that 5 students
Data Analysis were classified as Climber, and 3 students were
Since the first data was obtained from the classified as Camper. None of these students were
closed-question questionnaire with marking classified as Quitter.
points, thus the researcher needed to sort out Among 5 students who were classified as
which student classified as Climber, Camper and Climber, 3 of them got A in English subject and 1
Quitter based on the points. By doing so, the student got B. Meanwhile, the rest students who
researcher also matched their classification with were classified as Camper, the was 1 student got
their English final grade. The result of this analysis A, 1 student got B and 1 student got C.
process was later on presented in the tables in the
Table 2. Group 2 (Adult students)
Having carried out the AQ test and analyzed 2,5
the final grade of English subject, the findings 2
showed that in Group 1, there were 10 students Camper
classified as Climber, another 10 students as Quitter
Camper and 7 students as Quitter. 0,5
Among 10 students who were classified as 0
climber or the students with the highest AQ level Grade A Grade B Grade C
based on the test, 8 students got A in English
subject and 2 of them got B. Among 10 students In percentage, 62.5 % students were
who were classified as camper, 8 students B and 2 classified as Climber and the rest 37.5% students
students got C. Meanwhile, among 7 students who were classified as Camper. This showed quite a
were classified as Quitter, there were 5 students significant gap between the Climber and Camper.
who got C and the rest got B. Furthermore, in this group there was no student to
Table 1. Group 1 (fresh graduate students) be classified as Quitter.
According to Stoltz, quitter are people who
9 have the lowest level of Adversity Quotient. They
8 choose to give up and quit when a problem arises.
6 Climber The same case with the participants of this
research, at the beginning, they see English subject
as a problem, a mountain to climb. However, in
2 the end, none of them chose to quit and give up the
1 subject. Especially the students from group 2; the
Grade A Grade B Grade C
adult students. They were the students who stated
that it was difficult for them to learn English as
28 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGLISH STUDIES, Vol. 3, No.1, February 2020, Page 24-29

they were not very young anymore. However, Baroa, E. (2015). Adversity Quotient and
their endurance, percevierence and motivation Leadership Skills of School Administrators:
helped them to finish the course well. They are Basis for Enhancement. Retrieved from
familiar with pressure and deadline as they also
work at the moment. It was what lacks from Group
1. Although both group showed a good academic Falaye, F. V. and Okwilagwe, E. A. (2008). Some
performance, but it cannot be denied that the fresh Teacher and Vocational Variables as
Correlates of Attitudes to Social Studies
graduate students were struggle more during Teaching at the Basic Education Level in
course. They just happened to be graduated and Southern Nigeria. Ghana Journal of
became college students with more education and Teaching vol. 1 No 6.
responsibilities and pressure from high school.
Huijuan, Z. (2009). The Adversity Quotient and
The situation was not familiar for them. Therefore, Academic Performance among College
Group 2 performed slightly better in this case. Students at St. Joseph’s College, Quezon
However, it needed to be kept in mind that City. Retrieved from
some factors need to be taken into account. http://www.peaklearning.com/documents/PE
Different student has different personality and AK_GRI_huijuan.pdf
different way to deal with problem. According to Leedy, P. D. (1993). Practical research: planning
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Development among Nigeria Pre-primary
CONCLUSION School Children. Unpublished Ph.D Thesis
Based on the results of this study, it can University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
be concluded that most of the students with Osokoya, M.M. (1998). Some Determinants of
high level of Adversity Quotient or Climber, Secondary School Students’ Academic
Achievement in Chemistry in Oyo State.
showed a better academic performance than Unpublished Ph.D thesis, University of
the students with lower Adversity Quotient Ibadan, Ibadan.
level namely Camper and Climber. Owoeye, J. S. (2011). School Location and
Furthermore, adult students (Group 2) who Academic Achievement of Secondary School
are currently working while attending English in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Asian Social Science.
class, showed a better result in Adversity Vol. 7, No. 5; May 2011.
Quotient test although they were in the same
semester with the fresh graduate students Phoolka, S. & Kaur, N. (2012). Adversity
Quotient: A new paradigm to explore.
(Group 1). However, other factor beyond International Journal of Contemporary
what was stated in this study might be needed Business Studies, 3(4), 67-78.
a further research. Rohde, T. E. and Thompson, L. A. (2007).
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measuring the standard of education: Need Sigit, Suryanda, Supriyanti and Ichsan (2019).
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